$( document ).ready(function() {
// When the start date has been provided, populate the earnings div and display it.
// Validate the provided date
var end_date;
end_date = $("#start_date").val();
var date = new Date(end_date);
// Define the names of months, so that we can provide human-readable text.
var monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
// Set claim date based on the benefit date
date.setDate(date.getDate() - 18);
// Provide the end date of the salary estimate period.
var end_date_formatted = monthNames[date.getMonth()] + " " + date.getUTCDate() + ", " + date.getUTCFullYear();
// Calculate and store the start date of the salary estimate period.
date.setDate(date.getDate() - 365);
var start_date_formatted = monthNames[date.getMonth()] + " " + date.getUTCDate() + ", " + date.getUTCFullYear();
// Populate the start and end date fields.
// Show the earnings DIV.
// When the form is being submitted, do the math on benefits and display the results.
$( "#claim" ).submit(function( event ){
// Don't actually submit the form via GET.
// Hide the form that the applicant just completed.
// Bring the provided salary into scope.
var applicant_salary = $("#annual_salary").val();
// Set the minimum wage, and calculate what that is over a one-year period (assuming two weeks of vacation).
var minimum_wage = 12;
var minimum_salary = minimum_wage * 1.5 * 40 * 50;
// Declare a variable.
var estimated_benefit;
// If the applicant makes less than 150% of minimum wage, they get 90% of their wages.
if (applicant_salary < (minimum_salary * 1.5)){
estimated_benefit = applicant_salary * 0.9 / 52;
// If the applicant makes 150% of minimum wage or more, they get 90% of minimum wage,
// plus 50% of their salary.
else {
estimated_benefit = ((minimum_salary * 0.9) + (applicant_salary * 0.5)) / 52;
// Cap benefits at $1,000.
if (estimated_benefit > 1000){
estimated_benefit = 1000;
// Round to the nearest dollar.
estimated_benefit = Math.round(estimated_benefit);
// Populate the estimated benefit.
// Show the results.