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[(number of arms on a squid) - (height in feet of an NBA basketball hoop)] * [number of minutes taken for light from the sun to reach the earth]\n;0;8;24;72;0
12 x 2 +(6/4) ^2 equals what?\n;26.25;576;26.25;666;56.25
"1919 saw the first general, city-wide strike in the USA. It involved about 35,000 workers. In which city did this strike occur?\n";"Seattle, Washington";"New York, N.Y.";"Chicago, Illinois";"Seattle, Washington";"Memphis, Tennessee"
"1973 Pink Floyd album,entitled Dark Side of _____.\n";... the Moon;... the Sun;... Darkness.;... the Moon;... Parapsychology
"3M Company was formed in 1902 in Two Harbors, Minnesota near Lake Superior with the intent of selling sandpaper. The company made $22.923 billion USD in 2006 and is famous for several inventions, including Scotch tape. What does 3M stand for?\n";Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company;The number 3000;Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company;The year 3000 A.D.;"Michaels, McCallister and Murphy"
50 years of marriage are known as this.\n;Gold anniversary;Pearl anniversary;Diamond anniversary;Gold anniversary;Platinum anniversary
"6 am:  My alarm went off and my 4-year-old daughter jumped in bed with me, triggering my pedophobia. What was I afraid of?\n";Children;Loud noises;Children;Quick movements;Daylight
A 1672 painting in Dobarsko in this country depicts Jesus in a rocket ship.\n;Bulgaria;Croatia;Hungary;Estonia;Bulgaria
"A character, played by which of these actors/actresses survived in the movie The Poseidon Adventure?\n";Red Buttons;Red Buttons;Shelly Winters;Stella Stevens;Gene Hackman
"A clay tablet, which dates from around 2300 bce is on display at the museum in Konya, Turkey. What is on the tablet?\n";The earliest known map;The earliest known math text.;The earliest known map;The earliest known accounting ledger.;The earliest known portrait.
A day on Venus is equal to how many Earth days?\n;243;23;119;243;306
A farmer and his son are working together. The farmer is carrying one sack of grain and the son is carrying two sacks. Who was carrying the heavier load- the son or the father?\n;the father;the son;They werent carrying anything.;the same amount;the father
A fire killed over 1600 people in 1845 in what Chinese city?\n;Guangzhou (Canton);Hong Kong;Guangzhou (Canton);Beijing;Shanghai
A great step forward in the world of pencils was made in 1858. What was it?\n;Hyman Lipman began putting an eraser on the end of pencils.;Sears-Roebuck began selling pencils in their catalog.;Hyman Lipman began putting an eraser on the end of pencils.;Sarah Teasdale Wallace patented the first indelible pencil.;Irving Kellogg Watson patented the first drawing pencils in different colors.
A kunik is an intimate way of greeting that involves pressing the nose and upper lip against the skin of the other person. What group of people is this form of greeting typically associated with?\n;Eskimos;Pygmies in Central Africa;Eskimos;Native Americans in the US;Tasmanian Aborigines
A lion is part of which animal class?\n;Mammalia;Mammalia;Amphibia;Aves;Arachnida
"A major earthquake struck this city in 1906, killing almost 3,000 people.\n";San Francisco;Taipei;Wellington;Tokyo;San Francisco
A man shoots his wife. Then he holds her underwater for 5-10 minutes. Then he hangs her. 30 minutes later they go out to dinner at a 5-star restaurant. How is this possible?\n;He is a photographer;He is a photographer;none of these;He brings her back to life.;He remarries.
A man walks up to you and says Everything I say is a lie. Is he telling the truth or lying?\n;He is lying.;He is lying.;none of these;He is telling the truth.;not enough information
"A mermaid is the symbol of this European city; depicted on its coat of arms, it can be seen on statues throughout the city.\n";Warsaw;Warsaw;Amsterdam;Rotterdam;Copenhagen
A mixture of water and honey can be used for what unconventional purpose?\n;Antifreeze for cars;Antifreeze for cars;A treatment for throat infections;A means of greasing a muffin pan;Silver cleaner
"A notable movie in the Film Noir genre is Out of the Past.  This movie featured Robert Mitchum as Jeff Bailey, who is forced to confront his past by one unsavory adversary, played by an actor who is not known for his roles playing a heavy.  Name him.\n";Kirk Douglas;Raymond Burr;Charles Laughton;Kirk Douglas;Vincent Price
"A person who is afraid of heights, suffers from what disorder?\n";Acrophobia;Acrophobia;Agoraphobia;Arachnophobia;Anglophobia
A person who is excessively afraid of getting married suffers from what phobia?\n;Gamophobia;Wedophobia;Entomophobia;Acrophobia;Gamophobia
A plaster cast of a reclining Bigfoot was taken in September of 2000. What is the cast called?\n;The Skookum Cast;The Mud Mark;The Skookum Cast;The Sasquatch Impression;The Greenville Ape Wallow
A popular method of finding a vampires grave involved this animal that would supposedly balk at the grave.\n;Horse;Horse;Chicken;Black cat;Wolf
"A pure diamond is colorless, but extremely rare. This is the color shade that most diamonds have.\n";Yellow;Gray;Yellow;Blue;Green
A shade of what color is the color called jazzberry jam?\n;Red-violet;Mint green;Golden brown;Fuchsia;Red-violet
A shade of which color is the so-called June bud color?\n;Green;Orange;Coral;Green;Pink
A specimen from which of these species was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest bony fish alive?\n;Oarfish;Whale shark;Bluefin tuna;Oarfish;Blue whale
A tabby is a type of domesticated cat with tiger-like stripes and silky fur. Where does the word tabby come from?\n;A suburb of Baghdad;"A corruption of Tabitha, a name long associated with cats and the devil";A district of a city in China;A suburb of Baghdad;A corruption of its Latin name
A Tattoo is a wound. It oozes for a couple of days after it has been made. This is not recommended for you to do after you get a tattoo.\n;Swim and sunbathe;Swim and sunbathe;Wash it soap;Eat hot food;Cover it with clothes
A variation of what color is the shade called Harlequin?\n;Green;Blue;Orange;Red;Green
"A Venus day, the time it takes Venus to rotate once, is approximately how long?\n";243 Earth days;20 Earth hours;10 Earth hours;106 Earth days;243 Earth days
A very common greeting in India is namaste or namaskar. What does it mean?\n;I bow  to you.;I bow  to you.;I pray your family is complete.;May you be blessed.;How are  you?
"A war, which was condemned by the United Nations, was fought in 1982 over a group of islands between which two countries?\n";Argentina and Great Britain;Grenada and the USA;Panama and the USA;Argentina and Great Britain;Chile and Argentina
“Appointing your grandmother to office for the good of the party� is the definition of which of these words in the satirical book by Ambrose Bierce The Devils Dictionary?\n;Nepotism;Favoritism;Humanitarianism;Socialism;Nepotism
“The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather and exposing them to the critic� is satirist Ambrose Bierce’s definition for which of these activities?\n;Painting;Sculpturing;Repairing;Painting;Safeguarding
"About half of the 26,000 kg diamonds mined annually originate from which continent?\n";Africa;Asia;South America;Europe;Africa
About how many feet are there in one kilometer?\n;3281;1762;3281;5280;2089
"According to a belief,  women should wear diamonds on this finger.\n";The middle finger of the left hand;The thumb of the right hand;The index finger of the left hand;The middle finger of the left hand;The middle finger of the right hand
"According to a popular 1960s slogan, where would you meet the nicest people?\n";On a Honda;At the AMC theaters;On a Honda;At Macys;In Las Vegas
"According to a popular Greek legend, Thessalonike, the sister of this historical figure, was transformed into a mermaid after her death.\n";Alexander the Great;Aristotle;Helen of Troy;Alexander the Great;Orpheus
"According to a story, a teenage girl wears her new pair of shrink-to-fit jeans in the bathtub in order to acheive the perfect fit. Unfortunately, the jeans shrink so much that they kill her with their constricting force. What brand of jeans is responsible?\n";Levis;Levis;Abercrombie  Fitch;Tommy Hilfiger;Calvin Klein
"According to a study published in the Annals of Neurology, people who regularly come into contact with pesticides are 70 % more likely to develop what disease?\n";Parkinsons disease;Brain Cancer;Alzheimers disease;Jakob-Brezlov disease;Parkinsons disease
"According to a theory, palm readers should explore only the left hand of people which of the following people?\n";Women;Unmarried people;Women;Men;Children
"According to an urban legend, an electrical worker is blinded for life when the following item/s fuse(s) to his eyes.\n";His contact lenses;His contact lenses;His welding rod;His goggles;His loose shirt cuff
"According to an urban legend, in Geneva in 2002 an intoxicated groom was suffocated at his bachelor party by which of the following?\n";A strippers large breasts;Passing out face down on the shag carpet;A strippers large breasts;His jealous best man;His own tie
"According to Arthurian legend, Queen Guineveres love affair with this knight of the Round Table led to the downfall of Camelot.\n";Lancelot;Tristan;Lancelot;Percival;Galahad
"According to Douglas Adams book The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, this number is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything.\n";42;37;53;42;27
"According to Dr. Seuss, what goes with ham?\n";Green eggs;Green eggs;Orange bacon;Pink Sausage;Blue Cheese
"According to geologists, in which era do we live?\n";Cenozoic;Mesozoic;Cenozoic;Simpsonian;Quaternary
"According to GlobalNet UK, less than what percentage of 500 Chinese cities surveyed have clean air?\n";1%;15%;24%;30%;1%
"According to Greek mythology, he was the best friend of Pythias.\n";Damion;Damion;Daconias;Draco;Desmond
"According to Hindu tradition, the fifth chakra, called Vishuddha and associated with the blue color, is located in this part of the body.\n";Neck;Navel;Neck;Left ring finger;Mouth
"According to Islamic beliefs, the Devil was created out of what?\n";Smokeless fire;Unbreakable rocks;Smokeless fire;Clay;Polluted soil
"According to Japanese folklore, this kind of fox is unusual and has special abilities.\n";Kitsune;Kitsune;Nuckalavee;Gamera;Ghidorah
"According to legend, each leaflet of a 4-leaf clover has a meaning. What does the 1st leaf mean?\n";Hope;Luck;Hope;Strength;Prosperity
According to Leonardo da Vinci the color green represented what?\n;water;water;wealth;wisdom;earth
"According to Luke 6:13, Jesus called unto him his disciples, and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles.  Which one did Jesus not choose?\n";Mark;Judas Iscariot;Thomas;Mark;Thaddaeus
"According to modern geological theories, there was only one continent about 200 million years ago. What do geologists call it?\n";Pangaea;Panthalyssia;Pannotia;Pangaea;Rodinia
"According to most theories, when was the color pink invented?\n";17th century;17th century;12th century;19th century;15th century
"According to popular urban legends, the ghost of an Indiana teen who was killed after 5 other teens pushed her into the sewer will kill anyone who doesnt do which of the following?\n";Repost her story on Myspace;Draw a cross on 5 manhole covers;Light a candle in her memory;Repost her story on Myspace;Forward her story by email
"According to Slavic belief, what type of death caused the soul to become unclean and potentially transformed a corpse into a vampire?\n";All of these;Early death;Violent death;Death of an unbaptized person;All of these
According to the 1990 US census the most common surname is Smith. What is the second most common name?\n;Johnson;Brown;Williams;Jones;Johnson
"According to the August 2008 issue of Travel  Leisure, what is the scariest road in the world?\n";"N. Yungas Road, Bolivia";"Karakoram Hwy., Pakistan to China";"Guoliang Tunnel Road, China";"N. Yungas Road, Bolivia";"Halsena Hwy., Luzon, Philippines"
"According to The Bible, how long did Jonah stay in the whale (i.e. in the leviathan)?\n";3 days and 3 nights;40 days and 40 nights;0 days and 0 nights;120 years;3 days and 3 nights
"According to the Bible, the very first Rebecca was married to whom?\n";Issac;Jacob;Issac;Abraham;Abel
"According to the Bible, where was Jesus Christ born?\n";Bethlehem;Jerusalem;Erichon;Bethlehem;Egypt
According to the Christian  tradition there are 39 books in the Old Testament. How many books are there in the Old Testament according to the Jewish tradition?\n;24;39;5;24;65
"According to the New Testament, which of the 12 Apostles gave Jesus a kiss, known as the kiss of betrayal?\n";Judas;Thaddeus;Judas;Bartholomew;Simon the Zealot
"According to the popular song, in what city is the House of the Rising Sun located?\n";New Orleans;Lexington;New Orleans;San Francisco;Dallas
"According to the popular TV show, at what restaurant does Alice work?\n";Mels Diner;Dennys;Burger King;McDonalds;Mels Diner
"According to the religion of Sikhism, it is every Sikhs duty to defeat what five vices?\n";"Ego, anger, greed, attachment, and lust";"Religious zealots, political zealots, money lending, sexual allurement and gluttony";"Alcohol, pork, money, gold, and diamonds";"Ego, anger, greed, attachment, and lust";"Drunkenness, lewdness, murder, rape and theft"
"According to their mission statement, what is the primary goal of the US Central Intelligence Agency?\n";Providing national security intelligence to senior US policymakers;Providing national security intelligence to senior US policymakers;Fighting Al-Qaeda;Rescuing US citizens from terrorists around the world;Spying on all aliens on US territory
"According to urban legends that spread in 1997, people in this country began pumping air from a bicycle pump into their rectum resulting in their explosion.\n";Thailand;The United States;Poland;Thailand;South Africa
"According to urban legends, at Santa Fes Loretto Chapel, this structure defies the laws of physics, standing without any support.\n";A spiral staircase;A 12 foot tall mirror;A stained glass window depicting Jesus;A spiral staircase;A stained glass window depicting St. Joseph
"According to urban legends, in Plainfield, Wisconsin the ghosts of two murdered girls return to kill and skin their parents. Why?\n";The parents didnt tell their subsequent son about his sisters.;The parents murdered them.;The parents didnt tell their subsequent son about his sisters.;The parents didnt report the girls murders.;The parents sold the girls to be murdered.
"According to urban legends, the Titantic sank because it was carrying which of the following?\n";A cursed mummy;Jack the Ripper;A man trying to outrun a gypsys curse;A cursed mummy;The Book of the Dead
"Ace Frehley, one of the original members of Kiss, created the bands iconic logo, in which the letters SS look like lightning bolts. In which of these countries have Kiss used a modified version of their logo in order to avoid controversy?\n";Germany;Australia;Germany;Russia;USA
"Acrophobia is a term, defined as an excessive fear of what?\n";Heights;Heights;Travel;Water;Light
"Across the Hall, Friends Like Us, Insomnia Caf� and Six of One are all working titles of one of famous US TV-series.  Name the series.\n";Friends;Friends;Sex and the City;ALF;One Tree Hill
"Actors Dolph Lundgren, Lena Olin, and Ann Margaret hail from this Scandinavian country that joined the European Union in 1995.\n";Sweden;Finland;Sweden;Norway;Estonia
"After fashion designer Gianni Versace was murdered outside his Miami home, his sister Donatella stepped in as creative director of the fashion label. What is the name of Versaces older brother who became CEO of Gianni Versace S.p.A.?\n";Santo;Francesco;Antonio;Tano;Santo
"After gaining 30 pounds and donning a set of prosthetic teeth, Charlize Theron teamed up with Christina Ricci and won a 2003 Academy Award for Best Actress in the biographical, crime, thriller movie titled Monster. What real life serial killer and prostitute did Charlize portray in this film?\n";Aileen Wournos;Lizzie Borden;Lynette Squeaky Fromme;Aileen Wournos;Valerie Solanas
"After the battle of Waterloo, General Ney of the French army received a death sentence and was reportedly executed by firing squad on December 7th, 1815. However a gentleman called Peter Ney, who died in the year 1846, claimed to be the General.  It was never proven that he actually was the General. However, many things point towards the truth of his claim. Which of thes is not one of them?\n";"When he arrived in the US - safe from prosecution - he identified himself as the General, but he was not believed";On the boat to the US he was spotted and recognized by a former soldier under his command;"When he arrived in the US - safe from prosecution - he identified himself as the General, but he was not believed";A famous New York handwriting specialist identified his writing as that of the general;He had surprising knowledge of the family background and the military
"After three unsuccessful runs, this socialist was elected President in 1970.\n";Salvador Allende;Salvador Allende;Miquel Noriega;Dmitri Kerensky;Ivan Beria
Aichmophobia is defined as an abnormal fear of what?\n;pointy objects;algebraic equations;tombstones;atomic explosives;pointy objects
Ailurophobia is fear of these animals.\n;Cats;Horses;Cats;Dogs;Fish
"Al the languages of Europe, except three, are derived from Indian languages, probably Sanskrit or Tamil. Which three are the exceptions?\n";"Hungarian, Estonian, and Finnish";"Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish";"Andorran, Catalan, and Provencal";"Romanian, Romansch, and English";"Hungarian, Estonian, and Finnish"
"Alaska, Texas and California are the three largest states in the USA. Which are the next two largest states?\n";Montana and New Mexico;Montana and New Mexico;Georgia and Iowa;Wyoming and Iowa;Montana and Georgia
Alban W. Phillips is the discoverer of the Phillips Curve. What does this curve show?\n;Inflation is inversely proportional to unemployment.;Rising wages favor capital-intensive investments.;Inflation is inversely proportional to unemployment.;Rising wages favor labor-intensive investments.;Property is the real basis for wealth in a capitalistic society.
"Alexander Graham Bell, known as the inventor of the telephone, is also credited with the invention of this device, which was first used after the assassination of President James Garfield.\n";metal detector;metal detector;phonograph;audiometer;air conditioning
"Alexander Reid, a famous Scottish art dealer, lived with the Van Gogh brothers for over a year and was given two original Van Goghs as a farewell gift. He quickly sold both of them for five pounds. Why?\n";His father thought they were terrible;His father thought they were terrible;They were drawings not paintings;He thought they were terrible;They were actually painted by Theo not by Vincent
"Algonquin wedding feasts include many traditional American Indian foods, as well as this type of meat.\n";Deer;Pork;Hare;Horse;Deer
All babies are born with a soft spot on the top of their heads. What is this called?\n;Fontanelle;Raspberry;Soft Spot;Neurocranium;Fontanelle
"All but one of these statements represents a common bond between the movies, The Terminal and Catch Me if You Can.\n";Leonardo DiCaprio stars in them both.;They both can be classified as dramas.;They both are produced by Spielberg.;Tom Hanks stars in them both.;Leonardo DiCaprio stars in them both.
All of the following are fruits except which one?\n;corn;corn;orange;cherry;apple
All of these French writers were born before 1900 except one.\n;Simone de Beauvoir;Alexandre Dumas;Simone de Beauvoir;Marcel Proust;Gustave Flaubert
All of these gadgets belong to James Bond except one.  Can you spot it?\n;Batarang;Batarang;Cigarette lighter (a disguised timed explosive);Polarizing Sunglasses;Phone Booth Trap
"Alligators and crocodiles exist together in only one place in the world, where?\n";Florida;Samoa;North Carolina;Florida;Australia
"Almaty, or Alma-Ata as formerly known, is the largest city and capital of which country?\n";Kazakhstan;Krgyzstan;Tajikistan;Kyrgyzstan;Kazakhstan
"Almost everyone knows of Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, Sandy Koufax, Bob Gibson, and Ichiro Suzuki but who was Bill Klem?\n";The Father of Modern Umpires;The first professional baseball player;The Father of Modern Umpires;The man who replaced Lou Gehrig at first base for the Yankees.;The man who sold Babe Ruth to the Yankees
"Also the name of a famous vodka, Finlandia was a symphonic poem first written in 1899 by what Finnish composer?\n";Jean Sibelius;Frederic Chopin;Edvard Grieg;Jean Sibelius;Magnus Lindberg
"Although almost non-existent today, what ancient religion, stemming predominantly from Persia, worshipped Ahura Mazda as an uncreated Creator and God.\n";Zoroastrianism;Hinduism;Rastafarianism;Zoroastrianism;Taoism
"Although minimal, the risk of transmitting this disease through a tattoo needle exists. This disease can also be transmitted through the ink or dirty equipment and environment.\n";Hepatitis B;Tuberculosis;Hepatitis B;Cholera;Mumps
"Although opponents tried to spread rumors that he was in the KKK, this President completely integrated the U.S. Armed Forces.\n";Truman;Andrew Johnson;Lyndon Johnson;Hoover;Truman
"Although seemingly different, the diamond and the graphite are both allotropes of one and the same chemical element. Which one?\n";Carbon;Nitrogen;Carbon;Oxygen;Iron
"Although the first paperback books were published in Germany, it was in England that the paperback book first became very popular. This is considered the first paperback novel.\n";Pelham by Edward Bulwer-Lytton;Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe;A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens;Pelham by Edward Bulwer-Lytton;The Adventures of Tom Thumb by Brigham Wise-Dunne
"Although this author spent much of his life outside his native Ireland, his landmark novels Ulysses and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man are set in Dublin.\n";James Joyce;James Clavell;James William Mitchell;James Joyce;James Munro
Amathophobia is an irrational fear of what?\n;dust particles;thunder  lightning;movement or change;falling in love;dust particles
"American athletes Dave DeBusschere, Gene Conley and Del Rice all have what in common?\n";They played pro basketball and pro baseball;They played pro baseball and  pro football;They played pro basketball and pro football;They played pro basketball and became team owners;They played pro basketball and pro baseball
"An early version of this instrument was invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori of Florence, who was employed by the Medici family.\n";The piano;The piano;The crane;The steam drill;The plow
An eponym that describes a mens style is derived from the name of this Union general.\n;General Burnside;General Sheridan;General Burnside;General Tuxedo;General Trouser
Ancient Greeks also had their bubble gum. They chewed the resin of this tree to clean their teeth and freshen their breath.\n;Mastic tree;Ash tree;Mastic tree;Olive tree;Pine tree
Andreas Gruenintzig was the doctor who first  performed this procedure.\n;Angioplasty;Thyroidectomy;Bone marrow transplant;Lung transplant;Angioplasty
"Ann has $5.00 and Jeff gives her $2.50, then she goes and buys $3.38 worth of candy. How much money does she have left?\n";$4.12;$4.12;$3.92;nothing;$5.00
"Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, and Zimbabwe are three countries which share just one of these four items.\n";Independence gained from the UK;"Population less than 30,000 people";Independence gained from the UK;Currency;Border
"Apart from its culinary properties, sugar has many uses in science and manufacturing. It is used for all of the following, except one.\n";To increase ice creams freezing point;"To tan leather, printer inks and dyes.";To harden asphalt.;To increase ice creams freezing point;To help grow penicillin.
Approximately how fast can a sneeze travel?\n;100 miles per hour;500 miles an hour;100 miles per hour;100 feet per hour;50 feet an hour
Approximately how long does it take a fingernail to grow from the base to the tip?\n;6 months;6 days;6 months;6 weeks;2 months
Approximately how long is the Martian solar day?\n;24 hours 39 minutes;48 hours 30 minutes;12 hours 35 minutes;15 hours;24 hours 39 minutes
Approximately how many pencils are sold annually in the USA?\n;"2,000,000,000";"500,000,000";"2,000,000,000";"200,000,000";"20,000,000"
Approximately how many people attended the soccer match between Uruguay and Brazil during the 1950 FIFA World Cup tournament?\n;"199,800";"300,000";"500,000";"1,000,000";"199,800"
Approximately how many pounds of food should a normal adult horse consume in a day?\n;15-25;40-50;15-25;05-Oct;30-35
Approximately how much time does it take for light from the Sun to reach the Earths surface?\n;About 8 minutes;About 37 minutes;About 1 minute;About 8 minutes;About 29 seconds
Approximately how much whole milk does it take to make one gallon of ice cream?\n;12 pounds;10 pounds;21.2 pounds;4.5 pounds;12 pounds
Approximately what percentage of a jellyfish is water ?\n;95;98;95;90;85
"Arrange the listed phobias in the following order: fear of clowns, fear of speaking in public, fear of smells, fear of needles.\n";"Coulrophobia, Glossophobia, Osmophobia, Trypanophobia";"Osmophobia, Coulrophobia, Trypanophobia, Glossophobia";"Glossophobia, Osmophobia, Trypanophobia, Coulrophobia";"Coulrophobia, Glossophobia, Osmophobia, Trypanophobia";"Trypanophobia, Glossophobia, Osmophobia, Coulrophobia"
As a cheaper substitute for which of these precious stones is the synthetic cubic zirconia used?\n;Diamond;Peridot;Goshenite;Diamond;Opal
"As a child, this singer allegedly witnessed a car accident in the desert, where a family of Native Americans were injured. He considered this incident to be the most impactful event in his life and often referred to it in his poems and songs.\n";Jim Morrison;Jimi Hendrix;Jimmy Somerville;James Brown;Jim Morrison
"As a protest to the British Tea Tax, colonial Americans used this for making tea.\n";Goldenrod;Hay;Goldenrod;Persian Root;Strawberries
At one time both Canada and Ireland were governed by people of this same name.\n;Mary Robinson;John McKenzie;Sarah Mosely;Mary Robinson;Robert Hall  Briscoe
At the 2003 MTV music awards these two stars wore diamond necklaces with their initials.\n;Britney Spears and Madonna;Britney Spears and Madonna;Alicia Keys and Anastasia;Whitney Huston and Mariah Carey;Jeniffer Aniston and Brad Pitt
"At the end of his historic performance at the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967, this musician set his guitar Fender Stratocaster on fire.\n";Jimi Hendrix;Little Richard;Janis Joplin;Jimi Hendrix;Peter Townsend
"At wedding ceremonies in China, both the bride and the groom are dressed in this color.\n";Red;Blue;Silver;Yellow;Red
"At wedding ceremonies in Iran, this object is placed between two candelabras on a spread, to represent  the brightly future of the couple.\n";Mirror;Silver plate;Mirror;Lamp;Diamond ring
At what angle is the Earth tilted?\n;23.5 degrees;23.5 degrees;90 radians;45 radians;45 degrees
At what approximate speed does the Earth orbit around the Sun?\n;108 000 km/h (67 108.1 mph);18 000 km/h (11 184.7 mph);10 000 km/h (6 213.7 mph);108 000 km/h (67 108.1 mph);1000 km/h (621.4 mph)
At what event was the opera Aida premiered?\n;The opening of the Suez Canal;The opening of the Suez Canal;The opening of La Scala in Milan;The opening of  the Panama Canal;The  opening of the National Opera House in Rome
At what New York nightclub did American socialite Little Edie have a cabaret act for about two weeks?\n;Reno Sweeny;Irma Le Deuce;Reno Sweeny;The Gay Parie;Les Follies
At what temperature does water begin to boil on top of Mount Everest?\n;150 degrees Fahrenheit;150 degrees Fahrenheit;212 degrees Fahrenheit;150 degrees Centigrade;0 degrees Kelvin
At what temperature is the Fahrenheit temperature equal the Celsius temperature?\n;-40 degrees;0 degrees;-40 degrees;4 degrees;-4 degrees
"At what time does Big Ben, in London, have both clock hands together?\n";Never;At 12 noon and 12 midnight;Only at midnight;Only at noon;Never
"Atticus Finch was a great, moral man and a fine lawyer who defended Tom Robinson. In which novel and  movie was he a central character?\n";To Kill a Mockingbird;To Kill a Mockingbird;The Trial;Witness for the Prosecution;Anatomy of a Murder
"Audrey Hepburn, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Django Reinhardt, Toots Thielemans, and Adolphe Sax were all born in this country.\n";Belgium;Luxembourg;Belgium;France;The Netherlands
Author Dean Koontz was so upset with the 1996 film version of this book that he has demanded creative control over every film based on one of his books.\n;Hideaway;Watchers;Carrie;Phantoms;Hideaway
"Author Marianna Mayer describes this mythical creature as the only fabulous beast that does not seem to have been conceived out of human fears. In even the earliest references he is fierce yet good, selfless yet solitary, but always mysteriously beautiful. He could be captured only by unfair means. What creature is this?\n";Unicorn;Satyr;Griffin;Unicorn;Phoenix
Ava and Mia were two of the wives of which famous persons?\n;Frank Sinatra;Henry VIII;Artie Shaw;Frank Sinatra;Louis XIV
"Baseball player Alexander Rodriguez, who became the youngest player ever to hit 500 home runs, started his professional career with this team.\n";Seattle Mariners;Seattle Mariners;New York Yankees;Detroit Tigers;Texas Rangers
Basketball has always been a physical sport. This player is a record breaker for the most personal fouls in one NBA season.\n;Darryl Dawkins;Darryl Dawkins;Moses Malone;Joe Dumars;Wilt  Chamberlin
Bazooka introduced the first bubble gum comics named Bazooka Joe. It was first introduced in this year.\n;1953;1920;1953;1910;1963
"Because of his notable achievements as a poet, writer, and independence movement leader, Jose Marti is considered the greatest hero of which country?\n";Cuba;Spain;Mexico;Cuba;Argentina
Beethovens Fifth Symphony is divided into four movements. What is the name of the opening one?\n;Allegro con brio;Allegro con brio;Scherzo: Allegro;Andante con moto;Allegro
"Before becoming US President in 1981, he was head of a labor union.\n";Reagan;Hoover;Truman;Johnson;Reagan
"Before he started making movies in Hollywood, Dudley Moore was part of a comedy duo in Great Britain in the late 60 and early 70s. What was his partners name?\n";Peter Cook;Peter Baker;Peter Cook;Less Parks;Jim Jackson
"Before his death, host of the Tonight Show, Johnny Carson, used to meet Steve Martin, Chevy Chase and Carl Reiner in which club?\n";The Hollywood Gourmet Poker Club;The Friars Club;The Hollywood Gourmet Poker Club;The Santa Monica Marina Club;The Bel Air Golf and Country Club
"Before making the change to a decimal based monetary system, one English guinea was comprised of this many shillings.  Coincidentally, it is also the number of letters in the Italian alphabet.\n";21;4;18;29;21
Before the F/A18 this was the main U.S. Marine Corps fighter/bomber.\n;Harrier;Cobra;Thunderbolt;Harrier;Tiger
"Beginning in the 1970s, author Stephen King re-popularized the horror novel. Which of the following novels was NOT written by King?\n";Hideaway;Carrie;Hideaway;Salems Lot;The Dead Zone
"Benito Mussolini, Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander the Great, and Julius Caesar were all afraid of these animals.\n";Cats;Dogs;Horses;Cats;Mice
"Benny Goodman, a great clarinetist, was always compared to this great jazz clarinetist, composer, bandleader, and writer.\n";Artie Shaw;Cootie Williams;Art Farmer;Bunny Berrigan;Artie Shaw
"Berkeley Universitys, Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligences project , SETI@Home, is an experiment open for everyone to join. What is SETI@Homes aim?\n";To use free processing time in volunteers computers to analyze radio data;To bring an alien to each volunteers home;To place radio telescopes at volunteers homes;To use free processing time in volunteers computers to analyze radio data;To train volunteers for space missions
Bernard Webb was a pseudonym used by which famous musician and songwriter?\n;Paul McCartney;Paul McCartney;John  Lennon;Peter Asher;none of these  three answers is  correct
"Between the 1920s and 1940s, the pink color was considered appropriate for this group of people, but later it became popular with others too.\n";Boys;Boys;Babies;Young women;High-class people
"Biggin Hill in London, that is said to be haunted by ghosts, was what kind of war location in the past?\n";World War II airbase;World War I airbase;Revolutionary War strategy base;World War II airbase;D-Day commandment center
"Blonde hair was important to Hitler, according to him it symbolized this.\n";The purity of the Aryan race;Valor;German nationality;Innocence;The purity of the Aryan race
"Bloomsday is a secular holiday, which commemorates the life of Irish writer James Joyce and the fictitious events in his novel Ulysses. Bloomsday is celebrated annually, on what date?\n";Jun-16;Oct-19;Dec-24;Jun-16;Jul-03
"Blue is a British boy band consisting of four members. The song Signed, Sealed, Delivered, Im Yours is performed by them and this musician.\n";Stevie Wonder;Jim Morrison;Stevie Wonder;Elton John;Steve Lawrence
Blue pages are a telephone directory of these.\n;Government offices;Business offices;Celebrities home numbers;Brothels numbers;Government offices
"Bobby Leach, a circus stuntman from Cornwell, England, famous for surviving a barrel ride over the Niagara Falls, died in what way?\n";He slipped on a orange peel and died.;He was one of the first casualties of WWI.;He slipped on a orange peel and died.;He died during an attempt to swim the English Channel.;In 1912 he was aboard the Titanic and drowned.
"Body Heat, written and directed by Lawrence Kasdan of Star Wars, has everything; scheming lovers, murder, blackmail and betrayal.  Can you name the actor who played Matty Walkers doomed husband, Edmund?\n";Richard Crenna;Richard Crenna;E. G. Marshall;Peter Boyle;Harvey Keitel
"Born Charles Dennis Buchinsky in 1921, this The Dirty Dozen and Rider on the Rain actor was known in Italy as Il Brutto (The Ugly One).\n";Charles Bronson;Ernest Borgnine;Telly Savalas;Charles Bronson;Donald Pleasence
"Born in Vladivostok, Russia in 1920, this Academy Award-winning actor is best know for playing King Mongkut of Siam 4,626 times onstage. He also reprised the role in the film version of the musical.\n";Yul Brenner;Telly Savalas;Yul Brenner;Lee J. Cobb;Peter Sellers
"Brad Pitt starred in all these movies, except one. Can you spot it?\n";The Beach;Meet Joe Black;Mr.  Mrs. Smith;Oceans Eleven;The Beach
Brian Hayes coined the term umop-episdn.  What does it mean?\n;Topsy-turvy;A computer glitch;Alien language;Topsy-turvy;A mishmash of languages
"British aircraft manufacturer, Saunders Roe, developed the first practical man-carrying hovercraft, the SR-N1. Its first public demonstration, including a cross-channel run, was made in what year?\n";1959;1716;1959;1934;1978
"Bud Abbott and Lou Costello were a comedy team that lasted for 20 years, from the 1930s through the 1950s. What famous baseball routine are they best known for?\n";Whos on First?;The Ump is Blind!;Whos on First?;Whos Playing Who?;Whos your Daddy?
"Buddhism, a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of Siddh�rtha Gautama, traces its origins to which country?\n";India;Taiwan;Thailand;India;China
"By act of Congress, this is the official alcoholic spirit of the USA.\n";Bourbon;Corn liquor;Gin;Rye;Bourbon
By the end of what week does an unborn fetus start to develop fingerprints?\n;18th;16th;18th;15th;20th
"By the mid-1990s, horror movies were in dire need of something new. The standard formulas were becoming tired and old. One of the most successful films of this period, Scream (1996), was basically tongue-in-cheek and poked fun at the now cliche horror film genre. Which actress did NOT appear in Scream?\n";Sarah Michelle Gellar;Neve Campbell;Sarah Michelle Gellar;Drew Barrymore;Courteney Cox
"By what name did Marco Polo call the capital of China, present-day Beijing?\n";Cambaluc;Canton;Cambaluc;Peijing;Nahnjing
By what nickname was shipping magnate Onasis better known?\n;Ari;Psi;Ari;Soc;Uri
"Can you name the 2004 television series the following quote is from: Me and 4,399 of my closest friends popped out of a ball of light right about here.\n";The 4400;Taken;Threshold;V;The 4400
Can you name the singer who had a big music hit with Mr. Bojangles.\n;Ronald Clyde Crosby;none of these  answers;Ronald Clyde Crosby;Tom Waites;Willie Nelson
Canada  is made up of 10 Provinces. How many of them do not border the USA?\n;3;1;2;3;4
Captain Edward J. Smith was captain of Titanic. Who was the first officer?\n;William McMaster Murdoch;Archibald Butt;Benjamin Guggenheim;William McMaster Murdoch;John Jacob Astor
"Cardinal Richelieu, the bad guy in many of the works of Dumas, was a brilliant minister for which king?\n";Louis XIII;Louis XIII;Louis XVI;Louis XV;Louis XIV
Carlton Magee invented this often-hated device.\n;The parking meter;The police siren;The parking meter;The income tax short form;The traffic light
"Ceilidh, pronounced /KAY lee/, is a traditional wedding dance in this country.\n";Scotland;Scotland;Argentina;Spain;Hungary
Charles Darwin and this US president were born on the same day of the same year.\n;Abraham Lincoln;Jackson;Andrew Johnson;Abraham Lincoln;Washington
"Cheirognomy is part of chiromancy, or palm reading. What is the object of its study?\n";The mounts of the palm;The mounts of the palm;The fingers;The feet and toes;The fingernails
Chewing gum was released in the American market in the early 1900s but became popular in Europe thanks to US soldiers who fought in this war.\n;WW 1;Persian Gulf War;Afghanistan war;WW 1;WW 2
"China is the most populous nation in the world. India is second, and the USA is third. What is the fourth most populous nation in the world?\n";Indonesia;Russia;Japan;Indonesia;Pakistan
Christianity is not the main religion in this country.\n;Sri Lanka;Armenia;Uruguay;Sri Lanka;East Timor
"Chuck Berry recorded this song in 1972 and used to call it My Alma Mater. Mary Whitehouse, a British morality campaigner, made an unsuccessful attempt to get the song banned.\n";My Ding-a-Ling;Johnny B. Goode;My Ding-a-Ling;Roll Over Beethoven;Maybelline
Clark Gable was in the Army  Air Corps during World War II. Who signed his discharge  papers?\n;Ronald Reagan;Hap Arnold;John Marshall;Ronald Reagan;George Patton
"Comedian Ron White has a famous nickname that he mentions during the Blue Collar Comedy Tour and also on his albums,  What is that delicious nickname?\n";Tater Salad;Tuna Salad;Mac Salad;Tater Salad;Egg Salad
"Coming in at #7 on the Forbes List, worth an estimated $7.2 billion, this 70-year-old fictional character got his money from an inheritance and invested it in media and steel. One of his children is married to the hapless Peter Griffin.\n";Carter Pewterschmidt;Steven Jobs;Carter Pewterschmidt;Ted Turner;Montgomery Burns
Complete the name of the American printmaking firm that produced prints by hand-colored lithography: ........... and Ives.\n;Currier;Crasnston;Cuttler;Commings;Currier
Complete the title of a song by the rock group Creedence Clearwater Revival: Proud _____\n;Mary;Harry;Berry;Barry;Mary
"Complete the title of this 1990 film, starring Tom Hanks: ....Versus the Volcano.\n";Joe;Gus;Joe;Pat;Tom
"Complete the title of this 1993 comedy, directed by Eric Schaffer:  My Lifes...\n";... in Turnaround.;... in a Mess.;... in Arrears.; Couplets.;... in Turnaround.
Complete the title to this 1989 Wayne Wang comedy:  Life is Cheap...\n;... But Toilet Paper is Expensive.;... Dont Spend It All in One Place.;... Tivo the Good Parts.;... And There Are No Refunds!;... But Toilet Paper is Expensive.
Complete the title to this Credence Clearwater Revival tune: Bad Moon ____.\n;Rising;Falling;Rising;Setting;in Aquarius
"Complete this quote: Apres moi , le ......\n";Deluge;Direz;Denouement;Deluge;Dirge
"Crop circles, the cause of many contending believes, were adapted by a creative Swedish company for this rather rational purpose.\n";Advertisement;Crop fertilization;Advertisement;Conceptual modern art;Airplane navigation
"D-Day refers to one of the biggest military operations in history that took place on June 6, 1944. What was the pass word used by the Allied Forces on that day?\n";Mickey Mouse;Mickey Mouse;Overlord;Sceptre;Ike
"Dactyloscopy, a technique perfected by anthropologist Juan Vucetichs, studies what?\n";Fingerprints;Fingerprints;The shape of human head;Flightless birds;Land dinosaurs
"Daddy Warbucks is a character in this popular musical that opened in April 21, 1977.\n";Annie;Annie;Xanadu;Phantom of the Opera;Cats
"David Seaman, Ian Wright, John Jensen, Dennis Bergkamp, David Platt, Patrick Vieira, Marc Overmars, Fredrik Ljungberg, and Thierry Henry are top players who have all played for one of the following soccer clubs.\n";Arsenal FC;Real Madrid CF;Arsenal FC;FC Bayern M�nchen;AC Milan
"Despite her long and tempestuous romance with Rhett Butler, the strong-willed Southern belle Scarlett OHara could not overcome her infatuation with this gentleman.\n";Ashley Wilkes;Frank Kennedy;Stuart Tarleton;Ashley Wilkes;Charles Hamilton
Diamond formation is a very slow process. It is estimated that most diamonds found in nature are of what approximate age?\n;1 – 3 billion years old;1 – 3 billion years old;100 – 200 million years old;30 – 40 billion years old;100 000 – 200 000 years old
Diamond is the birthstone of people who were born in this month.\n;April;April;March;June;February
Diamonds’ properties are commonly measured by the so called “four Cs.� What do the four Cs stand for?\n;"Carat, clarity, color, and cut";"Chemical balance, color, clarity and carat";"Carat, capacity, color and clarity";"Cut, calcification, carat, and cut";"Carat, clarity, color, and cut"
Doctor Dolittle is the central character of a series of childrens books by this author.\n;Hugh Lofting;J. K. Rowling;Lewis Carroll;L. Frank Baum;Hugh Lofting
Doctor Zhivago is a character from a novel of the same name by Boris Pasternak. This is the historical background of the story in the book.\n;Russian Revolution;The USSRs collapse;WWII;Russian Revolution;Brezhnevs reign
Dr. Mary Edwards Walker was the first American women to be awarded what?\n;The Congressional Medal of Honor;The Congressional Medal of Honor;The Nobel Peace Prize;The Pulitzer Prize;The Nobel Prize in Medicine
"Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman works in this town.\n";Colorado Springs;Boston;Denver;Fort Collins;Colorado Springs
Dr. Ross Geller from the TV show Friends teaches paleontology at this university in New York City.\n;New York University;Rockefeller University;Columbia University;New York University;Fordham University
Dr. Watson is the sidekick of Sherlock Holmes. Do you know his first name?\n;John;Oscar;John;George;William
Dry air consists mostly of what gas?\n;Nitrogen;Carbon Dioxide;Oxygen;Nitrogen;Argon
"Due to Silicons similarity with Carbon, some scientists have proposed the possibility of Silicon-based life. Which popular TV production propagated the idea?\n";Star Trek;The Day the Earth Stood Still;The X files;Star Trek;Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Due to the presence of trace amounts of this chemical emeralds appear green.\n;Chromium;Copper;Mercury;Zinc;Chromium
"During the Cold War, which city was the capital of West Germany?\n";Bonn;Bonn;Munich;West Berlin;Frankfurt
"During the next change in the course of its stellar evolution, what is the Sun expected to evolve into?\n";Red giant;Black hole;Red giant;Supernova;White dwarf
"During the reign of George III, this British politician held the position of Prime Minister from 1783 to 1801, and again from 1804 until his death.\n";Pitt the Younger;Pitt the Younger;Pitt the Elder;Thatcher;Churchill
During The Restoration period blond hair became a symbol of this.\n;Prostitution;Stupidity;High class;Intelligence;Prostitution
"During the Spanish-American War, what US general commanded a division that led the main attack on San Juan Hill?\n";Jacob Kent;Jacob Kent;Harry Truman;Stephen Decatur;Teddy Roosevelt
"During this battle, which took place towards the end of the American Revolutionary War, Lincoln had to surrender along with 3000 troops.\n";Charleston;Stroudsburg;Valley Forge;Baltimore;Charleston
"During this year, the USA had three different Presidents.\n";1841;1841;1864;1844;1973
During what year did Samuel Morse come up with the idea of Morse Code?\n;1838;1838;1848;1818;1828
"During World War II, Paul Newman applied to become a fighter  pilot. Why was he rejected?\n";He was color blind.;He did not pass the written test.;He was color blind.;He had an inner ear problem that affected his sense of balance.;He was too short.
"During World War II, the Polish Second Corps fought bravely against the Axis forces. Which statement about the Second Corps is not true?\n";There was a brown bear in the corps.;They fought at Monte Cassino.;They escaped Europe by going into Iran.;They landed on Normandy Beach an hour after the first wave hit Omaha Beach.;There was a brown bear in the corps.
Dwight David Eisenhower was a great US General and the 34th President of the USA. He had thoughts of becoming a football player until he was injured tackling this great athlete.\n;Jim Thorpe;Jim Brown;Jim Thorpe;O.J. Simpson;Red Grange
"Easter Island, an island in the south Pacific Ocean, is a territory of which country?\n";Chile;The United States;Peru;Ecuador;Chile
"Edaphic deserts can be found on some volcanic islands, in parts of Iceland and on the Colorado plateau in the USA. Which of these most accurately defines an edaphic desert?\n";One that gets enough rain but still lacks plants;One that gets less than 2.5 cm of rain a year;One that gets enough rain but still lacks plants;One that is so cold that nothing can grow;One that has been a desert for at least 1 million years
Eddie Slovik was a soldier killed during World War II. How did he die?\n;He was shot by the US for desertion.;He was the last US soldier to die in World War II.;He was the first soldier killed on D-Day.;He was shot by the US for desertion.;He was the only American prisoner of war in Hiroshima when the A-bomb fell.
Edward Nigma was the name of which fictional character?\n;The Riddler;Friday;Professor  Moraiarity;The Riddler;The  Joker
Eiffel 65 is a trio of Italian musicians who play electronic music. One of their biggest hits is Blue (Da Ba Dee). The album featured this hit.\n;Europop;Eiffel 65;Contact!;Europop;Suggested Title - Crash Test
"Eight years before George Washington was elected  President of the USA, this politician was appointed President of the United States by the Continental Congress.\n";Thomas McKean;Thomas McKean;Harry Lightfoot Lee;Samuel Adams;John Hancock
Elena Andrionovna was born to Andrian Nikolayev and Valentina Tereshkova. Which statement is true about her?\n;Both her parents had been in outer space.;Both her parents had been in outer space.;She was the first child born after the demise of the USSR.;She was the first child born by a surrogate mother.;She was the first child born in the offices of the KGB.
"Elliott Coues, William Brewster and Joel Asaph Allen founded this union in September 1883.\n";American Ornithologists Union;American Botanists Union;American Naturalists Union;American Ornithologists Union;American Zoologists Union
Ellis Island was the location of the entry facility used by many immigrants to enter the USA. When did the facility operate?\n;1892-1954;1890-1923;1889-1936;1892-1954;1884-1939
"Elmer Valo, a Major League Baseball player and coach, is one of the few American major leaguers born in this country.\n";The Czech Republic;Germany;The Czech Republic;Surinam;Serbia
"Elvis Presley, often referred to as the King of Rock and Roll, was born in which southern state?\n";Mississippi;Mississippi;Alabama;Tennessee;North Carolina
Emerald is the birthstone for this month.\n;May;May;September;April;July
Erle Stanley Gardner created the great fictional lawyer Perry Mason. On which TV show did the lawyer Perry Mason practice law?\n;The Flintstones;The Flintstones;The Jetsons;The Stanley Show;The Brady Bunch
"Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a book, called Gadsby, which consisted of 50,000 words, none of which contained this letter.\n";E;O;I;E;A
"Every summer, a special basketball tournament is held in Harlem, NY.  What is the original name of the tournament?\n";The Rucker Tournament;The Harlem Five on Five;The Rucker Tournament;The Entertainers Basketball Classic;The Holcombe Tournament
"Every year in Yatesville, Georgia there is a celebration of chitlins, called the Chitlin Hoedown.  What exactly are chitlins?\n";Pigs intestines;Bull testicles;Sheep eyes;Cow brains;Pigs intestines
Exactly one of these statements is true. Which one is true ?\n;Chickens do not have to be impregnated to lay eggs.;Acids have a pH greater than 6.;The garter snake lays eggs.;Chickens do not have to be impregnated to lay eggs.;Pure water has a pH of exactly 1
"Excluding Englands cities, which city built the first subway in Europe?\n";Budapest;Rome;Paris;Budapest;Barcelona
"Excluding map supplements and special editions, how many issues of The National Geographic Magazine are published each year?\n";12;12;52;36;24
Extraterrestrial life may be closer than we think. Which of these natural satellites of Saturn is believed to have suitable conditions for existence of life?\n;Titan;Phoebe;Titan;Dione;Atlas
"Famous for his work, The Exploration of Cosmic Space by Means of Reaction Devices, he is considered the father of human space flight and the first man to conceive the space elevator -- a hypothetical structure designed to transport material from a planets surface into space.\n";Konstantin Tsiolkovsky;Pierre Louis De la Mer;Jules Verne;R.H. Goddard;Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
"Fashion designer Alexander McQueen, known as the hooligan of English fashion, succeeded John Galliano as head designer at this French fashion house.\n";Givenchy;Chanel;Christian Lacroix;Dolce  Gabbana;Givenchy
Fashion house Hermes named their famous Birkin bag after Jane Birkin. Who is she?\n;an English actress and singer;an English actress and singer;a French painter and sculptor;an Italian model;an American tennis player
Fed up with your tattoo? There is a way to get rid of it. This is the most popular way of tattoo removal.\n;Laser treatment;Laser treatment;Dermabrasion;Surgery;Putting natural-colored ink over the tattoo
"Felix Silla has been in many movies and TV shows, however, he played his most favourite role in this TV comedy show from 1964-1966.\n";The Addams Family;The Addams Family;My Favorite Martian;My Mother the Car;The Munsters
Fictional character Barbara Morse graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology with a Ph.D. in biology and helped rediscover the Super-Soldier formula that created Captain America. She eventually became this super heroine.\n;Mockingbird;Batwoman;Mockingbird;Poison Ivy;Wonder Woman
Find the correct statement about the monsoons.\n;They blow North from Australia in July and South from Asia in January.;They blow East from the Arabian Peninsula in  February and West from the South China Sea in August.;They blow West from Pakistan in February and East  from the Pacific in September.;They blow North from Australia in July and South from Asia in January.;They blow North from The Indian Ocean in January and South from Asia in  August.
Find the correct statement.\n;Irrupt means  to break in or rush in.;Irrupt means to break up.;Irrupt is not a real English word.;Irrupt means  to break in or rush in.;Irrupt means to come before.
Find the incorrect statement about Glenn H. Curtiss.\n;He was the pilot who shot down The Red Baron during World War I.;He was Alexander Graham Bells partner in the aircraft business.;He was the pilot who shot down The Red Baron during World War I.;He founded the Curtis Aeroplane and Motor Corporation.;He was the first person to have a pilots license.
"Find the next number in this sequence: 8, 5, 4, 9, 1, 7, ...\n";6;0;3;6;2
Find the odd one.\n;Libra;Taurus;Libra;Capricorn;Leo
Find the quote by Federico Fellini.\n;A different language is a different vision of life.;An idea does not pass from one language to another without change.;All language is like a wonderfully long script.;A different language is a different vision of life.;"Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing."
Finish the title of a 1903 clasic tune:  Shine on...\n;...Harvest Moon;...Chrome Fenders;...You Crazy Diamond;...Harvest Moon;...In  The Sunshine
Finish the title of a 1988 movie starring Richard Dreyfuss:  Moon Over _____\n;Parador;Middlesburg;Paraguay;Miami;Parador
"Finish the title of the Johnny Cash song, which tells the story of a man who wants to take revenge on his father for giving him a girls name: A Boy Named.....\n";Sue;Amy;Sue;Liz;May
Finish this line from the pirate commercial: They say a man should always. . .\n;dress for the job he wants;bless corn on the cob he wants;make a mess in the mob he haunts;dress for the job he wins;dress for the job he wants
"Finnish, the language spoken by over 94 % of the people of Finland is most closely related to this language.\n";Estonian;Danish;Estonian;Russian;Swedish
For over 1000 years most people believed that the sun circled the Earth. The  scientific basis for this  came from the book The Almagest written by this thinker.\n;Ptolemy;Aristarchus;Hipparchus;Aristotle;Ptolemy
For what is Scottish Sir James Dewar famous?\n;Inventing the vacuum flask.;Writng the screenplay to The 39 Steps.;Standardizing the method to produce Scotch whiskey.;Exporting the first Scotch whiskey to the USA.;Inventing the vacuum flask.
"For what medical condition is non-metallic gold beneficial, according to some studies?\n";All of these;Tuberculosis;Rheumatoid arthritis;Inflammation;All of these
For what part of his anatomy was Jimmy Durante famous?\n;His large nose;His large nose;His large chin;His large ears;His large girth
"For which hobby would you need frames, hoops and canvas?\n";Needlepoint;Needlepoint;Nudism;Newsletter printing;Netball
For which of these achievements did Sir Alexander Flemming win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945?\n;the discovery of penicillin;the discovery of penicillin;the discovery of the enzyme lysozyme;the introduction of the smallpox vaccine;developing a process which slows microbial growth in foods
"For whom was US pilot, Francis Gary Powers traded?\n";Rudolph Abel;Paul Konerko;David Ortiz;Rudolph Abel;Jackie Robinson
"Former Emperor of Japan, Hirohito, was considered an expert in which of these subjects?\n";Marine biology;Poetry;Marine biology;Astronomy;Linguistics
Former NBA coach Frank Layton once fined small forward Adrian Dantley thirty pieces of silver.  What did Layton say the fine was for?\n;Betrayal;Being late to three  practices in a row;Betrayal;Asking to be traded;Missing three foul shots in a row
"Francis Galton, half-cousin of Charles Darwin is credited with doing what, to tremendously help law enforcement agencies?\n";Being the first to use fingerprint  identification;Using his knowledge of insects to tell times of death;Aiding in the capture of top British criminals;Being the first to use fingerprint  identification;Developing the earliest form of DNA testing
"Frank William Abagnale, Jr., whose real story inspired the 2002 Spielberg movie Catch Me If You Can, appeared as what character in the movie?\n";"A police officer arresting Frank Abagnale, Jr.";His characters father;"A police officer arresting Frank Abagnale, Jr.";The FBI agent who is after his character;Himself
"From which book is this quote: When Gregor Samsa awoke he was transformed into an incredibly large, disgusting vermin.?\n";Kafkas The Metamorphosis;Kerouacs On the Road;Kafkas The Metamorphosis;Dostoevsky s Crime and Punishment;Goethes Faustus
From which language do we get the word tattoo?\n;Tahitian;Tahitian;Tongan;Maori;Marshallese
From which law school did fictional character Elle Woods graduate?\n;Harvard;Stanford;Alabama;Cambridge;Harvard
From which radio station was the first national US broadcast made?\n;KDKA  in Pittsburgh;KPHI in Philadelphia;WWRL in Chicago;WINS  in New York;KDKA  in Pittsburgh
"Fyodor Tyutchev, Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov and Evgeny Baratynsky were Russian poets and are usually related to this period of Russian literature.\n";19th century;Silver Age;Post-Soviet era;19th century;Soviet era
"Gangster Al Capone, popular as Scarface, was known by what other nickname?\n";Snorky;Snorky;Loverboy;The senator;The fox
Gemologists use eleven grades to define clarity. This grade means there are no inclusions or surface blemishes under 10x magnification.\n;FL (Flawless);IF (Internally Flawless);FL (Flawless);I1 (Imperfect � Level 1);VS1 / VS2 (Very Slightly Included)
"General Electric, one of the worlds biggest corporations, is active in many market segments. In which of these areas do they NOT operate?\n";oil drilling;finance;oil drilling;electricity;jet engines
"General Santa Anna , loser at San Juancinto and victor at the Alamo, went on to help promote what?\n";Chewing gum;Chewing gum;The Gatling Gun;Tacos;Movies
"Geologically, we are in the Quaternary Period of the Cenozoic Era. In which geological epoch are we?\n";Holocene;Miocene;Eocene;Pliocene;Holocene
"George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams were all avid players of this game.\n";Marbles;Hide and seek;Scrabble;Monopoly;Marbles
German chemist Martin Klaproth discovered uranium in what year?\n;1789;1891;1938;1789;678
"German-born princess, Sophie Augusta Fredericka of Anhalt-Zerbst, reigned as Empress of what country, from June 28, 1762 until her death?\n";Russia;France;England;Austria;Russia
"German, Italian, French this language, are all official languages of Switzerland.\n";Romansh;Catalan;Romansh;Flemish;Suomi
Ghosts have taken a significant place in literature and art since this period.\n;Renaissance;Renaissance;Middle Ages;Romanticism;Baroque
Gollum was a marvel of computer graphics in The Lord of the Rings. What actor gave Gollum his movements?\n;Andy Serkis;Andy Serkis;Eddie Deezen;Fat Joe;Savion Glover
"Goren solves every case, but this is the name of the A.D.A. who convicts the perps on Law and Order: Criminal Intent.\n";Ron Carver;Lionel Hutz;Mike Cuthrie;Billy Flynn;Ron Carver
Great Britains first test tube baby was born in what year?\n;1978;1962;1980;1978;1975
Greenland is part of this country.\n;Denmark;Denmark;Iceland;Norway;United Kingdom
"Gunnery sergeant John Basilone of the US Marine Corps, was awarded the Medal of Honor for what reason?\n";Outstanding heroism at Guadalcanal during World War II;Outstanding heroism during the attack on Pearl Harbour;Outstanding heroism during the Vietnam War;Outstanding heroism at Guadalcanal during World War II;Outstanding heroism during the Gulf Wars
"Hailed as a trash masterpiece and directed by Vincente Minelli, Two Weeks In Another Town is the story about how hard it is to make quality films in Hollywood.  Who played the main character, Jack Andrus?\n";Kirk Douglas;Edward G. Robinson;Barry Sullivan;Dick Powell;Kirk Douglas
Hairy man-apes seem to be everywhere. Which of these names is not used for them?\n;Hairyman;Yowie;Yeti;Sasquatch;Hairyman
"Hammer v. Dagenhart  was an important Supreme Court case, which dealt what topic?\n";Child labor vis-a-vis interstate commerce;Segragation;The right to privacy;Abortion rights;Child labor vis-a-vis interstate commerce
"Hammerfest, which is often referred to as the northernmost town in Europe, is located in this Scandinavian country.\n";Norway;Finland;Switzerland;Sweden;Norway
"Handel, Bach and  Scarlatti were all born in what year?\n";1685;1685;1789;1785;1613
"Having in mind the mysterious background of Black Friday, it is quite natural that the TV series Friday the 13th were so popular. The main character, Jason, is one of the biggest celebrities in the world of horror movies. What is Jasons family name?\n";Vorhees;Hardy;Vorhees;Christy;Burrell
"Having won 6 Tony Awards, including Best Musical, this 1950s production is a modern retelling of the Faust legend. Its main characters are Mr. Applegate, Joe Boyd and Lola.\n";Damn Yankees;"Hello, Dolly!";The Music Man;Guys and Dolls;Damn Yankees
He invented instant coffee in 1901.\n;Satori Koto;Satori Koto;Karl von Nestle;Eduard Helfenmier;Levi Hutchins
He invented the idea of an ATM in the late 1930s and persuaded what is now Citicorp to give it a trial.\n;Luther George Simjian;Luther George Simjian;James Goodfellow;Allen Bred;John Shepherd-Barron
He invented the vulcanized rubber double-tube tire in 1845 and the glass fountain pen in 1849. He also came up with the technique of firing explosive charges using electricity.\n;Robert William Thomson;Robert William Thomson;Edouard Michelin;B. F. Goodrich;Edouard Goodyear
"He is a very popular American entertainer.  His wife, Compton Maalak, operates a full service non-profit salon giving free services to women trying to get off welfare and going into jobs.  He was in Beverly Hills Cop II� and voiced a role in Madagascar. Who is he?\n";Chris Rock;Will Smith;Tommy  Tiny  LIster;Eddie Murphy;Chris Rock
"He reigned until 1725 and carried out a policy of Westernization and expansion, that transformed his country into a major European power.\n";Peter the Great;Peter the Great;Augustus II of Poland;Kemal Ataturk;Frederich the Great
He was a great silent screen star.  He was well known as the best pie thrower in the movies.  He was a great athlete and did almost all of his own stunts.  He was famous for rarely showing emotion in his face.  Who was he?\n;Buster Keaton;Buster Keaton;Joseph Schenck;Charlie  Chaplin;Fatty Arbuckle
"He was arrested and imprisoned in 1849 for engaging in revolutionary activity against the ruler, but became one of his countrys greatest writers.\n";Dostoevsky;Dostoevsky;Hugo;Engels;Cervantes
He was called Big Train. He was the first baseball player whose last name began with a J to be elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame. Who was he?\n;Walter Johnson;Judy Johnson;Ban Johnson;Addie Joss;Walter Johnson
He was first sail the length of the Amazon River and it was on this voyage that the Amazon got its name.\n;Francisco de Orellana;Francisco de Orellana;Pascal;Francisco Pizarro;de Gassett
"He was ridiculed for preparing in 1863 the first periodic table of the elements arranged in order of relative atomic masses, and pointing out in 1865 the law of octaves, where every eighth element has similar properties.\n";John Newlands;John Dalton;Pyotr Mendel;Dmitri Mendeleev;John Newlands
He was the first African-American pitcher in Major League Baseball.\n;Dan Bankhead;Larry Doby;Dan Bankhead;Joe Black;Don Newcombe
"He was the first child born in the White House in Washington, D.C.\n";James Madison Randolph;James  Franklin Jefferson;James  Lee Washington;James Quincy Adams;James Madison Randolph
He was the first Major League Baseball manager to win a World Series in both the National and American Leagues.\n;Sparky Anderson;Sparky Anderson;John McGraw;Jim Leyland;Joe Torre
He was the first NHL player to buy his former team.\n;Mario Lemieux;Mario Lemieux;Wayne Gretsky;Gordie Howe;Patrick Roy
"He was the first person nominated for the Oscar for Producer (Best Picture), Director, Actor and Screenwriter for the same movie.\n";Orson Welles;John Huston;Otto Preminger;William Wyler;Orson Welles
"He was the first person to portray James Bond in a visual medium, thus eliminating actors who voiced James Bond on radio.\n";Barry Nelson;Peter Sellers;David Niven;Woody Allen;Barry Nelson
"He was the founder of the Red Army, as well as a founding member of the Politburo.\n";Trotsky;Trotsky;Kerensky;Potemkin;Lenin
He was the luckless lawyer for Cosmo Kramer in Seinfeld.\n;Jackie Chiles;Jimmy Lee Cofield;Joey Chadwick;Jackie Chiles;Johnny Childress
He was the only US President to win the Pulitzer Prize.\n;John F. Kennedy;Woodrow Wilson;Dwight D. Eisenhower;Lyndon B. Johnson;John F. Kennedy
"He was the young, honest lawyer who won the case in the movie and novel The Rainmaker.\n";Rudy Baylor;Rudy Baylor;Ted Buckland;Billy Flynn;Sydney Carton
He won the 2000 Nobel Peace Prize for his work promoting peace and democracy.\n;Kim Dae Jung;Kim Dae Jung;Jo El Karl;Leon Jouhaux;James Jarrod
Helminthophobia is the fear of what?\n;of being infested with worms;of scientific terminology;of not going to heaven;of seeing blood or bloody objects;of being infested with worms
Henry Wheeler Shaw is responsible for this eponym.\n;josh;josh;trouser;scrimshaw;tuxedo
"Hes quite the chef but if he asks you to bring a nice Chianti to his little dinner party, better stay home. He is incredibly lethal and totally amoral. He is guilty of murder, seduction and cannibalism. Which monsters only weakness is one pretty FBI agent?\n";Hannibal Lecter;Dr. Victor Frankenstein;Jack Torrance;Michael Myers;Hannibal Lecter
"His brother was boxing heavyweight champ. He fought Tyson for the heavyweight title, but lost in an early round KO.  Who was he?\n";Michal Spinks;Michal Spinks;Steve Norton;Johnny Fullmer;Danny Lewis
"His first name was Jimmy and he was a great defensive back for the San Francisco 49ers from 1961 -1976. He is in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. His brother, Rafer, is more famous as an athlete and as a  part-time special bodyguard. What  is Jimmy and Rafers last name?\n";Johnson;Johnson;James;Jameson;Jackson
Historians often attribute Napoleons defeat at Waterloo to which of these reasons?\n;All of these reasons;Napoleon had hemorrhoids;All of these reasons;Wellington took a big risk and it paid off;Marshall Ney had special ties to Wellington and intentionally did not turn Wellingtons right flank
History records the fact that a Roman senator named Nonius chose exile rather than surrender his precious stone to Mark Anthony. This is Nonius gem stone.\n;Opal;Ruby;Opal;Tourmaline;Zircon
"Homers epic poems, The Iliad and The Odyssey, are made up of this many books each.\n";24;24;3;61;15
"How are mermaids portrayed in the collection of stories Arabian Nights, or One Thousand and One Nights?\n";As identical to humans;As identical to humans;As having a fish body and a human head;As having a fish tail;As having serpent bodies
"How are the people having rectangular palms, flushed skin and short fingers classified according to palmistry?\n";Fire;Dragon;Storm;Fire;Summer
How big is a firkin?\n;9 gallons;9 pounds;9 square miles;9 gallons;9 yards
How big was the first telephone book?\n;1 page;1 page;50 pages;100 pages;10 pages
"How did Jane Seymour, wife of King Henry VIII of England, die in 1537?\n";Of natural causes;She was executed.;She committed suicide.;She was poisoned.;Of natural causes
"How did Jerome Napoleon Charles Bonaparte, the last member of the Bonaparte family, die?\n";He died of injuries sustained when he tripped over his dogs leash.;He died of starvation in a German prisoner.;He drowned off the coast of the Island of Elba.;He died a natural death in 1995 at the age of 106.;He died of injuries sustained when he tripped over his dogs leash.
How did Michael Moore finance his movie „Roger and Me?�\n;He ran bingo games.;He sold hunting equipment.;He sold over 100% of the film to investors;He ran bingo games.;"He managed a Walmart in Flint, Michigan."
"How did the alien invasion in Herbert Wells well-known science fiction novel, The War of the Worlds eventually come to a halt?\n";The aliens were unexpectedly killed by a terrestrial disease.;"All nations united and together, repelled the invasion.";The aliens were unexpectedly killed by a terrestrial disease.;The alien invaders took possession of Earth.;Aliens and humans reached an agreement to coexist on Earth.
How do mermaids enchant people according to legends and myths?\n;By singing;By sprinkling them with magic powder;By dancing;With their eyes;By singing
How do you say apple in Spanish?\n;manzana;apio;arroz;uva;manzana
How do you say snow in French?\n;neige;neige;vent;soleil;pluie
How is a latecomer punished in Russian traditions?\n;They are forced to drink a full glass of alcohol.;They are seated away from the table.;They are not allowed to sit.;They are forced to drink a full glass of alcohol.;They are forbidden to take off their coat.
How is the white woman appearing at the Belchen Tunnel in Switzerland described according to the urban legend?\n;Old woman in white clothes;Headless woman wearing a white dress;Pregnant woman in white clothes;African woman in white dress;Old woman in white clothes
How large is one micron?\n;one millionth of a meter;one million meters;one millionth of a kilometer;one million kilometers;one millionth of a meter
How long does it take for moonlight to reach the Earth?\n;Less than 3 seconds;About 8 minutes;About 3 minutes;Less than 3 seconds;About 30 seconds
How long is a fortnight?\n;2 weeks;3 months;2 weeks;4 nights;100 days
How many are in a Bakers Dozen?\n;13;10;12;13;5
How many arms does the octopus have?\n;8;8;14;12;10
How many balls are on the snooker table at the beginning of the game?\n;22;20;15;19;22
How many bones does a shark have?\n;0;0;103;206;100
How many bones does the human spine have?\n;33;16;12;48;33
How many bones make up the backbone of a human baby?\n;33;36;33;24;26
How many books are in the Jewish Torah?\n;5;5;7;2;3
How many colonies formed United States of America in 1776?\n;13;51;50;13;7
How many compartments are in a cows stomach?\n;4;6;4;5;3
How many continents are owned by only one nation?\n;1;0;2;3;1
How many directions does the compass have?\n;4;2;1;3;4
How many Earth years add up to a galactic year?\n;250 Million;180 Million;250 Million;350 Million;400 Million
How many Emmy Awards did reporter John Donvan win in the 1990s?\n;2;5;he is not a reporter;none;2
How many engines does a B-52 Bomber have?\n;8;2;8;4;6
How many English words (not proper nouns) begin with dw?\n;4;3;6;4;5
How many eyelids do camels have on each of their eyes?\n;3;2;4;5;3
How many feet are in a mile?\n;5280;1770;1000;1665;5280
How many items are there in a a Bakers Dozen?\n;13;15;12;None of these;13
How many keys are on a piano?\n;88;56;80;98;88
How many legs does a dragonfly have?\n;6;8;0;4;6
How many legs does a spider have?\n;8;8;6;4;10
How many men held the title King of England in 1936?\n;"3 -  George V, Edward VIII, and George VI";1 - George V;"3 -  George V, Edward VIII, and George VI";2 -  Albert II and George VI;0 - There was a queen
How many miles per gallon did the 1908 Ford Model T get?\n;25-30;Oct-15;25-30;20-25;15-20
How many North American Great Lakes are there?\n;5;8;4;6;5
How many pecks are there in a bushel?\n;4;5;10;2;4
How many people die in the final scene of Shakespeares Hamlet?\n;4;5;0;6;4
"How many people signed the US Declaration of Independence on July 4,1776?\n";2;2;55;0;1
How many planets are in the Solar System?\n;8;10;15;8;12
How many prime numbers are smaller than 23?\n;8;8;0;11;12
How many red balls are in a game of snooker?\n;15;3;1;15;8
How many square yards are there in an acre of land?\n;"4,840";"4,350";"4,520";"4,840";"4,130"
How many stanzas is The Philippine National Anthem composed of?\n;5;4;6;7;5
How many stars are there on the flag of New Zealand?\n;4;22;6;0;4
How many stories does the Empire State Building have?\n;102;102;100;150;109
How many stripes are on the American Flag?\n;13;11;13;15;12
How many teams in the National Football League (NFL) are named for animals?\n;14;16;14;12;9
How many teeth do slugs have?\n;"3,000";"3,000";"2,000";"1,000";None
How many teeth does and adult have?\n;32;28;30;32;26
How many US states were there in 1800?\n;16;22;3;30;16
How much air do apples contain?\n;Jan-25;Jan-25;Jan-50;01-Oct;Jan-75
How much did Harvard Universitys tuition and fees total for the 1958-1959 school year?\n;"$1,250";"$2,925";"$3,225";"$1,250";"$5,110"
How much did the USA pay Russia for Alaska?\n;$7.2 million;$72 million;$720 million;"$720,000";$7.2 million
How often can a healthy adult donate blood?\n;every 8 weeks;every 6 weeks;every 8 weeks;every 3 months;every 6 months
How often should a woman change her bra?\n;every 6 months;every 9 months;every 6 months;every 5 weeks;once a 1year
How old was Bobby Fischer when he won the US chess championship on January 8th 1958?\n;14;12;14;22;19
"How old was Cio-Cio-San, a character in Giacomo Puccinis opera, Madame Butterfly ?\n";15;15;20;19;21
How tall is Chicago’s Sears Tower?\n;1453 ft (443 m);1095 ft (334 m);1811 ft (552 m);1211 Ft (369 m);1453 ft (443 m)
How was the FIFA World Cup Won in 2006?\n;penalty kick shootout;None of these;The winner was decided by the end of the regular time.;penalty kick shootout;One team won in overtime.
How were the dimensions of American battleships determined?\n;They had to be lower than the Brooklyn Bridge and small enough to go through the Panama  Canal.;They had to be lower than the Golden Gates bridge and small enough to go through the Panama Canal.;They had to be large enough to carry the minimum of 278 people but small enough to go through the Suez Canal.;They had to be less than 111 feet tall and less than 11 feet wide.;They had to be lower than the Brooklyn Bridge and small enough to go through the Panama  Canal.
I am suffering from poliosis. What is my problem?\n;Graying of the hair;Falling of the teeth;Graying of the hair;Shortening due to cartilage deterioration;Slowing of ones life due to age
"I decided to return home, but when I walked in the front door there was a party in progress and my choreophobia caused me to panic yet again. What was I afraid of?\n";Dancing;Balloons;Loud music;Dancing;Crowds
I Love You a Bushel and a Peck was a popular song in the 1950s. How much is a bushel and a peck?\n;ten dry gallons;ten meters;ten dry gallons;thirty-two gallons;ten tons
"I ran from my bathroom into the kitchen where I decided to eat breakfast to calm my nerves. Unfortunately, my aichmophobia was provoked when I opened the silverware drawer. What was I afraid of?\n";Pointed objects;Spiders;Pointed objects;Rattling sounds;Crumbs
"I ran into the bathroom and decided to brush my teeth. Upon looking up, I panicked due to my spectrophobia. What was I afraid of?\n";Mirrors;Pimples;Uncombed hair;Wearing no make-up;Mirrors
I ran outside but stopped dead due to my anthophobia. What was I afraid of?\n;Flowers;Pollen;Paved roads;Neighbors;Flowers
"I ran to my room and my daughter brought me a bowl of vegetable soup, but I couldnt eat it due to my phagophobia. What was I afraid of?\n";Swallowing;Liquids;Swallowing;Hot objects;Celery
I sat back down on my bed and looked around my room. This triggered my autophobia. What was I afraid of?\n;Being alone;Being late for work;Being alone;Dust;An unmade bed
"I tried to run away, but I couldnt get far due to my agyrophobia. What was I afraid of?\n";Crossing roads;Getting a muscle cramp;Crossing roads;Grass;Driving
"I was trying to calm myself when my mind settled on my greatest fear, defined as taphopobia. I freaked out. What was I afraid of?\n";Being buried alive;Spiders;Being buried alive;Germs;Needles
"I went to my closet to get dressed for work, but this threw me into a panic due to my decidophobia. What was I afraid of?\n";Making decisions;Shoes;Making decisions;Clothing;Getting undressed
"If a red house is made out of red bricks, a black house is made out of black bricks, and a white house is made out of white bricks, what is a greenhouse made out of?\n";glass;green bricks;leaves;none of the above;glass
If a TV program is rated G then this is true.\n;It is suitable for all audiences.;It contains moderate violence.;It contains mild sexual situations.;It is suitable for all audiences.;It is suitable for young children.
"If bactrian equals two, what equals one?\n";Dromedary;Dromedary;Diamond;Daschund;Dynasty
"If I were to visit the wrist-wrestling capital of the world, where would I go?\n";"Petaluma, California.";"Riga, Latvia";"Sofia, Bulgaria";"Norman, Oklahoma";"Petaluma, California."
"If the world were a village of 100 people, how many people would possess 59% of the worlds wealth?\n";6;20;2;60;6
"If the world were a village of 100 people, how many would be female?\n";52;60;40;52;46
"If the world were a village of 100 people, how many would be from the Eastern Hemisphere?\n";86;72;86;45;63
"If the world were a village of 100 people, how many would be homosexual?\n";11;1;31;21;11
"If the world were a village of 100 people, how many would be illiterate?\n";70;70;50;40;60
"If the world were a village of 100 people, how many would be of other religious beliefs besides Christianity?\n";70;50;60;70;80
"If the world were a village of 100 people, how many would be white?\n";18;18;37;32;25
"If the world were a village of 100 people, how many would have a college education?\n";1;1;5;14;20
"If the world were a village of 100 people, how many would live in substandard housing?\n";80;80;20;40;60
"If the world were a village of 100 people, how many would own a computer?\n";1;1;5;15;11
"If the world were a village of 100 people, how many would suffer from malnutrition?\n";50;50;30;20;40
"If the world were a village of 1000 people, how many acres of land would be in the village?\n";6000;6000;12000;4000;25000
"if the world were a village of 1000 people, how many would be age 65 or older?\n";74;223;195;74;364
"If the world were a village of 1000 people, how many would be doctors?\n";1;16;29;1;5
"If the world were a village of 1000 people, how many would be from Asia?\n";610;125;505;610;450
"If the world were a village of 1000 people, how many would be from the African continent?\n";149;24;149;85;239
"If the world were a village of 1000 people, how many would be from the North American continent?\n";79;79;152;224;363
"If the world were a village of 1000 people, how many would be in the workforce?\n";484;762;895;484;225
"If the world were a village of 1000 people, how many would be non-religious (that is: Atheist, Agnostic, Secular Humanist, No preference)?\n";171;482;2;23;171
"If the world were a village of 1000 people, how many would be teachers?\n";7;7;16;89;36
"If the world were a village of 1000 people, how many would own an automobile?\n";70;425;200;70;350
"If the world were a village of 1000 people, how many would speak English as their first language?\n";59;352;59;154;659
"If the world were a village of 1000 people, how many would speak Hindi as their first language?\n";101;101;5;21;463
"If the world were a village of 1000 people, how many would speak Mandarin as their first language?\n";132;26;74;432;132
"If the world were a village of 1000 people, what would the life expectancy of the villagers be?\n";66;76;66;82;71
"If the world were a village of 1000 people, what would the per capita income (in USD, Atlas method) of the villagers be?\n";"$7,000";"$12,500";"$7,000";"$45,000";"$26,000"
"If you roll two fair dice, what is the probability you will get a seven?\n";01-Jun;Jan-36;Jul-36;01-Jun;07-Jun
"If you say that you would like the eggs sunny side up, what does that mean?\n";"The yolk is liquid, the eggs are cooked only on one side";"The yolk is liquid, the eggs are cooked on both sides";The eggs are mixed with cream;"The yolk is liquid, the eggs are cooked only on one side";"The yolk is hard, the eggs are cooked on both sides"
"If you stick bubble gum in your hair, you can remove it with a small amount of this substance.\n";Peanut butter;Peanut butter;Water;Flour;Alcohol
"If you were a baker, what would you be called in Spanish?\n";panadero;panadero;marinero;carpintero;cerrajero
"If you wish to surrender, you will do one of these white things.\n";You will raise a white flag.;You will drive a white car.;You will visit the White House.;You will wear white underwear.;You will raise a white flag.
"If your pencil has a  reddish brown grain and a smell, what does that usually indicate?\n";It is made of  incense-cedar.;It is made of  incense-cedar.;It is made from non-incense-cedar.;It is made from plastic.;It is made of rainforest wood.
"If your pencil has a pinkish grain and little or no smell, then it is probably made from which substance?\n";plastic;incense-cedar;tropical rainforest wood;plastic;non-incense-cedar
"In 1494, Luca Pacioli, a close friend of Leonardo da Vinci, wrote the book Summa de arithmetica, geometrica, proportioni et proportionalita, which contained what?\n";"A description of a method of keeping accounts, known as Double-entry book-keeping";A study of mathematical and artistic proportion;A list of DaVincis inventions;The first biography of DaVinci;"A description of a method of keeping accounts, known as Double-entry book-keeping"
"In 1565, this German-Swiss naturalist became the first person to document and describe the pencil.\n";Conrad Gesner;Edward  Naime;William Munroe;Nicolas Conte;Conrad Gesner
"In 1836, German-Dutch farmers in South Africa moved north east through South Africa to establish a colony.  What did they call this march?\n";The Great Trek;"The March of the 14,000";The Dutch-Zulu War;The Boer War;The Great Trek
"In 1839, while spending the winter with George Sand in Majorca, this composer completed a work  consisting of 24 short preludes. Each prelude was in a different major or minor key.\n";Chopin;Schubert;Schumann;Chopin;Lizst
"In 1864, the US government issued a two-cent coin. What was so special about this coin ?\n";It was the first to say In God We Trust;It was golden;It was the first to say In God We Trust;It was shunned by the South;It was the first to have a picture of a President on it
"In 1867, Alfred Nobel introduced the first Pyrotechnic Fuse blasting cap, using what primary explosive to detonate dynamite?\n";Mercury fulminate;Lead azide;Mercury fulminate;Hydrogen peroxide;Black powder
In 1871 what major Midwest city burned down in a fire that was deemed one of the largest disasters in the United States?\n;Chicago;Cleveland;Chicago;Detroit;St. Louis
In 1877 American astronomer Asaph Hall discovered the two moons of Mars. Who was the first writer to mention these moons?\n;Jonathan Swift;Issac Asimov;Mark Twain;Jonathan Swift;Benjamin Franklin
"In 1879, the Procter  Gamble company created a new brand of soap as a result of what mistake?\n";A soap maker forgot to turn off the soap mixer before going to lunch.;A soap maker tried to make shampoo.;"A soap maker put the wrong chemicals in the new dish soap, making it corrosive.";A soap maker tried to make the companys new toothpaste yellow.;A soap maker forgot to turn off the soap mixer before going to lunch.
"In 1889, this French car brand produced its first automobile, a three-wheeled car powered by steam and designed by Leon Serpollet.\n";Peugeot;Renault;Bugatti;Peugeot;Citroen
"In 1891, this successful Ohio City businessman made Americas first gasoline-powered automobile.\n";Lambert;Durant;Duryea;Lambert;Ford
"In 1897, American scientist John Jacob Abel was able to isolate which of the following?\n";adrenaline;cocaine;adrenaline;ACTH;human growth hormone
"In 1902 the first movie house opened in the USA, in this city.\n";Los Angeles;Menlo Park;Los Angeles;Pittsburgh;New York City
"In 1908, this caricaturist, regarded as the father of French animation, made the film Fantasmagorie, which is considered the first fully-animated film ever made.\n";Emile Cohl;André Gill;None of these;Emile Cohl;Patrice de Mac-Mahon
"In 1915, the great American baseball player of the 1920s, Babe Ruth, hit his first home against which team?\n";The Yankees;The Yankees;The Red Stockings;The White Sox;The Red Sox
In 1916 young Antonio Gentile won a $5 prize for an original drawing. The drawing eventually became this.\n;Mr. Peanut;The model for Picassos Lady With Guitar;The model for Paramount Studios logo;Mr. Peanut;The Coca Cola bottle
"In 1920 Edward P. Eddie Eagan won the first Olympic boxing gold medal for the USA. In 1932, he won a second gold Olympic medal in which sport?\n";Bobsledding;Wrestling;Bobsledding;Greco-Roman Wrestling;The Shot Put
"In 1927 Austrian baker and confectioner, Eduard Haas invented what?\n";PEZ candy;The electric mixer;AM radio;The CAT scan;PEZ candy
"In 1951, this city set a new record for the most fans at a basketball game.\n";Berlin;New York City;Melbourne;Berlin;Los Angeles
"In 1952, this Republican Senator was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, for his service as an aerial photographer and tail gunner during World War II.\n";Joseph McCarthy;Joseph McCarthy;Lyndon Johnson;Robert Taft;James Watson
In 1955 pianist Roger Williams had an instrumental hit with this record.\n;Autumn Leaves;Autumn Leaves;Summertime;The Summer Wind;Why Do I Have Spring Fever
"In 1957 Major John Glenn, Jr. set an air speed record for the trip from California to New York. How long did the trip take?\n";3 hours 23 minutes 8.4 seconds;3 hours 23 minutes 8.4 seconds;2 hours 19 minutes 4.8 seconds;1 hours 21 minutes 4.8 seconds;1 hour 56 minutes 8.4 seconds
"In 1958, this man discovered huge footprints left by a mysterious creature around a construction site.\n";Jerry Crew;Tom Slick;Jerry Crew;Red Heart;Bob Gimlin
"In 1960, a  #1 hit on the pop charts was the comedy song Please Mr. Custer, I Dont Wanna Go!. Whose song was it?\n";Larry Vernes;Bill Hayes;Tommy Hartigans;B.B. Thompsons;Larry Vernes
In 1962 John Steinbeck published Travels with Charley: In Search of America. Who was Charley?\n;Steinbecks pet poodle;Steinbecks pet poodle;Steinbecks son from his marriage to Edith Wharton;"Steinbecks wife, Charlotta Pierce";"Steinbecks best friend, Charles Kuralt"
In 1963 this soundtrack broke the record for the most weeks as the number one album on the Billboard charts.\n;West Side Story;The Body Guard;West Side Story;Saturday Night Fever;South Pacific
"In 1963, Frederico Fellini made a classic film about a harried movie director who had lost his inspiration.  Can you name it?\n";8 1/2;le Dolce Vita;La Strada;Blow Up;8 1/2
In 1964 Francis Cardinal Spellman banned all Catholic children in the New York Archdiocese from doing this.\n;Doing the Twist;Watching too much TV;Watching Elvis Presley;Listening to transistor radios in school;Doing the Twist
In 1971 David Bowies song Life on Mars? appeared on which of his albums?\n;Hunky Dory;Hunky Dory;Young Americans;Space Oddity;Earthling
"In 1971 one of the classics of the Film Noir genre was made in color - Chinatown.  The cast was stellar, as well as the director.  Can you name him?\n";Roman Polanski;William Friedkin;John Huston;Roman Polanski;Billy Wilder
"In 1971, this programmer implemented the first email system capable of sending mail between users on different hosts connected to the ARPANET.\n";Ray Tomlinson;David Thomson;John Tomlinson;Mark Thomson;Ray Tomlinson
"In 1982, this major Japanese car manufacturer was the first one to begin production of Japanese cars in the USA.\n";Honda;Mazda;Honda;Toyota;Mitsubishi
"In 1983, riding on board the Challenger, she became the first American woman in space.\n";Sally Ride;Judith Resnik;Jerrie Cobb;Sally Ride;Sharon Christa McAuliffe
"In 1984, they became the first rap group to have an album certified gold.\n";Run-D.M.C.;Sugarhill Gang;Run-D.M.C.;Naughty By Nature;Soul II Soul
"In 1986, Sir Alex Ferguson became manager of this English Premier League soccer club, nicknamed The Red Devils.\n";Manchester United;Chelsea;Aston Villa;Manchester United;Blackburn Rovers
"In 1986, this diamond found in a South African mine beat the record for the worlds largest faceted diamond.\n";Golden Jubilee;Golden Jubilee;Second Star of Africa;Great Star of Africa;Centtenary
"In 1986, this musician, famous for performing the song  Johnny B. Goode, became the first person inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.\n";Chuck Berry;Bill Haley;Chuck Berry;Elvis Presley;Jerry Lee Lewis
In 1987 he became the first football coach to have Gatorade splashed on his head.\n;Bill Parcells;Barry Switzer;Bill Cowher;Bud Grant;Bill Parcells
In 1993 an interesting study about Friday the 13th was published in the British Medical Journal. Its authors investigated if this mystical date is really dangerous. They compared the ratio of traffic volume to the number of vehicular accidents on two different days throughout several years. What was the conclusion of the study?\n;Friday the 13th actually affects the number of vehicular accidents;The number of vehicular accidents is lower on Friday the 13th;The results were inconclusive;Friday the 13th doesnt have any affect on the number of vehicular accidents;Friday the 13th actually affects the number of vehicular accidents
"In 1995 this person addressed the UN General Assembly in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese  and Russian.\n";Pope John Paul II;Mother Teresa;Yuri Andropov;Fidel Castro;Pope John Paul II
In 1997 the Atlanta Braves baseball team started playing its home games at Turner Field. What was Turner Field used for before it was a baseball stadium?\n;Track and Field;Track and Field;Lacrosse;Soccer;Football
In 2004 the United States elected their _____ President.\n;43rd;42nd;30th;43rd;40th
"In 2004, this famous show business family became the second clan to have three generations of Oscar winners.\n";The Coppolas;The Douglases;The Coppolas;The Howards;The Weavers
"In 2005, Danny Way became the first person to do this. In the process he attained a speed of over 50 mph. What did he do?\n";Skateboard over the Great Wall of China;Eject from an SST;Skateboard over the Great Wall of China;High dive from the Eiffel Tower;Shoot out of a submarine torpedo tube
"In 2005, there was a Burger King commercial for the Tendercrisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch sandwich that featured the lead singer of a famous band.  Which band was Darius Rucker in?\n";Hootie and the Blowfish;Hootie and the Blowfish;King Crimson;Pearl Jam;Mike and the Mechanics
In 2006 a female corpse dating from the 16th century was found near Venice. According to archaeologists the presence of this object in the corpses mouth was the result of a vampire-slaying ritual.\n;A brick;An animal bones;A glass piece;A crucifix;A brick
"In 2007, where was a new record for the biggest country flag set?\n";Israel;North Korea;Venezuela;Mexico;Israel
"In 2008, how many nations had aircraft carriers either sea worthy or under construction?\n";9;14;9;2;20
In 64 AD there were terrible fires in Rome. Which Roman Emperor was busy playing his fiddle while the fires were burning?\n;None of the Emperors;Caligula;Nero;None of the Emperors;Vespasian
"In a pen, what is the object that holds the ink called?\n";ink reservoir;ink composite;ink compress;ink reservoir;ink tube
"In Adrian Lynes movie Unfaithful, Constance (Diane Lane), who is married to Edward (Richard Gere), has a fling with Paul (Olivier Martinez), a mysterious Frenchman who buys and sells used books. How does the movie end?\n";Constance discovers that Edward has killed Paul and tells him they will get through the crisis together.;Constance and Edward confront each other and she subsequently commits suicide.;Constance discovers that Edward has killed Paul and tells him they will get through the crisis together.;Paul murders Edward.;Constance and Edward confront each other and she kills him.
"In Ambrose Bierces satirical book The Devils Dictionary, what is called “one of the sauces which serve the French in place of a state religion�?\n";Mayonaise;Mayonaise;Ketchup;Hollendaise;Mustard
In Americas west there are towns that once boomed during the gold rush but are now abandoned. These places known as ghost towns are said to be haunted by the spirits of the people that once inhabited them. One such town is St. Elmos in Denver Colorado. In what year did this town officially die?\n;1952;1967;1909;1952;1892
"In ancient times, which stone was believed to protect from drunkenness?\n";amethyst;amethyst;ruby;emerald;onyx
"In April 2009, Gjorge Ivanov was elected the 4th President of  what country?\n";Republic of Macedonia;Republic of Macedonia;Republic of Lithuania;Republic of the Marshall Islands;Republic of Palau
"In astronomy, what is a syzygy?\n";An alignment of 3 celestial bodies;An alignment of 3 celestial bodies;A shooting star;A comet;An eclipse
In Australia the expression silvertail is used as a synonym of which of these?\n;Wealthy;Golddigger;Wealthy;Corrupted;Hypocrite
"In Bigfoot Lore, who was Albert Ostman?\n";A man who claimed to be kidnapped by a Bigfoot;The first scientist to declare Bigfoot a hoax;A man who claimed to be kidnapped by a Bigfoot;"Owner of the Bigfoot restaurant in Portland, Oregon";The first man to see Bigfoot
"In Black Sunday, Michael Lander played by Bruce Dern, conspires with a Palestinian terrorist group to kill masses of innocent people in what way?\n";"by detonating a bomb, housed in the undercarriage of a blimp, over a football stadium during the Super Bowl";by detonating a nuclear device inside the Pentagon;"by detonating a bomb, housed in the undercarriage of a blimp, over a football stadium during the Super Bowl";by hijacking a 747 and taking it to Syria;by infecting a water supply with the black plague
"In Bram Stokers horror novel, vampires are the henchmen of this Count.\n";Dracula;Vlad;Dracula;Van Helsing;Frankenstein
"In chemistry, if you mix an acid with a base you would get these chemicals.\n";Water and a salt;Water and carbon dioxide;Carbon dioxide and water;Water and a salt;A salt and oxygen
"In chemistry, this term refers to two elements with the same atomic number, but different atomic weights.\n";Isotopes;Isotopes;Alleles;Isochronics;Isosceles
"In computer jargon, what is FTP?\n";a way to transfer files;a programming language;a popular Internet service provider;a way to transfer files;a type of e-mail
In December of 1979 the World Health Organization announced the eradication of what infectious disease?\n;Small Pox;Measles;Tuberculosis (TB);Malaria;Small Pox
"In December, 1968, the corpse of an alleged Bigfoot, encased in a block of ice was examined by cryptozoologists. What was the name given to the specimen in the ice?\n";The Minnesota Iceman;Snow Gnome;The Minnesota Iceman;The caveman;Chilly Will
"In English medieval castles and houses, what room was usually called solar room?\n";A room for solitary activities;A room for solitary activities;A room designed for sunbathing;A room where food was stored;A room where the family gathered for dinner
"In Europe and Latin America, a league is a measurement unit of what physical quantity?\n";Distance;Volume;Weight;Distance;Speed
"In every country in the world, except one, moving the head up and down means yes and moving the head side-to-side means no. In what one nation is that not the case?\n";Bulgaria;Romania;Bulgaria;Kurdistan;Hungary
In every hierarchy each employee tends to rise to the level of his or her incompetence. What name do we give to this phenomenon?\n;The Peter Principle;The William Principle;The Matthew Principle;The Peter Principle;The Johnson Principle
"In February 2004, In Romania the relatives of a dead man called Toma Petre were terrified of the thought that he had become a vampire. What did they do?\n";They exhumed his corpse.;They exhumed his corpse.;They hired a priest to keep an eye on his grave at night.;All of these;They planted garlic on his grave and all around the graveyard.
"In Freuds psychoanalytic theory, the defense mechanism in which anxiety-producing or unacceptable emotions are replaced by their direct opposites is defined by which term?\n";Reaction formation;Hysteria;Positivism;Reaction formation;Transference
In German the word for blue is used to describe that a person is this.\n;Drunk;Married;Crazy;Rich;Drunk
"In Greek it is Sayapo, in Lakota it is Techihhila, in Lithuanian it is Tave myliu, in Albanian it is te dua. What is it in English?\n";I love you;I need help;Hello;I love you;Good morning
"In Hindu thought, how was Krishna killed?\n";By an arrow into his heel;By poisoning by Shiva;By the abominations of mankind;By an arrow into his heel;By a knife into his heart
"In his twelve-volume analysis, this British historian wrote that history was not a continuous climb upward, but a series of  waves or pulses, where civilizations rise, prosper and eventually fall.\n";Arnold J. Toynbee;Charles Beard;Howard Zinn;Arnold J. Toynbee;Frederick J. Turner
"In his works, this Greek playwright, whose contribution to the theater was the addition of a second actor to the scenes, focused on mans position in the cosmos, in relation to the gods.\n";Aeschylus;Thucydidies;Sophocles;Aeschylus;Euripides
"In historical atlases published in Germany, Germany is traditionally painted in light blue. What color is traditionally used for England?\n";Pink;Green;Pink;Purple;Yellow
In how many ways can ough be pronounced in English?\n;8;16;13;1;8
In Irish it is Taim ingra leat. In Hebrew it is Ani ohev otah. In Hungarian it is Sz eretiek. In Dutch it is ik houd van jou. What is it in English?\n;I love you.;I love you.;How are you today?;Good morning;Sleep well.
"In L.A. Dragnet, which is a 2003 remake of the TV series Dragnet, detective Joe Friday was portrayed by which actor?\n";Ed ONeil;Ed Burrows;Ed ONeil;Ed Burns;Ed Norton
"In Major League Baseball, who was the first pitcher to win 200 games in his career?\n";A.G.Spaulding;A.G.Spaulding;Walter Johnson;Cy Young;Babe Ruth
"In Malawi, Nigeria and Botswana, the official language is this.\n";English;English;French;Portuguese;Spanish
"In May 2008, this painter set a new world record for sale value of a painting by a living artist when Benefits Supervisor Sleeping was sold for $33.6 million. What is his/her name?\n";Lucian Freud;Lucian Freud;Simon Francis;Clinton Ford;Brian Froud
"In Michael Curtizs movie, Casablanca, where were the visas to Portugal hidden ?\n";In Sams piano;In Ricks file cabinet;At the Airport;In Ricks white dinner jacket;In Sams piano
"In music, what does andante refer to?\n";Moderately slow;Stop;Moderately slow;Lively;Very slowly
"In Native American beliefs, humans could be transformed into a dangerous cannibalistic spirits if they ate human flesh. What is the name given to these creatures?\n";Wendigo;Wendigo;Banshee;Shaman;Boggart
In one of the commercials the boys are at the Renaissance Faire. How was the lead singer feeling at the beginning of the song?\n;depressed;impressed;incensed;depressed;regressed
"In one of the commercials, the singers relegated to riding a bicycle for transportation. How is the singer rolling in this ad?\n";eco-friendly;eco-friendly;loaded;life friendly;phat
"In order for a natural diamond to form, it must be exposed to what specific conditions?\n";High pressure and comparatively low temperature;High pressure and high temperature;High pressure and absence of light;Comparatively low pressure and high temperature;High pressure and comparatively low temperature
"In order to play this game, you need a net, a ball and 6 team players. Most common faults include: causing the ball to touch the ground outside the opponents court and double hit (two consecutive contacts with the ball made by the same player)\n";Volleyball;Dodgeball;Baseball;Volleyball;Football
"In order to preserve their elaborate coiffures, these women slept with their heads on bags filled with buckwheat chaff.\n";Geishas in Japan;Oracles in Africa;Queens in Britain;First Ladies in the US;Geishas in Japan
"In physics, what does Avogadros law state?\n";"At the same temperature and pressure, equal volumes of gases contain the same number of molecules.";"At the same mass and pressure, equal volumes of gases contain the same number of molecules.";Volumes of gases containing the same number of molecules have equal pressures.;Volumes of gases containing the same number of molecules have equal pressures and masses.;"At the same temperature and pressure, equal volumes of gases contain the same number of molecules."
In Scandinavian mythology this is the equivalent of the apocalypse.\n;ragnarok;rekjavak;odinthorisagak;ragnarok;rasnajivarak
"In September 2008 a new, very large prime number was found. Approximately how many digits does it have?\n";"Over 10,000";"Between 6,00 and 8,000";"Over 10,000";Between 5000 and 6000;"Between 8,00 and 10,000"
"In square miles, what is the largest country in the world?\n";Russia;Peoples Republic of China;United States;Russia;Canada
"In terms of A.U. (Astronomical Units), how far is the Sun from the Earth?\n";1;0.92;93 million;1;93
"In terms of population of the city proper, which is the first capital city with over 10,000,000 people?\n";Moscow;Karachi;Sao Paulo;New York City;Moscow
"In terms of ratings, this was the top TV show in the USA for the summer of 2008.\n";Americas Got Talent;Fringe;Dancing With the Stars;Americas Got Talent;Monk
"In Thailand, pink is associated with what day of the week?\n";Tuesday;Wednesday;Tuesday;Saturday;Friday
"In the 14th Century, Moscow replaced this city as the cultural center of Russia.\n";Kiev;Kiev;Leningrad;Riga;St. Petersburg
"In the 1930s, ehe Dust Bowl directly affected these four US states.\n";"Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Colorado";"Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa";"Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas";"Texas. Oklahoma, Kansas, and Iowa";"Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Colorado"
"In the 1957 movie classic, 12 Angry Men, after a preliminary vote it becomes clear that only one of the jurors, Davis, does not see the open and shut nature of the case.  What is Davis juror number and what is his profession?\n";"Juror #8, an architect";"Juror #8, an architect";"Juror #2, a bank clerk";"Juror #12, an advertising executive";"Juror #10, a garage owner"
"In the 1957 movie Twelve Angry Men what was the occupation of the character, played by Henry Fonda?\n";architect;watchmaker;architect;gym teacher;salesman
"In the 1970s television sitcom All in the Family, what was the nickname by which Archie called Gloria?\n";Little Girl;Meathead;Dingbat;Pinko;Little Girl
"In the 1983 movie The Big Chill, which famous magazine did Michael work for?\n";People;People;Time;Newsweek;Entertainment Weekly
"In the 1989 movie Bill  Teds Excellent Adventure, which historical figure do the boys NOT bring back for their history presentation?\n";George Washington;Socrates;George Washington;Billy the Kid;Genghis Khan
"In the 1992 movie, My Cousin Vinnie, Ralph Macchio asks his cousin Vinnie to be his lawyer. What was  Vinnies last name?\n";Gambini;Gambini;Giradelli;Gianfredo;Barcolli
"In the 1994 film, Pulp Fiction, these actors portray Jules Winfield and Vincent  Vega.\n";Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta;Ving Rhames and John Travolta;Bruce Willis and Phil Lamarr;Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta;Ving Rhames and Samuel L. Jackson
"In the 1994-2004 television sitcom Friends, which two characters were siblings?\n";Monica and Ross;Rachel and Monica;Ross and Chandler;Monica and Ross;Ross and Rachel
"In the 1995 movie Mr. Hollands Opus, Mr. Holland teaches young Gertrude Lang to play the clarinet piece Stranger on the Shore. Who wrote this famous piece?\n";Acker Bilk;James Byars;Donald Byron;Acker Bilk;Toots Thielman
"In the 1997 movie Devils Advocate, Keanu Reeves character, Kevin Lomax, starts work in John Miltons huge law firm. Which one of these actors played Milton?\n";Al Pacino;Jeffrey Jones;Al Pacino;Val Kilmer;Robert De Niro
"In the 1999 movie The 13th Warrior, Wendol appears as this animal to frighten his enemies.\n";Bear;Snake;Bear;Wolf;Lion
"In the 2001 movie Pearl Harbor, Kate Beckinsales character, Nurse Lt. Evelyn Johnson, is pregnant with a child whose father, Danny (Josh Hartnett) did not survive what event of WWII?\n";the Doolittle Raid;the attack on Pearl Harbor;D-Day;Operation Barbarossa;the Doolittle Raid
"In the 2004  Dennis Quaid / Sela Ward movie The Day After Tomorrow, books are burned in order to avoid freezing. Why were some characters in the movie angry?\n";They did not burn the furniture.;They only burned religious books.;They burned the encyclopedias first.;They burned the oldest books first.;They did not burn the furniture.
"In the American Civil War, what were the southern US states referred to as?\n";Confederacy;Republicans;Democrats;Union;Confederacy
"In the American version of Monopoly, which are the two most expensive properties?\n";Boardwalk and Park Place;Boardwalk and Fifth Avenue;Boardwalk and Park Place;Broadway and North Carolina Avenue.;Boardwalk and  Ventnor Avenue
"In the Bible, he was the first person mentioned to be put into jail.\n";Joseph;Barabas;Jeremiah;Joseph;Daniel
"In the cartoon Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy, Doggie Daddy spoke like what entertainer?\n";Jimmy Durante;Charlie Chan;George Burns;Jimmy Durante;Bill Cosby
"In the context of construction, how long is a 2d nail?\n";1 inch;1 foot;20 cm;1 cm;1 inch
"In the Crimean war, which lasted from 28 March 1854 until 1856, an alliance of the United Kingdom, France, the Ottoman Empire and Piedmont-Sardinia fought against which country?\n";Russia;Germany;Russia;Italy;Austria
"In the documentary Grey Gardens, Edie shows a photograph of her younger days as a model and says that it hung in a very unusual place. Where?\n";In the elevator at Macys;At the perfume counter in Tiffanys;In the ladies room at Sax Fifth Avenue;In the elevator at Macys;In the front window of Lord and Taylor
"In the film The Hunt For Red October, what was the unique quality of the Russian submarine Red October?\n";"It was built with a revolutionary stealth propulsion system called the caterpillar drive,";It was a laser guided sub that tracks 24 targets at the same time.;"It was built with a revolutionary stealth propulsion system called the caterpillar drive,";Its stealth armor confuses the enemy sonar;None of these
"In the first manned rocket flights into space, pencils, not pens, were given to the cosmonauts and astronauts. Why?\n";Pencils can write in zero gravity.;They were less dangerous because they contained no metal.;Pencils can write in zero gravity.;They were less affected by lower amounts of oxygen.;Pencils are lighter than pens.
"In the French academic dress system, what academic field is symbolized by the redcurrant color -- an extremely red shade of pink?\n";Medicine;Theology;Law;Medicine;Arts
"In the game of Scrabble, if a player uses all seven of their letters in a turn, they receive a bonus of how many points?\n";50;10;100;50;25
"In the Harry Potter series, what are the Dark Lords henchmen known as?\n";Deatheaters;Deathbringers;DA;Order of the Phoenix;Deatheaters
In the Hawaiian language this word means woman.\n;wahine (wah-hee-knee);hoaloha (hoe-ah-low-hah);kane (kah-nay);wahine (wah-hee-knee);makuahine (maa-koo-ah-hee-knee)
"In The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy there are several references to a super-intelligent shade of the color blue, called this.\n";Hooloovoo;Cyan;Volo-loco;Hooloovoo;Gobo
"In the instant messaging system (or IM), what do the letters SYS mean?\n";see you soon;see you soon;seeing your sister;system is down;still your spouse
In the late 1980s which television station did Rosie ODonnell work for?\n;VH1;CBS;MTV;ABC;VH1
"In the Looney Tunes cartoons, there was a little bird who was always trying to catch Foghorn Leghorn,  Whats the name of this brave little brown bird?\n";Henery Hawk;Yoyo;Henery Hawk;Booker T.;Sid the Sparrow
"In The Lord of the Rings, what are the Dark Lord Saurons chief henchmen called?\n";Nazgul;Dragons;Nazgul;Balrogs;Orcs
"In the Mario video game series, Marios arch enemy, Bowser, uses what reptilian creatures as his chief henchmen?\n";Koopatroopas;Snakes;Goombas;Raptors;Koopatroopas
"In the Middle Ages, the purple color was used only for royal clothing because the dye was much more expensive than gold. What was the purple dye made from?\n";Mollusk;Chocolate;squid Ink;Violets;Mollusk
"In the movie Goldfinger, which one of the following characters does not die?\n";Pussy Galore;Tilly Masterson;Pussy Galore;Goldfinger;Oddjob
"In the movie The Green Mile, Tom Hanks plays Paul Edgecomb, but he was not the first choice for the role. Who was originally considered for the role?\n";John Travolta;George Clooney;John Travolta;Bruce Willis;Tim Robbins
"In the movie What About Bob?, what does Bob have around his neck when he is riding the bus to Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire ?\n";his goldfish Gil in a jar;some anti-bacterial soap;his goldfish Gil in a jar;his lucky rabbits foot;some garlic cloves in a bottle
"In the movie, Short Circuit, what is Number 5s original function?\n";Weapon;Security System;Mechanic;A Butler;Weapon
In the music fields Frenchman Francois Tourte is famous for what?\n;He standardized the size of the violin bow.;He invented the saxophone in collaboration with Adolphe Sax.;He standardized the size of the violin bow.;He won the first Gorbachov International Music Award;He was one of the first prominent saxophonists of the 19th century.
"In the new car commercial, instead of looking fly and rolling phat, what happens when the boys drive their new car?\n";legs are sticking to the vinyl and the posses getting laughed at;legs are sticking to the vinyl and the posses getting laughed at;Megs slicker than vinyl and my boss is getting laid back;pegs are stickin to a rhino and the boss is getting flat;legs are feelin like a rhino and the mosss betting last
"In The Office, what alias does Michael Scott often use?\n";Michael Scarn;Art Van der Lay;David Wallace;Michael Scarn;Sara Tesasdale
"In the original version of Layla by Derek and the Dominoes, the guitar riffs were played by these two men.\n";Eric Clapton and Duane Allman;Eric Clapton and George Harrison;Eric Clapton and Carl Radle;Eric Clapton and Bobby Whitlock;Eric Clapton and Duane Allman
"In the Oscar-winning movie The English Patient, Geoffrey Cliftons wife, Kathrine, fell in love with Count de Almasy, the man who completely rejects nationalism and tries to erase all ties to countries. What was Almasys nationality?\n";Hungarian;Hungarian;English;Polish;Austrian
"In the pirate ad, who stole the mans identity?\n";a hacker;a hacker;the Packers;a Quaker;a slacker
"In the same year that the first Grammy for Rap music was given, this song won for Best Song of the Year and Best Record of the Year and the singer who performed it won the Grammy for Best Performance.\n";"Dont Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin";"Dont Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin";Blessings by Betty Winan;Fast Cars by Tracy Chapman;Traces by George Michael
In the sitcom Cheers what was the name of the restaurant that sat above the bar?\n;Melvilles;Melvins;Mickeys;Minnies;Melvilles
"In the sophisticated industry of integrated circuits, what does Moores Law say?\n";The rate of advance will continue to double approximately every 18 months.;The rate of advance will continue to double approximately every 18 months.;Progress will accelerate sharply over the next ten years and then come to a juddering halt.;Progress will continue at a steady rate indefinitely.;The rate of technological progress is bound to slow down in the not too distant future.
"In the Spring of 1967, this city was 700 acres of rock and timber.  In a little more than 6 months it would be transformed in a high-tech city.  It was comissioned by a company, whose mission was simple - to build the biggest and fastest subsonic commercial jetliner ever constructed.\n";"Everett, Washington";"Greenbank, Washington";"Walla Walla, Washington";"Everett, Washington";"Olympia, Washington"
"In the summer of 2006, environmental consultant Mark Diacono planted the first olive grove in England. He claimed that olives can already grow in England for what reason?\n";Global warming;Global warming;Acid rain increase;The extension of the European Union;Acid rain decrease
In the treatment of what serious disease is the isotope gold-198 used?\n;Cancer;Cancer;Rabies;Alzheimers disease;AIDS
"In the U.S., the maximum term of an issued patent is this many years, from the earliest claimed filing date.\n";20;20;17;7;5
"In the United States Navy, what is the next rank above Ensign?\n";Lieutenant (junior grade);2nd Lieutenant;Chief Petty Officer;Lieutenant (junior grade);Captain
"In the United States, firewood is usually sold by the cord. How big is a cord of wood?\n";128 cubic feet;128 cubic feet;66 cubic feet;66 feet;128 square feet
"In the US Army, this rank is usually in charge of a battalion.\n";Lt. Colonel;Brigadier General;Lt. Colonel;Captain;Major General
"In the US, a record can be certified diamond, if it sells this number of copies.\n";10 million;50 million;10 million;5 million;20 million
In the USA we often see commercials for Subway sandwiches. They usually feature a man who went  from 425 pounds to 190 pounds because of a diet  based on Subways menu. What is his name?\n;Jared Fogel;Jared Leto;Jared Nugent;Jared Lamanite;Jared Fogel
"In the USA, what is the longest month?\n";October;August;January;October;April
"In the Waynes World movie, from where is Wayne and Garths live cable-access show broadcast?\n";Waynes basement;Waynes bedroom;Wayne and Garths school;Garths living room;Waynes basement
"In the world of airplane technology, what does LOT stand  for?\n";Low Observational Technology;Long Operational Technology;Lengthy Oppositional Technology;Low Observational Technology;Light Opposing Technology
"In the world of design and construction, what is Zodiaq?\n";A material used for countertops;A material for improving safety glass;An underlayer for granite;A product for wall insulation;A material used for countertops
"In the year 100, there were about 255 square miles per living person on earth. What was that number in  2000?\n";8.2 square miles;17.3 square  miles;127.4 square miles;8.2 square miles;64.1 square  miles
"In the year 632, he succeeded Mohamed and became the First Caliph.\n";Abu Bakr;Abu Bakr;Tahallah;Abu Qahafa;al-Zubahr
"In these fractions, used by ancient Egyptians, the numerator is 1 and the denominator is a positive integer.\n";unit fractions;algebraic fractions;decimals;continued fractions;unit fractions
In this 2005 documentary film a  large number of famous comedians show how they tell one particular dirty joke.\n;The Aristocrats;The Aristocrats;Dirty Rotten Scoundrel;The Elegants;Down and Dirty Comics
In this American strategic life-simulation computer game you rule peoples lives. The game was developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts.\n;The Sims;The Sims;Call of Duty;MaddenNFL;StarCraft
In this country one out of ten people owns a bicycle.\n;Denmark;Belgium;Denmark;Sweden;France
"In this country, friends of the newly weds will do anything to make the first night as hard as possible.\n";Germany;Poland;Germany;China;Norway
"In this country, wearing orange blossoms on your wedding day is a symbol of virginity.\n";France;France;Turkey;Greece;Holland
"In this drama film, Penelope Cruz character, Mia, trains to be a nurse and is anxious to join the anti-fascist forces during the Spanish Civil War.\n";Head in the Clouds;All About My Mother;Vicky Cristina Barcelona;Head in the Clouds;Vanilla Sky
"In this fifth novel in Anne Rices The Vampire Chronicles, Lestat is offered a job by the devil himself. The Devil explains to him many things about heaven and hell, and reveals some of the secrets of the world. What is the title of the novel?\n";Memnoch the Devil;Tale of the Body Thief;Inferno;Memnoch the Devil;Devils
"In this game show, created by Merv Griffin in 1964, you always have to say What is...? before you say the answer.\n";Jeopardy!;Pyramid;Wheel of Fortune;Family Feud;Jeopardy!
"In this Indo-European language, which has 11 vowels and 35 consonants, postpositions are used instead of prepositions.\n";Hindi;Cantonese;Armenian;Arabic;Hindi
"In this language, jo reggelt means good morning and Beszel angolul means Do you speak English?\n";Hungarian;Romanian;Hungarian;Russian;Croatian
"In this movie Eminem plays the main character, whose name is Jimmy B-Rabbit Smith, Jr.\n";8 Mile;Torrance Rises;The Wash;8 Mile;The Slim Shady Show
In this movie Robert De Niro plays a timid and artistic NYC police detective. Bill Murray plays the criminal boss and Uma Thurman is a call girl De Niros character falls for.\n;Mad Dog and Glory;A Police Story;Paths to Glory;Mad Dog and Glory;Turner and Hooch
"In this novel, set during WWII, Sue Ann Duckett is one of the ward nurses in the hospital where Yossarian gets treated, and later starts a relationship with him.\n";Catch-22;Slaughterhouse-Five;Catch-22;One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest;Cats Cradle
"In this part of the world tattooing has been a common practice since antiquity. Featuring elaborate geometrical figures, tattoos were a natural artistic design on the skin of their owner.\n";Polynesia;Indonesia;Polynesia;Malaysia;The Middle East
"In this Texas town, it is believed that a hill is haunted by the spirits of small children who were killed there. On the way to school one morning a school bus filled with children stalled across railroad tracks. Tragically the bus was hit by an oncoming train and only a few children survived. Today it is reported that cars that stop on this hill are mysteriously pushed up the hill after which small hand prints can be seen along the back and sides of the vehicle. In which Texas town is this hill located?\n";San Antonio;Houston;Fort Worth;San Antonio;Dallas
In this US state it is illegal to tattoo an unconscious person.\n;Texas;Nevada;Florida;California;Texas
"In this year, Led  Zeppelin  released Stairway to Heaven and  Andrew Lloyd Webbers Jesus Christ Superstar opened.\n";1971;1971;1977;1973;1975
In three of these countries corruption is widely spread. Which is the odd country?\n;Iceland;Romania;Russia;Iceland;Ukraine
"In trigonometry this law, which generalizes the Pythagorean theorem, is a statement about a general triangle, which relates the lengths of its sides to the cosine of a known angle.\n";The Law of Cosines;The Archimedean Principle;The Law of Adjacent Hypotenuses;The Rule of Three;The Law of Cosines
"In ufology, how many kinds of close encounters are there in J. Allen Hyneks classification system for observation and interaction with extraterrestrial intelligence within 150 meters (500 feet)?\n";6;5;4;6;3
"In ufology, what does the black triangle phenomenon refer to?\n";A type of triangular-shaped UFO;Strange triangular marks on Mars surface;A type of triangular-shaped UFO;Inexplicable black marks found on rock;A triangular area of frequent UFO or other unusual phenomena sightings
"In what 1960s ABC series do the characters attack, harass and wreak havoc on Field Marshal Rommels vaunted Afrika Korps?\n";The Rat Patrol;The Rat Patrol;The Mod Squad;Gunsmoke;M.A.S.H
In what 1973 James Bond movie has actress Jane Seymour appeared as a Bond girl?\n;Live and Let Die;The Spy Who Loved Me;The Man with the Golden Gun;Diamonds Are Forever;Live and Let Die
In what body of water is the island of Malta located?\n;Mediterranean Sea;Mediterranean Sea;Pacific Ocean;Atlantic Ocean;North Sea
In what century was the word pink used for the first time?\n;17th century;18th century;16th century;19th century;17th century
"In what childrens novel, written by L. Frank Baum, did the Cowardly Lion make his first appearance?\n";The Wonderful Wizard of Oz;Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens;"The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe";The Wonderful Wizard of Oz;Alice in Wonderland
"In what city a principal of an elementary school got a pink Mohawk haircut on 6 September 2007, as he had promised to do if the students raised the school’s Academic Performance Index by at least 55 points?\n";San Francisco;Manchester;San Francisco;Houston;Los Angeles
"In what city was the first , free, public high school opened?\n";Boston;Orono;Charleston;Boston;Philadelphia
In what city was the first permanent drama theater in Europe opened?\n;"Malaga, Spain";"Malaga, Spain";"Vilna, Lithuania";"Rotterdam, The Netherlands";"Bucharest, Romania"
In what city was the popular TV series EastEnders set?\n;London;San Francisco;Los Angeles;London;New York
In what country does a widow wear purple to mourn her husbands death?\n;Thailand;Thailand;Mexico;Canada;United States of America
In what country is a cake called Pink Panther very popular?\n;Spain;Canada;France;Spain;Switzerland
In what country is picking your nose in public more acceptable than blowing your nose?\n;Japan;France;Phillipines;Japan;Iran
In what country is the art of palm reading believed to have originated?\n;India;Greece;India;Persia;China
In what country is the presidential residence called The Blue House?\n;South Korea;South Korea;Argentina;Greece;France
In what field is the Golden Duck Award given annually?\n;Childrens science fiction;Childrens science fiction;Egocentric celebrities;Politicians who waste government money;Animated short films
"In what form is gold added to some expensive dishes, especially sweets and drinks?\n";All of these;Gold leaf;Gold flakes;All of these;Gold dust
In what geographic area is tooth filing practiced?\n;All of these;The Philippines;All of these;Africa;Indonesia
"In what novel does Charles Dickens depict Mr. Thomas Gradgrind, the teacher who teaches his students nothing but facts?\n";Hard Times;Hard Times;Dombey and Son;Bleak House;Great Expectations
In what part of the body is the cosmetic procedure known as corneal tattooing done?\n;Eyeball;Inside of the lower lip;Genitals;Eyeball;Tongue
"In what type of outfit was Resurrection Mary buried according to the popular urban legend from the region of Chicago, Illinois?\n";White dancing dress;Blood-red satin dress;Black lace gown;Bridal gown;White dancing dress
In what US city is the Lincoln Memorial located?\n;"Washington, DC";"Wilmington, DE";"New York, NY";"Washington, DC";"Louisville, Kentucky"
In what year did Capt. John Alcock and Lt. A.W. Brown make the first nonstop transatlantic flight?\n;1919;1929;1939;1909;1919
In what year did French mechanic Nicolas Joseph Cugnot invent the first self-propelled road vehicle?\n;1769;1891;1824;7874;1769
"In what year did Freud and his collaborator, Josef Breuer publish Studies on Hysteria, a book which contained a number of Breuer and Freuds case studies of hysterics, including their most famous case - Anna O.?\n";1895;1848;1901;1912;1895
In what year did Nicolas Cugnot invent the first successful steam-powered road vehicle?\n;1769;1842;1645;1769;1816
In what year did President Franklin Roosevelt give the approval for dropping the first atom bomb on Japan?\n;He never did;He never did;1946;1945;1944
In what year did Stanley Kubrick direct his Oscar-nominated film A Clockwork Orange?\n;1971;1971;1970;1972;1969
In what year did the Catholic Church split with the Orthodox Church?\n;1054;1645;1054;33;1491
In what year did the color burnt orange get its name?\n;1915;1915;1920;1913;1923
In what year did the first brown supermarket grocery bag appear?\n;1871;1903;1915;1911;1871
In what year did the Great Fire of London occur?\n;1666;1866;1566;1766;1666
In what year did the last veteran of the American Civil War die?\n;1958;1944;1949;1958;1936
In what year was the World Series first broadcast on radio?\n;1922;1932;1912;1922;1942
In what year were pencils first mass-produced?\n;1662 A.D.;1662 A.D.;476 A.D.;1812 A.D.;1821 A.D.
In what year were the first Grammy Awards given?\n;1959;1958;1960;1959;1961
In which American city is the fast-food restaurants chain McDonalds incorporated?\n;"San Bernardino, California";"Phoenix, Arizona";"San Bernardino, California";"Oak Brook, Illinois";"Arcadia, California"
In which category did Krishna Bhanji win an Academy Award in 1982?\n;Best Actor;Best Director of a Foreign Film;Video Engineering;Sound Direction;Best Actor
In which city and state was the first motion picture created?\n;"West Orange, NJ";"Chicago, IL";"Hollywood, CA";"Alexandria, VA";"West Orange, NJ"
In which city was Michael Jordans second professional team based?\n;Chicago;Baltimore;Washington;Charlotte;Chicago
In which country was Carlos Mencia born?\n;Honduras;Guatemala;Ecuador;Nicaragua;Honduras
"In which country was eyeball jewelry, or extraocular implantation, developed in 2002?\n";The Netherlands;The United Kingdom;The U.S.A.;India;The Netherlands
In which country would you find the worlds largest underground lake?\n;USA (Tennessee);Ukraine;Poland;USA (Kentucky);USA (Tennessee)
"In which decade were sneakers, or tennis shoes invented?\n";1830s;1940s;1890s;1920s;1830s
In which European city is the headquarters of Interpol located?\n;Lyon;Geneva;London;Lyon;Paris
In which film did Pywackett appear?\n;"Bell, Book and Candle";"Bell, Book and Candle";The Cats in the Cradle;The Golden Cat of Atlantis;Old Possums Books of Cats
In which layer of the atmosphere do artificial satellites operate?\n;Low Earth Orbit;Medium Earth Orbit;Elliptic Orbit;Low Earth Orbit;High Earth Orbit
In which line the food is not matched with its place of origin?\n;Peach - Peru;Spinach - Iran;Peach - Peru;Grapefruit - Barbados;Blueberry - North America
In which movie does Rebecca De Mornay play a nanny who tries to steal another womans family?\n;The Hand That Rocks the Cradle;Backdraft;The Hand That Rocks the Cradle;Never Talk to Strangers;Risky Business
In which New York City borough is Central Park located?\n;Manhattan;Manhattan;Queens;Bronx;Brooklyn
In which of the New York City boroughs is Rockefeller Center situated?\n;Manhattan;Brooklyn;Manhattan;Queens;The Bronx
In which of these areas is stretching the neck with neck rings practiced?\n;Africa and Asia;Australia;North America;Africa and South America;Africa and Asia
In which of these colors do sapphires come?\n;All of these;Yellow;Blue;Green;All of these
In which of these countries was foot binding practiced?\n;China;Vietnam;India;Peru;China
In which of these everyday activities and industrial areas is gold sometimes used?\n;All of these;All of these;Embroidery;Glass industry;Photography
"In which of these New York City neighborhoods did the American Airlines Flight 587 crash on November 12, 2001?\n";Queens;Queens;The Bronx;Brooklyn;Manhattan
In which one of these sciences is the TOE theory studied?\n;Physics;Paleontology;Philosophy;Physics;Biophysics
In which season did ancient Greeks celebrate Mothers Day?\n;Spring;Winter;Summer;Fall;Spring
In which South American country can the Nazca Lines be found?\n;Peru;Boliva;Chile;Argentina;Peru
In which story do we meet Grizabella the Glamour Cat?\n;Cats;Cats;Through the Looking Glass;The Cats Paw;The Aristocats
In which TV series did American rapper Ice-T make his television debut?\n;Players;Law Order SVU;The District;Thieves;Players
In which U.S. state is there a region called Silver?\n;Texas;Ohio;Iowa;Texas;Indiana
In which US state is the Bicycle Museum of America located?\n;Ohio;Ohio;Indiana;Massachusetts;North Carolina
In which US state is the city of Truth or Consequences located?\n;New Mexico;Mexico;Utah;New Mexico;Texas
"In Will and Grace, Will was a fine lawyer. What was his last name?\n";Truman;Walker;McFarland;Truman;Adler
Indian Ink comes from what country?\n;China;Japan;United States;India;China
"Internationally, blue is the color of these political parties.\n";Conservative parties;Labour parties;Liberal parties;Communist parties;Conservative parties
"Ireland and Nigeria are considered to be among the countries with most adults, regularly attending church services. The citizens of one of this country also go to church regularly.\n";Poland;Finland;Russia;Poland;Japan
"Ireland, New Zealand and Japan are three countries with very high consumption of this drink.\n";Tea;Brandy;Coffee;Coca-cola;Tea
Iron makes up 35.1 % of Earth. 28.2 % is oxygen. What is the third leading element of Earths composition?\n;silicon;silicon;magnesium;nickel;calcium
Ironically the song Video Killed the Radio Star by the Buggles was the first video played on MTV in the USA. Which was the second song aired on the Music Television?\n;"Pat Benatar, You Better Run";"Madonna, Like a Virgin";"Dire Straits, Money for Nothing";"Michael Jackson, Thriller";"Pat Benatar, You Better Run"
"It can be shown that this President is related, either by blood or by marriage, to eleven other Presidents.\n";Franklin D. Roosevelt;Franklin D. Roosevelt;Benjamin Harrison;James Madison;Teddy Roosevelt
"It can reach an age far greater than that of any other living thing known - up to nearly 5,000 years.\n";Bristlecone Pine;The Sequoia;Redwood;Western Mushroom;Bristlecone Pine
It has an unemployment rate  of 15%. According to the 2000 Census it is the poorest of   the 100 largest US Cities.  Which city is it?\n;Detroit;Newark;New Haven;Detroit;Boca Raton
It is believed that this was the smallest dinosaur.\n;Compsognathus;Brachiosaurus;Amphicoelias;Compsognathus;Argentinasaurus
It is generally accepted that paper money was invented in this nation.\n;China;India;The Netherlands;Japan;China
"It is generally accepted that the name of these islands of volcanic origin derives from a Latin term, meaning Island of the Dogs.\n";The Canary Islands;The Canary Islands;The Galapagos Islands;Corn Islands;The Solentiname Islands
"It is generally accepted that this term, whose usage was reported by Newsweek in 1951, first appeared in Dr. Seusss book If I Ran the Zoo, where it names one of the comical, imaginary animals.\n";Nerd;Nerd;Yahoo;Bluetooth;Spam
It is generally accepted that this was the first novel whose manuscript was typed on a typewriter.\n;The Adventures of Tom Sawyer;The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn;The Adventures of Tom Sawyer;The Great Gatsby;Moby Dick
"It is one of the oldest religions. Most of its followers live in India, where it began. Adherents believe that each individual is responsible for his/her actions. They believe that each living thing has an eternal soul. What is this religion?\n";Jainism;Jensenism;Judaism;Jainism;Jarita Dharma
"It is the 1954 Cotton Bowl between Rice and Alabama.  Rices All-American running back, Dicky Moegle, is leading his team to a crushing of the Bart Starr led Alabama team.  On one run, he was stopped on his own 35 yard line, where he was tackled.  The referee blew his whistle and awarded a touchdown.  Why ?\n";He was tackled by Tommy Lewis;He ran the wrong way;The referee made a mistake on a penalty;He flipped the ball to another player who scored;He was tackled by Tommy Lewis
It was a war fought because a  Prussian prince was put on the Spanish throne.\n;The Franco-Prussian War;The  War of  Prussian Succession;The War of  Spanish Succession;The Iberian Campaign;The Franco-Prussian War
It was after winning the California Democratic Primary that Robert Kennedy was shot at the Ambassador Hotel when he walked into a service area to greet supporters. Who was convicted for the assassination of Robert Kennedy?\n;Sirhan Sirhan;Jack Ruby;Lee Harvey Oswald;Sirhan Sirhan;James Earl Ray
"It was one of the first TV shows for children.  It featured one human and many puppets, all worked by one man, Burr Tillstrom.  What was its name ?\n";"Kukla, Fran and Ollie";Howdy Doody;"Kukla, Fran and Ollie";Crusader Rabbit and Rags the Tiger;Wonder-Rama
"It was one of the longest running off-Broadway plays. Its orchestra consisted of a harp and a piano. It was written by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt.  It originally starred Rita Gardner, Thomas Bruce and Kenneth Nelson.\n";The Fantasticks;Hair;When Tony Met Angela;Cats!;The Fantasticks
"It was the largest rough diamond ever found, weighing in at 3 106 carats.\n";Cullinan;Koh-i-Nor;Malan;Cullinan;Elizabeth
James Dean received the first official posthumous Academy Award nomination for Best Actor for his performance in this movie.\n;East of Eden;East of Eden;Giant;Trouble Along the Way;Rebel Without a Cause
Jane Addams is the founder of this movement in the United States.\n;Settlement House movement;Settlement House movement;Womens Rights movement;All of these;Womens Liberation movement
"Jane Fonda, Victoria Beckham and Whitney-Houston are celebrities who openly admit to have had this disorder.\n";Eating Disorder;Dysthymic Disorder;Sleep Disorder;Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD);Eating Disorder
"Jane Leeves, who is famous for her roles on Frasier and Seinfeld, first worked for which comedian?\n";Benny Hill;Tom Hendra;Jerry Lewis;Flip Wilson;Benny Hill
"Jane Marple, better known as Miss Marple, is a fictional amateur detective created by this famous author.\n";Agatha Christie;Arthur Conan Doyle;Edgar Allan Poe;Raymond Chandler;Agatha Christie
Jane Porter is the love interest of this fictional character.\n;Tarzan;Batman;Superman;Tarzan;Spiderman
Joe Barry Carroll was drafted by the Golden Gate Warriors in 1980. He was the first choice in that draft. Who did they give up to get him?\n;Robert Parrish and Kevin McHale;Dennis Rodman and John Paxson;Robert Parrish and Kevin McHale;Charles Barkley and Tim McCormick;Michael Jordan
John Adams was the second President of the United States. Who was the second Vice-President of the United States?\n;Thomas Jefferson;Thomas Jefferson;John Hancock;John Quincy Adams;Ben Franklin
"John Howard Lawson, Herbert Biberman, Albert Maltz, Adrian Scott, Sam Ornitz, Dalton Trumbo, Ed Dmytryk, Ring Lardner Jr, Alvah Bessie, and Lester Cole made short speeches to denounce McCarthyism. All of them belonged to a group, known by what name?\n";The Hollywood Ten;The ten spies of the CIA;The ten players of Dr. James Naismith;The Hollywood Ten;The ten judges at the Nuremburg Trials
John Steinbeck wrote the highly acclaimed novel The Grapes of Wrath. Where does the title come from?\n;The Battle Hymn of the Republic;The Battle Hymn of the Republic;A poem by Shakespeare;A famous sermon by Cotton Mather;The Bible
"Johnny Storm, a member of the Fantastic Four, goes by what moniker?\n";The Human Torch;Lava Man;The Human Torch;Sparky;Flash
"Jonathan Larson based his rock musical on the opera La Boheme. What rock musical about young artists and musicians and their struggle, hopes and fears made it to # 2 on Entertainment Weeklys New Classics List?\n";Rent;Hair;The Heidi Chronicles;Jersey Boys;Rent
Jose Raul Capablanca of Cuba was the first person from the Western Hemisphere to do what?\n;Win the World Chess Championship;Be President of the U.N. General  Assembly;Win the World Chess Championship;Win an Olympic  baseball game;Win the Nobel Prize for Literature
"Ketchikan, Alaska holds what distinction?\n";the highest zip code for an American city;the highest ratio of males to females of any American city;the highest amount of snow fall in an American city;the highest number of days of precipitation for any American city;the highest zip code for an American city
King Edward VIII abdicated the English throne for the woman I love. He later became the Gouverneur of what land ?\n;The  Bahamas;Fiji;The  Bahamas;Jamaica;Barbados
King John Sobieski of Poland saved Vienna from Ottoman invaders. In his honor something new was invented.  What was it ?\n;The bagel;The Polish saddle;The  epee;Heeled boots;The bagel
"King Richard III killed his two nephews, which were later reported to have been seen as ghosts. What were their names?\n";Edward V of England and Richard of Shrewsbury;Michael of Knottinghamm and Richard of Shrewsbury;Edward V of England and Richard of Shrewsbury;Edward the V of England and Michael of Knottinghamm;Edward of Shrewsbury and Richard the V of England
Kurt Wagner is the alter ego of which character?\n;Nightcrawler;Spawn;Mockingbird;Wonder Woman;Nightcrawler
"Kurt Waldheims Nazi past was revealed as he ran for president of this country, but he still won.\n";Austria;Germany;Austria;Canada;Sweden
"Lactose is a type of sugar consisting of two subunits (galactose and glucose), found primarily in what food?\n";Milk;Milk;Fruits;Vegetables;Honey
Ladino is a language composed of  which two other languages ?\n;Hebrew and Spanish;Spanish and Portuguese;Spanish and Arabic;Hebrew and Spanish;Portuguese and Italian
Lady Jane Grey was the uncrowned Queen of England for what period of time in 1553?\n;Nine days;Nine days;Fifteen days;One day;One month
"Laura is one of the most memorable films made in the Film Noir genre, even more so thanks to Clifton Webbs performance.  What was his film characters name?\n";Waldo Lydecker;Whit Sterling;Jules Amthor;Kaspar Gutman;Waldo Lydecker
Lawrence Bohune was the first doctor in the British Colony of Virginia. When did he arrive?\n;1610;1689;1704;1610;1622
Lawrence Kusche was one of the first people to conduct a comprehensive research on the topic of strange disappearances of ships. His conclusions proved to some extent that there was nothing extraordinary about this region.  One of the following statements was not a conclusion that he made.\n;The disappearance of three of the missing ships can be explained through the interference of the US Military Force.;The number of such disappearances was exaggerated by sloppy research and fuzzy math.;The disappearance of three of the missing ships can be explained through the interference of the US Military Force.;The proportion of losses was no greater than anywhere else.;"The number of ships which disappeared in supposedly still, calm weather, did not jibe with press weather reports published at the time."
Leather can bring out the best in some females.  Which feline fatale said  Youre the second man who killed me this week but Ive got seven lives left.?\n;Catwoman;Catwoman;Storm;Daredevil;Miss Kitty
Legend has it that MMs were made for what soldiers?\n;American soldiers;Spanish soldiers;French soldiers;Japanese soldiers;American soldiers
"Leo the Lion is the mascot of what Hollywood film studio, founded in 1924?\n";MGM;MGM;Warner Bros.;Paramount Pictures;Dreamworks
"Leonardo da Vinci is well known as the artist who painted the Mona Lisa, but he was also an inventor.  Which modern-day machine is based on one of his concepts?\n";helicopter;helicopter;radio;chain saw;blender
"Les Barker, Richard Digance and Bill Oddie are famous for being what?\n";Musical comedians;Musical comedians;Radio comedians;Impersonators;Satirists
"Let me in!  Im so cold, pleads the ghost of Catherine Earnshaw. In what 1847 novel will you find the story of the doomed lovers Catherine Earnshaw and the wild gypsy Heathcliff?\n";Wuthering Heights;Lorna Doone;Wuthering Heights;Jane Eyre;Agnes Gray
"Lethality: He will not stop, EVER, until you are dead. What assassin from the year 2029 AD, had you better believe when he says Ill be back.?\n";Terminator;Predator;Terminator;Kothoga;Replicant
Lightning Mcqueen was the protagonist of what movie?\n;Cars;BAR;Cars;Mcqueen Tales;DDA
Listen to the audio and name the performer.\n;David Bowie;Phil Collins;David Bowie;John Lennon;Freddie Mercury
"Located in the Northwest Territories, what lake empties into the Mackenzie River and is considered the largest lake that is entirely within Canada?\n";Great Bear Lake;Lake Huron;Great Bear Lake;Lake Superior;Great Slave Lake
Loch Ness is the largest body of water in which huge geologic fault?\n;Great Glen;Great Glen;Scotia;Augustus;Highlands
M16 is the U.S. military designation for a family of rifles that had a field trial in the early 1960s in what war?\n;Vietnam War;Civil War;Gulf War;Vietnam War;Korean War
"Making sugar by evaporating cane juice was developed in about 500 BC, in what country?\n";India;China;India;Egypt;Greece
"Man On The Moon, Amadeus and One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest are all movies directed by him.\n";Miloš Forman;Stanley Kubrick;Miloš Forman;Pedro Almodóvar;Martin Scorsese
Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen was a German pilot and is still regarded today as the ace of aces. Which of the following pairs (nickname - nation calling him that) is wrong?\n;They are all true.;Red Battle-Flyer - the Germans;Red Devil - the French;Red Baron - the British;They are all true.
"Many sailors have seen the Flying Dutchman, a ship doomed to roam the seas forever. Where did the Flying Dutchman reportedly disappear?\n";Cape of Good Hope;Cape of Good Hope;The East Indies;The North Sea;The Atlantic Ocean
"Many years before trivia, during the Devonian period, when trees and forests began to appear for the first time,  there were two types of fish: fish with ray fins and fish with lobe fins.  Which type were able to make their way onto the land and breath air?\n";Lobe finned fish;Neither;Both;Ray finned fish;Lobe finned fish
"Martin Lewis Perl, Riccardo Giacconi, and Georges Charpak all received the Nobel Prize in ....?\n";Physics;Physics;Literature;Chemistry;Medicine
Match this definition to the word it belongs in Ambrose Bierce’s book The Devils Dictionary: “a machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage.�\n;Litigation;A Sausage Factory;Life;Marriage;Litigation
"Match this definition to the word it belongs to according to Ambrose Bierce’s book The Devils Dictionary: “The state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress and two slaves, making in all, two.�\n";Marriage;Love;Marriage;Family;Engagement
"Matt Groening, the creator of The Simpsons, grew up on a street named what?\n";Evergreen Terrace;Main Street;Springfield Boulevard;Simpson Street;Evergreen Terrace
"Mayday, an emergency code word used internationally as a distress signal, derives from which language?\n";French;French;German;English;Italian
"Measured from base to peak, what is the worlds highest mountain?\n";Mauna Kea;Chimborazo;Mauna Kea;K2;Mt. Everest
"Michael Ballack, Franz Beckenbauer, Oliver Kahn, and Jürgen Klinsmann all played for this team.\n";Bayern Munich;Wolfsburg;Bayern Munich;Schalke 04;Bayer Leverkusen
Michael Jordan is often considered the best player the Chicago Bulls ever had but they did not start winning championships until they traded Charles Oakley for this other big man.\n;Bill Cartwright;Scotty Pippen;Dave Corzine;Dennis Rodman;Bill Cartwright
"Michael Keaton, George Cloony, Christian Bale, and Val Kilmer have all played the role of a super hero. Which is the hero?\n";Batman;Batman;James Bond;Superman;Spider-Man
Michelangelos statue of David is housed in what city?\n;Florence;Florence;Turin;Rome;Vienna
Mitochondrias function in cells is to perform this.\n;To convert organic materials into energy;To control chemical reactions within the cytoplasm;To store information needed for cellular division;To convert organic materials into energy;To process proteins targeted to the plasma membrane
Mixing what colors will result in a brown color?\n;All of these;Red and black;All of these;Black and yellow;Black and orange
"Moe Berg was a professional baseball player, a catcher. Which one of these statements about him is correct?\n";He was an international spy.;He  was the only catcher to catch three no hitters.;He was the last out in Don Larsens perfect game.;He was an international spy.;He was on base when Ruth hit home run number 60.
"Monticello, meaning small mountain in Italian, is the name of an estate near Charlottesville, Virginia, which belonged to which US President?\n";Thomas Jefferson;George;James Madison;Thomas Jefferson;John Adams
Most fairy tale characters have this color hair.\n;Blonde;Blonde;Dark;Green;Red
"My husband came downstairs dressed for work, thus setting off my coulrophobia. What was I afraid of?\n";Clowns;Hair gel;Uniforms;Clowns;Ties
My source of income is from an inheritance and the Defense industry. Im worth $6.5 billion and first appeared in comic books in 1939.\n;Bruce Wayne;Bruce Wayne;Lex Luther;Tony Starks;Peter Parker
Nabisco makes animal crackers in a plant located in this state.\n;New Jersey;Utah;Ohio;Massachusetts;New Jersey
Name all the Scandinavian countries.\n;"Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland";"Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania";"Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland";"Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland";"Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland"
Name Simbas daughter who is a central character in the Disney film The Lion King II: Simbas Pride.\n;Kiara;Nala;Sarafina;Kiara;Sarabi
Name the 1978 thriller in which a Nazi death-camp doctor attempts to clone Adolf Hitler.\n;The Boys from Brazil;Heaven Can Wait;The Boys from Brazil;Foul Play;Every Which Way But Loose
Name the 1985 horror movie based on the novella Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King.\n;Silver Bullet;Silver Bullet;Silver Dagger;Silver Crucifix;Silver Knife
Name the actor who starred in the 2007 drama movie There Will Be Blood.\n;Daniel Day-Lewis;Kevin Spacey;Sean Penn;Keanu Reeves;Daniel Day-Lewis
"Name the actors who portrayed the Brothers Grimm, Wilhelm and Jacob, in the 2005 movie of the same name.\n";Matt Damon and Heath Ledger;Jude Law and Heath Ledger;Jude Law and Jake Gyllenhaal;Matt Damon and Jake Gyllenhaal;Matt Damon and Heath Ledger
"Name the author of The Asian Saga, a series of six epic novels centering on Europeans in Asia.\n";James Clavell;Henry James;James White;James Joyce;James Clavell
"Name the author of the spy thrillers The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum, which were adapted into movies starring Matt Damon.\n";Robert Ludlum;Robert J. Sawyer;Robert Kerr;Robert Coover;Robert Ludlum
Name the cat hero described in Shirley Rousseau Murphys books?\n;Joe Grey;Nermal;Joe Grey;Midnight Louie;Pewter
Name the country below which is NOT located in South America.\n;Panama;Surinam;Chile;Panama;Colombia
"Name the creator of The Prelude, who was the Poet Laureate in England from 1843 to 1850 and comprised a group known as the Lake Poets with Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey.\n";William Wordsworth;John Donne;Lord Byron;William Wordsworth;Robert Browning
"Name the Dynasty star featured in the December, 1983 issue of Playboy magazine.\n";Joan Collins;Heather Locklear;Joan Collins;Emma Samms;Catherine Oxenberg
Name the famous (infamous?) philosopher who posited the concept of The Superman(Der Ubermensch).\n;Nietzche;Marx;Kant;Hegel;Nietzche
Name the famous Welsh poet who wrote the poem The Boys of Summer.\n;Dylan Thomas;James Joyce;Theodore Roethke;e.e. cummings;Dylan Thomas
Name the first cartoon cat that was created for the screen.\n;Felix;Felix;Puddy Tat;Rumple Teaser;Katsenjammer
Name the first NFL team to win the Super Bowl indoors.\n;Dallas;Dallas;Tampa Bay;Miami;Pittsburgh
Name the first pilot to make a flight at night.\n;Emil Aubrun;Ruth Law;Emil Aubrun;Walter Brookins;Eugene Burton
"Name the Gus Van Sant movie in which Robert Crawford, a haughty literature professor, accuses Jamal Wallace of plagiarism.\n";Finding Forrester;Good Will Hunting;Finding Forrester;Beautiful Mind;Dead Poets Society
Name the legislative branch of the federal government of the United States.\n;The Congress of the United States;The Senate;The Supreme Court;The Congress of the United States;The House of Representatives
Name the longest continuous stretch of railroad.\n;Trans-Siberian Railroad;Trans-Siberian Railroad;The Orient Express;The Canadian Pacific Railroad;The Alaska-Canadian Railroad
Name the odd one.\n;Vixen;Viper;Vixen;Adder;Cobra
Name the original drummer for the Beatles.\n;Pete Best;Pete Best;Brian Epstein;Richard Starkey;Stu Sutcliffe
Name the popular song from 1993 that was featured in the beginning of the movie Benny and Joon .  The video for this song also played at the end of the movie.\n;Im Gonna Be (500 miles) by the Proclaimers;Crazy by Patsy Cline;Dancing with Myself  by Billy Idol;We Are Family by Sister Sledge;Im Gonna Be (500 miles) by the Proclaimers
Name the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Zeus.\n;Jupiter;Neptune;Jupiter;Saturn;none of these
Name the stars of the classic movie Casablanca.\n;Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman;Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman;James Stewart and June Allyson;Henry Fonda and Maureen OHara;Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall
Name the two famous streets that were the heart of the hippie movement.\n;Haight and Ashbury;Haight and Ashbury;Hollywood and Vine;Times Square and 42nd Street;Washington Square and Alphabet City
Name the two pets that Chandler Bing and Joey Tribbiani had when they roomed together on the Friends TV show.\n;a chicken and a duck;a chicken and a duck;a cat and a dog;a pair of gerbils;a fish and a spider
Name the young actor who starred in 2006s Civic Duty and whose nicknames include Superman and Dodi.\n;Khaled Abol Naga;Peter Krause;Khaled Abol Naga;Richard Schiff;Ian Tracy
"Named after a 19th century British surgeon and anatomist, the Bowmans capsule is located in which organ/s of the human body?\n";Kidneys;Lungs;Kidneys;Pancreas;Brain
Napoleon Dynamite had a favorite animal that he liked to draw.  What was it?\n;a liger (tiger and lion mix);a liger (tiger and lion mix);a dinosaur;a dragon;a unicorn
"Narcissus is the birth flower of this month, and its birthstone is the aquamarine.\n";March;July;March;May;October
Natale Cole is the daughter of Nat King Cole. Who was her famous grandfather?\n;Duke Ellington;Duke Ellington;Count Basie;Terry Coles;Roger Coles
"Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon on July 20th, 1969. Who was the astronaut that followed him?\n";Edwin Buzz Aldrin;John Glenn;Edwin Buzz Aldrin;"Charles P. Pete Conrad, Jr.";Edward Smith
New York Alki was a settlement which became part of which US city?\n;Seattle;Atlanta;Orono;Seattle;Savannah
New York City is divided into 5 boroughs. One of these is not part of NYC?\n;Yonkers;Richmond;The Bronx;Staten Island;Yonkers
"Nicknamed Mighty Mo (or Big Mo), this Iowa-class battleship from the end of World War II was the last battleship built by the United States.\n";USS Missouri;USS Missouri;USS Illinois;USS Idaho;USS Minnesota
"Nine years after invading Afghanistan, this country began withdrawing its troops in 1988.\n";USSR;USSR;Iran;Great Britain;Pakistan
Normal saline solution contains this percentage of salt (NaCl)?\n;0.90%;0.90%;9%;4.50%;1.30%
"Norwegian inventor, Johan Vaaler was granted a patent in Germany, in 1899, for the invention of what?\n";The paperclip;The paperclip;The dry cell battery;The stapler;Carbon paper
"Not accounting for daylight saving, what is the hour difference between Central Time Zone (CST) in America and Central European Time (CET)?\n";7 hours;7 hours;5 hours;9 hours;12 hours
"Not surprisingly, the Devil is a major Arcana Tarot card. The image on the card depicts a Satyr standing over two naked human-like demons, who are chained together. What is the interpretation of this Tarot card?\n";Self bondage;Death;Self bondage;Marriage;Bad luck
"Now tell your father not to teach you any more. Its best to begin reading with a fresh mind are words Miss Caroline addresses to Jean Louise, the narrator of this novel.\n";To Kill a Mockingbird;To Kill a Mockingbird;North and South;The Millstone;Jerusalem the Golden
"Nowadays, sugar is used in science and manufacturing as what?\n";All of these;Preservative;Bulking agent;All of these;Sweetener
"Of all the invertebrates, which has the best eyesight?\n";octopus;plankton;octopus;whale;squid
"Of all the symphonies regularly performed, which is the longest?\n";Mahlers Symphony #3 in D minor;Stravinskys #14 in B sharp major;Hayden Symphony #78 in C major;Mahlers Symphony #3 in D minor;Beethovens #9 in G minor
"Of the 13 zodiac constellations, which one is the only constellation not counted as an astrological sign?\n";Ophiucus;Platismouis;Ophiucus;There are only 12 zodiac constellations;Permille
"Of the 8 major blood types, which is the most common?\n";O+;AB+;AB-;A+;O+
"Of the following properties, which is the most expensive in the board game Monopoly (American edition)?\n";Pacific Avenue;Pacific Avenue;Kentucky Avenue;Marvin Gardens;St. James Place
"Of the following, which is a British rock band?\n";Deep Purple;Purple Night;24 Carat Purple;Purpendicular;Deep Purple
Of what animal is the legendary Golden Fleece from Greek mythology?\n;Ram;Cow;Dragon;Goat;Ram
Of what country is the kiwi bird a national symbol?  It is also native to that country.\n;New Zealand;Australia;New Zealand;United Kingdom;Sumatra
"Of what descent is singer and songwriter Duffy, born on 23 June 1984?\n";Welsh;Welsh;Irish;Australian;Russian
Of which major city was Tammany Hall the leading political power brokers?\n;New York;New York;Boston;Detroit;Chicago
"Often referred to as Sasquatch, this unbelievable creature is said to be a large hairy humanoid living in the wild parts of North America.\n";Bigfoot;Bigfoot;Rodan;Bogeyman;Yeti
"Oliver Queen, who is married to Black Canary, is one of the finest archers ever. Who is his alter ego?\n";Green Arrow;Green Arrow;The Archer;Green Lantern;Archer Man
"On August 20, 1968 five members of the Warsaw Pact invaded this country to quell the new reforms put in place by this countrys new leader. In what country did Alexander Dubcek try to bring freedom of the press and rights for workers?\n";Czechoslovakia;Hungary;Ukraine;Poland;Czechoslovakia
"On average, a 4-year-old child asks approximately this number of questions a day.\n";437;126;371;74;437
"On average, how much water is used in the USA each day?\n";About 340 Billion Gallons;About 100 Billion Gallons;About 200 Million Gallons;About 900 Million Gallons;About 340 Billion Gallons
"On December 3rd 1967, South African surgeon Christiaan Barnard succeeded in performing what?\n";The first human heart transplant;The first human heart transplant;The first brain operation;The first lung transplant;The first kidney transplant
"On his third voyage to the Western hemisphere, Columbus wrote that he found where the Garden of Eden was. What do we now call the area which Columbus felt was the Garden of Eden ?\n";Venezuela;Costa Rica;Nassau;Venezuela;Haiti
"On January 15, 1919, 21 Bostonians drowned but no water was involved.  How can this be explained?\n";They drowned in molasses;"They had influenza so their lungs filled with fluids, drowning them";They drowned as actors in a play about the Titanic;They drowned in molasses;They were drowned in beer
"On January 24, 1984, the Macintosh personal computer was introduced to the world by Apple Inc. How did the Macintosh brand get its name?\n";It was named after an apple cultivar.;The name was formed from the first letters of the Apple team members who invented it.;They named it after its creators late grandfather.;It was named after an apple cultivar.;It was named after its creator.
"On July 23, 1984, Vanessa Williams became the first Miss America to give up her crown. What was the reason for this?\n";She had nude photos in a magazine.;She had nude photos in a magazine.;She was accused of bribing the jury.;She was pregnant during the competition.;She was accused of having breast implants.
"On July 26, 1948, US President Harry S. Truman issued Executive Order 9981, which established what?\n";Equality of treatment and opportunity in the Armed Services for people of all races;The right of women to vote;The House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC);Equality of treatment and opportunity in the Armed Services for people of all races;None of these
On March 19 2008 President Bushs approval rates  were 31% and 69%. What were his chances of winning the 2008 presidential race?\n;0%;31%;50%;0%;69%
"On May 28, 1875, 50 students from the Vicksburg High School heard a lady in distress screaming; Help me in the name of God, the men are hurting me. Since then, hundreds of people have reported hearing the same voice. With which event is this ghostly voice associated?\n";The vanishing of  a riverboat;Indian retaliation for the desagration of an Ancient burial ground;The fall of Vicksburgh during the Civil War;The vanishing of  a riverboat;A student prank
"On May 6, 1937 the Hindenburg exploded as it tried to dock in the Lakehurst Naval Station in New Jersey. Out of the 97 people on the Zeppelin, how many died?\n";35;35;90;96;97
"On November 3, 1896, a British company did this for the first time.\n";Issue an auto insurance policy;"Build an underground, electrically heated home";Issue an auto insurance policy;Develop vulcanized rubber;Set up the millionth telephone in Britain
"On the 2006 album Stadium Arcadium by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, which song is about the death of  bassist Fleas dog?\n";Death of a Martian;Wet Sand;Death of a Martian;Tell Me Baby;Dani California
"On the Canadian 2 dollar bill, what flag flies over the parliament building?\n";US flag;US flag;British Flag;UN flag;French Flag
"On the popular TV show The Honeymooners, Ralph worked as a bus driver for this fictional company.\n";Gotham Bus Company;Cityline Bus Company;Red and Tan Bus Company;Metro Bus Company;Gotham Bus Company
"On the show Law and Order, Detective Lenny Briscoe was a New York City policeman for over 30 years. In that time, how many times did he shoot a person?\n";0;76;0;1;13
"On the sitcom Third Rock  from the Sun, John Lithgow plays Dick Solomon. What is his occupation on Earth?\n";Professor of Physics;Advertising writer;Professor of Anthropology;Professor of Physics;Unemployed
"On this day in 1929, a massacre of mob members outside a warehouse on Clark Street in Chicago occurred. As people walk the street at night they claim to hear the sounds of machine guns and screams.\n";Valentines Day;Christmas Day;Thanksgiving Day;Easter Sunday;Valentines Day
"On this TV show the lawyers shingle reads Attorney-at-Law, Ernest Frye - Where Winning Is Everything.\n";Amen;Arrest and Trial;Amen;The Antagonists;Any Day Now
"On TV, what was the name of Sergeant Prestons horse?\n";Rex;Videl;Rex;Max;Hopper
"On what game show did contestants receive unwanted joke prizes, called zonks?\n";Lets Make a Deal;Family Feud;Lets Make a Deal;Check-Out;The Price is Right
On what island does King Kong live?\n;Skull  Island;The Island of no Return;The Forbidden Island;Skull  Island;Crater Island
On which continent is the geographic region of Central America located?\n;North America;Central America;North America;South America;All of these
"Once occupied by the Romans and then later the Vikings, which Yorkshire city is said to be the most haunted in Europe if not the world?\n";York;Kingston upon Hull;Ripon;Leeds;York
One angstrom unit equal what length in meters?\n;0.0000000001 meters;0.000001 meters;"1,000,000,000 meters";0.0000000001 meters;0.001 meters
One of my companion animals entered the bathroom and brought about my ailurophobia. What was I afraid of?\n;Cats;Ferrets;Birds;Dogs;Cats
"One of the first known blondes was this Greek goddess, whose hair was described by Homer as golden.\n";Aphrodite;Demeter;Aphrodite;Hera;Medusa
One of the following pairs (month - the gem associated with it) is wrong.\n;February - Peridot;February - Peridot;December - Turquoise;March - Aquamarine;June - Pearl
One of the following statements concerning black tea is wrong.\n;"In Chinese, black tea is known as brown tea.";"In Chinese, black tea is known as brown tea.";Its flavor is stronger than that of most other teas.;It is made from heavily oxidized leaves.;It contains more caffeine than other teas.
"One of the most important buildings in the US - the White House, was gutted in this year.\n";1814;1787;1814;1843;1912
"One of the two species, comprising the chimpanzee genus, is the Common Chimpanzee. What is the name of the other species?\n";Bonobo chimpanzee;Kalapuor chimpanzee;Lowland chimpanzee;Bonobo chimpanzee;Highland chimpanzee
One of the US First Ladies was named Sarah Childress. Who was she married to?\n;James K. Polk;John Quincy Adams;John Tyler;Zachary Taylor;James K. Polk
One of these actors did not star in the 1971 movie A Clockwork Orange.\n;Warren Brown;Michael Bates;Patrick Magee;Warren Brown;Malcolm McDowell
One of these four countries does not border the Red Sea.\n;Oman;Jordan;Egypt;Oman;Sudan
One of these French Kings was not a founder of a royal dynasty.  Which one?\n;Louis XIII the Well-Beloved;Hugh Capet;Philip VI the Fortunate;Louis XIII the Well-Beloved;Charles the Bald
One of these statements about the enigmatic number 23 is wrong.\n;All statements are in fact true.;Each parent contributes 23 chromosomes to the DNA of a child.;Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times when he was assassinated.;All statements are in fact true.;"The Knights Templar had 23 Grand Masters, the last being Jacques de Molay."
Opel first showed cars of their own design in 1902 at this motor show in Germany.\n;Hamburg Motor Show;Hamburg Motor Show;"Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung, Frankfurt";Hanover Motor Show;"Auto Mobil International, Leipzig"
Orange and this color are the colors of  the holiday Halloween.\n;Black;White;Purple;Red;Black
Orange Pekoe is a type of what?\n;Tea;Tropical Fish;Gemstone;Tea;Wildflower
Organic chemistry is the scientific study of the organic compounds that by definition contain which element?\n;Carbon;Nitrogen;Carbon;Hydrogen;Oxygen
"Originally entitled Desert Song and released in 1972 by the band America, this song was banned in Kansas City for its supposed drug references.\n";A Horse with No Name;Im Waiting for the Man;A Horse with No Name;Puff the Magic Dragon;Heart of Gold
"Otto Lilienthal, the first person to make repeated successful gliding flights, died after an airplane accident on 10 August 1896. What were the last words he uttered moments before he passed away?\n";Sacrifices must be made;Sacrifices must be made;"I am not dying in vain, I am dying in the name of progress";It was all worth it;I gave all I had
Over any given 400-year cycle the 13th day of the month occurs 4800 times. The 13th most often falls on this day of the week.\n;Friday;Sunday;Monday;Wednesday;Friday
"Over the course of the complete works of William Shakespeare, the bard uses this many different words.\n";"29,066";"29,066";"101,009";3030;"15,400"
Over the years we have become accustomed to hearing the train whistle. Who invented the train whistle?\n;George Washington Whistler;Thomas Jefferson;Edward Land;Thomas Alva Edison;George Washington Whistler
"Paul Ehrlich, Otto Diels, and Hans Fischer are known as what?\n";German chemists;German physicists;Austrian biologists;German biologists;German chemists
Paul Erdos (pronounced Irr-dish) was a Hungarian mathematician with a very peculiar trait. What is it?\n;He has said that he prefers mathematics to sex.;"He memorized all the prime numbers from 2 through 5,986,771,223";He has said that he prefers mathematics to sex.;He is the only mathematician to have won an Oscar.;He is a self-taught mathematician - he wrote his Doctor thesis without ever taking a course in any college.
"Pax Romana,  the long period of relative peace experienced by states within the Roman Empire took place between these years.\n";27BC - 180;27BC - 180;33 - 180;180 - 436;145 - 254
Peladophobia is the fear of this type of people.\n;balding people;balding people;sexual predators;gang members;trash collectors
"People fear Friday for many reasons. For example, Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday, the Great Flood began on Friday and Adam and Eve were banned from the Garden of Eden on Friday. Do you know what type of day Friday was in the pagan Roman empire?\n";Execution day;Parade day;Tax day;Execution day;Day for prayers
People suffering from graphophobia are afraid of what?\n;Writing;Hair;Speaking;Animals;Writing
People suffering from pediophobia would be afraid of which of the following?\n;Cabbage patch kids;Pregnant mothers;Foot doctors;Bicycles;Cabbage patch kids
"Periander of Corinth, Pittacus of Mitylene and Thales of Miletus have something in common. What is it?\n";They are three of the Seven Sages of Greece.;They are three of the most famous Greek characters.;They are three of the Seven mathematicians of Greece.;They are the Three princes of Greece.;They are three of the Seven Sages of Greece.
Perry Mason won his cases. Week after week this D.A. lost to Perry on the TV show.\n;Hamilton Burger;Billy Flynn;Richard Brooks;Ted Buckland;Hamilton Burger
"Philip Bailey, Ronnie Laws, and Maurice White were members of what musical group?\n";"Earth, Wind, and Fire";"Earth, Wind, and Fire";The Temptations;The Doobees;INXS
"Pi Day, the day which honors the mathematical constant π (Pi), is celebrated on which date?\n";Mar-14;Aug-25;Mar-14;Feb-25;Jan-14
Pigs are known for their ability to smell what food really well?\n;Truffles;Potatoes;Peanuts;Truffles;Carrots
Pink is the color of what ribbon?\n;Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon;AIDS Awareness ribbon;Ovarian Cancer Awareness ribbon;Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon;Tuberculosis Awareness ribbon
"Plato won it twice.  Aristotle, Socrates and Alexander the Great are all said to have been keen observers of it.  Dioxippus was probably the most famous winner of it.  What does this question refer to?\n";A martial art championship;A martial art championship;A literary award;A poetry contest;A debate championship
Political leaders all too often engage in misguided undertakings in the hope of recapturing popular support. Not infrequently this backfires and popularity ratings tumble. This is a simple example of which of the following laws?\n;The law of unintended consequences;The law of divine retribution;The law of unintended consequences;The law of illogical reasoning;The law of just desserts
"Potassium iodide, sodium iodide, or sodium iodate are added to table salt in order to prevent iodine deficiency. What health problems does iodine deficiency cause?\n";Thyroid gland disorders;Skin and bone disorders;Adrenal gland malfunction;Thyroid gland disorders;Cardiovascular problems
Potophobia is the abnormal fear of what?\n;alcohol;potatoes;alcohol;ibuprofen;church
"Prior to his rise to power in Spain, what was Francos job?\n";He was in charge of Spains military bases in Morocco;He was an Associate Professor at Spains College for Infantry Officers;He was in charge of Spains military bases in Morocco;He was in charge of the last Cavalry division in the history of the Spanish Army;He was in charge of the Quartermaster Corps of the Spanish Army
"Professor Sir Alec John Jeffreys, who was awarded the Albert Einstein World Award of Science in 1996, is famous for developing what?\n";Techniques for DNA fingerprinting and DNA profiling;Face-recognition software;Techniques for DNA fingerprinting and DNA profiling;The scientific study of fingerprints;The polygraph
Purple Haze is a song by what famous musician?\n;Jimi Hendrix;John Lennon;Jim Morrison;Janis Joplin;Jimi Hendrix
Purple is the official color of what Hawaiian Island?\n;Kauai;Hawaii;Lanai;Kauai;Maui
Queen Elizabeth II was coronated Queen in 1953. Whom did she directly succeed?\n;George VI;George VI;Edward VIII;George V;Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
R2D2 and C3PO are part of what saga?\n;Star Wars;None of these;Star Wars;Blade Runner;Star Trek
Red fescue is a type of what?\n;Grass;Snake;Tree;Grass;Kangaroo
Red is the color of all these except one.\n;Sadness;Danger;Warmth;Passion;Sadness
Red Lobster is a U.S. chain of seafood restaurants. Its original name was this.\n;Harbor for Seafood Lovers;Harbor for Seafood Lovers;Lobster Lovers;Lobster Barbecue;Red Harbor
"Red River College (RRC) is a large and very comprehensive institute of applied learning, located in this city.\n";Winnipeg;Ottawa;Toronto;Vancouver;Winnipeg
"Regardless of its size, approximately this much of an iceberg is visible above the waterline.\n";01-Sep;03-Apr;01-Mar;01-Sep;Jan-25
"Relying on a hand crank for power, this gun is considered the first machine gun since it could fire continuously.\n";Gatling gun;Maxim gun;Carronade;Gatling gun;Howitzer
"René Théophile Hyacinthe Laënnec (1781-1826) invented this important item, still in use today.\n";The stethoscope;The dental drill;The safety pin;The stethoscope;The chalkboard
"Rene Descartes, who is given credit for the invention of analytic geometry in 1637, may have been preceded in this regard by which French mathematician?\n";Fermat;Fourier;Fermat;LaPLace;LaGrange
Researchers in England found this to be true of  blond cashiers in supermarkets.\n;Gather greater queues;Have frequent technical issues with the registers;Gather greater queues;Receive more tips from customers;Have higher chances of not balancing the register at the end of the day
"Retsina, sometimes referred to as the wine of the Gods, is produced in which country?\n";Greece;Germany;France;Greece;Italy
"Rhode Island, the smallest US State, also has the shortest state motto. What is this one-word motto?\n";Hope;Union;Freedom;Courage;Hope
"Richard Steven Valenzuela, Jiles Perry Richardson, and Charles Hardin Holley are all better known by different professional names. What else do they have in common?\n";They died together in a plane crash.;"They were all, at different times, married to the same woman.";They died together in a plane crash.;They have all won Academy Awards.;They are all best-selling novelists.
Robert De Niro won his first Academy Award for the portrayal of this former boxing champion.\n;Jake LaMotta;Jake LaMotta;James Braddock;Marcel Cerdan;Nino Benvenuti
Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith was the last of the Lincoln line. When did he die?\n;1985;1898;1927;1956;1985
"Robin Williams starred in Mrs. Doubtfire. Another great actor, Dustin Hoffman starred in Tootsie. Both characters pretended to be this.\n";Women;Women;Dead;Insane;Bed-ridden and sick
"Ross Rebagliati, Karine Ruby, Gian Simmen, Nicola Thost, Anton Pogue, Stacia Hookman, Steve Persons, and Sabrina Sadeghi are prominent names in this  sport.\n";Snowboarding;Snowboarding;Skiing;Figure skating;Team handball
"Rudolph Abel, considered the greatest Russian spy, was caught in the USA and arrested. What event led to his capture?\n";Somebody picked up a nickel;Another spy confessed and gave his name;He was caught  speeding;He two-timed his mistress;Somebody picked up a nickel
Rudolph Walter Wanderone Jr. was a famous player in what sport?\n;pool;thoroughbred racing;professional wrestling;pool;football
Rumpole from the fabulous British TV series Rumpole of the Bailey likes his job defending people in court and does not want to be a judge. What is Rumpoles first name?\n;Horace;Horace;Leo;Maurice;Lionel
"Said to be the first of the Film Noir genre, The Maltese Falcon starred Humphrey Bogart as the one and only Sam Spade.  How many appearances did Bogart make as this character?\n";1;3;6;1;4
Samhainophobia is the fear of this holiday.\n;Halloween;Valentines Day;Halloween;St. Patricks Day;Christmas
"San Marino, Denmark and Norway are among the countries with most _____  per capita.\n";Personal computers;Personal computers;Television sets;Credit cards;Cell phones
Sancho Panza was the squire to and the best friend of Don Quixote. What does panza� mean in Spanish?\n;Belly;Fool;Belly;Jester;Compatriot
"Sangria is a drink, traditionally served at Mexican weddings. Sangria contains all these ingredients, except one.\n";Tequila;Fruit juice;Tequila;Brandy;Wine
Sapphire is usually associated with this month.\n;September;November;December;October;September
"Sarah Brightman, who became the first artist to hold #1 spots on the Billboard Classical and Dance charts simultaneously, has what type of singing voice?\n";Soprano;Alto;Soprano;Contralto;Mezzo Soprano
Sarah Jessica Parkers popular character Carrie Bradshaw writes a weekly column called Sex and the City for this newspaper.\n;The New York Star;The New York Glamour;The New York Fashionista;The New York Observer;The New York Star
"Scientists have proved that one of the health dangers, which ingesting sugar on a habitual basis involves, is the suppression of the activity of which system of the human body?\n";Immune system;Sensory system;Immune system;Reproductive system;Cardiovascular system
"Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosnan have all played the role of a fictional British spy. Who was that character?\n";James Bond;James Bond;Johnny English;Jim Malone;Eliot Ness
Selachophobia is the fear of this sea creature.\n;shark;octopus;fish;shark;crab
"Select the year in which these vents took place: Petroleum production began in the Middle East, the Cubs beat the Tigers in the World Series, and the Montreal Wanderers won the Stanley Cup.\n";1908;1924;1916;1932;1908
"Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, Rani Mukherji, and Salman Khan starred together in one of the following famous Bollywood movies.\n";Kuch Kuch Hota Hai;Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam;Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge;Dil To Pagal Hai;Kuch Kuch Hota Hai
She  was the first woman to wear high-heeled shoes.\n;Catherine DeMedici;Cleopatra;Joan of Arc;Catherine DeMedici;Queen Elizabeth I
She is a very rude monster.  She sings with her mouth full. What is the name of the human flesh eating plant that sings Feed me Seymour. Feed me all night long.?\n;Audrey II;Audrey II;Angel;Leech Woman;Christine
She is regarded as the most famous blonde of all times.\n;Marilyn Monroe;Marlene Dietrich;Eva Brown;Marilyn Monroe;Madonna
She was called The Swedish Nightingale.\n;Jenny Lind;Ingrid Bergmann;Jenny Lind;Bjork;Agnetha Faltskog
She was Johnny Carsons first guest on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.\n;Joan Crawford;Bette Midler;Joan Rivers;Judy Garland;Joan Crawford
"Shortly after WWII, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was founded in this city that hosted the 1939 premiere of Gone With the Wind.\n";"Atlanta, GA";"Atlanta, GA";"Nashville, TN";"Birmingham, AL";"Raleigh, NC"
Simply Red is a British band. The bands name is related to this soccer team.\n;Manchester United;Arsenal;Liverpool;Manchester United;Middlesbrough
"Since its separation from the Roman Catholic church in 1534, this branch of Christianity acts as a mother branch of the worldwide Anglican Communion.\n";Church of  England;Lutheranism;Sufism;Church of  England;Calvinism
Slugs have how many tentacles on their head?\n;4;8;4;7;3
"Some of the most persecuted people in history, they trace their origins to northwestern India or present day Pakistan. The Nazis killed as many as 400,000 of them.  By the 1400s they had spread across Asia Minor and into Egypt, Spain and Germany.  Who are they?\n";The Roma;The Sabines;The Creatans;The Slavs;The Roma
"Some sources claim the youngest pope was Benedict IX (1032 A.D.), elected at this age.\n";12;21;9;16;12
"Soon after WWII, this Opel model was transferred to the Soviet Union and formed the basis for the Soviet car Moskvitch 400/420.\n";Kadett;Arena;Vectra;Kadett;Rekord
"Sound travels one mile in five seconds in the air, and one mile in how many seconds under water?\n";one second;ten seconds;five seconds;one second;fifteen seconds
Spanish is an official language of this African country.\n;Equatorial Guinea;Morocco;Mozambique;Equatorial Guinea;Chad
Sportsman Jerry DePoyster is a record breaker in this category.\n;Shortest punt in the NFL;Fastest 100 yard dash on roller skates;Longest field goal in an NBA game;Shortest punt in the NFL;Worst pass completion record in an NFL season
Stan Smith is married to Francine and is the father of Hayley and Steve in this popular cartoon.\n;American Dad!;The Fairly Odd Parents;All in the Family;The Simpson;American Dad!
Steve Rogers is the alter ego of this character.\n;Cpt America;Cpt America;Cpt Marvel;Spiderman;Superman
"Steven Spielbergs movie, The Color Purple,  was nominated for 11 Academy Awards, how many did it actually win?\n";0;5;3;0;8
"Strange as it may be, there are paintings, depicting a blonde one of her.\n";Cleopatra;Madamme Butterfly;Cleopatra;Beyonce;Aretha Franklyn
"Studies have proven that there is a relation between wearing bras and this disease.   Research found that 3 out of 4 women wearing bras 24 hours a day had the chance to get this disease, while women wearing bras for less than 12 hours a day had a 1 out of 152 chance.\n";Breast cancer;Gynecomastia;Breast cancer;Anemia;Asthma
Sugar is important for the proper function of which of these bodily systems?\n;Nervous system;Cardiovascular system;Endocrine system;Nervous system;Digestive system
"Sugar, a naturally occurring nutrient that makes food taste sweet, is classified in chemistry as what?\n";Carbohydrate;Nucleic acid;Protein;Lipid;Carbohydrate
"Sunset Boulevard is perhaps one of the greatest movies made about the movies.  It stars a very young handsome William Holden and the one and only Gloria Swanson as Norma Desmond, a reclusive enigmatic silent film star.  It also starred a famous director of the silent era, who played her butler/ex-husband.  Can you pick him from the list?\n";Erich von Stroheim;Fritz Lang;Erich von Stroheim;Desmond Taylor;D. W. Griffith
"Suppose Mr. Jones works with ANOVA, regression lines, the sign-test, and the Gaussian distribution. What field of mathematics does Mr. Jones work in?\n";Statistics;Algebra;Statistics;Geometry;Calculus
"Sympathy for the Devil is a song, originally released by this British rock band.\n";The Rolling Stones;Black Sabbath;The Rolling Stones;Queen;Sex Pistols
"Tales of horror first began as an oral tradition - stories told around the hearth. In the story of Beowulf, this vaguely human character is the descendant of the first murderer, Cain. At one point in the story, he kills and eats Hroðgars warriors while they sleep.\n";Grendel;Hogwart;Grendel;Pantagruel;Gargantua
Teams in the NHL and the NBA both usually play this many regular season games.\n;82;82;104;55;96
Tegestology is the hobby of collecting this.\n;Beer mats;Beer mats;Coffee spoons;Bottle labels;Bottle lids
"Television beamed their fairytale wedding to over 270 million viewers on July 29, 1981. Sadly, on August 28, 1996 a divorce was granted to the Peoples Princess  and her once Prince Charming. Who was the Princess referring to when she stated in an interview on the BBC, There were three of us in the marriage, so, it was a bit crowded.?\n";Camilla Parker Bowles;Wallis Warfield Simpson;Camilla Parker Bowles;Tiggy Legge-Bourke;Alice Keppel
"Thanatophobia is a condition, characterized by an abnormal fear of what?\n";Death;Death;Needles;Dogs;Insects
The  protest march from Philadelphia to Teddy Roosevelts home in 1903 was called this.\n;The March of the Mill Children;The March of the Mill Children;The March of the Veterans;The March of the Unemployed;The March of the Suffrajets
"The 1.5 million square mile area, known as the Bermuda Triangle, has its equivalent in the Pacific ocean. What is it called?\n";Devils Sea;Satans Triangle;Dark Triangle;Triangle of Death;Devils Sea
The 1927 movie Wings was the first winner of the Best Picture Oscar. Which of these actors was in it?\n;Gary Cooper;Ray Milland;Gary Cooper;Brian Donleavy;Charlie Chaplin
"The 1950 book The Martian Chronicles, describing the conflict between the colonists from Earth and the aboriginal Martians, was written by which author?\n";Ray Bradbury;Ray Bradbury;Arthur Clarke;Douglas Adams;Isaac Asimov
The 1962 Soccer World Cup tournament was held in this country.\n;Chile;Switzerland;Mexico;Chile;Italy
"The 1980s film, The Hitcher, starring Rutger Hauer and Jennifer Jason-Leigh, was shot in the same location as which other film?\n";Welcome to Serendipity;Hot Moon;Welcome to Serendipity;Baghdad Cafe;Death Valley Days
"The 1995 Bruce Springsteen song, The Ghost of Tom Joad gets its title from a character in a book by this author.\n";John Steinbeck;John Steinbeck;Agatha Christie;Ernest Hemingway;William Faulkner
The 19th century saw the rise of the ghost story among acclaimed Victorian authors. Which of the following cannot be considered a work of supernatural fiction?\n;The Luck of Barry Lyndon by William Makepeace Thackeray;The Turn of the Screw by Henry James;The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde;A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens;The Luck of Barry Lyndon by William Makepeace Thackeray
The 2005 movie Pizza My Heart was loosely based on this play by William Shakespeare.\n;Romeo and Juliet;Twelfth Night;Much Ado About Nothing;Romeo and Juliet;Othello
The 23rd US President was in office during this period.\n;1889 - 1893;1909 - 1913;1889 - 1893;1837 - 1841;1877 - 1881
"The 7 Virtues are:  Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, Humility, Chastity.  What are their opposites which are considered the 7 Deadly Sins?\n";"Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride";"Greed, Anger, Envy, Jealousy, Conciet, Lust, Gluttony";"Greed, Anger, Envy, Jealousy, Dominance, Lust, Gluttony";"Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride";"Carelessness, Anger, Envy, Jealousy, Conciet, Lust, Gluttony"
"The acetic acid, the acetylene and the ethene have an equal number of this atom in their molecules.\n";C;C;H;Fe;O
"The actresss father created The Today Show, The Wide World of Sports, Your Show of Shows(aka the Sid Caesar Show) and helped  create The Tonight Show.\n";Sigourney  Weaver;Sigourney  Weaver;Diane Lane;Debbie Allen;Jobeth Williams
"The African vampiric creature, known as Adze, was believed to take the form of this animal in order to hunt children.\n";Firefly;Lizard;Firefly;Snake;Bat
The ages of many men are mentioned in The Bible. Who is the only woman whose age is mentioned in The Bible?\n;Sarah;Vashti;Sarah;Ruth;Bathsheba
The album Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones was released in this year.\n;1966;1962;1978;1966;1974
The album Whitesnake 1987 by Whitesnake included three of these songs. Which is the odd one?\n;Fool For Your Loving;Here I Go Again;Fool For Your Loving;Still Of The Night;Is This Love
The amethyst is the symbol and birthstone of this month.\n;February;September;April;July;February
The ampere is a physical unit measuring what?\n;Electric current;Resistance in wire;Electric current;Speed of Electrons;Voltage
The ancient Roman Empire stretched from modern day Great Britain to Egypt. Which present day country was not part of the Roman Empire?\n;Poland;Poland;Tunisia;Turkey;France
The animals from which group are often called sea cows?\n;Sirenia;Enhydra;Odobenidae;Sirenia;Otariidae
The author of the novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is this writer.\n;James Joyce;T. S. Eliot;Samuel Beckett;William Faulkner;James Joyce
The average person can live this number of days without water.\n;11;11;4;21;31
"The average woman will wear different bra sizes in her life, due to gravity, pregnancy and weight changes. How many times will she change her size?\n";6;8;3;6;5
"The Bad and the Beautiful (1952) had an all star cast by an all star director, Vincente Minelli.  It was nominated for six Oscars, but only one of the actors won.  Can pick the name of the actor and the category they won for?\n";"Gloria Grahame, Best Actress in a Supporting Role";"Gloria Grahame, Best Actress in a Supporting Role";"Gilbert Roland, Best Actor in a Supporting Role";"Vincente Minelli, Best Director";"Kirk Douglas, Best Actor in a Leading Role"
"The bad name of both Friday and number 13 can be explained by many historical and religious facts. However, the reason why they are linked together to form this powerful superstition, cant be explained so easily. According to one theory, the ill-fame of Friday 13th dates back to 13 October 1307, when King Philip IV of France arrested most of the knights of one famous Order. What was the name of the Order?\n";The Knights Templar;The Ancient and Illustrious Order Knights of Malta;Ancient Order Knights of the Mystic Chain;The Knights Templar;Teutonic Order
The Barbary Wars were  fought between the USA and pirates from this part of the world.\n;The Mediterranean Coast of Africa;The Gulf of Mexico;Somalia and its coast;The Persian Gulf;The Mediterranean Coast of Africa
The Beatles first #1 hit on the US Billboard charts was I Want to Hold Your Hand.  What was their second #1 hit?\n;She Loves You;Hey Jude;She Loves You;Cant Buy Me Love;Yesterday
"The Bermuda Triangle has been responsible for the disappearances of this number of planes and ships, which have been lost till the end of the 20th century.\n";66;78;66;52;113
"The Big Ten Conference is a college athletic conference located in the northern United States.  It had this many members, as of the beginning of the new millennium.\n";11;12;9;11;10
The Bigfoot of Florida is known by this name.\n;Skunk Ape;Ocala Beast;Skunk Ape;Swamp Beast;Miami Monster
"The birth stones associated with March, September and December can all be found in this color.\n";Blue;Blue;Green;Pink;White
"The birthstone of this month is the emerald, and its birth flower is Lily of the Valley.\n";May;May;July;September;November
"The birthstone of this month is the yellow topaz, and its birth flower is the chrysanthemum.\n";November;December;January;March;November
"The Boeing 747 project was bankrolled by the President of an airline company, when in 1965 a downpayment of $250,000,000 was made.  Which was the airline company?\n";Pan American;American Airlines;Pan American;Delta;United
The book The Boys of Summer tells the story of this baseball team.\n;The Brooklyn Dodgers;The New York Yankees;The Saint Louis Cardinals;The Brooklyn Dodgers;The Boston Celtics
The breathing sound of what animal was used for the breathing of the horrifying Tyrannosaurus rex in Steven Spielbergs 1993 science fiction thriller Jurassic Park?\n;Whale;Alligator;Rhinoceros;Hippopotamus;Whale
"The calendula, or marigold and the opal are the symbols of this month.\n";October;November;October;February;June
The call of the Blue Jay is often compared to the sound produced by this object.\n;Rusty pump;Rusty pump;Screeching door;Flute;Old trombone
The capital city of this country was once known as The Little Paris of Eastern Europe.\n;Romania;Bulgaria;Latvia;Croatia;Romania
The capital of Mongolia is this city.\n;Ulaanbaatar;Davao;Islamabad;Quezon;Ulaanbaatar
"The catch phrase, The Truth Is Out There originated from which of these popular television series, dealing with mysteries and extraterrestrial life?\n";The X-Files;The First Wave;The Twilight Zone;The X-Files;The Outer Limits
The character played by which of these actors/actresses did not survive in the disaster movie The Towering Inferno?\n;Robert Wagner;Steve McQueen;Susan Blakely;Paul Newman;Robert Wagner
The color byzantium is a shade of this color.\n;Purple;Brown;Green;Purple;Black
The color called pistachio is a shade of this general color.\n;Green;Green;Brown;Red;Blue
The color called sepia is a shade of this color.\n;Brown;Silver;Brown;Navy;Plum
The color coquelicot is a shade of this basic color.\n;Red;Blue;Green;Yellow;Red
The color named gamboge is a shade of this color.\n;Yellow;Grey;Yellow;Blue;Purple
The color xanadu is a shade of this color.\n;Grey;Purple;Yellow;Blue;Grey
"The common link between these four movies -Chicken Run, Harry Potter, The Mummy Returns and Cast Away, is that...?\n";They all are produced by one and the same company.;They all treat one and the same social problem.;They all are produced by one and the same company.;One and the same actor is starring in all of them.;They all refer to one and the same social class.
The concept of Men in Black (men dressed in black suits claiming to be government agents) can be observed in all of these movies except one.\n;Memento;Memento;A Beautiful Mind;The Matrix;Men In Black
"The Cretaceous-Tertiary event, also known as KT boundary, refers to what?\n";a period of massive extinction of species;a period of massive extinction of species;The destruction of the largest pyramid in the Western hemisphere;the first recorded devastating tsunami;None of these
"The dialectic of this philosopher is most often characterized as a three-step process of  thesis, antithesis, synthesis. According to his concept, a thesis would cause the creation of its antithesis and this would eventually result in a synthesis.\n";Hegel;Marx;Nietzsche;Kant;Hegel
The diamond is chosen as the birthstone of this month.\n;April;August;March;April;December
"The Dibbuk Box, which presumably contained a spirit, was what type of box?\n";Wine Cabinet Box;Jewelery Box;Christmas Gift Box;Shoe Box;Wine Cabinet Box
The Don Paz passenger ferry was on its way to what island in 1987 when it collided with an oil tanker?\n;Philippines;Thailand;Jamaica;Singapore;Philippines
The dram is the monetary unit of this country whose capital city is Yerevan.\n;Armenia;Moldova;Azerbaijan;Armenia;Andorra
"The Dropa affair, one of the most intriguing UFO-related events in the history of ufology, is the supposed crash of an extraterrestrial spaceship about 12 thousand years ago near which of the following regions?\n";Tibet;Tasmania;Ecuador;Tibet;Mesopotamia
The ending of what Steven Spielberg movie takes place at Devils Tower?\n;Close Encounters of the Third Kind;Close Encounters of the Third Kind;E.T: The Extra-Terrestrial;Raiders of the Lost Ark;Saving Private Ryan
The English language has quite a variety of words for the babies of different animals. What is the proper word for a baby swan?\n;Sygnet;Weaner;Keet;Sygnet;Chick
The English poet William Blake wrote two beautiful poems concerning what two animals?\n;The tiger and the lamb;The fox and the chickens;The tiger and the lamb;The elephant and the mouse;The lion and the lamb
The Era of Good Feeling is generally applied to describe the national mood of the United States during which years?\n;1815 - 1825;1783 - 1805;1805 - 1820;1825 - 1845;1815 - 1825
The exchange of letters between these two people was published in 1933 under the title Why War?.\n;Einstein and Freud;Hitler and Mussolini;Einstein and Freud;Stalin and Lenin;Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt
The exploration of the Loch Ness Monster is related to which field of study?\n;Cryptozoology;Phycology;Ornithology;Mycology;Cryptozoology
The exprssion The dog days of summer  was first used because of this.\n;An astronomical idea;A false idea about the effect of animals on the world;A description of how dogs pant;An astronomical idea;A superstition
"The famous fictional modern detective Philip Marlowe was played by many actors over the years, from Humphrey Bogart to Elliot Gould.  Can you name the author who created him.\n";Raymond Chandler;Dashiell Hammett;Raymond Chandler;Mickey Spilane;Cornell Woolrich
"The famous Japanese cherry trees were planted in Washington, D.C., around the Tidal Basin at the request of which US First Lady?\n";Helen Taft;Betty Ford;Anna Eleanor Roosevelt;Helen Taft;Lou Henry Hoover
The famous Leporello Catalogue Aria is from which Mozart opera?\n;Don Giovanni;Don Giovanni;La Boheme;Cosi Fan Tutti;La Traviata
"The famous Statue of Liberty lies between New York and New Jersey.  Another, much smaller Statue of Liberty of the same shape is located where?\n";Paris;England;Paris;Canada;Union of South Africa
The fastest growing nail is on this finger.\n;Middle finger;Thumb;Index finger;All nails grow at the same speed;Middle finger
The fastest time to eat this number of mince pies is 1 min : 52.67 seconds.\n;3;3;13;21;5
The fear of the fatal date is called this.\n;Paraskevidekatriaphobia;Paraskevidekatriaphobia;Aphenphosmphobia;Chronomentrophobia;Coitophobia
The fictional USS Echo was commanded by Lieutenant Rip Crandall. Who was the first mate?\n;Tommy J. Hanson;Wilbur F. Vandewater;Tommy J. Hanson;Warren Berlington;Josh Davidson
The fictional USS Sea Tiger was captained by Lt. Cmdr. Matt T. Sherman. Who was the first mate?\n;Ens. Stovall;Lt. (j.g.) Nicholas Holden;Chief Molumphry;Ens. Stovall;Lt. Dolores Crandall
The film Grey Gardens premiered at what New York theater?\n;The Paris;The Bijou;The Imperial;The Paris;The Berlin
The film The Legend of Boggy Creek was the tale of this creature.\n;The Fouke Monster;Abominable Swampman;The Fouke Monster;The Creek Thing;Arkansas Beast
The first 747 was due to roll out of the production line in which year?\n;1969;1969;1972;1970;1971
"The first automatic electric traffic light with 3 colors was installed in Detroit, Michigan in what year?\n";1920;1920;1885;1850;1942
The first bridge in what would become the USA was built in this state.\n;Massachusetts;New Jersey;Massachusetts;Pennsylvania;Virginia
The first Bulgarian state was formed in this year.\n;681 AD;429 AD;681 AD;712 AD;651 AD
The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time television was this.\n;Johnny and Mary Kay Stearns;Johnny and Mary Kay Stearns;The Simpsons;The Jetsons;The Adams
"The first European child, born in the Western Hemisphere, was born in what would become this country/state.\n";Canada;Canada;Cuba;Virginia;Barbados
"The first Europeans to see this beautiful Caribbean island were on the boat of  Alonzo Pinzon, who separated from Columbus to explore on his own, in 1492. It is the smallest of the Greater Antilles.  What island is it ?\n";Puerto Rico;Barbuda;Puerto Rico;Grand Cayman;Dominica
"The first human birth through embryo transfer was announced on February 3, 1984. Who was in charge of the research team that carried out the project?\n";Dr. John Buster;Dr. John Buster;Dr. Emily Richardson;Dr. Elliot Smith;Dr. Benjamin Lewis
"The First Inauguration of a US President included saying the phrase, So help me God, and kissing the Bible after taking the oath. Who was the President that set the precedent?\n";George Washington;George Washington;Andrew Jackson;Thomas Jefferson;James Madison
"The first known use, in English, of the word orange in reference to a color was by this man.\n";King Henry Vlll;Warren Alfred VI;King JamesII;Devin Knight;King Henry Vlll
The first mention of any disappearances in the region was made in this year.\n;1950;1950;1894;1974;1912
The first motion picture that was longer than one hour was made in this country.\n;Australia;Australia;England;France;The USA
The first novel of this Nobel Prize-winning author was called Lord of the Flies. The title is a literal English translation of one of the alternate names of the Devil -- Beelzebub.\n;William Golding;William Golding;J. R. R. Tolkien;Peter Sinfield;Steven Brust
"The first painting to sell for more than $100,000,00 was painted by this artist.\n";Picasso;Degas;Picasso;Velasquez;Van Gough
The first passenger car of this Japanese car make was built in 1936. The brand also operates Lexus and Scion.\n;Toyota;Honda;Toyota;Nissan;Yamaha
The first product to have a bar code was this.\n;Gum;Gum;Oil;Flour;Wine
The first professional sports organization in the USA was formed in this city.\n;Baltimore;Boston;Baltimore;Charleston;Cleveland
The first recorded use of the word purple in the English language dates back to what year?\n;AD 975;AD 1400;AD 975;AD 251;AD 1023
"The first screen kiss was seen in the short movie The Kiss, shown in what year?\n";1896;1919;1882;1912;1896
The first shoes made on separate lasts for left and right shoes were made in this city.\n;Boston;Milan;Rochester;Southhampton;Boston
The first Soviet nuclear ballistic submarine was called K-(this number).\n;19;18;17;19;21
"The first transcontinental car trip, S.F. to NYC, was made in 1906. How long did it take?\n";52  days;52  days;5 weeks;2 weeks;52 hours
"The Five Positions, which are the basis of ballet, as well as the starting and ending points for ballet movements, were finally established by Pierre Rameau in what year?\n";1725;1800;1589;1725;1900
The flag of what country consists of a simple green field with no other features?\n;Libya;Libya;Lebanon;Laos;Lithuania
The flag of which of the countries listed below is not red and white?\n;Jamaica;Poland;Jamaica;Turkey;Japan
"The following words originated from what language: canoe, hurricane, and hammock?\n";Taino;Tagalog;Taino;Techetulan;Tanzanian
"The founder of this German car brand produced the first petrol-powered motorcycle in the world, as well as the first gasoline-powered automobile.\n";Mercedes-Benz;BMW;Porsche;Mercedes-Benz;Opel
The Freedom of the Seas was the largest cruise ship for 2007. It is owned by Royal Caribbean. Which statement is NOT true about this ship?\n;It is about as tall as the CN Tower.;"It displaces about 160,000 tons.";"It can carry 3,634 passengers.";"It is about 1,112 feet (340 m) long by 184 feet (56 m) wide.";It is about as tall as the CN Tower.
The French Foreign Legion was formed in 1831 to conquer which nation ?\n;Algeria;Algeria;Morocco;Tunisia;Vietnam
"The fruit of this deciduous shrub or small tree is a berry 5 - 12 cm (2 – 4.7 inches) in diameter, with thick red skin and about 600 seeds.\n";Pomegranate;Pear;Pomegranate;Persimmon;Pawpaw
The ghost of the Roman Emperor Caligula was said to haunt this place.\n;The Lamian Gardens of Rome;Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano;Amphitheatrum Castrense;The Lamian Gardens of Rome;Great Synagogue of Rome
"The ghost of this mobster is said to haunt two locations. One of them is a hotel in Las Vegas, the other - a private residence in Beverly Hills.\n";Bugsy Siegel;John Gotti;Al Capone;Frank Costello;Bugsy Siegel
"The Golden State Warriors of the NBA once traded a player and a draft choice for center, Billy Joel Carroll.  Who were the two players they traded?\n";Robert Parrish and Kevin McHale;Dennis Johnson and  JoJo White;Robert Parrish and Kevin McHale;Rick Barry and Fred Hetzel;Cliff Hagan and Easy Ed MCCauley
The government of this country condemned the 1997 movie Seven Years in Tibet and the director and the starring actors were banned from ever visiting the country.\n;China;India;China;North Korea;Vietnam
"The great medieval artist, Albrect Durer wrote a textbook in this subject.\n";Geometry;Architecture;Civil Engineering;Cooking;Geometry
"The Greek word hamartia, used in Aristotles Poetics, means what?\n";A fatal flaw;Incredible strength;Drama;A broken heart;A fatal flaw
The green color is considered to be the traditional and most sacred color of this religion.\n;Islam;Roman Catholicism;Buddhism;Hinduism;Islam
The hairs of a natural blonde can be described as this.\n;More than those of a brunette;More than those of a brunette;Thinner than those of a brunette;The same number as those of a brunette;Fewer than those of a brunette
The Hall-Héroult chemical process is used for the production of what?\n;Aluminum;Zirconium;Aluminum;Titanium;Methane
"The Hebrew word kosher , often translated as clean, refers to what kind of food?\n";That is fit for consumption according to the Books of Leviticus;That contains no red meat;That has been blessed before processing;That is fit for consumption according to the Books of Leviticus;That contains no pork products
"The horror explosion of the 1970s resulted in the infiltration of horror themes in popular music. Which band released the albums Paranoid, Master of Reality, Heaven  Hell, We Sold Our Souls for Rock  Roll, Live Evil, and Sabotage?\n";Black Sabbath;Black Sabbath;KISS;Iron Maiden;Alice Cooper
"The Hundred Years War -- a series of related conflicts between France and England, started in 1337 and lasted how many years?\n";116;100;115;117;116
The idea of a helicopter was first documented by this man.\n;Leonardo Da Vinci;Sikorsky;Einstein;Aristotle;Leonardo Da Vinci
The incredibles was a term used during the production of 747 referring to what?\n;The rugged team of workers;The airlines which put downpayments and helped jumpstart the project;The significant others of the workers;The 20 000 contractors helping Boeing;The rugged team of workers
"The invetor of the first marketed bubble gum, Walter Diemer, was actually an accountant at Fleer Chewing Gum Company in Philadelphia. He did various experiments in his free time. He invented bubble gum by accident, when one of his gum mixtures turned out to be less sticky than the usual chewing gum mixture and easily stretched.  When did he invent the bubble gum?\n";1928;1955;1915;1935;1928
"The Japanese words Mizaru, Kikazaru and Iwazaru, which embody the proverbial principle to see no evil, to hear no evil, and to speak no evil refer to what?\n";The three wise monkeys.;"The Japanese names for the Biblical characters Shadrack, Meshaxk, and Abendebego.";None of these;The three wise monkeys.;The names of the three diamonds in the Mitsubishi logo.
The Kojiki and the Nihon Shoki are the sacred texts of which religion?\n;Shinto;Taoism;Sikhism;Shinto;Zoroastrianism
"The Krahule hill , known as the geographic center of Europe, is it located in this country.\n";Slovakia;Slovakia;Austria;Montenegro;Slovenia
"The Lamian Gardens of Rome are often claimed to be haunted by the ghost of the Roman Emperor Caligula, who died in what way?\n";Assassination;Natural causes;Assassination;Suicide;Poisoning
The largest burger weighed this much.\n;"6,040 pounds (2,740 kg)";"6,878 pounds (3,120 kg)";"1,111 pounds (504 kg)";"6,040 pounds (2,740 kg)";"18,388 pounds (8,341kg)"
The largest consumption of cigarettes belongs to this country.\n;China;Brazil;India;China;The US
The largest gay and lesbian rights march took place in the capital of this country.\n;The US;The UK;Canada;France;The US
The largest one-day decline in recorded stock market history is called Black Monday and occurred on this date.\n;19-Oct-87;22-Sep-64;19-Oct-87;08-Dec-90;23-Nov-82
"The last dance at wedding receptions in Poland is Pani Mloda, also know as this dance.\n";Money;Jolly;Groom;Money;Funny
The line There is no Y in Egypt comes from which movie?\n;Five Graves to Cairo;Five Graves to Cairo;The Desert Fox;Casablanca;The Battle of El Alamein
"The Luddites were a social movement of English workers, who protested against industrial revolution, because they felt that their jobs were threatened.  The movement, which was named after a mythical leader began in this year.\n";1811;1756;1854;1811;1798
The Magna Carta went into effect in 1215.  Who signed it?\n;nobody;Eleanor of Aquitaine;King John aka John Lackland;nobody;King Richard the Lion Hearted
"The Mars family were the richest American family of 1988, according to Fortune magazine.  They named one of their most successful products after their horse, who was named what?\n";Snickers;Snickers;Bounty;MM;Corny
The melody of which 1951 pop song was written by a politician who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?\n;All in the Game;All in the Game;Lets Fall in Love;Rock Around the Clock;I Cant Help Falling in Love With You
"The members of this band included Sgt. Floyd   Pepers, Janice, Zoot, Animal, and Lips.\n";Dr. Teeth and Electric Mayhem;The  Zoot Sims Big Band;Dr. Teeth and Electric Mayhem;The Fabulous Baker brothers;Nylon
The members of what subculture have adopted a preference for the black color?\n;Goth;Hippie;All of these;Hip hop;Goth
The Meryas were a probably Finno-Ugric tribe who lived in the region of modern Russia. This is the first historian to mention them.\n;Jordanes;Eusebius of Caesarea;Jordanes;Priscus;Sima Guang
The Mississippi is the longest North American river. The Missouri is the second. What is the third longest?\n;Rio Grande;Arkansas;Rio Grande;Colorado;Hudson
The most garbage collecting volunteers gathered in this US state.\n;California;Ohio;Texas;California;New York
The motto of which US state is The Welfare of the People Shall Be The Supreme Law.?\n;Missouri;Washington;Connecticut;Texas;Missouri
"The moves in this sport include Barani, Triffus, Miller, and Randy.\n";Trampoline;Figure Skating;Ballroom Dancing;Trampoline;BMX
"The movie “To Sir, with Love� stars Sidney Poitier as a teacher confronted with a class of arrogant and provocative students. In what city is the movie set?\n";London;Liverpool;San Francisco;London;New York City
"The movie Stand and Deliver is centered around Jaime A. Escalante, who gave up a steady well-paid job to become a dedicated teacher in a school where rebellion runs. What subject did Mr. Escalante teach?\n";mathematics;chemistry;physics;biology;mathematics
The movie Trois couleurs: Rouge (Three Colors: Red) is about a girl who discovers her neighbour is keen on invading peoples privacy. This is her profession.\n;Model;Photographer;Teacher;Model;Actress
"The name Ethan was the fourth most popular baby name of 2006, and means what?\n";"Strong, optimistic";Shepherd;"Strong, optimistic";"Intelligent, wise";Of the forest
The name of the color sangria comes from the Spanish word sangre. What does it mean?\n;Blood;Wine;Sorrow;Blood;Tear
"The name of the ruby comes from the Latin word ruber, which means what?\n";Red;Murder;Bright;Red;Blood
"The name of this chemical compound, coined by German-Swiss chemist Christian Friedrich Schönbein in 1840, comes from the Greek word for smell.\n";Ozone;Silicone;Ozone;Osmium;Aroclor
"The name of this company, founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi in 1889, roughly translates as leave luck to heaven.\n";Nintendo;Toshiba;Subaru;Nokia;Nintendo
"The names Robert, Robbie, Rob, Robin, Robyn, Roberto, Bert, refer to what?\n";Bright fame;Long way;Honorable master;Mighty warrior;Bright fame
The national flag of what country consists of a light blue field with a single white star in the center?\n;Somalia;Greece;Somalia;Sudan;Singapore
"The newton (N), named after Sir Isaac Newton in recognition of his work on classical mechanics, is a unit measuring what?\n";Force;Mass;Speed;Force;Weight
The nickname of this U.S. state is The Equality State. Its motto is Equal Right.\n;Wyoming;Colorado;Wyoming;Maryland;Vermont
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed in this year.\n;1949;1949;1945;1941;1950
The Not Ready For Primetime Players debuted on Saturday Night Live in 1975. Which of these was not part of the original cast?\n;Jim Belushi;Garrett Morris;Jim Belushi;Jane Curtin;Chevy Chase
"The number of weeks the Barenaked Ladies hit, One Week was #1 on the U.S. Billboard pop chart in 1998.\n";1;10;5;1;3
"The number one girls name of 2006, Emily, means what?\n";Industrious;Princess;Flower;Wealthy;Industrious
"The oldest surviving violin, date-stamped on the inside, is the Charles IX, made in 1564 by which luthier?\n";Andrea Amati;Antonio Stradivari;Pietro Guarneri;Andrea Amati;Andrea Guarneri
"The Olivieri brothers, Pat and Harry, are given credit  for inventing this in 1933.\n";The Philly cheesesteak;The Philly cheesesteak;Dental floss;The jet engine;The McDonald quarter-pounder
The Opel company was founded in 1863 and began making cars in 1899. What was the first name of its founder Opel?\n;Adam;Heinrich;Friedrich;Ludwig;Adam
The Orange River is the longest river in which country?\n;Republic of South Africa;Canada;Republic of South Africa;Chile;Australia
The original 747  was fitted with what kind of jet engines?\n;Pratt  Whitney JT9D-3;General Electric CF6-80C2B1F;Pratt  Whitney JT9D-3;Rolls Royce RB211-524G;Kuznetsov NK-82 turbofans
The original name of which city is translated as The Great City of Angels�?\n;Bangkok;Vadodara;Los Angeles;Bangkok;Bogotá
"The Orlons had a 1963 hit in which they told everyone where all the hippies meet. Where was this, according to the song?\n";South Street;South Street;San Francisco;Greenwich Village;State Street
The outbreak of what deadly disease is often referred to as Black Death?\n;Plague;Tuberculosis;Plague;Malaria;Cholera
"The Peace Symbol, which became an icon of the 1960s anti-war movement, derives from what?\n";two semaphoric signals;a slightly twisted cross;None of these;two semaphoric signals;an image of a nuclear bomber
"The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, which established the United States Civil Service Commission, was drafted during the office of which President?\n";Chester A. Arthur;Theodore Roosevelt;Abraham Lincoln;Chester A. Arthur;Williaam Howard Taft
"The Persian Empire was divided into 20 provinces, each called this.\n";Satrapy;Satrapy;Larsa;Uruk;Assur
The person who developed the popular game Sudoku was from which country?\n;Switzerland;Switzerland;South Korea;Malaysia;Japan
The pink ribbon is associated with raising awareness for what disease?\n;Breast cancer;Skin cancer;Breast cancer;AIDS;Autism
"The Playboy Bunny outfit, worn by waitresses at the Playboy Clubs, consisted of bunny ears, a corset, a collar, cuffs and what else?\n";Fluffy tail;Chains;Fluffy tail;Bandana;Whiskers
The plot of the 1968 Stanley Kubrick movie 2001: A Space Odyssey involves a space mission to which planet of the Solar system?\n;Jupiter;Jupiter;Pluto;Uranus;Mercury
The plot of the famous Brodway musical West Side Story is based on which source?\n;Shakespears Romeo and Juliet;The musical is a classical western;The Bible;A true story of two Los Angeles teenage gangs;Shakespears Romeo and Juliet
"The Polish food specialties, oscypek and bryndza are what  type of food?\n";Cheeses;Soups;Salads;Cheeses;Cakes
The poor man! He was diagnosed a bilateeral perobital hematoma. What does he have?\n;Two black eye;Halitosis;Two hernias;Two black eye;A tumor in the center of the brain
"The popular female names Alice, Alicia and Alisha, all mean what?\n";Nobility;Spite;Whole;Incarnation;Nobility
"The Potemkin Villages were fake settlements, erected at the direction of Russian minister Grigori Potemkin, to impress which monarch?\n";Catherine the Great;Louis XIV;Peter the Great;Louis XVI;Catherine the Great
The Predator is a type of US Air Force plane. How many people can ride in it ?\n;0;3;1;0;2
The proteins in dead organisms as well as in body wastes are converted into ammonia by bacteria and fungi. Into what useful product do other bacteria convert this ammonia?\n;Nitrates;Phosphoric acid;Amino acids;Nitrates;Polypeptides
The real McCoy refers to the man who invented this.\n;The locomotive self-lubricator;The train throttle;The sewing machine;The train coupling;The locomotive self-lubricator
The Roman god of war Mars corresponds to which god from the Greek mythology?\n;Ares;Ares;Zeus;Hades;Hermes
"The Roswell UFO incident involves the discovery of debris of an alleged extraterrestrial space ship, which had crashed into a field near Roswell, New Mexico, USA. In which year did this happen?\n";1947;1956;1947;1973;1968
The Rothschilds were one of the most successful business families in history. Their family name literally means this.\n;Red Shield;Red Shire;Red Sheath;Red Shield;Red Sheave
"The show Mad Money aired CNBC cable/satellite TV channel on Monday, March 14, 2005 with what host?\n";Jim Cramer;Jim Cramer;Joel Kramer;Jack Aronsohn;Jim Aronsohn
"The slogan of this Japanese car make, founded on September 24, 1948, is The Power of Dreams.\n";Honda;Nissan;Suzuki;Honda;Yamaha
"The states of Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado form an exception to what important mathematical theorem?\n";Four Color Theorem;Continuum Theorem;Fermats Last  Theorem;Goldbachs Theorem;Four Color Theorem
The story of Atlantis dates all the way back to ancient Egypt. The story was first written down by the traveller Solon. But who wrote the only remaining story of the lost continent Atlantis?\n;Plato;Aristotle;Plato;Christopher Columbus;Socrates
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a novella written by this person.\n;Robert Louis Stevenson;Robert Louis Stevenson;Thomas Hardy;Neil Gaiman;John Fowles
The student Rosencrantz is coupled with what fellow student?\n;Guildenstern;Hamlet;Waskowitcz;Rabinowski;Guildenstern
"The sweet potato is commonly mistaken for this other plant, although the two are not related.\n";Yam;Carrot;Turnip;Yam;Potato
The symbol for the chemical element iron is this.\n;Fe;I;Fe;Zn;Br
The symbols of this month are the sapphire and the forget-me-not.\n;September;September;July;February;December
The tail assembly of 747 stands the height of a building of approximately how many stories?\n;approx. 6 stories;approx. 8 stories;approx. 6 stories;approx. 4 stories;approx. 2 stories
The team of this country won the first FIFA Womens World Cup.\n;The USA;The USA;Italy;Brazil;Germany
The telephone handset has two main parts. One is the mouthpiece or transmitter. What is the other one?\n;receiver;telephone wire;receiver;numbers;handpiece
The term bibliobibuli refers to people who do what?\n;Read too much;Read too much;Use only recycled paper;Use a lot of toilet paper;Do not recycle paper
"The term blue blood, meaning aristocracy or related to aristocracy, originated in this country.\n";Spain;England;Germany;Spain;France
"The term cheiromancy, also known as palm reading, is derived from Greek. What does it literally mean?\n";Hand divination;Secrets of the hand;Fortune telling;Skin testing;Hand divination
The term hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia means abnormal fear of what?\n;Long words;River animals;Long words;Large animals;Pachyderms
The term Honeymoon originates from the times when a man and a woman remained in hiding for certain cycles of the moon and did this.\n;Drank honey wine;Ate honeydew melons;Chased honey bees;Drank honey wine;Ate honey
The term Jomon refers to a historical period in the development of which country?\n;Japan;Greece;Brazil;Egypt;Japan
The term lachanophobia means a fear of what?\n;vegetables;vegetables;beds;doors;llamas
"The term Ouija, referring to a talking board, is derived from what?\n";"The French oui for yes, and the German ja for yes";A board created by Nazis for Hitler meaning Holy Grail;"The French oui for yes, and the German ja for yes";An Ancient Egyptian word meaning good luck;Ancient Hebrew meaning spirit talker
The terms ahimsa and satyagraha  are generally associated with whom?\n;Mahatma Gandhi;Mahatma Gandhi;Angelina Jolie;Buddha;Indira Gandhi
The theory of relativity was introduced in physics by this man.\n;Albert Einstein;Galileo Galilei;Albert Einstein;Archimedes;Isaac Newton
The third largest landowner in New York City.\n;New York University;Donald Trump;City Council;New York University;NYPD
"The top grossing movie of 1985 was Back to the Future, trailed closely by two movies, starring this man.\n";Sylvester Stallone;Sylvester Stallone;Tom Cruise;Eddie Murphy;Arnold Schwarzenegger
The top price for a ticket to the Super Bowl I in 1967.\n;$12;$27;$55;$100;$12
The total assembly of the Boeing 747 would require how many individually numbered and catalogued parts?\n;4 000 000;300 000;4 000 000;5 000 000;500 000
"The town of Juarez, Mexico is located next to what U.S. city?\n";"El Paso, TX";"San Diego, CA";"Laredo, TX";"El Paso, TX";"Sierra Vista, AZ"
"The town of Pilsen, famous for the production of beer, is situated in western Bohemia, in the Czech Republic. It became a town in 1295 when it received its civic charter from which ruler?\n";King Wenceslaus II;Jan Hus;Napoleon;King Wenceslaus II;Rudolf II
The turquoise and poinsettia are symbols of this winter month.\n;December;January;February;All of these;December
The two female cats that share Joe Greys talents at sleuthing are Dulce and this cat.\n;Kit;Lovelylace;Kit;Kaboodle;Amelia
The two reporters who exposed the Watergate scandal were Bernstein and this person.\n;Bob Woodward;Dan Rather;Bob Woodward;Walter Lippman;Harry Smith
"The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1972, that capital punishment was unconstitutional.  What was the name of the case?\n";Gregg v. Georgia;Hammer v. Illinois;Gregg v. Georgia;Dagenhart v. Texas;Furman  v. Florida
The US bought Alaska in this year.\n;1867;1942;1882;1854;1867
"The US Postal Service issued a series of stamps honoring these movies: Beau Geste, Gone With the Wind, The Wizard of Oz, and Stagecoach. What do these films have in common?\n";All were all released in the same year.;They were all released by Warner Brothers.;They all starred Clark Gable.;They all had their premiers in California.;All were all released in the same year.
The USA has an extensive Interstate Highway System. What five state capitals are NOT directly served by this system?\n;"Juneau, Dover, Jefferson City, Pierre, Carson City";"Juneau, Dover, Carson City, Honolulu, Pierre";"Juneau, Honolulu, Jefferson City, Carson City, Pierre";"Juneau, Honolulu, Salem, Columbia,  Salt Lake City";"Juneau, Dover, Jefferson City, Pierre, Carson City"
The USA is divided into states. England is divided into counties. Which country is divided into departments?\n;France;India;France;Ireland;Taiwan
The USA owns a territory in the Pacific called  The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. What is its capital city?\n;Saipan;Pago Pago;Saipan;Agana;Charlotte Amalie
The vanishing hitchhiker is an urban legend about people who suddenly disappear after they have been offered a lift. What kind of person was the vanishing hitchhiker from 1975 who reportedly scared a number of people by vanishing from their vehicles close to the Austrian-German border?\n;A nun;A nun;A teenager;A beautiful young lady;A farmer
"The very advanced ocean liner, The Queen Mary II, was built in this country.\n";France;France;Greece;Liberia;Ireland
"The Victoria Falls are situated on the Zambezi River, on the border between which two countries?\n";Zambia and Zimbabwe;Tanzania and Zaire;Zambia and Zimbabwe;Kenya and Tanzania;Zambia and Zaire
"The village of East Hampton was shocked upon learning that the two eccentric occupants of the dilapidated Grey Gardens estate were harboring not only cats, but what unusual animals in their attic?\n";Raccoons;Raccoons;Chickens;Bats;Goats
The Virginia General Assembly was founded in Jamestown in what year?\n;1619;1774;1719;1819;1619
"The Voltaic pile, known as the first modern electric battery, was invented by Alessandro Volta in what year?\n";1800;1459;1800;1890;1902
"The Walden Pond, made famous by writer, naturalist, and philosopher Henry David Thoreau, is located in which US state?\n";Massachusetts;Alaska;Washington;North Carolina;Massachusetts
"The Warren Commission, was established on November 29, 1963 by Lyndon B. Johnson to investigate what?\n";The assassination of John F. Kennedy;The war crimes in Vietnam;The shooting at Kensington University;The assassination of John F. Kennedy;The Watergate Scandal
"The weekly news magazine Newsweek was launched in 1933. It has a worldwide circulation of over 4 million, and is printed in Japanese, Korean, Arabic, English, Polish, Russian, and Spanish. Where is the magazine published?\n";New York City;London;New York City;Chicago;"Washington, D.C.,"
The white pages are a telephone directory listing of the telephone numbers of these entities.\n;Ordinary subscribers;Government officials;Businessmen;Policemen;Ordinary subscribers
"The word abacus derives from a Hebrew word, meaning this.\n";Dust;Movement;Sky;Dust;Wood
"The word algorism, which comes from the name of Persian mathematician al-Khwarizmi, refers to which of these?\n";The rules of performing arithmetic using the decimal system for representing numbers;A binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one digit;None of these;The rules of performing arithmetic using the decimal system for representing numbers;A numeral system that uses the digits 0 to 7
"The word berserk referring to Norse warriors, means what in Old Norse?\n";Bear Shirt;Warriors Wrath;Warriors Rage;Beer Shirt;Bear Shirt
The word diamond comes from the ancient Greek word “adamas� meaning what translated in English?\n;Invincible;Everlasting;Powerful;Brilliant;Invincible
The word for tomato in Spanish is _________ .\n;el tomate;el labio;la manzana;el tomate;el escritorio
The world-class hospital in Maryland was named after a person whose last name was Hopkins. What was his first name?\n;Johns;Johns;Reed;John;James
The worlds largest swimming pool in 2007 was in this country.\n;Chile;Chile;Morocco;North Korea;Venezuela
The worlds oldest lake is also the worlds deepest lake. Where would it be found?\n;Siberia;Siberia;Between Europe and Asia;Israel;Brazil
The Yellow River is the second largest river after the Yangtze in what country?\n;China;Australia;Japan;South Africa;China
The Yellow Sea is connected to what ocean?\n;Pacific;Atlantic;Arctic;Indian;Pacific
The young of which of these animals is not called a joey?\n;dog;dog;opossum;wombat;kangaroo
There are cases of heterosexual men wearing bras to hide his enlarged chest.  What is the name of the disease that causes this hormonal defect?\n;Gynecomastia;Hepatitis;Gynecomastia;Budd-Chiari Syndrome;Caroli Disease
"There are countless theories about the origins of fear of number 13. One says that the phobia comes from Norse mythology. According to a legend, the 13th god, the god of mischief, turned up at a gathering of the 12 Viking gods and caused the death of Balder the Good.  What was the god of mischief called?\n";Loki;Loki;Tor;Odin;Hod
"There are two naturally round lakes in the world. One is near Zurich, Switzerland. The other is in this U.S. state.\n";Florida;Minnesota;Wisconsin;Florida;California
"There is a Russian tradition of spitting three times to chase away bad luck, similar to knocking on wood. Where should one spit?\n";Over their left shoulder;In front of their feet;Over their right shoulder;Over their left shoulder;Through their crossed fingers
"There is always an easy answer to every human problem - neat, plausible and wrong. What sharp and witty American writer made this observation?\n";H.L. Mencken;Henry James;H.L. Mencken;Louisa May Alcott;James Fenimore Cooper
There is hardly any one who has not heard the fairy-tale of Snow White. Who was it written by?\n;Brothers Grimm;Gianni Rodari;Charles Perrault;Hans Christian Andersen;Brothers Grimm
There is no country in the world whose name begins with this letter of the alphabet.\n;X;O;Q;Y;X
There is no cure for this disease that is characterized by the death of muscle cells and tissue. Diagnosis is often based on the results of a muscle biopsy.\n;Muscular dystrophy;Scoliosis;Multiple sclerosis;Cerebral palsy;Muscular dystrophy
There is something specific about Anne Boleyns ghost. What is it?\n;Her ghost is without a head.;She does not have a ghost.;Her ghost is male.;Her ghost is without hands.;Her ghost is without a head.
These are the least painful parts of the body to put a tattoo on.\n;Fleshy parts of the arms and legs;The shoulders;The ankles;Fleshy parts of the arms and legs;The belly and the calf
"These omnivorous mammals are native to North America. They carry their young for 65 days and give birth to up to five babies. They live up to 16 years, but their average life expectancy is 2 years due to hunting and traffic deaths.\n";raccoons;raccoons;squirrels;deer;coyote
These two states have Miami Universities.\n;Florida and Ohio;Florida and Georgia;Florida and Ohio;Florida and Alabama;Florida and North Carolina
"These US Presidents - William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Warren G. Harding, all have this in common.\n";They died in office of natural causes.;They have been elected without a plurality of popular votes.;They were all democrats.;They died in office of natural causes.;They resigned from office.
"They can be hinge, movable, immovable, semi-movable, or ball-and-socket. What are they?\n";Joints;Joints;Bolts;Hardware for carpentry;Joists
They were a group of landed nobility in Prussia  and Eastern Germany. Their name comes from the German for young lord. They formed several aristocratic political groups in Germany.\n;Junkers;Jurrsia;Jongres;Junkers;Junists
"Thieves, rapists, gang members and psychopaths lie in wait under their victims cars and slash their victims Achilles tendon so they cant escape. When did this urban legend begin circulating?\n";The 1950s;The 1970s;The 1920s;The 1990s;The 1950s
This  very successful rock group appeared in an episode of Will and Grace.\n;Hall and Oates;Genesis;Bon Jovi;Hall and Oates;The Bangles
"This 1968 song, recorded by the Beatles, was written by Paul McCartney, who wanted to cheer up Lennons son, Julian.\n";Hey Jude;Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds;While My Guitar Gently Weeps;Hey Jude;Happy Birthday
"This 1975 television movie, starring James Earl Jones and Estelle Parsons, was based on the supposed abduction in 1961 of an inter racial couple living in New Hampshire.\n";The UFO Incident;The UFO Incident;Alien Autopsy;X-Files;Abducted
This 1980 film by French director Alan Resnais features Gerard Depardieu in a starring role.  The translation of the title in English is loosely:  My Uncle is....\n;... An American.;... My Uncle.;... An American.;... Most Avuncular.;... Living Upstairs from Me.
This 1996 game introduced networked play and 3-D graphics. What game introduced or perfected this landmark first person shooter according to Entertainment Weekly?\n;Doom;Doom;GoldenEye007;Grand Theft Auto;StarCraft
"This 1998 Independent film was also shot in Death Valley Junction, CA.  What is the correct name of the film?\n";Welcome to Serendipity;Tumbleweeds and Aliens;Welcome to Serendipity;Hot Moon;Serendipity
"This 2002 television series followed the lives of 3 families over 4 generations. The Keys, the Crawfords, and the Clarkes were all somehow linked with various alien encounters over the years and the culmination of all this was the birth of Allison Clarke played by Dakota Fanning.\n";Taken;War of The Worlds;Taken;Heroes;V
"This 61* and The Punisher actor was born Thomas Elliott III in Baltimore, MD. He studied at the Lee Strasburg Theatre Institute in Hollywood. He married actress Patricia Arquette in 2004.\n";Thomas Jane;Mark Wahlberg;Thomas Jane;Will Patton;Nicolas Cage
This 7-year-old pilot trainee died in her attempt to become the youngest person to fly a plane across the United States.\n;Jessica Dubroff;Lisa Blair Hathaway;Lisa Dubroff;Jessica Dubroff;Jane Hathaway
This ABC TV series showed the events in an American History class at the fictional Walt Whitman High School in Los Angeles.\n;Room 222;704 Hauser;Room 222;Gloria;Maude
"This abstract strategy board game is the national game of Ghana. The board has two straight rows of six pits or cavities, called houses.\n";Oware;Checkers;Backgammon;Oware;Chess
"This actor and director, who took the name Broncho Billy, is best-known as the first star of the Western film genre.\n";Max H. Aronson;Tim Holt;Max H. Aronson;Tom Mix;Charlie Chaplin
This actor is a graduate of Harvard University and of the Yale Drama School. In 1997 he married Angela Bassett. He is known for his role as A.D.A. Ron Carver on Law and Order: Criminal Intent.\n;Courtney Vance;Courtney Vance;Vincent DOnofrio;Chris Noth;Eric Bogodsian
This actor played Murphy Brown’s son in the Murphy Brown sitcom.\n;Haley Joel Osmont;Scott Bryce;Haley Joel Osmont;Jake Gyllendall;Jay Thomas
This actor starred in the Hollywood production White Noise (2005).\n;Michael Keaton;Tom Hanks;Michael Keaton;Nicolas Cage;John Travolta
"This actor was a founding member of Lee Strasbergs Actors Studio. He became famous as District Attorney Adam Schiff, a part he played for ten seasons on a successful NBC drama series.\n";Steven Hill;Dennis Farina;Tom Bosley;Roy Thinnes;Steven Hill
"This actor, who graduated from Yale University in 1991, received a Golden Globe for his role in 1996 movie Primal Fear.\n";Edward Norton;Ron Livingston;Edward Norton;Matt Damon;Ed Burns
"This actor, who plays Dr. Norman in What Lies Beneath, is also a licensed pilot of both planes and helicopters.\n";Harrison Ford;John Travolta;Anthony LaPaglia;Ralph Finnes;Harrison Ford
"This actor, whose autobiography was called My Wicked Wicked Ways, starred in the movies Adventures of Robin Hood (1938), Istanbul (1957) and They Died with Their Boots On (1941).\n";Errol Flynn;Claude Rains;Errol Flynn;Anthony Quinn;George Reeves
"This actress, best known for playing Ilsa Lund in one of the most popular romantic dramas, defined a kiss as a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.\n";Ingrid Bergman;Greta Garbo;Elizabeth Taylor;Ingrid Bergman;Katherine Hepburn
This aircraft entered service with the United States Navy in 1999.\n;F/A18 Super Hornet;F-15 Eagle;E-3 Sentry;F-16 Fighting Falcon;F/A18 Super Hornet
This aircraft is used widely by the Thunderbirds and Air Force Fighter Wings.\n;F-16;F-16;F-14;F-15;F-18
"This aircraft, introduced in 1956, is the main transport plane used by the United States Military.\n";C-130;C-130;Boeing 777;Citation X;Gulf Stream G5
"This amendment of the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, guards against unreasonable searches and seizures.\n";Fourth Amendment;Fourth Amendment;Fifth Amendment;Sixth Amendment;Third Amendment
This American actor appeared in the first X-Rated movie to be nominated for an Academy Award. His  brother wrote the songs Wild Thing and Angel of the Morning. Two of his children are actors. Who is he?\n;Jon Voight;Robert Duval;John Ford Coley;Dustin Hoffman;Jon Voight
"This American actress and stand-up comedian, host of a syndicated talk show, wrote an autobiography, entitled My Point...And I Do Have One.\n";Ellen DeGeneres;Ellen DeGeneres;Phyillis Diller;Wanda Sykes;Joan Rovers
"This American beauty was born Marion Levy in New York. She acted in such great movies as The Great Dictator, Modern Times, So Proudly We Hailed, and A Stranger Came Home. Who was this actress whose husbands included Charlie Chaplin, Burgess Meredith and Erich Maria Remarque?\n";Paulette Goddard;Paulette Goddard;Earth Kitt;Ava Gardner;Myrna Loy
"This American car make was founded in 1911, and was purchased by General Motors in 1917.\n";Chevrolet;Hummer;Ford;Chevrolet;Cadillac
This American city was the site of the first musicians union in the USA. Its zoo housed the lion that roared before every MGM movie. It is called Bluff City. Although it is the largest city in the state it has never been the state capital. What is this city?\n;Memphis;Burbank;Newark;Memphis;New York City
"This American professional basketball player, nicknamed The Pearl, was known for his flamboyant dribbling and play-making.\n";Earl Monroe;Tiny Archibald;Earl Monroe;Sam Jones;Paul Silas
"This American shoe company, that offered a job to basketball player Chuck Taylor, was opened  in Malden, Massachusetts in 1908.\n";Converse;Nike;Converse;Airbound;Rebound
"This American writer and teacher became the first woman US Senator, although she occupied the position for only one day.\n";Rebecca Latimer Felton;Jeanne  Rankin;Hatie Caraway;Rebecca Latimer Felton;Nellie  Taylor Rose
"This American-born soprano, nicknamed the Tennessee Nightingale, lived 1898-1947. She was nominated for an Oscar for One Night of Love.\n";Grace Moore;Grace Toff;Nellie Melba;Melba Moore;Grace Moore
"This ancient thinker, who was the first person to propose a heliocentric model of the Solar system,  considered that the Earth revolves around the Sun.\n";Aristarchus;Aristades;Hippachus;Heron;Aristarchus
"This annual plant, also called brinjal, is native to southern India and Sri Lanka.\n";Eggplant;Eggplant;Tomato;Cucumber;Yam
"This artistic and architectural movement, formed by Vladimir Tatlin, dismissed pure art in favor of art used as an instrument for social purposes.\n";Constructivism;Production Art;Structural Art;Constructivism;Dadaism
This astronaut claimed he was the first man to wet his pants on the moon.\n;Buzz Aldrin;Buzz Aldrin;Gus Grissom;Neil Armstrong;Chuck Rollands
"This author of popular novels, who was a lecturer at Wellesley College, spoke fluent  English, Russian and French and made chess problems in his spare time.\n";Nabokov;Brecht;Pasternak;Nabokov;Steinbeck
"This author penned a novel centered around the mysterious Jay Gatsby who acquired an immense wealth in the hope of winning back his beloved, who married an old money millionaire, named Tom Buchanan.\n";Scott Fitzgerald;Ernest Hemingway;Scott Fitzgerald;Don DeLillo;William Faulkner
"This author wrote a book in which the story is told from the view poin of the mulatto slave Cynara, born on the plantation Tata.  The book is a parody of  the novel Gone with the Wind.\n";Alice Randall;Maya Angelu;Toni Morrisson;Valerie Drew Pierce;Alice Randall
"This award is the oldest and most prominent film award, given annually for Hindi films in India.\n";The Filmfare Award;The Mombay Gold Award;The Diamond Star Award;The Golden Lotus Award;The Filmfare Award
"This award-winning composer/arranger has written and arranged the themes for St. Elsewhere, Law and Order, NYPD Blue, Toma, The Rockford Files and several other great TV shows.\n";Mike Post;Jack Vita;Danny Lux;Danny Elfman;Mike Post
This battle represented the farthest Westward advance into Central Europe of the Ottoman Empire.\n;"The Siege of Vienna, 1529";"The Conquest of Vlad, 1529";"The Battle of Greece, 1529";"The Battle of Belgrade, 1529";"The Siege of Vienna, 1529"
"This became the longest running Broadway play on 9 January, 2006 .\n";Phantom of the Opera;Phantom of the Opera;The Fantasticks;Les Miserables;Mouse Trap
"This bloody battle, a turning point in World War II, was won by the Soviets in 1943.\n";Battle of Stalingrad;Battle of Leningrad;Battle of Stalingrad;Battle of Moscow;Battle of Kiev
This bomber was introduced in February 1955.\n;B-52;B-17;B-52;F-15;B-29
"This book, which bears the printed date 11th May 868, is known as the oldest-dated printed book.\n";The Diamond Sutra scroll;The Gutenburg Bible;The Diamond Sutra scroll;The first history of China;The Book of the Dead
"This British car make was founded under the name Swallow Sidecar Company in 1922, and is known for its elegant sports cars and luxury saloons.\n";Jaguar;Jaguar;Bentley;Rolls-Royce;Land Rover
This British car manufacturer produces high performance vehicles. The company was founded in 1989.\n;McLaren;Land Rover;Rolls-Royce;Jaguar;McLaren
This British philologist and student of ancient India is famous for his theory of the existence of a relationship among Indo-European languages.\n;Sir William Jones;Sir Mark Waverley Park;Sir Malcom Edwards;Jonathan Parker-Knolls;Sir William Jones
This Canadian comedy troupe started out in 1984 and included actor Dave Foley.\n;Kids in the Hall;New kids on the Block;Big kids in the Hood;Kids in the Hall;Kids in the Attic
"This cave located in Tennessee is said to be haunted by the ghost of a local witch, Kate Batt. Kate tormented and haunted the family that lived near this cave for years. The haunting continued until 1820 when the owner died. Many believed he was poisoned by the ghost of Kate. What is the name of this cave?\n";Bell Cave;Bull Cave;Blue Spring Cave;Rumbling Falls Cave;Bell Cave
"This Chinese city, the capital of Hubei province, lies at the confluence of the Yangtze River and Han River.\n";Wuhan;Xia Jong;Fujian;Wuhan;Shanghai
This city in the United States claims to house the largest ball of twine which was built by millionaire J. C. Payne.\n;"Branson, MO";"Branson, MO";"Lake Nebagamon, WI";"Darwin, MN";"Cawker City, KS"
"This city state, also called Ragusa, was first to recognize the independence of the newly formed United States of America.\n";Dubrovnik;Vatican;Dubrovnik;Monaco;Malta
"This city, known also as Anvil City, is situated  in Northwest Alaska.\n";Nome;Stockton;Palmer;Barrow;Nome
This color is the national color of the Netherlands. In Canada and the United States it is associated with the field of engineering.\n;Orange;Purple;Black;Blue;Orange
This comedian stars in Who Framed Roger Rabbit (a 1988 motion picture).\n;Bob Hoskins;Jim Varney;Bob Hoskins;Jim Carrey;Danny DeVito
"This comedienne, writer and actress, nicknamed Big S, is famous for performing her act as a caricature of a Jewish-American princess.\n";Sarah Silverman;Sarah Jessica Parker;Sarah Michelle Gellar;Sarah Paulson;Sarah Silverman
This comedy duo started as a nightclub act in the late 1940s and made several successful movies in the 1950s before breaking up for good in 1956.\n;Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis;Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis;John Jacobs and Frank Sinatra;Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin;Dan Rowan and Dick Martin
This comedy troupe started Something Completely Different on BBC Channel 1 in 1969.\n;Monty Pythons Flying Circus;Monty Pythons Flying Circus;Oscar Alices Comedy Revue;Arsenic and Old Laces;The Benny Hill Show
"This composer hired cliquers to boo his sons early works at their premier. Eventually, the popularity of his sons works overcame the insults of the father and his stooges. Name the father.\n";Johann  Strauss;Johann  Strauss;Johannes Brahms;Johan Sebastian Bach;Franz Lizst
"This composer, who lived 1865-1957, was born to a Swedish speaking family in a Russian-owned part of Finland. His compositions include: Valse Triste,  The Swan of Tuonela, and seven fine symphonies. What is the last name of this composer?\n";Sibelius;Prokofiev;Bull;Grieg;Sibelius
"This concept was popularized in Dostoevskys Notes from the Underground, Pushkins Eugene Onegin and in many of the works of Turgenev.\n";The Superfluous Man;The Super-Tribe;The Superfluous Man;The Total Man;The Super Race
This country has the highest income tax rate.\n;Denmark;Norway;Denmark;Sweden;The US
"This country has the largest number of gum producers, with over 60 gum factories.\n";Turkey;China;USA;Turkey;Russia
"This country is a democratic, parliamentary republic that has over 1500 islands, 700 rivers and streams, and 1000 lakes. During the winter, the shortest day is only 6 hours long. Smoked trout is a typical food  there.\n";Estonia;Sweden;Montenegro;Denmark;Estonia
This country is a founding member of the European Union and the United Nations and one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. It is visited by over 75 millions tourists annually.\n;France;Germany;France;Spain;England
This country is not a federal republic.\n;Laos;Laos;Austria;Ethiopia;Pakistan
This country is the leader in beer consumption (per capita).\n;Czech Republic;USA;Czech Republic;Austria;Germany
"This country music singer known for his songs about family and religion, had his most success with song writing.  Writing songs such as Forever and Ever Amen by Randy Travis, When You Say Nothing At All by Keith Whitley and Love Can Build a Bridge by the Judds.  Who is this singer/songwriter?\n";Paul Overstreet;Paul Overstreet;Mark Chestnutt;Alan Jackson;George Strait
"This country was formerly known as the Republic of Upper Volta. On August 4, 1984, President Thomas Sankara gave it a new name which means the land of upright people.\n";Burkina Faso;Burundi;Kyrgyzstan;Burkina Faso;Djibouti
"This country, whose capital city is Tegucigalpa, uses the lempira as its currency.\n";Honduras;El Salvador;Bolivia;Nicaragua;Honduras
This Czech writer wrote a play called  R.U.R.: Rossums Universal Robots.\n;Karel Capek;Carl Kuchik;Peter Kipchak;Karel Capek;Wilhem Capok
This day in April is celebrated as Earth Day in many countries.\n;22;31;22;12;2
"This device, named Missing Link,  was invented by twin sisters Kelli and Vanessa Dunn.\n";The remote control locator;The remote control locator;The bookshelf speakers;The 56K modem;The microphone
This drink contains caffeine.\n;Coffee;Mineral water;Orange juice;Coffee;Beer
This drink was invented for a party given by Winston Churchills mother.\n;The Manhattan;The Gibson;The Sidecar;The Manhattan;The Sloe Gin Fizz
This duo was formed by Roland Orzabel and Curt Smith in the early 1980s. Their songs Shout and Everybody Wants to Rule the World both hit #1on the US Pop Charts.\n;Tears for Fears;Tears for Fears;Dire Straits;Graduate;Air Supply
"This Dutch naval officer, who became a folk hero during the Eighty Years War between the Dutch republic and Spain, sailed out to capture the Spanish treasure fleet in 1628.\n";Pieter Heyn;Pieter Heyn;Heindrich Van Duten;Henry Hudson;Petyr Stuvessant
"This English author, whose works include An Essay on Criticism and The Rape of the Lock, directly addressed the major religious, political and intellectual problems of the 18th century.\n";Alexander Pope;Ben Johnson;Alexander Pope;Jonathan Swift;Samuel Johnson
"This English city is home to a top European soccer team, which contains the word United in its name and is nicknamed The Red Devils.\n";Manchester;Glasgow;Liverpool;Manchester;London
"This English rock musician changed his name to avoid confusion with a singer from the Monkees, who had the same family name.\n";David Bowie;Elvis Costello;David Crosby;Earl The Monkey  Hinson;David Bowie
"This English shipbuilder, merchant and navigator, whose innovative measures made the new English ships fast and highly maneuverable, was one of the main commanders of the English fleet against the Spanish Armada in 1588.\n";John Hawkins;Martin Hawkins;John Hawkins;Francis Hawkins;William Blake
"This enormous mythical white bird, which appears in 8th-century Middle-Eastern books, is said to be able to lift and eat even elephants.\n";Roc;Medusa;Lordi;Roc;Phoenix
"This entity has been haunting the same area for over 260 years. In this period it has been witnessed 2,000 times. One of the famous eye witnesses - former Spanish King Joseph Bonaparte - saw this flying creature while out hunting. One popular theory is that the creature is the very essence of evil, embodied. What is the name of this creature?\n";Jersey Devil;Jersey Devil;Owlman;Mothman;Chupacabra
"This European country is divided into three districts, 12 cantons, and 116 communes.\n";Luxembourg;Belgium;Andorra;Luxembourg;Switzerland
This famous American writer wrote all of the novel Cannery Row in pencil. He claimed to have used 60 pencils a day for his writings.\n;John Steinbeck;John Steinbeck;Henry David Thoreau;Ernest Hemingway;Nathaniel Hawthorne
This famous bra brand was introduced to the USA in May 1994.  It started selling at a rate of one every 15 seconds at the initial retail price of $26.\n;Wonderbra;Bali;Wonderbra;La Perla;Victorias Secret
"This famous general is considered to be one of the most gifted tactical commanders in United States history. He excelled at the First Battle of Bull Run (where he received his famous nickname), Antietam, and Fredericksburg. Who is he?\n";Thomas Jonathon Jackson;Robert E Lee;Ulysses S. Grant;Tommy Richardson;Thomas Jonathon Jackson
"This famous head American football coach at Florida A  M College, used to say: I like my boys to be agile, mobile, and hostile.\n";Jake Gaither;Joe Paterno;Knute Rockne;Jake Gaither;Peal Bear Bryant
This famous pilot made the first solo flight from Hawaii to the mainland of the USA.\n;Amelia Earhart;Amelia Earhart;Howard Hughes;Tex  Johnston;Charles Lindbergh
"This famous song was written about a love letter to a girl named Wendy. The writer loves her, but just has to get out of town.  What is the name of the song?\n";Born to Run;Born to Run;The Letter;Love on the Rocks;The Streets of This Town
"This film style, generally used by film-makers with low budgets, originated in Denmark.\n";Dogma;Dogma;Comedy;Surrealism;Film Noir
"This film written and directed by Preston Sturgess deals with a director of escapist films, who goes looking for escape.\n";Sullivans Travels;My Travels with Charley;The Day of the Locusts;A Place in the Sun;Sullivans Travels
"This filmmaker, famous for directing Runaway Train and Tango  Cash, is the brother of Academy Award-winning director Nikita Mikhalkov.\n";Andrey Konchalovsky;Roman Polanski;Andrey Konchalovsky;Andrei Tarkovsky;Sergei Mikhalkov
"This food has the same chemical as Prozac, and can put a person in a better mood.\n";Bananas;Prunes;Cheese;Bananas;Potatoes
This force prevents anything from escaping black holes.\n;Gravity force;Centripetal force;Nuclear force;Centrifugal force;Gravity force
"This form of traditional Japanese theater, which aims to make the audience laugh, is characterised by brief plays, stock characters and exaggerated dialogue.\n";Kyogen;Kabuki;Lo fat;Kyogen;Noh
"This former baseball player, born in Donora, Pa, has 3630 hits in his career - 1815 hits at home and 1815 hits on the road.\n";Stan Musial;Frank Thomas;"Ken Griffey, Jr.";Ken Griffey;Stan Musial
This former presidents name was a little bit too close to raygun to start the Star Wars Missle Defense System. Who was this former action hero?\n;Ronald Reagan;Ronald Reagan;George W. Bush;George Bush;Bill Clinton
This former Prime Minister of India was born in India to a Brahmin family. For a while this leader was a professor of Political Science at the Takshashila University and was one of the first to envision the concept of a unified India.\n;Chanakya;Chanakya;J. Nehru;M. Gandhi;Indira Gandhi
This French car make was the first outside of the USA to produce automobiles for mass usage.\n;Citroen;Renault;Citroen;None of these;Peugeot
"This French car manufacturer also produces vans, buses, tractors, and trucks. The brand was established in 1899.\n";None of these;None of these;Peugeot;Citroen;Bugatti
"This French mathematician, physicist, and religious philosopher, author of the Lettres provinciales, stated the following: There are truths on this side of the Pyranees, which are falsehoods on the other.\n";Blaise Pascal;Blaise Pascal;Democritus;Francis Mayron;Rene Descartes
"This French soccer player, who in 2001 was transferred from Italian team, Juventus to Spanish club, Real Madrid, won the 2003 FIFA World Player of the Year Award.\n";Zinedine Zidane;Thierry Henry;Zinedine Zidane;Jean-Pierre Papin;Robert Pires
"This friend of Vincent Van Gogh and once-successful stockbroker produced the famous work, The Yellow Christ.\n";Gauguin;Cezanne;Gauguin;Matisse;Pisarro
"This General, born in Wynnewood Oklahoma, was the U.S. general leading the attack on the Taliban in Afghanistan in response to the September 11th 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon.\n";Tommy Franks;Matthew Ridgeway;Donald Rumsfeld;Tommy Franks;Colin Powell
This German car brand was founded by August Horch in 1909.\n;Audi;Opel;BMW;Smart;Audi
"This German car brand, founded in 1919, is nicknamed Beamer in English.\n";BMW;Volkswagen;BMW;Opel;Audi
"This great American literary work was intended to be both a novella and a play. It has been made into a full-length movie at least three times. It hits on themes of mental illness, prejudice, loneliness and brutality. It revolves around two friends named  George and Lennie. What is its title?\n";Of Mice and Men;Of Mice and Men;To Kill a Mockingbird;In Cold Blood;The Grapes of Wrath
"This great boxer, known as the Galveston Giant, was the worlds Heavyweight Champion from 1908-1915.\n";Jack Johnson;Jim Jeffries;Jim Johnson;Jack Johnson;Jack Jeffries
This great inventor loved the number three and would only stay in hotel rooms with a number divisible by three.\n;N. Tesla;T .A. Edison;E. Howe;N. Tesla;M. E. Knight
"This Greek goddess, daughter of Zeus and Metis, is the virgin patron of Athens. The Parthenon was built as her temple.\n";Athena;Aphrodite;Hera;Athena;Venus
This Greek philosopher is known for writing about the fabled land of Atlantis.\n;Plato;Plato;Socrates;Homer;Aristotle
"This Greek word, used in Homers works, means virtue or being the best you can be.\n";Arete;Terre firma;Cantus firmus;Hamartia;Arete
"This group was formed in Detroit, Michigan and its original members were Otis Williams, Melvin Franklin, Paul Williams, Elbridge Al Bryant, and Eddie Kendricks.\n";The Temptations;The Drifters;The Coasters;The Juve Five;The Temptations
"This group, formed in the late 1930s, are known for the song If I Didnt Care.\n";The Ink Spots;The Ink Boys;The Ink Spots;The Ink Sounds;The Ink Brothers
"This Harvard dropouts first acting role was in Mystic Pizza, in 1988.  He lived next door to historian, Howard Zinn.\n";Matt Damon;Matt Damon;Mark Ruffalo;Ed Norton;Ed Burns
This heavy metal has the symbol Pb. It is a poisonous neurotoxin that can cause brain and blood disorders.\n;Lead;Mercury;Chloride;Lead;Chromium
"This Hebrew word refers to a non-human, speechless, animated being from Jewish folklore.\n";Golem;Lemech;Golem;Robot;Emes
This helicopter was used widely by the U. S. military during the Vietnam War.\n;Huey;Pavelow;Apache;Cobra;Huey
This historical event occured in 1881 in the United States. It has been the  story line for at least 4 major motion pictures. What was this event?\n;The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral;The Little Big Horn;The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral;The  Rise of the KKK;The  Attack of the 600
This huge company is often referred to as Big Blue.\n;IBM;Hewlett-Packard;Microsoft;IBM;"Cisco Systems, Inc."
This Hungarian-Austrian physician demonstrated that puerperal fever (also known as childbed fever) was contagious and that its incidence could be considerably reduced by enforcing appropriate hand washing behavior.\n;Dr. I. Semmelweis;Dr. J. Lister;Dr. L. Pastuer;Dr. J. Kirchner;Dr. I. Semmelweis
"This Hungarian-born American nuclear physicist, called the father of the hydrogen bomb, was a member of the Manhattan Project .\n";Edward Teller;Edward Teller;Robert Oppenheim;Stanislaw Ulam;Albert Einstein
This invention that forever altered the development of the American West was patented in 1874 by American farmer Joseph Glidden.\n;Barbed wire;The scanning disk for future TV sets;The toothbrush;Barbed wire;Reinforced concrete
"This Irish hero,spurred on by the French Revolution, is widely regarded as the father of Irish republicans.\n";Wolfe Tone;Patrick McCormack;Brian Clohessy;Kevin  ODoul;Wolfe Tone
"This Irish playwright, novelist and poet wrote the following line in his famous play Waiting for Godot: We are all born mad. Some remain so.\n";Samuel Beckett;Samuel Beckett;Thomas Hardy;Marcel Proust;Bernard Shaw
This is a ground-breaking law of linguistics first formulated in 1822. It highlights in a most intriguing way how European languages may have evolved since ancient times.\n;Grimms Law;Grimms Law;Kissingers  Law;Einsteins  Law;Schwarzeneggers  Law
This is a synonym for humor based on sexual explicit situations.\n;blue humor;blue humor;vitreous humor;baud talk;red humor
This is a technique or method of dyeing fabrics using wax (to cover parts of the fabric not intended to be dyed).\n;batik;batik;susak;barak;kurak
This is an uncommon English word deriving from the Yiddish word for to drag and means to move something from one place to another with difficulties.\n;Schlep;Kibbitz;Glitch;Schlep;Maven
This is one of the benefits of chewing gum.\n;Helps resist the urge to smoke;Helps taste;Enhances the function of the lungs;Helps resist the urge to smoke;Alleviates stuffed nose
"This is the 3rd largest city in Germany and the capital of its largest state, Bavaria.\n";Munich;Hamburg;Nuremberg;Munich;Berlin
This is the age of most non-synthetic diamonds.\n;Over three billion years;Over seven billion years;Over five billion years;Over six billion years;Over three billion years
"This is the famous quote from Rene Descartes that means I think, therefore I am.\n";"Cogito, ergo sum";"Omnia, vincit amor";Vivere est cogitare;Vincit omnia veritas;"Cogito, ergo sum"
This is the largest employer in the world.\n;Indian Railways;Walmart;United States Postal Service;Indian Railways;Microsoft
"This is the most popular color of bubble gum.  When gum had to be released on the market, it was the only color the inventor had on hand.\n";Pink;Blue;Green;White;Pink
"This is the name of the computer program developed by the Hollywood division of the Los Angeles Police Department to create a  database of crimes, criminals, and all related information.\n";HITMAN;ROBBER-E;BEAT/COP;HITMAN;BOOK-EM
This is the name of the elongated diamond cut with pointed ends.\n;Marquise;Marquise;Heart Shaped;Oval;Princess
This is the number of heavens in Islamic tradition. It is also the figurative number of seas.\n;7;11;3;4;7
This is the number of points outlined by president Woodrow Wilson for reconstructing a new Europe following World War I.\n;14;12;24;14;27
This is the number of syllables in a haiku (a very short Japanese poetic form).\n;17;41;35;28;17
This is the only RB/soul singer asked by Johnny Carson to perform twice in the same week in The Tonight Show.\n;Patti LaBelle;Gladys Knight;Aretha Franklin;Patti LaBelle;Whitney Houston
"This is the original name of the famous Taylor - Burton diamond, sold for $1,050,000 at an auction.\n";The Cartier diamond;The Excelsior Diamond;The Regent Diamond;The Cartier diamond;The Sancy Diamond
This is the reason why Maori women tattoo their faces.\n;To conceal age wrinkles;To conceal age wrinkles;To prevent the access of sunlight to their faces;To be more attractive to men;To indicate their social status
This is the title of a 1979 James Bond film.\n;Moonraker;Moonspinners;Moonshadow;Moonraker;Moondogs
This is the title of a 1996 Tom DiCillo film starring John Turturro.\n;Box of Moonlight;"Sun, Moon and Stars";Lunar Landings;Box of Moonbeams;Box of Moonlight
This is the total number of books in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.\n;27;27;57;37;17
This is the word in Jewish folklore for a spirit that inhabits the soul and body of a dead person.\n;Dybbuk;Dibbenhook;DBennior;Daven;Dybbuk
This island was originally called Van Diemens Land in honor of Anthony van Diemen.\n;Tasmania;Australia;Indonesia;Tasmania;New Zealand
"This island, which is a French territory, is located in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar, about 200 km southwest of Mauritius.\n";Reunion;Saint Denis;Cilaos;Reunion;San Guadalupe
"This Italian car brand was founded on June 24, 1910 in Milan. Its badge features a red cross and a serpent devouring a human.\n";Alfa Romeo;Lancia;Fiat;Ferrari;Alfa Romeo
"This Italian car make, founded in 1963, has a bull on its emblem.\n";Lamborghini;Lamborghini;Ferrari;Maserati;Alfa Romeo
"This Italian manufacturer of sports cars was founded in 1929, and in 1947 it started producing street-legal vehicles.\n";Ferrari;Maserati;None of these;Ferrari;Lamborghini
"This Italian singer, who  won the San Remo Music Festival twice, became popular in the United States in the 1950s with his song Volare.\n";Domenico Modugno;Domenico Modugno;Rossano Brazzi;Luigi Tenco;Peppino Gagliardi
This Japanese car brand is among the largest automobile producers on the planet. It was founded in 1909 under a slightly different name.\n;Suzuki;Mazda;Isuzu;Suzuki;Nissan
"This Japanese car make was established in 1970, but the first automobile of the brand was released in 1917.\n";Mitsubishi;Mazda;Nissan;Mitsubishi;Suzuki
"This landlocked Alpine country, whose official Latin name is Confoederatio Helvetica, is a federation of relatively autonomous cantons.\n";Switzerland;Austria;Switzerland;Belgium;Liechtenstein
"This law says that if things can go wrong, they jolly well will!\n";Murphys Law;Paddys Law;O Tooles Law;O Learys Law;Murphys Law
"This lawyer-turned senator, who has the power of flight without machinery, is a character on Heroes.\n";Nathan Petrelli;Nathan Petrelli;Andy Pasdar;Clark Bennett;Gabriel Gray
"This lawyers unspoken last thought is, It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to, than I have ever known.\n";Sydney Carton;Sydney Carton;Bradley J. Stevens;Allen Sneed;Joel McCreadle
"This leader, who ruled the Holy Roman Empire from 1792 until 1806, is known as the last Holy Roman Emperor.\n";Francis II;Francis II;Wilhelm XII of Saxony;Francis Ferdinand I of Austria;Wilhelm I of Prussia
"This Louisville-born actor was called the busiest actor in Hollywood because he got so many roles in so many movies. His most famous roles were in Deliverance in 1972, Network  in 1976, and Superman in 1978.\n";Ned Beatty;Ned Beatty;William Holden;Gene Hackman;Burt Reynolds
"This luxury U.S. car make was founded in 1902 from what had remained from the Henry Ford Company, and in 1909 it was bought by General Motors.\n";Cadillac;Hummer;Cadillac;Ford;Chevrolet
"This Major League Baseball player, whose uniform with #42 was retired on April 15, 1997 by Major League Baseball, became the first African-American to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.\n";Jack Roosevelt Robinson;Rosy Grier;Jack Roosevelt Robinson;Jim Brown;Jesse Owens
"This malleable, ductile, gray-white metal is very valuable. It is used in jewelry, in the production of electrical equipment, and in automobile emission systems. Certain compounds of this metal have  shown to be effective in destroying tumors.\n";Platinum;Bronze;Copper;Manganese;Platinum
This man established The Church of Satan. It is an organization that promotes an interesting form of Satanism - everyone views himself as his or her own god and is therefore responsible for his or her own destiny.\n;Anton Szandor LaVey;Ambrose Bierce;Marquis De Sade;Friedrich Nietzsche;Anton Szandor LaVey
This man invented the alarm clock so he could awake at 4 A.M. every morning.\n;Levi Hutchins;Levi Hutchins;Satori Koto;Jonathan Larson;Seth Thomas
This man is the highest earning fashion designer.\n;Armani;Armani;Versace;Chanel;Dior
"This Massachusetts born musical composer wrote Sleigh Ride, Holiday for Strings, The Typewriter and Plink, Plank, Plunk.\n";Leroy Anderson;John Cage;John Fiedler;Leroy Anderson;Walter Piston
"This medical term is defined as the abnormal fear of darkness, and commonly experienced by children.\n";Nyctophobia;Cynophobia;Nightophobia;Zoophobia;Nyctophobia
This medical term refers to a decrease in the number of circulating leukocytes (white blood cells) in the blood.\n;Leukopenia;Lymphoma;Leukopenia;Leukemia;Leukocytosis
This medical term refers to a disease-causing protein agent that contains no genetic material.\n;Prion;Prion;Lemma;Papule;Alper
"This mini-series, starring Native American actors Gordon Tootoosis and Gerald Auger, was produced by Steven Spielberg and got a Golden Globe nomination in 2006.\n";Into the West;Into the West;Dances With Wolves;Powwow Highway;Dreamkeeper
"This modern amphitheatre, officially opened in 1922, on the site of a natural amphitheatre formerly known as the Daisy Dell, is used primarily for music performances.\n";Hollywood Bowl;Hollywood Bowl;Red Rocks;None of these;Isirium
"This modern-day European country, once ruled by Khan Asparuh, was acknowledged by the Byzantine Empire in 681.\n";Republic of Bulgaria;Republic of Macedonia;Republic of Bulgaria;Republic of Romania;Czech Republic
"This monster, who is classified under the family, Homolycanth Ropus, really has a thing about silver bullets. By what other name do we know the character, Lawrence Talbort?\n";The Wolfman;The Zombie;The Wolfman;The Beast;The Mummy
"This Motown musical quartet, founded in Detroit, Michigan, scored their first #1 hit, I Cant Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch) in 1965.\n";The Four Tops;The Temptetts;The Four Tops;The Temptations;The Drifters
This movie tells the story of a former U.S. Marine who becomes a teacher nicknamed white bread by her minority students.\n;Dangerous Minds;Finding Forrester;Dangerous Liaisons;Freedom Writers;Dangerous Minds
"This movie, directed by Bo Welch, won the 2003 Raspberry award in the category, Worst Excuse for an Actual Movie.\n";Cat in the Hat;Charlies Angels:Full Throttle;Gigli;Cat in the Hat;From Justin to Kelly
"This movie, directed by Stanley Kubrick, stars Malcolm McDowell as Alex DeLarge.\n";A Clockwork Orange;A Backward Peach;A Future of  Red;A Clockwork Orange;Soylent Green
"This musical comedy, directed by Nancy Walker, is a pseudo autobiography of 1970s disco group, Village People.\n";Cant Stop the Music;Cant Stop the Music;The Peoples Singers;Freddie and His Friends;Join the Action
This musical group debuted on Saturday Night Live in 1978 and released an album called Briefcase Full of Blues that same year.\n;The Blues Brothers;The Blues Brothers;Sunglasses and Briefcases;Dead Men Walking;The Killer Bees
This name is of German origin and means protection.\n;William;Robert;George;William;Richard
"This name, most popular in the 80s and 90s, means wealth, but also clairvoyance or foresight.\n";Jessica;Miranda;Sarah;Jessica;Kristen
"This NFL team, established in 1933, plays its home games in Heinz Field. In 2008, ranked this teams fans as the best in the NFL partly due to their sellout streak of 299 consecutive games.\n";Pittsburgh Steelers;Chicago Bears;Dallas Cowboys;New York Giants;Pittsburgh Steelers
"This notable army officer and renowned general of the Confederate forces during the American Civil War, was the first person to graduate from the oldest military academy in the United States, West Point, with no demerits.\n";Robert E. Lee;Robert E. Lee;George Patton;Omar Bradley;Dwight D. Eisenhower
"This novel by Ernest Hemingway, set during World War I, is told through the point of view of Lieutenant Frederic Henry who falls in love with nurse Catherine Barkley.\n";A Farewell to Arms;The Sun Also Rises;The Snows of Kilimanjaro;For Whom the Bell Tolls;A Farewell to Arms
"This novel centers around Florentino Arizas obsession with Fremina Daza who marries a wealthy doctor of medicine, named Juvenal Urbino.\n";Love in the Time of Cholera;One Hundred Years of Solitude;Like Water for Chocolate;Love in the Time of Cholera;Of Love and Other Demons
"This novel told the story of two families, the Hamiltons and the Trasks, living in the Salinas Valley in California.  It is loosely based on Biblical stories.\n";East of Eden;East of Eden;My Brothers Keeper;The Tree of Life;The Caine Mutiny
This novel written by German author Herman Hesse was published in 1922.\n;Siddhartha;Nirvana;Siddhartha;Sartaka;Samsara
This novella by H.P. Lovecraft was published in 1936 and is about a hybrid race of human/ fish/ frog people who inhabit a small town in Massachusetts.\n;The Shadow Over Innsmouth;Something Wicked This Way Comes;The Deep Ones;The Shadow Over Innsmouth;The Gods of Pegana
This number is usually associated with the unknown and the bad luck. A fear of this number is known as triskaidekaphobia.\n;13;6;13;9;666
This person was recognized as the first billionaire.\n;John D. Rockefeller;Hassan Ibn Ganeff;John D. Rockefeller;Andrew Carnegie;Bill Gates
This person was the first African-American to hit a home run in Major League Baseball.\n;Dan Bankhead;Larry Doby;Dan Bankhead;Jackie Robinson;Monte Irvin
This person wrote what historians recognize as the worlds first computer program -- a method for calculating Bernoulli numbers with Charles Babbages analytical engine.\n;Lord Byrons daughter;Johnny von Neumann;Benjamin Bannekker;Blaise Pascal;Lord Byrons daughter
"This person, who became public announcer for the New York Yankees in 1951, appeared in the movies 61, It Could Happen to You,  The Scout and Anger Management.\n";Bob Sheppard;Joe Buck;Phil Rizzuto;Bob Sheppard;Michael Kay
"This person, who died in 1997, was verified by Guiness World Records as the shortest man on earth?\n";Gul Mohammed;Younis Edwan;He Pingping;Gul Mohammed;Lin Yu-chih
"This person, who in 1919 became the General Manager of Radio Corporation of America (RCA), claimed  that he was the first person to receive a signal from the sinking Titanic in 1912.\n";David Sarnoff;Leonhard Dresdorff;Burr Tilstrom;Capt. Jonas Bray;David Sarnoff
"This person, who was High King of Ireland from 1002 to 1014, is popular as the ruler who managed to unify the regional leaders of Ireland, in order to free the land from Danish occupation.\n";Brian Boru;Brian Boru;Henry II;Campbell of Munster;Patrick of Kearney
"This persons goddaughter is Gwyneth Paltrow and he hired her for her first role, Wendy in Hook. Who is he?\n";Steven Spielberg;Robert Zemeckis;Brian DePalma;Steven Spielberg;Ridley Scott
This phobia forces people indoors.\n;Heliophobia;Phagophobia;Necrophobia;Heliophobia;Erythrophobia
This phobia is known as the fear of criticism.\n;Enosiophobia;Ephebiphobia;Entomophobia;Enosiophobia;Eosophobia
"This place is haunted by a man,who was brutally murdered. During his lifetime he reportedly participated in seances to contact his dead son, William. The Dutch Queen Wilhelmina encountered this person in the middle of the night, when she was staying at what place?\n";The White House;The Tower of London;The White House;Edinburgh Castle;Ewloe Castle
"This plantation located in Louisiana is said to be haunted by the vengeful ghost of a slave named Chloe, who supposedly murdered the wife and daughters of the owner.\n";Myrtles Plantation;Myrtles Plantation;Laura Plantation;Melrose Plantation;Oak Alley Plantation
This play was written by Shakespeare on the request of Queen Elizabeth I.\n;The Merry Wives of Windsor;Much Ado About Nothing;The Tempest;Henry VIII;The Merry Wives of Windsor
"This pop singer, songwriter and pianist, who attended the highly regarded Julliard School of Music, recorded two different versions of the song Breaking Up Is Hard to Do.\n";Neil Sedaka;Steven Tyler;Neil Sedaka;Neil Diamond;Andy Williams
"This popular African-American group was founded in 1954. Its original members -- OKelly, Rudolph, Ronald and Vernon were from Cincinnati, Ohio.\n";The Isley Brothers;The Allman Brothers;The Walers;The Who;The Isley Brothers
This popular board game is published by Parker Brothers. The board consists of forty spaces containing twenty-eight properties.\n;Monopoly;Scrabble;Trouble;Monopoly;Sorry!
This President was accused of fathering a child in a cloak room of the White House.\n;Harding;Harding;Grant;Jefferson;Van Buren
"This President, often called by his opponents His Accidency,  was the first politician to assume the office of US President following the death of his predecessor.\n";John Tyler;John Tyler;Andrew Johnson;Richard Nixon;James Buchanan
"This president, who is often called the Great Emancipator, was the first US President to impose an income tax.\n";Lincoln;Wilson;Hayes;Lincoln;Jackson
This prion disease is also known as laughing sickness due to the outbursts of laughter that mark its second phase.\n;Kuru;Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease;Kuru;Scrapie;None of these
This programming language that allowed non-scientists to use computers was developed in 1963 by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz.\n;BASIC;BASIC;PASCAL;COBOL;Visual BASIC
"This psychiatrist, born in Switzerland in 1875, was one of the founders of analytic psychology.\n";Carl Gustav Jung;Johannes Jorenstem;Erik Jung;Yokaim Junster;Carl Gustav Jung
"This psychiatrist, founder of Analytical Psychology, made the following observation:  The more critical reasoning dominates, the more impoverished life becomes.\n";Carl Jung;Juri Allik;Sigmund Freud;Alfred Adler;Carl Jung
This red herbivorous mammal is endangered because of habitat loss and human interference.\n;Lesser Panda;The Indian Red Badger;Lesser Panda;The Red Fox;The  Asian  Red  Squirrel
"This rhythm and blues song from 1951 is claimed by the owner of Sun Records, Sam Phillips, to be the first rock and roll song.\n";Rocket 88;Roll With me Henry;Rocket 88;Rock Around the Clock;Its All Right Baby
"This ritual is part of the traditions and culture of the Minoan civilization, discovered by archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans.\n";Bull-leaping;Fire-dancing;Cockfighting;Bull-leaping;None of these
"This Russian city, founded by Grand Duke George II of Russia in 1221, was called Gorky from 1932 to 1990.\n";Nizhny Novgorod;Nizhny Novgorod;Okastock;Vladivostock;St. Okasburgh
This Saint is supposed to have seen the Loch Ness Monster and even to have tamed it.\n;St Columba;St Columba;St George;St John;St Peter
"This satellite, launched from Cape Canaveral on January 31, 1958, by the Jupiter-C vehicle, was the first United States Earth satellite.\n";Explorer I;Explorer I;Titan I;Gemini I;Apollo I
"This scale is used to measure the intensity of a tornado by examining the damage caused by the tornado, when passing over man-made structures.\n";Fujita;Fujita;Mercalli;Scoville;Hamilton
This Scottish engineer was the first person to demonstrate a working television.\n;John Logie Baird;Burr Tilstrom;John Logie Baird;Robert Sarnoff;Vladimir Zworykin
"This sea animal is found in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans but is most numerous off Hawaii and Australia. Although it usually weighs about .8 Kg, some individuals actually weigh 3 Kg (over 6.7 pounds.) This animal is blue on top and silver on bottom, often with a blue stripe.\n";jack-ass fish;jack-ass shrimp;jack-ass prawn;jack-ass fish;jack-ass skate
This seemingly lifelike substance is allegedly extruded from the bodies of mediums. It can be vaporous or solid and is said to smell of ozone. What is it?\n;Ectoplasm;Plasma;Endoplasm;Cytoplasm;Ectoplasm
This Shakespearean play is referred to as The Scottish Play or The Scottish King by most actors and theater people since it is considered bad luck to mention the name of the play.\n;Macbeth;King Lear;Othello;Macbeth;Hamlet
"This short-lived American sitcom aired on CBS in 1995, starring Andrew Dice Clay and Cathy Moriarty.\n";Bless This House;Burt and Alice;Ford Fairlane;Healeys Class;Bless This House
"This show is credited by the Guinness Book of World Records as being the longest-running soap opera. Its 15,000th episode aired on September 7, 2006.\n";The Guiding Light;Days of Our Lives;General Hospital;The Guiding Light;One Life to Live
This simple but powerful bomb made out of a gas filled bottle was named after a Soviet politician and diplomat.\n;A Molotov cocktail;A Khrushchev cocktail;A Lenin bomb;A Molotov cocktail;A Kerensky  surprise
"This singer sang Etta James song A Sunday Kind of Love on the TV show Star Search in 1990. She hosted a 2004 Saturday Night Live episode featuring a Sex and the City parody, where she played Samantha Jones and revealed she was a man.\n";Christina Aguilera;Mariah Carey;Britney Spears;Christina Aguilera;P!nk
"This small agricultural town, whose motto is solidarity in work, is located in Quebec, Canada, near the St. Lawrence River.\n";Saint-Louis-du-Ha!-Ha!;Cape Circumcision;Saint-Louis-du-Ha!-Ha!;Broken Back Springs;Readymoney Cove
"This small, distinct religious community, whose religion resembles Islam, but is influenced by Greek philosophy and other religions, is based mostly in the Middle East. Its members call themselves the People of Monotheism.\n";The Druze;The Druze;The Zoroastrians;The Waldentseinians;The BeHab
"This song about a paralyzed war veteran whose wife cheats on him was written by Mel Tillis and performed by Kenny Rogers and the First Edition in 1969. It has also been recorded by CAKE, The Killers, Waylon Jennings, Roger Miller and Wolfsheim.\n";"Ruby, Dont Take Your Love to Town";Leave the Bourbon on the Shelf;"Ruby, Dont Take Your Love to Town";Reuben James;Never There
"This song, composed by George Harrison, one of the members of the Beatles, caused a plagiarism trial.\n";My Sweet Lord;Michelle;My Sweet Lord;Woman;Love Me Do
"This soul singer and songwriter, often called Silky Smooth because of his rich baritone, is famous for his hits Rainy Night in Georgia, Fools Rush In, This Time of the Year.\n";Brook Benton;Jackie Wilson;David Ruffin;Brook Benton;Sam Cook
"This soul singer recorded the song Dock of the Bay  in 1967,  three days prior to his death in a plane crash.\n";Otis Redding;Bob Dylan;Otis Redding;Paul Banks;Neil Sedaka
"This Spanish playwright and poet, author of The Dog in the Manger and The Widow from Valencia,  maintained that a writers business is to write so as to make himself understood.\n";Lope de Vega;Oscar Nareda;Lope de Vega;Jose Ortega y Gassett;Humberto Robinson
This standup comedian became famous as the large Massachusetts man attacked by a mugger in the next to last episode of Seinfeld.\n;John Pinette;Eric Bana;John Caponera;Jimmy Pardo;John Pinette
"This statesman, born in Houghton Hall, Norfolk in 1676, is generally regarded as the first Prime Minister of Great Britain.\n";Robert Walpole;David Gladstone;Henry Cavendish;Benjamin Disraeli;Robert Walpole
This stealth aircraft was used during Operation Desert Storm in 1991.\n;F-117 Nighthawk;F-22 Raptor;Joint Strike Fighter;F-117 Nighthawk;FA/18 Super Hornet
This strange man-sized beast is thought to have been seen many times in the Point Pleasant area of West Virginia around the late 60s of the twentieth century.\n;Mothman;Jabberwock;Ghidorah;Gorgon;Mothman
"This Sudanese/American basketball player and activist, 77 (2.31 m) tall, managed to block 397 shots during the 1985-1986 season, thus setting a rookie record.\n";Manute Bol;Yao Ming;Swede Holbrook;Manute Bol;Wilt Chamberlain
"This talk show host and entertainer began his career as a member of Freddy Martins orchestra, but became popular with nightclub audiences as a solo act. His song, Ive Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts became a number one hit.\n";Merv Griffin;Fred Cordova;Merv Griffin;David Geffen;Jerry Lewis
This tall actress is famous for her portrayal of Ripley in the film Alien.\n;Sigourney Weaver;Sigourney Weaver;Heather Graham;Laura Dern;Sarah Silverman
"This term of Indian origin refers to ones fate or destiny, as the result of ones actions.\n";karma;samsara;sarana;nirvana;karma
"This term, denoting an internal organ, also refers to a color which is a mixture of dark brown and grey?\n";Liver;Liver;Lung;Kidney;Spleen
"This term, related to the origin of the Universe, was proposed by George Lemaitre, a Belgian Roman Catholic priest and astronomer.\n";The Big Bang;The Milky Way;The Boom;Y-Chromosome;The Big Bang
"This tiny sovereign state, with a territory of about 0.44 square kilometres, is the smallest country in the world.\n";Vatican City;Vatican City;Andorra;San Marino;Monaco
"This town in Illinois became the site of the first Dairy Queen in 1940. It is the hometown of singer Lionel Richie, basketball star George Mikan, and actors Mercedes McCambridge and Anthony Rapp. It is also home to a famous federal prison.\n";Joliet;Joliet;Ganamorra;Chicago;Springfield
"This town, closely linked to the legend of the Loch Ness monster, lies at the mouth of the river Ness.\n";Inverness;Glenny;Urquhart;Aberdeen;Inverness
"This town, situated in Hawaii County, is the southernmost town in the United States.\n";Naalehu;Naalehu;Kamuela;Mililani;Pauoa
"This tragedy, written by  Shakespeare, is often referred to as The Scottish Play by actors, as it was believed that using its actual name in theatre would bring bad luck.\n";Macbeth;Hamlet;The Merry Wives of Windsor;Macbeth;Othello
"This TV series, which aired in 1982-1983, starred Sarah Jessica Parker, Jami Gertz, Tracy Nelson, and Amy Linker.\n";Square Pegs;Mr. Novak;Square Pegs;Room 222;"Welcome Back, Kotter"
"This U.S. automobile brand produces off-road vehicles, and was established in 1992.\n";Hummer;Ram;Jeep;Maxwell;Hummer
"This U.S. general, born in Little Rock Arkansas, fought in 3 major wars (World War I, World War II, Korean War) and was one of the few men ever to rise to the rank of General of the Army.\n";Douglas MacArthur;Omar Bradley;Dwight Eisenhower;Colin Powell;Douglas MacArthur
"This U.S. state is home to the Boggy Bayou Mullet Festival, the Winter Strawberry Capital of the World, and The Shark Tooth Capital of the world.\n";Florida;Mississippi;Louisiana;Hawaii;Florida
"This unit of length, used mostly for maritime and aviation purposes, measures exactly 1.852 km (1.150779 miles).\n";Nautical mile;Furlong;Parsec;Angstrom;Nautical mile
"This United States Army lieutenant general was in command of the American army at the beginning of the American Civil War. He developed the Union strategy popular as the Anaconda Plan, that would be used to defeat the Confederacy.\n";Winfield Scott;U.S. Grant;Joseph Longstreet;Robert E. Lee;Winfield Scott
This United States Navy aircraft was used widely during the Second World War.\n;F4U Corsair;B17 Flying Fortress;F-5 Tiger;P47 Thunderbolt;F4U Corsair
This US city is located at the confluence of the Mississippi River and the Ohio River.\n;"Cairo, Illinois";"Cairo, Illinois";"Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania";"Chicago, Illinois";"Memphis, Tennessee"
"This US city, whose original name was Terminus, is the county seat of Fulton County.\n";Atlanta;Atlanta;Omaha;Savannah;Orono
"This US National Park, famous for its mineral waters, is located in southeastern Oklahoma, near the city of Sulphur.\n";Platt;Hot Springs;Yellowstone;Platt;Mesa Verde
"This US President granted a posthumous pardon to Robert Edward Lee, a general of the Confederate forces during the American Civil War.\n";Gerald Ford;Richard Nixon;John Kennedy;Gerald Ford;Lyndon Johnson
"This US President was an instructor in classical languages. Being ambidextrous, he could simultaneously write in Greek with one hand and in Latin with the other.\n";Garfield;Garfield;Chester A. Arthur;Jefferson;Teddy Roosevelt
"This US President, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1946.\n";James Carter;Dwight Eisenhower;Lyndon Johnson;James Carter;Gerald Ford
This US states name means People of the south wind. The buffalo and the honeybee are just two of its symbols. It is located equidistant from the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean. Susanna Salter (the first woman mayor in the US) was elected mayor of a city in this state.\n;Kansas;Wyoming;Nebraska;Utah;Kansas
This very popular math term comes from the name of the man who wrote the first great algebra textbook.\n;algorithm;algebra;algorithm;program;graph
This very popular opera singer from Australia lived 1861-1931. She had two foods named after her.\n;Nellie Melba;Grace Toff;Nellie Melba;Brigit Nielsen;Jenny Lind
This was the first  TV show to demand and get $1 million per minute for ads.\n;Seinfeld;Seinfeld;Everyone Loves Raymond;Frasier;Saturday Night Live
This was the first country that starts with the letter J to join the United Nations.\n;Jordan;Jurasconia;Jamaica;Japan;Jordan
This was the largest active passenger airplane for 2007.\n;Airbus A380;Sukhoi 27;Boeing 757;Airbus A380;Boeing 747
This was the leader of the group that searched Loch Ness in the early 1970s and claimed to have made underwater photographs of the monster.\n;Dr. Robert Rines;MR Trules;Sir Peter Scott;Professor Jankins;Dr. Robert Rines
This was the name of the first bubble gum on the market.\n;Dubble Bubble;Hubba Bubba;Wrigleys;Dubble Bubble;Bazooka
"This was the ninth most popular 2006 male baby name. Its origin is not exactly known, but it does come from a Roman family name and it has been suggested that is was derived from the Greek word for flower.\n";Anthony;Anthony;Michael;Thomas;Carlos
This was the world’s largest university for 2007 (considering total active enrollment.)\n;Allama Iqbal Open University;Allama Iqbal Open University;The Ohio State University;Indira Gandhi National Open University;Islamic Azad University
This will fade a tattoo over time.\n;Sunlight;Washing substances;Water;The change of skin structure;Sunlight
"This woman, who was the second wife and queen consort of Henry VIII, is said to have become a headless ghost after her death.\n";Anne Boleyn;Mary Magdeline;Anne Boleyn;Mary Cox;Anne Cox
This word can mean a social upstart or a social climber.\n;Rastaquouere;Selcouth;Zabern;Pronk;Rastaquouere
This word can mean to jump straight up or a foolish and/or weak person.\n;Pronk;Zaber;Pronk;Clouth;Phenalk
This word can mean: 1) the upper part of a shoe that covers the instep; 2) an improvised accompaniment in music; 3) a seductive woman.\n;vamp;vamp;tramp;truel;hypoxiol
This word deriving from Latin refers to the act of throwing someone or something out of a window.\n;defenestration;defenestration;sylvan;peloton;homunculus
"This word is a collective noun, which means a group of ferrets.\n";fesnyng;bevy;fesnyng;charm;leash
"This word is Sanskrit for Great Soul, and is used like the title Saint. Some believe that it was first used in 1915 when speaking of Ghandi.\n";Mahatma;Master;Mahatma;Mehta;Mohandas
This word is used to denote a group of cobras.\n;Quiver;Sedge;Knot;Quiver;Bale
This word means a detailed record of a persons life.\n;Dossier;Denouement;Dreeour;Dossier;Deluge
This word means fear of cats. Meow!\n;Ailurophobia;Ailurophobia;Arachnephobia;Alektorophobia;Apiphobia
"This word refers to the ancient art of aerodynamically stabilizing arrows from materials, such as feathers or modern plastics.\n";Fletching;Feathereting;Fletching;Cooperring;Chancelloring
Thomas Harris created this terrible fictional murderer.\n;Hannibal Lecter;Michael  Everett;Garland  Saunderson;Jason Thomas;Hannibal Lecter
Three of the following albums are by the band Red Hot Chili Peppers. Which is the odd one?\n;In Another Land;Blood Sugar Sex Magik;Freaky Styley;In Another Land;By the Way
Three of the following animals are herbivorous. Which is the odd one?\n;Opossum;Guinea pig;Beaver;Capybara;Opossum
Three of the following movies are produced by 20th Century Fox. Which is the odd one?\n;House of Wax;"Me, Myself  Irene";Dr. Dolittle 2;Cast Away;House of Wax
Three of the following terms mean one and the same thing - fear of storms. Which is the forth one that is related to sleep?\n;Clinophobia;Keraunophobia;Clinophobia;Brontophobia;Astraphobia
"Three of the four players have been recognized as Most Valuable Player of the Chicago White Sox, which bore the nickname The Chicago Black Sox for a while. Who is the odd one?\n";Ozzie Guillén;Ozzie Guillén;Frank Thomas;Dick Allen;Nellie Fox
Three of the listed singers are baritones. Who is the odd one?\n;Roberto Alagna;Elvis Presley;Roberto Alagna;Robert Goulet;Frank Sinatra
Three of these Al Pacino movies were released in the 1970s. Which one was not?\n;Scarface;The Godfather: Part II;The Godfather;Scarface;Serpico
Three of these are not real bodies of water; which one is?\n;North Sea;North Sea;Northwest Sea;South Sea;Southeast Sea
Three of these people were competitors and / or critics of Newton.  Can you spot the odd one?\n;Issac Barrow;Gottfried Leibnitz;Christian Huygens;Issac Barrow;Robert  Hooke
Three of these religious organisations are notorious for their suicides motivated by religious and spiritual beliefs. Mark the odd one.\n;THC Ministry;Order of the Solar Temple;Peoples Temple;THC Ministry;Heavens Gate
Three of these statements are urban legends. Which is the true statement?\n;Jackie Robinson won the first Rookie of the year Award in 1947.;Jackie Robinson was court-martialed because he would not sit in the back of a military bus.;The life span for a tiger in captivity is the same as it is in nature.;"Based on the writings in his diaries, Abner Doubleday is given credit for inventing the rules of modern baseball.";Jackie Robinson won the first Rookie of the year Award in 1947.
Tigers are native to what continent?\n;Asia;Australia;Africa;Asia;America
Titanium melts at 1941° on what temperature scale?\n;Kelvin;Kelvin;Newton;Fahrenheit;Celsius
"To build the 747, The Boeing Co. needed to design and construct a large number of tools.  Approximately how many?\n";270 000;170 000;1 800;270 000;45 000
To remove gum from clothes or other fabrics you should apply this first.\n;Ice cube;Hot iron;Ice cube;Oil;Butter
To which of these countries are the Sami people not indigenous?\n;Denmark;Denmark;Finland;Russia;Sweden
To whom did the inventor of the typewriter sell his patent?\n;A maker of guns;A maker of guns;A sewing machine company;Thomas A. Edison;The US government
"Tom Cruise had a lead role in all, but one of these movies.  Which one?\n";Endless Love;Rain Man;The Firm;Magnolia;Endless Love
Tom Hanks co-starred in the TV program Bosom Buddies with this fine actor/juggler.\n;Peter Scolari;Christopher Knight;Peter Scolari;Steve Zahn;Tom Everett Scott
"Tomas Transtr�mer, Assia Djebar and Raja Rao have won one, what is it?\n";Neustadt International Prize for Literature;Bobbitt National Prize for Poetry;Pulitzer Prize for Poetry;Neustadt International Prize for Literature;Nobel Prize in Literature
"Topic: Childrens Books. This series, written by Marc Brown, stars this bespectacled aardvark. What is the right question?\n";Who is Arthur?;Who is Arthur?;Who is Junie B. Jones?;Who is Captain Underpants?;Who is Curious George?
"Topic: Fast Foods: This restaurant carries Chicken Tenders, Burger Shots and the Double Croissanwich. Ask the right question.\n";What is Burger King?;What is Jack in the Box?;What is Wendys?;What is Burger King?;What is Arbys?
"Topic: Name the Videogame. Characters: Samanosuke Akechi, Princess Yuki,  Nobunaga. What is the right question?\n";What is Onimusha?;What is Devil May Cry?;What is Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven?;What is Genji: Dawn of the Samurai?;What is Onimusha?
Topic: X-Men: This mutant has the ability to teleport. He has blue skin and a tail. His nickname is Nightcrawler. What is the right question?\n;Who is Kurt Wagner?;Who is Kurt Wagner?;Who is Eric Lensherr?;Who is Scott Summers?;Who is Bobby Drake
"Towards the beginning of the new millennium, who was the oldest person elected US President?\n";Reagan;Reagan;John Adams;G. Herbert Bush;William H. Taft
Tower Green - part of the Tower of London complex - is frequented by the ghost of Lady Salisbury. According to witnesses the last moments of her life are re-enacted in this part of the infamous Tower where she met her doom. How did lady Salisbury die?\n;She was axed to death;She climbed up  jumped from the Tower;She was murdered by rebels;She was axed to death;She was executed by beheading
Traditionally the people of the country of Georgia believe that they are descendants of this Biblical personality.\n;Japheth;Jonah;Japheth;Jesus;Jeremiah
"Travis Metcalfe, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, has presented a fascinating theory: he believes the largest diamond known is located where?\n";In a near star’s core;In Earth’s core;On the moon’s dark side;At the bottom of the Mariana Trench;In a near star’s core
Trepanation is a term that denotes making a hole in this part of the body.\n;Skull;Hand;Skull;Eyelid;Foot
"ts are born, ________.\n";...not made.;...not made.;...but can also be made.;...but thats not for sure.;"..., long live the poets!"
"Turtles employ numerous survival techniques,  Which one is not among these natural devices for survival?\n";"Their shells, impervious to attacks by any animals other than humans";Their ability to breathe out of their mouth and out of their anus;"Their shells, impervious to attacks by any animals other than humans";Their ability to live both on land and in the water;Their incredible orientation skills - they get back to lay eggs where they were born
"Two earthquakes with epicenter in northeast Arkansas, caused landslides and geological changes along the Mississippi River. On what date did these two earthquakes take place?\n";"December 16, 1811";"April 27, 1815";"July 23, 1809";"August 12, 1823";"December 16, 1811"
Two landmark works of horror released in the 19th century were Frankenstein (1818) by Mary Shelley and Dracula (1897) by this Irish author.\n;Bram Stoker;Bram Stoker;W. H. Auden;Lord Byron;Robert Louis Stevenson
"Two young women and an artist, who finds himself attracted to both of them, form one of the love triangles in this Woody Allen movie.\n";Vicky Cristina Barcelona;Vicky Cristina Barcelona;Everyone Says I Love You;Melinda and Melinda;A Midsummer Nights Sex Comedy
U.S. antitrust lawyers took Microsoft to court claiming that the company tried to use its monopolistic power to destroy this computer language.\n;JAVA;JAVA;LINUS;LOTUS;COBOL
"U.S. President Hardings administration was rocked by this scandal, involving oil.\n";Teapot Dome;Teapot Dome;Livingston-Heathcote;Skull Island;Credit Mobilier
U2s song Sweetest Thing was reportedly written by vocalist Bono as an apology to his wife Ali Hewson for forgetting this.\n;Forgetting her birthday;Forgetting their wedding anniversary;Forgetting her birthday;Forgetting to feed her cat;Forgetting to pick her mother from the airport
Ube is a shade of this color.\n;Lavender;Brick;Mustard;Olive;Lavender
Under  which US President were the Barbary Wars fought?\n;Thomas Jefferson;James K. Polk;Thomas Jefferson;William McKinley;Teddy Roosevelt
Under what name is the Mr. Clean brand name known in Germany?\n;Meister Proper;Mister Sauber;Herr Steril;Mr. Wunderbar;Meister Proper
Under whose rule was the island of Cyprus when it was conquered by the Ottoman Empire in 1571?\n;Venice;France;Greece;The Papal States;Venice
"Until its replacement by the EMS scale, the Medvedev-Sponheuer-Kárník scale was the most commonly applied scale in Europe, used to measure what?\n";Earthquake intensity;Hurricane intensity;Wind speed;Ultraviolet radiation;Earthquake intensity
"Upon hearing my screams, my husband stepped out of the shower to make sure I was alright, causing me recoil due to my gymnophobia. What was I afraid of?\n";Nudity;Men;Nudity;Getting wet;Water
US Army Lt. Thomas Selfridge was the first person killed in a powered fixed-wing aircraft. Where did the accident happen?\n;Virginia;France;Virginia;Colorado;Pennsylvania
USA boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics held in what city?\n;Moscow;Tehran;Moscow;Beijing;Prague
Usually more than 10 million tourists visit three of these countries annually. Which is the odd one?\n;Belgium;Poland;Belgium;Mexico;Italy
Vukodlak is one of the Slavonic names of which scary mythical monster?\n;Werewolf;Werewolf;Dragon;Vampire;Ghost
Wally the Green Monster is the mascot for which sports team?\n;Boston Red Sox;Cincinnati Reds;Baltimore Orioles;Boston Red Sox;Chicago White Sox
We all hate spam on our computers. What is the computer term for sending spam as an instant messenger message?\n;Spim;Spim;Inspam;Spamage;InstaSpam
We all have learned that you can tell the age of a tree by the number of rings. Who was the first to discover this fact?\n;Leonardo Da Vinci;Aristotle;Luther Burbank;Charles Darwin;Leonardo Da Vinci
"We all know that New York, Los Angeles and Chicago are the three largest cities in the USA. What is the fourth largest city in the USA, as measured by metropolitan area (SMSA) according to 2006 US Census Bureau estimates?\n";Dallas-Fort Worth;Miami;Houston;Philadelphia;Dallas-Fort Worth
We all know that when arrested you must be Mirandized. Of what crime or crimes was Mr. Miranda accused?\n;Rape and kidnapping;Murder;Murder and rape;Grand theft;Rape and kidnapping
"We get the word boycott  from the name of Charles C. Boycott, a terrible  landlord of the 19th Century. Where did he own land?\n";Ireland;England;Ireland;Scotland;Massachusetts
We get this very popular word from one of Athenas aliases in Greek mythology.\n;mentor;computer;media;lesbian;mentor
We get this word from the name of a French Ambassador to Portugal.\n;nicotine;nicotine;leotard;zinnia;tariff
We get this word from the name of an infamous hangman.\n;derrick;crane;derrick;tontine;guillotine
"Well, it was getting dark and I was worn out from the stress of the day, so I decided to get ready for bed. Sadly, this prompted a panic attack due to my ablutophobia. What was I afraid of?\n";Bathing;Going to sleep;The dark;Pajamas;Bathing
What  does the Latin word facula refer to?\n;Bright spots or patches on the suns photosphere;A region of unexplained loss of gravity beneath the earths outer crust;Bright spots or patches on the suns photosphere;A measurement of the suns reflectivity;A dark region on the suns chromosphere
What 1951 film did Humphrey Bogart win an Oscar for?\n;African Queen;The Barefoot Contessa;The Caine Mutiny;African Queen;Casablanca
What 2 prominent actors did the movie Colors star?\n;Sean Penn and Robert Duvall;Sean Penn and Robert Duvall;Sean Penn and Robert De Niro;Dennis Hopper and Heath Ledger;Robert Duvall and Aidan Quinn
"What 2007 movie, based on a true story, ends with a note that Erin Gruwell successfully brought many of her students to graduation and college?\n";Freedom Writers;The Ron Clark Story;The Diary of Anne Frank;Freedom Writers;Dangerous Minds
"What Academy Award did the 1962 movie Days of Wine and Roses, directed by Blake Edwards, win in 1963?\n";Best Original Song;Best Actress;Best Art Direction;Best Actor;Best Original Song
What Academy Award-winning actress starred in the 1981 movie On Golden Pond?\n;Katharine Hepburn;Meryl Streep;Katharine Hepburn;Susan Sarandon;Elizabeth Taylor
"What Academy Award-winning movie, directed by the Coen Brothers, features a pregnant small-town police chief?\n";Fargo;No Country for Old Men;Fargo;The Big Lebowski;The Man Who Wasnt There
What action star played the lead role in the 1988 movie Bloodsport?\n;Jean-Claude Van Damme;Arnold Schwarzenegger;Sylvester Stallone;Bruce Willis;Jean-Claude Van Damme
What actor depicted King Xerxes in the 2007 American action movie 300?\n;Rodrigo Santoro;Rodrigo Santoro;Dominic West;Gerard Butler;David Wenham
What actor is known for his comedic roles in the movies Wedding Crashers and Zoolander?\n;Owen Wilson;Owen Wilson;Bradley Cooper;Christopher Walken;Vince Vaughn
What actor played three different roles in Stanley Kubricks 1964 movie Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb?\n;Peter Sellers;George C. Scott;Slim Pickens;Peter Sellers;Sterling Hayden
What actor portrayed agent James Bond in the 1964 movie Goldfinger?\n;Sean Connery;Timothy Dalton;Sean Connery;Roger Moore;George Lazenby
What actor portrayed James Bond in the 1971 movie Diamonds Are Forever?\n;Sean Connery;George Lazenby;Roger Moore;Timothy Dalton;Sean Connery
What actor portrayed rebellious slave Spartacus in Stanley Kubricks 1960 historical movie Spartacus?\n;Kirk Douglas;Kirk Douglas;Laurence Olivier;Omar Sharif;Tony Curtis
What actor starred as mercenary Danny Archer in the 2006 movie Blood Diamond?\n;Leonardo DiCaprio;Tom Cruise;Ben Affleck;Leonardo DiCaprio;Jamie Foxx
What actor starred in Stanley Kubricks 1980 psychological horror movie The Shining?\n;Jack Nicholson;Dustin Hoffman;Jack Nicholson;Robert De Niro;Christopher Walken
"What actor starred in the movies Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, Punch-Drunk Love, Spanglish, Click, and Reign Over Me?\n";Adam Sandler;Bradley Whitford;Adam Sandler;Steve Buscemi;Darren McGavin
What actor won an Academy Award in 1980 for portraying a character who loved the smell of napalm in the morning?\n;Robert Duvall;Robert Duvall;Robert Redford;Robert De Niro;Robert Young
What actress and comedienne won an Emmy Award for her satirical portrayal of Sarah Palin in a guest appearance on SNL?\n;Tina Fey;Sarah Silverman;Ellen DeGeneres;Tina Fey;Amy Poehler
What actress played the role of a transgender man in the movie Boys Dont Cry?\n;Hilary Swank;Helen Hunt;Hilary Swank;Hally Berry;Heather Graham
"What actress portrayed Hana, the French-Canadian nurse who looked after a critically burned man in the Oscar-winning movie The English Patient?\n";Juliette Binoche;Kristin Scott Thomas;Catherine Deneuve;Juliette Binoche;Audrey Tautou
What actress portrayed the unforgettable Cruella de Vil in the 1996 Walt Disney movie 101 Dalmatians?\n;Glenn Close;Kathleen Turner;Meryl Streep;Anjelica Huston;Glenn Close
"What actress won the Academy Award for Best Actress at the 56th Academy Awards on April 9, 1984 in Los Angeles?\n";Shirley MacLaine;Meryl Streep;Jane Alexander;Julie Walters;Shirley MacLaine
"What actress, named Sarah, is not correctly matched with the TV show in which she appeared?\n";Sarah Paulson - All My Children (Kendall Hart);Sarah Chalke - Scrubs (Dr. Elliot Reid);Sarah Paulson - All My Children (Kendall Hart);Sarah Michelle Gellar - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Buffy);Sarah Joy Brown - General Hospital (Carly Corinthos)
"What actress, nicknamed The Divine Sarah, supposedly slept in a coffin, claiming it helped her understand her tragic roles?\n";Sarah Bernhardt;Sarah Brightman;Sarah Bernhardt;Sarah Silverman;Sarah Paulson
What aircraft was used by the United States Navys Blue Angles demonstration team prior to adopting the F/A18 Super Hornet?\n;A-4;Cessna 182;A-10;A-4;F-4
What airport is the largest hub of United Airlines?\n;OHare in Chicago;OHare in Chicago;Metropolitan in Detroit;Dallas Fort Worth;La Guardia in New York
What album is considered to be the first rap record?\n;Sugar Hill Gangss Rappers Delight;Public Enemys Fight the Power;Ike Turners Jet  88;Sugar Hill Gangss Rappers Delight;Yannick Bruynoghes Big Bills Rap
What album was released by the rock band Weezer in 2001?\n;The Green Album;The Green Album;Greenage;Rock it Green;Greenation
"What alloy contains copper and zinc, with a content of copper typically more than 50%?\n";Brass;Rutite;Bronze;Stainless Steel;Brass
What American actor portrayed Private First Class James Francis Ryan in Steven Spielbergs 1998 movie masterpiece Saving Private Ryan?\n;Matt Damon;Ben Affleck;Tom Hanks;Matt Damon;Jeremy Davies
What American female singer and actress makes a brief appearance in the 1999 comedy American Pie?\n;Christina Milian;Fergie;Mariah Carey;Christina Milian;Cassie
"What American Idol finalist was born on March 25, 1984, in Los Angeles, California?\n";Katharine McPhee;Elliott Yamin;Jennifer Hudson;Katharine McPhee;Kelly Clarkson
What American star portrayed the character of Viktor Komarovsky in the 1965 drama-romance-war film Doctor Zhivago?\n;Rod Steiger;Jack Nicholson;Robert Redford;Rod Steiger;Omar Sharif
"What American state, known also as the Silver State, is named after a weather condition?\n";Nevada;Wyoming;Colorado;Oklahoma;Nevada
What animal is responsible for the most human deaths in the world?\n;Mosquito;Great White Shark;Mosquito;Pitbull;Wasp
What animal is the largest land predator?\n;Kodiak bear;Kodiak bear;Elephant;Giant anteater;Man
What animal was the color taupe named after?\n;Mole;Mole;Horse;Bear;Sparrow
What animals multiply so quickly that in 18 months they can have over million descendants?\n;rats;worms;grasshoppers;rats;snakes
What animals were the Canary Islands named after ?\n;Dogs;Lions;Dogs;Cats;Canaries
What are conjugate angles?\n;Two angles that add up to 360 degrees;Two angles that add up to 90 degrees;Two angles that add up to 360 degrees;Two angles that add up to 180 degrees;Two angles that add up to 0 degrees
What are mermaids generally associated with in British folklore?\n;They are considered a bad omen.;They bring luck to those who have seen them.;They make those who have seen them irresistible for the opposite sex.;They bring longevity.;They are considered a bad omen.
"What are the henchmen and secret police of the White Witch in the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe?\n";Wolves;Wolves;Dwarfs;Minotaurs;Gnomes
What are the Latin terms that refer to plant and animal life?\n;flora and fauna;etcetera and et alia;flora and fauna;habeas and corpus;ipso and facto
What are the lights in our homes wired in?\n;parallel;circuits;parallel;pairs;series
What are the main ingredients of the traditional English dish Bubble and Squeak?\n;Potato and cabbage;Potato and cabbage;Fish and ships;Sausage and cabbage;Bacon and eggs
What are the names of George Costanzas parents on the TV show Seinfeld?\n;Frank and Estelle;Frank and Estelle;Fred and Jean;Gene and Estelle;Fred and Harriet
What are the numbers on a dartboard that flank 17?\n;2 and 3;16 and 11;0 and 7;2 and 3;18 and 13
What are the only two landlocked countries in South America ?\n;Bolivia and Paraguay;Bolivia and Paraguay;Paraguay and Uruguay;Bolivia and Uruguay;Colombia and  Ecuador
What are the two classes into which ink is divided?\n;Printing and Writing;Printing and Writing;Printing and Office;Writing and Lining;Printing and Balling
What artist wrote and performed the song Tears in Heaven?\n;Eric Clapton;Eric Clapton;Billie Holiday;Duke Ellington;Billy Joel
"What astronaut or cosmonaut performed the first space walk on March 18, 1965?\n";Leonov;Glenn;Aldrin;Shepherd;Leonov
What author is not correctly matched with the literary work he created?\n;Alan Alexander Milne - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz;Alexander Pushkin - Eugene Onegin;Alan Alexander Milne - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz;Alexander Pope - The Rape of the Lock;"Alexandre Dumas, père - The Count of Monte Cristo"
What author of fiction wrote the eight novels known as The Kent Family Chronicles?\n;John Jakes;John Jakes;Langston Hughes;Mark Twain;Ernest Hemingway
What award was given to President George W. Bush in 2004?\n;The Raspberry Award for worst leading actor;The Stillman Award for Leadership;The Raspberry Award for worst leading actor;The Hendley Award for Great Americans;The Thurbridge Award  for Freedom
"What band released Bitter Sweet Symphony on 16 June, 1997 as the first single from their third album Urban Hymns?\n";The Verve;Blink-182;Blur;Foo Fighters;The Verve
"What Beatles single, that ran seven minutes, was the first to be released on the Beatles new Apple label?\n";"Hey, Jude";Let It Be;"Hey, Jude";Revolution;The Long and Winding Road
"What Biblical prophet inspired the popular gospel song Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, composed by Wallace Willis?\n";Elijah;Ezekiel;Jonah;Elijah;Isaiah
What bird can be associated with the infectious disease Varicella?\n;Chicken;Crane;Hen;Chicken;Blue jay
What blood song did Michael Jackson release in 1997?\n;Blood on the Dance Floor;Blood on the Bar;Blood on the Scene;Blood on My Hands;Blood on the Dance Floor
What book did author Douglas Adams describe as the fourth book in the Hitchhiker trilogy?\n;"So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish";"So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish";The Restaurant at the End of the Universe;"Life, the Universe and Everything";The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
What book is said to be the most shoplifted?\n;The Bible;The Bible;Websters Dictionary;Thesaurus of English Words  Phrases;National Geographic Atlas of the World
What branch of philosophy or metaphysics deals with the study of being and existence?\n;ontology;causality;epistemology;phenomenology;ontology
"What British singer recorded her biggest hit, Downtown in 1964?\n";Petula Clark;Myleene Klass;Amy Winehouse;Petula Clark;Lulu
"What business did the Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, operate before beginning their aeronautical work?\n";cycle company;film company;car company;book store;cycle company
"What catchy tagline was used for the theatrical poster of the 1962 movie Lolita, directed by Stanley Kubrick?\n";How did they ever make a movie of Lolita?;How did they ever make a movie of Lolita?;What on earth were they thinking?;Most scandalous film of all time;She was only a child. Until...
"What caused the Air India Flight 182 crash on June 23, 1985, when 329 people passed away?\n";Bomb explosion on board;Miscalculation of the altitude;One of the pilots had a heart attack;Engine malfunction;Bomb explosion on board
"What caused the tragedy with the Saudia Flight 163 on August 19, 1980?\n";Fire;The pilot fell asleep.;Fog;A bird;Fire
What celebrity couple starred in Stanley Kubricks 1999 neo-noir psychological thriller movie Eyes Wide Shut?\n;Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman;Brad Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow;Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston;Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruz;Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman
"What character attacked nurse Ratched, the main antagonist of the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, and nearly choked her to death?\n";Randle McMurphy;Billy Bibbitt;Randle McMurphy;Chief Bromden;Charles Cheswick
What character from the famous American sitcom Friends has the last name of Green?\n;Rachel;Rachel;Janice;Chandler;Ross and Monica
"What character in the movie Casablanca was interrupted by Rick while singing, You must remember this / A kiss is still a kiss / A sigh is just a sigh ...?\n";Sam;Ilsa;Captain Renault;Victor Laszlo;Sam
"What character uttered the following words by the end of Casablanca, one of the most enduring romantic dramas of all time: It doesnt take much to see that the problems of three little people dont amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.?\n";Rick;Ilsa;Victor Laszlo;Captain Renault;Rick
What characteristics of the palm are explored by palm readers to predict the future or estimate the personality of its owner?\n;All of these;The fingers of the hand;The lines of the skin;All of these;The bumps of the skin
"What characters do Haley Joel Osment and Jude Law play in the 2001 sci-fi flick, A.I.: Artificial Intelligence?\n";A robot and a robot;A robot and a robot;None of these;A human and a robot;A human and a human
What chemical is added to table salt in some European countries to prevent tooth decay?\n;Sodium fluoride;Calcium sulfate;Sodium fluoride;Potassium carbonate;Sodium nitrate
What city did the Indianapolis Colts move from in 1984?\n;Baltimore;Boston;New England;Baltimore;Los Angeles
What city is the capital of the European Union?\n;The EU has no official capital.;Brussels;Strasbourg;Luxembourg;The EU has no official capital.
What city is the capital of the United Arab Emirates?\n;Abu Dhabi;Al Riyadh;Dauha;Abu Dhabi;Dubai
"What city, nicknamed The Mile-High City, is located on the plains east of the Rocky Mountains?\n";"Denver, Colorado";"Aurora, Colorado";"Aspen, Colorado";"Phoenix, Arizona";"Denver, Colorado"
What classic song is often played at weddings during the brides dance with her father?\n;Daddys Little Girl;White Wedding;Poppa Dont Preach;Daddys Little Girl;Now and Forever
What classification of the hands do modern palmists most often use to define the personality of the owner?\n;By elements;All of these;By elements;By seasons;By animals
What color are the tights the lead singer is wearing in one of the commercials?\n;green;yellow;brown;blue;green
What color is a John Deere tractor?\n;Green;Red;Blue;Green;Black
What color is Johnnie Walkers jacket?\n;Red;Brown;Pink;Red;Blue
What color is the sweat of the Hippopotamus?\n;Red;Red;Clear;Pink;Blue
What comic book is The Human Torch from?\n;Fantastic Four;X-Men;Fantastic Four;Daredevil;The Incredible Hulk
What common drink was first named the “Esteemed Brain Tonic and Intellectual Beverage�?\n;Coca Cola;Coca Cola;Tab;Dr Pepper;Sprite
"What commonplace object has parts called stretcher, runner and rib?\n";Umbrella;Underwear;Umbrella;Underlay;Urn
What company bought Opel in 1931?\n;General Motors;FIAT;Darracq S.A.;Chrysler;General Motors
What company introduced its popular entertainment system in 1985?\n;Nintendo;Magnavox;Sega;Nintendo;Atari
"What company introduced the Radarange, the first countertop home microwave oven, in 1967?\n";Amana;Amana;Kennmore;GE;Tappan
What company is generally regarded as the largest toy distributor in the world?\n;McDonalds;Mattel;Barbie;Fisher Price;McDonalds
What company produces and distributes the citrus flavored soft drink Mello Yello?\n;Coca-Cola;Pepsi;Coca-Cola;Dr Pepper/Seven Up;Cadbury-Schweppes
What company sold the first quartz wristwatch?\n;Seiko;Bulova;Seiko;Omega;Casio
What condition is characterised by an irrational fear of taking tests?\n;Testophobia;Placophobia;Chronophobia;Theologicophobia;Testophobia
What condition is characterized by fear of hurricanes?\n;Lilapsophobia;Chirophobia;Lilapsophobia;Pagophobia;Stenophobia
What condition is characterized by fear of men?\n;Hominophobia;Hominophobia;Hormephobia;Homichlophobia;Hodophobia
What condition is characterized by fear of strangers?\n;Xenophobia;Dendrophobia;Dystychiphobia;Xenophobia;Claustrophobia
What contributed to the quick tipping over of the luxury ocean liner in the movie The Poseidon Adventure?\n;There was not enough ballast;There was not enough ballast;Shelley Winters was too close to the starboard side of the boat;Not enough speed when the wall of water hit;Engines were at full power too long so they shut down
What country are the priciest emeralds in the world found?\n;Colombia;Peru;Colombia;South Africa;India
"What country employs the blue color as its national sports color, as it denotes secularism?\n";India;India;South Korea;Spain;Italy
What country has a plain green flag?\n;Libya;Lithuania;Libya;Ireland;Dominica
What country in Southeast Asia changed its name to Myanmar?\n;Burma;Laos;Cambodia;Ethiopia;Burma
What country is generally regarded as the oldest republic in the world?\n;San Marino;France;San Marino;Bulgaria;Denmark
What country is the largest consumer of gold in the world?\n;India;South Africa;India;United Arab Emirates;China
What crime was the famous Casanova imprisoned for in 1755?\n;Witchcraft;Theft;Witchcraft;Fraud;Adultory
"What cruel punishment did Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, who inspired Bram Stokers 1897 novel Dracula, like to impose?\n";Impalement;Skinning alive;Impalement;Burning alive;Blood draining
What day is commonly called Black Friday in the United States?\n;The Friday after Thanksgiving;The Friday after Easter;The first Friday of the year;The Friday after Thanksgiving;Friday the 13th
What day marks the start of Easter fasting in Eastern Christianity?\n;Clean Monday;Clean Monday;Good Friday;Palm Sunday;Lazarus Saturday
What day of the week is associated with the blue color in Thailand?\n;Friday;Friday;Sunday;Wednesday;Monday
What day of the week is associated with the pink color in Thailand?\n;Tuesday;Friday;Saturday;Monday;Tuesday
"What device was invented in the early 1910s by American race-car driver, Ray Harroun?\n";The rear view mirror;The internal combustion engine;The brake;The rear view mirror;The tire iron
What did  engineer James Wright  invent in 1943?\n;Silly Putty;The oral polio vaccine;Silly Putty;The first chemical to repel sharks;Acetate cartoon cells
What did  Wilhelm Schickard invent?\n;the first automatic calculator;the first automatic calculator;the pneumatic drill;celluloid;the integrated circuit
What did Benjamin Green invent in 1944?\n;Coppertone;Kevlar;The garage door opener.;Coppertone;TiVo
"What did boxer Jack Johnson, Charlie Chaplin and actor, Errol Flynn all have in common?\n";They were all charged with the same crime;They were all charged with the same crime;They all died in Paris;They died of the same causes;They had the same birthday
What did Earl Bakk and Clarence W. Lillehie invent in 1957?\n;Internal heart pacemaker;Liquid oxygen jet fuel;Internal heart pacemaker;High Definition Television;Artificial heart
"What did electrical engineering professor, Dr. Brent Townshend, invent in 1996?\n";The 56K modem;The 56K modem;Potato Chips;Bookshelf speakers;The remote control locator
What did Erik Rotheim invent in 1926?\n;The aerosol spray can;saccharin;The aerosol spray can;The autopilot;chewing gum
What did French engineer Louis Reard invent in 1946 ?\n;the Bikini;the first complete fossil of a triceratops;the oversized catchers mitt;the chemical test for prostate cancer (The PSA test);the Bikini
"What did George Crum invent at the Moon Lake Lodge resort in Saratoga Springs, New York?\n";The potato chips;The remote control locator;The potato chips;Bookshelf speakers;The 56K modem
What did H. Taylor Howard invent in 1976?\n;Satellite dish;The QWERTYU keyboard;Windows XP;The cell phone;Satellite dish
"What did Jean Michel Jarre, Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain, Lord Byron, and Sir Winston Churchill all have for pets?\n";Cats;Cats;Birds;Horses;Dogs
"What did Jethro Tull invent in 1701, while he was living in Crowmarsh Gifford, a village in Oxfordshire, England?\n";The seed drill;The combine machine;The telescope;The first modern rifle;The seed drill
"What did NASAs first satellite, Explorer I, find?\n";The Van Allen radiation belt;That Mars natural satellites were actually captured asteroids;The remains of Sputnik I;The Van Allen radiation belt;Jupiters moon Callisto
What did Norman Breakey invent?\n;The paint roller;The electric alarm clock;The electric typewriter;The QWERTYU keyboard;The paint roller
What did Opel manufacture before it began making cars in 1899?\n;sewing machines and bicycles;boats and steam engines;sewing machines and bicycles;televisions and motorcycles;radio receivers and airplanes
"What did the American Airlines Flight 965 crash into on December 20, 1995 in Colombia?\n";Mountain;Another plane;Mountain;Village;Skyscraper
What did the Byzantine empresses do in the Purple Chamber?\n;Give Birth;Give Birth;Have their wedding night;Rest in to be seen by others during their final days of life;Get Married
What did the Treaty of Maastricht  result in?\n;The European Union was set up.;The Hundreds Year War ended.;World War II formally ended in Europe.;The United Nations was established.;The European Union was set up.
What did the US government buy for the Native Alaskans in 1891?\n;The basis of their caribou herd;Motorized sleds;The basis of their caribou herd;A fire truck;Ice boxes
"What did United States President Ronald Reagan say on the radio during a voice check on August 11, 1984?\n";We begin bombing in five minutes.;I wanna tell my mama I love her.;We begin bombing in five minutes.;"I must tell you, Im wearing white-red-and-blue underpants today.";"Wait, do I speak now? Is this thing on?"
"What discovery did Dr. Caspar Wistar make near his house in Gloucester County, New Jersey in 1787?\n";The first dinosaur bones ever found in the USA.;The first dinosaur bones ever found in the USA.;A note containing a plot by France to conquer the newly formed USA.;The correct formula for methane gas.;The use of ether to anesthetize dental patients.
"What disease do the following famous people share: Menachem Begin, Halle Berry, Carol Channing, Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald, Ray Kroc, Arthur Ashe, and Ty Cobb?\n";Diabetes;Rheumatic fever;Irritated  bowel syndrome;Dyslexia;Diabetes
What distinction does Elise Raymonde Deroche hold?\n;She was the first female licensed pilot.;She was the first female passenger in an airplane.;She was the first female to fly a balloon.;She was the first member of a royal house to fly in a plane.;She was the first female licensed pilot.
What distinction does Sir Timothy Berners-Lee hold?\n;He is the inventor of the World Wide Web.;He was the first RAF pilot to shoot down a plane.;He is the inventor of the World Wide Web.;He made  the first cell phone call.;He was the first non-American to hold a US patent.
"What do  the male name Thomas and its derivatives Tom, Thom, Tomas, Tomm all mean?\n";Twin;Brave;Doubt;Soldier;Twin
"What do American Presidents John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Benjamin Harrison and George W. Bush all have in common?\n";They won the electoral vote but not the popular vote.;They all were re-elected.;They won the electoral vote but not the popular vote.;They all were senators.;They all served as vice-presidents.
What do historians call the period of 1730-1759 in American history?\n;The Great Awakening;The Primitive Era;The Puritan Era;The Great Awakening;The Era of Good Feelings
"What do Lou Gehrig, the four Beatles, Beethoven, Bach and Mr. Spock have in common?\n";They are asteroids.;They are asteroids.;They have stars on the New York City Walk of Fame.;They are enshrined in the US Hall of Fame in New York City.;They are stars.
What do Oscar Robertson (ex-NBA All-Star) and Roy Orbison (the great singer/songwriter) have in common?\n;The same nickname;The same birthplace;The same nickname;The same birthdate;The same wife
"What do Ronald Reagan, King Henry VIII, Charles Lindbergh, Jerry Stiller, Mel Brooks, and William Shakespeare have in common?\n";Each was married to a woman named  Anne.;Each can trace his genealogy to Germany.;Each had a sibling named Jane.;Each was married to a woman named  Anne.;Each one was born in a  year ending in a 9.
What do the children do with their obese mothers dead body in the 1993 drama movie Whats Eating Gilbert Grape?\n;Burn it along with the house;Lift it with a helicopter;Desert it;Bury it in the back yard;Burn it along with the house
"What do the names Henry, Harry, Harrison, Hal, Hank, Enrique mean?\n";Home ruler;Home ruler;Victorious warrior;Active in battle;Abundant land
"What do the names Matthew, Mathew, Matt and Mat mean?\n";Gift of God;Preacher;God is merciful;Holy star;Gift of God
"What do these  people have in common: both Presidents Bush, actor James Spader, actor Jack Lemmon, actor Humphrey Bogart and writer Edgar Rice  Burroughs?\n";They all went to the same high school.;They all went to the same high school.;They all were in Texas on 9/11/2001.;They are the same Zodiac sign.;They were all born in the same month.
"What do these five countries have in common: Nicaragua, the Philippines, Bolivia, Liechtenstein, Saudi Arabia?\n";They are all named after historic personalities;They are all located at an altitude above 1400 km.;They are the only producers of zirconium;They are all named after historic personalities;They all use the US dollar as their unit of currency
"What do these people have in  common: Star Jones, Randy Jackson, President Dwight David Eisenhower, Carnie Wilson, Diego Maradona?\n";They have all had gastric bypass surgery.;They have all had gastric bypass surgery.;They have all appeared on the long running BBC show Leaders of Our Times.;They have all been cited by the UN for their work with  UNICEF.;They have all received  he Legiondaire Grand Award.
"What do these places have in common: Wake Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Island, Navassa, Baker Island and Jarvis Island?\n";They are uninhabited US possessions.;They are a part of Nirvaau.;They are uninhabited US possessions.;They are UN controlled islands in the Atlantic.;They are sites of famous WWII battles.
What do we call a horizontal beam used usually for support and walling over a window?\n;Lintel;Purlin;Lintel;Screed;Kerf
What do we call a storage place for bees?\n;Apiary;A bee zoo;Apiary;Asterciary;Aviary
What do we call the longest day of the year?\n;The summer solstice;The winter equinox;The summer equinox;The summer solstice;The winter solstice
What do you add to steel to make it stainless?\n;Chromium;Copper;Zinc;Bronze;Chromium
What do you call a large group of islands?\n;Archipelago;Hawaii;Islet;Archipelago;Chanel
What does a la crecy  mean?\n;Served with carrots;Served with butter;Served with sauce;Served with carrots;Served with cheese
What does a noologist study?\n;The human mind;Eggs;The human womb;The human mind;Computer vocabulary
What does a person who has a gymnophobia fear?\n;Nudity;Closed spaces;Nudity;Rivers;Bright colours
What does a vexillogist study and/or collect  ?\n;Flags;Stamps;Flags;Bones;Letters
What does acrophobia mean?\n;heights;snake;farm;heights;pain
What does amathophobia mean?\n;fear of dust;fear of dust;fear of numbers;fear of rooms;fear of candles
What does an average single fetus acquire at the age of three months?\n;fingerprints;hair;fingerprints;earlobes;feet
What does antepenultimate mean?\n;second from last;next to last;last;middle;second from last
What does C.W. Ettingers book Man into Superman deal with?\n;Cryogenics;Putting computers into humans;Cryogenics;Transplanting animal organs into humans;Transplanting human organs
What does demophobia mean?\n;Fear of crowds;Fear of insanity;Fear of crowds;Fear of demons;Fear of trees
What does Greshams Law state?\n;Bad money drives good money out of circulation;Stock prices lower when unemployment reaches over 6%;Bad money drives good money out of circulation;Every 2% increase in supply lowers demand by 1%;The first hot dog you eat is always better than the second
What does lacrimation mean?\n;Shedding Tears;Psychosis;Shedding Tears;Addiction;Dilation
What does querulous mean?\n;Always complaining;Always mystical;Always complaining;Always dishonest;Always asking questions
What does quinunc mean?\n;A busybody;A necessary thing;A five-cornered star;A prime example;A busybody
What does sagination mean?\n;The act of fattening up;The act of fattening up;The state of being pale;The state of being morose;The act of bleeding
What does sneezing while talking mean according to Russian superstition?\n;The person is telling the truth.;The person is telling the truth.;They will be healthy and will live long.;The sneezing person is lying.;The sneezing person will receive money soon.
"What does Suetonius, Geoffrey of Monmouth and Herodotus have in common?\n";They are three writers that produced the first urban legends.;They are three writers that produce modern urban legends.;They are three writers that produced the first urban legends.;They are three ghost from the modern urban legends.;They are three ghosts from the first urban legends.
"What does the Arabic term, Maghrib represent?\n";Sunset prayers;City of the believers;Place of peace;Prison;Sunset prayers
"What does the e.e. in the name, e.e. cummings stand for?\n";Edward Estlin;Edward Estlin;Edar Eastwood;Edward Elgar;Edgar Edward
What does the expression to wear a green hat mean in popular Chinese culture?\n;to be a cuckold;to be a cuckold;to be a peasant;to be a wise person;"to be an immature, foolish person"
What does the Hebrew word gaon mean?\n;Genius;Circumcisor;The Old Testament;Genius;Cantor
What does the Hindu word Krishna mean?\n;dark or dark blue;the lord;dark or dark blue;daylight;my lord
What does the Latin phrase ceteris paribus mean?\n;All other things being equal;All other things being equal;Let the seller beware;Let the buyer beware;The case can not stand
"What does the Latin proverb, Dum spiro, spero, mean in English?\n";"While I breath, I hope";Do to others the same as you do to yourself.;I know that I dont know anything.;Dont look a gift horse in the mouth.;"While I breath, I hope"
What does the name of the Koh-i-Noor diamond mean in Persian?\n;Mountain of light;Mountain of light;Eye of the sea;Divine treasure;Soul of a virgin
What does the name Zachary mean?\n;God has remembered;Gods servant;Gift from God;God has remembered;Warlike
What does the phrase to be blue (blau sein) mean in German language?\n;To be drunk;To cheat on your wife;To be drunk;To be pregnant;To be angry
What does the term baseball diamond denote?\n;Baseball field;An award;A female baseball player;Baseball field;A title given to the greatest baseball players
What does the term browning refer to in cooking?\n;All of these;All of these;Caramelization;Removing excess fat from meat by heating;Maillard reaction
What does the term Fourth Estate refer to?\n;Press;Judiciary;Backward country;Parliament;Press
What does the word diamond literally mean?\n;Unbreakable;Magical;Stone;Light;Unbreakable
What does the Yiddish word Bupkis mean in English?\n;Nothing;None;Nothing;Never;Rubbish
What English word is used in linguistics when discussing the issue of the lack of separate terms for blue and green in many languages?\n;Grue;Glue;Grue;Bleen;Breen
What European country was affected the worst by the European Heat Wave of 2003?\n;France;France;Italy;Germany;Spain
What event did the terrorists target in the 1977 movie Black Sunday?\n;Super Bowl;Super Bowl;Democratic Convention;Times Square Ball Drop;Macys Thanksgiving Parade
What famous fashion designer popularized the little black dress?\n;Coco Chanel;Vivienne Westwood;Coco Chanel;Calvin Klein;Christian Dior
What famous Frenchmans dying words were France. Armee. Josephine!?\n;Napoleon;Louis Philippe;Richelieu;Napoleon;Louis XIV
"What famous Greek philosopher tutored Alexander the Great and stimulated his interest in science, medicine, philosophy and literature?\n";Aristotle;Plato;Socrates;Aristotle;Epicurus
What famous Israeli liqueur comes in a genie shaped bottle and has a distinctive chocolate/orange flavor?\n;Sabra;Sabra;Triple Sec;Cointreau;Grand Marnier
What famous news reporter was honored with the Purple Heart after he was killed by a Japanese sniper in 1945?\n;Ernie Pyle;Ernie Pyle;Jack Harrison;Roger Vanderbilt;Mason Hall
What famous singer encouraged his fans to come to his concerts dressed in the purple colour?\n;Prince;Hilary Duff;Stephen Tyler;Pink;Prince
What fashion designer popularized the color known as shocking pink?\n;Elsa Schiaparelli;CoCo Chanel;Elsa Schiaparelli;Issey Miyake;Vivienne Westwood
What female musician released the single Red Blooded Woman in 2004?\n;Kylie Minogue;Beyonce Knowles;Britney Spears;Christina Aguilera;Kylie Minogue
What female musician won five Grammy Awards for her album and song Back to Black?\n;Amy Winehouse;Beyonce Knowles;Amy Winehouse;Christina Aguilera;Alicia Keys
"What fictional character in a romantic drama were the following words addressed to: Open your eyes and look at me. No, I dont think I will kiss you. Although you need kissing badly. Thats whats wrong with you. You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how.?\n";Scarlett OHara (Gone with the Wind);Ilsa Lund (Casablanca);Scarlett OHara (Gone with the Wind);Allie Hamilton (The Notebook);Rose DeWitt  (Titanic)
"What fictional teacher, portrayed by Robin Williams, told his students that, if they felt daring, they could call him O Captain! My Captain!?\n";John Keating;Mark Thackeray;John Keating;George Feeny;Jaime Escalante
"What first full admiral of the Navy, uttered the famous phrase, Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!, during the American Civil War at the Battle of Mobile Bay?\n";David Farragut;Stephen Decatur;David Farragut;Oliver Hazard Perry;John Paul Jones
What first lady was the famous cousin of the daughter living at Grey Gardens?\n;Jacqueline Kennedy;Eleanor Roosevelt;Mamie Eisenhower;Jacqueline Kennedy;Nancy Reagan
What funds were used in the founding of the British Museum?\n;National Lottery;A single bequest of Lord Henry Dinsdale;Fund raising among the nobility of Europe;Multiple Royal bequests;National Lottery
What future senator was the first Ph.D. on the moon?\n;Harrison H. Schmitt;John W. Young;David Scott;Alan Shepard;Harrison H. Schmitt
What geographical area does the Diamond Dove populate?\n;Australia;Australia;Europe;Asia;South America
"What German car make, founded in 1931, is famous for its high performance luxury automobiles?\n";Porsche;Volkswagen;Mercedes-Benz;BMW;Porsche
What goes along with love according to a Frank Sinatra hit song?\n;Marriage;Broken hearts;Marriage;Pain;Sex
"What Greek mythological hero eloped with King Menelaus wife, Helen, thus prompting the Trojan War?\n";Paris;Paris;Priam;Hector;Achilles
"What group included Nils Lofgren, Ray Bittan, Gary Tallent, and Soozie Tyrell?\n";The E Street Band;The Eagles;The Dave Mathews Band;Aerosmith;The E Street Band
What group was popular in the 1960s with the hits Yummy Yummy Yummy and Chewy Chewy?\n;The Ohio Express;Velvet Underground;The Rolling Stones;The Ohio Express;The Beatles
What guitarist and singer fronted a band whose debut album was titled Are You Experienced?\n;Jimi Hendrix;James Cagney;James Brown;Jimi Hendrix;Jim Morrison
What happened in the pencil world in 1822?\n;The mechanical pencil was invented.;The eraser was put onto the pencil.;Pencils were made with clips to hold onto a  pocket.;Pencils that wrote in different colors were made.;The mechanical pencil was invented.
What happens to a goldfish when it is kept in the dark?\n;It turns a paler color.;It turns white.;It goes blind.;It dies.;It turns a paler color.
"What happens to criminal Johnny Clay at the end of the 1956 movie The Killing, directed by Stanley Kubrick?\n";He is arrested.;He commits suicide.;He is arrested.;He gets killed.;He gets married.
What happens to the Little Mermaid at the end of Hans Christian Andersens fairy tale The Little Mermaid?\n;Her body turns into foam.;She returns to the underwater world and marries a merman.;Her body turns into foam.;She dies and is damned for eternity.;She marries the prince and they live happily ever after.
"What herb, also known as starflower, has five small, blue or pink, triangular-pointed petals?\n";Borage;Basil;Bay;Borage;Berberis
"What historical drama, set during Christmas 1183, stars Peter OToole as King Henry II and Katharine Hepburn as Queen Eleanor?\n";The Lion in Winter;Lion of the Desert;The Young Lions;The Lion in Winter;The Wind and the Lion
What Hollywood actor starred in the 2006 movie Blood Diamond?\n;Leonardo DiCaprio;Leonardo DiCaprio;Tom Cruise;All of these;Johnny Depp
"What infection’s symptoms are tiny white-headed pimples, usually at the base of hair shafts?\n";Folliculitis;Impetigo;Cellulitis;Folliculitis;Boils
What infectious disease can be transmitted by a mosquito bite?\n;malaria;trichnaria;styorrhea;myharia;malaria
"What internal organs are some gold salts, such as potassium gold cyanide, toxic for?\n";Kidneys and liver;All of these;Brain and skin;Lungs;Kidneys and liver
What invention is credited to American Melville R. Bissell?\n;The carpet sweeper;Indoor carpeting;The integrated circuit;The carpet sweeper;The vacuum cleaner
What is a bibliopole?\n;Someone who sells books;Someone who buys books;Someone who loves books;Someone who hates books;Someone who sells books
What is a bo diddley?\n;A home-made guitar;A sandwich common to poor people;A rock and roll band;A home-made microphone;A home-made guitar
What is a doula?\n;A non-professional person who assists a woman during the time of  giving birth and during the postpartum period;A non-professional person who assists a woman during the time of  giving birth and during the postpartum period;A summer home in Russia.;A ballet movement;A highly -trained computer technician who advises web designers in the silicon-valley  of France
What is a fluid?\n;A gas or a liquid;A gas;A gas or a liquid;A liquid;Anything that can produce energy
What is a formicary?\n;A nest of ants;The place where scorpions live;A list of prescribable medicines;A nest of ants;A device to mix chemicals
What is a gadwall?\n;A duck;A submarine;A duck;A cannon;A firewall
What is a group of bears called?\n;a sleuth;a family;a tribe;a sleuth;a band
What is a moirologist?\n;Someone paid to mourn at a funeral;A well-dressed woman;A stutterer or stammerer;Someone paid to mourn at a funeral;A trademark used as a generic term
What is a tort?\n;A law;A kind of pie;A type of computer;A law;A type of car
What is a tuque?\n;A winter hat typically worn in Canada.;A type of bikini that became very popular around 2004.;A type of winter snow that falls horizontally in very high latitudes.;A type of fruit that used to be called a winter peach;A winter hat typically worn in Canada.
What is a young eel called?\n;Elver;Elver;Eeling;Eelet;Elvis
What is Americas first continuously-published newspaper?\n;Boston News-Letter;Boston Globe;Boston Star;Boston Herald;Boston News-Letter
What is an ordinal number?\n;A number that shows order;A number that shows order;A number involving i;A number that shows the number of elements in a set;A number that is less than zero
What is another name for Ursa Major?\n;The Great Bear;The Great Bear;The Great Tiger;The Great Lion;The Great Boar
What is Bandar Seri Begawan?\n;The capital city of an Asian nation;The capital city of an Asian nation;The largest city in the Kurdish section of Iraq;The name of the Prime Minister of a North African nation;The name of a terrorist organization in Afghanistan
What is Barbies full name?\n;Barbara Millicent Roberts;Barbie Mary Doe;Barbara Millicent Roberts;Barbie Madonna Smith;Barbara Monroe Jones
What is Belle Fourche?\n;The  geographic center of the United States.;The  geographic center of the United States.;"A new dessert created on TV, which contains three types of chocolate, strawberries, and  cranberry marmalade.";The resort voted Number One Vacation Destination  by Forbes Magazine;"A very upscale suburb of Paris in which the average house goes for 3,450,000 Euros"
"What is black color, or kuro, associated with in Japanese tradition?\n";All of these;Experience;Age;All of these;Nobility
What is chemophobia?\n;fear of chemicals;fear of chemicals;fear of trees;fear of amphibians;fear of angina or choking
What is Comedy Central?\n;An American TV station that broadcasts mostly comedy programs;A spin-off of the famous Monty Python group;A film studio owned by Jim Carrey;An American TV station that broadcasts mostly comedy programs;The company that owns rights to all comedy movies on YouTube
What is Cordillera Central?\n;The central mountain range in several Spanish speaking countries;City Center in Far East Asian countries;The central mountain range in several Spanish speaking countries;A special undercover police unit in Australia;The geographical center of any country or region
What is covered by the 19th amendment to the US constitution?\n;Voting rights for women;"Voting rights for citizens of Washington, D.C.";Repeal of Prohibition;Voting rights for women;Voting rights for people of Guam
What is Darlene Iskra famous for?\n;She was the first woman to command a US Navy ship during a war.;She was the first female architect to design a skyscraper.;She was the first female winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Feature Writing;She was the first woman to command a US Navy ship during a war.;She was the first US female to demand the right to vote.
What is entomophobia a fear of?\n;Insects;Dust;Cows;Insects;Birds
What is Fleur de sel?\n;Natural sea salt;Natural sea salt;A species of seaweed that live only in sea water with very high salinity;A plant that contains the highest amount of sodium chloride of all plants;A type of salty French biscuits
"What is found in plant cells, but not in animal cells?\n";Chloroplast;Mitochondria;Cytoplasm;Chloroplast;Ribosomes
What is James Browns honorific nickname?\n;Godfather of Soul;King of Jazz;Godfather of Soul;King of the Blues;Chairman of the Board
What is known as the fear of electricity?\n;Electrophobia;Eleutherophobia;Electrophobia;Emetophobia;Enetophobia
What is known as the Vienna Hour in a traditional Sicilian wedding reception?\n;Desert course;Desert course;Giving toasts;Giving wedding gifts;Cocktail serving
What is lethologica?\n;A psychological disease first identified as a serious condition by Carl Jung;Any  word used incorrectly in a sentence.;A physical disease in which the patient does not have enough energy to speak;A psychological disease first identified as a serious condition by Carl Jung;A religious practice involving saying certain Biblical names to counter a sin.
What is methyphobia?\n;A fear of alcohol;A fear of explosions;A fear of gases;A fear of pleasure;A fear of alcohol
What is referred to as the fourth dimension?\n;time;weight;length;time;height
"What is referred to by the term fourth world (in contrast to the better-known terms first world, second world and third world?\n";disenfranchised societies;interplanetary societies;disenfranchised societies;undiscovered societies;global societies
What is rock singer Ozzy Osbournes real name?\n;John Osbourne;Oscilius Osbroune;Octavius Osbourne;John Osbourne;James Osbourne
What is telesophobia?\n;Fear of being last;Fear of being last;Fear of religious ceremonies;Fear of being ignored;Fear of being first
What is the actual name of the hotel where parts of the above mentioned film was shot?\n;Amargosa Hotel and Opera House;Indian Springs Inn;Baghdad Inn;"Longstreet Hotel, Resort and Casino";Amargosa Hotel and Opera House
What is the approximate distance between the Moon and the Earth?\n;"384,000 kilometers";"384,000 miles";"93,000,000 miles";"384,000 kilometers";"384,000 meters"
What is the basic chemical compound that table salt is composed of?\n;Sodium chloride;Sodium chloride;Sodium bicarbonate;Calcium carbonate;Potassium iodide
What is the best selling album of all time in the United States as of 2007?\n;The Eagles Greatest Hits 1971-1975;The Eagles Greatest Hits 1971-1975;"The Wall, by Pink Floyd";"Thriller, by Michael Jackson";"Led Zeppelin IV, by Led Zeppelin"
What is the birth name of Academy Award-winning actress Jane Fonda?\n;Lady Jayne Seymour Fonda;Lady Jayne Seymour Fonda;Mary Jayne Seymour Fonda;Lady Mary Jane Fonda;Baby Jane Fonda
What is the brown aura associated with in parapsychology?\n;Greed;Spite;Disease;Greed;Serenity
What is the capital and largest city of Austria?\n;Vienna;Canberra;Sydney;Stockholm;Vienna
What is the capital city of Bahrain?\n;Manama;Niamey;Bahrain City;Manama;Muscat
What is the capital city of Iceland?\n;Reykjavik;Neyjavicik;Leykjastick;Lolymyestic;Reykjavik
What is the capital of Finland?\n;Helsinki;Prague;Suva;Malabo;Helsinki
What is the Central Processing Unit (aka CPU) responsible for?\n;Executing computer programs;Advising US governments on internal matters;Executing computer programs;Turning crude oil into gasoline;Crime Prevention
What is the Choking Doberman from the popular urban legend choking on?\n;Human fingers;A human ear;Human fingers;A hairball;A dolls head
"What is the color of pure gold, which it maintains without oxidizing in air and water?\n";Bright yellow;Bright yellow;Pale yellow;Pale orange-yellow;Ivory
What is the color of the Dont Walk pedestrian crossing signal in Canada and the United States?\n;Portland Orange;Puce;Coral red;Scarlet;Portland Orange
What is the color of the little girls coat that catches the eye of Oskar Schindler in Steven Spielbergs 1993 movie Schindlers List?\n;Red;Green;Red;White;Black and white
"What is the common between the years 1914, 1918, 1935, 1940, 1941, 1942 and 1943?\n";In these years no received a Nobel Prize in Literature.;"In these years, there was no Dali Lama.";In these years no received a Nobel Prize in Literature.;"In these years there, Republican and Democratic Parties each had exactly 50 votes in the US Senate.";In those years an extra 1second was added to the year to make the solar year correct.
What is the correct formal name of the country known as the UK?\n;United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;Great Britain;"United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland";Union of Kingdoms of England and Scotland
What is the correct plural form of Attorney General?\n;Attorneys General;Attorneys General;Attorney Generals;Attorneyes Generales;Attorneys Generals
What is the daily salt intake recommended by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition for the United Kingdom?\n;4 grams;4 grams;6 grams;1 gram;2.5 grams
What is the deepest lake in the world?\n;Baikal;Caspian Sea;Baikal;Issyk-Kul;Tanganyika
What is the deepest spot in the oceans?\n;Mariana Trench;Kuril-Kamchatka Trench;Philippine Trench;Mariana Trench;Tonga Trench
What is the English name for the first book of the Bible?\n;Genesis;Genesis;Exodus;Mathew;Luke
What is the English translation of the name of the most famous book written by Nostradamus?\n;Centuries;The Future;Prophecies Gleaned from the Bible;Centuries;The Next Coming
What is the fastest bird of prey?\n;Peregrine Falcon;Harris Hawk;Bald Eagle;Osprey;Peregrine Falcon
What is the fastest ocean animal?\n;Sailfish;Swordfish;Sailfish;Marlin;Wahoo
What is the favorite victim of The Hook according to the popular urban legend?\n;A young couple;A drunkard;A young couple;An old woman;A naughty child
"What is the first name of Dr. Greene from the popular television series ER, played by actor Anthony Edwards?\n";Mark;Peter;John;Richard;Mark
What is the first name of the actress who married David Duchovny in 1997?\n;Tea;Lea;Bea;Mia;Tea
What is the first name of the actress who played the main character on Maude?\n;Bea;Amy;Bea;Liz;Pat
"What is the first name of the comedian, who in 1999 became host of The Daily Show?\n";Jon;Stu;Lou;Jon;Ray
What is the first stealth fighter used by the United States Military?\n;F-22 Raptor;F-22 Raptor;F/A18 Super Hornet;F-5 Tiger;P-47 Thunderbolt
"What is the following an example of: Madam, Im Adam?\n";Palindrome;Perambulation;Palindrome;Personalisation;Personification
What is the fourth amendment to the US Constitution?\n;The right to not be subject to unreasonable searches and seizures;The right to not be subject to self incrimination;The right to not be subject to unreasonable searches and seizures;The right to bear arms;The right to not be subject to the quartering of soldiers
What is the fourth estate?\n;the press;the clergy;the nobles;the commoners;the press
"What is the fourth largest city in Canada (after Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver), as measured by metropolitan area according to 2006 estimates?\n";Ottawa;Winnipeg;Edmonton;Calgary;Ottawa
What is the fourth largest nation in the world in area?\n;China;Brazil;USA;Australia;China
"What is the full name of Charity, the leading character from the popular Broadway musical Sweet Charity?\n";Charity Hope Valentine;Charity Mother Hartley;Charitabella Love Huggings;Charity Hope Valentine;Charity Faith Amori
What is the full name of the 33rd US President?\n;Harry S. Truman;Harry S. Truman;Harry Shine Truman;Harry Simpson Truman;Harry Simon Truman
What is the full name of the Benetton fashion brand?\n;United Colors of Benetton;United Benetton Designers;United Colors of Benetton;Benetton Fashion Union;Benetton Union
"What is the full name of UTC, the company that manufactures Sikorsky helicopters?\n";United Technologies Corporation;United Technologies Corporation;United Tennessee Company;Union of high-Technology Corporations;Union of Texas Craft-makers
What is the function the Fifth Element according to the 1997 science fantasy movie The Fifth Element?\n;It unites the other four elements into organic life.;It unites the other four elements into organic life.;It joins space and matter.;It destroys the universe when activated.;It creates a bridge between space and time.
What is the funny name of Judy Greers character in the 1999 comedy-drama movie Jawbreaker?\n;Fern Mayo;Fern Mayo;Germ Apes;Hump Scratchington;Perm Pistachio
What is the head of the United Nations called?\n;Secretary General;General Commissioner;UN General;President General;Secretary General
What is the Jewish New Year called?\n;Rosh Ha-Shanah;Rosh Ha-Shanah;Yom Kippur;Shabbat;Hanukkah
What is the largest city in California?\n;Los Angeles;Sacramento;Long Beach;Los Angeles;San Diego
What is the largest city on the worlds largest island?\n;Godthaab;Rabaul;Frobisher Bay;Godthaab;Weser
What is the largest country by area in Africa?\n;Sudan;Sudan;South Africa;Algeria;Egypt
What is the largest country in the world?\n;Russia;Russia;USA;China;Canada
What is the largest mountain in the western hemisphere?\n;Aconcagua;McKinley;Pissis;Aconcagua;K2
What is the largest sea in the world?\n;South China Sea;Caribbean Sea;Mediterranean Sea;Bering Sea;South China Sea
What is the last name of the man credited with inventing the modern bicycle?\n;Michaux;Bremen;Michaux;Wright;Turnbull
What is the last statement made by Alex at the end of the 1971 Stanley Kubrick movie A Clockwork Orange?\n;"I was cured, all right!";"I was cured, all right!";Everything looks blurred...;Nothing on this planet is what it seems to be.;I see the tunnel clearly now.
What is the literal meaning of the Japanese word Chairo which denotes a brown color?\n;Tea color;Tea color;Earth color;Chestnut color;Wood color
What is the longest river in Asia  Minor?\n;Euphrates;Tigris;Ganges;Euphrates;Mekong
What is the longest running primetime television show in the period 1950-2009?\n;Hallmark Hall of Fame;Monday Night Football;The Simpsons;Hallmark Hall of Fame;60 Minutes
What is the lowest point in Europe?\n;The Caspian Sea;The Caspian Sea;Comedy clubs  in Germany;Gabo de Roca;Gavdos
"What is the main symptom of the uncommon blood disorder, known as methemoglobinemia?\n";Bluish complexion of the skin;10% greater blood volume than normal;Bluish complexion of the skin;Abnormally enlarged lungs;Faster breathing because of lack of haemoglobin
What is the mascot of the University of California at Irvine?\n;Anteater;Anteater;Maverick;Gaucho;Banana Slug
"What is the mathematical term for the shape of a footballs path, when thrown form one player to another?\n";Parabola;Parabola;Catenary;Hyperbola;Ellipse
What is the maximum distance between Mars and the Sun?\n;"249,000,000";"249,000,000";"500,000,000";"275,000,000";"327,000,000"
What is the meaning of dyspepsia?\n;"A recurrent  pain, hardness or ache in the upper abdomen";Near-sightedness;A disease that is characterized by difficulty in reading;"A recurrent  pain, hardness or ache in the upper abdomen";A religious calendar used by several non-Western groups
"What is the meaning of soviet, as in Soviet Union?\n";Council;Socialistic;Council;Communist;Republic
What is the meaning of the expression the new black in the fashion world?\n;Something considered very trendy and a fashion basic;Something old-fashioned;Something that is completely unwearable;Something considered very trendy and a fashion basic;Something returning in fashion after long absence
"What is the meaning of the female names Anastasia, Anastacia, Stacy, Nastassja, Nastia?\n";Resurrection;Martyr;Angelic;Resurrection;River
What is the meaning of the idiomatic phrase to have a sweet tooth?\n;To be addicted to sweets;To be excessively sentimental;To be meek and humble;To be talkative and eloquent;To be addicted to sweets
"What is the meaning of the names Emily, Emma, Amelie, Amelia, Em, Emmie?\n";Rival;Spice;Sympathy;Justice;Rival
"What is the meaning of the names Paul, Paula, Paulina, Pablo, Paulo, Paolo?\n";"Small, humble";"Small, humble";"Sacred, hallowed";Gtreat;"Stubborn, obstinate"
"What is the meaning of the popular names Joseph, Josephine, Jose, Josef, Joe, Joey?\n";The Lord will add.;The Lord is merciful.;The Lord will add.;The Lord is with us.;The Lord loves us.
What is the meaning of the term blood diamond?\n;Diamond used for financing wars;Diamond used for financing wars;Red diamond;Stolen diamond;Diamond for which somebody has died
"What is the meaning of the word albedo, which comes from Latin?\n";A value for the reflectivity of an object;A bright region on the suns chromosphere;A value for the reflectivity of an object;A disease afflicting canines in which the fur around the tail falls out;An adjustment to a projectiles flight using retro-rockets
What is the meaning of the word labeorphilist?\n;A collector of beer bottles;A lover of experimental science;A collector of beer bottles;A flower that eats insects;An animal that is attracted to sweet smells
What is the more common name for the superfood Vaccinium oxycoccos?\n;Cranberry;Cranberry;Cauliflower;Courgette;Cress
What is the most common reason for airplane incidents?\n;Human error;Human error;Overload;Equipment malfunction;Weather conditions
"What is the most important ingredient for preparing brownies, a type of American dessert?\n";Chocolate;Chocolate;Coffee;Brown sugar;Molasses
What is the name for a layer of gasses that surround a large object and are held in place by the objects gravity?\n;Atmosphere;Atmosphere;Molecular mass;Escape velocity;Surface gravity
"What is the name for a vocal musical composition for between two and eight singers, written in the Renaissance and early Baroque eras and often performed without musical accompaniment?\n";Madrigal;Magnificat;Mass;Madrigal;Mambo
What is the name for fire sacrifice?\n;Immolation;Infiltration;Immolation;Impregnation;Innovation
What is the name of a famous guarding monster in Greek Mythology?\n;Cerberus;Cerberus;Golem;Hyde;Dagon
"What is the name of a successful American musician, nicknamed The Jewish Elvis?\n";Neil Diamond;Neil Diamond;Billy Diamond;Rodger Diamond;Walter Diamond
What is the name of Frank Zappas daughter?\n;Moon Unit;Dweezil;Moon Beam;Elektra Moon;Moon Unit
What is the name of Hermones cat in the Harry Potter series?\n;Crookshanks;Kittywizardodopolis;Dumbledore;Crookshanks;Squeaks
What is the name of Marilyn Mansons 1995 remix album in which he included his cover of Eurythmics 1983 Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)?\n;Smells Like Children;Portrait of an American Family;Antichrist Superstar;Smells Like Children;The Last Tour on Earth
What is the name of Oprah Winfreys character in the 1985 drama movie The Color Purple directed by Steven Spielberg?\n;Sofia;Celie;Sofia;Miss Millie;Nettie
What is the name of the anvil-shaped bone in the middle ear that along with the malleus and stapes allow us to hear?\n;Incus;Incense;Inca;Inuit;Incus
What is the name of the British sitcom about the Home Guard during World War II?\n;Dads Army;McHales Navy;Dads Army;Fathers Flyboys;Pops Platoon
"What is the name of the brownish pigment that gives coloration to the human skin, iris and hair?\n";Melanin;Mezamine;Melanin;Melamine;Methylamine
"What is the name of the cartoon cat that terrorizes the mouse, Jerry?\n";Tom;Gat;Tom;Cat;Gus
"What is the name of the chieftain, who in 1816, after the death of his father, seized power over the insignificant Zulu clan and transformed it into a nation?\n";Shaka;Dingiswayo;Senzangakhona;Shaka;Impis
What is the name of The Eagles lead singer and drummer who wrote the song The Boys of Summer?\n;Don Henley;Joe Walsh;Don Henley;Tim Schmit;Glen Frey
What is the name of the essential oil made from the blossom of the bitter orange?\n;Neroli;Lavender;Natterdum;Neroli;Orange oilscent
What is the name of the first full length movie to use color?\n;"The World, the Flesh And the Devil";A Visit to the Seaside;"The World, the Flesh And the Devil";The Raven;The Coward
What is the name of the first routine that Chazz Michael Michaels and Jimmy MacElroy do together in the movie Blades of Glory?\n;Fire and Ice;Dont Want to Miss a Thing;Together;Fire and Water;Fire and Ice
What is the name of the first town built by Europeans in the Western Hemisphere?\n;Isabella;Porto Espana;Santo Domingo;Isabella;Hispaniola
What is the name of the Great Lion who is a central character in C. S. Lewis series of fantasy novels The Chronicles of Narnia?\n;Aslan;Saraf;Aslan;Sarabi;Sabor
"What is the name of the historic attack on Normandy on June 6, 1944, which was part of World War II military operations of the Allied Powers against Nazi Germany?\n";Operation Neptune;Operation Overlord;Operation  Belgrani;Operation Barbarosa;Operation Neptune
What is the name of the hospital lawyer on Scrubs?\n;Ted Buckland;Ted Buckland;Phoenix Wright;Billy Flynn;Lionel Huntz
What is the name of the informal association of people who can trace their ancestry to the original Virginian colonists from England?\n;First Families of Virginia;First children of Virginia;First Settlers of Virginia;First Families of Virginia;Founders of Virginia
What is the name of the man that had hiccups for nearly 69 years?\n;Charles Osborne;Carl Rexfort;John Hannah;Charles Osborne;Rhett Milfrond
What is the name of the mermaid character from Disneys 1989 animated movie The Little Mermaid?\n;Ariel;Akasha;Marina;Ariel;Florabelle
What is the name of the mermaid-like creature from Brazilian folklore?\n;Iara;Iara;Rusalka;Aycayia;Nereid
What is the name of the nurse in the 2000 comedy film Meet the Parents and its 2004 sequel Meet the Fockers?\n;Gaylord Focker;Rozalin Focker;Pam Byrnes;Gaylord Focker;Dina Byrnes
What is the name of the Pixar-created family of superheroes?\n;The Incredibles;The Incredibles;X-Men;The Justice League;Fantastic Four
"What is the name of the poem in which these nonsense words are used: chortled, vorpal, galumphing, and frabjous?\n";Jabberwocky;Jabberwocky;Jansonaught;Jerboky;Jessenight
What is the name of the popular song written by American composer Joseph Winner in 1869?\n;Little Brown Jug;Little Brown Jug;Little Brown Bug;Little Brown Child;Little Brown Chair
What is the name of the scary creature that was tamed in a legend about Saint Martha?\n;Tarasque;Tarasque;Yomi;Tarabon;Sphinx
What is the name of the second most important vegetable fibre after cotton that is woven to make coarse cloth and sacks?\n;Jute;Juniper;Jade;Jet;Jute
"What is the name of this legendary monster, which appears in Jewish folklore as an animated creature created from inanimate material?\n";Golem;Golem;Grendel;Draka;Kraken
What is the name of Titanics sister ship?\n;Olympic;Amerika;Frankfurt;Mesaba;Olympic
What is the name of Toyotas first widely available gas-electric hybrid car?\n;Prius;Celica;Camry;Insight;Prius
"What is the name used for black tea in Chinese, Korean and Japanese languages?\n";Crimson tea;Crimson tea;Grey tea;Purple tea;Brown tea
"What is the next number in the following sequence, having in mind that it is related to positive integers: 1, 0.5, 0.333, 0.25, 0.2, 0.166, 0.142?\n";0.125;0.19;0.125;0.314;0.1
"What is the next number in this sequence: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20?\n";21;21;23;22;15
What is the nickname of Nicolas Cages character Randal Raines in the 2000 action movie Gone in 60 Seconds?\n;Memphis;Casablanca;Memphis;Sway;Twister
"What is the official name of Rhode Island, the 13th US state?\n";The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations;The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations;The Commonwealth of Rhode Island and Narragansett Bay;The Commonwealth of Rhode Island;The State of Rhode Island and Narragansett Bay
What is the official residence of the French Prime Minister?\n;Hotel Matignon;Hotel Jacques Santer;Hotel Poos;Hotel Christia Grobet;Hotel Matignon
What is the oldest  symphony  orchestra  in the USA?\n;The New York Philharmonic;The Symphony Orchestra of New   Orleans;The New York Philharmonic;The Boston Philharmonic;The Philadelphia  Philharmonic
"What is the origin of the popular feminine names Susanna, Susan, Sue, Suzie, Sanna?\n";Persian;Greek;Persian;Hebrew;Old Germanic
"What is the other common name of the plant Prunus avium, better known as Sweet cherry?\n";Wild cherry;Wild cherry;Blood cherry;All of these;Crimson cherry
What is the other common name of the shade of green known as midnight green?\n;Eagle green;Hunter green;Teal;Feldgrau;Eagle green
"What is the other name of the creature, which is often called the Abominable Snowman and is thought to inhabit the Himalayas?\n";Yeti;Rodan;Bigfoot;Scylla;Yeti
What is the Papstiche Schweizergarde?\n;A 500 year-old organization of Swiss guards;The formal name for the Alps;"A 500 year-old brewery in Basel, Switzerland";A garden in Switzerland dedicated to peace;A 500 year-old organization of Swiss guards
What is the plural form of dice?\n;It already is plural;It already is plural;Dicess;Bidice;Dices
What is the position number of a Center in basketball?\n;5;1;3;4;5
What is the prevalent language in Central America?\n;Spanish;French;Spanish;English;Mayan
"What is the profession of Mr R.K. Wilson, who was claimed to have taken probably the most famous picture of what was supposed to be the Loch Ness Monster?\n";Surgeon;Teacher;Surgeon;Dentist;Lawyer
What is the real name of the American female artist known as Pink?\n;Alecia;Pamella;Alecia;Emily;Stacey
What is the Scottish Gaelic name of the Loch Ness Monster?\n;Niseag;Monstru;Nillie;Neska;Niseag
What is the second book of the Bible?\n;Exodus;Acts;Mark;Joshua;Exodus
What is the softest mineral?\n;Talc;Fluorite;Gypsum;Talc;Calcite
What is the southernmost capital city?\n;Wellington;Perth;Capetown;Sydney;Wellington
What is the special prize that will be given to one of the golden ticket holders in the 2005 movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?\n;They will inherit the factory.;They will inherit the factory.;A chocolate statue;Eternal life;A life supply of chocolate
What is the state motto of North Carolina?\n;To be rather than to seem;To be rather than to seem;Thus always to tyrants;"While I breathe, I hope";By Valor and Arms
What is the state motto of Rhode Island?\n;Hope;Forward;The Union;Industry;Hope
"What is the street in New York City, famous for jewels and jewelry?\n";47th street;Madison Avenue;47th street;51st street;Park Avenue
What is the strongest muscle in the body in relation to its size?\n;Masseter;Deltoids;Tongue;Gluteus Maximus;Masseter
What is the Sun line of the human palm associated with in palmistry?\n;Fame;Relationships;Future;Fame;Children
"What is the term for a small, thin piece of skin, especially the skin that comes off the body after a sunburn?\n";blype;bobo;olea;blype;obol
What is the term that denotes an airplane accident in which the plane is a total loss?\n;Hull loss incident;Burial incident;Decommission accident;Hull loss incident;Finishing accident
What is the title of a 1971 Academy Award-nominated movie directed by John Schlesinger?\n;Sunday Bloody Sunday;Monday Bloody Monday;Sunday Bloody Sunday;Wednesday Bloody Wednesday;Thursday Bloody Thursday
What is the title of a 1973 song by The Rolling Stones?\n;Silver Train;Silver Boat;Silver Car;Silver Ride;Silver Train
What is the title of the movie in which Marilyn Monroe famously sings the song Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend?\n;Gentlemen Prefer Blondes;The Prince and the Showgirl;Some Like It Hot;Gentlemen Prefer Blondes;How to Marry a Millionaire
What is the translation of the term États généraux which was used to refer to the French Parliament?\n;States General;Military Generals;General law-makers;General Assembly;States General
What is the word for fear of horses?\n;Equinophobia;Equinophobia;Ereuthrophobia;Eremophobia;Epistemophobia
What is true  about  music compact discs?\n;The hole is the exact size of the Dutch coin called dubbeltje.;Americas Greatest Hits is the number one selling CD in the USA.;The hole is the exact size of the Dutch coin called dubbeltje.;The patent behind the compact disc is co-owned by Dick Clark.;Glen Campbells Greatest Hits was the first music CD in the USA.
What is true about all objects that emit heat?\n;They all emit infra-red waves.;They are all composed of plasmas.;They all emit infra-red waves.;They all emit ultraviolet rays.;They obey Snells Law
What is true about President Bill Clintons official portrait?\n;It is the first official Presidential portrait painted by an African-American.;He is portrayed as being right-handed instead of left-handed.;It is the first official Presidential portrait painted by an African-American.;It is the first official Presidential portrait  not painted by an American citizen.;It is the first official Presidential portrait that had to be redone because of mistakes.
"What is unusual about the curriculum of St. Helens School in Newbury, Ohio?\n";Unicycling is a mandatory subject.;"Except for Advanced Placement  classes, all classes are taught in Latin.";Studying at least four foreign languages is mandatory.;Unicycling is a mandatory subject.;"Although it is a Catholic school, Hebrew is a required subject."
What is Willem J. Kolff credited for inventing?\n;Artificial kidneys and artificial heart;Artificial kidneys and artificial heart;Computer;Heart-Lung machine;CAT scan
"What island is often referred to as the Emerald Isle, the green color being its symbol?\n";Ireland;Sicily;Iceland;Jamaica;Ireland
"What Italian car make was established on July 11, 1899 in Turin, Italy by Giovanni Agnelli?\n";Fiat;Lancia;Alfa Romeo;Fiat;Maserati
"What kind of animal is seen in the dumbwaiter in one of the funniest scenes from the 1986 comedy movie The Money Pit, produced by Steven Spielberg?\n";Raccoon;Rat;Koala;Cat;Raccoon
"What kind of creature was the extinct Plesiosaur, which is usually said to be similar to the monster of Loch Ness?\n";Mesozoic reptile;Dinosaur;Mesozoic reptile;Humanoid;Fish
What kind of dead life form does E.T. revive in the 1982 science fiction movie E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial directed by Steven Spielberg?\n;A dead flower;A dead mouse;A cut tomato;A dead fish;A dead flower
"What kind of movie is the 1988 British film The Fruit Machine, also known as Wonderland in the United States?\n";Thriller movie;Animated movie;A biographical account;Comedy movie;Thriller movie
What kind of object does the term black hole refer to in physics?\n;A collapsed star;A collapsed star;All of these;A space storm;A gap between time and space
What kind of person is described by the expression green around the gills?\n;Physically ill;Physically ill;New at fishing;Gardner novice;Jealous over someone
What kind of phobia is defined as fear of high places?\n;Acrophobia;Tapephobia;Acrophobia;Xenophobia;Botophobia
What kind of plant is the Angelica?\n;Herb;Herb;Tree;Fern;Shrub
What kind of presents are considered to be taboo according to Russian superstition?\n;Sharp objects;Perfumes;Black objects;Sharp objects;Baby clothes
What kind of shark is the scary man-eating monster in the 1975 horror movie Jaws directed by Steven Spielberg?\n;Great white shark;Tiger shark;Great white shark;Whale shark;Grey shark
What King of England was nicknamed the Lionheart because of his reputation as a brave military leader and warrior?\n;Richard I of England;Richard I of England;Richard III of England;William I of England;Henry II of England
What legendary actress played Holly Golightly in the 1961 movie Breakfast at Tiffanys?\n;Audrey Hepburn;Grace Kelly;Ginger Rogers;Marilyn Monroe;Audrey Hepburn
"What legendary Hollywood actress was the second wife of actor Richard Burton, who passed away in 1984?\n";Elizabeth Taylor;Grace Kelly;Marilyn Monroe;Audrey Hepburn;Elizabeth Taylor
What long-running radio and television police drama was created by and starred Jack Webb?\n;Dragnet;Dragnet;Desperate Housewives;Deadwood;Dynasty
What magazine selects The Person of the Year?\n;Time;Newsweek;Sports Illustrated;Time;Rolling Stones
What make of pistol did actor and Southern sympathizer John Wilkes Booth use to kill President Lincoln?\n;Derringer;Derringer;Smith and Wesson;Winchester;Colt
What medical term defines the fear of eating?\n;Phagophobia;Phagophobia;Mastophobia;Foodophobia;Emetophobia
What medical term means fear of women?\n;Gynophobia;Dendrophobia;Bibliophobia;Anthrophobia;Gynophobia
What medical term refers to the fear of death or dying?\n;Thanatophobia;Dinophobia;Triskadekaphobia;Thanatophobia;Brontophobia
What medical term refers to the fear of horses?\n;Equinophobia;Heliophobia;Iatrophobia;Equinophobia;Dendrophobia
What model of robot does Arnold Schwarzenegger play in the Terminator series?\n;T-101;T-100;T-101;T-1000;T-1001
What month has the garnet for its birthstone and the snowdrop for its birth flower?\n;January;April;January;March;February
What month has the pearl for its birthstone and the rose for its birth flower?\n;June;May;July;March;June
What movie directed by Stanley Kubrick was nominated for seven Academy Awards?\n;Barry Lyndon;Fear and Desire;2001: A Space Odyssey;Barry Lyndon;Spartacus
"What movie featured the humanoid robot, named Gort?\n";The Day the Earth Stood Still;The Day the Earth Stood Still;Star Wars Franchise;Short Circuit;Batteries Not Included
What movie popularied the phrase Make My Day?\n;Sudden Impact;Die Hard;Midnight Run;Total Recall;Sudden Impact
What movie soundtrack features Seals Grammy Award-winning song Kiss from a Rose?\n;Batman Forever;GoldenEye;French Kiss;Batman Forever;Braveheart
What movie stars George Peppard as a WWI ace pilot?\n;The Blue Max;The Blue Max;The Blue Baron;The Red Baron;The Black Knight
What musical instrument made jazz performer Lionel Hampton famous?\n;Vibes;Trombone;Drums;Clarinet;Vibes
What musician is often referred to as The Man in Black?\n;Johnny Cash;Seal;Will Smith;Johnny Cash;Prince
What name was given to the monster created in Mary Shelleys classic novel subtitled The Modern Prometheus?\n;The monster didnt have a name.;The monster didnt have a name.;Frankenstein;Dr. Jekyll;Victor
What NASA astronauts made the first untethered space walk in history in 1984?\n;Bruce McCandless II and Robert L. Stewart;Terence T. Henricks and Bruce E. Melnick;Aleksandr Balandin and Vladimir Dzhanibekov;Anna Lee Fisher and Frederick D. Gregory;Bruce McCandless II and Robert L. Stewart
What nation won the fourth World Cup (of football/soccer) in 1950?\n;Uruguay;England;Brazil;Uruguay;France
"What nations gas group, PEMEX, made headlines in 1974?\n";Mexico;United Arab Emirates;Venezuela;Mexico;Panama
What navy rank corresponds to the rank of land army General in the US military?\n;Admiral;Marshal;Commodore;Admiral;Commander
"What nickname did the priest and the cemetery gardener give to Ned, the dog in the 2007 suspense movie The Number 23?\n";The Guardian of the Dead;The Nightmare;The Spectral Dog;The Devils Pooch;The Guardian of the Dead
What novel by Russian writer Leo Tolstoy opens with this often quoted line: Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.?\n;Anna Karenina;War and Peace;Doctor Zhivago;Crime and Punishment;Anna Karenina
What number does the Roman Numeral L represent?\n;50;5;5000;50;500
What Oklahoma city saw a race riot that triggered a fire in 1921?\n;Tulsa;Enid;Ada;Oklahoma City;Tulsa
What organization was started by Carrie Chapman Catt?\n;League of Women Voters;League of Women Voters;National Universal Suffrage League;Democratic National Committee;The Right to Life Party
What other name is commonly used to refer to sweet and sour sauce in China?\n;The peoples sauce;The red delight;The peoples sauce;The two opposites in one;Woman and man sauce
What part of the Earths water is fresh water?\n;less than 5%;between 13% and 20%;between 5% and 11%;between 20% and 22.4%;less than 5%
What part of the U.S. was hit by the North American Storm Complex of 1993?\n;East;West;East;South;North
What people worshipped the sun god and god of war Huitzilopochtli?\n;The Aztecs;The Aztecs;The Chinese;The Celts;The Cheyenne
What percent of movies released in theaters in 1985 were R-rated?\n;81%;81%;45%;90%;95%
What percentage of women do not wear the correct bra size?\n;50-75%;50-75%;20-40%;30-40%;10-15%
"What phenomenon, observed near the North Pole, is caused by the interaction between solar winds and the Earths magnetic field?\n";Northern lights;Earthquakes;Northern lights;Solar eclipse;Tides
What phobia is characterized by fear of pins?\n;Enetophobia;Entomophobia;Ephebiphobia;Enetophobia;Emetophobia
What phobia is defined as fear of darkness?\n;Achluophobia;Acousticophobia;Agliophobia;Agraphobia;Achluophobia
What phobia is defined as fear of thunder?\n;Ceraunophobia;Coimetrophobia;Chronomentrophobia;Ceraunophobia;Claustrophobia
What phobia is described as fear of marriage?\n;Gamophobia;Gynophobia;Gephysrophobia;Gamophobia;Gerascophobia
What phobia is referred as fear of houses?\n;Domatophobia;Dishabiliophobia;Dysmorphophobia;Domatophobia;Doraphobia
What phobia means fear of making decisions?\n;Decidophobia;Deipnophobia;Defecaloesiophobia;Dementophobia;Decidophobia
What physical property of the diamond do carats measure?\n;Mass;Purity;Mass;Cut;Color
What planet has brown clouds floating over its surface?\n;Jupiter;Jupiter;Neptune;Uranus;Saturn
What plant symbolized the love between Andie and Benjamin in the 2003 romantic comedy How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days?\n;Fern;Fern;Geranium;Thornapple;Rose
What poet noted for his realistic depictions of rural life received four Pulitzer Prizes?\n;Robert Frost;Robert Kelly;Robert Frost;Robert Browning;Robert L. Hass
What popular female singer and actress played Elsa Morganthall Strauss-Almerson in the 1999 movie Tea with Mussolini?\n;Cher;Tina Turner;Barbra Streisand;Cher;Madonna
What popular gun was invented by General John  T. Thompson?\n;tommy gun;the JT assault rifle;johnny gun;sten gun;tommy gun
"What popular nursery rhyme was written by author and editor Sarah Josepha Hale, who campaigned for making Thanksgiving a national holiday in the US?\n";Mary Had a Little Lamb;Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater;Baa Baa Black Sheep;"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star";Mary Had a Little Lamb
What price did someone pay for Marilyn Monroes bra that she wore in the 1959 movie Some Like It Hot?\n;"$14,000";"$4,000";"$14,000";"$10,000";"$1,000"
What professional team did hockey great Wayne Gretzky start his career with?\n;Edmonton Oilers;Los Angeles Kings;Edmonton Oilers;St Louis Blues;New York Rangers
"What prolific 19th century novelist wrote The Leatherstocking Tales, a series of novels featuring frontiersman Natty Bumppo?\n";James Fenimore Cooper;James Flint;James Fenimore Cooper;James Clavell;James Ellroy
"What record label was established in 1978 and included New Order, The Durutti Column and Happy Mondays in its stable?\n";Factory Records;Fall records;Fire Records;Factory Records;Fiction records
What rock musicians real name is Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner?\n;Stings;Bonos;Stings;Kid Rocks;Dave Matthews
What role does the carburetor have in the engine?\n;Mixing air and fuel;Cooling;Mixing air and fuel;Igniting the fuel mixture;Cleaning
What Rolling Stones member made a cameo appearance in the 2007 movie Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End?\n;Keith Richards;Keith Richards;Charlie Watts;Mick Jagger;Bill Wyman
What shade of the blue color is also called angel blue?\n;Light blue;Light blue;Cerulean;Cyan;Ultramarine
"What Shakespearean comedy inspired Cole Porters musical Kiss Me, Kate?\n";The Taming of the Shrew;The Taming of the Shrew;Measure for Measure;Twelfth Night;Alls Well That Ends Well
What should a stranger say when seeing a baby less that an year old according to Russian tradition?\n;"Oh, what an ugly child!";They should not speak or smile;"Oh, what an ugly child!";May you grow tall and healthy!;May God guide your way!
What should be done according to a Russian superstition when someone has left the house and gone on a long journey?\n;Their room and their possessions should not be cleaned up until they have arrived.;An extra dish is left on the table.;Their radio or TV should not be turned off until they come back.;Their room and their possessions should not be cleaned up until they have arrived.;Their room should be locked up so that nobody would enter.
What should one do on examination day in order not to chase away good luck according to Russian superstition?\n;All of these;One should not cut their nails.;All of these;One should not wear anything new.;One should not make their bed.
What singer and actress starred in the 1990 dramedy movie Mermaids?\n;Cher;Vanessa Williams;Cher;Madonna;Dolly Parton
What singer won the 1958 Grammy Award for Best Male Vocal Performance?\n;Perry Como for the song Catch a Falling Star;Perry Como for the song Catch a Falling Star;Bobby Darin for the song Dream Lover;Domenico Mondugno for the song Nel Blu Dipinto;Dick Dale for the song Lets Go Tripping
"What song by Irish band U2 contains the line, Blue-eyed boy meets a brown-eyed girl?\n";The Sweetest Thing;The One;Beautiful Day;The Sweetest Thing;Elevation
What song composed by Elton John for the movie The Lion King won the 1994 Academy Award for Best Original Song?\n;Can You Feel the Love Tonight;Can You Feel the Love Tonight;Circle of Life;I Just Cant Wait to Be King;Youll Be in My Heart
What sport are the Washington Generals associated with?\n;Basketball;American Football;Basketball;Baseball;Soccer
What sport was invented by James Naismith in 1891?\n;basketball;soccer;basketball;ice hockey;curling
What state was affected by the most powerful earthquake recorded in U.S. history prior to 2000?\n;Alaska;Texas;California;Alaska;Nebraska
What statement is true about the precious stone opal?\n;All of these;White and green opals are the most common.;It is a mineraloid gel.;All of these;It usually contains about 3-10% water.
What substance do South American Indians use on the tips of their poison darts?\n;curare;ammonia;Metrazol;curare;snake venom
What superhero does Hugh Jackman play in the X-Men series?\n;The Wolverine;The Wolverine;Professor Charles Xavier;Iceman;Colossus
What team became the English Premier League champion in the 2006-2007 season?\n;Manchester United;Liverpool;Manchester United;Arsenal;None of these
"What temperature, in degrees Celsius, is Absolute Zero?\n";-273;-32;-135;-273;-356
What term derives from a Latin word meaning rods bundled around an axe ?\n;Fascism;Fascism;Despot;Caesar;Sovereign
What term means fear of accidents?\n;Dystychiphobia;Dystychiphobia;Dentophobia;Dikephobia;Dendrophobia
What term means fear of darkness?\n;Achluophobia;Achluophobia;Acarophobia;Ablutophobia;Acerophobia
What term means fear of fish?\n;Ichthyophobia;Iatrophobia;Ideophobia;Ichthyophobia;Iophobia
What term means fear of skin diseases?\n;Dermatosiophobia;Dextrophobia;Dermatosiophobia;Dermatophobia;Dentophobia
What term refers to a phobia that involves fear of men?\n;Arrhenphobia;Arrhenphobia;Botophobia;Xenophobia;Nosophobia
What term refers to the events following the climax in a dramatic play?\n;Denouement;Denorment;Delouges;Delarges;Denouement
What term refers to the fear of imperfection?\n;Atelophobia;Atelophobia;Ailurophobia;Autophobia;Arachnophobia
"What term refers to the group of militia gunmen in the Darfur region of Sudan thought responsible for the serial massacre, rape and forced displacement in 1990 and 2001-2005?\n";Janjaweed;Jihad;Janjaweed;Jilbab;Jintrap
What term refers to the science (or art) of kissing?\n;Philematology;Philematology;Palilogy;Phlebology;Palynology
What term refers to the study of fermentation?\n;Zymurgy;Zonary;Zigadenus;Zymurgy;Zoolatry
What term stands for the excessive fear of snakes?\n;Ophidiophobia;Arachnophobia;Agoraphobia;Ophidiophobia;Novercaphobia
What three things do rock stars get to have according to a commercial?\n;"champagne, caviar, exotic cars";"champagn, credit cards, exotic cards";"cramping, Viagra, little scars";"champagne, caviar, exotic cars";"campaigns, caviar, cattle cars"
"What title did Sarah Ferguson assume upon marrying Queen Elizabeth IIs second son, Prince Andrew?\n";Duchess of York;Duchess of Edinburgh;Princess Royal;Duchess of York;Princess of York
What toxic chemical was released in the Tokyo subway by the Aum Shinrikyo sect in 1995?\n;Sarin;Strychnine;Sulphur trioxide;Sodium cyanide;Sarin
"What trio of actors, playing characters involved in a love triangle, is not correctly matched with the movie?\n";"First Knight - Clive Owen, Keira Knightley, Sean Connery";"The Notebook (2004) - Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams, James Marsden";"The Graduate (1967) - Anne Bancroft, Dustin Hoffman, Katharine Ross";"First Knight - Clive Owen, Keira Knightley, Sean Connery";"The V.I.P.s (1963) - Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Louis Jourdan"
What TV cat had the motto I hate meeces to pieces?\n;Mr. Jinks;Mr. Jinks;Miss Puss;Sonja;Katz
What two colors are mixed together to get orange?\n;Red and yellow;Yellow and green;Blue and red;White and blue;Red and yellow
What two gases comprise the greater part of the Sun?\n;Hydrogen and helium;Oxygen and hydrogen;Hydrogen and helium;Nitrogen and hydrogen;Nitrogen and oxygen
What type of animal is Old Yeller featured in the 1957 classic film Old Yeller?\n;Dog;Panther;Dog;Grizzly Bear;Mountain Lion
"What type of body modification is the artificial cranial deformation, in which a part of the body is reshaped by applying force?\n";Deformation of the skull;Deformation of the fingers;Deformation of the skull;Deformation of the ribs;Deformation of the toes
"What type of books are called novela rosa, or pink novel, in Spain?\n";Sentimental novels;Crime novels;Sentimental novels;Erotic novels;Books for little children
What type of chocolate contains the most  flavonoids and may help lower your cholesterol?\n;Dark chocolate;Chocolate with almonds;Milk chocolate;White chocolate;Dark chocolate
What type of color is the color named thistle?\n;Purple;Green;Brown;Purple;Yellow
What type of color is the shade called icterine?\n;Yellow;Yellow;Green;Red;Blue
What type of color is the shade called saffron?\n;Yellow;Yellow;Green;Red;Blue
What type of diamond is the rarest on the planet?\n;Red;Black;Purple;Orange;Red
What type of insect is the Orange Tip?\n;Butterfly;Grasshopper;Ladybug;Moth;Butterfly
What type of insects are yellowjackets which live in colonies and build globular paper nests?\n;wasps;ants;crickets;wasps;butterflies
What type of movie is the 1987 Stanley Kubrick film Full Metal Jacket?\n;War movie;Sports movie;War movie;Horror movie;Comedy movie
What type of rock is pumice?\n;Igneous;Igneous;Sedimentary;Metamorphic;Conglomerate
What type of rock is the white marble used to build the Taj Mahal?\n;Metamorphic;Ore;Sedimentary;Metamorphic;Igneous
What type of topaz is the gemstone of Texas?\n;Blue topaz;Imperial topaz;Orange topaz;Mystic topaz;Blue topaz
What type of wood did Noah build the ark out of?\n;Gopher;Oak;Ash;Cedar;Gopher
What U.S. National Park saw a large and very destructive fire in 1988?\n;Yellowstone;Death Valley;Sequoia;Yellowstone;Yosemite
What US college football team plays on blue grass?\n;Boise State;Boise State;Kentucky;Louisville;Utah State
What useful device was invented by Sylvan Goldman?\n;The shopping cart;The TV remote control;The hair curler;The shopping cart;TiVo
"What Victorian poet is the author of Porphyrias Lover, a poem written in the form of a shocking dramatic monologue?\n";Robert Browning;Robert Hass;Robert Burns;Robert Browning;Robert Frost
What video game sparked a huge craze and inspired a TV series which aired on ABC from 1982 to 1984?\n;Pac-man;Pac-man;Pong;Defender;Space Invaders
What was Bachs reason in writing the Etudes?\n;Keep his children occupied;Earn money  - they were sold as study  pieces;Show that the harpsichord was inferior to the piano;"Show that he could compose easy pieces, thereby promoting a large number of students to his study";Keep his children occupied
What was Beyonces first hit?\n;Dangerously in Love;Take Me as I Am;Ring  the Alarm;Dangerously in Love;Let Go
What was Christine Jorgensen most famous for?\n;transgender surgery;voice-over actor/singer;transgender surgery;mystery writer;photography
What was Disneys second full length animated film?\n;Pinocchio;Peter Pan;Pinocchio;Cinderella;Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
What was Elvis Presleys second number 1hit?\n;Dont Be Cruel;Dont Be Cruel;Love Me Tender;Hound Dog;Heartbreak Hotel
What was Freddie Mercurys real name?\n;Farroukh Bulsara;Frederick Von Messner;Farroukh Bulsara;Fernando Mercurio;Fredricio de la Massino
What was in total eclipse according to Bonnie Tylers 1983 hit?\n;The heart;The soul;The moon;The Sun;The heart
What was invented by Levi Spear Parmly?\n;Dental floss;The jet engine;Dental floss;Blue Ray discs;The QWERTYU keyboard
What was meant by spring chickens in the early 1900s?\n;young male chickens;young male chickens;old male chickens;young female chickens;old female chickens
What was MKULTRA?\n;The code name for a secret CIA mind control project;The code name for a secret CIA mind control project;"The code name for Germanys invasion of Poland, setting off World War II";The code name for the secret USA/British coding/decoding device used in Operation Overlord;The code name for the first American action in Operation Iraqi Freedom
What was name of the evil cat in Disneys version of Cinderella?\n;Lucifer;Sneaky Pete;Satan;Old Snakeeyes;Lucifer
What was Shakespeares last play?\n;The Tempest;A Lovers Complaint;Romeo and Juliet;The Winters Tale;The Tempest
What was special about the playing cards that were given to British pilots in World War II?\n;They turned into maps.;They secretly listed safe houses to hide in.;They contained the code words to alert British RAF headquarters about anti-aircraft emplacements.;They turned into maps.;They had very sharp edges so they could be used as weapons.
What was the black color associated with in Native American tradition?\n;Soil;Storms;War;Soil;Death
What was the cause of one of the deadliest airplane disasters in history that happened on 26 April 1994 with China Airlines Flight 140?\n;Pilot error;Overload;Fire;Pilot error;All of these
What was the cause of the fire in the movie The Towering Inferno?\n;Faulty electrical wiring;Short circuit in the elevator shaft;A loose lid on a can of kerosene stored in a closet;Faulty electrical wiring;Arson
What was the cause of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 653 crash on 4 December 1977?\n;Hijacking;Storm;All of these;Engine malfunction;Hijacking
"What was the currency of the Netherlands, before the adoption of the euro?\n";Gulden;Gulden;Dinar;Krona;Florin
"What was the destination of the Air France Flight 447 that crashed on June 1, 2009 in the Atlantic Ocean?\n";"Paris, France";"Los Angeles, California, USA";"Ottawa, Canada";"Rio de Janeiro, Brazil";"Paris, France"
What was the Dionysia?\n;The ancient Athenian celebration in honor of Dionysus;The ancient Athenian celebration in honor of Dionysus;The ancient Greek name for  what we call The Parthenon;A classical Greek drama that was rewritten by Shakespeare as A Midsummers Nights Dream;The ancient Spartan creed of the warrior
What was the first American city to fluoridate its water system?\n;"Grand Rapids, Michigan";"Grand Rapids, Michigan";"San Miguel, California";"Yonkers, New York";"Colorado Springs, Colorado"
What was the first Broadway comedy to run for over 5500 performances?\n;Oh! Calcutta;Grease;Hello Dolly;Oh! Calcutta;"Drat, the Cat"
What was the first childrens book to be number one on the New York Times Best Seller list?\n;Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire;Madeline;Green Eggs and Ham;Goodnight Moon;Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
What was the first credit card?\n;Diners Club;Kresges Green Card;Diners Club;Carte Blanc;American Express
What was the first European nation to grant women the right to vote?\n;Finland;Finland;Norway;Austria;Ireland
What was the first food to be microwaved?\n;A candy bar;Popcorn;A candy bar;Coffee;Frozen corn
What was the first jet fighter to hit Mach 3.2?\n;MIG 25 Foxbat;Lockheed f-17-Eagle;F-15 Falcon;MIG 25 Foxbat;F-22 Raptor
What was the first meal eaten on the moon?\n;"Bacon, sugar cookies and peaches";"Tang, rib roast, peas and carrots, and sugar cookies";"Milk, eggs with cheese, and blueberries";"Bacon, sugar cookies and peaches";"Tang, chicken breast, and ice cream"
What was the first message spelled out in a neon sign?\n;Neon;Neon;Eat at Joes;The Sahara;Enter
What was the first movie for the Olsen twins?\n;Little Rascals;Little Rascals;Little Man;The Wizard;Going Overboard
What was the first movie shown in the White House?\n;Cabira;The Sheik;Cabira;Wings;The Birth of a Nation
"What was the first name of Mr Burton, who played Geordi La Forge in Star Trek: The Next Generation?\n";LeVar;Labatt;Limahl;LeVar;Lamar
What was the first name of the character Masterson in the musical comedy Guys and Dolls?\n;Sky;Uri;Dom;Sky;Job
What was the first nation to field a battle tank?\n;Britain;The USA;Germany;Austria-Hungary;Britain
What was the first play Shakespeare wrote?\n;"Henry VI, Part One";The Tempest;A Midsummers Night Dream;Hamlet;"Henry VI, Part One"
What was the first product to have a bar code?\n;Wrigleys gum;Scotts Tissue;Pez candy;Bounty bar;Wrigleys gum
What was the first rock group to play at New Yorks Carnegie Hall?\n;Chicago;America;The Who;The Beatles;Chicago
What was the first song transmitted from space to Earth?\n;Happy Birthday;Space Oddity;Happy Birthday;The I Love Lucy Theme Song;There has been no song transmitted from space to Earth.
What was the first US city to play a Beatles song on the radio?\n;Seattle;Pittsburgh;Memphis;Seattle;Cleveland
What was the first web browser that had both graphics and text?\n;Mosaic;Bob the Dog;Mosaic;Tillie;Gopher
"What was the first word addressed to Mission Control by Neil Armstrong, when his craft landed on the Moon on July 20, 1969?\n";Houston;One;Buzz;Roger;Houston
What was the green color associated with during the Middle Ages according to some stories from that period?\n;Lust;Lust;Friendship;Rivalry;Royalty
What was the host as well as the winner of the first Soccer World Cup which was was held in 1930?\n;Uruguay;Brazil;Italy;Uruguay;Germany
"What was the last name of Italian brothers Carlo, Bindo, Alfieri, Ettore, and Ernesto who were all in the automobile business?\n";Maserati;Romeo;Peugeot;Ferrari;Maserati
"What was the last name of the six brothers Carlo, Bindo, Alfieri, Mario, Ettore and Ernesto, who were all involved with automobiles?\n";Maserati;Lamborghini;Lancia;Maserati;Ferrari
What was the last state to put photos on drivers licenses?\n;New York;New Jersey;Hawaii;Alaska;New York
What was the location of the final battle of the First Indo-China War between France and Vietnam?\n;Dien Bien Phu;Dien Thu;Dien Tet Hue;Dien Bien Phu;Dien Phu Wei
"What was the main cause for Airline hull loss accidents from 1996 through 2005, according to a study by Boeing?\n";Flight crew error;Flight crew error;Bad weather;Air traffic control;Maintenance
What was the name of Alices cat in Alice in Wonderland?\n;Dinah;Cheshire;Dinah;Dapple-Kit;Rumpleteaser
What was the name of George and Louise Jeffersons son on All in the Family?\n;Lionel;Jamar;Keon;Lionel;Tyrone
What was the name of Ghana before the country gained its independence?\n;The Gold Coast;The Belgian Congo;Ivory Coast;The Gold Coast;Limpopo
What was the name of Margaret Mitchell’s only book written in 1936?\n;Gone With The Wind;Death on the Nile;Double Indemnity;Inherit The Wind;Gone With The Wind
What was the name of Newsweeks unsuccessful sports publication?\n;Inside Sports;Sports Newsweek;Inside Sports;The Week in Sports;Sports Weekly
"What was the name of Ricks cafe in the movie classic, Casablanca?\n";Ricks Cafe American;Ricks;The Red Parrot;Rick and Sams Cafe;Ricks Cafe American
What was the name of Sir Isaac Newtons first wife?\n;He never had a wife;Iris Barrow;Elizabeth Rachel Sandal;Mary Chennille;He never had a wife
What was the name of Spider Mans main nemesis in Spider Man 2?\n;Doc Oc;Venom;The Sandman;Doc Oc;The Goblin
What was the name of Ted Dansons character in Cheers?\n;Sam;Dan;Sam;Dom;Joe
What was the name of Thailand before it was called Thailand?\n;Siam;Singapore;Siam;Macau;Persia
What was the name of the bartender character created and played by Jackie Gleason?\n;Joe;Joe;Tom;Sam;Gus
What was the name of the cat in Edgar Allen Poes short story The Black Cat?\n;Pluto;Midnight;Neptune;Blackie;Pluto
What was the name of the cat that belonged to Topper in Thorne Smiths fiction?\n;Scallops;Brutus;Scallops;Pestilence;Alexander
What was the name of the first 3-D film?\n;The Power of Love;The Strange Boy;The Power of Love;The Power of the Thing;It Flew to Earth
What was the name of the first Assistant District Attorney on Law and Order?\n;Paul Robinette;Benjamin Stone;Paul Robinette;Bill Flynn;Michael Moriarty
What was the name of the First Cat in the Clinton Whitehouse?\n;Socks;Alphie;Monica;Socks;Scallops
What was the name of the first computer game?\n;Tennis For Two;Tetris;Myst;Tennis For Two;Pong
What was the name of the first successful artificial satellite?\n;Sputnik 1;Explorer;None of these;Discoverer;Sputnik 1
What was the name of the friend and neighbor featured in the documentary Grey Gardens who was an accomplished artist and known as the palmist of East Hampton?\n;Lois Wright;Eloise Gardner;Lois Wright;Louise Fletcher;Madam Louise
What was the name of the light trucks the Opel company began making in 1930?\n;Blitz;Man;Blitz;Magirus;Daimler
"What was the name of the nurse, portrayed by Julianna Margulies, who attempted suicide in the first season of ER?\n";Carol Hathaway;Malik McGrath;Wendy Goldman;Lily Jarvik;Carol Hathaway
What was the name of the rabbit in Disneys animated movie Bambi?\n;Thumper;Flower;Faline;Ronno;Thumper
What was the name of the robot in the 1986 comedy sci-fi film Short Circuit and its 1988 sequel Short Circuit 2?\n;Johnny 5;Johnny 5;C-3PO;Apollo 440;Sentinel 7
What was the name of the sleazy lawyer in the musical and movie Chicago?\n;Billy Flynn;Rudy Baylor;Billy Flynn;Pete Drucker;Ted Buckland
What was the name of the street on which the Grey Gardens estate was located?\n;Lily Pond Lane;Mallard Way;Lily Pond Lane;Pebblestone Drive;Ocean View Avenue
"What was the name of the US Army Air Force B-29 bomber, that dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan on August 9, 1945?\n";Bocks Car;Enola Gay;Bocks Car;General Belgrano;Memphis Belle
What was the nationality of William III of England who was often called William of Orange?\n;Dutch;French;Spanish;English;Dutch
"What was the occupation of The Greatest American Hero, according to the TV show?\n";High school teacher;Police officer;Taxi driver;Deep diver;High school teacher
"What was the only Top 40 hit of musician, bandleader, and television impresario Lawrence Welk?\n";Calcutta;Theme from Exodus;Telstar;Old Cape Cod;Calcutta
What was the original logo of Opel?\n;a zeppelin;a truck;a zeppelin;none of these;a lightening bolt
What was the original name of the British rock band Sweet before they adopted their final name?\n;The Sweetshop;Sugar and Spice;The Sweetshop;Candy;The Sugarcane
"What was the original name of the melodramatic musical, West Side Story?\n";East Side Story;War and Love;East Side Story;The Gangs of New York;Jets and Sharks
What was the original source of the Hearst fortune?\n;Mining;Farming;Mining;Newspapers;Oil
What was the previous name of the Los Angeles Dodgers?\n;The Brooklyn Dodgers;The Kansas City Dodgers;The Brooklyn Dodgers;The Bronx Dodgers;The Baltimore Dodgers
"What was the real name of renowned folk artist, Grandma Moses?\n";Anna Mary Robertson;Anna Louise Mason;Mary Elizabeth McCoy;Anna Mary Robertson;Carmen Vital
"What was the reason for the 1996 Charkhi Dadri mid-air collision of two airplanes over Haryana, India?\n";One of the airplanes was flying at a lower altitude than permitted;There was a storm and visibility was poor;One of the airplanes was flying at a lower altitude than permitted;Both airplanes were experiencing technical problems before the collision;All of these
"What was the reason for the crash of West Caribbean Airways Flight 708 in Venezuela on August 16, 2005?\n";Engine trouble;Running out of fuel;Engine trouble;Bomb explosion;Hijacking
"What was the reason for the Tenerife airplane disaster of March 27, 1977?\n";Two airplanes collided on the runway before takeoff;The airplane crashed into a hospital;Two airplanes collided on the runway before takeoff;The airplane exploded in midair;Two airplanes collided in midair
What was the second  song played on MTV?\n;You Better Run;You Better Run;Hit Me With Your Best Shot;Video Killed the Rock Star;Radio Killed the Video Technician
What was the second war fought by the USA?\n;The War of 1812;The War against the Barbary Pirates;The Civil War;The War of 1812;The Mexican War
What was the special speaker system used during the 1974 theatrical release of the movie Earthquake?\n;Sensurround;Tremor speaker simulators;Seismaseats;Sensurround;Tremorsound
What was the value of the smallest valued coin ever issued by the US Treasury?\n;one half of a cent;one half of a cent;one cent;one eighth of a cent;one quarter of a cent
"What was unique about The Green Berets, a film starring John Wayne?\n";It was the only Vietnam War film that was produced during the war itself;None of these;It was John Waynes first movie without a female co-star;It was the only non-western John Wayne movie in color;It was the only Vietnam War film that was produced during the war itself
What was used to help people hear before the hearing aid was invented?\n;Ear Trumpet;Ear Headpiece;Ear Trumpet;Ear Windtrophy;Ear Microphone
What was written on the girls bathroom mirror according to the popular urban legend about the The Licked Hand?\n;Humans can lick too;"One down, two to go";Humans can lick too;Dont look under the bed;Come here doggie
What was written with fingerprints on the wall behind the upside-down abstract painting in the 1995 thriller movie Seven?\n;Help me;Help me;Close!;Greed;Death
What were the first names of the brothers who directed the documentary about Grey Gardens?\n;Albert and David;Alfred and David;Albert and John;David and John;Albert and David
What were the first names of the comedy team of Abbot and Costello?\n;Bud and Lou;Abbot and Bob;Dean and Jerry;Bob and Ray;Bud and Lou
What were the names of the twin sons of Jesse and Becky from the Full House TV show?\n;Alex and Nicky;Anthony and Darren;Tony and T. J.;Alex and Nicky;Dave and Otis
What were the names of the two eccentric women who lived at the estate known as Grey Gardens?\n;Edith and Edie Beale;Edith and Edie Beale;Elizabeth and Victoria Vanderbilt;Natalia and Anna Carlisle;Beatrice and Josephine Rockerfeller
What will happen if a fork or a spoon falls on the ground according to Russian superstition?\n;A female guest will come.;A female guest will come.;A male child will be born in the house.;The person who dropped it will have to work very hard.;The crops will be abundant.
What will happen very soon if the cat is washing its face according to Russian beliefs?\n;Guests will come.;Guests will come.;It is going to rain.;Somebody will die.;Someone will get pregnant.
What Woody Allen movie depicts a future with robot butlers?\n;Sleeper;Match Point;Stardust Memories;Cassandras Dream;Sleeper
What word denotes the government of a nation or state?\n;polity;municipality;civility;policity;polity
What word means a baked dish made mainly of eggs and milk?\n;Quiche;Quivive;Quoin;Quiche;Quiddich
What word means fear of animals?\n;Zoophobia;Pyrophobia;Xenophobia;Zoophobia;Tachophobia
What word means fear of heights?\n;Batophobia;Batophobia;Bibliophobia;Botanophobia;Bathophobia
What word means fear of killers?\n;Foniasophobia;Feretrophobia;Foniasophobia;Febriphobia;Frigophobia
What word means fear of newness or novelty?\n;Cainophobia;Cainophobia;Carcinophobia;Caligynephobia;Cancerophobia
What word means fear of prostitutes or venereal disease?\n;Cypridophobia;Cynophobia;Cyclophobia;Cypridophobia;Cymophobia
What word refers to the art or science of making timepieces and measuring time?\n;horology;horology;timeology;numerology;periodology
"What world-famous female model was born on February 28, 1984?\n";Karolina Kurkova;Gisele Bündchen;Natalia Vodianova;Adriana Lima;Karolina Kurkova
What would you be eating if you were served Angels on Horseback?\n;Oysters wrapped in bacon;Prunes wrapped in bacon;Clams wrapped in ham;Oysters wrapped in bacon;Shrimp wrapped in chicken
What year did Mary Phelps Jacobs create the first modern bra after getting mad at her hard bodice? She covered its bones with silk handkerchief and attached it with a couple of cords.\n;1913;1912;1920;1925;1913
What year did the bra first appear?\n;2000 BC;4000 BC;2000 BC;1000 BC;3000 BC
What year did the United States boycott the International Olympic Games?\n;1980;1972;1976;1984;1980
What year was rock singer Pink born?\n;1979;1983;1969;1979;1971
When a contestant selects the Daily Double on the game show Jeopardy! what is the least amount the player can wager?\n;$5;$5;$100;$50;$250
"When actress Rebecca Schaeffer was murdered by a stalker on July 18, 1989 she had been starring in what TV sitcom?\n";My Sister Sam;Murphy Brown;My Sister Sam;Major Dad;My Two Dads
When did a war start over a postage stamp?\n;1932;1833;1896;1932;1847
When did Americas military actions in Korea first begin?\n;1871;1951;1871;1950;1958
When did Russia declare war against Japan during World  War II?\n;Two days after the bombing of Hiroshima;Two days after the bombing of Hiroshima;The day after the Battle of Kursk;The day after the Battle of Stalingrad;Two days after Germany surrendered.
"When did the famous American crooner Nat King Cole and his daughter Natalie Cole record their hit song, Unforgettable�?\n";Never;in 1989;Never;in 1990;The date was never officially revealed
When did the first balloon flight in the USA take place?\n;1793;1839;1793;1855;1903
When does the vernal equinox occur in the Northern Hemisphere?\n;"March 20, 21, or 22";"September 20, 21, or 22";"December 20, 2, or 22";"March 20, 21, or 22";"June 20, 21, or 22"
"When expressed by a medical term, containing the word phobia, which one of these has the most letters?\n";the fear of long words;the fear of long words;the fear of kidney disease;the fear of the number 666;the fear of foreign languages
When is the expression seeing pink elephants most often used?\n;when people are drunk;when you are dizzy;when you see a ghost;when people are drunk;when going to sleep
When Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address he was not  the main speaker. Who was the main speaker?\n;Edward Everett;General Grant;Edward Everett;Mrs. Lincoln;General Meade
When should corn (maize) be planted?\n;Spring;Spring;Winter;Fall;Summer
When something is especially cleaned one is said to have applied polish and ..........  to it.\n;Spit;Ajax;Spit;Elbow grease;Cleanser
When the first Apollo astronauts landed on the moon they left a memento behind. What was it?\n;A 33-rpm record;A U.N. flag;A hologram of the map of the world;A U.S. silver dollar;A 33-rpm record
"When US President James Garfield was assassinated, this famous inventor tried to use his new metal detector to help the surgeons find the bullet.\n";Alexander G. Bell;Nikolai Tesla;Samuel F. B. Morse;Alexander G. Bell;Thomas Alva Edison
When was Kevin Bacon born?\n;July 8th 1958;July 8th 1958;May 8th 1958;April 8th 1960;April 8th 1959
When was the 27the amendment to the U.S. Constitution ratified?\n;1992;1971;1920;1992;1865
"When was the Earths second highest mountain, K2, first climbed?\n";29-Jul-54;29-Jul-34;"July 29, 1894";29-Jul-44;29-Jul-54
When was the Euro currency first launched?\n;Jan-99;Jan-90;Jan-85;Jan-94;Jan-99
When was the first Copper Penny created?\n;1792;1792;1794;1795;1793
When was the first fountain pen invented?\n;1883;1902;1906;1883;1887
When was the first major use of tanks in a battle?\n;"World War I - Nov 20, 1917";"World War I - Nov 20, 1914";World War II - 1941;"World War I - Nov 20, 1917";"World War I - Nov 20, 1918"
When was the first ostrich farm built in the USA?\n;1886;1906;1956;1926;1886
When was the first stick antiperspirant patented?\n;1888;1942;1919;1951;1888
When were the 107 episodes of the American sitcom My Favorite Martian first aired?\n;In the 1960s;In the 1960s;In the 1980s;In the 1990s;In the 1950s
"When you give a diamond to someone, it represents this.\n";Everlasting love;Affection;Everlasting friendship;Appreciation;Everlasting love
Where  would  you  find The Book of Kells?\n;Next to the Book of Durrow;"Glasgow, Scotland";"Edinburgh, Scotland";Next to the Book of Durrow;Next to the Blarney Stone
Where can the Orange River be found ?\n;South Africa;Turkey;South Africa;Canada;South Asia
Where can you find a city named Orange?\n;All of these;California;All of these;Texas;Florida
"Where did Chicago Bears defensive lineman, William Fridge Perry, play college football?\n";Clemson;South Carolina AT;Georgia;Eastern Carolina;Clemson
Where did Copenhagen meet Marengo?\n;Belgium;France;Belgium;Sherwood Forrest;Denmark
Where did Opel open a factory in 1982 for production of the Opel Corsa?\n;"Zaragoza, Spain";"Leuven, Belgium";"Poznan, Poland";"Zaragoza, Spain";"Azambuja, Portugal"
Where did the Black Plague  originate?\n;India;Turkey;Italy;Russia;India
Where did the first reported attacks of the legendary blood-sucking creature called Chupacabra occur?\n;Puerto Rico;Puerto Rico;Brazil;"Texas, USA";Nicaragua
Where did the South African Airways Flight 295 crash on 28 November 1987?\n;Indian ocean;Madagascar;Mediterranean sea;Indian ocean;Morocco
"Where did the TAM Airlines Flight 3054 deadly accident from July 17, 2007 occur?\n";Brazil;Jamaica;Brazil;United States;Tahiti
"Where did the Turkish Airlines Flight 981 McDonnell Douglas DC-10 crash on On March 3, 1974?\n";Close to Paris;Close to Paris;Nearby Rome;Nearby London;Istanbul
Where did the word golf originate?\n;Scotland;Ireland;Canada;Italy;Scotland
"Where did the word Melba come from, as in Melba toast and Peach Melba?\n";The name of an Australian singer;The name of the wife of the owner of Cunard Cruise Line.;The name of  the proprietress of Del Monicos Steak House.;The name of Henry Fords wife;The name of an Australian singer
Where do the lead singer and his wife live in one of the ads?\n;in the basement of her mom and dads;at a traveling Renaissance Faire;a pleasant suburb;in the back of a fish n chips restaurant;in the basement of her mom and dads
Where does about 90 % of volcanic activity on Earth occur?\n;Under the oceans;Near the equator;Alaska;Under the oceans;Japan
Where does the ghost of Bloody Mary appear when summoned according to a popular urban legend?\n;In the mirror;In the mirror;On the roof;In the closet;Behind a closed door
Where does the name Kansas come from?\n;from the indigenous people of that area of the USA;from the Chinook word for the area;from an Apache word meaning small rivers;from the indigenous people of that area of the USA;from a Huron word meaning long space
Where does the oldest known ink come from?\n;China and India;India and Turkey;England and China;China and India;France and Japan
Where does the word Rastafarian come from?\n;The real name of a king;It comes from a Taino name;The name of a song;The real name of a king;It means the good religion
Where does WALL-E find the plant in the self-titled movie?\n;In a refrigerator;In a refrigerator;In a trash can;In a storm shelter;In a greenhouse
Where in the USA can you walk on a telescope?\n;Puerto Rico;New York City;"Pasadena, California";Guam;Puerto Rico
Where in the USA would you find the Circus Hall of Fame?\n;"Sarasota, Florida";"Saratoga, NY";"Augusta, GA";"Sarasota, Florida";"Mobile, Alabama"
Where in the USA would you find the place that in 1921 set a North American record for the largest snowfall in a 24-hour period?\n;Colorado;Alaska;North Dakota;Vermont;Colorado
Where is a day longer than a year?\n;On Mercury;On Mercury;At the North and South Poles;On Mars;On Pluto
Where is General George Patton buried?\n;Luxembourg;"Normandy, France";Arlington National Cemetery;"Washington, D.C.";Luxembourg
Where is the Baseball Hall of Fame located?\n;"Cooperstown, N.Y";"New York, NY";"Cooperstown, N.Y";"Hoboken, NJ";"Canton, OH"
Where is the Bowling Hall of Fame located?\n;"Saint Louis, MO";"Saint Louis, MO";"Tucson, AZ";"Canastota, NY";"Stroudsberg, PA"
Where is the city of Bahia Blanca located?\n;Argentina;Argentina;Colombia;Micronesia;Dominican Republic
Where is the Henry Ford museum located?\n;Greenfield Village;Detroit;Taos;Greenfield Village;Dearborn
Where is the Hockey Hall of Fame located?\n;"Toronto, Canada";"Colorado Springs, Colorado";"Toronto, Canada";"Goshen, New York";"Oklahoma City, Oklahoma"
Where is the International Tennis Hall of Fame located?\n;"Newport, Rhode Island";"London, England";"New York, NY";"Newport, Rhode Island";"Paris, France"
"Where is the loch, allegedly inhabited by the notorious Loch Ness Monster?\n";Northern Scotland;Wales;Southern Ireland;Northern Scotland;England
Where is the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art?\n;Denmark;Denmark;"New Orleans, Louisiana";"Batob Rouge, Louisiana";"Shreveport , Louisiana"
Where is the only Christopher Wren building in the Western Hemisphere?\n;in The College of William and Mary;"in Charleston, South Carolina";in Philadelphia;in The College of William and Mary;in Harvard University
Where is the Songwriters Hall of  Fame located?\n;"New York City, NY";"Detroit , Michigan";"New York City, NY";"Las Vegas, Nevada";"Chicago, Illinois"
Where is Western University located?\n;"Baku, Azerbaijan";"Gunninson, Colorado";"Washington, DC";"Holland, Michigan";"Baku, Azerbaijan"
Where should one use perfume? Wherever one wants to be kissed. Thats a piece of advice given by what prominent fashion designer?\n;Coco Chanel;Elsa Schiaparelli;Christian Dior;Coco Chanel;Cristóbal Balenciaga
Where shouldnt unmarried people sit if they dont want to stay single for a long time according to Russian superstition?\n;At the corner of the table;At the corner of the table;At a crossroad;Under the table;Under an oak tree
Where was Nicole Kidman born?\n;Honolulu;Perth;Wellington;Honolulu;Sydney
Where was the  first museum in the USA located?\n;"Charleston, S.C.";"Charleston, S.C.";"Philadelphia, PA.";"Boston, MA.";"Augusta, Maine"
Where was the 1986  movie Pretty in Pink set?\n;Chicago;New York;Hollywood;Chicago;Los Angeles
Where was the first American-made motorcycle manufactured?\n;"Springfield , Massachusetts";"Birmingham, Alabama";"Savannah, Georgia";"Springfield , Massachusetts";"Kansas City, Missouri"
Where was the first iron bridge built?\n;"Coalbrookdale, England";"Milton, Massachusetts";"Paris, France";"Coalbrookdale, England";"Brussels, Belgium"
Where was the largest aquamarine stone found?\n;Brazil;Jamaica;Japan;Iran;Brazil
Where was the worlds first modern electrically air-conditioned building located?\n;"San Antonio, Texas";"San Antonio, Texas";"Rome, Italy";"New York, New York";"Barcelona, Spain"
Where were the first windmills built?\n;Iran;Peru;Laos;Tunisia;Iran
Where will you find the first public park in the USA?\n;"Boston, Massachusetts";"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania";"Boston, Massachusetts";"Charleston, South Carolina";"Pawtucket, Rhode Island"
Where would one find The Bridge of Eggs?\n;"Lima , Peru";"Lima , Peru";"Peking, China";"Sydney, Australia";The Moon
Where would one find the worlds largest vulture?\n;The Andes;South Africa;Australia;California;The Andes
Where would you find the highest tides on Earth?\n;Bay of Fundy;Bay of Fundy;Hawaii;Cape of Good Hope;Cape Horn
"Which 1951 Tony winner for Best Musical had its music and lyrics written by Frank Loesser and included such characters as Nathan Detroit, Miss Adelaide, and Sky Masterson?\n";Guys and Dolls;The Pajama Game;Guys and Dolls;Carousel;South Pacific
Which 1955 movie won four Academy Awards?\n;Marty;Marty;Forrest Gump;Crash;The Wizard of Oz
Which 1968 film starred Jane Fonda as a scantily-clad sci-fi heroine?\n;Barbarella;Bambi Meets Godzilla;Bandolero!;Bullitt;Barbarella
"Which 1985 comedy film starred Tom Hanks, Jim Belushi and Lori Singer?\n";The Man With One Red Shoe;The Man With One Red Shoe;The Woman In Red;The Masque of the Red Death;Reds
Which 1994 film featured Jean Reno as a hitman who worked out of Little Italy in New York City and offered sanctuary to a young girl when her family was murdered by corrupt Drug Enforcement Agency agents?\n;Léon;Leo;Léon;Lenny;Léolo
Which 1996 animated live-action film featured cartoon character Marvin the Martian?\n;Space Jam;Toy Story;Spiderman;Space Jam;Robots
Which actor played the sinister Gabriel Sylar Gray in the TV series Heroes?\n;Zachary Quinto;Zachary Quinto;Zachery Ty Bryan;Zac Efron;Zach Braff
Which actor plays a 121 years old character who tells a news reporter about his life with the Indians and the battle of Little Big Horn?\n;Dustin Hoffman;Robert Duvall;Gene Hackman;Sir Laurence Olivier;Dustin Hoffman
Which actor sued a Los Angeles magazine for publishing a computer-generated image of him wearing a dress?\n;Dustin Hoffman;Al Pacino;Patrick Swayze;Dustin Hoffman;Weslery Snipes
Which actor/actress who starred in the film The Poseidon Adventure appeared in the TV series The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries?\n;Pamela Sue Martin;Pamela Sue Martin;Pamela Sue Anderson;Roddy McDowell;David Cassidy
Which actress and dancer appeared in Bon Jovis video Always?\n;Keri Russell;Kiersten Dunst;Katie Holmes;Claire Danes;Keri Russell
Which actress played the part of Teresa di Vicenzo in the James Bond film On Her Majestys Secret Service?\n;Diana Rigg;Nadja Regin;Diana Rigg;Denise Richards;Tanya Roberts
Which African American invented the traffic light?\n;Garrett Morgan;Otis Boykin;Garrett Morgan;Lewis Latimer;George Washington Carver
Which Amendment  to the US Constitution guarantees the right to privacy?\n;It is not guaranteed in the Constitution;The Fourteenth;The Fifteenth;It is not guaranteed in the Constitution;The Second
"Which American author wrote the so called Rabbit novels - Rabbit, Run, Rabbit Redux, Rabbit Is Rich, Rabbit At Rest and Rabbit Remembered?\n";John Updike;William Faulkner;John Updike;Michael Crichton;Ken Kesey
Which anatomical term defines the midline groove connecting the upper lip to the nose?\n;Philtrum;Tachyon;Edaphadium;Serein;Philtrum
Which ancient language is often referred to as the the mother of all languages?\n;Sanskrit;Sanskrit;Tamil;Latin;Hebrew
Which animal is the record holder for the largest male genital organ-to-body length ratio in nature?\n;Slug;Starfish;Horse;Slug;Elephant
Which answer best describes how many Congressional Medal of Honor medals were awarded during the Civil War\n;Between 1200 and 2000;Less than 600;Between 1200 and 2000;Between 2000 and 4000;Between 600 and 1200
Which are the only  two states in the USA that do not allow drivers to pump their own gas?\n;New Jersey and Oregon;Utah and Wyoming;New Jersey and Oregon;New Jersey and Utah;Oregon and Wyoming
"Which baseball pitcher pitched 11 perfect innings, only to lose the game in the 12th?\n";Harvey Haddix;Warren Sphan;Harvey Haddix;Lew Burdette;Johnnie Sain
"Which battleship of the Imperial Japanese Navy was sent on a suicide mission in 1945, during the invasion of Okinawa?\n";Yamato;Yamato;Kamikaze;Tojo;Noh
"Which battleship was used by the US Navy during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War?\n";USS New Jersey (BB-62);USS New Jersey (BB-62);USS Arizona (BB-39);USS Missouri (BB-63);USS Iowa (BB-61)
Which best defines the word Sanhedrin?\n;The court of 23  judges biblically required to be present in every city;The condition of being without mental faculties;The religious book on which the Jain religion is based;The ancient spice used in Egypt to counter bad omens;The court of 23  judges biblically required to be present in every city
"Which Biblical prophet, mentioned in two books of the Bible, was swallowed by a great leviathan?\n";Jonah;Jeroboam;Jonah;Joshua;Jeremiah
Which blood constituent is involved in the formation of blood clots but has a shelf-life of only 5 days?\n;platelets;platelets;red blood cells;plasma;white blood cells
Which brand of paper is the The Quilted Quicker Picker-upper?\n;Bounty;Bounty;Sparkle;Scotts;Browny
"Which Broadway play is based on Christopher Isherwoods book, I am a camera?\n";Cabaret;Chicago;Cabaret;South Pacific;The Producers
"Which Canadian city is the site of the haunted Carleton County Jail, said to be the home of the ghost of Patrick Whelen, hanged for the murder of Thomas DArcy McGee?\n";"Ottawa, Ontario";"Montreal, Quebec";"Ottawa, Ontario";"Barkerville, British Columbia";"Bad Hills, Saskatchewan"
Which cast member of the TV drama Dallas starred in the film Earthquake?\n;Victoria Principal;Larry Hagman;Victoria Principal;Patrick Duffy;Mary Crosby
Which cat is the advertising mascot for the 9Lives cat food?\n;Morris;Garfield;Odie;Mermal;Morris
Which cat is the co-author of Rita Mae Browns Mrs. Murphy series?\n;Sneaky Pie Brown;Cleopatra;Sneaky Pie Brown;Little Guy;Mrs. Calabash
Which cat was not referenced in the documentary Grey Gardens by either of the women?\n;Snowflake;Whiskers;Pinky;Champion;Snowflake
Which character from J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers was also known as Fangorn and was the oldest of his kind?\n;Treebeard;Théoden;Tobold Old Toby Hornblower;Treebeard;Tom Bombadil
Which characters drink tea together with the March Hare at the neverending tea party in Alices Adventures in Wonderland?\n;The Dormouse and the Mad Hatter;The Duchess and the Mad Hatter;Dinah and the Duchess;The Dormouse and the Mad Hatter;The Gryphon and the Dormouse
Which cities were the original endpoints of the Orient Express railway?\n;Paris and Istanbul;Moscow and Vladivostok;Chicago and Los Angeles;Paris and Istanbul;Tokyo and Kyoto
Which city has a Pink Line rail service?\n;Chicago;Chicago;Denver;Atlanta;Washington DC
Which city hosts the International Clown Hall of Fame?\n;"West Allis, Wisconsin";"West Hollywood, CA";"Saratoga, NY";"Sarasota, Florida";"West Allis, Wisconsin"
Which city used to be called Lutetia?\n;Paris;Paris;Leiden;Madrid;London
Which collective noun denotes a group of owls?\n;parliament;parliament;descent;dule;covey
Which collective noun denotes a group of storks?\n;a mustering;a rafter;a mustering;a smack;a flight
Which college did William Shakespeare attend?\n;He did not go to college;He did not go to college;Cambridge;UCLA;Stanford
"Which company built the A6M, aka Zero -- the fighter aircraft  that was used in the attack on Pearl Harbor?\n";Mitsubishi;Toshiba;Isuzu;Mitsubishi;Mikayashi
"Which company built the Zero, the top Japanese fighter in World War Two?\n";Mitsubishi;Nissan;Tachikowa;Mitsubishi;Nakajima
Which company developed the computer game Command  Conquer: Generals?\n;Electronic Arts;Electronic Arts;Microsoft;NewGame Software;Nintendo
Which company did Clarence Saunders found in 1916?\n;The Piggly Wiggly;Kentucky Fried Chicken;The Piggly Wiggly;Dominos Pizza;Burger King
Which company filed for bankruptcy in May 2009 and was partially bought by the US Government to keep production?\n;General Motors;General Electric;General Beton;General Motors;General Paper
Which company was the first to introduce the consumer camcorder in 1983?\n;Sony;Panasonic;Sony;JVC;Canon
Which condition is described as a fear of cats?\n;Ailurophobia;Cynophobia;Pedophobia;Ailurophobia;Alektorophobia
Which condition is described as an excessive fear of animals?\n;Zoophobia;Ailurophobia;None of these;Zoophobia;Thalassophobia
Which continent is the island of Madagascar part of?\n;Africa;South America;Asia;Australia;Africa
"Which country gained independence from the UK and France in 1980 and has a national anthem entitled Yumi, Yumi, Yumi?\n";Vanuatu;Venezuela;Virgin Islands;Vanuatu;Vietnam
Which country gave the Statue of Liberty to the United States as a centennial gift?\n;France;Spain;France;Canada;England
Which country had the largest prison population for 2006?\n;Peoples Republic of China;The United States;Turkey;Peoples Republic of China;Nigeria
"Which country has Bratislava as its capital city, and the koruna as its unit of currency?\n";Slovakia;Slovenia;Slovakia;Macedonia;Latvia
Which country has the highest population density according to 2009 estimates?\n;Peoples Republic of China;Indonesia;India;United States;Peoples Republic of China
Which country has the highest population density in the world as of 2008?\n;Monaco;Singapore;Monaco;China;India
Which countrys blue division helped Germany on the Eastern front during WWII?\n;Spain;Turkey;Italy;Spain;Japan
Which daikaijū (giant monster) most resembles a turtle?\n;Gamera;Gigan;Ghidora;Godzilla;Gamera
Which definition is incorrect?\n;Halophile - one who has an affinity for direct light.;Halophile - one who has an affinity for direct light.;Petrophile - one who loves or has an affinity for rocks.;Lygophile - one who loves darkness.;Ombrophile - an animal or plant that has an affinity for large amounts of rainfall.
"Which device was patented in 1970 by  Douglas Engelbart, an American inventor of Norwegian descent?\n";The computer mouse;The traffic light;The computer mouse;The internal combustion engine;The can opener
Which disorder is characterised by a fear of the number 13?\n;Triskaidekaphobia;Caligynephobia;Triskaidekaphobia;Anglophobia;Xylophobia
Which distinction does Annie Moore hold?\n;She was the first immigrant  to the USA to pass through Ellis Island.;She was the first American woman to win a Nobel Prize.;She was the first immigrant  to the USA to pass through Ellis Island.;She was the first American woman to be a dentist.;She was the first American woman to graduate from college.
"Which element is number two in the periodic table, following hydrogen?\n";Helium;Carbon;Lithium;Helium;Oxygen
Which engineer founded the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1847?\n;George Stephenson;Robert Stephenson;Igor Sikorski;George Stephenson;Joseph Strauss
Which English coin represented one-twentieth of a pound?\n;Shilling;Crown;Shilling;Farthing;Pence
"Which English king had wives called Catherine, Anne, Jane, Anne, Catherine and Catherine, in that order?\n";Henry the Eighth;Henry the Seventh;William the Fifth;Charles the Fourth;Henry the Eighth
"Which English king was born in Pembroke Castle, Wales in 1457?\n";Henry VII;Henry IV;Henry I;Henry VIII;Henry VII
Which famous 19th century author had the pen-name Boz?\n;Charles Dickens;Mark Twain;Bozzie Haversham;Daniel Defoe;Charles Dickens
Which famous actor was Arthur Millers son-in-law?\n;Daniel  Day-Lewis;Daniel  Day-Lewis;Anthony Hopkins;Kirk Douglas;William Shatner
Which famous book by British writer H.G. Wells presents the Martians as having octopus-like bodies?\n;War of the Worlds;I Robot;War of the Worlds;The Island of Doctor Moreau;The Martian Chronicles
Which famous cat made a guest appearance in the films Shrek 2 and Shrek 3?\n;Puss in Boots;Felix the Cat;Tom the Cat;Puss in Boots;Mr. Tinkles
Which famous hoax of the early twentieth century fooled many including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?\n;The Cottingley Fairies.;Will-o-the-Wisp;The Amherst haunting.;The Cottingley Fairies.;The Cock Lane ghost.
"Which famous novel begins with the sentence: Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show.?\n";David Copperfield;Great Expectations;David Copperfield;The Last of the Mohicans;The Old Man and the Sea
"Which famous painter, a representative of the romantic period, delivered the following words: Artists who seek perfection in everything are those who cannot attain it in anything.\n";Delacroix;Picasso;Modigliani;Renoir;Delacroix
"Which famous person, who received the Kennedy Center Honors in 2000, was born in St. Louis, Missouri?\n";Chuck Berry;Thurgood Marshall;Chuck Berry;Harry S. Truman;Bo Didley
Which famous rock musician directed Born to Boogie a 1972 movie about English rock band T. Rex?\n;Ringo Starr;Elton John;Mickey Finn;Marc Bolan;Ringo Starr
Which famous writer introduced the term moron into everyday vocabulary?\n;Moliere;Moliere;Voltaire;Shakespeare;Dickens
Which famous writer is not paired with the correct pseudonym?\n;Ellery Queen-Erle Stanley Gardner;Ellery Queen-Erle Stanley Gardner;Ellis Bell-Emily Bronte;Richard Bachman-Stephen King;Ernest V. Trueblood-William Faulkner
"Which feature on the surface of Mars inspired Iron Maidens song Face in The Sand, included in their album Dance Of Death?\n";The Face on Mars;The Skull on Mars;The Martian Belt;The Red Eye;The Face on Mars
Which form of cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in the United States?\n;Lung Cancer;Prostate Cancer;Breast Cancer;Lung Cancer;Leukemia
Which former US President said I know Im getting better at golf because I hit  fewer spectators.\n;Ford;George W. Bush;Ford;Carter;Eisenhower
Which French artist is considered the founder of Fauvism?\n;Matisse;Klee;Monet;Matisse;Manet
Which French phrase can mean tastes differ?\n;Chacun a son gout;Pret-a-porter;Pour encourager les autres;Chacun a son gout;Idee fixe
Which general born in New York in 1954 was elected the 10th Commander of the U.S. Central Command?\n;David Petraeus;George Patton;Lloyd Wright;Wesley Clark;David Petraeus
Which genus of plants does catnip (catmint) belong to?\n;Nepeta;Nigella;Nepenthes;Nyssa;Nepeta
Which geographical term describes a geological formation that slopes down from the center in all directions?\n;Quaquaversal;Quean;Quassia;Quaquaversal;Quartan
"Which great composer wrote Wellingtons Victory , which included cannons, drums, and a lot of  brass?\n";Beethoven;Mendelssohn;Beethoven;Schumann;Schubert
"Which group consists of these three members: Thomas (Tom) Matthew DeLonge on guitar, Markus (Mark) Allan Hoppus on bass, and Travis Landon Barker on drums?\n";Blink-182;East 17;Take That;Blink-182;Wax
"Which group of ancient people used a system of strings and knots rather than words, to record their history?\n";The Incas;The Mayans;The Edomites;The Incas;The Celts
Which group recorded the hit single Sugar Daddy in 1971?\n;Jackson 5;Jackson 5;Bread;Journey;The Mamas and the Papas
"Which Hall of Fame is located in Cleveland, Ohio?\n";Rock and Roll;Hockey;Rock and Roll;Basketball;Ohio
"Which Hall of Fame is located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ?\n";Cowboy Hall of Fame;Sooner Hall of Fame;Cowboy Hall of Fame;College Football hall of Fame;Oil Industry Hall of Fame
"Which Hall of Fame is located in Stillwater, Oklahoma ?\n";National Wrestling Hall of Fame;American Track and Field Hall of Fame;American Softball hall of Fame;National Wrestling Hall of Fame;National Museum of College Football
"Which if these is an area in Iraq, and a pilgrimage place for some Muslims?\n";Karbala;Tikrit;Mosul;Basra;Karbala
Which if these most accurately describes the difference between the words farther and further?\n;Farther means more far and further means more to the fore.;Farther means more far and further means more to the fore.;Farther represents a greater distance than further.;There are no differences in use;Farther is used when a known direction is involved; further is in more general.
Which insect would a myrmecophobic person want to stay away from?\n;ants;moths;ants;bees;cockroaches
Which is a major US airline and a subsidiary of Delta Air Lines?\n;Northwest Airlines;Northeast Airlines;Northwest Airlines;Southwest Airlines;Southeast Airlines
Which is a successful Australian comedy film?\n;Alvin Purple;Sea of Purple;Purple Kangas;Purple Amethyst;Alvin Purple
Which is an example of a spoonerism?\n;It is kisstomery to cuss the bride.;Round and round the ragged rock the ragged rascal ran.;Able was I ere I saw Elba.;He is at  the pineapple of his career.;It is kisstomery to cuss the bride.
"Which is an existing country, recognized by United Nations?\n";East Timor;East Cyprus;West African Republic;East Timor;West Virginia
Which is greater: the circumference of Earth from pole to pole or the circumference of Earth around the equator?\n;The equatorial circumference;The polar circumference;The equatorial circumference;None of these;They are equal
"Which is not a cause of the medical problem, Pink eye?\n";chlorine;virus infection;chlorine;seasonal pollens;bacteria pneumococci
Which is not a shade of purple?\n;Vermilion;Heliotrope;Mountbatten pink;Vermilion;Thistle
"Which is the author of The Scarlatti Inheritance, The Matarese Cycle, The Osterman Weekend, and The Scorpio Illusion.?\n";Robert Ludlum;John Grisham;John Tanner;Robert Ludlum;Eric Van Lustbader
Which is the correct definition for oxter?\n;the armpit;the armpit;having much snow;walrus ivory;to polish
Which is the correct name for a horse of either sex under the age of one year?\n;Foal;Colt;Yearling;Mare;Foal
Which is the correct statement about Louis Bleriot?\n;He was the first person to cross the English Channel in an airplane.;He was the first person to cross the English Channel in an airplane.;He was the first Commander of the US Air Force.;He was the first professional test pilot.;He became the first US ace during World War I.
"Which is the horrible creature, whose name literally translates as goat-sucker from Spanish?\n";Chupacabra;Chimera;Chupacabra;Kitsune;Cthulhu
Which is the largest active volcano on Earth?\n;Mauna Loa;Mount Rainier;Mount Etna;Mauna Loa;Merapi
Which is the largest crop for the Americas?\n;Corn;Corn;Wheat;Soybeans;Milo
Which is the most recent volcano formed in the Western Hemisphere ?\n;Paricutin;Mayon;Paricutin;Yerupaja;Guallatiri
Which is the most volcanically active body in the Solar System?\n;Jupiters Moon Io;Jupiter;Jupiters Moon Io;Earth;Jupiters Moon Europa
Which is the only food that never spoils?\n;Honey;Honey;Potatoes;Pasta;Peanut butter
Which is the only state whose legal system is not based upon English Common Law?\n;Louisiana;Hawaii;Alaska;Texas;Louisiana
Which is the only UN member not allowed to be on the Security Council?\n;Israel;The Congo;Israel;Vietnam;Sudan
Which is the only US state famous for producing limburger cheese in the Chalet Cheese Co-op factory?\n;Wisconsin;Minnessota;Wisconsin;New York;Ohio
Which is the only US state to have two Ivy League colleges in it ?\n;New York;Connecticut;New Jersey;Massachusetts;New York
Which is the Sanskrit word for “union?�\n;yoga;shiva;sri;krishna;yoga
"Which is the word this definition from Ambrose Bierce’s book The Devils Dictionary refers to: “A man whose qualities, prepared for display like a box of berries in a market -- the fine ones on top -- have been opened on the wrong side. An inverted gentleman�?\n";Blackguard;Blackguard;Evildoer;Villain;Rogue
Which Japanese car brand is also a word in Spanish?\n;Honda;Toyota;Honda;Nissan;Mazda
Which lake is NOT one of the Great Lakes?\n;Great Salt Lake;Great Salt Lake;Lake Huron;Lake Michigan;Lake Ontario
Which late-night television host is famous for his amusing Top Ten lists?\n;David Letterman;Conan OBrien;Craig Ferguson;Jay Leno;David Letterman
Which Latin expression means actions speak louder than words?\n;facta non verba;quid edere  posseum;mei capelli sunt  flagrantes;non rape me si placet;facta non verba
Which line of the palm is traditionally examined first by palm readers?\n;Heart line;Heart line;Life line;Sun line;Mercury line
Which list contains four of the five basic ballet moves?\n;"Fouette, Attitude, Pirouette, Arabesque";"Cabriole, Arabesque, Pirouettem, Atimitudes";"Pirouette, Arabesque, Pas des deux, Grande cabriole";"Cabriole, Pirouette, Arabesque , Atimitudes";"Fouette, Attitude, Pirouette, Arabesque"
Which list contains the three species of Zebras?\n;"Grevys zebra, plains zebra, mountain zebra";"gray zebra, red zebra, plains zebra";"mountain zebra, savannah zebra, southern zebra";"Garveys zebra, Darwins zebra, gray zebra";"Grevys zebra, plains zebra, mountain zebra"
Which list is in increasing order regarding size?\n;"Squad, Platoon, Company, Brigade";"Squad, Platoon, Company, Brigade";"Squad, Platoon, Battalion, Company";"Platoon, Company, Regiment , Battalion";"Platoon, Squad, Company, Regiment"
Which list of ranks is in proper order for the US Army?\n;private-corporal-sergeant-lieutenant-major-colonel-general;private-corporal-sergeant-major-captain-colonel;private-corporal-sergeant-lieutenant-major-colonel-general;private-corporal-lieutenant-sergeant-captain-major-general;private-corporal-sergeant-captain-colonel-major
"Which Major League Baseball pitcher was nicknamed, The Spaceman?\n";Bill Lee;Dennis Rodman;Bill Romanowski;Mark Fidrytch;Bill Lee
Which man originated the sentence Go west young man?\n;John Soule;Horace Greley;Stephen Austin;John Soule;Buffalo Bill Cody
Which mass murderer was the inspiration for the movie character Norman Bates in Psycho and  for Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs?\n;Ed Gein;Ed Gein;Ted Bundy;Rickie Sperko;Jeffrey Dahmer
Which medal depicts three naked men with their hands on each others shoulders?\n;The Nobel Peace Prize;The NAMBY Award;The Horatio Alger Prize;The Clio Award;The Nobel Peace Prize
Which month is celebrated as Black History Month?\n;February;January;April;March;February
"Which month is United States Aquarium Month, Candy Month, Dairy Month and Turkey Lovers Month?\n";June;June;November;August;October
"Which movie, directed by Academy Award-winning director, Robert Zemeckis, includes the often quoted line Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what youre gonna get.?\n";Forrest Gump;The Polar Express;Forrest Gump;What Lies Beneath;Back to the Future
"Which movie, set in New York City, was written by Calogero Lorenzo Palminteri and directed by Robert De Niro?\n";A Bronx Tale - 1993;Mad Dog and Glory - 1993;This Boys Life - 1993;Heat - 1995;A Bronx Tale - 1993
Which novel by Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson is set during the War of the Roses?\n;The Black Arrow;The Master of Ballantrae;The Black Arrow;Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde;Treasure Island
Which number is the odd one out?\n;17462;11780;13491;17462;15183
Which Odd film was set in Northern Ireland?\n;Odd Man Out;Odd Jobs;Odd Couple;Odds Against Tomorrow;Odd Man Out
Which of Henry VIII’s wives outlived him?\n;Catharine Parr;Catharine of Aragon;Anne Boleyn;Catharine Parr;Jane Seymour
Which of Jim Hensons Muppets was the first one to be a regular on The Jimmy Dean Show?\n;Rowlf  the Dog;Rowlf  the Dog;Kermit the Frog;Big Bird;Oscar the Grouch
Which of Johann Strauss Is sons became known as The Waltz King and was instrumental in popularizing the waltz in Vienna during the 19th century?\n;Johan Strauss II;Josef Strauss;Eduard Strauss;Johan Strauss II;Ferdinand Strauss
Which of the American states below does not have part of the Yellow Stone National Park in it?\n;Utah;Wyoming;Montana;Idaho;Utah
Which of the animals listed below has the longest gestation period?\n;Elephant;Rhinoceros;Tiger;Elephant;Boar
"Which of the Bronte sisters wrote only one novel, which was published under the pseudonym Ellis Bell?\n";Emily;Charlotte and Emily;Charlotte;Anne;Emily
Which of the Bronte sisters wrote the famous novel Jane Eyre?\n;Charlotte Bronte;Anne Bronte;Elizabeth Bronte;Charlotte Bronte;Emily Bronte
Which of the following actors did not appear in the 1996 film Trees Lounge?\n;Mark Ruffalo;Steve Buscemi;Mark Ruffalo;Rockets Redglare;Elizabeth Bracco
Which of the following actors has NOT portrayed the Frankenstein monster?\n;Michael Landon;Randy Quaid;Christopher Lee;Robert DeNiro;Michael Landon
Which of the following animals is the odd one?\n;Ram;Ram;Hen;Doe;Vixen
Which of the following animals transmits the most diseases?\n;housefly;wasp;bee;housefly;ant
Which of the following are among the top female comedy writers in British television?\n;Saunders and French;Edie and Patsy;Judi Dench and Patricia Rutledge;Saunders and French;Stephanie and Holly Blue
Which of the following are old time cartoon characters?\n;Mutt and Jeff;Fibber McGee and Molly;Amos and Andy;Mutt and Jeff;All of these
Which of the following are usually part of every restaurant table setting?\n;Salt and pepper;Salt and pepper;Bread and butter;Ketchup and mustard;Olive oil and vinegar
Which of the following are well known English puppets?\n;Punch and Judy;Kukla Fran and Ollie;Chip and Dale;Thomas and Gerald;Punch and Judy
Which of the following artists does not produce trance music?\n;Van Morrison;Van Morrison;Delirium;Paul van Dyk;Tito
Which of the following astronauts was not among the first human beings to orbit the moon?\n;John Young;James Lovell;John Young;Frank Borman;William Anders
Which of the following battles was not fought during World War Two?\n;Battle of Jutland;Battle of Guadalcanal;Battle of Kursk;Battle of Jutland;Battle of Tobruk
Which of the following best describes heavy water?\n;Water with several isotopes of hydrogen;Water with several isotopes of hydrogen;Polluted water;Water carrying silt down a river;Water loaded with fluorides
Which of the following characters made their debut in Old Possums Book of Practical Cats?\n;All of these;Rumpleteazer;Old Deuteronomy;All of these;The Rum Tum Tiger
Which of the following composers wrote the Moonlight Sonata  for piano?\n;Ludwig von Beethoven;Ludwig von Beethoven;Claude DeBussey;Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart;Igor Stravinsky
Which of the following countries has the highest population?\n;Ukraine;Uruguay;Uganda;Ukraine;Uzbekistan
Which of the following did Henry Ford not put into his first cars?\n;Reverse gear;Steering wheel;A place for a second person to sit in front;Reverse gear;Rear seats
Which of the following fears is not of a color?\n;Mageirocophobia;Leukophobia;Mageirocophobia;Xanthophobia;Porphyrophobia
Which of the following groups of mammals lay eggs?\n;Monotremes;Rodentia;Monotremes;Marsupials;Chiroptera
Which of the following henchmen was the only one to appear in more than one James Bond movie?\n;Jaws;Oddjob;Jaws;Pusssy Galore;Goldfinger
Which of the following is a major US airline and a subsidiary of Delta Air Lines?\n;Northwest Airlines;Southwest Airlines;Northeast Airlines;Southeast Airlines;Northwest Airlines
Which of the following is an eponym meaning a traitor to his country?\n;A quisling;A quisling;A McCarthy;A cyrano;A ruy lopez
Which of the following is generally considered to be the second longest symphony?\n;Shostakovitchs Leningrad Symphony;Mozarts Jupiter Symphony;Mahlers Symphony No. 3 in D minor;Shostakovitchs Leningrad Symphony;Beethovens Symphony Number 9 (the Choral)
Which of the following is not an original member of The Mamas  the Papas?\n;Jill Gibson;John Phillips;Jill Gibson;Denny Doherty;Cass Elliot
Which of the following is the correct definition of the word rod?\n;A unit of measure equal to 16.5 feet;A unit of measure equal to 16.5 feet;A unit of measure equal to 3 bushels;A unit of measure equal to 6 feet;A unit of measure equal to the distance from a persons nose to his/her outstretched arm
Which of the following is the correct name of an African nation?\n;Republic of South Africa;Republic of North Africa;Federation of South Africa;Federation of North Africa;Republic of South Africa
Which of the following is the Latin word for pink?\n;Roseus;Pinkueta;Rosa;Roseus;Pinky
Which of the following is the name of one of The Three Stooges?\n;Moe;Moe;Sep;Ham;Lou
Which of the following is the star of a show that debuted on Disney Channel in March 2006?\n;Miley Cyrus;Miley Cyrus;Lindsay Lohan;Amanda Bynes;Jamie Lynn Spears
Which of the following is the symbol for Plutonium on the Periodic Table of Elements?\n;Pu;Pu;P;Pt;Pm
Which of the following is the the odd one?\n;Silk;Wooden;Steel;Lace;Silk
Which of the following is the title of one of Aesops most famous fables?\n;The Fox and the Grapes;The Fox and the Grapes;The Cat and the Rat;The Elephant and the Flea;The Crow and the Scarecrow
Which of the following languages is not an official language of the United Nations?\n;German;Chinese;Spanish;German;Russian
Which of the following languages is spoken as primary language by the most people?\n;Bengali;German;Italian;Bengali;Russian
Which of the following materials is the densest?\n;Iridium;Gold;Aluminum;Platinum;Iridium
Which of the following months is the odd one?\n;April;April;December;May;July
Which of the following movies does not star Will Ferrell?\n;Mrs. Doubtfire;Mrs. Doubtfire;Super star;Zoolander;Elf
Which of the following musical artists produces noise music?\n;Xome;Xome;Xmal Deutschland;X;XTC
Which of the following native American groups of people speak a Southern Athabaskan language?\n;Apache;Arawaks;Alaskans;Arizonans;Apache
Which of the following people was a big fan of bowling?\n;Luther;Luther;Mozart;Cromwell;Napolen
Which of the following people was not awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?\n;John Paul II;Marthin Luther King Jr.;John Paul II;Nelson Mandela;Yasser Arafat
Which of the following persons was not a Prime Minister of Israel?\n;Chaim Weizmann;Chaim Weizmann;Benjamin Netanyahu;Moshe Sharett;Ehud Barak
Which of the following planets is not named after a Roman god?\n;Uranus;Neptune;Jupiter;Uranus;Mars
Which of the following political figures was the first to fight a war as President of the United States?\n;Thomas Jefferson;James Monroe;Thomas Jefferson;Andrew Jackson;George Washington
"Which of the following powers does Hancock, from the self-titled movie, not have?\n";X-Ray vision;Super sharp nails;X-Ray vision;None of the Above;Super Strength
Which of the following starred in the movie Superfly?\n;Ron ONeal;Ron ONeal;Louis Gossett;Richard Roundtree;Levar Burton
Which of the following statements about ghosts is incorrect?\n;They are always depicted of a human size and shape.;They are always depicted of a human size and shape.;Ghosts do not have a gross physical body.;Sometimes they might manifest their presence by moving other objects or producing noises.;"They are usually portrayed as silvery, shadowy and fog-like."
Which of the following Steven Spielberg movies broke box office records at its release becoming the highest-grossing movie at the time?\n;All of these;All of these;Jurassic Park;Jaws;E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Which of the following terms refers to the abnormal fear of walking or standing erect?\n;Basiphobia;Basiphobia;Basistasiphobia;Stasibasiphobia;Stasiphobia
Which of the following terms refers to the fear of being buried alive?\n;Taphephobia;Gephyrophobia;Phagophobia;Taphephobia;Mysophobia
Which of the following types of music are not generally associated with Jamaica?\n;Calypso;Mento;Reggae;Ska;Calypso
Which of the following volcanoes caused the most deaths?\n;Mount Tambora;Taal;Mount Etna;Mauna Loa;Mount Tambora
Which of the following was invented by a woman?\n;all of these;circular saw;street-cleaning machine;all of these;windshield wipers
Which of the following was not a game show host?\n;Walter Bradley;Steve Allen;Chuck Barris;Louie Anderson;Walter Bradley
Which of the following was not a member of the band Lynryd Skynyrd?\n;Jimmy Farrar;Gary Rossington;Jimmy Farrar;Allen Collins;Rickey Medlocke
Which of the following was not a result of the War of the Roses?\n;The defeat of the Spanish Armada;The end of the feudal powers of British nobles;Henry VII took power in England.;The defeat of the Spanish Armada;A strong central government in England
Which of the following were an old-time radio duo?\n;All of these;Jack Benny and Dennis Day;George Burns and Gracie Allen;Jack Benny and Mary Livingston;All of these
Which of the following words is a synonym of paraskevidekatriaphobia (fear of Friday the 13th)?\n;Friggatriskaidekaphobia;Aphenphosmphobia;Friggatriskaidekaphobia;Triskaidekaphobia;Arachnophobia
Which of the following words is related to phobias?\n;Irrationality;Irrationality;Strength;Genetic;Popularity
"Which of the listed words links a World War II destroyer, the band Teenage Fanclub and a murderous clown called Pennywise?\n";King;Kendo;Kettle;King;Kiki
Which of the three classical types of columns has its capital ornately decorated to look like acanthus leaves?\n;Corinthian;Ionic;Tonic;Corinthian;Doric
"Which of these accomplishments was not made by Captain James Cook, an English explorer, navigator and cartographer?\n";"In 1774, he became the first explorer to sight Antarctica.";He explored a group of small islands in the heart of Polynesia which were later named after him.;He was the first to map Newfoundland.;He was the first European to visit the Hawaiian Islands.;"In 1774, he became the first explorer to sight Antarctica."
Which of these actions has remained in history as the first official act of President Abraham Lincolns new administration?\n;Hiring a secretary named Nicolay;Hiring a secretary named Kennedy;Hiring a secretary named Nicolay;Giving Winfield Scott command of the US Army;Abolishing slavery
Which of these actors has played both a disruptive student and an inspiring teacher?\n;Sidney Poitier;Richard Harris;Sidney Poitier;Sean Connery;Hugh Grant
Which of these actors made his debut at the age of 5 in a movie written and directed by his father?\n;"Robert Downey, Jr.";Robert Duvall;Robert Redford;"Robert Downey, Jr.";Robert De Niro
Which of these actors played a role in the 1989 movie Pink Cadillac?\n;Jim Carrey;Eddie Murphy;Jack Black;Michael Douglas;Jim Carrey
Which of these actors starred in the 2009 movie Angels  Demons?\n;Tom Hanks;Nicolas Cage;Tom Hanks;Robert De Niro;Dustin Hoffman
"Which of these actors, named James, is not correctly matched with an Oscar-nominated role he played?\n";James Jim Carrey - Truman Burbank in The Truman Show;James Oliver Cromwell - Farmer Arthur Hoggett in Babe;James Caan - Santino Sonny Corleone in The Godfather.;James Stewart - Paul Biegler in Anatomy of a Murder;James Jim Carrey - Truman Burbank in The Truman Show
Which of these airplane disasters is considered the deadliest in history?\n;The destruction of the World Trade Center;The destruction of the World Trade Center;The Charkhi Dadri mid-air collision;The Tenerife disaster;The Hawaiian disaster
Which of these animals is considered to have the best immune system?\n;Vulture;Vulture;Kangaroo;Asp;Hyman
"Which of these best describes the meaning of the word, seiche?\n";Standing wave in a body of water;Alignment of three or more celestial bodies;"Horizontal mass of rock, intruded between older layers of sedimentary rock";Standing wave in a body of water;Change in the Earths magnetic field in and around the source of a tsunami
Which of these Biblical characters is known to have the greatest number of children?\n;David;Jacob;King Saul;David;Joshua
Which of these books was not  written by Steve Allen?\n;Murder in the Valley;The Murder Game;Murder in Manhattan;The Talk Show Murders;Murder in the Valley
Which of these calendars does not follow the Earths revolution around the Sun and is not a solar calendar?\n;Islamic calendar;Coptic calendar;Islamic calendar;Julian calendar;Gregorian calendar
Which of these came first?\n;Knotts Berry Farm;Busch Gardens;Freedomland;Disneyland;Knotts Berry Farm
Which of these cartoon characters is Bugs Bunnys rival?\n;All of these;Martian Marvin;All of these;Yosemite Sam;Elmer Fudd
Which of these cats could appear and disappear at will?\n;The Cheshire Cat;Pussy Galore;Puss in Boots;Felix;The Cheshire Cat
Which of these celebrities was named after the Biblical character who was Namomis daughter-in-law?\n;Oprah Winfrey;Moonunit Zappa;Uma Thurman;Oprah Winfrey;Penelope Cruz
Which of these characters created by French writer Alexandre Dumas is not correctly matched with the novel?\n;Gérard de Villefort - Twenty Years After;Gérard de Villefort - Twenty Years After;Milady de Winter - The Three Musketeers;DArtagnan - Twenty Years After;La Mole - Queen Margot
Which of these characters portrayed by actor Alec Baldwin was not a real life person?\n;Jack Ryan (The Hunt for Red October);Jimmy Swaggart (Great Balls of Fire!);James Doolittle (Pearl Harbor);Juan Trippe (The Aviator);Jack Ryan (The Hunt for Red October)
Which of these chemical compounds is added to table salt as an anti-caking agent?\n;All of these;Calcium carbonate;All of these;Magnesium carbonate;Tricalcium phosphate
Which of these cities is not a capital of a country in the European Union?\n;Zurich;Warsaw;Copenhagen;Lisbon;Zurich
"Which of these colors has the following connotations: warning, fall, warmth, hope, summer, electricity?\n";Yellow;Red;Blue;Yellow;White
"Which of these comedy teams consists of a husband and wife, whose son is an Emmy Award-winning actor?\n";Stiller and Meara;Bergen and McCarthy;Burns and Allen;Shields and Yarnell;Stiller and Meara
Which of these commercial organisations was founded in 1947?\n;Indian Railways;Microsoft;Indian Railways;Intel;China Petroleum
Which of these condiments has a high salt content and can pretty much fulfill the need for table salt?\n;All of these;Fish sauce;Soy sauce;All of these;Oyster sauce
Which of these conditions is the most common reason for a doctor to prescribe Lithium?\n;Bipolar disorder;Bipolar disorder;Anemia;Diabetes;Glaucoma
Which of these countries does not border Georgia?\n;Belarus;Armenia;Belarus;Azerbaijain;Turkey
Which of these countries is a major producer of gold?\n;All of these;South Africa;China;United States;All of these
Which of these countries is in Central Europe?\n;Poland;Bulgaria;Poland;Portugal;Belgium
Which of these countries is NOT fictional?\n;Central African Republic;Central America;Central Korea;Central African Republic;Central Europe
Which of these countries is the oldest independent constitutional republic?\n;San Marino;Iceland;Monaco;San Marino;Costa Rica
"Which of these diseases has been connected with vampires, as some of the symptoms were interpreted as vampirism?\n";Rabies;Plague;Epilepsy;Rabies;Neurosis
Which of these Disney characters go together?\n;All of these;All of these;Mickey and Minnie;Cinderella and Charming;Lady and Tramp
Which of these elements has the highest melting point?\n;Carbon;Nitrogen;Hydrogen;Oxygen;Carbon
Which of these events came first?\n;The completion of he first standardized Italian dictionary;The completion of he first standardized French dictionary;The completion of the first standard English dictionary;The completion of he first standardized Italian dictionary;The first use of the word scientist
"Which of these events happened on April 7, 1927?\n";The first  long distance Television image was sent.;The first  long distance Television image was sent.;Adolph Hitler made his infamous first attempt to take over Germany.;The New York Stock Exchange fell 67 points (29% then);The first Easter Parade in was held in New York  City.
Which of these facts refers to gold in its metallic form?\n;It is the most malleable of all metals;It is the most malleable of all metals;It is not a good conductor of electricity;All of these;I is a good insulator of heat
Which of these famous American authors is not a Pulitzer Prize winner?\n;Mark Twain;Thornton Wilder;Mark Twain;Edith Wharton;Margaret Mitchell
Which of these famous baseball players became the first major league player to hit two grand slams in one game?\n;Tony Lazzeri;Tony Lazzeri;Babe Ruth;Lou Gehrig;Bobby Bonds
"Which of these famous buildings is located on the Quai dOrsay, in Paris?\n";The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs;The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs;The Tomb of Napoleon;The Picasso Museum of Paris;The Eiffel Tower
Which of these famous people  was not an epileptic?\n;Otto von Bismarck;Otto von Bismarck;Vladimir Ilyich Lenin;Rudi Dutschke;F.M. Dostoevsky
Which of these famous Russian politicians was also famed as a literary critic?\n;Trotsky;Khrushchev;Trotsky;Lenin;Stalin
Which of these films does not tell the story of a real life teacher?\n;The Principal;Stand and Deliver;Dangerous Minds;The Principal;The Ron Clark Story
Which of these fish is least likely to be found in seawater?\n;Tench;Tench;Tuna;Tarpon;Trumpetfish
Which of these fruits has a variety called Abraham Lincoln?\n;Tomato;Nectarine;Tomato;Peach;Watermelon
Which of these gods from different mythologies was not a sun god?\n;Thor;Thor;Helios;Sol;Ra
Which of these great books was first published in 1771?\n;The Encyclopedia Britannica;The Encyclopedia Britannica;Gullivers Travels;Roberts Rules of Order;Paradise Lost
"Which of these groups was formed in Liverpool, England?\n";The Beatles;The Bee Gees;The Beatles;The Kinks;The Rolling Stones
Which of these important events in the history of Opel happened in 1924?\n;Opel installed Germanys first car production line.;Opel installed Germanys first car production line.;all of these;The company was destroyed by a fire.;Opel opened its first factory outside Germany.
Which of these is a character featured in the movie Ghostbusters?\n;Ray;Van;Tom;Ray;Joe
Which of these is a genuine mathematical principle?\n;The Pigeon Hole Principle;The Pigeon Hole Principle;The Inner Calculus Principle;The Second Integral Theorem;The Continuum Principle
Which of these is a major difference between New World monkeys (Platyrrhines) and Old World Monkeys (Cercopithecidae)?\n;New World Monkeys can hang by their tail;New World Monkeys can hang by their tail;Old world monkeys lack sitting pads.;Old World Monkeys have canines that can chew meat;New World monkeys can not walk on two legs
Which of these is a malapropism?\n;He is at the pineapple of his career.;He is at the pineapple of his career.;Round and round the ragged rock the ragged rascal ran.;"Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink.";Able was I ere I saw Elba.
Which of these is a name of a Truffaut movie?\n;Day for Night;Day for Night;Days of  Leaud;Days in Calabria;Days in Algiers
Which of these is a real award?\n;The Ig Nobel Prize;The Ig Nobel Prize;The Poly Pulitzer Prize;The Niagara Falls Literature Award;The Academic Academy Award
Which of these is a real event  in the history of the pencil?\n;"The discovery of graphite in Seathwaite, Burrowdale, England";The discovery of rubber in Malaysia in 1823;"The discovery of lead in what is now Turkey, ca. 573 A.D.";The discovery that cedar wood has three times the tensile strength of any other wood;"The discovery of graphite in Seathwaite, Burrowdale, England"
"Which of these is an existing country, recognized by the United Nations?\n";North Korea;North Vietnam;North Cyprus;North Korea;North Africa
Which of these is best for cooling your mouth if you have just eaten very spicy food?\n;Milk;Water;White wine;Red wine;Milk
"Which of these is characteristic of Rabbit, a fictional character in the series Winnie the Pooh?\n";Busy and responsible;Bouncing and confident;Gloomy and pessimistic;Ashamed of being small;Busy and responsible
Which of these is considered the best selling English-language novel of all times?\n;A Tale of Two Cities;And Then There Were None;A Tale of Two Cities;The DaVinci Code;The Hobbit
Which of these is covered by the second amendment to the US Constitution?\n;the right to bear arms in order to maintain a militia;the right to bear arms in order to maintain a militia;the right to not have soldiers living in our houses;the right to a fair and speedy trial;the right to vote
Which of these is not  a prime number?\n;1;13;3;2;1This
Which of these is not a quote by Groucho Marx?\n;I have a memory like an elephant. In fact elephants often consult me.;I have a memory like an elephant. In fact elephants often consult me.;The husband who wants a  perfect marriage should keep his mouth shut and his checkbook open.;Bloods not  thicker than money.;I was married by a judge. I should have asked for the jury.
Which of these is NOT a state capital?\n;Dallas;Dover;Des Moines;Denver;Dallas
Which of these is not among the reasons for which most pencils are yellow?\n;To copy the style of the first pencils made in the USA;To show that they come from China;To make them easier to see on a desk top;To show that they are top quality;To copy the style of the first pencils made in the USA
Which of these is not an actual name of a sea?\n;Blue Sea;Red Sea;Yellow Sea;White Sea;Blue Sea
Which of these is not an American writer?\n;Joseph Conrad;Eugene ONeill;Ernest Hemingway;Joseph Conrad;John Steinbeck
Which of these is not within the lines of the palm explored by palm readers?\n;Past line;Life line;Head line;Heart line;Past line
Which of these is said to have occurred at Cenacle?\n;The Last Supper;The Last Supper;The assassination of  Arch Duke Francis Ferdinand;The building of the Parthenon;The assassination of Julius Caesar
Which of these is the alter ego of Iron Man?\n;Tony Stark;Matt Murdock;Hank Williams;Tony Stark;John Johnson
Which of these is the last name of the two brothers who have each won the Cy Young Award given to the best Major League Baseball pitchers?\n;Perry;Perry;Niekro;Dean;Hernandez
Which of these is the name of the company that manufactures several first aid remedies?\n;Johnson and Johnson;Johnson and Johnson;Proctor and Gamble;Clark and Lewis;Black and Decker
Which of these is the name under which Opel designs are sold in the UK?\n;Vauxhall;Saturn;Vauxhall;Holden;Chevrolet
Which of these is the nickname of New York City?\n;The Big Apple;Bogey and Bacall;The Big Apple;Stock Market City;Rockefeller City
Which of these is the odd one out?\n;Jonquil;Carnelian;Jonquil;Beryl;Jasper
Which of these is the the odd one?\n;Amethyst;Narcissus;Amethyst;Rose;Daisy
Which of these islands is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea?\n;Sicily;Malta;Corfu;Cyprus;Sicily
Which of these items was not invented by Thomas Edison?\n;TV;TV;Dictating machine;3-wire electrical system;The electric pen
Which of these languages does not belong to the Germanic language family?\n;Finnish;Finnish;Icelandic;Swedish;Norwegian
Which of these leaders was NOT known as Generalissimo?\n;Adolf Hitler;Augusto Pinochet;Adolf Hitler;Kim Il-sung;Chiang Kai-shek
Which of these literary works was not written by author Jane Austen?\n;Wuthering Heights;Sense and Sensibility;Wuthering Heights;All of these;Northanger Abbey
Which of these magazines came first?\n;Boys Life;Highlights for Children;Playboy;Discover;Boys Life
Which of these medical conditions is linked to excessive salt consumption?\n;All of these;Duodenal ulcers and gastric ulcers;Edema;Osteoporosis;All of these
Which of these men has not written a book about Bigfoot/Sasquatch?\n;Lawrence Hayden;Grover Kranz;Lawrence Hayden;Jeff Meldrum;Peter Byrne
"Which of these methods is used in tongue splitting, an example of extreme body modification?\n";All of these;Using a scalpel;Using a surgical laser;Tightening of a nylon bind around a tongue piercing;All of these
Which of these modern composers was born in South Africa?\n;Niel van der Watt;John Williams;Niel van der Watt;Andrew Lloyd Webber;Alex Wurman
Which of these most accurately describes the school of Thomism?\n;The attempt to unify Aristotles ideas with those of the Bible;The attempt to unify protestantism and Catholicism;The attempt to unify Aristotles ideas with those of the Bible;The attempt to unify Newtons mechanics and quantum mechanics;The attempt to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity
Which of these movies did not win 11 Academy Awards?\n;Braveheart;The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King;Braveheart;Titanic;Ben Hur
Which of these musicians was not among the first class inducted into the Jazz Hall of Fame?\n;Ray Charles;Ray Charles;Earl Hines;Benny Carter;Art Tatum
Which of these names refers to the precious stone morganite?\n;All of these;All of these;Cesian beryl;Pink emerald;Rose beryl
Which of these names the odd one?\n;Ferdinand Marcos;Ramon Magsaysay;Sergio Osmeña Sr.;Ferdinand Marcos;Elpidio Quirino
"Which of these not only cut off pieces of the American flag, but was honored for doing so?\n";Robert Peary;Robert Peary;Benedict Arnold;Jefferson Davis;John Paul Jones
Which of these performers/bands has had the number one and number two albums on the Billboard chart twice?\n;Guns n Roses;The Rolling Stones;Guns n Roses;Pink Floyd;Frank Sinatra
Which of these plants was believed to scare off vampires and keep them at bay?\n;Wild rose;Hyacinth;Wild rose;Dandelion;Parsley
Which of these presidents had a pet alligator?\n;John Quincy Adams;Roosevelt;John Quincy Adams;George Bush;Thomas Jefferson
"Which of these procedures is done as a form of ear shaping, which often results in a non-human appearance of the ear?\n";All of these;Pointing;All of these;Amputation;Cutting and cropping
Which of these psychologists was not a student of Freuds?\n;Ulrich Neisser;Wilhelm Reich;Alfred Adler;Ulrich Neisser;Otto Rank
Which of these represents the largest group of soldiers?\n;Battalion;Company;Battalion;Squad;Platoon
Which of these schemes from the 2004 movie Oceans Twelve requires a trained cat to be carried out?\n;Hell in a Handbasket;Bakers Dozen;Crazy Larry;Hell in a Handbasket;Soft Shoulder
"Which of these serial murderers was nicknamed The Vampire of Sacramento, as he drank the blood and ate the remains of his victims?\n";Richard Chase;Joseph Paul Franklin;Joe Ball;Richard Chase;Jeffrey Dahmer
Which of these shades of purple can be found in a box of Crayola Crayons?\n;All of the Above;Vivid Violet;Royal Purple;Purple Mountains Majesty;All of the Above
Which of these singers had a daughter named Natalie?\n;Nat King Cole;Yoko Lennon;Nat King Cole;Dean Martin;Frank Sinatra
"Which of these songs, inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame, was not recorded by the singer-songwriter, born Robert Allen Zimmerman?\n";Aint No Mountain High Enough;Aint No Mountain High Enough;Mr. Tambourine Man;Like a Rolling Stone;Blowin in the Wind
Which of these statements about Albert Einstein is not true?\n;He wrote the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica;He was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics;He formulated the theory of relativity;He took Swiss citizenship in 1901;He wrote the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
Which of these statements is not correct?\n;The Smithsonian Institute is the longest building in the world.;The Smithsonian Institute is the longest building in the world.;All race horses are considered to have been born on January first.;"There is a list of unsolved math problems called the Milenium Problems. Anyone solving them is guaranteed $1,000,000 in prize money.";"The same man who invented the toy The Transformers also invented the hole cam, the camera used to see the hole cards on TV poker shows."
"Which of these statements is true about the Pan Am Flight 759 disaster that happened on July 9, 1982?\n";All of these;All of these;153 people were killed.;There was only one survivor.;It was flying from Miami to Las Vegas.
Which of these statements is true about the properties of gold?\n;It is unaffected by air and moisture;It is unaffected by air and moisture;All of these;It is chemically inert;It dissolves in nitric acid
Which of these statements is true about the way Michelangelo drew the snake in the Sistine Chapel?\n;The snake is a woman;The snake is walking;The snake appears to be speaking;The snake is a woman;The snake has no fangs
Which of these statements regarding the words imply and infer is correct?\n;"The speaker implies, the listener infers";All these statements are true;Imply and infer mean exactly the same thing;"The speaker implies, the listener infers";"The speaker infers, the listener implies"
Which of these states has the biggest area?\n;Hawaii;Hawaii;"Washington, D.C.";Connecticut;Delaware
Which of these stories was written by the Brothers Grimm?\n;The Frog Prince;The Adventures of Pinocchio;Puss in Boots;Sleeping Beauty;The Frog Prince
Which of these terms denotes an insertion of an object underneath the skin to create a raised design?\n;All of these;All of these;3-D implantation;Subdermal implantation;Pocketing
Which of these terms is used to describe one of the scenarios concerning the end of the world?\n;Grey goo;Red goo;Brown goo;Yellow goo;Grey goo
Which of these terms means fear of pins and needles?\n;Belonephobia;Batrachophobia;Batophobia;Barophobia;Belonephobia
Which of these US Presidents had the shortest tenure?\n;James A. Garfield;James Carter;James Madison;James A. Garfield;James K. Polk
Which of these US states comes in North and South flavours?\n;Dakota;Dakota;Virginia;Washington;New York
Which of these US states is not named after a river?\n;Iowa;Illinois;Alabama;Iowa;Colorado
Which of these vampire films was directed by horror supremo Wes Craven?\n;Vampire in Brooklyn;Vampyros Lesbos;Vampire in Brooklyn;Vampires Kiss;Vampires vs. Zombies
"Which of these was introduced in Britain by Lady Mary Wortley, who was a prolific writer of diaries, essays and poems?\n";Smallpox innoculation;The piano playing;Musical modulation;Smallpox innoculation;The literary salon
Which of these was invented by O. Mumford Scott?\n;Inexpensive weed-free grass seed;Disposable razors;The electric car;Vaseline;Inexpensive weed-free grass seed
"Which of these was invented by William E. Spicer, a Professor of Engineering at Stanford University?\n";Night vision goggles;Night vision goggles;Stealth technology;CrazyGlue;Portable dialysis machines
Which of these was supposedly built to house 8 human hairs?\n;The Shwedagon Pagoda;The Torii Pagoda;The Shwedagon Pagoda;The Masudi Temple;The Chenwuku Temple
Which of these was the name of a London street which housed a prison?\n;Clink;Clink;Brailey;Gow;Gaol
"Which of these weapons is a US Marine infantry  weapon, scheduled for widespread use in starting 2008?\n";SMAW-NE;Stryker;M-17A2 rifle;SMAW-NE;Javelin
Which of these women was nicknamed The Iron Lady?\n;Margaret Thatcher;Margaret Thatcher;Indira Gandhi;Imelda Marcos;Mother Teresa
Which of these words is defined as the one unpardonable sin against ones fellows in the book The Devils Dictionary?\n;Success;Gratitude;Fortune;Success;Faith
"Which of these words means  gloomy, dark, sadly dim?\n";tenebrous;insouciant;qutianous;prolix;tenebrous
"Which of these words means attracting by false, flashy, or tacky charms.\n";meretricious;meretricious;faletricious;abstemious;lucretius
"Which of these words means biting, sarcastic, acid-mouthed?\n";Mordant;Mordant;Chthonic;Quotidian;Puerile
Which of these words means dealing with charity or aided by charity?\n;Eleemosynary;Eleemosynary;Nescient;Parvenu;Thaumaturgh
Which of these words means someone who believes the self is the most important thing ?\n;Egoist;Egoist;Narcissist;A person with OCD;Egotist
Which one of Dr. Seusss famous characters said Save the Trees !!! Let em Grow ! ?\n;the Lorax;Horton;Sam-I-Am;the Cat in the Hat;the Lorax
"Which one of Marie Curies two daughters, Irene and Eve, followed in her mothers footsteps and won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry?\n";Irène;neither of them;Eve;Irène;both
Which one of the following is not a Japanese ghost or spirit?\n;ekimmu;zashiki-warashi;ekimmu;mujina;ubume
Which one of the following is not said to be haunted by the ghost of Abraham Lincoln?\n;The Lincoln Memorial.;Fords Theatre.;The Lincoln Memorial.;The White House.;"The family home in Springfield, Illinois."
Which one of the following is often referred to as The Godfather of Hip Hop?\n;Kool DJ Herc;Grandmaster Funk;Kool DJ Herc;Robinata Troop;U-Roy
Which one of the Great Lakes is situated entirely within the United States?\n;Lake Michigan;Lake Michigan;Lake Erie;Lake Huron;Lake Superior
Which one of the Kennedy brothers became known as The Lion of the Senate?\n;Edward M. Kennedy;Edward M. Kennedy;Robert F. Kennedy;Joseph P. Kennedy Jr.;John F. Kennedy
Which one of the listed African countries does not border a sea or an ocean?\n;Malawi;Malawi;Madagascar;Mozambique;Mauritania
Which one of these actors/actresses did not star in the movie Earthquake?\n;Fred Astaire;Lorne Greene;Charlton Heston;Ava Gardner;Fred Astaire
Which one of these authors created the famous fictional White Rabbit which wears a waistcoat and is always worried about being late?\n;Lewis Carrol;J. R. R. Tolkien;J. K. Rowling;Edgar Allan Poe;Lewis Carrol
Which one of these inventions hit the market in 1982?\n;The compact disk;The flying auto;The  TV remote control;The wireless bra;The compact disk
Which one of these is among the Top Ten Inventions of 2005 according to the US Army?\n;Fido Explosives Detector;Fido Explosives Detector;Achilles Anti-Aircraft Missile;The G.A.D.G.E.T. Deployable armored personnel vehicle;The R.E.X. anti-spyware computer software
Which one of these is the motto of  the state of Missouri?\n;Salus populi suprema lex esta;Semper ubi sub ubi;Magnus inter opes inops;Salus populi suprema lex esta;Pares cum paribus facillime congregantur
Which one of these people was nicknamed The Iron Butterfly?\n;Imelda Marcos;Indira Gandhi;Margaret Thatcher;Imelda Marcos;Bella Abzug
Which one of these persons was not a woman?\n;Anders Zorn;George Sand;George Eliot;Anders Zorn;Isak Dinesen
Which one of these singers was not one of the original Supremes?\n;Cindy Birdsong;Cindy Birdsong;Florence Ballard;Diana Ross;Mary Wilson
Which one of these statements was not made by economist Milton Friedman?\n;For the bureaucrat the world is  a mere object to be manipulated by him.;Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned.;Inflation is one form of taxation that can be  imposed without legislation.;For the bureaucrat the world is  a mere object to be manipulated by him.;Governments never learn. Only people learn.
Which one of these women is a sculptor famous for works with war-related themes?\n;Renee Headings;Renee Headings;Lin Mae Wang;Lisa Picard;May Howard  Jackson
Which part  of the Loch Ness monster is most noteworthy according to people who claim to have seen it?\n;Neck;Hair;Eyes;Neck;Teeth
Which part of the body contains the most gold?\n;toe nails;eyelashes;hair;toe nails;finger nails
Which part of the Earth is made up of iron mixed with nickel?\n;The outer core;The asthenosphere;The outer core;The inner core;The mantle
Which part of the world is commonly described as Far East?\n;East and Southeast Asia;All Asia;East and Southeast Asia;Oceania;East Siberia
Which plane is the first  jet fighter?\n;Heinkel He 280;Messerschmidt  M29;Heinkel He 280;F-117A;MiG 12
Which planet is 5th from the sun?\n;Jupiter;Jupiter;Saturn;Mars;Earth
Which President ended Reconstruction ?\n;Hayes;Hayes;Grant;Garfield;Arthur
Which President of the United States does Anthony Hopkins portray in Steven Spielbergs historical drama Amistad?\n;John Quincy Adams;John Adams;John Quincy Adams;Abraham Lincoln;Martin Van Buren
Which quality does satirist Ambrose Bierce define as “hideously appareled after the manner of the time and place� in his book The Devils Dictionary?\n;Handsome;Fashionable;Stylish;Handsome;Presentable
Which river in China caused a flood of mammoth proportions in 1931?\n;Yellow;Pearl;Red;Yellow;Tumen
"Which royal abode has had visitations from the ghosts of Thomas Becket, Anne Boleyn, King Henry VIII and Lady Jane Grey amongst many others (including a bear)?\n";The Tower of London;Windsor Castle;Sandringham;The Tower of London;Buckingham Palace
"Which scientist discovered that blood could be separated into blood plasma and red blood cells and the components frozen separately, thus lasting longer?\n";Charles Drew;Karl Landsteiner;Paul Ehrlich;Richard Keating;Charles Drew
Which set of numbers is most significant to baseball?\n;"3,4,9";"3,4,9";"1,83,26";"9,13,26";"1,7,17"
Which singer led The Nude Tour?\n;Prince;Issac Hayes;Jewel;Ashanti;Prince
Which song was Billy Joels first US Top Ten Hit?\n;Just the Way You Are;Moivin Out;Just the Way You Are;Piano Man;Shes  Got A Way
Which sport is mentioned in Shakespeares Henry V?\n;Tennis;Tennis;Golf;Bowling;Darts
Which state is famous for being the site of a series of major earthquakes in 1811 and 1812?\n;"New Madrid, Missouri";"Hilo, Hawaii";"New Madrid, Missouri";"San Francisco, California";"Trenton, New Jersey"
Which state was the first to ratify the Constitution of the United States in 1787?\n;Delaware;Massachusetts;Rhode Island;Delaware;Pennsylvania
Which statement  about the phobias of these fictional characters is untrue?\n;Winston Smith from the book 1984 had an unreasonable fear of birds.;Beatrix Kidd from Kill Bill had an unreasonable fear of being  buried alive.;Ron Weasley from the Harry Potter books had an unreasonable fear of spiders.;Fox Mulder from The X-Files had an unreasonable fear of  fire.;Winston Smith from the book 1984 had an unreasonable fear of birds.
Which statement about fast food restaurants in the USA is not  true?\n;The first Ben and Jerrys was opened on the campus of Dartmouth University.;The first Burger King was opened in Miami.;"The first Wendys was opened in Columbus, Ohio.";The first KFC was opened in Salt Lake City.;The first Ben and Jerrys was opened on the campus of Dartmouth University.
"Which statement about Gee Jon, who died on February 8, 1924, at the age of 29, is true?\n";He was the first person in the USA executed by lethal gas;He was the last person released from an American internment camp;He was the first American who died in the Northern Expedition in China;He was the first identical twin to survive separation;He was the first person in the USA executed by lethal gas
Which statement about the actor Donald Sutherland is untrue?\n;"He was born in Teddington, Middlesex, England.";He starred as Casanova in Il Casanova di Federico Fellini;"He was born in Teddington, Middlesex, England.";He starred as Homer Simpson.;"He starred in Alex in Wonderland, which featured Federico Fellini"
Which statement about the name Florence Nightingale Graham is true?\n;It is the real name of the famous beauty expert and business woman Elizabeth Arden.;It is the real name of  Billie Holliday.;"It is the married name of the famous nurse, Florence Nightingale";It is a pseudonym for the author Agatha Christie.;It is the real name of the famous beauty expert and business woman Elizabeth Arden.
"Which statement below, concerning even numbers, is true?\n";There are no even irrational numbers;There are no even irrational numbers;There are no even cardinal numbers;There are no even prime numbers;There are no even perfect numbers
Which statement is correct?\n;Disko Island is located off the west coast of Greenland.;"Graceland, Elvis Presleys home, is the most visited home in the USA.";"In Latin Io sperrio discum means While I breathe, I learn.";The Italian government added the expression orbium phonographicorum theca as the  definition for the new Latin word discotheque.;Disko Island is located off the west coast of Greenland.
Which statement is false?\n;FDR is famous for saying Nothing is so much to be feared as fear.;FDR is famous for saying Nothing is so much to be feared as fear.;O.Henry  founded a humorous weekly paper named The Rolling Stone.;Henry David Thoreau is famous for saying Nothing is so much to be feared as fear.;Tennessee Williams was born in Mississippi.
Which statement is not correct?\n;"James Bartley was swallowed whole by a whale, but was rescued and lived another 35  years.";Kermit the Frog spoke at the funeral of ventriloquist Edgar Bergen.;A cord of wood is 128 cubic feet of wood.;Isaac Van Amburgh is given credit as the first performer to put his head into the mouth of a  living lion.;"James Bartley was swallowed whole by a whale, but was rescued and lived another 35  years."
"Which statement is not true about Madame LaForce, who was a Confederate spy during the American Civil War?\n";She was French born.;She was a man.;She was French born.;She was a flirt.;She led the take-over of the steamer St. Nicholas in 1861.
Which statement is not true about political philosopher and economist Alexander Hamilton.\n;He was United States Secretary of the Treasury under Abraham Lincoln.;He died in a duel.;He served in the American Revolutionary War.;He was United States Secretary of the Treasury under Abraham Lincoln.;He was one of the Founding Fathers.
Which statement is true about Charles Furnas?\n;He was the first passenger on an airplane.;He was the designer of the Wright Brothers first plane.;He was the first passenger on an airplane.;He was the pilot of the first jet fighter.;"During World War I, he became the first man to shoot down a plane during a war."
Which statement is true about King Bladud?\n;He is the mythical king who tried to fly with wings made out of feathers and wood.;He is the mythical king who tried to fly with wings made out of feathers and wood.;He was the first member of a royal house (Ottoman Empire) to fly in a plane.;He flew the first plane to fly in Asia. (Thailand);He was the first primate (chimpanzee) to be onboard a spacecraft.
Which statement is true about Mrs. P.F.E. Albee?\n;She was the first Avon lady.;She was the first Mary Kay salesperson.;She was the first woman to practice law in the USA.;She was the first Avon lady.;She was the first woman to legally vote in a US Presidential election.
Which statement is untrue about Luxembourg?\n;"Its capital, Esch-sur-Alzette, is not its largest city.";Its original wealth came from the iron mines in the region.;It is a duchy.;"Its capital, Esch-sur-Alzette, is not its largest city.";It is often grouped with the Benelux group of European nations.
Which statement is untrue about the Human Papiloma Virus(HPV)?\n;About 75% of the strains of the HPV cause cervical cancer.;The HPV is an STD.;The HPV can cause cancer of the penis.;There is no complete cure for disease caused by the HPV.;About 75% of the strains of the HPV cause cervical cancer.
"Which statement, concerning the vision of owls is true?\n";All of these;Owls must turn their entire head to change views.;All of these;Owls are far-sighted and unable to clearly see within a few inches of their eyes.;Owls have binocular vision.
"Which statement, regarding James VI of Scotland and James I of England, is true?\n";They are one and the same person.;They are one and the same person.;They are father and son.;They are brothers.;They lived two centuries apart and are not related.
Which super computer lost a match to Garry Kasparov?\n;Deep Blue;Cycletrone-Check;Cray-1;Deep Blue;Super Check
Which team won the second Super Bowl?\n;The Green Bay Packers;The New York Jets;The Washington Redskins;The Kansas City Chiefs;The Green Bay Packers
Which team won the second World Series between the National League and the American League?\n;New York Giants;Pittsburgh Pirates;New York Giants;Providence Grays;New York Metropolitans
"Which term is defined as fear of crowds, public places or open areas?\n";Agoraphobia;Aviophobia;None of these;Claustrophobia;Agoraphobia
Which term means fear of being touched?\n;Aphenphosmphobia;Apotemnophobia;Aphenphosmphobia;Anuptaphobia;Antlophobia
Which term means fear of gravity?\n;Barophobia;Barophobia;Basophobia;Bolshephobia;Bacillophobia
Which term means fear of spiders?\n;Arachnophobia;Xanthophobia;Vitricophobia;Zelophobia;Arachnophobia
Which term refers to the morbid fear of thunderstorms?\n;Brontophobia;Triskadekaphobia;Xylophobia;Chionophobia;Brontophobia
"Which term would best describe all the people on this list: Lincoln Steffens, Ida Tarbell, Jack Anderson, Jack Newfield, Ray Stannard Baker, Wayne Barret, Richard Behar?\n";Muckrakers;Spoonerists;Positivists;Playwrights;Muckrakers
Which terms means an irrational fear of the sea or the ocean?\n;Thalassophobia;Somniphobia;Selachophobia;None of these;Thalassophobia
Which three left-handed US Presidents served in succession?\n;"Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, Ronald Reagan";"Herbert Hoover, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman";"George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush";"James Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Gerald Ford";"Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, Ronald Reagan"
Which two American cities boast statues of Popeye the Sailor?\n;"Crystal City, Texas and Chester, Illinois";"Crystal City, Texas and Chester, Illinois";"Petaluma, California and Palm City, Florida";"Wiley, Texas and East St. Louis, Illinois";"Eureka, California and Kingsville, Texas"
Which two cats are the main characters in the Lillian Jackson Braun series?\n;Koko and Yumyum;Koko and Yumyum;Yin and Yang;Kitty Jones and Kat  Smith;Rin and Tintin
Which two countries are connected  by the Simplon Pass?\n;Switzerland and Italy;Switzerland and Italy;Northern Ireland and Ireland;Canada and The USA;Bulgaria and Romania
Which two famous ghosts supposedly haunt the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel?\n;Marilyn Monroe and Montgomery Clift.;Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford.;Marilyn Monroe and Montgomery Clift.;Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner.;Laurel and Hardy.
Which two kinds of vehicles does the singer want to buy in the new car commercial?\n;a convertible and an SUV;a Hummer and a scooter;a Tesla and a Versa;a convertible and an SUV;a Lexus and a Harley
Which two landlocked countries are surrounded by other landlocked countries?\n;Liechtenstein and Uzbekistan;Liechtenstein and Uzbekistan;Austria and Switzerland;Tajikistan and Liechtenstein;Switzerland and Tajikistan
"Which two of these musicians were born in Lafayette, Indiana?\n";Axl Rose and Shannon Hoon;Axl Rose and Shannon Hoon;Michael Stipe and Curt Cobain;Kurt Cobain and Shannon Hoon;Axl Rose and Michael Stipe
Which U.S. President attempted to purchase Cuba from Spain?\n;Pierce;Johnson;Pierce;Tyler;Taylor
Which U.S. president had the first bowling alley put in the White House?\n;Truman;Nixon;Eisenhower;Taft;Truman
Which U.S. President is famous for saying I choose not to run?\n;Calvin Coolidge;Calvin Coolidge;Herbert Hoover;John Tyler;Warren G. Harding
Which U.S. President settled the North Western border dispute with Canada and England?\n;Polk;Hayes;Polk;Mckinley;Pierce
Which U.S. state is nicknamed The Golden State?\n;California;Alaska;Florida;Colorado;California
Which U.S. writer of detective fiction worked for the famous Pinkerton National Detective Agency?\n;Dashiell Hammett;Mickey Spillane;Mary Higgins Clark;Dashiell Hammett;Louis LAmour
Which United States President related a story about a murderous Bigfoot in a Wilderness Magazine?\n;Teddy Roosevelt;Harry Truman;U.S. Grant;Billy Carter;Teddy Roosevelt
Which US city is nicknamed The Venice of  America?\n;"Fort Lauderdale, Florida";"Fort Lauderdale, Florida";"Punta Gorda, Florida";"Key West, Florida";"Biloxi, Mississippi"
Which US President invented the baseball seventh inning stretch?\n;Taft;Hoover;Taft;Wilson;Harding
"Which US President signed the law, which established the Congressional Medal of Honor - the highest military decoration awarded by the United States?\n";Lincoln;Lincoln;Grant;A. Johnson;John Adams
Which US President was nicknamed Young Hickory?\n;Polk;Polk;Jackson;Taylor;Martin Van Buren
Which US state had the most estimated farmland for 2000?\n;Texas;South Dakota;Kansas;Montana;Texas
Which use of  the term Wild West is incorrect?\n;Wild West was a common name for territories west of the Rio Grande river;Wild West is the title of several Western movies;Wild West is a Nintendo game;Wild West was a common name for territories west of the Rio Grande river;Wild West is an album of Dottie West
Which verb is defined as “to put forward a suitable person to incur the mudgobbling and deadcatting of the opposition� in Ambrose Bierce’s satirical book The Devils Dictionary\n;Nominate;Nominate;Fire;Promote;Recommend
Which video game console is credited with popularizing the use of game cartridges in 1977?\n;Atari 2600;ColecoVision;Atari 2600;NES/Famicom;Sega Master System
Which was the first car model to sell one million cars in one year?\n;Chevy Impala;Corvette;Chevy Impala;Volkswagon Beetle;Toyota Corolla
Which was the first country in the world to constitutionally abolish its army?\n;Costa Rica;Costa Rica;Gabon;Togo;Estonia
Which was the first country to win two consecutive FIFA World Cups in 1958 and 1962?\n;Brazil;Italy;France;Argentina;Brazil
Which was the first Disney production to show the death of a main character?\n;Lion King;Bambi;Lion King;Pocahontas;Peter Pan
Which was the first jazz single to sell one million copies?\n;Chattanooga Choo-Choo;Laura;Take the A Train;In the Mood;Chattanooga Choo-Choo
Which was the first music album to sell at least 20 million units?\n;Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV;Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV;Pink Floyd - The Wall;Billy Joel - Greatest HitsVolumes I and II;AC/DC - Back in Black
Which was the first nation to become Christian?\n;Armenia;Antioch;Romania;Armenia;Rome
Which was the first racehorse to run the Kentucky Derby in less than 2 minutes?\n;Secretariat;Secretariat;Cigar;Man OWar;Seabiscuit
Which was the first song that radio personality and voice actor Casey Kasem played on his radio show Americas Top Forty?\n;Mama Told Me Not to Come;Forget Him;Mama Told Me Not to Come;Mandy;Love Me Tender
Which was the first sub-Saharan African nation to gain its freedom?\n;Ghana;Ghana;Somalia;Malawi;Gabon
Which was the first TV series regularly broadcast in color?\n;Bonanza;Bonanza;Gunsmoke;The Flintstones;Hawaii 5-0
Which was the first TV sitcom?\n;Mary Kay and Johnny;The Goldbergs;Mary Kay and Johnny;I Love Lucy;The Dobkins
Which was the first womens college in the USA?\n;Mt. Holyoke;Radcliffe;Mt. Holyoke;Douglas;Bryn Mawr
Which was the second motion picture  to win the Oscar for Best Movie?\n;The Broadway Melody;The Broadway Melody;Wings;All Quiet on the Western Front;Cimarron
Which wedding anniversary is celebrated as Silver Wedding Day by old tradition?\n;25th anniversary;35th anniversary;25th anniversary;20th anniversary;30th anniversary
"Which wedding anniversary is celebrated internationally as the Diamond Wedding Anniversary, or Diamond Wedding Day?\n";60th anniversary;60th anniversary;80th anniversary;50th anniversary;40th anniversary
"Which wedding anniversary is known as the Golden Wedding Anniversary, or Golden Wedding Day?\n";50th anniversary;60th anniversary;50th anniversary;40th anniversary;25th anniversary
Which woodwind instrument is not made of wood and has no reeds?\n;Flute;Flute;Clarinet;Oboe;Accordion
Which word goes with the Oriental symbol Yang?\n;Yin;Tao;Yin;Sutra;Ying
Which word in this sentence is incorrectly used:  The new trivia mix was answered by Joe and me.\n;mix;me;answered;trivia;mix
Which word is defined as “the spiritual attitude of a man to a god and a dog to a man� in Ambrose Bierces satirical book The Devils Dictionary?\n;Reverence;Love;Worship;Reverence;Respect
"Which word means a practitioner of the martial art of Okinawan origin, karate?\n";Karateka;Konyico;Karateka;Sojin;Samurai
Which word refers to a person who stuffs and mounts animals for display or study?\n;Taxidermist;Hunter;Taxidermist;None of these;Poacher
Which word refers to a specialized type of building in a garden that is used for the growing of citrus trees?\n;Orangery;Orange garden;Orangeton;Orangery;Orange-greenhouse
Which word refers to self-discipline and refraining from worldly pleasures?\n;Asceticism;Asceticism;Aneurysm;Ableism;Atavism
Which word refers to the fear of long words?\n;Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia;Ornithophobia;Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia;Radiophobia;Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
"Which word was coined by philosopher and theologian, William Whewell in 1833?\n";scientist;holography;magenta;scientist;trastevere
Which world denotes a phobia of a small rodent?\n;Musophobia;Technophobia;Entomophobia;Ophidiophobia;Musophobia
Which World War One battles were the first ever fought by the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) as a joint force?\n;Gallipoli battles;Galicia battles;Gallipoli battles;Ghent battles;Georgetown battles
Which year is most significant to Napoleon Bonaparte?\n;1800 AD;1700 AD;1600 AD;1800 AD;2525 AD
Which youthful musician(s) is/are associated with the 1980s albums Killing Joke and Whats THIS for...!?\n;Martin Youth Glover;Paul Young;Martin Youth Glover;Musical Youth;Neil Young
Who  wrote the concertos called The Four Seasons?\n;Vivaldi;Vivaldi;Schumann;Mozart;Corelli
Who are the presidents on Mount Rushmore?\n;"Washington, Jefferson, T. Roosevelt, Lincoln";"Adams, Washington, Johnson, F. Roosevelt";"Washington, Jefferson, T. Roosevelt, Lincoln";"Washington, Adams, Lincoln, Hamilton";"Lincoln, Kennedy, Regan, Washington"
"Who became famous in 1957 with the Jamaican folk song, The Banana Boat Song?\n";Harry Belafonte;Charlie Parker;Max Roach;Harry Belafonte;Miles Davis
Who built the famous monument Taj Mahal?\n;Shah Jehan;Shah Jehan;Akbar;Aurangzeb;Babur
Who composed and performed the ballad Goodbye Yellow Brick Road?\n;Elton John;Michael Bolton;Elton John;The Beatles;None of these
Who created the first billion dollar company?\n;J.P. Morgan;Andrew Carnegie;Alexander Farkas;Samuel Walton;J.P. Morgan
Who did Allie Hamilton meet while working as a nurse in the 2004 romance film The Notebook?\n;her future fiance Lon Hammond;her old flame Noah Calhoun;her future fiance Lon Hammond;none of these;her future fiance and eventual husband Lon Hammond
Who did Time magazine name as “Person of the Year for 2006?\n;The Internet user;Nancy Pelosi;Jong Il Kim;Bill Gates;The Internet user
"Who directed the 1931 musical comedy Le Million, in which the storyline centers on a lottery ticket?\n";Rene Clair;Ernest Lubitsch;Josef von Sternberg;Charlie Chaplin;Rene Clair
Who directed the 1991 film The Silence of the Lambs?\n;Jonathan Demme;Roman Polanski;Joel Coen;Steven Spielberg;Jonathan Demme
"Who discovered the gyroscope effect, now used for measuring orientation?\n";Johann Bohenberger;Thomas A. Edison;Leon Foucault;Booker T. Washington;Johann Bohenberger
Who does Ken accidentally kill instead of the witness in the 1988 comedy movie A Fish Called Wanda?\n;Three dogs;A whale;Wanda;His mother;Three dogs
Who does Michael Corleone give the kiss of death in one of the most memorable scenes of the movie Godfather II?\n;Fredo Corleone;Kay Corleone;Sonny Corleone;Tom Hagen;Fredo Corleone
"Who does not belong to this list of high school dropouts: Julie Andrews, Marlon Brando, Johnny Depp, Demi Moore, Avril Lavigne, Christina Applegate, Jude Law, Leah Remini, John Travolta, Ed Norton.\n";Ed Norton;Avril Lavigne;Leah Remini;Johnny Depp;Ed Norton
Who drew the first pollitical cartoon published in an American newspaper?\n;Ben Franklin;Ben Franklin;Samuel Freeman;Dr. Seuss;Thomas Nast
"Who had Solomons wisdom, Hercules strength, Atlas stamina, Zeus power, Achilles courage, and Mercurys speed?\n";Captain Marvel;Captain Marvel;Captain America;The Hulk;Superman
Who invented a process to remove caffeine from coffee for the first time?\n;Roselius and Wimmer;Roselius and Wimmer;Rostand and Martin;Banting and Best;Nestle and Sanders
"Who invented the armonica, a musical instrument made up of a series of tuned spinning  bowls?\n";Benjamin Franklin;Sir Edward Elgar;Benjamin Franklin;Dean Shostak;Thomas Edison
Who invented the ball point pen?\n;Jozsef Laszlo Biro;Elias Schaeffer;Elias Howe;John Fitzsimmons Waterman;Jozsef Laszlo Biro
Who invented the doll that says Momma?\n;Alexander Graham Bell;Henry Ford;Benjamin Banneker;Alexander Graham Bell;Thomas Alva Edison
Who invented the first working television system?\n;John Logie Baird;Thomas Edison;Alexander Graham Bell;John Logie Baird;Benjamin Franklin
Who is Captain Quints first mate on the Orca?\n;Matt Hooper;David Brown;Matt Hooper;Richard Zanuck;Carl Gottlieb
Who is Cat Woman?\n;Selina Kyle;Samantha Wayne;Pam Isley;Sarah Connor;Selina Kyle
Who is considered the Father of Modern Dentistry?\n;Pierre Fauchard;Horace Wells;Lucien Hobbs;Norman Kingsley;Pierre Fauchard
Who is considered the first American to be killed in the Cold War?\n;John Birch;Alan Funt;Allen Dulles;William Donovan;John Birch
Who is considered the worlds first photojournalist?\n;Jacob Riis;Eadweard Muybridge;Jacob Riis;Matthew  Brady;Minor White
Who is Han Solos first mate on the Millennium Falcon?\n;Chewbacca;R2-D2;Darth Vader;Chewbacca;Yoda
Who is Harry Potters best friend and schoolmate?\n;Ron Weasley;Neville Longbottom;Sirius Black;Albus Dumbledore;Ron Weasley
Who is Hiroo Onoda?\n;The last Japanese casualty from World War II;The last Japanese casualty from World War II;The founder of Mazda;This is the real name of Tojo.;The Japanese fisherman who first sees Godzilla in the movie of the same name
Who is Katie Hnida?\n;The first female to play NCAA Division 1 football;The first female to be a  professional boxer;The first female to play NCAA Division 1 football;The first  American female to ride on the Space Shuttle;The first female Prime Minister of Ecuador
Who is listed as the richest person in the world on the 2009 Forbes list?\n;Bill Gates;Carlos Slim Helu;Lawrence Ellison;Warren  Buffett;Bill Gates
Who is Mother Gooses cat in the self-titled newspaper comic strip?\n;Attila;Princess;Angel;Attila;The Duchess
Who is Mrs. Murphys best friend in the Rita Mae Brown series?\n;Tucker Tee;Puce;Pinky;Kahula;Tucker Tee
Who is P.L. Travers most famous literary character?\n;Mary Poppins;Frankenstein;Mary Poppins;Scrooge;Scarlett OHara
Who is regarded as the first professional (American style) football player?\n;William Heffelfinger;William Heffelfinger;Red Grange;Jay Berwanger;Jim Thorpe
"Who is Shreks sidekick in the films Shrek, Shrek 2, and Shrek the Third?\n";Donkey;Puss in Boots;The Frog King;Fairy Godmother;Donkey
Who is the author of the novel East of Eden?\n;John Steinbeck;Steven Spielberg;Elia Kazan;John Steinbeck;Eugene ONeill
Who is the cat detective in the Carole Nelson Douglas series set in Las Vegas?\n;Midnight Louie;Lucky Louie;Tom Thumb;Mr. Letemride;Midnight Louie
Who is the creator of the first steam locomotive?\n;Richard Trevithick;Richard Trevithick;Ronald Von Heldenberger;Robert Fulton;Robert Watts
Who is the crime-solving cat hero of the Rita Mae Brown books?\n;Mrs. Murphy;Mrs. Murphy;Old Deuteronomy;Tucker Tee;Mama Morton
Who is the father of the fictional black cat Midnight Louie?\n;Three OClock Louie;Louie Temple Barr;Louis the LVII;Noontime Louie;Three OClock Louie
Who is the first performer/band to have at least 36 Billboard Top Ten albums?\n;The Rolling Stones;The Beatles;Elvis Presley;The Rolling Stones;Frank Sinatra
Who is the first singer to have two singles that sold over 30 million copies worldwide?\n;Bing Crosby;Bruce Springsteen;Yanni;Elton John;Bing Crosby
Who is the first State of the Union Address attributed to?\n;George Washington;Jefferson Thomas;George Washington;John Adams;James Madison
Who is the hapless kitty villain who is constantly being outwitted by the little bird Tweety Pie?\n;Sylvester;Sylvester;Tom;Wil E. Cat;Garfield
Who is the inventor of Tupperware?\n;Earl Tupper;Earl Tupper;John Smith;David Silas;Janis Tupperware
Who is the mysterious murderer from the urban legend known as The Babysitter and the Man Upstairs?\n;A madman;The father of the children;The babysitters boyfriend;A madman;The neighbor
Who is the odd one of the four writers?\n;Charles Dickens;Thomas More;Edmund Spenser;Charles Dickens;Christopher Marlowe
Who is the only President who had a patent?\n;Lincoln;Hoover;Lincoln;Jefferson;Washington
Who is the protagonist of John Boormans 1998 movie The General?\n;"Martin Cahill, a criminal from Dublin, Ireland";"Pablo Escobar, a Columbian drug lord";"Idi Amin, a dictator of Uganda";"Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a Taliban warlord";"Martin Cahill, a criminal from Dublin, Ireland"
Who is the second US president?\n;John Adams;Martin Van Buren;John Adams;James Monroe;Thomas Jefferson
Who is widely regarded as the father of British Secret Service?\n;Daniel Defoe;Sir Richard Burton;Christopher Marlowe;Daniel Defoe;"Edward Ames, Duke of Harrington"
Who killed Achilles according to Greek mythology?\n;Paris aided by Apollo;Hector aided by the Nereids;Priam aided by Paris;Peleus aided by Thetis;Paris aided by Apollo
"Who killed Jesse James, one of the legendary figures of the Wild West?\n";Robert Ford;Charley Ford;Frank James;John Carradine;Robert Ford
"Who killed the Nemean Lion, one of the most vicious monsters in Greek mythology?\n";Heracles;Zeus;Cronus;Heracles;King Eurystheus
Who lost the Battle of Marathon?\n;Darius I;Xerces I;Darius I;Cyrus I;Parimedes
Who made an assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan?\n;"John Hinckley, Jr.";James Brady;Lee Harvey Oswald;"John Hinckley, Jr.";Jack Ruby
Who made the first chocolate bar?\n;J. S. Fry  Sons;J. S. Fry  Sons;Nestle;Mars;Hershey
Who or what is Vinson Massif?\n;The tallest mountain in Antarctica;"Sanitations third cousin, twice removed";The third king of Sweden;The tallest mountain in Antarctica;a muscle in the human body
Who played Clark Kent/Superman in the 1948 Superman movie?\n;Kirk Alyn;Jack Larsen;George Reeves;Christopher Reeves;Kirk Alyn
"Who played Elizabeth Brooke McGuire in the television show, Lizzie McGuire?\n";Hillary Duff;Lalaine Vergara;Hillary Duff;Hallie Todd;Ashlie Brillault
Who played keyboards on the Beach Boys hits?\n;Darryl Dragon;Pete  McIntosch;Mike Love;Darryl Dragon;Stan Gibb
Who played the last juror to vote not  guilty in the 1957 movie Twelve Angry Men?\n;Lee J. Cobb;Ed Begley;Lee J. Cobb;Martin Balsam;"Ed Begley,Jr."
Who played the role of Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter film series?\n;Tom Felton;Daniel Radcliffe;Rupert Grint;Richard Harris;Tom Felton
"Who played the role of Jimmy B-Rabbit in the 2002 movie 8 Mile, directed by Curtis Hanson?\n";Eminem;Michael Shannon;Kim Basinger;Evan Jones;Eminem
Who played the role of Rebecca Howe on the TV show Cheers?\n;Kirstie Alley;Kirstie Alley;Rhea Perlman;Shelley Long;Bebe Neuwirth
Who played the role of Tommy in the 1975 movie Tommy�?\n;Roger Daltrey;Eric Clapton;Elton John;Roger Daltrey;Keith Moon
Who popularized the song Unforgettable in 1951?\n;Nat King Cole;Nat King Cole;Humphrey Bogart;Dean Martin;Frank Sinatra
"Who portrayed Adam Schiff, the Manhattan District Attorney in Law and Order?\n";Steven Hill;Fred Dalton Thompson;Steven Hill;Dann Florek;Steve Zirnkilton
Who portrayed Gabrielle Solis in the TV series Desperate Housewives?\n;Eva Longoria Parker;Eva Longoria Parker;Marcia Cross;Felicity Huffman;Teri Hatcher
Who portrayed Harry Potter in each film of the Harry Potter series?\n;Daniel Radcliffe;Richard Harris;Tom Felton;Rupert Grint;Daniel Radcliffe
Who portrays Nicoles (Staci Keanan) two fathers on the TV sitcom My Two Dads?\n;Paul Reiser and Greg Evigan;Tony Randall and Jack Klugman;Walter Matthau and Art Carney;Paul Reiser and Greg Evigan;Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane
Who provided the voices of the characters in the Radio Program Amos n Andy from 1928 to 1960?\n;Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll;Pranklin Pierce and John Pierce;Amos Rogers and Andrew Brown;Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll;John Paul and George Ringo
Who sang on the first million selling record?\n;Enrico Caruso;Thomas Alva Edison;Louis Armstrong;Frank Sinatra;Enrico Caruso
Who tries to warn the driver of the car about the killer in the back seat according to the popular urban legend?\n;A driver of the car behind;The signs on the road;A wolf appearing on the road;A driver of the car behind;A voice on the radio
Who usually is in charge of a US Army infantry company?\n;A captain;A sargent;A one-star general;A colonel;A captain
Who voiced Roger Rabbit in the 1988 movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit?\n;Charles Fleischer;Charles Fleischer;Bob Hoskins;Mae Questel;Mel Blanc
Who was  the first Major League Baseball player to hit four homers in one game and three triples in another game?\n;Willie Mays;Mickey Mantle;Tris Speaker;Willie Mays;Joe Dimaggio
Who was actress Sheree Elizabeth Zampino married to from 1992 to 1995?\n;Will Smith;Will Smith;Terrell Fletcher;James Avery;Alfonso Ribeiro
Who was Aristotles most famous student?\n;Alexander;Phillippus Magnus;Alexander;Erasmus;Ptolemy
Who was Aristotles teacher?\n;Plato;Plato;Ptolemy;Socrates;Alexander
Who was baseball announcer Joe Garagiolas best friend in childhood ?\n;Yogi Berra;Stan Musial;Yogi Berra;Red Barber;Chris Schenkel
Who was Captain James T. Kirks first mate on the USS Enterprise NCC-1701?\n;Mr. Spock;Montgomery Scotty Scott;Dr. Leonard Bones McCoy;Hikaru Sulu;Mr. Spock
Who was Dale Evans married to?\n;Roy Rogers;Roy Rogers;Buffalo Bill Cody;Wild Bill Hickcock;Gene Autry
Who was drafted by the Houston Rockets in the first overall selection of the 1984 NBA draft?\n;Hakeem Olajuwon;Michael Jordan;Hakeem Olajuwon;John Stockton;Charles Barkley
Who was drafted by the Orlando Magic as the 1st overall pick in the 1992 NBA draft?\n;Shaquille ONeal;Shaquille ONeal;Christian Laettner;Alonzo Mourning;Anfernee Hardaway
Who was Elizabeth Taylors second husband?\n;Michael Wilding;Michael Wilding;Mike Todd;Nick Hilton;Eddie Fisher
Who was Frank Sinatras second wife?\n;Ava Gardner;Mia Farrow;Ava Gardner;Barbara Marx;Nancy Barbato
Who was given a Honorary Academy Award  in 1967?\n;Enos Edward Yakima Canutt;Edith Head;John Gilbert;Enos Edward Yakima Canutt;Mary Astor
Who was given the first numbered patent in the USA?\n;Samuel Hopkins;Henry Clinton;Samuel Hopkins;Ben Franklin;Paul Revere
Who was Henry Pu Yi?\n;The last Emperor of China.;The last of Maos supporters to be killed.;First Asian to win a Nobel Prize.;The first man to win a Pulitzer Prize and a Nobel Prize.;The last Emperor of China.
Who was Leonardo da Vincis art teacher?\n;Andrea del Verrocchio;Fra Luca Paccioli;Titian;Andrea del Verrocchio;Giotto di Bondone
Who was Lydia Litvyak?\n;The top female fighter ace of World War II;The top female fighter ace of World War II;The first female to get an engineering degree in the USA;The first Polish woman chief of state;The inventor of the silicon chip
Who was Nero Wolfs legman and confidant?\n;Archie Goodwin;Dr. Watson;Coleman his butler;Rex Stout;Archie Goodwin
Who was on the cover of the first issue of  People magazine?\n;Mia Farrow;Elvis Presley;Joseph G. Cannon;Mia Farrow;Lucille Ball
Who was originally selected to play Leo Bloom in the 1968 comedy film The Producers written by Mel Brooks?\n;Dustin Hoffman;Zero Mostel;Dustin Hoffman;Jimmy Broderick;Luther Adler
Who was Robert Van Winkle ?\n;Vanilla Ice;A fictional character who slept for many years;Ice-T;The first winner of the Congressional  Medal of Honor;Vanilla Ice
Who was the 39th President of the United States?\n;Jimmy Carter;Ronald Reagan;Bill Clinton;Jimmy Carter;Richard Nixon
Who was the British Prime Minister on February 14th 1940?\n;Chamberlain;Chamberlain;Callaghan;Churchill;Canning
Who was the British ruler at the time of the American Revolution?\n;George III;Henry VIII;George I;George III;George II
Who was the famous American writer  whose first job was selling and making pencils?\n;Henry David Thoreau;Henry David Thoreau;John Steinbeck;Benjamin Franklin;Nathaniel Hawthorne
Who was the father of Jem and Scout in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird?\n;Atticus Finch;Harper Lee;Bob Jones;Boyd Smith;Atticus Finch
Who was the first  guest on The Tonight Show  when Johnny Carson was the host?\n;Groucho Marx;Bette Midler;Bob Hope;Groucho Marx;Steve Allen
Who was the first actor to play Tarzan?\n;Elmo Lincoln;Johnny Weissmuller;Mike Henry;Ron Ely;Elmo Lincoln
Who was the first American novelist  to be considered an imoportant writer by the Europeans?\n;John Quincy Adams;Washinton Irving;James Fennimore Cooper;Thomas  Howell;John Quincy Adams
Who was the first centerfold of Playboy magazine?\n;Marilyn Monroe;Bette Paige;Joan Crawford;Jayne Mansfield;Marilyn Monroe
Who was the first Chinese writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature?\n;Gao Xingjian;Xia Zhinian;Choi Chi Fung;Gao Xingjian;Cai Zhifeng
Who was the first commander of a nuclear submarine?\n;Eugene P. Wilkerson;Mark Clarke;Eugene P. Wilkerson;Lewis Groton;Melvin Carver
Who was the first female Attorney General of the United States?\n;Janet Reno;Janet Reno;Joanne Pierce;Susan Roley;Clarisa Starling
Who was the first female professor at Princeton University?\n;Hannah Arendt;Rosalind Yalow;Susan Sontag;Mary Robertson;Hannah Arendt
Who was the first guest host on NBCs Saturday Night Live?\n;George Carlin;John  Goodman;Howard Cosell;George Carlin;Steve Martin
Who was the first guest star to step off the plane on Fantasy Island?\n;Bill Bixby;Bill Bixby;Don Knots;Roddy McDowell;Victoria Principal
Who was the first host of the popular late-night show Saturday Night (later called Saturday Night Live)?\n;George Carlin;Steve Martin;George Carlin;Richard Pryor;John Goodman
Who was the first Major League Baseball player born in what was then called Czechoslovakia?\n;Elmer Valo;Reno Bertoia;Ernie Orvitz;Elmer Valo;Andy Pafko
"Who was the first mate of PT-73, that was commanded by Lieutenant Commander Quinton McHale?\n";Ensign Charles Parker;Fuji Kobiaji;Ensign Charles Parker;Lt. Elroy Carpenter;Captain Wallace B. Binghamton
"Who was the first mate of the fictional USS Stingray, commanded by Lieutenant Commander Thomas Dodge?\n";Martin T. Pascal;E.T. Lovacelli;Martin T. Pascal;Yancy Graham;Jefferson Jackson
"Who was the first member of The Monkees to quit, shortly after the bands Far East tour in December 1968?\n";Peter Tork;Micky Dolenz;Davy Jones;Peter Tork;Michael Nesmith
Who was the first non-Muslim to make the journey from mecca to Medina?\n;Richard Burton;Richard Burton;Robert Stanley;Ronald Kateman;Richard the Lion Hearted
Who was the first official Postmaster General of the United States?\n;Samuel Osgood;Ulmer Pierce Smith;John Jay;Samuel Osgood;Ben Franklin
Who was the first performer to have both the Billboard number one and number two album?\n;Bob Newhart;Willie Nelson;Frank Sinatra;Bob Newhart;Johnny Mathis
Who was the first person to  use the term atomic bomb?\n;H.G. Wells;H.G. Wells;Robert Oppenheimer;Lise Meitner;Enrico Fermi
Who was the first person to be crowned Czar of Russia?\n;Ivan the Terrible;Nicholas III;Alexander IV;Ivan the Terrible;Mikhail Romanov
Who was the first person to parachute?\n;Andres-Jacques Garnerin;Leonardo Da Vinci;Andres-Jacques Garnerin;Lino LaCedelli;David Gaithier
Who was the first person to reach both the North and South Poles?\n;Roald Amundsen;Roald Amundsen;Robert Falcon Scott;Robert Peary;Ernest Shackleton
Who was the first person to show that blood moved from the heart  to the lungs and back?\n;ibn-al-Nasif;ibn-al-Nasif;Leonardo Da Vinci;William Harvey;William Herschel
Who was the first pitcher in major league baseball history to strike out over 3000 batters but to have less than 1000 bases on balls?\n;Ferguson Jenkins;Ferguson Jenkins;Don Newcombe;Sandy Koufax;Nolan Ryan
Who was the first player for the Tampa Bay (Devil) Rays?\n;Tony Saunders;Chuch LaMar;Tony Saunders;Wilson Alvarez;Larry Rothschild.
Who was the first player selected by the Dallas Cowboys in the football draft?\n;Bob Lilly;Bedford Wynne;Bob Lilly;Abner Haynes;Don Meredith
Who was the first professional athlete in baseball history to hit a home run and score a touchdown in the same week?\n;Jim Thorpe;Bo Jackson;Mel Hubbard;Deion Sanders;Jim Thorpe
Who was the first singer to get a Gold Record for a single?\n;Perry Como;Tex Beneke;Perry Como;Elvis Presley;Frank Sinatra
Who was the first Tzar of Russia?\n;Ivan the Terrible;Nicolai Terravinasonoff;Ivan the Terrible;Boris Godenoff;Michael Romanoff
Who was the first U.S. President born in the USA?\n;Van Buren;Madison;Van Buren;John Adams;Washington
Who was the first US President to die while in office?\n;William Henry Harrison;John Tyler;Martin Van Buren;William Henry Harrison;Andrew Jackson
Who was the first US President to have vetoed over 600 pieces of legislation?\n;Franklin Delano Roosevelt;Andrew Johnson;Richard M. Nixon;Franklin Delano Roosevelt;Andrew Jackson
Who was the first US President with no middle name?\n;George Washington;Thomas Jefferson;John Adams;George Washington;Jimmy Carter
Who was the first vice president from the Republican Party?\n;Hannibal Hamlin;Thomas Jefferson;John Tyler;Hannibal Hamlin;John Adams
Who was the first woman to have a gold record?\n;Judy Garland;Teresa Brewer;Connie  Francis;Judy Garland;Shirley Temple
"Who was the fourth baseball player to hit 600 home runs in the US major leagues (Babe Ruth, of course, was the first)?\n";Barry Bonds;"Ken Griffey, Jr.";Barry Bonds;Willie Mays;Sammy Sosa
Who was the fourth US president?\n;James Madison;James Madison;James Monroe;John Quincy Adams;Thomas Jefferson
Who was the Greek god of wine?\n;Dionysus;Hermes;Hephaestus;Dionysus;Zeus
Who was the long-suffering character from the Bibles Old Testament?\n;Job;Zeb;Job;Set;Uri
Who was the most villainous cat in the film Cats and Dogs?\n;Mr. Tinkles;Mr. Tinkles;Mrs. Catamaran;Mr. Bojangles;Mrs. Gato
Who was the only American President to be elected to office in the Confederacy ?\n;John Tyler;John Tyler;Zachary Taylor;Andrew Jackson;Millard Fillmore
"Who was the only congressman to vote against going to war against Japan on December 8, 1941?\n";Rankin;Forrest;Stewart;Rankin;Wilkie
Who was the only US President to have never married?\n;Buchanan;Buchanan;Cleveland;McKinley;Taft
Who was the second host of the Tonight Show?\n;Jack Paar;Johnny Carson;Steve Allen;Jay Leno;Jack Paar
Who was the second Republican US President?\n;Ulysses Grant;Andrew Johnson;Ulysses Grant;Abraham Lincoln;Rutherford B. Hayes
Who was the second US President  to face impeachment?\n;William Clinton;William Blount;Andrew Johnson;Richard Nixon;William Clinton
"Who was the top prosecutor, before Jack McCoy got the first chair in the top cases on Law and Order?\n";Benjamin Stone;Benjamin Stone;Paul Moriarty;Paul Robinette;Bill Flynn
"Who was Vice President under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, when the Alaska Statehood Act was signed?\n";Richard Nixon;Richard Nixon;Nelson  A Rockafeller;Brian V Mitchell;John L Truman
"Who was/were the featured artist/group in Mad Dogs and Englishmen, a 1971 movie about an American music tour?\n";Joe Cocker;Elton John;Joe Cocker;The Commitments;The Rolling Stones
Who was/were the first passenger/s on a hot air balloon?\n;all of these;s rooster;all of these;a duck;sheep
Who were the feuding enemies of the McCoys?\n;Hat fields;Earps;Harrisons;Daltons;Hat fields
Who were the legendary founders of  the city of Rome?\n;Romulus and Remus;Romulus and Remus;Castor and Pollux;Troilus and Cressida;Damon and Pythias
Who were the star-crossed lovers from West Side Story ?\n;Tony and Maria;Nardo and Anita;Juan and Juanita;Tony and Maria;Jose and Jorge
Who were the two teenagers who were transported into various time periods in a series of movies?\n;Bill and Ted;George and Henry;Bill and Ted;Joe and Tom;Archie and Reggie
Who won the 1958 Academy Award for Best Actress?\n;Susan Hayward;Helen Hayes;Susan Hayward;Althea Gibson;Wendy Miller
Who won the first chess tournament in the USA?\n;Paul Morphy;Adolph Anderssen;John Marshall;Paul Morphy;Henry  Bird
"Who wrote and illustrated the famous childrens book The Tale of Peter Rabbit, first published in 1902?\n";Beatrix Potter;Hans Christian Andersen;Oscar Wilde;Lewis Carroll;Beatrix Potter
Who wrote and performed a song featuring the lyrics: I just want your extra time and your kiss?\n;Prince;Madonna;Michael Jackson;Kylie Minogue;Prince
Who wrote and performed the 1997 hit song Angels?\n;Robbie Williams;Sting;Robbie Williams;George Michael;Elton John
Who wrote and performed the 2005 song Bad Day?\n;Daniel Powter;Daniel Powter;Taylor Hicks;Green Day;Alvin
"Who wrote Jude the Obscure, The Mayor of Casterbridge, and Far From the Madding Crowd?\n";Thomas Hardy;Thomas Hardy;William Shakespeare;Walter Scott;Matthew Arnold
Who wrote the book The Color Purple that was adapted into a Broadway play?\n;Alice Walker;Betty Pierce;Alice Walker;C.S Lewis;Anne Rice
Who wrote the book To Kill a Mockingbird?\n;Harper Lee;James Baldwin;Harper Lee;Norman Mailer;Mark Twain
Who wrote the collection of 100 novellas known as The Decameron?\n;Giovanni Boccaccio;Emperor Huizong;Eilhart von Oberge;Alfonso VII of León;Giovanni Boccaccio
"Who wrote The Murders in the Rue Morgue, the book considered the first detective story?\n";Edgar Allan Poe;Charles Lennox;Edgar Allan Poe;Jules Verne;Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Who wrote the music for Brian de Palmas 2000 movie Mission to Mars?\n;Ennio Morricone;Howard Shore;Ennio Morricone;Goran Bregovic;Slash
"Who wrote the novel Young Lions which was adapted into a movie starring Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, and Dean Martin?\n";Irwin Shaw;Theodore Dreiser;Irwin Shaw;Truman Capote;Norman Mailer
Who wrote the opera Mozart et Salieri?\n;Rimsky-Korsakov;Berlioz;Bizet;Rimsky-Korsakov;Saint-Saiens
"Who wrote the poem, In The Naked Bed, In Platos Cave\n";Delmore Schwartz;Delmore Schwartz;Allen Ginsberg;Thilios Parmedes;Langston Hughes
"Who wrote, directed, and starred in the 1981 movie The Four Seasons?\n";Alan Alda;Alan Alda;Glen Ford;Robert DeNiro;Len Carriou
Whose real name was Leonard Sly?\n;Roy Rogers;Roy Rogers;Leonardo DiCaprio;Gerald Ford;Leonard Nimoy
Whose wife was Sarah according to the Hebrew Bible and the Quran?\n;Abrahams;Ishmaels;Noahs;Isaacs;Abrahams
Why are Charles Dickens books so wordy?\n;He got paid by the word;He knew he had a short life and wanted to get everything on paper;He got paid by the word;That was the style of the day;He didnt want anyone to say Please Sir! More gruel!
Why are Cipriano dela Valera and Casiodoro de Reina famous in the Spanish-speaking world?\n;They are responsible for the most popular Spanish version of the Bible.;They are responsible for the first translation of  Don Quixote into English.;They are responsible for the most popular Spanish version of the Bible.;They are the publishers of the top-selling Spanish-language newspapers in  the USA.;They are the top stars of Spanish-language television in the USA.
Why are portholes typically round?\n;To spread out pressure on the the ships covering;Because a circle gives you the most area for the least perimeter.;To spread out pressure on the the ships covering;For easier and smoother entering from the outside;They are circular by ancient tradition.
Why couldnt the couple get a loan for a respectable home in one of the commercials?\n;She defaulted on some old credit card.;She defaulted on some old credit card.;Some punk opened a credit card in her name.;He had a poor credit score.;His credit was whack.
Why did King Oedipus marry his mother according to the Greek legend?\n;He didnt known she was his mother.;To keep their riches withing the family;Because he fell in love with her;He didnt known she was his mother.;Because the gods forced him to do it
Why did the inventor of bubble gum make it pink?\n;It was the only color he had left;It was the only color he had left;He made it pink for his daughter;It was his favorite color;Pink reminded him of his mother
"Why do most fish, reptiles, amphibians, and birds appear green?\n";Because of a reflection of blue light coming through an over-layer of yellow pigment;They are able to change their color in order to camouflage themselves;Because most of them feed on green plants;Their skin contains a specific green pigment;Because of a reflection of blue light coming through an over-layer of yellow pigment
Why was a performance by Bob Dylan interrupted in 1998?\n;A shirtless man with the words Soy Bomb written on his chest leapt on stage.;A shirtless man with the words Soy Bomb written on his chest leapt on stage.;His lyrics did not pass the decency level required by CBS Television.;Tom Petty had not made it into the stage in time to play the musical bridge in the song.;The show ran 15 minutes over and ABC Television had gone to the evening news.
"Why was Battery D, Harry Truman’s unit in World War I, so devoted to their Captain Harry?\n";All of these.;None of the men died because of a battle.;All of these.;Truman always kept his mens safety as primary goal.;Truman never asked them to do anything he wont do.
Why was Nicolas Appert vital in the success of Napoleon?\n;He was one of Napoleons cooks;"He became Field Marshall Ney, head of the Cavalry";He was Napoleons top spy;He was responsible for Napoleons favorite horse;He was one of Napoleons cooks
Why was the battle of Huai-Hai so important in world history?\n;It was the last major battle between Chinese Communists and Chinese Nationalists;It was the  battle that gave control of China to the Mongols;It was the final battle that drove Japan out of China in WWII;It was the last major battle between Chinese Communists and Chinese Nationalists;It was the last major Chinese-aided attack of the Vietnam War
Why was the name Mercedes added to Benz?\n;To make it more appealing to the French;No one knows;To make it more appealing to the French;To make it more feminine;To make it compete with Ford
"Why was there a mutiny on the Russian ship, The Potemkin?\n";The meat was not good;The sailors favored the Communists over the Tsar;The meat was not good;The sailors wanted to help put out a fire in town and the captain refused to let them;The sailors were paid a very low wage
Why would mermaids drown humans according to popular belief and different stories?\n;All of these;Because they forget humans cant breathe underwater;In attempts to rescue them from drowning;Out of spite;All of these
"Widely known as Crazy Bet, she was a famous Union spy in the American Civil War.\n";Elizabeth Van Lew;Betty Carson;Elizabeth Jenkins;Elizabeth Garrison;Elizabeth Van Lew
Wilhelm Kolff invented what device?\n;Dialysis machine;Dialysis machine;Football helmet;Linotype machine;PET scan
William McCord has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He appeared in the movie The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai and the soap opera Days of Our Lives. With which singing group did he have his biggest hit?\n;Billy Vera and the Beaters;Billy Vera and the Beaters;The Remains;Dion and the Belmonts;The Hollies
"William Moggridge is commonly credited with the creation of the first true laptop computer, in this year.\n";1979;1979;1984;1963;1634
William Moulton Marston was the psychologist who invented the polygraph or lie detector. What else did he create?\n;Wonder Woman;The Thematic Apperception test;Wonder Woman;The IQ Test;Behavior Therapy
Windows runs most computers. When the first version of the Windows Operating System released?\n;1981;1981;1961;1991;1971
With what American city is the urban legend about the Sewer alligator mostly associated with?\n;New York City;San Francisco;New York City;Los Angeles;Chicago
"With witches, ghosts, and murder this play by Shakespeare has nearly all the elements of horror fiction.  First performed around 1606, it is called simply The Scottish Play by many actors who consider calling the play by its real title bad luck.\n";Macbeth;Macbeth;King Lear;The Merchant of Venice;The Tempest
"Woodrow Wilson (the USA), Georges Clemenceau (France) and David Lloyd George (Great Britain) signed a treaty of global importance. Which was the treaty?\n";Treaty of Versailles;Treaty of Brest-Litovsk;Treaty of Berlin;Treaty of Versailles;Treaty of San Stefano
Woody and Buzz Light Year are characters from this video game based on a Disney movie.\n;Toy Story;Jump In!;Toy Story;Camp Rock;Planet 51
Work expands to fill the time available for its completion. Under what name is this law known?\n;Parkinsons Law;Parkinsons Law;Atkinsons Law;Pattersons Law;Robinsons Law
WWII is undoubtedly the bloodiest war. This is the number of fatalities it caused.\n;56.4 million;56.4 million;44.0 million;71.8 million;27.3 million
You are doing a handwriting analysis test. You choose green ink. What does this say about you?\n;You are adaptable and desire harmony.;You are very friendly and spiritual.;You have a desire to stand out from the crowd.;You are adaptable and desire harmony.;You enjoy leadership and dominance.
"You are given a bag with 10 marbles, four red marbles and six blue marbles. You select one at random. What is the probability  that the marble you select is either blue or green?\n";6 out of ten;6 out of ten;0;4 out of ten;2  out of ten
You can fry an egg on a sidewalk when it reaches how many degrees Fahrenheit?\n;158;143;158;167;172
You go into a diner and  you hear the  waitress yell out Cats Eyes. What has someone just ordered?\n;tapioca;a breakfast of steak and two eggs;strawberries and cream;tapioca;sunny side eggs
"You know these lovers were fated to meet because Of all the gin joints, in all of the towns, in all of the world, she walks into mine. Rick remembers all the little details - The Germans wore gray, you wore blue. These star crossed lovers even had their song. What song did Sam play when Ilisa asked, Play it, Sam.?\n";As Time Goes By;My Heart Will go On;Time in a Bottle;As Time Goes By;Time after Time
"Youve been working on a job for quite a while and achieved a lot. But now fatigue has set in and you find that despite your best efforts, youre no longer getting the same high level of results. This effect is neatly expressed in which law?\n";The law of diminishing returns;The law of diminishing returns;The law of deteriorating returns;The law of falling returns;The law of declining returns
Zoophobias are some of the most widespread abnormal fears. Which of the following is not a fear associated with animals?\n;Neophobia;Neophobia;Entomophobia;Cynophobia;Felinophobia