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MDSuite: A Zincwarecode package.

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms
of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is
available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html

SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0

Copyright Contributors to the Zincwarecode Project.

Contact Information
email: zincwarecode@gmail.com
github: https://github.com/zincware
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import json
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import typing
from functools import wraps
from time import time
from typing import Callable

import GPUtil
import numpy as np
import psutil
import tensorflow as tf
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter

from mdsuite.utils.exceptions import NoGPUInSystem
from mdsuite.utils.units import golden_ratio

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def gpu_available() -> bool:
    """Check if TensorFlow has access to any GPU device."""
    return len(tf.config.list_physical_devices("GPU")) > 1

# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42033142/is-there-an-easy-way-to-check-if-an-object-is-json-serializable-in-python
def is_jsonable(x: dict) -> bool:
    x: dict
        Dictionary to check, if it is json serializable.

    bool: Whether the dict was serializable or not.
        return True
    except (TypeError, OverflowError):
        return False

def join_path(a, b):
    """Join a and b and make sure to use forward slashes.

    a: str
    b: str

    str: joined path with forced forward slashes

    h5py 3.1.0 on windows relies on forward slashes but os.path.join returns backward
    slashes. Here we replace them to enable MDSuite for Windows users. To be used ONLY
    for navigation within a database_path. For navigation through the file experiment
    in general one should use os.path.join.

    return os.path.join(a, b).replace("\\", "/")

def get_dimensionality(box: list) -> int:
    Calculate the dimensionality of the experiment box.

    box : list
            box array of the experiment of the form [x, y, z]

    dimensions : int
            dimension of the box i.e, 1 or 2 or 3 (Higher dimensions probably don't
            make sense just yet)
    # Check if the x, y, or z entries are empty, i.e. 2 dimensions
    if box[0] == 0 or box[1] == 0 or box[2] == 0:
        if (
            box[0] == 0
            and box[1] == 0
            or box[0] == 0
            and box[2] == 0
            or box[1] == 0
            and box[2] == 0
            dimensions = 1
            dimensions = 2

    # Other option is 3 dimensions.
        dimensions = 3

    return dimensions

def get_machine_properties() -> dict:
    Get the properties of the machine being used.

    machine_properties : dict
            A dictionary containing information about the hardware being used.
    machine_properties = {}
    available_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().available  # RAM available
    total_cpu_cores = psutil.cpu_count(logical=True)  # CPU cores available
    # Update the machine properties dictionary
    machine_properties["cpu"] = total_cpu_cores
    machine_properties["memory"] = available_memory
    machine_properties["gpu"] = {}

        total_gpu_devices = GPUtil.getGPUs()  # get information on all the gpu's
        for gpu in total_gpu_devices:
            machine_properties["gpu"][gpu.id] = {}
            machine_properties["gpu"][gpu.id]["name"] = gpu.name
            machine_properties["gpu"][gpu.id]["memory"] = gpu.memoryTotal
    except (NoGPUInSystem, ValueError):
        log.warning("No GPUs detected, continuing without GPU support")

    return machine_properties

def line_counter(filename: str) -> int:
    Count the number of lines in a file.

    This function used a memory safe method to count the number of lines in the file.
    Using the other tensor_values collected during the trajectory analysis, this is
    enough information to completely characterize the experiment.

    filename : str
            Name of the file to be read in.

    lines : int
            Number of lines in the file
    f = open(filename, "rb")
    num_lines = sum(1 for _ in f)
    return num_lines

def optimize_batch_size(
    filepath: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path],
    number_of_configurations: int,
    _file_size: int = None,
    _memory: int = None,
    test: bool = False,
) -> int:
    Optimize the size of batches during initial processing.

    During the database_path construction a batch size must be chosen in order to
    process the trajectories with the least RAM but reasonable performance.

    filepath : str
            Path to the file be read in. This is not opened during the process, it is
            simply needed to read the file size.
    number_of_configurations : int
            Number of configurations in the trajectory.
    _file_size : int
            Mock file size to use during tests.
    _memory : int
            Mock memory to use during tests.
    test : bool
            If true, mock variables are used.

    batch size : int
            Number of configurations to load in each batch
    if test:
        file_size = _file_size
        database_memory = _memory
        computer_statistics = get_machine_properties()  # Get computer statistics
        file_size = os.path.getsize(filepath)  # Get the size of the file
        database_memory = (
            0.1 * computer_statistics["memory"]
        )  # We take 10% of the available memory

    memory_per_configuration = (
        file_size / number_of_configurations
    )  # get the memory per configuration
    initial_batch_number = int(
        database_memory / (5 * memory_per_configuration)
    )  # trivial batch allocation

    # The database_path generation expands memory ~5x
    if 10 * file_size < database_memory:
        return int(number_of_configurations)
        return initial_batch_number

def linear_fitting_function(x: np.array, a: float, b: float) -> np.array:
    Linear function for line fitting.

    In many cases, namely those involving an Einstein relation, a linear curve must be
    fit to some tensor_values. This function is called by the scipy curve_fit module as
    the model to fit to.

    x : np.array
            x tensor_values for fitting
    a : float
            Fitting parameter of the gradient
    b : float
            Fitting parameter for the y intercept

    a*x + b : float
            Returns the evaluation of a linear function.
    return a * x + b

def simple_file_read(filename: str) -> list:
    Trivially read a file and load it into an array.

    There are many occasions when a file simply must be read and dumped into a file. In
    these cases, we call this method and dump tensor_values into an array. This is NOT
    memory safe, and should not be used for processing large trajectory files.

    filename : str
            Name of the file to be read in.

    data_array: list
            Data read in by the function.
    data_array = []  # define empty tensor_values array
    with open(filename, "r+") as f:  # Open the file for reading
        for line in f:  # Loop over the lines
            )  # Split the lines by whitespace and add to tensor_values array

    return data_array

def timeit(f: Callable) -> Callable:
    Decorator to time the execution of a method.

    f : Callable
            Function to be wrapped.

    wrap : Callable
            Method wrapper for timing the method.

    There is currently no test for this wrapper as there is no simple way of checking
    timing on a remote server.

    def wrap(*args, **kw):
        """Function to wrap a method and time its execution."""
        ts = time()  # get the initial time
        result = f(*args, **kw)  # run the function.
        te = time()  # get the time after the function as run.
        log.info(f"function '{f.__name__}' took {(te - ts)} s")

        return result

    return wrap

def apply_savgol_filter(
    data: np.ndarray, order: int = 2, window_length: int = 17
) -> np.ndarray:
    Apply a savgol filter for function smoothing.

    This function will simply call the scipy SavGol implementation with preset
    parameters for the polynomial number and window size.

    window_length : int
            Window length to use in the filtering.
    data : list
            Array of tensor_values to be analysed.
    order : int
            Order of polynomial to use in the smoothing.

    filtered tensor_values : np.ndarray
            Returns the filtered tensor_values directly from the scipy SavGol filter.

    There are no tests for this method as a test would simply be testing the scipy
    implementation which they have done.
    return savgol_filter(data, window_length, order)

def closest_point(data: np.ndarray, value: float):
    Find the value in the array closes to the value provided.

    data : float
            Array to search.
    value : np.ndarray
            Value to look for.


    return min(data, key=lambda x: abs(x - value))

def golden_section_search(
    data: np.array,
    a: float,
    b: float,
    tol: float = 1e-5,
    h: float = None,
    c: float = None,
    d: float = None,
    fc: float = None,
    fd: float = None,
) -> tuple:
    Perform a golden-section search for function minimums.

    The Golden-section search algorithm is one of the best min-finding algorithms
    available and is here used to the minimums of functions during analysis.
    For example, in the evaluation of coordination numbers the minimum values of the
    radial distribution functions must be calculated in order to define the
    coordination. This implementation will return an interval in which the minimum
    should exists, and does so for all of the minimums on the function.

    data : np.array
            Data on which to find minimums.
    a : float
            upper bound on the min finding range.
    b : float
            lower bound on the min finding range.

    minimum range : tuple
            Returns two radii values within which the minimum can be found.
    # Define the golden ratio identities
    phi_a = 1 / golden_ratio
    phi_b = 1 / (golden_ratio**2)

    (a, b) = (min(a, b), max(a, b))  # check for a simple error

    if h is None:
        h = b - a
    if h <= tol:
        return a, b
    if c is None:
        c = closest_point(data[0], a + phi_b * h)
    if d is None:
        d = closest_point(data[0], a + phi_a * h)
    if fc is None:
        fc = data[1][np.where(data[0] == c)]
    if fd is None:
        fd = data[1][np.where(data[0] == d)]
    if fc < fd:
        return golden_section_search(
            data, a, d, tol, h * phi_a, c=None, fc=None, d=c, fd=fc
        return golden_section_search(
            data, c, b, tol, h * phi_a, c=d, fc=fd, d=None, fd=None

def get_nearest_divisor(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    Function to get the nearest lower divisor.

    If b%a is not 0, this method may be called to get the nearest number to a that
    makes b%a zero.

    a : int
    b : int
            target number

    divisor : int
            nearest number to a that divides into b evenly.
    remainder = 1  # initialize a remainder
    a += 1
    while remainder != 0:
        a -= 1
        remainder = b % a

    return a

def split_array(data: np.array, condition: np.array) -> list:
    split an array by a condition
    data : np.array
            tensor_values to split
    condition : np.array
            condition on which to split by.

    split_array : list
            A list of split up arrays.
    initial_split = [data[condition], data[~condition]]  # attempt to split the array

    if (
        len(initial_split[1]) == 0
    ):  # if the condition is never met, return only the raw tensor_values
        return [data[condition]]
    else:  # else return the whole array
        return list(initial_split)

def find_item(obj, key):
    Function to recursively retrieve values given a key for nested dictionaries.

    obj: dict
        nested dictionary with results
    key: str, float or other
        to find in the dictionary

    item: dict value.
        returns the value for the given key. Return type may change depending on the
        requested key
    if key in obj:
        return obj[key]
    for k, v in obj.items():
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            item = find_item(v, key)
            if item is not None:
                return item

def sort_array_by_column(array: np.ndarray, column_idx: int):
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2828059/
    #   sorting-arrays-in-numpy-by-column/35624868
    # make sure that the column to sort by is number type
    # culprit: if we read in a lammps file, one line will be str, so the whole
    # array is str. sorting by id will invoke str sorting rules (i.e. '10' < '2'),
    # even though the id column could have number type.
    to_sort_by_column = np.asarray(array[:, column_idx], dtype=float)
    return array[to_sort_by_column.argsort()]

def check_a_in_b(a, b):
    Check if any value of a is in b.

    a: tf.Tensor
    b: tf.Tensor


    x = tf.unstack(a)
    for x1 in x:
        if tf.reduce_any(b == x1):
            return True
    return False