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package zoom

import "fmt"

type (
    // ListMeetingType are the allowed meeting types
    ListMeetingType string

    // ListMeetingsOptions contains options for ListMeetings
    ListMeetingsOptions struct {
        HostID     string          `url:"-"`
        Type       ListMeetingType `url:"type,omitempty"`
        PageSize   *int            `url:"page_size,omitempty"`   // Default: 30, Maximum: 300
        PageNumber *int            `url:"page_number,omitempty"` // Default: 1

    // ListMeetingsResponse container the response from a call to ListMeetings
    ListMeetingsResponse struct {
        PageCount    int           `json:"page_count"`
        TotalRecords int           `json:"total_records"`
        PageNumber   int           `json:"page_number"`
        PageSize     int           `json:"page_size"`
        Meetings     []ListMeeting `json:"meetings"`

    // ListMeeting represents a meeting object returned by ListMeetings endpoint
    ListMeeting struct {
        UUID      string      `json:"uuid"`
        ID        int         `json:"id"`
        HostID    string      `json:"host_id"`
        Topic     string      `json:"topic"`
        Type      MeetingType `json:"type"`
        StartTime *Time       `json:"start_time"`
        Duration  int         `json:"duration"`
        Timezone  string      `json:"timezone"`
        CreatedAt *Time       `json:"created_at"`
        JoinURL   string      `json:"join_url"`
        Agenda    string      `json:"agenda"`

const (
    // ListMeetingsPath - v2 lists all the meetings that were scheduled for a user
    ListMeetingsPath = "/users/%s/meetings"

    // ListMeetingTypeScheduled is a meeting that is scheduled
    ListMeetingTypeScheduled ListMeetingType = "scheduled"
    // ListMeetingTypeLive is a live meeting
    ListMeetingTypeLive ListMeetingType = "live" // DEFAULT
    // ListMeetingTypeUpcoming is an upcoming meeting
    ListMeetingTypeUpcoming ListMeetingType = "upcoming"

// ListMeetings calls /users/ID/meetings
func ListMeetings(opts ListMeetingsOptions) (ListMeetingsResponse, error) {
    return defaultClient.ListMeetings(opts)

// ListMeetings calls /users/ID/meetings
// https://marketplace.zoom.us/docs/api-reference/zoom-api/meetings/meetings
func (c *Client) ListMeetings(opts ListMeetingsOptions) (ListMeetingsResponse, error) {
    var ret = ListMeetingsResponse{}
    return ret, c.requestV2(requestV2Opts{
        Method:        Get,
        Path:          fmt.Sprintf(ListMeetingsPath, opts.HostID),
        URLParameters: &opts,
        Ret:           &ret,