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title: 'Getting Started'

## Install

Install Meteor Up with one command:

npm install --global mup

You should install `mup` on the computer you are deploying from. Mup requires node 8 or newer.

You need at least one server to deploy to. Many companies offer them for $5 / month or less, including Digital Ocean, Vultr, and Hetzner.

The server should:

- Have at least 512MB of ram. 1GB is recommended.
- Be running Ubuntu 14 or newer.

You do not need to install anything on your servers; mup will set them up for you.

## Step 1: Initialize your project

In the terminal, run:

cd path/to/app
mkdir .deploy && cd .deploy
mup init

> It is a common practice to store your production settings.json and mup config in a `.deploy` folder.

## Step 2: Customize your config

There are a minimum of 5 properties in your config that need to be changed.

For each server:

- __host__ - Usually is the IP Address of the server
- __server authentication__ - You can use a `password` or set `pem` to the path of a private key. If neither are set, it uses `ssh-agent`

In the `app` section:

- __name__ - A unique name, with no spaces.
- __path__ - Path to the meteor app, relative to the config. If your config is in `app/.deploy`, the path would be `../`.
- __env.ROOT_URL__ - The url your app is accessible at. If you are using ssl, it should start with `https://`; otherwise, it should be `http://`.

## Step 3: Setup Server

**When running the Meteor Up commands in Command Prompt, you should use `mup.cmd` instead of `mup`.**

Run one command, and mup will install all of its dependencies on the server and prepare it for your first deploy:

mup setup

If you want to see what the tasks are doing, you can add the `--verbose` flag.

You should run `mup setup` anytime after changing your config. It is safe to run the command as many times as you need.

## Step 4: Deploy

The deploy process:

1. Builds your app, using `meteor build`
2. Uploads the app bundle, the start script, and the environment variables to your servers
3. Runs the start script
4. Verifies that the app successfully started


mup deploy

If it failed due to a network error while uploading the bundle, you can run `mup deploy --cached-build`. It will then skip step 1 of the deploy process and use the bundle from the last time it was built.

Congratulations! Your app is now running on the server, accessible to your potential users!

## Next Steps

- [View logs]({% link docs.md%}#other-utility-commands)
- [Setup SSL]({% link docs.md%}#reverse-proxy)
- [View config options]({% link docs.md%}#example-configs)