

0 mins
Test Coverage
package yos

import (


var (
    errInvalidPath    = errors.New("invalid path")
    errSameFile       = errors.New("files are identical")
    errShortRead      = errors.New("short read")
    errIsDirectory    = errors.New("is a directory")
    errNotDirectory   = errors.New("not a directory")
    errNotRegularFile = errors.New("not a regular file")
    errNotSymlink     = errors.New("not a symbolic link")
    errStepOutDir     = errors.New("yos: step out this directory")

// operation names for the Op field of os.PathError.
var (
    opnCompare = "compare"
    opnCopy    = "copy"
    opnMove    = "move"
    opnList    = "list"
    opnSize    = "size"
    opnEmpty   = "empty"
    opnChange  = "change"
    opnMake    = "make"

// internal use
var (
    emptyStr = ""

// underlyingError returns the underlying error for known os error types. forked from: os/error.go
func underlyingError(err error) error {
    switch err := err.(type) {
    case *os.LinkError:
        return err.Err
    case *os.PathError:
        return err.Err
    case *os.SyscallError:
        return err.Err
    return err

// opError returns error struct with given details.
func opError(op, path string, err error) *os.PathError {
    return &os.PathError{
        Op:   op,
        Path: path,
        Err:  underlyingError(err),

type (
    funcStatFileInfo  func(name string) (os.FileInfo, error)
    funcCheckFileInfo func(fi *os.FileInfo) bool
    funcRemoveEntry   func(path string) error
    funcCopyEntry     func(src, dest string) error

// isFileFi indicates whether the FileInfo is for a regular file.
func isFileFi(fi *os.FileInfo) bool {
    return fi != nil && (*fi).Mode().IsRegular()

// isDirFi indicates whether the FileInfo is for a directory.
func isDirFi(fi *os.FileInfo) bool {
    return fi != nil && (*fi).Mode().IsDir()

// isSymlinkFi indicates whether the FileInfo is for a symbolic link.
func isSymlinkFi(fi *os.FileInfo) bool {
    return fi != nil && ((*fi).Mode()&os.ModeType == os.ModeSymlink)

func isLinkErrorCrossDevice(err error) bool {
    lerr, ok := err.(*os.LinkError)
    return ok && lerr.Err == syscall.EXDEV

func isLinkErrorNotDirectory(err error) bool {
    lerr, ok := err.(*os.LinkError)
    return ok && lerr.Err == syscall.ENOTDIR

// refineOpPaths validates, cleans up and adjusts the source and destination paths for operations like copy or move.
func refineOpPaths(opName, srcRaw, destRaw string, followLink bool) (src, dest string, err error) {
    // validate paths, and quit if got error
    if ystring.IsBlank(srcRaw) {
        err = opError(opName, srcRaw, errInvalidPath)
    } else if ystring.IsBlank(destRaw) {
        err = opError(opName, destRaw, errInvalidPath)
    if err != nil {

    // clean up paths
    src, dest = filepath.Clean(srcRaw), filepath.Clean(destRaw)

    // use os.Stat to follow symbolic links
    statFunc := os.Lstat
    if followLink {
        statFunc = os.Stat

    // check if source exists
    var srcInfo, destInfo os.FileInfo
    if srcInfo, err = statFunc(src); err != nil {

    // check if destination exists
    if destInfo, err = statFunc(dest); err != nil {
        // check existence of parent of the missing destination
        if os.IsNotExist(err) {
            _, err = os.Stat(filepath.Dir(dest))
    } else {
        if os.SameFile(srcInfo, destInfo) {
            err = opError(opName, dest, errSameFile)
        } else if destInfo.IsDir() {
            // append file name of source to path of the existing destination
            dest = JoinPath(dest, srcInfo.Name())

// refineComparePaths validates, cleans up path for file comparison.
func refineComparePaths(pathRaw1, pathRaw2 string) (path1, path2 string, err error) {
    // validate paths
    if ystring.IsBlank(pathRaw1) {
        err = opError(opnCompare, pathRaw1, errInvalidPath)
    } else if ystring.IsBlank(pathRaw2) {
        err = opError(opnCompare, pathRaw2, errInvalidPath)

    // clean up paths
    if err == nil {
        path1, path2 = filepath.Clean(pathRaw1), filepath.Clean(pathRaw2)

// resolveDirInfo returns file info of a path if it's a directory or a symbolic link to a directory, otherwise returns an error.
func resolveDirInfo(pathRaw string) (path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) {
    if fi, err = os.Lstat(pathRaw); err == nil {
        // resolve to real path if the given path is a symbolic link
        if isSymlinkFi(&fi) {
            if path, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(pathRaw); err == nil {
                // update file info for the real path
                fi, err = os.Lstat(path)
            if err != nil {
                path = emptyStr
        } else {
            // simply clean the path if the raw path isn't a symbolic link to resolve
            path = filepath.Clean(pathRaw)

        // check if the final path is a directory
        if !isDirFi(&fi) {
            err, path = errNotDirectory, emptyStr

// openFileInfo returns file descriptor and info of a path if it's a regular file, otherwise returns an error.
func openFileInfo(path string) (file *os.File, fi os.FileInfo, err error) {
    if fi, err = os.Stat(path); err == nil {
        if isFileFi(&fi) {
            if file, err = os.Open(path); err == nil {
        } else {
            err = errNotRegularFile

// compileRegexpList compiles a list of string patterns into regexp patterns.
func compileRegexpList(strPats []string) (rePats []*regexp.Regexp, err error) {
    var rp *regexp.Regexp
    rePats = make([]*regexp.Regexp, 0, len(strPats))
    for _, sp := range strPats {
        if rp, err = regexp.Compile(sp); err == nil {
            rePats = append(rePats, rp)
        } else {
            err = opError(opnList, sp, err)