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namespace Homestead;

use \Homestead\Exception\DatabaseException;
use \PHPWS_Error;
use \PHPWS_DB;

 * HMS Floor class
 * @author Jeremy Booker <jbooker at tux dot appstate dot edu>
 * Some code copied from:
 * @author Kevin Wilcox <kevin at tux dot appstate dot edu>

class Floor extends HMS_Item
    public $term;
    public $floor_number;
    public $residence_hall_id;
    public $is_online;
    public $gender_type;
    public $f_movein_time_id;
    public $t_movein_time_id;
    public $rt_movein_time_id;
    public $rlc_id;
    public $floor_plan_image_id;

     * List of rooms associated with this floor
     * @vary array
    public $_rooms     = null;

     * Holds the parent residence hall object of this floor
    public $_hall      = null;

     * Constructor
    public function __construct($id = 0)
        parent::__construct($id, 'hms_floor');

    public function getDb()
        return new PHPWS_DB('hms_floor');

     * Instance Methods *

     * Saves a new or updated floor hall object
    public function save()
        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_floor');

        $result = $db->saveObject($this);

        if(!$result || PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result)) {
            throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());

     * Copies this floor object to a new term, then calls copy on all
     * 'this' floor's rooms
     * Setting $assignments to 'true' causes the copy public function to copy
     * the assignments as well as the hall structure.
     * @return bool False if unsuccessful.
    public function copy($to_term, $hall_id, $assignments = false, $roles = false)
        if(!$this->id) {
            return false;

        //echo "in hms_floor, copying this floor id: $this->id <br>";

        // Create a clone of the current floor object
        // Set id to 0, set term, and save
        $new_floor = clone($this);
        $new_floor->term = $to_term;
        $new_floor->residence_hall_id = $hall_id;
        $new_floor->f_movein_time_id = null;
        $new_floor->t_movein_time_id = null;
        $new_floor->rt_movein_time_id = null;

        }catch(\Exception $e) {
            throw $e;

        // Copy any roles related to this floor.
        if($roles) {
            // Get memberships by object instance.
            $membs = HMS_Permission::getUserRolesForInstance($this);
            // Add each user to new floor
            foreach($membs as $m) {
                // Lookup the username
                $user = new \PHPWS_User($m['user_id']);

                // Load role and add user to new instance
                $role = new HMS_Role();
                $role->id = $m['role'];
                $role->addUser($user->getUsername(), get_class($new_floor), $new_floor->id);

        // Load all the rooms for this floor
        if(empty($this->_rooms)) {
            }catch(\Exception $e) {
                throw $e;

         * Rooms exist. Start making copies.
         * Further copying is needed at the room level.

        if(!empty($this->_rooms)) {
            foreach ($this->_rooms as $room) {
                    $room->copy($to_term, $new_floor->id, null, $assignments);
                }catch(\Exception $e) {
                    throw $e;

    public function getLink($prependText = null)
        $floorCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('EditFloorView');
        if(!is_null($prependText)) {
            $text = $prependText . ' ' . $this->floor_number;
        } else {
            $text = $this->floor_number;
        return $floorCmd->getLink($text);

     * Loads the parent hall object of this floor
    public function loadHall()
        $result = new ResidenceHall($this->residence_hall_id);
        if(PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result)) {
            throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());
        $this->_hall = & $result;
        return true;

     * Pulls all the rooms associated with this floor and stores
     * them in the _room variable.
    public function loadRooms()
        $db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
        $sql = "SELECT *
            FROM hms_room
            WHERE floor_id = :id
            ORDER BY room_number ASC";
        $sth = $db->prepare($sql);
        $sth->execute(array('id' => $this->id));
        $this->_rooms = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS, '\Homestead\RoomRestored');

        return true;

     * Creates the rooms and beds for a new floor
    public function create_child_objects($rooms_per_floor, $beds_per_room)
        for ($i = 0; $i < $rooms_per_floor; $i++) {
            $room = new Room;

            $room->floor_id     = $this->id;
            $room->term         = $this->term;
            $room->gender_type  = $this->gender_type;

            if($room->save()) {
            } else {
                // Decide on bad Result.

     * Returns true or false.
     * This public function uses the following logic:
     * When ignore_upper = true (a hall is trying to see if this floor can be changed to a target gender):
     *      If the target gender is COED: always return true, since it doesn't matter what the rooms are (or what the hall is)
     *      If the target gender is MALE: return false if any room is female and non-empty
     *      If the target gender is FEMALE: return false if any room is male and non-empty
     *      If all thsoe checks pass, then return true
     *      When ignore_upper = false (we're trying to change *this* floor to a target gender):
     *      If the target gender is COED: return true only if the hall is COED (but it doesn't matter what the rooms are)
     *      If the target gender is MALE: return false if the hall is female, or if there are any female rooms on the floor
     *      If the target gender is FEMALE: return false if the hall is male, or if there are any male rooms on the floor
     * @param int   target_gender
     * @param bool  ignore_upper
     * @return bool
    public function can_change_gender($target_gender, $ignore_upper = false)
        // Ignore upper is true, we're trying to change a hall's gender
        if($ignore_upper) {
            // If ignore upper is true and the target gender is coed, then
            // we can always return true.
            if($target_gender == COED) {
                return true;

            // Can only change to male/female if there are no rooms of the opposite sex on this hall
            // TODO: This should check for rooms that are of the opposite sex AND not empty
            if($target_gender == MALE) {
                $check_for_gender = FEMALE;
            } else {
                $check_for_gender = MALE;

            // If a check for rooms of the opposite gender returns true, then return false
            if($this->check_for_rooms_of_gender($check_for_gender)) {
                return false;

        } else {
            // Ignore upper is false, load the hall and compare

            if(!$this->loadHall()) {
                // an error occured loading the hall
                return false;

            // The target gender must match the hall's gender, unless the hall is COED
            if($this->_hall->gender_type != COED && $this->_hall->gender_type != $target_gender) {
                return false;

            // Additionally, we need to check for rooms of the oppsite sex, unless the target gender is COED
            if($target_gender != COED) {
                // If a check for rooms of the opposite gender returns true, then return false
                if($this->checkForOtherRoomGenders($target_gender)) {
                    return false;

        return true;

    public function check_for_rooms_of_gender($gender_type)
        $db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
        $sql = "SELECT
            FROM hms_room
            LEFT JOIN hms_floor
            ON floor_id =
            WHERE = :id AND hms_room.gender_type = :gender";
        $sth = $db->prepare($sql);
        $sth->execute(array('id' => $this->id, 'gender' => $gender_type));
        $result = $sth->rowCount();

        if($result == 0) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

     * Returns true if there are any rooms on this floor set to a gender
     * *other than* the specificed gender.
     * @param Integer $gender
     * @return boolean
     * @throws DatabaseException
    public function checkForOtherRoomGenders($gender)
        $db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
        $sql = "SELECT
            FROM hms_room
            LEFT JOIN hms_floor
            ON floor_id =
            WHERE = :id AND hms_room.gender_type != :gender";
        $sth = $db->prepare($sql);
        $sth->execute(array('id' => $this->id, 'gender' => $gender));
        $result = $sth->rowCount();

        if($result > 0) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function getUsernames()
        $db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
        $sql = "SELECT hms_assignment.asu_username
           FROM hms_assignment
           LEFT JOIN hms_bed
           ON bed_id =
           LEFT JOIN hms_room
           ON room_id =
           LEFT JOIN hms_floor
           ON floor_id =
           WHERE = :id";
        $sth = $db->prepare($sql);
        $sth->execute(array('id' => $this->id));
        $result = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);

        return $result;

    public function getFloorNumber()
        return $this->floor_number;

     * Returns the number of rooms on the current floor
    public function get_number_of_rooms()
        $db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
        $sql = "SELECT
            FROM hms_room
            LEFT JOIN hms_floor
            ON floor_id =
            WHERE = :id";
        $sth = $db->prepare($sql);
        $sth->execute(array('id' => $this->id));
        $result = $sth->rowCount();

        return $result;

     * Returns the number of beds on the current floor
    public function get_number_of_beds()
        $db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
        $sql = "SELECT
            FROM hms_bed
            LEFT JOIN hms_room
            ON room_id =
            LEFT JOIN hms_floor
            ON floor_id =
            WHERE = :id";
        $sth = $db->prepare($sql);
        $sth->execute(array('id' => $this->id));
        $result = $sth->rowCount();

        return $result;

    public function countNominalBeds()
        $db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
        $sql = "SELECT
            FROM hms_bed
            LEFT JOIN hms_room
            ON room_id =
            LEFT JOIN hms_floor
            ON floor_id =
            WHERE = :id AND hms_room.offline = 0 AND hms_room.overflow = 0 AND hms_room.parlor = 0";
        $sth = $db->prepare($sql);
        $sth->execute(array('id' => $this->id));
        $result = $sth->rowCount();

        return $result;

     * Returns the number of assignees on the current floor
    public function get_number_of_assignees()
        $db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
        $sql = "SELECT
            FROM hms_assignment
            LEFT JOIN hms_bed
            ON bed_id =
            LEFT JOIN hms_room
            ON room_id =
            LEFT JOIN hms_floor
            ON floor_id =
            WHERE = :id";
        $sth = $db->prepare($sql);
        $sth->execute(array('id' => $this->id));
        $result = $sth->rowCount();

        return $result;

     * Returns the parent hall object of this floor
    public function get_parent()
        return $this->_hall;

     * Returns an array of the rooms on the current floor
    public function get_rooms()
        if(!$this->loadRooms()) {
            return false;

        return $this->_rooms;

     * Returns an associative array where the keys are room ID's
     * and the values are the room numbers.
    public function get_rooms_array()
        if(!$this->loadRooms()) {
            return false;

        $rooms = array();

        foreach($this->_rooms as $room) {
            $rooms[$room->id] = $room->room_number;

        return $rooms;


     * Returns an array of the bed on the current floor
     * @return Array An array of Bed objects that exist on the current floor.
    public function get_beds()
        $beds = array();

        if(!$this->loadRooms()) {
            return false;

        foreach($this->_rooms as $room) {
            $room_beds = $room->get_beds();
            $beds = array_merge($beds, $room_beds);
        return $beds;

     * Returns an array of student objects which are currently assigned to this floor
    public function get_assignees()
        if(!$this->loadRooms()) {
            return false;

        $assignees = array();

          return $assignees;
        foreach($this->_rooms as $room) {
            $room_assignees = $room->get_assignees();
            $assignees = array_merge($assignees, $room_assignees);

        return $assignees;

     * Returns true if this floor has vancancies, false otherwise
     * @return bool True if the floor has vacancies, false otherwise.
    public function has_vacancy()
        if($this->get_number_of_assignees() < $this->get_number_of_beds()) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Returns an array of room objects on this floor that have vacancies
     * @return Array<Room> An array of Room objects which are vacant on this floor.
    public function getRoomsWithVacancies()
        if(!$this->loadRooms()) {
            return false;

        $vacant_rooms = array();

        foreach($this->_rooms as $room) {
            if($room->has_vacancy()) {
                $vacant_rooms[] = $room;

        return $vacant_rooms;

    public function where_am_i($link = false)
        $building = $this->get_parent();

        $text = $building->hall_name . ', Floor ' . $this->floor_number;

        if($link) {
            $editFloorCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('EditFloorView');

            return $editFloorCmd->getLink($text);
            return $text;

    public function count_avail_lottery_rooms($gender, $rlcId = null)
        $now = time();

        $db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
        // Calculate the number of non-full male/female rooms in this hall
        $query =   "SELECT DISTINCT COUNT( FROM hms_room
                    JOIN hms_bed ON hms_bed.room_id =
                    JOIN hms_floor ON hms_room.floor_id =
                    WHERE ( NOT IN (SELECT bed_id FROM hms_lottery_reservation WHERE term = :term AND expires_on > :now)
                    AND NOT IN (SELECT bed_id FROM hms_assignment WHERE term = :term))
                    AND = :id
                    AND hms_floor.rlc_id IS null
                    AND hms_floor.is_online = 1
                    AND hms_room.gender_type IN (:gender, 3)
                    AND hms_room.reserved = 0
                    AND hms_room.offline = 0
                    AND hms_room.private = 0
                    AND hms_room.overflow = 0
                    AND hms_room.parlor = 0 ";

        $params = array('id' => $this->id, 'term' => $this->term, 'now' => $now, 'gender' => $gender);

        if($rlcId != null) {
            $query .= "AND hms_room.reserved_rlc_id = $rlcId ";
        }else {
            $query .= "AND hms_room.reserved_rlc_id IS NULL ";

        $query .= "AND hms_bed.international_reserved = 0
                    AND hms_bed.ra = 0
                    AND hms_bed.ra_roommate = 0";

        $sth = $db->prepare($query);
        $avail_rooms = $sth->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);

        return $avail_rooms;

    public function get_pager_by_hall_tags()
        $tpl = array();

        $tpl['FLOOR_NUMBER']   = $this->getLink();
        $tpl['GENDER_TYPE'] = HMS_Util::formatGender($this->gender_type);
        $tpl['IS_ONLINE']   = $this->is_online ? 'Yes' : 'No';

        return $tpl;

     * Accessor / Mutator Methods *

    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

    public function getTerm()
        return $this->term;

    public function isOnline()
        if($this->is_online == 1){
            return true;

        return false;

    //TODO lots more here

     * Static Methods *

    public static function get_pager_by_hall($hall_id)
        $pager = new \DBPager('hms_floor', '\Homestead\Floor');

        $pager->addWhere('hms_floor.residence_hall_id', $hall_id);

        $pager->setEmptyMessage("No floors found.");

        return $pager->get();