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Test Coverage
  "/about-this-website": "/about-this-website",
  "/book-club": "/book-club",
  "/civilservant": "/civilservant",
  "/civilservant/scram": "/civilservant/scram",
  "/book-club/admin": "/book-club/admin",
  "/book-club/book/:isbn": "/book-club/book/:isbn",
  "/book-club/book/:isbn/:user": "/book-club/book/:isbn/:user",
  "/book-club/book/:isbn/edit": "/book-club/book/:isbn/edit",
  "/book-club/long-list": "/book-club/long-list",
  "/book-club/long-list/add-a-book": "/book-club/long-list/add-a-book",
  "/book-club/reading-list": "/book-club/reading-list",
  "/book-club/short-list": "/book-club/short-list",
  "/chan-stats": "/chan-stats",
  "/change-lang/:lang": "/change-lang/:lang",
  "/hello-world": "/hello-world",
  "/log-in": "/log-in",
  "/log-in/verify/:slug.json": "/log-in/verify/:slug.json",
  "/log-out": "/log-out",
  "/profile/api-key": "/profile/api-key",
  "about-codebase-licence": "Codebase licence",
  "about-contributors": "Contributors",
  "about-contributors-calltoaction": "You can add your own name to this list! If you find something you'd like to improve, fork this repository and submit a pull request. If you need help, ask someone on IRC.",
  "about-contributors-lede": "The following people committed the code that runs this site:",
  "about-credits": "Credits",
  "about-credits-govuk": "The website layout is based on GOV.UK, which is created by the Government Digital Service. The assets are licenced under the MIT licence and are thus freely available. For more information, check the source code of this project.",
  "about-credits-thirdparty": "Third-party credits",
  "about-dep-desc": "Description",
  "about-dep-dropdown": "{{count}} dependencies ({{direct}} direct)",
  "about-dep-licence": "Licence",
  "about-dep-name": "Name",
  "about-dep-version": "Version",
  "about-git-branch": "This website is currently running on branch {{branch}}.",
  "about-git-hash": "The current Git hash is:",
  "about-git-heading": "Git information",
  "about-header": "About this website",
  "about-i18n-header": "Internationalization",
  "about-i18n-header-routes": "Routes",
  "about-i18n-header-strings": "Message strings",
  "about-i18n-invalidcode": "There are no translations for the code you requested.",
  "about-i18n-key": "Phrase",
  "about-i18n-lang-cy": "Welsh",
  "about-i18n-lang-en": "English",
  "about-i18n-lang-jbo": "Lojban",
  "about-i18n-lang-qqx": "Message documentation",
  "about-i18n-language": "{{name}} ({{code}})",
  "about-i18n-nokeys": "There are no phrases to translate.",
  "about-i18n-noroutes": "There are no routes to translate.",
  "about-i18n-notranslation": "(no translation)",
  "about-i18n-percentage": "{{percentage}}% complete",
  "about-i18n-progress": "{{curr}} phrases translated",
  "about-i18n-table-keys": "Phrases",
  "about-i18n-table-language": "Language",
  "about-i18n-table-progress": "Translation progress",
  "about-link": "About this website",
  "about-mit-licence": "The MIT Licence",
  "about-nochanges": "There are no outstanding changes on this server to push upstream to GitHub.",
  "about-privacy-cookies": "It also uses cookies, which are small files placed on your computer. These are used to store your preferred interface language, and to allow you to log in, and are necessary for the website to work properly.",
  "about-privacy-dnt": "This website uses Google Analytics, but it is turned off for you because your browser has the “Do Not Track” setting enabled.",
  "about-privacy-ganalytics": "This website uses Google Analytics, which we use to help improve the website. To opt out, set the “Do Not Track” setting in your browser.",
  "about-privacy-heading": "Privacy information",
  "about-stat-ahead": "unpushed changes",
  "about-stat-dirty": "changed files",
  "about-stat-untracked": "untracked files",
  "add-comment-button": "Add comment",
  "add-comment-dropdown": "Add comment",
  "admin-actions": "Actions",
  "admin-addtoreadinglist": "Add to reading list",
  "admin-advertising": "Advertising",
  "admin-advertising-longlist": "Promote adding books to the longlist",
  "admin-advertising-readinglist": "Promote viewing the reading list",
  "admin-advertising-shortlist": "Promote voting on the shortlist",
  "admin-advertising-submit": "Submit changes",
  "admin-approvals": "Approvals",
  "admin-author": "Author",
  "admin-book": "Book",
  "admin-bookstates": "Book states",
  "admin-noadmins": "This installation has no administrators defined. See the README for details.",
  "admin-permissions": "permissions",
  "admin-permissions-addtolonglist": "Allow adding books to the longlist",
  "admin-permissions-allowvoting": "Allow voting on the shortlist",
  "admin-state": "Book club states",
  "administration": "Administration",
  "api": "Application Programming Interface",
  "api-createdon": "Generated at",
  "api-delete-button": "Revoke key",
  "api-introduction": "You can use an API key in place of logging in, via the ?key= GET parameter.",
  "api-json-dropdown": "List of JSON endpoints",
  "api-json-prose": "The following is an automatically generated list of JSON endpoints, which may be useful. Note that the API key works on all pages, not just ones ending in .json.",
  "api-key": "API key",
  "api-lastused": "Last used",
  "api-never": "Never",
  "api-newkey-button": "Generate an API key",
  "api-nokey": "You have no API key assigned to your account. Click the button below to generate one.",
  "api-regen-button": "Revoke this key and generate another",
  "api-username": "Username",
  "api-uses": "Times used",
  "apikey-link": "Generate an API key",
  "autonym": "English",
  "back": "Back",
  "banner-incompletevotes": "You have not voted on {{count}} long listed books. Click here to vote.",
  "book": "Book",
  "book-add-note": "Add note",
  "book-ballot-already-read": "Already read",
  "book-ballot-already-read-no": "No",
  "book-ballot-already-read-yes": "Yes",
  "book-ballot-approval": "Approval",
  "book-ballot-approval-no": "No",
  "book-ballot-approval-yes": "Yes",
  "book-ballot-changedmind": "Δ",
  "book-ballot-changedmind-title": "{{user}} voted the other way last time",
  "book-ballot-notvotedyet": "You must vote before you can see the ballots for this book.",
  "book-ballot-owns-copy": "Owns copy",
  "book-ballot-owns-copy-no": "No",
  "book-ballot-owns-copy-yes": "Yes",
  "book-ballot-title": "Ballot results",
  "book-ballot-voter": "Voter",
  "book-book-by": "a book by {{author}}",
  "book-categories": "Categories",
  "book-club": "Book club",
  "book-club-lede": "Welcome to the the Zuzakistan Common Reading Programme.",
  "book-congress": "LoCC",
  "book-congress-b": "Philosophy (General)",
  "book-congress-bf": "Psychology",
  "book-congress-d": "History (General)",
  "book-congress-da": "History of Great Britain",
  "book-congress-ds" : "History of Asia",
  "book-congress-hb": "Economic theory and Demography",
  "book-congress-hc": "Economic history and conditions",
  "book-congress-hd": "Industries, Land use and Labour",
  "book-congress-hg": "Finance",
  "book-congress-hv": "Social pathology, Social and public welfare, and Criminology",
  "book-congress-jc": "Political theory",
  "book-congress-jn": "Political institutions and public administration (Europe)",
  "book-congress-p": "Literature",
  "book-congress-pa": "Greek and Latin language literature",
  "book-congress-pb": "Modern and Celtic languages",
  "book-congress-pg": "Slavic, Baltic and Albanian languages",
  "book-congress-pl": "Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa and Oceania",
  "book-congress-pn": "Literature (General)",
  "book-congress-pq": "French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese literature",
  "book-congress-pr": "English literature",
  "book-congress-ps": "American literature",
  "book-congress-pt": "Germanic literature",
  "book-congress-pz": "Juvenile fiction",
  "book-congress-q": "Science",
  "book-congress-qa": "Mathematics",
  "book-congress-rc": "Internal medicine",
  "book-congress-tk": "Electrical engineering, Electronics, and Nuclear engineering",
  "book-dewey": "DDC",
  "book-difficult": "This book has been marked as long or difficult.",
  "book-edit-note": "Edit note",
  "book-edit-note-back": "Return to {{title}}",
  "book-edit-note-field": "Note contents",
  "book-edit-note-heading": "Editing {{title}} by {{author}}",
  "book-edit-note-submit": "Edit description",
  "book-isbn": "International Standard Book Number",
  "book-isbn-abbrev": "ISBN",
  "book-language": "Language",
  "book-language-en": "English",
  "book-language-unknown": "Unknown",
  "book-longlisted-by": "Longlister",
  "book-maturity-rating": "Maturity",
  "book-maturity-rating-mature": "Mature",
  "book-maturity-rating-not-mature": "Not mature",
  "book-noinfo": "We have no information about this book.",
  "book-onreadinglist": "On the reading list",
  "book-pagecount": "Pages",
  "book-preview": "Preview online",
  "book-publishedDate": "Published date",
  "book-publisher": "Publisher",
  "book-readingstatus": "Reading status",
  "book-status": "Reading status",
  "chanstat-header": "IRC channel statistics",
  "chanstat-breadcrumb": "Most recent {{number}} lines",
  "chanstat-link-100k": "View the IRC channel statistics for the most recent 100,000 lines",
  "chanstat-link-1k": "View the IRC channel statistics for the most recent thousand lines",
  "chanstat-link-5k": "View the IRC channel statistics for the most recent five thousand lines",
  "chanstat-link-10k": "View the IRC channel statistics for the most recent ten thousand lines",
  "chanstat-link-25k": "View the IRC channel statistics for the most recent 25,000 lines",
  "chanstat-link-50k": "View the IRC channel statistics for the most recent 50,000 lines",
  "chanstat-link-all": "View the IRC channel statistics since the dawn of time",
  "chanstat-link-lab": "View the IRC channel statistics for the bot development channel",
  "err-dryrun": "Just a drill! :)",
  "error": "Error",
  "error-403-back": "Return to home page",
  "error-403-heading": "403: Permission Error",
  "error-403-prose": "You are not allowed to execute the action you requested.",
  "error-404-back": "Return to home page",
  "error-404-heading": "404: Not Found",
  "error-404-perfect-misunderstanding": "It looks like there has been…",
  "error-404-prose": "We weren't able to find what you were looking for.",
  "error-500-back": "Return to home page",
  "error-500-heading": "500: Server Error",
  "error-500-prose": "Something went wrong. It wasn't your fault.",
  "error-500-stack-dropdown": "Technical information",
  "error-500-stack-nostack": "We do not have any more information",
  "error-501-back": "Return to home page",
  "error-501-heading": "Placeholder",
  "error-501-prose": "The requested content is not yet available. Please try again later.",
  "error-generic-header": "We encountered a problem.",
  "error-unknown": "An unknown error occurred.",
  "fallback": "«{{content}}»",
  "gov-zk": "GOV.ZK",
  "hello-world": "Hello, World!",
  "history": "History",
  "history-freeform": "Freeform",
  "history-heading": "History for {{user}}",
  "history-pages": "Pages",
  "history-status": "status",
  "history-subtitle": "for {{title}} by {{author}}",
  "history-time": "Time",
  "home": "Home",
  "home-defaultfortune": "For even made up countries need intranets",
  "homepage-bookclub-link": "Join the book club",
  "homepage-governance-header": "Governance",
  "homepage-gsi-link": "Visit the GSI",
  "homepage-nav-header": "Popular activities",
  "homepage-pisg-link": "View IRC stats",
  "homepage-webm-link": "Watch videos",
  "irc-alreadyused": "Verification code already used. Please refresh and try again.",
  "irc-errorconnecting": "Error connecting to IRC network",
  "irc-keynotfound": "Key not found.",
  "irc-notwhitelisted": "Your nickname is not on the whitelist. If you already have an account, please change your IRC nickname to the one you used to sign in originally, then try again.",
  "irc-return": "Please return to your browser to continue.",
  "irc-unrecognized": "Verification code not recognized. Please refresh and try again.",
  "irc-verify": "VERIFY",
  "issues-link": "Report a problem",
  "languages": "In other languages",
  "log-in": "Log in",
  "login-alreadyloggedin": "You are already logged in as {{user}}. You cannot log in again.",
  "login-button": "Log in",
  "login-button-preamble": "Once you have done that, you can:",
  "login-header": "Log in / create account",
  "login-instruction": "Please issue the following command in your IRC client:",
  "login-lede": "Your account is associated with your IRC nickname.",
  "login-long": "Log in to gov.zk",
  "login-whatisirc": "What is IRC?",
  "login-whatisirc-answer": "Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is an old text-only way of communicating with people over the Internet.",
  "logout-long": "Log out of gov.zk",
  "long-list": "Long list",
  "long-list-link": "View the long list",
  "longlist": "Long list",
  "longlist-add-book": "Add a book to the long list",
  "longlist-add-book-disabled": "Adding books to the longlist is currently disabled.",
  "longlist-add-book-fail": "Some parameters were missing. The book has not been added.",
  "longlist-add-form-author": "Book author",
  "longlist-add-form-booktitle": "Book title",
  "longlist-add-form-difficult": "This book is long or difficult",
  "longlist-add-form-submit": "Add book",
  "longlist-add-isbn-button": "Add ISBN",
  "longlist-add-isbn-header": "Add ISBN",
  "longlist-add-lede": "Please enter some basic details about the book.",
  "longlist-add-title": "Add a book",
  "longlist-author": "Author",
  "longlist-edit-isbn-button": "Edit ISBN",
  "longlist-edit-isbn-fail": "We couldn't find the right book to edit.",
  "longlist-edit-isbn-header": "Edit ISBN",
  "longlist-getdata": "Get data",
  "longlist-lede-past": "The first step into deciding which books to read was to narrow the many available novels into a smaller list.",
  "longlist-lede-present": "The first step in deciding which books to read is to narrow down the many available novels into a smaller list.",
  "longlist-metadata-bad": "Metadata missing",
  "longlist-metadata-missing": "Some metadata missing; try a different ISBN",
  "longlist-metadata-ok": "Metadata OK",
  "longlist-metadataproblem": "Books with a red {{glyph}} have problems with metadata.",
  "longlist-nobooks": "No books have been added to the long list.",
  "longlist-return": "Return to the long list",
  "longlist-secondpara-past": "This long list is an initial, longer list from which a shortlist was extracted.",
  "longlist-secondpara-present": "This longlist is an initial, longer list from which a shortlist will be extracted. Accordingly, feel free to add any texts that could be good to read: the less appropriate items will be filtered away later, so don't worry too much.",
  "longlist-status": "Status",
  "longlist-title": "Title",
  "or": "or​",
  "other-actions": "Other actions",
  "phasetag-alpha": "alpha",
  "phasetag-beta": "beta",
  "phasetag-dev": "dev",
  "phasetag-prod": "prod",
  "phasetag-test": "test",
  "placeholder": "nothing here",
  "reading-acknowledged": "acknowledged",
  "reading-arrived": "arrived",
  "reading-awaiting-readers": "Awaiting readers…",
  "reading-finished": "finished",
  "reading-list": "Reading list",
  "reading-list-lede": "The following books have been selected to be read by the community.",
  "reading-list-link": "Read the reading list",
  "reading-list-no-books": "There are no books on the reading list.",
  "reading-ordered": "ordered",
  "reading-progress": "Progress",
  "reading-reject": "rejected",
  "reading-stalled": "stalled",
  "reading-started": "started",
  "reading-status": "Status",
  "reading-update-acknowledged": "I am going to read this book but haven't got a copy yet",
  "reading-update-arrived": "I have a copy of the book but I haven't started reading",
  "reading-update-finished": "I have finished reading the book",
  "reading-update-freeform": "freeform text",
  "reading-update-header": "Update status",
  "reading-update-ordered": "I've ordered a copy but it hasn't yet arrived",
  "reading-update-page-number": "page number",
  "reading-update-reject": "I am not going to read the book",
  "reading-update-stalled": "I gave up reading the book",
  "reading-update-started": "I have started reading the book",
  "reading-update-submit": "Update status",
  "reading-update-uptopage": "I am up to page:",
  "reading-username": "Name",
  "short-list": "Short list",
  "short-list-link": "Vote on the short list",
  "short-list-link-ro": "View the short list",
  "shortlist-approvals": "Approvals",
  "shortlist-approvals-allapproved": "Unanimous approval by entire electorate",
  "shortlist-approvals-approvedby": "Approved by: {{voters}}",
  "shortlist-approvals-approvedby-join": ", ",
  "shortlist-approvals-incomplete": "Not all ballots for this candidate have been returned",
  "shortlist-approvals-nil": "—",
  "shortlist-approvals-nodownvotes": "Not all ballots for this candidate have been returned, but all the votes returned so far have been positive",
  "shortlist-ballot-alreadyread": "Have you read this book before?",
  "shortlist-ballot-alreadyread-box": "I have already read {{title}}",
  "shortlist-ballot-havecopy-box": "I have access to a copy of {{title}}",
  "shortlist-ballot-heading": "Shortlisting",
  "shortlist-ballot-progress": "Ballot {{count}} of {{total}}",
  "shortlist-ballot-submit": "Cast ballot as {{user}}",
  "shortlist-ballot-wanttoread": "Do you want to read this book?",
  "shortlist-ballot-wanttoread-no": "No, I don't want to read this book",
  "shortlist-ballot-wanttoread-yes": "Yes, I want to read {{title}} as part of the book club",
  "shortlist-candidate": "Candidate",
  "shortlist-doublevote": "You have already voted on that book.",
  "shortlist-flag-alreadyread": "Somebody has already read this",
  "shortlist-flag-difficult": "Marked difficult",
  "shortlist-flag-hasreadingstatus": "Someone has updated their reading status for this book",
  "shortlist-flag-longlisted": "You longlisted this",
  "shortlist-flags": "Flags",
  "shortlist-person-approval-count": "{{count}} approvals",
  "shortlist-person-approval-percent": "Approvals",
  "shortlist-person-approval-percent-abbr": "Appr.",
  "shortlist-person-approval-percent-cell": "{{percent}}%",
  "shortlist-person-complete": "Complete",
  "shortlist-person-elector": "Elector",
  "shortlist-person-nil": "Nil",
  "shortlist-person-progress": "{{count}} of {{total}}",
  "shortlist-person-progress-overrun": "{{count}} of {{total}}",
  "shortlist-person-votes": "Votes",
  "shortlist-polls-closed": "Polls are closed.",
  "shortlist-polls-completebutopen": "Everybody who has submitted a book to the longlist, or begun voting on the shortlist, has completed their ballots.",
  "shortlist-polls-incomplete": "Votes shown are provisional, as not everybody who has submitted a book to the longlist, or begun voting on the shortlist, has completed their ballots.",
  "shortlist-progress": "{{sum}} of {{max}} votes returned.",
  "shortlist-results": "Shortlist results",
  "shortlist-results-spiel-approval": "The shortlist is created using the Approval Voting electoral system. It is a simple way to vote on a large number of candidates without having to rank them individually. The winner is the candidate with the most number of approvals (yes votes).",
  "shortlist-results-spiel-sav": "For comparison, the results of Satisfaction Approval Voting are also provided. This is similar to approval voting, except each elector has the equivalent of one vote shared between all their approvals, so that each approval from a voter that votes five times is weighted to one fifth, and a voter who votes ten times has their approval worth one tenth.",
  "shortlist-results-spiel-sav-weighting": "SAV usually results in an unwieldy irrational number, so the results displayed have been scaled to be a value between {{min}} and {{max}}.",
  "shortlist-results-warning": "Not all ballots are complete, so the rankings of these books may be misleading",
  "shortlist-sav": "Satisfaction Approval Voting",
  "shortlist-sav-abbr": "SAV",
  "shortlist-sav-title": "{{sav}}% satisfaction",
  "shortlist-selected": "Selected {{note}}",
  "shortlist-stat-unanimous": "unanimous books",
  "shortlist-voting-anonwarning": "Please note that votes are not anonymous.",
  "shortlist-voting-instructions": "We are using the “approval” voting system. You can vote for any number of candidates. The candidates with the most “yes” votes wins.",
  "shortlist-voting-open": "Voting is now open for the shortlist.",
  "shortlist-waiting": "Awaiting first ballot",
  "shortlist-waiting-notyetopen": "Waiting for polling to open",
  "source-link": "View the source code",
  "stat-longlist-problems": "longlisted books with problems",
  "stat-longlisted-books": "longlisted books",
  "stat-readinglist-count": "books on reading list",
  "stat-shortlist-votes": "shortlist votes",
  "welcome": "Welcome to Zuzakistan",
  "zuzakistan": "Zuzakistan",
  "cs-quote-wrapper": "“{{quote}}”",
  "cs-quotes-header": "Quotes stored",
  "cs-bucket-header": "Inventory",
  "cs-bucket-header-current": "Current inventory",
  "cs-bucket-header-previous": "Previously held items",
  "cs-title": "Civilservant",
  "cs-urlcount": "URLs parsed",
  "cs-scrabble-header": "Scrabble® words",
  "cs-scrabble-count": "high-scoring Scrabble® words",
  "cs-bucket-emptyslot": "[empty]",
  "cs-scram-title": "Disable the bot in an emergency",
  "cs-scram-form-reason-label": "You are disabling the bot because...",
  "cs-scram-irrevocable": "This can only be undone by manual intervention by a system operator.",
  "cs-scram-intro": "Use this form to prevent civilservant from tweeting.",
  "cs-scram-submit": "Stop the bot",
  "cs-scram-alert-heading": "{{user}} has initiated an emergency shutdown",
  "cs-scram-alert-text": "{{reason}}",
  "cs-scram-disabled": "{{user}} has disabled the bot because {{reason}}",
  "homepage-cs-link": "View bot information",
  "zuzakistan-full": "The Federated Microstates of Zuzakistan"