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A nodejs lib and command line tool powered by JSON Schema to validate web API output

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# [You provide] to api-validator.js , (it do):
[Test Plan] + [API Request Lists] -> (Make Requests) +
                              [API Response Schemas] + -> (Validation!) = (CI for API!)

# In future the whole picture:
[API Spec] -> (Document generation)
           -> (Mock API Server)
           -> (API Request Lists) +
                      (Test Plan) + -> (Make Requests) +
           ->                   (API Response Schemas) + -> (Validation!) = (CI for API!)


* JSON Schema V4 Draft Validation (powered by <a href="https://github.com/acornejo/jjv">jjv</a>)
 * load schema files
 * handle both remote $ref `http://...` or relative file $ref `file://../.`
* API Validation - fetch , save , validate , report
 * describe API request and JSON Schema pairs by yaml file
 * make API requests and save response as json files
 * validate on these response
 * output validation results
 * output different test report formats (powered by <a href="https://github.com/visionmedia/mocha">mocha</a> reports)
* Command line tool
 * Validate your schema files **TODO**
 * List and fetch referenced remote schema files **TODO**
 * API Validation
* Customize
 * Authorize requests **TODO**
 * test on <a href="https://developer.yahoo.com/yql/">YQL tables</a>
 * test by API blueprint **TODO**

Command Line Usage

**Step 1. Make a plan**

# plan.yaml
requestYaml: requests.yaml
schemaDir: mySchema/path
prefix: myResults/output/file_
reportJSON: finalReport/file.json
  timeout: 500

**Step 2. List requests**

# request.yaml
- url: http://apihost/endpoint1
  schema: schema_name1
- url: http://apihost/endpoint2
  schema: schema_name2
- yql: select * from sometable
  schema: schema_name3

**Step 3. Validate!**

api-validator.js plan.yaml > results.json

Will output full context into results.json and exit with 0 when pass.

**Step 4. (optional) Run with Mocha**

Run with mocha then you can using any mocha reporter to see test results. You need to prepare a test.js like this:


Then run mocha:

mocha test.js

The output will be:

  API Validator tests reports by test/yaml/example_yql_plan.yaml
    ✓ Task "validatePlan" should be executed
    ✓ Task "loadSchemas" should be executed
    ✓ Task "loadRequestList" should be executed
    ✓ Task "preValidateRequests" should be executed
    ✓ Task "prepareRequest" should be executed
    ✓ Task "validateRequests" should be executed
    ✓ Task "request" should be executed
    ✓ Task "save" should be executed
    ✓ Task "validate" should be executed
    ✓ [Saved in file_0001.json] https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql should pass schema "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zordius/api-validator.js/master/schemas/yql.json#/definitions/result"
    ✓ [Saved in file_0002.json] https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql should pass schema "example://yql.yahoo.com/show_tables"

  11 passing (7ms)

Good JSON Schema practices

* file name: `*.json` or `*.schema.json`
* `title` , `id` and `$schema` are required
* Refer to any resources by correct URI. (GOOD: `"$ref": "http://real.host/real.json#"` , bad: `"$ref": "any_name"` )
* Use `definitions` and `$ref` to decouple schema into many sub schemas
* Reuse sub schemas

Check <a href="https://github.com/USchema/json">boundled schemas</a> to see examples.