require 'glimmer-dsl-libui'
include Glimmer
window('Basic Image', 96, 96) {
area {
# image is not a real LibUI control. It is built in Glimmer as a custom control that renders
# tiny pixels/lines as rectangle paths. As such, it does not have good performance, but can
# be used in exceptional circumstances where an image control is really needed.
# Furthermore, adding image directly under area is even slower due to taking up more memory for every
# image pixel rendered. Check basic_image4.rb for a faster alternative using on_draw manually.
# It is recommended to pass width/height args to shrink image and achieve faster performance.
image {
file File.expand_path('../icons/glimmer.png', __dir__)
# x 0 # default
# y 0 # default
# width 96 # gets calculated from height while preserving original aspect ratio of 512x512
height 96