# .about.yml project metadata
# This is a short name of your project that can be used as a URL slug.
# (required)
name: paid-leave
# This is the display name of your project. (required)
full_name: Paid Family & Medical Leave Prototype
# What is the problem your project solves? What is the solution? Use the
# format shown below. The #dashboard team will gladly help you put this
# together for your project. (required)
description: As states implement paid family and medical leave programs, they will need a website where people can apply for coverage. 18F worked with the Department of Labor’s Women’s Bureau to create a prototype website to establish best practices and provide an advanced starting point for state websites.
# What is the measurable impact of your project? Use the format shown below.
# The #dashboard team will gladly help you put this together for your project.
# (required)
impact: We created a lightweight website that states can deploy on virtually any server infrastructure and customize easily.
# What kind of team owns the repository? (required)
# values: guild, working-group, project
owner_type: project
# What is your project's current status? (required)
# values: discovery, alpha, beta, live
stage: live
# Should this repo have automated tests? If so, set to `true`. (required)
# values: true, false
testable: true
# What are the licenses that apply to the project and/or its components?
# (required)
# Items by property name pattern:
# .*:
# name: Name of the license from the Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX): https://spdx.org/licenses/
# url: URL for the text of the license
name: CC0-1.0
url: https://github.com/18F/team_api/blob/master/LICENSE.md
# Who is the partner for your project? (Use the full name of the partner
# documented here:
# https://github.com/18F/dashboard/blob/staging/_data/partners.yml)
- U.S. Department of Labor
# The main point of contact(s) and/or the issue reporting system for your
# project, and either a `mailto:` link or URL for each contact.
# Items:
# - url: URL for the link
# text: Anchor text for the link
- url: jessie.posilkin@gsa.gov
text: Jessie Posilkin
# Who are the team members on your project? You can specify GitHub usernames,
# email addresses, or other organizational usernames. (required)
# Items:
# - github: GitHub user name
# id: Internal team identifier/user name
# role: Team member's role; leads should be designated as 'lead'
- github: jposi
role: lead
id: jessiep
- github: andrewmaier
role: designer
id: andrewmaier
- github: lauraGgit
role: developer
id: laura
- github: waldoj
role: lead developer
id: waldo
# What kind of content is contained in the project repository?
# values: app, docs, policy
type: app
# What are the key milestones you've achieved recently?
- "January 2017: Initial release"
# Name of the main project repo if this is a sub-repo; name of the grouplet
# repo if this is a working group/guild subproject
# What are the links to key artifacts associated with your project? e.g. the
# production site, documentation.
# Items:
# - url: URL for the link
# text: Anchor text for the link
# category: Type of the link
- url: https://trello.com/b/0RAkaeci/dol-paid-leave
text: Trello
category: project management
# What tags does your organization's blog associate with your project? You can
# find a list of 18F blog tags here: https://18f.gsa.gov/tags/
- department of labor
# What technologies are used in this project?
- JavaScript
- Jekyll
# What are the services used to supply project status information?
# Items:
# - name: Name of the service
# category: Type of the service
# url: URL for detailed information
# badge: URL for the status badge
# Organizations or individuals who have adopted the project for their own use
# Items:
# - id: The name of the organization or individual
# url: A URL to the user's version of the project
# Tags that describe the project or aspects of the project
- state
- employment
- application