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## Kindler 
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## Todo
* support inner reference, inner link can take to that article
* refactor templates
* fix image download

## Is this gem what you want?
There is an alternative gem called [kindlerb](https://github.com/danchoi/kindlerb) can generate mobi books, the gem is also used
for the website [KindleFeeder](http://kindlefeeder.com/) which is built by [Daniel Choi](http://danielchoi.com/software).

If you like to generate mobi book by some html files, you have to conform to the structure which author provide. But if you just
want to generate mobi book in the fly, then you should try this gem.

BTW, we share the same internal way to generating mobi book by [KindleGen 2](http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000234621).

## Prerequisite
1. kindlegen execute file from amazon
2. imagemagick exist
3. that's all

## Installation
gem 'kindler'


gem 'kindler',:git=>'git@github.com:29decibel/kindler.git'
## A kindle mobi book generator
which receive a couple of urls then output one mobi file

## Usage
title = 'my_first_mobi_book'
book = Kindler::Book.new :title=>title,:author=>'mike'
# add one article
book.add_article {
  :title    =>  'page1',
  :author   =>  'mike1',
  :content  =>  'this is the page 1',
  :section  =>  'love' }
# add another article
book.add_article {
  :title    =>  'page2',
  :author   =>  'mike1',
  :content  =>  'this is the page 2',
  :section  =>  'hate' }
# add an article contains image
book.add_article {
  :title    =>  'page_with_image',
  :author   =>  'mike1',
  :content  =>  '<img src="http://media2.glamour-sales.com.cn/media/catalog/category/Stroili_banner_02.jpg"></img>this is the page 3',
  :section  =>  'hate' }
# you will get my_first_mobi_book.mobi file

#or you can just generate simple mobi book
book.mobi_type = :flat
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