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package zoom

const (
    // MeetingTypeInstant is an instant meeting
    MeetingTypeInstant MeetingType = 1
    // MeetingTypeScheduled is a scheduled meeting
    MeetingTypeScheduled MeetingType = 2 // Default
    // MeetingTypeRecurringNoFixedTime is a recurring meeting with no fixed time
    MeetingTypeRecurringNoFixedTime MeetingType = 3
    // MeetingTypeRecurring is a recurring meeting with fixed time
    MeetingTypeRecurring MeetingType = 8

    // MeetingStatusWaiting is a meeting that is waiting
    MeetingStatusWaiting MeetingStatus = "waiting"
    // MeetingStatusStarted is a meeting that is started
    MeetingStatusStarted MeetingStatus = "started"
    // MeetingStatusFinished is a meeting that is finished
    MeetingStatusFinished MeetingStatus = "finished"

    // ApprovalTypeAutomaticallyApprove is an automatically approved meeting
    ApprovalTypeAutomaticallyApprove ApprovalType = 0
    // ApprovalTypeManuallyApprove is a meeting that requires manual approval
    ApprovalTypeManuallyApprove ApprovalType = 1
    // ApprovalTypeNoRegistrationRequired is a meeting that requires no registration
    ApprovalTypeNoRegistrationRequired ApprovalType = 2 // DEFAULT

    // RegistrationTypeRegisterOnce Attendees register once and can attend any of the occurrences
    RegistrationTypeRegisterOnce RegistrationType = 1
    //RegistrationTypeRegisterEachTime  Attendeed need to register for each occurrence to attend
    RegistrationTypeRegisterEachTime RegistrationType = 2
    //RegistrationTypeRegisterOnceAndChooseOccurrences Attendees register once and can choose one or more occurrences to attend
    RegistrationTypeRegisterOnceAndChooseOccurrences RegistrationType = 3

    // AudioBoth is a meeting that allows telephony and VoIP
    AudioBoth Audio = "both"
    // AudioTelephony is a meeting that is telephony only
    AudioTelephony Audio = "telephony"
    // AudioVoIP is a meeting that is VoIP only
    AudioVoIP Audio = "voip"

    // AutoRecordingLocal record on local
    AutoRecordingLocal AutoRecording = "local"
    // AutoRecordingCloud record on cloud
    AutoRecordingCloud AutoRecording = "cloud"
    // AutoRecordingNone disabled
    AutoRecordingNone AutoRecording = "none"

    // GlobalDialInNumberTypeToll toll type of number
    GlobalDialInNumberTypeToll GlobalDialInNumberType = "toll"
    // GlobalDialInNumberTypeTollFree toll free type of number
    GlobalDialInNumberTypeTollFree GlobalDialInNumberType = "tollfree"

    // RecurrenceTypeDaily daily recurrence
    RecurrenceTypeDaily RecurrenceType = 1
    // RecurrenceTypeWeekly weekly recurrence
    RecurrenceTypeWeekly RecurrenceType = 2
    // RecurrenceTypeMonthly monthly recurrence
    RecurrenceTypeMonthly RecurrenceType = 3

    // MonthlyWeekLast last week of the month
    MonthlyWeekLast MonthlyWeek = -1
    // MonthlyWeekFirst first week of the month
    MonthlyWeekFirst MonthlyWeek = 1
    // MonthlyWeekSecond second week of the month
    MonthlyWeekSecond MonthlyWeek = 2
    // MonthlyWeekThird third week of the month
    MonthlyWeekThird MonthlyWeek = 3
    // MonthlyWeekFourth fourth week of the month
    MonthlyWeekFourth MonthlyWeek = 4

    // WeekDaySunday Sunday
    WeekDaySunday WeekDay = 1
    // WeekDayMonday Monday
    WeekDayMonday WeekDay = 2
    // WeekDayTuesday Tuesday
    WeekDayTuesday WeekDay = 3
    // WeekDayWednesday Wednesday
    WeekDayWednesday WeekDay = 4
    // WeekDayThursday Thursday
    WeekDayThursday WeekDay = 5
    // WeekDayFriday Friday
    WeekDayFriday WeekDay = 6
    // WeekDaySaturday Saturday
    WeekDaySaturday WeekDay = 7

type (
    // MeetingType is the type of the meeting returned by the API
    MeetingType int

    // MeetingStatus is the status of the meeting
    MeetingStatus string

    // ApprovalType is the type of approval
    ApprovalType int

    // RegistrationType is the type of registration
    RegistrationType int

    // Audio determines how participants can join the audio portion of the meeting
    Audio string

    // AutoRecording automatic recording
    AutoRecording string

    // GlobalDialInNumberType is the type of global dial in number
    GlobalDialInNumberType string

    // RecurrenceType is the type of recurrence
    RecurrenceType int

    // MonthlyWeek the week a meeting will recur each month
    MonthlyWeek int

    // WeekDay is the day of the week
    WeekDay int

    // Meeting represents a meeting created/returned by GetMeeting
    Meeting struct {
        UUID              string        `json:"uuid,omitempty"`
        ID                int           `json:"id,omitempty"`
        HostID            string        `json:"host_id,omitempty"`
        Topic             string        `json:"topic"`
        Type              MeetingType   `json:"type"`
        Status            MeetingStatus `json:"status"`
        StartTime         *Time         `json:"start_time"`
        Duration          int           `json:"duration"`
        Timezone          string        `json:"timezone"`
        CreatedAt         *Time         `json:"created_at"`
        Agenda            string        `json:"agenda"`
        StartURL          string        `json:"start_url"`
        JoinURL           string        `json:"join_url"`
        Password          string        `json:"password"`
        H323Password      string        `json:"h323_password"`
        EncryptedPassword string        `json:"encrypted_password"`
        // PMI is Personal Meeting ID. Only used for scheduled meetings and recurring meetings with
        // no fixed time
        PMI            int64           `json:"pmi"`
        TrackingFields []TrackingField `json:"tracking_fields"`
        Occurrences    []Occurrence    `json:"occurrences"`
        Settings       MeetingSettings `json:"settings"`
        Recurrence     Recurrence      `json:"recurrence"`

    // TrackingField is a tracking field
    TrackingField struct {
        Field string `json:"field"`
        Value string `json:"value"`

    // Occurrence is an occurrence object
    Occurrence struct {
        ID        string `json:"occurrence_id"`
        StartTime *Time  `json:"start_time"`
        Duration  int    `json:"duration"`
        Status    string `json:"status"`

    // MeetingSettings are a meeting setting
    MeetingSettings struct {
        HostVideo        bool `json:"host_video,omitempty"`
        ParticipantVideo bool `json:"participant_video,omitempty"`
        // ChinaMeeting host meeting in China
        ChinaMeeting bool `json:"cn_meeting,omitempty"`
        // IndiaMeeting host meeting in India
        IndiaMeeting   bool `json:"in_meeting,omitempty"`
        JoinBeforeHost bool `json:"join_before_host,omitempty"`
        MuteUponEntry  bool `json:"mute_upon_entry,omitempty"`
        // Watermark add watermark when viewing a shared screen
        Watermark bool `json:"watermark,omitempty"`
        // Use Personal Meeting ID. Only used for scheduled meetings and recurring meetings with no
        // fixed time
        UsePMI           bool             `json:"use_pmi,omitempty"`
        ApprovalType     ApprovalType     `json:"approval_type,omitempty"`
        RegistrationType RegistrationType `json:"registration_type,omitempty"`
        // Audio determines how participants can join the audio portion of the meeting
        Audio         Audio         `json:"audio,omitempty"`
        AutoRecording AutoRecording `json:"auto_recording,omitempty"`
        // Only signed in users can join this meeting
        EnforceLogin bool `json:"enforce_login,omitempty"`
        // Only signed in users with specifid domains can join this meeting
        EnforceLoginDomains string `json:"enforce_login_domains,omitempty"`
        // Alternative host's emails or IDs: multiple values separated by comma
        AlternativeHosts string `json:"alternative_hosts,omitempty"`
        // CloseRegistration after event date
        CloseRegistration bool `json:"close_registration,omitempty"`
        // Enable waiting room
        WaitingRoom         bool                 `json:"waiting_room,omitempty"`
        GlobalDialInNumbers []GlobalDialInNumber `json:"global_dial_in_numbers,omitempty"`
        ContactName         string               `json:"contact_name,omitempty"`
        ContactEmail        string               `json:"contact_email,omitempty"`
        // Send confirmation email to registrants
        RegistrantsConfirmationEmail bool `json:"registrants_confirmation_email,omitempty"`
        // Breakout room settings
        BreakoutRooms BreakoutRoomSettings `json:"breakout_room,omitempty"`

    // GlobalDialInNumber is a global dial in number
    GlobalDialInNumber struct {
        Country     string                 `json:"country"`
        CountryName string                 `json:"country_name"`
        City        string                 `json:"city"`
        Number      string                 `json:"number"`
        Type        GlobalDialInNumberType `json:"type"`

    // Recurrence of the meeting
    Recurrence struct {
        Type           RecurrenceType `json:"type"`
        RepeatInterval int            `json:"repeat_interval"`
        WeeklyDays     string         `json:"weekly_days"`
        MonthlyDay     int            `json:"monthly_day"`
        MonthlyWeek    MonthlyWeek    `json:"monthly_week"`
        MonthlyWeekDay WeekDay        `json:"monthly_week_day"`
        // EndTimes how many times the meeting will recur before it is canceled (cannot be used
        // with "end_time_date"
        EndTimes int `json:"end_times"`
        // EndDateTime should be in UTC. Cannot be used with "end_times"
        EndDateTime *Time `json:"end_date_time"`

    // BreakoutRoomSettings represents the breakout rooms for a meetings
    BreakoutRoomSettings struct {
        Enable bool           `json:"enable"`
        Rooms  []BreakoutRoom `json:"rooms"`

    // BreakoutRoom contains settings for an individual breakout room
    BreakoutRoom struct {
        Name         string   `json:"name"`
        Participants []string `json:"participants"`