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MDSuite: A Zincwarecode package.

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms
of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html

SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0

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from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from collections import Counter
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List

from sqlalchemy import and_

import mdsuite.database.scheme as db
from mdsuite.utils.meta_functions import is_jsonable

    from mdsuite.experiment import Experiment

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ComputationResults:
    """Computation Results dataclass."""

    data: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
    subjects: dict = field(default_factory=list)

class Args:
    """Dummy Class for type hinting."""


def conv_to_db(val):
    """Convert the given value to something that can be stored in the database."""
    if is_jsonable(val):
        if not isinstance(val, dict):
            val = {"serialized_value": val}
        val = {"serialized_value": str(val)}
    return val

class CalculatorDatabase:
    """Database Interactions of the calculator class.

    This class handles the interaction of the calculator with the project database

    def __init__(self, experiment):
        """Constructor for the calculator database."""
        self.experiment: Experiment = experiment
        self.db_computation: db.Computation = None
        self.database_group = None
        self.analysis_name = None
        self.load_data = None

        self.args = Args()

        self._queued_data = []

        # List of computation attributes that will be added to the database
        self.db_computation_attributes = []

    def prepare_db_entry(self):
        """Prepare a database entry based on the attributes defined in the init."""
        with self.experiment.project.session as ses:
            experiment = (
                .filter(db.Experiment.name == self.experiment.name)

        self.db_computation = db.Computation(experiment=experiment)
        self.db_computation.name = self.analysis_name

    def get_computation_data(self) -> db.Computation:
        """Query the database for computation data.

        This method used the self.args dataclass to look for matching
        calculator attributes and returns a db.Computation object if
        the calculation has already been performed

            Returns the computation object from the database if available,
            otherwise returns None
        log.debug(f"Getting data for {self.experiment.name} with args {self.args}")
        with self.experiment.project.session as ses:
            experiment = (
                .filter(db.Experiment.name == self.experiment.name)

            #  filter the correct experiment
            computations = ses.query(db.Computation).filter(
                db.Computation.experiment == experiment,
                db.Computation.name == self.analysis_name,

            # filter set args
            for args_field in fields(self.args):
                key = args_field.name
                val = getattr(self.args, key)
                computations = computations.filter(
                            db.ComputationAttribute.name == key,
                            db.ComputationAttribute.data == conv_to_db(val),

            # filter the version of the experiment, e.g. run new computation
            # if the experiment version has changed
            computations = computations.filter(
                        db.ComputationAttribute.name == "version",
                        == conv_to_db(self.experiment.version),

            computations = computations.all()
            if len(computations) > 0:
                log.debug("Calculation already performed! Loading it up")
            # loading data_dict to avoid DetachedInstance errors
            # this can take some time, depending on the size of the data
            # TODO remove and use lazy call
            for computation in computations:
                _ = computation.data_dict
                _ = computation.data_range

        if len(computations) > 0:
            if len(computations) > 1:
                    "Something went wrong! Found more than one computation with the"
                    " given arguments!"
            return computations[0]  # it should only be one value
        return None

    def save_computation_args(self):
        """Store the user args.

        This method stored the user args from the self.args dataclass
        into SQLAlchemy objects and adds them to a list which will be
        written to the database after the calculation was successful.
        for args_field in fields(self.args):
            key = args_field.name
            val = getattr(self.args, key)
            computation_attribute = db.ComputationAttribute(
                name=key, data=conv_to_db(val)


        # save the current experiment version in the ComputationAttributes
        experiment_version = db.ComputationAttribute(
            name="version", data=conv_to_db(self.experiment.version)

    def save_db_data(self):
        """Save all the collected computationattributes and computation data to the

        This will be run after the computation was successful.
        with self.experiment.project.session as ses:
            for val in self.db_computation_attributes:
                # I need to set the relation inside the session.
                val.computation = self.db_computation

            for data_obj in self._queued_data:
                # TODO consider renaming species to e.g., subjects, because species here
                #  can also be molecules
                data_obj: ComputationResults
                computation_result = db.ComputationResult(
                    computation=self.db_computation, data=data_obj.data
                species_list = []
                for species in data_obj.subjects:
                    # this will collect duplicates that can be counted later,
                    # otherwise I would use .in_
                        .filter(db.ExperimentSpecies.name == species)
                # in case of e.g. `System` species will be [None], which is then removed
                species_list = [x for x in species_list if x is not None]
                for species, count in Counter(species_list).items():
                    associate = db.SpeciesAssociation(count=count)
                    associate.species = species



    def queue_data(self, data, subjects):
        """Queue data to be stored in the database.

            data: dict
                A  dictionary containing all the data that was computed by the
            subjects: list
                A list of strings / subject names that are associated with the data,
                e.g. the pairs of the RDF
        self._queued_data.append(ComputationResults(data=data, subjects=subjects))

    def update_database(self, parameters, delete_duplicate: bool = True):
        Add data to the database.

        parameters : dict
                Parameters to be used in the addition, i.e.
                {"Analysis": "Green_Kubo_Self_Diffusion", "Subject": "Na",
                "data_range": 500, "data": 1.8e-9}
        delete_duplicate : bool
                If true, duplicate entries will be deleted.

        Updates the sql database
        raise DeprecationWarning("This function has been replaced by `queue_data`")

    # REMOVE
    # TODO rename and potentially move to a RDF based parent class
    def _get_rdf_data(self) -> List[db.Computation]:
        """Fill the data_files list with filenames of the rdf tensor_values."""
        # TODO replace with exp.load.RDF()
        raise DeprecationWarning(
            "Replaced by experiment.run.RadialDistributionFunction(**kwargs)"
        # with self.experiment.project.session as ses:
        #     computations = (
        #         ses.query(db.Computation)
        #             .filter(
        #             db.Computation.computation_attributes.any(
        #                 str_value="Radial_Distribution_Function", name="Property"
        #             )
        #         )
        #             .all()
        #     )
        #     for computation in computations:
        #         _ = computation.data_dict
        #         _ = computation.data_range
        # return computations

    # TODO rename and potentially move to a RDF based parent class
    def _load_rdf_from_file(self, computation: db.Computation):
        """Load the raw rdf tensor_values from a directory."""
        raise DeprecationWarning(
            "Replaced by experiment.run.RadialDistributionFuncion(**kwargs)"

        # self.radii = np.array(computation.data_dict["x"]).astype(float)[1:]
        # self.rdf = np.array(computation.data_dict["y"]).astype(float)[1:]
