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use Admidio\Exception;

 * @brief Manage the update of a component from the actual version to the target version
 * The class is an extension to the component class and will handle the update of a
 * component. It will read the database version from the component and set this as
 * source version. Then you should set the target version. The class will then search
 * for specific update xml files in special directories. For the system this should be
 * **adm_program/installation/db_scripts** and for plugins there should be an installed folder within the
 * plugin directory. The xml files should have the prefix update and then the main und subversion
 * within their filename e.g. **update_3_0.xml**.
 * **Code example**
 * ```
 * // update the system module to the actual filesystem version
 * $componentUpdateHandle = new ComponentUpdate($gDb);
 * $componentUpdateHandle->readDataByColumns(array('com_type' => 'SYSTEM', 'com_name_intern' => 'CORE'));
 * $componentUpdateHandle->update(ADMIDIO_VERSION);
 * ```
 * @copyright The Admidio Team
 * @see
 * @license GNU General Public License v2.0 only
class ComponentUpdate extends Component
    public const UPDATE_STEP_STOP = 'stop';

     * Constructor that will create an object for component updating.
     * @param Database $database Object of the class Database. This should be the default global object **$gDb**.
     * @throws Exception
    public function __construct(Database $database)


     * Gets the version parts of a version string
     * @param string $versionString A version string
     * @return array<int,int> Returns an array with the version parts
    private static function getVersionArrayFromVersion(string $versionString): array
        return array_map('intval', explode('.', $versionString));

     * Will open an XML file of a specific version that contains all the update steps that
     * must be passed to successfully update Admidio to this version
     * @param int $mainVersion Contains a string with the main version number e.g. 2 or 3 from 2.x or 3.x.
     * @param int $minorVersion Contains a string with the main version number e.g. 1 or 2 from x.1 or x.2.
     * @return SimpleXMLElement
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException|Exception
    private function getXmlObject(int $mainVersion, int $minorVersion): SimpleXMLElement
        global $gLogger;

        // update of Admidio core has another path for the xml files as plugins
        if ($this->getValue('com_type') === 'SYSTEM') {
            $updateFile = ADMIDIO_PATH . FOLDER_INSTALLATION . '/db_scripts/update_'.$mainVersion.'_'.$minorVersion.'.xml';

            if (is_file($updateFile)) {
                try {
                    return new SimpleXMLElement($updateFile, 0, true);
                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    throw new Exception($e->getMessage());

            $message = 'XML-Update file not found!';
            $gLogger->warning($message, array('filePath' => $updateFile));

            throw new UnexpectedValueException($message);

        throw new UnexpectedValueException('No System update!');

     * Goes step by step through the update xml file of the current database version and search for the maximum step.
     * If the last step is found than the id of this step will be returned.
     * @return int Return the number of the last update step that was found in xml file of the current version.
     * @throws Exception
    public function getMaxUpdateStep(): int
        $maxUpdateStep = 0;
        $currentVersionArray = self::getVersionArrayFromVersion($this->getValue('com_version'));

        if ($currentVersionArray[0] > 1) {
            try {
                // open xml file for this version
                $xmlObject = $this->getXmlObject($currentVersionArray[0], $currentVersionArray[1]);
            } catch (UnexpectedValueException $exception) {
                return 0;
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                throw new Exception($exception->getMessage());

            // go step by step through the SQL statements until the last one is found
            foreach ($xmlObject->children() as $updateStep) {
                if ((string) $updateStep === self::UPDATE_STEP_STOP) {

                $maxUpdateStep = (int) $updateStep['id'];

        return $maxUpdateStep;

     * Get method name and execute this method
     * @param string $updateStepContent
    private static function executeUpdateMethod(string $updateStepContent)
        // get the method name (remove "ComponentUpdateSteps::")
        $methodName = substr($updateStepContent, 22);
        // now call the method

     * Prepares and execute a sql statement.
     * @param string $sql The sql statement that should be executed.
     * @param bool $showError If set to **true** the error will be shown and the script will be terminated
     *                        within the Database class.
     * @return bool Return **true** if the sql statement could be successfully executed otherwise **false**
     * @throws Exception
    private function executeUpdateSql(string $sql, bool $showError): bool
        return !($this->db->queryPrepared(Database::prepareSqlAdmidioParameters($sql), array(), $showError) === false);

     * Will execute the specific update step that is set through the parameter $xmlNode.
     * If the step was successfully done the id will be stored in the component recordset
     * so if the whole update crashs later we know that this step was successfully executed.
     * When the node has an attribute **database** than this sql statement will only be executed
     * if the value of the attribute is equal to your current **DB_ENGINE**. If the node has
     * an attribute **error** and this is set to **ignore** than a sql error will not stop
     * the update script.
     * @param SimpleXMLElement $xmlNode A SimpleXML node of the current update step.
     * @param string $version A version string of the version corresponding to the $xmlNode
     * @throws Exception
    private function executeStep(SimpleXMLElement $xmlNode, string $version = '')
        global $gLogger;

        $updateStepContent = trim((string) $xmlNode);

        $startTime = microtime(true);

        // only execute if sql statement is for all databases or for the used database
        if (!isset($xmlNode['database']) || (string) $xmlNode['database'] === DB_ENGINE) {
            $errorMessage = '<p>An error occured within the update script. Please visit our
                support forum <a href=""></a> and
                provide the following information.</p>
                <p><b>VERSION:</b> ' . $version . '<br><b>STEP:</b> ' . (int) $xmlNode['id'] . '</p>';
            $gLogger->info('UPDATE: Execute update step Nr: ' . (int) $xmlNode['id']);

            // if a method of this class was set in the update step
            // then call this function and don't execute a SQL statement
            if (str_starts_with($updateStepContent, 'ComponentUpdateSteps::')) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable $e) {
                    echo '
                        <div style="font-family: monospace;">
                             <p><strong>S C R I P T - E R R O R</strong></p>
                             ' . $errorMessage . '
                             <p><strong>MESSAGE:</strong> ' . $e->getMessage() . '</p>
                             <p><strong>B A C K T R A C E</strong></p>
                             <p>' . str_replace('#', '<br />', $e->getTraceAsString()) . '</p>
            } else {
                $showError = true;
                // if the attribute error was set to "ignore" then don't show errors that occurs on sql execution
                if (isset($xmlNode['error']) && (string) $xmlNode['error'] === 'ignore') {
                    $showError = false;

                $returnCodeSql = $this->executeUpdateSql($updateStepContent, false);

                if($showError && !$returnCodeSql) {
                    // => EXIT
            $gLogger->debug('UPDATE: Execution time ' . getExecutionTime($startTime));
        } else {
                'UPDATE: Update step is for another database!',
                array('database' => (string) $xmlNode['database'], 'step' => (int) $xmlNode['id'])

        // save the successful executed update step in database
        $this->setValue('com_update_step', (int) $xmlNode['id']);

     * Do a loop through all versions start with the last installed version and end with the current version of the
     * file system (**$targetVersion**). Within every subversion the method will search for an update xml file and
     * execute all steps in this file until the end of file is reached. If an error occurred then the update will
     * be stopped and the system will be marked with update not completed so that it's possible to continue the
     * update later if the problem was fixed.
     * @param string $targetVersion The target version to update.
     * @throws Exception
    public function update(string $targetVersion)
        global $gLogger;

        $currentVersionArray = self::getVersionArrayFromVersion($this->getValue('com_version'));
        $targetVersionArray  = self::getVersionArrayFromVersion($targetVersion);
        $initialMinorVersion = $currentVersionArray[1];

        // if the update is from a version lower than 4.2.0 than the field com_update_complete doesn't exist
        // otherwise set the status to incomplete update
        if(version_compare($this->getValue('com_update_version'), '4.2.0', '>')) {
            $this->setValue('com_update_completed', false);

        for ($mainVersion = $currentVersionArray[0]; $mainVersion <= $targetVersionArray[0]; ++$mainVersion) {
            // Set max subversion for iteration. If we are in the loop of the target main version
            // then set target minor-version to the max version
            $maxMinorVersion = 20;
            if ($mainVersion === $targetVersionArray[0]) {
                $maxMinorVersion = $targetVersionArray[1];

            for ($minorVersion = $initialMinorVersion; $minorVersion <= $maxMinorVersion; ++$minorVersion) {
                // if version is not equal to current version then start update step with 0
                if ($mainVersion !== $currentVersionArray[0] || $minorVersion !== $currentVersionArray[1]) {
                    $this->setValue('com_update_step', 0);

                // save current version to system component
                $this->setValue('com_version', $mainVersion.'.'.$minorVersion.'.0');

                // output of the version number for better debugging
                $gLogger->notice('UPDATE: Start executing update steps to version '.$mainVersion.'.'.$minorVersion);

                // open xml file for this version
                try {
                    $xmlObject = $this->getXmlObject($mainVersion, $minorVersion);

                    // go step by step through the SQL statements and execute them
                    foreach ($xmlObject->children() as $updateStep) {
                        if ((string) $updateStep === self::UPDATE_STEP_STOP) {
                        if ((int) $updateStep['id'] > (int) $this->getValue('com_update_step')) {
                            $this->executeStep($updateStep, $mainVersion.'.'.$minorVersion.'.0');
                        } else {
                            $gLogger->info('UPDATE: Skip update step Nr: ' . (int) $updateStep['id']);
                } catch (UnexpectedValueException|Exception $exception) {
                    // TODO

                $gLogger->notice('UPDATE: Finish executing update steps to version '.$mainVersion.'.'.$minorVersion);

            // reset subversion because we want to start update for next main version with subversion 0
            $initialMinorVersion = 0;

        // save current version of file system to all modules
        $sql = 'UPDATE '.TBL_COMPONENTS.'
                           SET com_version = ? -- ADMIDIO_VERSION
                             , com_beta    = ? -- ADMIDIO_VERSION_BETA
                             , com_update_completed = true
                         WHERE com_type IN (\'SYSTEM\', \'MODULE\')';
        $this->db->queryPrepared($sql, array(ADMIDIO_VERSION, ADMIDIO_VERSION_BETA));