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Test Coverage
= form_for @expected_event, html: { class: "form-horizontal" } do |f|
  - if @expected_event.errors.any?
        = pluralize(@expected_event.errors.count, "error")
        prohibited this expected_event from being saved:
        - @expected_event.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
          %li= msg

    %h4 Incoming Event Matching
        = f.label :title, "Watch incoming event with name:", :class => "control-label"
          = f.text_field :title
        %h5 OR
        %label.control-label{:for => "available_incoming_event_titles"} Choose available
          = select_tag :available_incoming_event_titles, options_for_select(IncomingEvent.select('DISTINCT title').order('title').map(&:title)), include_blank: true

    %h4= RemoteSide.model_name.human
      = f.label :remote_side, "Watch incoming coming from:", :class => "control-label"
        = f.select :remote_side_id, RemoteSide.all.map{|site| [site.name, site.id] }, prompt: '<Select One>'

    %h4 Select Frequency
        %h5 Weekly
        %button#toggle_weekday_selection Toggle all
      - 0.upto(6).each do |n|
          = f.check_box "weekday_#{n}"
          = Date::DAYNAMES[n]
      %em (If no weekdays are checked, the event will be considered inactive)
        %h5 Monthly
          = f.label :day_of_month, class: 'control-label'
            = f.select :day_of_month, (1..31), include_blank: true

    %h4 Select Alarms
          = select_tag "expected_event[alarm_ids][]", options_for_select(Alarm.all.map{|a| [a.title, a.id]}, f.object.alarms.map(&:id)), multiple: true

    %h4 Select Notification Type
            = f.radio_button :matching_direction, 'backward'
            Send an alarm when event is
            %strong not
            = f.radio_button :matching_direction, 'forward'
            Send an alarm when event is found

    %h4 Final Hour
          = f.label :final_hour, :class => "control-label"
            = f.select :final_hour, (1..24)
          %em (Denotes the latest possible hour the event is expected. Only required for backward matching events.)

    %h4 Select Dates
      = f.label "Start Date", :class => "control-label"
        = f.text_field :started_at
      = f.label "End Date", :class => "control-label"
        = f.text_field :ended_at

    = f.submit :class => "btn btn-custom-success pull-right"