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Best Practices for Pull Request Reviews: How to Lower Review Cycles

Rachel Roth

By: Rachael Roth
July 24, 2023

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Objective data is a necessary complement to engineering leadership. By digging into the key metrics of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), leaders can better assess and improve engineering processes and team performance.

Each organization may choose to focus on a different set of engineering metrics based on their goals. Our collaboration with thousands of organizations has revealed a key set of metrics that have proven valuable time and again, including Review Cycles, a key factor in Pull Request (PR) Cycle Time.

In this blog, we’ll dig into the importance of the Review Cycles metric, what it can tell you about the health of your teams and processes, and how to improve it.

What is the Review Cycles metric?

The Review Cycles metric refers to Pull Request reviews, and measures the number of times a PR goes back and forth between an author and reviewer.

The Pull Request review process is an essential component of PR Cycle Time, which measures the time from a first commit in a pull request being authored to when that PR is merged, and looking at Pull Request data can help leaders understand teams’ Time to Market and baseline productivity over time.

Whether the PR is created to ship a new feature or fix a bug, for example, the proposed change needs to be reviewed by a member of the team before it is merged. If that PR gets approved and merged with no further interaction from the author, then the Review Cycle is 1 — the changes were reviewed and approved in a single cycle.

If a PR does not get approval and requires changes, then the author must make an additional commit. The reviewer then checks the new version before it is approved. In this scenario, the number of Review Cycles is 2. Of course, this number increases as the PR is passed back and forth between author and reviewer.

Why should teams measure Review Cycles?

Pull Requests require software engineers to context switch and focus on one particular line of work. When this happens often, and Review Cycles are high, the PR review process can spread engineers’ attention too thin. It can also become a bottleneck to shipment.

Finding the cause of a slow PR review process

There are various reasons why Review Cycles may be high:

  • There are differing ideas around what “done” means.

  • There’s misalignment around what kind of changes are expected to come out of a review process, or

  • There are conflicting opinions about how a solution should be implemented.

If the Review Cycle metric is high for a particular submitter, it could mean that they’re struggling with the codebase or dealing with unclear requirements.

Be mindful of potential biases in the PR review process

While data can offer a concrete number of Review Cycles for a specific PR, it does not tell the whole story. If a specific developer has a high number of Review Cycles tied to their work, engineering leaders should open a dialogue with both the developer and reviewer to pinpoint potential cause. 

Sure, they may be struggling with the codebase because they are new to it, but it’s also possible that their teammates may be unfairly scrutinizing their work. There are a number of potential biases that could be skewing perception of ICs and their work. One engineering leader was able to use data from Velocity to uncover that a woman engineer’s PRs were moving disproportionately slower than those of her male counterparts and concluded that bias was a problem within the team.

To identify what’s affecting your teams’ Review Cycles and PR review process overall, examining the data will give you a starting point to have a conversation with the team and ICs involved so you can align on processes.

Review Cycles can help leaders assess onboarding and Ramp Time

When a developer first joins a team, it may take time for them to get up to speed. Looking at Review Cycles in a Software Engineering Intelligence (SEI) platform allows leaders to observe changes and progress over time. With these insights, you can measure the ramp time for newly onboarded engineers by observing whether their Review Cycles decrease over time. If Review Cycles for new hires are not decreasing at the expected rate, leaders may want to further investigate the efficacy of onboarding processes and ensure that new developers have the tools they need to excel in their roles.

Using data to improve Review Cycles and help engineers get unstuck

When you use a Software Engineering Intelligence (SEI) platform like Velocity, you can gain visibility into the entire PR review process. The Analytics module in Velocity is a good place to investigate PR review processes. You’ll want to run a query for Review Cycles, or the number of times a Pull Request has gone back and forth between the author and reviewer. Here’s how:

Click on the arrow next to the Review Cycle number to see all of Hecate’s individual PRs from the selected timeframe. Sort the number of Review Cycles from high to low and start with the ones that have been open the longest. In this case, the top two PRs, which have both undergone 4 Review Cycles and are still open, are worth bringing to a standup, retro, or 1-on-1.

Talk to your team to improve your PR review process

Prepare for a standup, retro, or 1-on-1 with developers by taking a look at Pull Request data. This will allow you to be more informed ahead of a meeting, and be able to focus specifically on units of work rather than developers or teams themselves.

Ask your team questions about specific PRs with high Review Cycles to uncover where the misalignment is happening. Work with the team to find solutions to limit the amount of times a PR is volleyed back and forth by establishing what is expected in a review, how solutions should be implemented, and when a review is complete. Document best practices for the Pull Request review process to use as a reference in the future.

How many Review Cycles should you target in the PR review process?

Code Climate has produced proprietary benchmarks that engineering leaders can use. We have found that the top 25% of organizations have an average of 1.1 Review Cycles or less, whereas the industry average is 1.2 cycles. If Review Cycles are above 1.5, it’s time to investigate why. 

Review Cycles are one of many critical metrics that engineering leaders can measure to understand and improve team health and processes. By looking at Review Cycles alongside other Pull Request-related metrics, you can uncover the cause of a slowdown and make informed decisions towards improvement. The data is only a starting point, however — it’s essential that leaders speak directly to teams in order to find a sustainable solution. 

Speak with a Velocity product specialist to learn how measuring engineering metrics can lead to faster software delivery and healthier teams.