namespace AwsInspector\Model\Ec2;
use StackFormation\Helper\StaticCache;
class Repository {
* @param $value
* @return false|Instance
public function findEc2Instance($value) {
foreach (['instance-id', 'ip-address', 'private-ip-address'] as $field) {
$instance = $this->findEc2InstanceBy($field, $value);
if ($instance !== false) {
return $instance;
return false;
* @param $field
* @param $value
* @return false|Instance
public function findEc2InstanceBy($field, $value) {
if (!in_array($field, ['instance-id', 'ip-address', 'private-ip-address'])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid field');
$filters = [
['Name' => 'instance-state-name', "Values" => ['running']],
['Name' => $field, "Values" => [$value]]
$instanceCollection = $this->findEc2Instances($filters);
if (count($instanceCollection) == 1) {
return $instanceCollection->getFirst();
return false;
* @param array $filters
* @return \AwsInspector\Model\Collection
* @throws \Exception
public function findEc2Instances(array $filters=[]) {
$cacheKey = 'Ec2Repository->findEc2Instances:' . serialize($filters);
return StaticCache::get($cacheKey, function() use($filters) {
$ec2Client = \AwsInspector\SdkFactory::getClient('ec2'); /* @var $ec2Client \Aws\Ec2\Ec2Client */
$result = $ec2Client->describeInstances(['Filters' => $filters]);
$rows = $result->search('Reservations[].Instances[]');
$collection = new \AwsInspector\Model\Collection();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$instance = Factory::create($row);
if ($instance !== false) {
return $collection;
* @param array $tags
* @return \AwsInspector\Model\Collection
public function findEc2InstancesByTags(array $tags=array()) {
$filters = [['Name' => 'instance-state-name', "Values" => ['running']]];
foreach ($tags as $tagName => $tagValue) {
$filters[] = ['Name' => 'tag:'.$tagName, "Values" => [$tagValue]];
return $this->findEc2Instances($filters);
public function findRouteTablesBySubnetId($subnetId) {
$cacheKey = 'Ec2Repository->findRouteTablesBySubnetId:' . $subnetId;
return StaticCache::get($cacheKey, function() use($subnetId) {
$ec2Client = \AwsInspector\SdkFactory::getClient('ec2');/* @var $ec2Client \Aws\Ec2\Ec2Client */
$results = $ec2Client->describeRouteTables(['Filters' => [['Name' => 'association.subnet-id', 'Values' => [$subnetId]]]]);
return $results->search('RouteTables');
public function getPublicIpForNatGateway($natGatewayId) {
$cacheKey = 'Ec2Repository->getPublicIpForNatGateway:' . $natGatewayId;
return StaticCache::get($cacheKey, function() use($natGatewayId) {
// Find the Elastic IP address attached to this NAT Gateway
$ec2Client = \AwsInspector\SdkFactory::getClient('ec2');
/* @var $ec2Client \Aws\Ec2\Ec2Client */
$results = $ec2Client->describeNatGateways(['NatGatewayIds' => [$natGatewayId]]);
$natGateway = $results->search('NatGateways');
return $natGateway[0]['NatGatewayAddresses'][0]['PublicIp'];