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Test Coverage
## 1.3.3 - 5/30/2014 ##

* Upgrades parslet dependency to v1.6.1 and drops optimization monkeypatch
* Use correct terminology "declartions" instead of "rules" in the output

## 1.3.2 - 6/22/2013 ##

* Fixes attribute parsing bug that includes comments with braces
* Fixes parsing bug with empty media selectors #67
* Fixes parsing bug with quoted brackets #72
* Fixes parsing bug with nested media queries #73
* Removes --compass-with-config deprecation
* Adds a file with instructions

## 1.3.1 - 4/20/2013 ##

* Fixes --ignore-sass-mixins bug with @importing

## 1.3.0 - 4/20/2013 ##

* Adds --require switch for user configuration
* Deprecates --compass-with-config config.rb in favor of --compass --require config.rb
* Ignores @import statements. Users will need to run csscss on those directly
* Adds --ignore-sass-mixins which won't match declarations coming from sass mixins

## 1.2.0 - 4/14/2013 ##

* 0 and 0px are now reconciled as redundancies
* Disables color support by default for windows & ruby < 2.0
* Fixes bug where unquoted url(data...) isn't parsed correctly
* Adds support for LESS files

## 1.1.0 - 4/12/2013 ##

* Fixes bug where CLI --no-color wasn't respected
* Added ruby version requirement for >= 1.9
* Added
* Fixes bugs with urls that have dashes in them
* Fixes bugs with urls containing encoded data (usually images)
* Deprecates CSSCSS_DEBUG in favor of --show-parser-errors
* Fixes line/column output during parser errors
* --compass now grabs config.rb by default if it exists
* Adds --compass-with-config that lets users specify a config
* Fixes parser error bug when trying to parse blank files
* Fixes bug where rules from multiple files aren't consolidated
* Adds --no-match-shorthand to allow users to opt out of shorthand matching

## 1.0.0 - 4/7/2013 ##

* Allows the user to specify ignored properties and selectors
* Better parse error messages

## 0.2.1 - 3/28/2013 ##

* Changes coloring to the selectors and declarations
* Fixes bug where some duplicates weren't being combined #1

## 0.2.0 - 3/24/2013 ##

* Colorizes text output.
* Supports scss/sass files.
* Fixes newline output bug when there are no redundancies
* Downloads remote css files if passed a URL
* Fixes bug with double semicolons (blank attributes)

## 0.1.0 - 3/21/2013 ##

* Initial project release.