# 0.4.6
* [fix] Implement new engine interface for future sprockets versions #70
* [bugfix] Fix issue where helper is not a defined method on controller (e.g. ActionController::API:Class) #65
# 0.4.5
* [bugfix] fix sprockets engine registering for older sprocket-rails versions #68
# 0.4.4
* [bugfix] fix compatibility with with sprockts-rails version 3.x, see #62
# 0.4.3
* [bugfix] for media queries with whitespace in front of them #57
# 0.4.2
* [bugfix] correctly split stylesheets even if @keyframes are directly on the rule limit #55 by [@rubenswieringa](
# 0.4.1
* [Improvement] All `*_splitN.css` files default to `debug: false` in development to prevent empty file bug.
# 0.4.0
* **Breaking changes!**
* The `CssSplitter::SprocketsEngine` is now registered as a bundle_processor to avoid issues with sprockets directives #29
* `.split2` extension is no longer necessary/supported, now we rely on `_splitN` at the end of the filename
* Now you need to use the `require` rather than the `include` directive in the split stylesheet
* Prohibition against using `require_tree .` and `require_self` directives no longer applies
* Better tests
* Thanks a lot to [@Umofomia](
* loosen dependency on `rails` (depend on `sprockets` instead), to make gem compatible to other frameworks like `middleman`
# 0.2.0
* loosen dependency to make it compatible with rails 4
# 0.1.1
* Added license info ("MIT") to gemspec
# 0.1.0
* [Removal] Removed unused `Splitter#split` method
* [Bugfix] Fixed little bug in `Splitter#count_selectors` that was yielding wrong results
* [Bugfix] Removed unnecessary files in `app/` which were causing #13 and #17
# 0.0.2
* [Improvement] Made the SprocketEngine addition an initializer, so it will work even when `initialize_on_precompile` isn't set
* [Bugfix] Removed unnecessary charset extraction from `Splitter#count_selectors` method, which had caused the first rule of the stylesheet to be ignored.
* [Bugfix] Fixed/refactored charset extraction, so that it doesn't overwrite the first rule of the stylesheet anymore.
* [Bugfix] Fixed `Splitter#strip_comments` method, so it doesn't mess with protocol agnostic URLs (e.g. `url(//`) anymore and only strips valid CSS comments #5
# 0.0.1
Initial commit