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Liquid::Tags::Form#render has the variable name 'k'

        form = form_class.new(context, @object_name,  @html_attributes.inject({}){|result, (k,v)| result[k] = v.render(context); result} )

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Arel::Visitors#visit_Arel_Nodes_NotIn has the parameter name 'o'

      def visit_Arel_Nodes_NotIn(o, collector)
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/arel/visitors/oracle12_hack.rb by reek

An Uncommunicative Parameter Name is a parameter name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Liquid::Drops::BillingAddress#address2 has the name 'address2'

  def address2

An Uncommunicative Method Name is a method name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Liquid::Docs::DSL::Tags::Documentation#to_markdown has the variable name 'e'

            @examples.each do |e|

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Liquid::Drops::Collection#[] has the variable name 'o'

        find { |o| o.respond_to?(:system_name) && o.system_name == key } || super

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Liquid::Drops::Deprecated has the variable name 'm'

      ((private_instance_methods + instance_methods).map(&:to_sym) - KEEP_METHODS).each{|m| undef_method(m) }

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Migration::Finance#self.freeze_closed_invoices has the variable name 'e'

        rescue => e
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/migration/finance.rb by reek

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

last_admin_access_of has the variable name 'u'

  provider.users.impersonation_admins.map{|u| u.user_sessions.last.try!(:accessed_at)}.compact.max
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/tasks/provider_stats.rb by reek

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Liquid::Drops::Field#choices has the variable name 'c'

        @choices ||= @field.choices.map { |c| Choice.new(c) }

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Arel::Visitors#visit_Arel_Nodes_Equality has the parameter name 'o'

      def visit_Arel_Nodes_Equality(o, collector)
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/arel/visitors/oracle12_hack.rb by reek

An Uncommunicative Parameter Name is a parameter name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Liquid::Drops::BillingAddress#address1 has the name 'address1'

  def address1

An Uncommunicative Method Name is a method name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Liquid::Drops::NewSignup#services has the variable name 's'

        @provider.services.map { |s| @wrapper.wrap_service(s) }

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Arel::Visitors#strip_order_from_select has the parameter name 'o'

      def strip_order_from_select(o)
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/arel/visitors/oracle12_hack.rb by reek

An Uncommunicative Parameter Name is a parameter name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Liquid::Docs::Generator#to_html has the variable name 't'

            list_items = toc.map do |t|

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Liquid::Drops::CountryField#choices has the variable name 'c'

        @choices = ::Country.all.map { |c| Choice.new(c.name, c.id) }

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

ProgressCounter#initialize has the variable name 'e'

    spinner = Enumerator.new do |e|
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/progress_counter.rb by reek

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Liquid::Docs::DSL::Drops::Documentation#add_method has the variable name 'i'

            if i = methods.find_index { |m| m.name == name }

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Liquid::Tags::ActiveDocs#render has the variable name 'e'

            .select{|e| e.specification.swagger_2_0?}.map(&:system_name)

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Arel::Visitors#visit_Arel_Nodes_Equality has the name 'visit_Arel_Nodes_Equality'

      def visit_Arel_Nodes_Equality(o, collector)
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/arel/visitors/oracle12_hack.rb by reek

An Uncommunicative Method Name is a method name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Gitlab::Testing::RequestInspectorMiddleware#http_headers_env has the variable name 'v'

                .collect { |k, v| [k.split('-').collect(&:upcase).join('_'), v] }
                .collect { |k, v| [k.prepend('HTTP_'), v] }

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.
