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# You can get this info by going to:
# https://trello.com/1/appKey/generate

#Trello public key
public_key: yourkeyhere 

#Trello private key
private_key: yourkeyhere

# You can get the key by going to this url in your browser:
# https://trello.com/1/connect?key=PUBLIC_KEY_FROM_ABOVE&name=MyApp&response_type=token&scope=read,write,account&expiration=never
# Only request the permissions you need; i.e., scope=read if you only need read, or scope=write if you only need write. Comma separate scopes you need.
# If you want your token to expire after 30 days, drop the &expiration=never.
access_token_key: yourtokenhere

#Set a collection of any board IDs you want to ignore
ignore: [boardid1, boardid2]

# Parameters to set if you repeatedly backup the same board
# These two setting short circuit the prompt questions
# So that bin/trello_backup.rb can run automatically
## board ##
# board: 2

## filename ## if default it uses datestamp and board name
# filename: default

# Variable used for json exports to avoid loading all of Ruby-Trello
username: USER_(ie @name_on_trello)