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Test Coverage
# zuzakistan
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An intranet for a small Internet community that sometimes likes to pretend to be a tiny enclave in rural Wales.
Features include login via Internet Relay Chat, and a somewhat overengineered method to decide the next novel in our book club.

## Screenshot
![Book detail](http://i.imgur.com/hRKhPkv.png)
## Installation
$ npm install
$ npm start
## Deployment
For the full effect:
$ echo 'gov.zk' | sudo tee /etc/hosts
$ sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -o lo -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080

To enable the administator panel, create `data/admin.json` with contents like
`{"admins": ["zuzak"]}`.

## Contributing
This repository uses [standard](http://standardjs.com/) as its coding style.

Install this module by cloning it and running `npm install`.
In addition to the usual things needed for the program to work, this will
also install a Git pre-commit hook that runs the linter before each commit
automatically. In the unlikely event that you need to overrule this, use
`git commit -n`.

A contributor might find the following useful:
* [GOV.UK elements](https://govuk-elements.herokuapp.com/)
* [GOV.UK frontend toolkit](https://github.com/alphagov/govuk_frontend_toolkit)

### Coverage
To check the coverage of the tests, invoke `npm run coverage`.
The report will open in your default browser.

We're not using the GOV.UK template directly.