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], function(
) {
    'use strict'
    function getResourceRoot() {
        var scriptTag = document.querySelector('script[id=ui5-fontawesome]')
        if (!scriptTag) {
            throw new Error('Failed to locate ui5-fontawesome script tag.')
        var scriptConfig = scriptTag.getAttribute('data-resourceroot')
        if (scriptConfig) {
            return scriptConfig.slice(-1) == '/' ? scriptConfig : scriptConfig + '/'
        var scriptSrc = scriptTag.getAttribute('src')
        if (!scriptSrc) {
            throw new Error('Failed to determine resource root for ui5-fontawesome.')
        var regexTest = /^((?:.*\/)?ui5-fontawesome\/)/
        var matched = regexTest.exec(scriptSrc)
        if (matched) {
            return matched[1]
        throw new Error('Failed to determine resource root for ui5-fontawesome.')
    var resourceRoot = getResourceRoot()
    var fontURI = resourceRoot + 'fontawesome-free/webfonts/'
    var styles = [{
        fontFamily: 'fa-regular-400',
        collectionName: 'fa-regular',
        metadataURI: resourceRoot + 'metadata/regular.json',
    }, {
        fontFamily: 'fa-solid-900',
        collectionName: 'fa-solid',
        metadataURI: resourceRoot + 'metadata/solid.json',
    }, {
        fontFamily: 'fa-brands-400',
        collectionName: 'fa-brands',
        metadataURI: resourceRoot + 'metadata/brands.json',
    if (typeof IconPool.registerFont == 'function') {
        // @since 1.56.0
        styles.forEach(function(style) {
            IconPool.registerFont(jQuery.extend({}, style, {
                fontURI: fontURI,
                lazy: true,
    } else {
        styles.forEach(function(style) {
            // add icons to registry and insert the font style
            jQuery.ajax(style.metadataURI, {
                dataType: 'json',
                success: function(oFontMetadata) {
                    for(var sKey in oFontMetadata) {
                        IconPool.addIcon(sKey, style.collectionName, {
                            fontFamily: style.fontFamily,
                            content: oFontMetadata[sKey],
                            overWrite: true,
                error: function() {
                    jQuery.sap.log.error('An error occurred loading the font metadata for collection "' + style.collectionName + '"')
            // load the font asynchronously via CSS
            var sFontFaceCSS = '@font-face {' +
                    'font-family: "' + style.fontFamily + '";' +
                    'src: url("' + fontURI + style.fontFamily + '.woff2") format("woff2"),' + /* Chrome 36+, Firefox 39+, Safari 10+, Edge 14+, Chrome 51+ for Android, PhantomJS 2.1.1+ */
                    'url("' + fontURI + style.fontFamily + '.woff") format("woff"),' + /* IE9+, Safari 5.1+, iOS 5.1+, Android Browser 4.4+, IE Mobile 11+ */
                    'url("' + fontURI + style.fontFamily + '.ttf") format("truetype"),' + /* Fallback for any older browser (except IE8 and below which are not supported anyway) */
                    'local("' + style.fontFamily + '");' + /* fallback to local installed font in case it can't be loaded (e.g. font download is disabled due to browser security settings) */
                    'font-weight: normal;' +
                    'font-style: normal;' +
            var oStyle = document.createElement('style')
            oStyle.type = 'text/css'
            oStyle.textContent = sFontFaceCSS