
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
  "/about-this-website": "Route for the about page visible on every footer",
  "/book-club": "Route for the book club homepage",
  "/book-club/admin": "Route for the administrative interface of the book club",
  "/book-club/book/:isbn": "Route for the information page of a single book on the book club.",
  "/book-club/book/:isbn/:user": "Route for the reading history page of a certain user for a certain book of the book club",
  "/book-club/book/:isbn/edit": "Route for adding or editing a note about a certain book",
  "/book-club/long-list": "Route for viewing the long list",
  "/book-club/long-list/add-a-book": "Route for adding a book to the longlist",
  "/book-club/reading-list": "Route for viewing a list of all the books on the reading list",
  "/book-club/short-list": "Route for voting on the longlist, or viewing the results of the vote if there are no outstanding ballots",
  "/chan-stats": "Route for rendering pisg",
  "/change-lang/:lang": "Route for changing the interface language by setting a cookie",
  "/hello-world": "Route used for testing purposes",
  "/log-in": "Route used to log in",
  "/log-in/verify/:slug.json": "Route used by JavaScript on login page to check the status of a verification process",
  "/log-out": "Route used to log out",
  "/profile/api-key": "Route to generate and revoke API keys",
  "about-codebase-licence": "Link of drop-down used to reveal codebase licence. Must do dual purpose of heading and link (in case the dropdown fails)",
  "about-contributors": "Header used before listing local contributors",
  "about-contributors-calltoaction": "Paragraph after the list of contributors, promoting pull requests and so forth",
  "about-contributors-lede": "Paragraph used before the list of local contributors; should end in a colon or equivalent",
  "about-credits": "Header on about page used above information about credits by the gov.zk team",
  "about-credits-govuk": "Spiel about GOV.UK and the GDS",
  "about-credits-thirdparty": "Heading used before credits of third-party (library) contributors",
  "about-dep-desc": "Table header of dependency description",
  "about-dep-dropdown": "Dropdown of third-party libraries. Uses two parameters: {{total}} for the count of total dependencies, and {{direct}} of the number of dependencies called directly by gov.zk",
  "about-dep-licence": "Table header of dependency licence (e.g. MIT, ISC)",
  "about-dep-name": "Table header of dependency name",
  "about-dep-version": "Table header of dependency version",
  "about-git-branch": "Current git branch (e.g. master). Takes one param, {{branch}} of the current branch label",
  "about-git-hash": "Shown before the current SHA-1 hash of the codebase on the about page. The hash is appended to this string. The hash links to Github if applicable.",
  "about-git-heading": "Header of git section on about page",
  "about-header": "Heading used in h1, breadcrumb, and title of the about website page",
  "about-i18n-header": "Header used for subset of about page, as well as the header of the i18n and breadcrumb",
  "about-i18n-header-routes": "Header used on section of i18n page",
  "about-i18n-header-strings": "Heading on i18n page",
  "about-i18n-invalidcode": "404 message for i18n page",
  "about-i18n-key": "Table heading on i18n page",
  "about-i18n-lang-cy": "Shown on the about page and i18n pages to refer to the Welsh language",
  "about-i18n-lang-en": "Shown on about page and i18n pages to refer to the English language",
  "about-i18n-lang-jbo": "Shown on the about page and i18n pages to refer to the Lojban locale",
  "about-i18n-lang-qqx": "Shown on about page and i18n pages to refer to the message documentation locale",
  "about-i18n-language": "Listing for a language in the i18n section of the about page. Takes two params: the name of the language in the current locale ({{name}}), and the ISO 639 code {{code}}.",
  "about-i18n-nokeys": "Message on i18n page if there are no keys to translate",
  "about-i18n-noroutes": "Message on i18n page if there are no routes to translate",
  "about-i18n-notranslation": "Message shown in place of a translation on the i18n page, if there is no translation for that key to display",
  "about-i18n-percentage": "Cell in i18n section of about page. Takes argument {{percentage}}.",
  "about-i18n-progress": "Cell in i18n section of about page. Argument {{curr}} for the number of keys available in that language as translated",
  "about-i18n-table-keys": "Table header on i18n section of about page",
  "about-i18n-table-language": "Header used for i18n table",
  "about-i18n-table-progress": "Table header on i18n section of about page",
  "about-link": "Link in footer to the about page for the website",
  "about-mit-licence": "Header of the licence. The licence itself is not localized, so this should be a translation of the licence name (MIT Licence)",
  "about-nochanges": "Shown on about page when there are no outstanding changes in the working copy compared to Github",
  "about-privacy-cookies": "Paragraph of about page",
  "about-privacy-dnt": "Displayed instead of about-privacy-ganalytics if the DNT HTTP header is set",
  "about-privacy-ganalytics": "information that this website uses google analytics",
  "about-privacy-heading": "Header of privacy section on about page",
  "about-stat-ahead": "Stat subtitle of number of commits not pushed to Github",
  "about-stat-dirty": "Stat subtitle of number of tracked files with uncommitted changes",
  "about-stat-untracked": "Stat subtitle of number of untracked files",
  "add-comment-button": "Button text on reading list page to allow the user to add a comment about the current book",
  "add-comment-dropdown": "Text of hyperlink on reading page list comment form dropdown",
  "admin-actions": "Table header on admin page",
  "admin-addtoreadinglist": "Button on admin panel that, when clicked, adds the associated book to the reading list",
  "admin-advertising": "Header shown on admin panel to group the options that select the lifecycle stage that is promoted",
  "admin-advertising-longlist": "Label to option on admin panel to promote adding books to the longlist over other things",
  "admin-advertising-readinglist": "Label to option on admin panel to promote the link to the reading list before the links to other places",
  "admin-advertising-shortlist": "Label to option on admin panel to promote voting/viewing the shortlist",
  "admin-advertising-submit": "Submit button on admin panel to promulgate advertising and lifecycle changes",
  "admin-approvals": "Header on table on admin panel for the number of approvals each book has",
  "admin-author": "Header on admin panel table",
  "admin-book": "Header on admin panel table for the book title",
  "admin-book": "Header on admin panel table",
  "admin-bookstates": "Heading before admin panel table on books",
  "admin-noadmins": "Text displayed when accessing admin panel without any setup by the syadmin",
  "admin-permissions": "Heading on admin panel",
  "admin-permissions-addtolonglist": "Label on admin panel checkbox",
  "admin-permissions-allowvoting": "Label on admin panel checkbox",
  "admin-state": "Header on admin panel",
  "administration": "Breadcrumb on admin panel, header",
  "api": "Heading of the API key page",
  "api-createdon": "Table header opposite the date and time the API key was generated",
  "api-delete-button": "Button to revoke the current API key without generating a new one",
  "api-introduction": "Lede text of the API key page",
  "api-json-dropdown": "Text of dropdown link, contents of which are a list of automatically generated JSON endpoints",
  "api-json-prose": "Contents of dropdown on API page. Paragraph appears before a computer-generated bullet point list of API endpoints ending in .json.",
  "api-key": "Table header for the API key table, opposite the actual API key",
  "api-lastused": "Table header opposite the date the API key was last used to authenticate",
  "api-never": "Used in place of a date in the API key table if there is no date to show",
  "api-newkey-button": "Button to generate a new API key where there was no active API key before",
  "api-nokey": "Message shown instead of a table when no API key exists yet",
  "api-regen-button": "Button to revoke the current API key and replace it with a new one",
  "api-username": "Table header for the API key table",
  "api-uses": "Table header opposite the number of times the API key has been used",
  "apikey-link": "Homepage link to the API generation page",
  "autonym": "The word for this language, in this language",
  "back": "Link of back button when no more specific i18n string is available",
  "banner-incompletevotes": "Banner occasionally shown on all book club pages if user has not completed every ballot fully. Takes variable {{count}} for the number of books left to vote on.",
  "book": "The word book, used in book detail breadcrumbs",
  "book-add-note": "Link to edit note page if a note doesn't yet exist",
  "book-ballot-already-read": "Table heading of whether the user has already read the book at the time of ballot",
  "book-ballot-already-read-no": "Cell contents of a disapproval vote",
  "book-ballot-already-read-yes": "Shown in cell when user has already read a book",
  "book-ballot-approval": "Table heading of whether the user approved the book",
  "book-ballot-approval-no": "Shown in cell when user said they disapproved of the book choice",
  "book-ballot-approval-yes": "Cell contents of yes approval vote",
  "book-ballot-changedmind": "Character that appears next to a voting result if the vote differs from the one stored in history",
  "book-ballot-changedmind-title": "Description that appears when you hover over the book-ballot-changedmind string",
  "book-ballot-notvotedyet": "Text used instead of showing the ballot table on book view, if a user hasn't voted on the book yet",
  "book-ballot-owns-copy": "Table heading of whether the user had access to a copy of the book at the time of ballot",
  "book-ballot-owns-copy-no": "Cell contents of negative already read",
  "book-ballot-owns-copy-yes": "Shown in cell when user said they already had a copy of the book",
  "book-ballot-title": "Heading on book view page before the results of the ballot for the current book",
  "book-ballot-voter": "Table heading of username of voter",
  "book-book-by": "author byline when upstream data calls it a book, takes one param of {{author}}",
  "book-categories": "Table header of one or more categories",
  "book-club": "Used in headers and breadcrumbs to refer to the book club.",
  "book-club-lede": "General description of the book club used on book club homepage above the current call to action",
  "book-congress": "Table header of library of congress classification call number",
  "book-congress-b": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-bf": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-d": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-da": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-ds": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-hb": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-hc": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-hd": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-hg": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-hv": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-jc": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-jn": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-p": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-pa": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-pb": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-pg": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-pl": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-pn": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-pq": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-pr": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-ps": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-pt": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-pz": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-q": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-qa": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-rc": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-congress-tk": "Library of Congress classification subject heading",
  "book-dewey": "Table header of dewey decimal classification call number",
  "book-difficult": "Text shown on ballot/detail if book has been marked difficult",
  "book-edit-note": "Link to edit note page",
  "book-edit-note-back": "Back button on edit note screen",
  "book-edit-note-field": "Label for textarea on edit note page",
  "book-edit-note-heading": "Heading on edit note page",
  "book-edit-note-submit": "Submit button text on edit note page",
  "book-isbn": "Long form ISBN used in abbreviation titles or if there is sufficient space",
  "book-isbn-abbrev": "Abbreviation of ISBN",
  "book-language": "Language of book",
  "book-language-en": "Displayed if book language is English",
  "book-language-unknown": "Displayed if book language is explicitly set to unknown upstream (not shown at all otherwise)",
  "book-longlisted-by": "Table header next to the username of the user that added the book to the longlist",
  "book-maturity-rating": "Table header of mature/not mature content classification rating",
  "book-maturity-rating-mature": "book-maturity-rating-mature",
  "book-maturity-rating-not-mature": "Table cell of not mature content",
  "book-noinfo": "Text shown when upstream has no info about a book",
  "book-onreadinglist": "Callout to say book is on the reading list. Followed by an optional note in brackets (e.g. \"(May 2017)\")",
  "book-pagecount": "Table header of page count",
  "book-preview": "link to google books on book detail page",
  "book-publishedDate": "Table header for published date",
  "book-publisher": "Table header of publisher",
  "book-readingstatus": "header on book view before reading status of various users",
  "book-status": "Heading on book info page",
  "cs-quote-wrapper": "String through which IRC quotes are passed, to allow you to change quotation marks if appropriate. Argument: {{quote}}",
  "cs-quotes-header": "The header under which IRC quotes are listed",
  "cs-scrabble-count": "Caption below the total Scrabble words",
  "cs-scrabble-header": "The header under which Scrabble words are listed",
  "cs-title": "The title of the civilservant page",
  "cs-urlcount": "Caption below the number of IRC URLs stored",
  "err-dryrun": "The error thrown if the user intentionally throws an error for testing (by going to e.g. /500)",
  "error": "Just the translation for 'error', just in case",
  "error-403-back": "Back link text on 403 error page",
  "error-403-heading": "Heading on 403 error page",
  "error-403-prose": "Paragraph on 403 forbidden error page",
  "error-404-back": "Back to homepage link on 404 page",
  "error-404-heading": "Heading of 404 error page",
  "error-404-perfect-misunderstanding": "Text on 404 page, displayed before a video that says 'a perfect misunderstanding'",
  "error-404-prose": "Paragraph on 404 error page",
  "error-500-back": "Link back to homepage shown on generic error page",
  "error-500-heading": "Heading of generic error page",
  "error-500-prose": "Paragraph shown on generic error page",
  "error-500-stack-dropdown": "Dropdown for the stack trace shown on an error page",
  "error-500-stack-nostack": "Displayed in place of error stack where there isn't a stack to show",
  "error-501-back": "Back link on 501 page",
  "error-501-heading": "Header of 501 Not Implemented placeholder page",
  "error-501-prose": "Paragraph on 501 placeholder page",
  "error-generic-header": "Generic fallback error header",
  "error-unknown": "Generic error message",
  "fallback": "String passed through when a string is unsupported by the locale. The English is passed as {{content}}; the usual is to have this string contain «{{content}}».",
  "gov-zk": "Text used in the logo at the top of every page.",
  "hello-world": "The traditional greeting",
  "history": "Breadcrumb used in user reading history page",
  "history-freeform": "History table heading of freeform texxt",
  "history-heading": "History page heading. Arguments of {{title}} and {{author}}",
  "history-pages": "History table heading of page number",
  "history-status": "History table heading of status",
  "history-subtitle": "History page subtitle immediately after heading. Arguments of {{title}} and {{author}}",
  "history-time": "History table heading of date and time of datapoint",
  "home": "Link to home page in breadcrumbs",
  "home-defaultfortune": "Fortune displayed if there isn't a better one",
  "homepage-bookclub-link": "Link used on homepage to link to the book club.",
  "homepage-governance-header": "Used on homepage to group links about source code, issues, and logging in.",
  "homepage-gsi-link": "Link used on homepage to link to the internal Zuzakistan wiki. Refer to either \"GSI\" or make reference to some internal government website.",
  "homepage-nav-header": "Header of black box on homepage.",
  "homepage-pisg-link": "Link used on homepage to link to chan stats",
  "homepage-webm-link": "Link used on homepage to link to webm.website.",
  "irc-alreadyused": "Message sent by IRC client when the sent code has been invalidated",
  "irc-errorconnecting": "Message shown instead of an IRC command on the login page, if there is a problem with the IRC bot",
  "irc-keynotfound": "Error string sent by JSON API as a 404 message if attempting to lookup a key that does not exist",
  "irc-notwhitelisted": "Error shown to the user when they try to log in via IRC using a nickname not on the whitelist of acceptable nicknames",
  "irc-return": "Message sent by IRC client when the sent code is accepted",
  "irc-unrecognized": "Message sent by IRC client when the sent code is found to be nonsense",
  "irc-verify": "The command a user issues on IRC to the bot in order to confirm their identity. Must be a single word and in capital letters.",
  "issues-link": "Homepage link to filing a new issue.",
  "languages": "Header shown next to links to change the localization, shown on the footer of every page",
  "log-in": "Button shown in corner to log in, used when a full sentence would be inappropriate",
  "login-alreadyloggedin": "Error message displayed if user is already logged in as {{user}} and so has to log out before they can log back in",
  "login-button": "The button on the login page",
  "login-button-preamble": "The paragraph on the login page after the bit with the command but before the login button",
  "login-header": "The heading of the login page",
  "login-instruction": "The paragraph on the login page after the heading but before the command",
  "login-lede": "The large text on the login page that explains why it is necessary",
  "login-long": "Link to log in to the website. Should be sentence size.",
  "login-whatisirc": "Dropdown on IRC login page",
  "login-whatisirc-answer": "Dropdown body on IRC login page",
  "logout-long": "Link to log in to the website, used when sentence-level links are appropriate ('log into gov.zk', over just 'log in')",
  "long-list": "Breadcrumb for long list",
  "long-list-link": "Link to the book club long list",
  "longlist": "Breadcrumb",
  "longlist-add-book": "Button on longlist page to add a book",
  "longlist-add-book-disabled": "Shown instead of a button if longlist addition is disabled",
  "longlist-add-book-fail": "Error message sent when unable to add a book to the longlist because either the author or title field was blank",
  "longlist-add-form-author": "Label for text input of add book form author",
  "longlist-add-form-booktitle": "Label for text input for title of add book form",
  "longlist-add-form-difficult": "Label for difficulty checkbox on add form",
  "longlist-add-form-submit": "Button on add book page to submit",
  "longlist-add-isbn-button": "Button on longlist page to add a new ISBN",
  "longlist-add-isbn-header": "Link on longlist to dropdown add ISBN form",
  "longlist-add-lede": "Big writing on the add book page",
  "longlist-add-title": "Title shown on the add book page",
  "longlist-author": "Table header",
  "longlist-edit-isbn-button": "Dropdown form submit button for longlist edit ISBN form",
  "longlist-edit-isbn-fail": "404 message sent by edit ISBN feature",
  "longlist-edit-isbn-header": "Dropdown link for longlist page form.",
  "longlist-getdata": "Shown in place of ISBN or longlister on longlist page if there is no upstream data (links to book detail)",
  "longlist-lede-past": "The leading paragraph of the longlsit, displayed when adding to the longlist is not being promoted",
  "longlist-lede-present": "The leading paragraph of the longlist, displayed when adding to the longlist is being promoted",
  "longlist-metadata-bad": "Titletext of 'metadata bad' red cross on longlist",
  "longlist-metadata-missing": "Titletext of 'metadata missing' red checkmark on longlist",
  "longlist-metadata-ok": "Titletext of 'metadata ok' green checkmark on longlist",
  "longlist-metadataproblem": "Legend on the longlist introduction, explaining what the red X means. Argument {{glyph}} is the icon being used to denote books with problems.",
  "longlist-nobooks": "placeholder when no books are on the longlist",
  "longlist-return": "Back button on the add book page",
  "longlist-secondpara-past": "The second paragraph of the longlist introduction, displayed when adding to the longlist is not being promoted",
  "longlist-secondpara-present": "The second paragraph of the longlist introduction, displayed when adding to the longlist is being promoted",
  "longlist-status": "Table header on the longlist page",
  "longlist-title": "Table header on the longlist page",
  "or": "Linking pronoun between two optional fields",
  "other-actions": "Heading sometime shown on the bookclub index",
  "phasetag-alpha": "Phase tag used in global page banner",
  "phasetag-beta": "Phase tag used in global page banner",
  "phasetag-dev": "Phase tag used in global page banner",
  "phasetag-prod": "Phase tag used in global page banner",
  "phasetag-test": "Phase tag used in global page banner",
  "placeholder": "Small amount of text used to fill up an empty part of a webpage",
  "reading-acknowledged": "String used to mean the user has not ordered a copy of the book but intends to read it as part of the book club",
  "reading-arrived": "String used to mean the user has a copy of the book but has not begun reading",
  "reading-awaiting-readers": "placeholder on reading status page",
  "reading-finished": "String used to mean the user has finished the book in question",
  "reading-list": "Header and breadcrumb of the reading list",
  "reading-list-lede": "Paragraph used before listing the books on the reading list",
  "reading-list-link": "Link to the book club reading list",
  "reading-list-no-books": "Shown if a user tries to go to the reading list when there aren't any on it",
  "reading-ordered": "String displayed when user has ordered the book (e.g. online) but it hasn't arrived yet",
  "reading-progress": "Table header of book reading progress, contents of which is usually a page number",
  "reading-reject": "Possible reading status for when a user doesn't want to read the book at all",
  "reading-stalled": "Reading status when a user has given up reading the book",
  "reading-started": "String used to mean the user has a copy of the book and has started reading, but not yet finished",
  "reading-status": "Table header of book reading status",
  "reading-update-acknowledged": "Option button label for acknowledging they will read the book but have yet to buy a copy. Takes optional argument of {{title}}",
  "reading-update-arrived": "Option button label for stating they have a copy of the book but haven't started reading. Optional arg of {{title}}",
  "reading-update-finished": "Option button label for stating they have finished the book. Optional var of {{title}}.",
  "reading-update-freeform": "Placeholder text used to prompt the user to type freeform text into the text field",
  "reading-update-header": "Dropdown header to reveal reading update form",
  "reading-update-ordered": "Option button label for stating they have ordered the book (e.g. online) but do not yet have possession. Optional arg of {{title}}",
  "reading-update-page-number": "Placeholder text used to prompt the user to type the current page number in the box",
  "reading-update-reject": "option button label for stating they do not intend to read the book in question. optional {{title}}.",
  "reading-update-stalled": "option button label for stating they have started the book but have given up. optional {{title}}.",
  "reading-update-started": "Option button label for stating they have started reading the book. Optional argument of {{title}}",
  "reading-update-submit": "Text on the submit button for updating reading status",
  "reading-update-uptopage": "Prompt before text inputs of book page number. Should end in a colon or equivalent",
  "reading-username": "Table header of book reading status, user's name",
  "short-list": "Breadcrumb",
  "short-list-link": "Link to the book club short list",
  "short-list-link-ro": "Link to the shortlist when voting is disabled",
  "shortlist-approvals": "Shortlist book table header above number of approvals",
  "shortlist-approvals-allapproved": "Title of black star used next to approvals in results book table to show that everybody who has voted has voted \"yes\" on the book in question",
  "shortlist-approvals-approvedby": "Titletext of approvals count on shortlist results page when no other titletext is useful. Shows the list of voters who have approved the book, constructed in a list separated by contents of message key shortlist-approvals-approvedby-join as key {{voters}}.",
  "shortlist-approvals-approvedby-join": "String used to separate items in list of voters in shortlist-approvals-approvedby",
  "shortlist-approvals-incomplete": "Title text of icon on shortlist results page stating that not all ballots for the book in question are returned, so the book might be in a misleading position in the rankings",
  "shortlist-approvals-nil": "Text displayed in place of 0 on the shortlist results page",
  "shortlist-approvals-nodownvotes": "Used on the shortlist results page as titletext of the white stars, indicating that not everybody has voted on the book in question, but that everyone who has has voted 'yes' with zero 'no' votes",
  "shortlist-ballot-alreadyread": "Used on the shortlist ballot to introduce the checkbox questions",
  "shortlist-ballot-alreadyread-box": "Label for ballot checkbox",
  "shortlist-ballot-havecopy-box": "Label for ballot checkbox",
  "shortlist-ballot-heading": "Heading for the shortlist ballot process",
  "shortlist-ballot-progress": "Information on the progress of the user through shortlisting; two arguments: {{ballot}} for the current ballot ID and {{total}} of the total number of ballots",
  "shortlist-ballot-submit": "The cast ballot button on the shortlist ballots. One argument {{user}}.",
  "shortlist-ballot-wanttoread": "Heading on the ballot paper, used to introduce the option button questions",
  "shortlist-ballot-wanttoread-no": "Ballot paper disapproval wording",
  "shortlist-ballot-wanttoread-yes": "Ballot paper approval wording",
  "shortlist-candidate": "SHortlist book table header above book author and title",
  "shortlist-doublevote": "Error shown if a user tries to vote twice on a book",
  "shortlist-flag-alreadyread": "Title of a open book icon used next to books of which someone has marked as already reading",
  "shortlist-flag-difficult": "Title of a swerving car icon used next to books that are marked long or difficult",
  "shortlist-flag-hasreadingstatus": "Displayed as title of closed book emoji if someone has set a reading status on the book in question",
  "shortlist-flag-longlisted": "Title of pencil icon used next to books that the current user has longlisted",
  "shortlist-flags": "Shortlist book table header above pictoral flags showing status",
  "shortlist-person-approval-count": "Title of approval percentage cell. Number of approvals by that user shown as {{count}}.",
  "shortlist-person-approval-percent": "Header of results elector table for column of percentage of books approved by that user (title text)",
  "shortlist-person-approval-percent-abbr": "Header fo results elector table for column of percentage of books approved by that user. The other cells in this column are likely to be fewer than four characters long, so should be a concise abbreviation where possible",
  "shortlist-person-approval-percent-cell": "Contents of approval percentage cell. Percentage as number without percentage sign shown as {{percent}}.",
  "shortlist-person-complete": "Displayed when the user has voted on all books",
  "shortlist-person-elector": "Header of results elector table for column of usernames",
  "shortlist-person-nil": "Displayed in person table on results page when they have not started voting",
  "shortlist-person-progress": "Displayed in person table on results page when they are part-way through voting. Two arguments: {{count}} of {{total}}.",
  "shortlist-person-progress-overrun": "Displayed in person table on results page when they are part-way through voting, but have an impossible number of ballots, possibly caused by a glitch in voting. Two arguments: {{count}} and {{total}}.",
  "shortlist-person-votes": "Header of results elector table for column of user progress",
  "shortlist-polls-closed": "Displayed on shortlist results page when voting is administratively disabled",
  "shortlist-polls-completebutopen": "Warning showed when not all votes are in yet, so the results are in flux and probably misleadingly ranked",
  "shortlist-polls-incomplete": "Displayed on shortlist results page when voting is open but not everybody who has started voting has finished",
  "shortlist-progress": "Displayed at bottom of results elector table showing progress of {{sum}} of {{max}} votes complete",
  "shortlist-results": "Heading and breadcrumb of shortlist results page",
  "shortlist-results-spiel-approval": "Displayed in sidebar of shortlist results page",
  "shortlist-results-spiel-sav": "Displayed in sidebar of shortlist results page",
  "shortlist-results-spiel-sav-weighting": "Displayed in sidebar of shortlist results page. Argument {{min}} and {{max}} for the possible weighting extremes, which are likely to be 0 and the number of voters respectively",
  "shortlist-results-warning": "Message displayed in bold in sidebar of shortlist results page if voting is still in progress, as incomplete ballots cause the ranking to be off",
  "shortlist-sav": "Satisfaction approval voting, used when there is space for the full name or as the title element of an abbr tag",
  "shortlist-sav-abbr": "Abbreviation for satisfaction approval voting, used in shortlist book table header",
  "shortlist-sav-title": "Title on SAV cell. Takes variable {{sav}} which is a value between 0 and 100",
  "shortlist-selected": "Used in place of flags to state that the associated book is on the reading list. Might have variable {{note}} which if present is an English annotation (e.g. book club date)",
  "shortlist-stat-unanimous": "Stat of number of books voted yes by all users",
  "shortlist-voting-anonwarning": "String displayed on book club index when shortlist voting is being promoted",
  "shortlist-voting-instructions": "Displayed on book club homepage when shortlist voting is being advertised",
  "shortlist-voting-open": "Displayed on sidebar of results page as votes are coming in",
  "shortlist-waiting": "Displayed on shortlist results page when no ballots have been submitted but polls are open",
  "shortlist-waiting-notyetopen": "Displayed on shortlist results page when no ballots have been submitted yet and polls are closed",
  "source-link": "Homepage link to the source code",
  "stat-longlist-problems": "Stat used after the number of longlisted books with metadata problems (e.g. bad ISBN)",
  "stat-longlisted-books": "Stat used after number of longlisted books",
  "stat-readinglist-count": "Stat used after the number of books on the reading list",
  "stat-shortlist-votes": "Stat used after the number of votes on the sortlist",
  "welcome": "Main greeting on the homepage.",
  "zuzakistan": "The name of a micronation",
  "zuzakistan-full": "The full name of a micronation"