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package zoom // types for /user endpoints

// CreateUserAction specifies how to create a new user
type CreateUserAction string

// DeleteUserAction specifies how to delete a new user
type DeleteUserAction string

// UserType is one of a fixed number of possible user types
type UserType int

// UserLoginType is one of a fixed number of possible user login type
type UserLoginType int

// UserStatus is a user's active status, for ListUser
type UserStatus string

const (
    // Create action will be send new user a confirmation email required to activate
    Create CreateUserAction = "create"

    // AutoCreate action does not send the user a confirmation email
    AutoCreate CreateUserAction = "autoCreate"

    // CustCreate action creates a user without a password that cannot log into Zoom web portal or Zoom client
    CustCreate CreateUserAction = "custCreate"

    // SSOCreate action is provided for when the "Pre-Provisioning SSO User" option is enabled
    SSOCreate CreateUserAction = "ssoCreate"

    // DisassociateAction action disassociates a user
    DisassociateAction DeleteUserAction = "disassociate"

    // DeleteAction action deletes a user
    DeleteAction DeleteUserAction = "delete"

    // Basic user type
    Basic UserType = 1

    // Licensed user type
    Licensed UserType = 2

    // OnPrem user type
    OnPrem UserType = 3

    // Facebook user login type
    Facebook UserLoginType = 0

    // Google user login type
    Google UserLoginType = 1

    // API user login type
    API UserLoginType = 99

    // Zoom user login type
    Zoom UserLoginType = 100

    // SSO single sign on user login type
    SSO UserLoginType = 101

    // Active status
    Active UserStatus = "active"

    // Inactive status
    Inactive UserStatus = "inactive"

    // Pending status
    Pending UserStatus = "pending"

// String provides a string representation of user types
func (t UserType) String() (str string) {
    switch t {
    case Basic:
        str = "basic"
    case Licensed:
        str = "licensed"
    case OnPrem:
        str = "onPrem"

// User represents an account user
type User struct {
    Email                            string   `json:"email"`
    ID                               string   `json:"id"`
    AccountID                        string   `json:"account_id"`
    CreatedAt                        Time     `json:"created_at,string"`
    FirstName                        string   `json:"first_name"`
    LastName                         string   `json:"last_name"`
    PicURL                           string   `json:"pic_url"`
    Type                             UserType `json:"type"`
    DisableChat                      bool     `json:"disable_chat"`
    EnableE2eEncryption              bool     `json:"enable_e2e_encryption"`
    EnableSilentMode                 bool     `json:"enable_silent_mode"`
    DisableGroupHd                   bool     `json:"disable_group_hd"`
    DisableRecording                 bool     `json:"disable_recording"`
    EnableCmr                        bool     `json:"enable_cmr"`
    EnableAutoRecording              bool     `json:"enable_auto_recording"`
    EnableCloudAutoRecording         bool     `json:"enable_cloud_auto_recording"`
    Verified                         int      `json:"verified"`
    PMI                              int      `json:"pmi"`
    MeetingCapacity                  int      `json:"meeting_capacity"`
    EnableWebinar                    bool     `json:"enable_webinar"`
    WebinarCapacity                  int      `json:"webinar_capacity"`
    EnableLarge                      bool     `json:"enable_large"`
    LargeCapacity                    int      `json:"large_capacity"`
    DisableFeedback                  bool     `json:"disable_feedback"`
    DisableJbhReminder               bool     `json:"disable_jbh_reminder"`
    EnableBreakoutRoom               bool     `json:"enable_breakout_room"`
    EnablePolling                    bool     `json:"enable_polling"`
    EnableAnnotation                 bool     `json:"enable_annotation"`
    EnableShareDualCamera            bool     `json:"enable_share_dual_camera"`
    EnableFarEndCameraControl        bool     `json:"enable_far_end_camera_control"`
    DisablePrivateChat               bool     `json:"disable_private_chat"`
    EnableEnterExitChime             bool     `json:"enable_enter_exit_chime"`
    DisableCancelMeetingNotification bool     `json:"disable_cancel_meeting_notification"`
    EnableRemoteSupport              bool     `json:"enable_remote_support"`
    EnableFileTransfer               bool     `json:"enable_file_transfer"`
    EnableVirtualBackground          bool     `json:"enable_virtual_background"`
    EnableAttentionTracking          bool     `json:"enable_attention_tracking"`
    EnableWaitingRoom                bool     `json:"enable_waiting_room"`
    EnableClosedCaption              bool     `json:"enable_closed_caption"`
    EnableCoHost                     bool     `json:"enable_co_host"`
    EnableAutoSavingChats            bool     `json:"enable_auto_saving_chats"`
    EnablePhoneParticipantsPassword  bool     `json:"enable_phone_participants_password"`
    EnableAutoDeleteCmr              bool     `json:"enable_auto_delete_cmr"`
    AutoDeleteCmrDays                int      `json:"auto_delete_cmr_days"`
    Dept                             string   `json:"dept"`
    LastClientVersion                string   `json:"lastClientVersion"`
    LastLoginTime                    string   `json:"lastLoginTime"`
    Token                            string   `json:"token"`
    ZPK                              string   `json:"zpk"`