import logging
import os
import re
import resource
import time
import urllib.request
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import ijson
import requests
# Very simple scanner that gets some basic info from a list of pages on a domain.
# Set a default number of workers for a particular scan type.
# Overridden by a --workers flag. XXX not actually overridden?
workers = 30
user_agent = os.environ.get("PAGEDATA_USER_AGENT", "18F/domain-scan/")
# This is the list of pages that we will be checking.
pages = [
# Optional one-time initialization for all scans.
# If defined, any data returned will be passed to every scan instance and used
# to update the environment dict for that instance
# Will halt scan execution if it returns False or raises an exception.
# Run locally.
def init(environment: dict, options: dict) -> dict:
logging.debug("Init function.")
return {'pages': pages}
# Required scan function. This is the meat of the scanner, where things
# that use the network or are otherwise expensive would go.
# Runs locally or in the cloud (Lambda).
def scan(domain: str, environment: dict, options: dict) -> dict:
logging.debug("Scan function called with options: %s" % options)
results = {}
# Perform the "task".
for page in environment['pages']:
url = "https://" + domain + page
results[page] = {}
results[page]['opendata_conforms_to'] = ''
results[page]['codegov_measurementtype'] = ''
results[page]['json_items'] = str(0)
headers = {
'User-Agent': user_agent,
# try the query and store the responsecode
response = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True, timeout=4, headers=headers)
results[page]['responsecode'] = str(response.status_code)
except Exception:
logging.debug("could not get data from %s%s", domain, page)
results[page]['responsecode'] = '-1'
# if it's supposed to be json, try parsing it as a stream
if page.endswith('.json'):
counter = 0
req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers)
with urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=5) as jsondata:
parser = ijson.parse(jsondata)
for prefix, event, value in parser:
# As a catchall, indicate how many items are in the json doc
if event == 'string':
counter = counter + 1
# see if there is a 'conformsTo' field, which indicates that it might
# be open-data compliant.
if prefix.endswith('.conformsTo') or prefix.endswith('.conformsto'):
results[page]['opendata_conforms_to'] = ' '.join([value, results[page]['opendata_conforms_to']])
# see if there is a 'measurementType' field, which indicates that it might
# be compliant. Taken from
if prefix.endswith('.measurementType') or prefix.endswith('.measurementtype'):
results[page]['codegov_measurementtype'] = ' '.join([value, results[page]['codegov_measurementtype']])
if prefix.endswith('measurementType.method') or prefix.endswith('measurementtype.method'):
results[page]['codegov_measurementtype'] = ' '.join([value, results[page]['codegov_measurementtype']])
if prefix.endswith('measurementType.ifOther') or prefix.endswith('measurementtype.ifOther'):
results[page]['codegov_measurementtype'] = ' '.join([value, results[page]['codegov_measurementtype']])
results[page]['json_items'] = str(counter)
logging.debug('memory usage after parsing json for %s: %d', url, resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
except Exception:
logging.debug('error parsing json for %s', url)
except Exception:
logging.debug('could not open %s', url)
# Get the content-type
results[page]['content_type'] = str(response.headers['Content-Type'])
except Exception:
results[page]['content_type'] = ''
# get the content-length
results[page]['content_length'] = str(response.headers['Content-Length'])
except Exception:
# sometimes cloudfront seems to have errors or cache misses, so let's try again
# sleep a bit to let it have time to cache the page
newresponse = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True, timeout=4)
results[page]['content_length'] = str(newresponse.headers['Content-Length'])
except Exception:
results[page]['content_length'] = ''
# This is the final url that we ended up at, in case of redirects.
results[page]['final_url_in_same_domain'] = False
results[page]['final_url'] = response.url
if urlparse(response.url).hostname.endswith(domain):
results[page]['final_url_in_same_domain'] = True
except Exception:
results[page]['final_url'] = ''
# get the page if it's the /data page so that we can scrape it
if page == '/data':
response = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True, timeout=5, headers=headers)
# check for "chief data officer"
res = re.findall(r'chief data officer', response.text, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
if res:
results[page]['contains_chiefdataofficer'] = True
results[page]['contains_chiefdataofficer'] = False
except Exception:
results[page]['contains_chiefdataofficer'] = False
# check for "Charter"
res = re.findall(r'Charter', response.text, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
if res:
results[page]['contains_charter'] = True
results[page]['contains_charter'] = False
except Exception:
results[page]['contains_charter'] = False
except Exception:
logging.debug("got error while scraping %s", domain)
logging.debug('memory usage after page %s: %d', url, resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
logging.debug('memory usage for pagedata %s: %d', "https://" + domain, resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
logging.warning("pagedata %s Complete!", domain)
return results
# Required CSV row conversion function. Usually one row, can be more.
# Run locally.
def to_rows(data):
row = []
for page in headers:
return [row]
# CSV headers for each row of data. Referenced locally.
headers = pages