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4 days
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namespace Homestead;

use \Homestead\Exception\DatabaseException;
use \Homestead\Exception\InvalidTermException;
use \PHPWS_Error;
use \PHPWS_DB;

 * Main model class to represent a Housing Application.
 * @package Hms
 * @category StudentDev
 * @author  Jeremy Booker
 * @license GNU Public License
class HousingApplication {

    public $id = 0;

    public $term; // The term which this application is for

    public $application_type; // The type of this application, defined by each subclass' constructor

    public $banner_id;
    public $username;

    public $gender;
    public $student_type;  // 'F', 'C', 'T', etc...
    public $application_term; // The term the student started school
    public $cell_phone;
    public $meal_plan;

    /* Emergency Contact Info */
    public $emergency_contact_name;
    public $emergency_contact_relationship;
    public $emergency_contact_phone;
    public $emergency_contact_email;
    public $emergency_medical_condition;

    /* Missing Persons Information */
    public $missing_person_name;
    public $missing_person_relationship;
    public $missing_person_phone;
    public $missing_person_email;

    public $international; // Whether or not this student is an international student. 0 => false, 1=> true (0 by default)

    public $created_on; // unix timestamp when the application as first saved
    public $created_by; // user name of the person who created this application

    public $modified_on; // unix timestamp when the application was last modified
    public $modified_by; // user name of the person who last modified this application

     * Set to 'true' by the withdrawn search process. Should always be false by default.
     * @deprecated Use 'cancelled' member variable instead.
    public $withdrawn = 0;

    /* Contract Cancellation */
    public $cancelled;
    public $cancelled_reason;
    public $cancelled_by;
    public $cancelled_on;
    public $waiting_list_hide = 0;

     * Constructor for the abstract HousingApplication class. It can never be called directly. Instead,
     * it's intended for use by sub-classes.
     * If the object already exists (i.e. has a non-zero 'id'), then it is up to the sub-class
     * to call the 'load()' method in this class to load the core data.
     * This constrcutor should only be called
     * remaining parameters are required
     * and this method will handle initializing the values of the core application member variables defined in
     * this class
     * @param string $term
     * @param string $banner_id
     * @param string $username
     * @param string $gender
     * @param string $student_type
     * @param string $application_term
     * @param string $cell_phone
     * @param string $meal_plan
     * @param string $international
    public function __construct($term = null, $banner_id = null, $username = null, $gender = null, $student_type = null, $application_term = null, $cell_phone = null, $meal_plan = null, $international = null)




     * Loads the core housing application data (i.e. the member variables defined in this class).
     * Requires that $this->id be non-zero.
     * Sub-classes can override this method to load their own data specific to that application type.
     * In that case, the sub-class should call parent::load() to execute this method and load the core
     * application data.
    protected function load()
        if ($this->id == 0) {

        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_new_application');
        $result = $db->loadObject($this);
        if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result)) {
            throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());

        return true;

     * Saves the core housing application data (i.e. the member variables defined in this class).
     * Sub-classes can override this method to save their own data specific to that application type.
     * In that case, the sub-class should call parent::load() to execute this method and save the core
     * application data.
    public function save()

        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_new_application');

        $result = $db->saveObject($this);
        if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result)) {
            throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());

        //see ticket #581, we don't want to log every time we save

        return true;

     * Sets the last modified by/on fields and, if necessary, the created by/on fields
    public function stamp()
        // Set the last modified time

        // Sets the 'last modified by' field according to who's logged in
        $user = UserStatus::getUsername();
        if (isset($user) && !is_null($user)) {
        } else {

        // If the object is new, set the 'created' fields
        $createdOn = $this->getCreatedOn();
        if (empty($createdOn)) {
            if (isset($user) && !is_null($user)) {
            } else {

     * Uses the ActivityLog class to log the submission of this application
    public function log()
        // Determine which user name to use as the current user
        $username = UserStatus::getUsername();

        if (isset($username) && !is_null($username)) {
            HMS_Activity_Log::log_activity($this->getUsername(), ACTIVITY_SUBMITTED_APPLICATION, $username, 'Term: ' . $this->getTerm());
        } else {
            HMS_Activity_Log::log_activity($this->getUsername(), ACTIVITY_SUBMITTED_APPLICATION, 'hms', 'Term: ' . $this->getTerm());

     * Delets this application from the database.
     * @throws DatabaseException
     * @return boolean
    public function delete()
        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_new_application');
        $db->addWhere('id', $this->id);
        $result = $db->delete();
        if (!$result || PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result)) {
            throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());

        return true;

     * Reports 'this' application to Banner
    public function reportToBanner()
        try {
            $soap = SOAP::getInstance(UserStatus::getUsername(), UserStatus::isAdmin()?(SOAP::ADMIN_USER):(SOAP::STUDENT_USER));
            $soap->createHousingApp($this->getBannerId(), $this->getTerm());
        } catch(\Exception $e) {
            // Send an email notification
            $send_to = array();
            $send_to[] = '';

            $mail = new \PHPWS_Mail;

            $mail->setSubject('HMS Application Error!');

            $body = "Username: {$this->getUsername()}\n";

            throw $e; // rethrow the exception it

        // Log the fact that the application was sent to banner
        HMS_Activity_Log::log_activity($this->getUsername(), ACTIVITY_APPLICATION_REPORTED, UserStatus::getUsername());

     * Returns the Student object who this appllication is for
     * @return Student
    public function getStudent()
        return StudentFactory::getStudentByBannerId($this->getBannerId(), $this->getTerm());

     * Returns a nicely formatted string with the "type" of this application
     * @return String
    public function getPrintableAppType()
        switch($this->application_type) {
            case 'fall':
                return "Fall";
            case 'spring':
                return "Spring";
            case 'summer':
                return "Summer";
            case 'lottery':
                return "Re-application";
            case 'offcampus_waiting_list':
                return "Open Waiting-list";
                return "Unknown";

     * Returns the fields for this HousingApplication parent class. Usually called by overriding methods in subclasses (e.g. SummerApplication).
     * @return Array Array of fields for this HousingApplication.
    protected function unassignedStudentsFields()
        $fields = array();
        $fields['banner_id']         = $this->getBannerId();
        $fields['username']          = $this->getUsername();
        $fields['gender']            = HMS_Util::formatGender($this->getGender());
        $fields['application_term']  = Term::toString($this->getApplicationTerm(), true);
        $fields['student_type']      = HMS_Util::formatType($this->getStudentType());
        $fields['meal_plan']         = HMS_Util::formatMealOption($this->getMealPlan());

        $fields['created_on']        = HMS_Util::get_long_date($this->getCreatedOn());

        $roommate = HMS_Roommate::get_confirmed_roommate($this->getUsername(), $this->getTerm());
        if (!is_null($roommate)) {
            $fields['roommate'] = $roommate->getFullName();
            $fields['roommate_id'] = $roommate->getBannerId();
        } else {
            $fields['roommate'] = '';
            $fields['roommate_id'] = '';

        return $fields;

     * Marks an application as cancelled.
     * Valid values for $reasonKey are defined in defines.php,
     * and listed in HousingApplication::getCancellationReasons().
     * @param integer $reasonKey
    public function cancel($reasonKey)
        $this->cancelled = 1;
        $this->cancelled_by = \Current_User::getUsername();
        $this->cancelled_on = time();

        $reasons = self::getCancellationReasons();

        if ($reasonKey == "0" || !array_key_exists($reasonKey, $reasons)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid cancellation reason key.');

        $this->cancelled_reason = $reasonKey;

        // Log that this happened
        HMS_Activity_Log::log_activity($this->getUsername(), ACTIVITY_CANCEL_HOUSING_APPLICATION, \Current_User::getUsername(), Term::toString($this->getTerm()) . ': ' . $reasons[$reasonKey]);

     * Static Methods *

     * Checks to see if a application already exists for the given username.
     * If so, it returns the true, otherwise it returns false.
     * If no term is given, then the "current term" is used.
     * The 'cancelled' parameter is optional. If set to true, then this method will
     * return true for cancelled applications. If false (default), then this method will
     * ignore cancelled applications.
     * @deprecated
     * @see HousingApplicationFactory::getAppByStudent()
     * @param unknown    $username
     * @param unknown    $term
     * @param string     $cancelled
     * @throws DatabaseException
     * @return unknown|boolean
    public static function checkForApplication($username, $term, $cancelled = false)
        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_new_application');
        $db->addWhere('username', $username, 'ILIKE');

        $db->addWhere('term', $term);

        if ($cancelled === false) {
            $db->addWhere('cancelled', 0);

        $result = $db->select('row');

        if (\PEAR::isError($result)) {
            throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());

        if (sizeof($result) > 0) {
            return $result;
        } else {
            return false;

    * Returns a HousingApplication for the given user name.
    * @deprecated
    * @see HousingApplicationFactory::getAppByStudent()
    * @param unknown_type $username
    * @param unknown_type $term
    * @param unknown_type $applicationType
    * @throws DatabaseException
    * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    public static function getApplicationByUser($username, $term, $applicationType = null)
        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_new_application');
        $db->addWhere('username', $username);
        $db->addWhere('term', $term);

        if (!is_null($applicationType)) {
            $db->addWhere('application_type', $applicationType);

        $result = $db->select('row');

        if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result)) {
            throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());

        if ($result == null) {
            return null;

        switch($result['application_type']) {
            case 'fall':
                $app = new FallApplication($result['id']);
            case 'spring':
                $app = new SpringApplication($result['id']);
            case 'summer':
                $app = new SummerApplication($result['id']);
            case 'lottery':
                $app = new LotteryApplication($result['id']);
            case 'offcampus_waiting_list':
                $app = new WaitingListApplication($result['id']);
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown application type: ' . $result['application_type']);

        return $app;

     * Returns an array of HousingApplication objects, one object for each application the
     * given student has completed. All parameters are optional.
     * Returns false if the request cannot be compelted for any reason.
     * TODO depricate this and do it better
     * @param string $username
     * @param string $banner_id
     * @param string $term
     * @return mixed <NULL, FallApplication>
    public static function getAllApplications($username = null, $banner_id = null, $term = null)
        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_new_application');

        if (!is_null($banner_id)) {
            $db->addWhere('banner_id', $banner_id);

        if (!is_null($username)) {
            $db->addWhere('username', $username, 'ILIKE');

        if (!is_null($term)) {
            $db->addWhere('term', $term);

        $result = $db->select();

        $apps = array();

        foreach($result as $app) {
            $apps[] = HousingApplicationFactory::getApplicationById($app['id']);

        return $apps;

     * Returns an array (indexed by term) of HousingApplication objects for the given student.
     * It does *not* convert these into the child classes/sub-types. You just get
     * the general HousingApplication type objects.
     * @param Student $student
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws DatabaseException
     * @return Array Array of HousingApplication objects for the given user.
    public static function getAllApplicationsForStudent(Student $student)
        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_new_application');

        if (!isset($student) || empty($student) || is_null($student)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing/invalid student.');

        $db->addWhere('banner_id', $student->getBannerId());
        $db->addOrder('term ASC');

        $result = $db->getObjects('\Homestead\HousingApplication');

        if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result)) {
            throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());

        // Re-index the applications using the term as the key
        $appsByTerm = array();
        if (isset($result) && !is_null($result)) {
            foreach($result as $app) {
                $appsByTerm[$app->getTerm()] = $app;

        return $appsByTerm;

     * Returns all freshmen application for the given term.
     * @param unknown $term
     * @return boolean|unknown
    public static function getAllFreshmenApplications($term)
        $sem = Term::getTermSem($term);

        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_new_application');

        // Add 'where' clause for term and student type
        $db->addWhere('term', $term);
        $db->addWhere('student_type', TYPE_FRESHMEN);

        for($i = 1; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) {

        // Add the appropriate join, based on the term
        if ($sem == TERM_FALL) {
            $db->addJoin('LEFT OUTER', 'hms_new_application', 'hms_fall_application', 'id', 'id');
            $result = $db->getObjects('\Homestead\FallApplication');
        } else if ($term == TERM_SPRING) {
            $db->addJoin('LEFT OUTER', 'hms_new_application', 'hms_spring_application', 'id', 'id');
            $result = $db->getObjects('\Homestead\SpringApplication');
        } else if ($term == TERM_SUMMER1 || $term == TERM_SUMMER2) {
            $db->addJoin('LEFT OUTER', 'hms_new_application', 'hms_summer_application', 'id', 'id');
            $result = $db->getObjects('\Homestead\SummerApplication');

        if (\PEAR::isError($result)) {
            return false;

        return $result;


     * Returns applications for all unassigned freshmen.
     * @param unknown $term
     * @param unknown $gender
     * @throws InvalidTermException
     * @throws DatabaseException
     * @return mixed
    public static function getUnassignedFreshmenApplications($term, $gender)
        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_new_application');
        $db->addWhere('student_type', 'F');
        $db->addWhere('term', $term);
        $db->addWhere('cancelled', 0);
        //        $db->addWhere('gender', $gender);

        // Add join for extra application fields (sub-class fields)
        switch(Term::getTermSem($term)) {
            case TERM_SUMMER1:
            case TERM_SUMMER2:
                $db->addJoin('LEFT OUTER', 'hms_new_application', 'hms_summer_application', 'id', 'id');
                //TODO addColumns for joined table
                $result = $db->getObjects('\Homestead\SummerApplication');
            case TERM_FALL:
                $db->addJoin('LEFT OUTER', 'hms_new_application', 'hms_fall_application', 'id', 'id');
                // Add columns for joined table
                $result = $db->getObjects('\Homestead\FallApplication');
            case TERM_SPRING:
                $db->addJoin('LEFT OUTER', 'hms_new_application', 'hms_spring_application', 'id', 'id');
                //TODO addColumns for joined table
                $result = $db->getObjects('\Homestead\SpringApplication');
                throw new InvalidTermException($term);

        if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result)) {
            throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());

        // The following is a hack to overcome shortcomings in the Database class.  What should happen
        // is a left outer join on (SELECT id, asu_username FROM hms_assignment WHERE term=201040)
        // where id is null.

        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_assignment');
        $db->addWhere('term', $term);
        $assignments = $db->select('col');

        $newresult = array();

        $resultCount = count($result);

        for($count = 0; $count < $resultCount; $count++) {
            $app = $result[$count];
            if (!in_array($app->username, $assignments)) {
                $newresult[$app->username] = $app;

        return $newresult;

     * Returns an array of the terms which this student can potentially apply for.
     * @param Student $student
     * @return multitype:multitype:number unknown  multitype:number string
    public static function getAvailableApplicationTermsForStudent(Student $student)
        $availableTerms = array();

        $applicationTerm = $student->getApplicationTerm();
        $sem = Term::getTermSem($applicationTerm);

        switch($sem) {
            case TERM_SPRING:
            case TERM_FALL:
                $availableTerms[] = array('term'=>$applicationTerm, 'required'=>1);
            case TERM_SUMMER1:
                $availableTerms[] = array('term'=>$applicationTerm, 'required'=>1);
                $summer2Term = Term::getNextTerm($applicationTerm);
                $availableTerms[] = array('term'=>$summer2Term, 'required'=>0);
                $fallTerm = Term::getNextTerm($summer2Term);
                $availableTerms[] = array('term'=>$fallTerm, 'required'=>1);
            case TERM_SUMMER2:
                $availableTerms[] = array('term'=>$applicationTerm, 'required'=>1);
                $fallTerm = Term::getNextTerm($applicationTerm);
                $availableTerms[] = array('term'=>$fallTerm, 'required'=>1);

        return $availableTerms;

     * Returns an array of term which the student *must* apply for.
     * @param Student $student
     * @return multitype:|multitype:Ambigous <multitype:multitype:number, multitype:multitype:number unknown  multitype:number string  >
    public static function getRequiredApplicationTermsForStudent(Student $student)
        // Special case for Transfer students: They're not required to apply for any term
        if ($student->getType() == TYPE_TRANSFER) {
            return array();

        $availableTerms = self::getAvailableApplicationTermsForStudent($student);

        $requiredTerms = array();

        foreach($availableTerms as $term) {
            if ($term['required'] == 1) {
                $requiredTerms[] = $term;

        return $requiredTerms;

     * Determines whether or not a student has applied for all terms for which he/she is required
     * to apply for according to his/her application term.
     * If the student has not applied for all required terms, the terms which he/she still needs to
     * apply for are returned in an array. If the student has applied for all required terms, then
     * the returned array will be empty.
     * @param Student $student
     * @return Array list of terms which the student still needs to apply for
    public static function checkAppliedForAllRequiredTerms(Student $student)
        $requiredTerms = self::getRequiredApplicationTermsForStudent($student);

        $existingApplications = self::getAllApplicationsForStudent($student);

        $needToApplyFor = array();

        foreach($requiredTerms as $term) {
            // Check if a housing application exists for this student in this term
            if (!isset($existingApplications[$term['term']])) {
                $needToApplyFor[] = $term['term'];

        return $needToApplyFor;

     * Accessors & Mutators *

    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

    public function setId($id)
        $this->id = $id;

    public function getTerm()
        return $this->term;

    public function setTerm($term)
        $this->term = $term;

    public function getBannerId()
        return $this->banner_id;

    public function setBannerId($id)
        $this->banner_id = $id;

    public function getUsername()
        return $this->username;

    public function setUsername($username)
        $this->username = $username;

    public function getGender()
        return $this->gender;

    public function setGender($gender)
        $this->gender = $gender;

    public function getStudentType()
        return $this->student_type;

    public function setStudentType($type)
        $this->student_type = $type;

    public function getApplicationTerm()
        return $this->application_term;

    public function setApplicationTerm($term)
        $this->application_term = $term;

    public function getCellPhone()
        return $this->cell_phone;

    public function setCellPhone($phone)
        $this->cell_phone = $phone;

    public function getMealPlan()
        return $this->meal_plan;

    public function setMealPlan($plan)
        $this->meal_plan = $plan;

    public function getInternational()
        return $this->international;

    public function setInternational($intl)
        $this->international = $intl;

    public function setCreatedOn($timestamp)
        $this->created_on = $timestamp;

    public function getCreatedOn()
        return $this->created_on;

    public function getCreatedBy()
        return $this->created_by;

    public function setCreatedBy($username)
        $this->created_by = $username;

    public function getModifiedBy()
        return $this->modified_by;

    public function setModifiedBy($username)
        $this->modified_by = $username;

    public function getModifiedOn()
        return $this->modified_on;

    public function setModifiedOn($timestamp)
        $this->modified_on = $timestamp;

    public function getCancelled()
        return $this->cancelled;

    public function setCancelled($status)
        $this->cancelled = $status;

    public function isCancelled()
        if ($this->getCancelled() == 1) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    public function getCancelledReason()
        return $this->cancelled_reason;

    public function setCancelledReason($reason)
        $this->cancelled_reason = $reason;

    public function getCancelledBy()
        return $this->cancelled_by;

    public function setCancelledBy($user)
        $this->cancelled_by = $user;

    public function getCancelledOn()
        return $this->cancelled_on;

    public function setCancelledOn($time)
        $this->cancelled_on = $time;

    public function getApplicationType()
        return $this->application_type;

    public function setApplicationType($type)
        $this->application_type = $type;

     * Emergency Contact Info *

    public function getEmergencyContactName()
        return $this->emergency_contact_name;

    public function setEmergencyContactName($name)
        $this->emergency_contact_name = $name;

    public function getEmergencyContactRelationship()
        return $this->emergency_contact_relationship;

    public function setEmergencyContactRelationship($relation)
        $this->emergency_contact_relationship = $relation;

    public function getEmergencyContactPhone()
        return $this->emergency_contact_phone;

    public function setEmergencyContactPhone($phone)
        $this->emergency_contact_phone = $phone;

    public function getEmergencyContactEmail()
        return $this->emergency_contact_email;

    public function setEmergencyContactEmail($email)
        $this->emergency_contact_email = $email;

    public function getEmergencyMedicalCondition()
        return $this->emergency_medical_condition;

    public function setEmergencyMedicalCondition($cond)
        $this->emergency_medical_condition = $cond;

    public function getMissingPersonName()
        return $this->missing_person_name;

    public function setMissingPersonName($name)
        $this->missing_person_name = $name;

    public function getMissingPersonRelationship()
        return $this->missing_person_relationship;

    public function setMissingPersonRelationship($relation)
        $this->missing_person_relationship = $relation;

    public function getMissingPersonPhone()
        return $this->missing_person_phone;

    public function setMissingPersonPhone($phone)
        $this->missing_person_phone = $phone;

    public function getMissingPersonEmail()
        return $this->missing_person_email;

    public function setMissingPersonEmail($email)
        $this->missing_person_email = $email;

     * Returns the withdrawn flag.
     * @deprecated
    public function getWithdrawn()
        return $this->withdrawn;

     * Returns boolean based on the withdrawn flag.
     * @deprecated
    public function isWithdrawn()
        if ($this->withdrawn == 1) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Sets the withdrawn flag.
     * @param bool $status
     * @deprecated
    public function setWithdrawn($status)
        $this->withdrawn = $status;

     * Returns an associative array of cancellation reasons to string descriptions.
     * @return multitype:string
    public static function getCancellationReasons()
        return array(
                CANCEL_BEFORE_JULY   => 'Cancel Before July',
                CANCEL_AFTER_JULY    => 'Cancel After July',
                CANCEL_WITHDRAWN     => 'Withdrawn',
                CANCEL_INTENT        => 'Intent Not to Return',
                CANCEL_BEFORE_ASSIGN => 'Cancel Before Assignment',
                CANCEL_OFFER_MADE    => 'Offer Made, No Response'