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Test Coverage
"""Standard python init file for the utils directory."""

import dataclasses
import enum
import json
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import typing as t

import dvc.cli
import znflow
import znjson

from zntrack.utils import cli
from zntrack.utils.config import DISABLE_TMP_PATH, config

__all__ = [

    from zntrack import Node, Project

class LazyOption:
    """Indicates that the value of the field should is loaded lazily."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:

            This class is not meant to be instantiated.

        raise NotImplementedError("This class is not meant to be instantiated.")

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def module_handler(obj) -> str:
    """Get the module for the Node.

    There are three cases that have to be handled here:
        1. Run from __main__ should not have __main__ as module but
            the actual filename.
        2. Run from a Jupyter Notebook should not return the launchers name
            but __main__ because that might be used in tests
        3. Return the plain module if the above are not fulfilled.

        Any object that implements __module__

    if config.nb_name:
            return f"{config.nb_class_path}.{obj.__name__}"
        except AttributeError:
            return f"{config.nb_class_path}.{obj.__class__.__name__}"
    if obj.__module__ != "__main__":
        if hasattr(obj, "_module_"):  # allow module override
            return obj._module_
        return obj.__module__
    if pathlib.Path(sys.argv[0]).stem == "ipykernel_launcher":
        # special case for e.g. testing
        return obj.__module__
    return pathlib.Path(sys.argv[0]).stem

def deprecated(reason, version="v0.0.0"):
    """Depreciation Warning."""

    def decorator(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
                f"DeprecationWarning for {func.__name__}: {reason} (Deprecated since"
                f" {version})"
            return func(*args, **kwargs)

        return wrapper

    return decorator

class DVCProcessError(Exception):
    """DVC specific message for CalledProcessError."""

def run_dvc_cmd(script, stdout=None):
    """Run the DVC script via subprocess calls.

    script: tuple[str]|list[str]
        A list of strings to pass the subprocess command
    stdout: callable, optional
        A callable to which the stdout is passed. If None, the stdout is
        passed to log.warning.

        if the dvc cli command fails.

    dvc_short_string = " ".join(script[:5])
    if len(script) > 5:
        dvc_short_string += " ..."
    if stdout is None:
        stdout = log.warning
    stdout(f"Running DVC command: '{dvc_short_string}'")
    # do not display the output if log.log_level > logging.INFO
    show_log = config.log_level < logging.INFO
    if not show_log:
        script = script[:2] + ["--quiet"] + script[2:]
    if config.log_level == logging.DEBUG:
        script = [x for x in script if x != "--quiet"]
        script = script[:2] + ["--verbose", "--verbose"] + script[2:]

    return_code = dvc.cli.main(script)
    if return_code != 0:
        raise DVCProcessError(
            f'DVC CLI failed ({return_code}) for cmd: \n "dvc'
            f' {" ".join(x for x in script if x != "--quiet")}" '
    # fix for https://github.com/iterative/dvc/issues/8631
    for logger_name, logger in logging.root.manager.loggerDict.items():
        if logger_name.startswith("zntrack"):
            logger.disabled = False
    return return_code

def update_key_val(values, instance):
    """Update the keys {rev, remote} based on the instance state.

    If the value of keys is None, the value is updated based on the instance
    state. Otherwise, it is assumed the Node depends on a specific rev or remote.
    if isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
        return [update_key_val(v, instance) for v in values]
    if isinstance(values, dict):
        for key, val in values.items():
            if key == "rev" and val is None:
                values[key] = instance.state.rev
            elif key == "remote" and val is None:
                values[key] = instance.state.remote
            elif isinstance(val, dict):
                update_key_val(val, instance)
        return values

class NodeStatusResults(enum.Enum):
    """The status of a node.

    UNKNOWN : int
        No information is available.
    PENDING : int
        the Node instance is written to disk, but not yet run.
        `dvc stage add ` with the given parameters was run.
    RUNNING : int
        the Node instance is currently running.
        This state will be set when the run method is called.
    FINISHED : int
        the Node instance has finished running.
    FAILED : int
        the Node instance has failed to run.
    AVAILABLE : int
        the Node instance was loaded and results are available.


    UNKNOWN = 0
    PENDING = 1
    RUNNING = 2
    FINISHED = 3
    FAILED = 4

def cwd_temp_dir(required_files=None) -> tempfile.TemporaryDirectory:
    """Change into a temporary directory.

    Helper for e.g. the docs to quickly change into a temporary directory
    and copy all files, e.g. the Notebook into that directory.

    required_files: list, optional
        A list of optional files to be copied

        The temporary  directory file. Close with temp_dir.cleanup() at the end.

    temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()  # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
    # add ignore_cleanup_errors=True in Py3.10?

    if config.nb_name is not None:
        shutil.copy(config.nb_name, temp_dir.name)
        if config.dvc_api:
            # TODO: why is this required?
            log.debug("Setting 'config.dvc_api=False' for use in Jupyter Notebooks.")
            config.dvc_api = False
    if required_files is not None:
        for file in required_files:
            shutil.copy(file, temp_dir.name)


    return temp_dir

class NodeName:
    """The name of a node."""

    groups: list[str]
    name: str
    varname: str = None
    suffix: int = 0
    use_varname: bool = False

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Get the node name."""
        name = []
        if self.groups is not None:
        if self.use_varname:
        if self.suffix > 0 and self.use_varname:
            raise ValueError("Suffixes are not supported for magic names (varnames).")
        if self.suffix > 0:
        return "_".join(name)

    def get_name_without_groups(self) -> str:
        """Get the node name without the groups."""
        name = self.varname if self.use_varname else self.name
        if self.suffix > 0:
            name += f"_{self.suffix}"
        return name

    def update_suffix(self, project: "Project", node: "Node") -> None:
        """Update the suffix."""
        node_names = [x["value"].name for x in project.graph.nodes.values()]
        self.use_varname = project.magic_names

        node_names = []
        for node_uuid in project.graph.nodes:
            if node_uuid == node.uuid:

        if project.automatic_node_names:
            while str(self) in node_names:
                self.suffix += 1

def get_nwd(node: "Node", mkdir: bool = False) -> pathlib.Path:
    """Get the node working directory.

    This is used instead of `node.nwd` because it allows
    for parameters to define if the nwd should be created.

    node: Node
        The node instance for which the nwd should be returned.
    mkdir: bool, optional
        If True, the nwd is created if it does not exist.

        nwd = node.__dict__["nwd"]
    except KeyError:
        if node.state.remote is None and node.state.rev is None and not node.state.loaded:
            nwd = pathlib.Path("nodes", znflow.get_attribute(node, "name"))
                with node.state.fs.open(config.files.zntrack) as f:
                    zntrack_config = json.load(f)
                nwd = zntrack_config[znflow.get_attribute(node, "name")]["nwd"]
                nwd = json.loads(json.dumps(nwd), cls=znjson.ZnDecoder)
            except (FileNotFoundError, KeyError):
                nwd = pathlib.Path("nodes", znflow.get_attribute(node, "name"))

    if mkdir:
        nwd.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    return nwd