namespace Homestead;
* Factory class for loading RoomChangeRequest objects from
* the database.
* @author jbooker
* @package hms
class RoomChangeRequestFactory {
public static function getRequestById($id)
if (!isset($id) || is_null($id)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing request id.');
$db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
$query = "SELECT * FROM hms_room_change_curr_request where id = :requestId";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
'requestId' => $id
$stmt->setFetchMode(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS, '\Homestead\RoomChangeRequestRestored');
return $stmt->fetch();
* Returns the latest room change request for the given bed.
* NB: This doesn't check the request status, so you're always going to
* get the last room change request for the given bed
* @param Bed $bed The Bed object that you want the room change request for
* @return RoomChangeRequestRestored Room change request object that corresponds to this bed
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public static function getCurrentRequestByBed(Bed $bed)
if (!isset($bed) || is_null($bed)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing bed.');
$db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
$query = "SELECT *
FROM hms_room_change_curr_request
IN (SELECT request_id FROM hms_room_change_participant WHERE to_bed = :bedId)
ORDER BY effective_date desc limit 1";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
'bedId' => $bed->getId()
$stmt->setFetchMode(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS, '\Homestead\RoomChangeRequestRestored');
return $stmt->fetch();
* Returns a RoomChangeReuqest object corresponding to any
* pending requests a student might have open, or null otherwise.
* A student should only have one request pending at any time, so
* an exception is thrown if more than one request is found to be
* pending.
* @param Student $student
* @param string $term
public static function getPendingByStudent(Student $student, $term)
$db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
$query = "SELECT hms_room_change_curr_request.* FROM hms_room_change_curr_request
JOIN hms_room_change_curr_participant ON = hms_room_change_curr_participant.request_id
term = :term AND
banner_id = :bannerId AND
hms_room_change_curr_request.state_name NOT IN ('Cancelled', 'Denied', 'Complete') AND
hms_room_change_curr_participant.state_name NOT IN ('Cancelled', 'Checkedout', 'Declined', 'Denied')";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
'term' => $term,
'bannerId' => $student->getBannerId()
$results = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS, '\Homestead\RoomChangeRequestRestored');
// If more than one pending request is found, throw an exception
if (sizeof($results) > 1) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('More than one pending room change detected.');
} else if (sizeof($results) == 0) {
return null;
} else {
return $results[0];
* Returns a set of RoomChangeRequest objects which are in the given state
* for a given array of Floor objects.
* Useful for showing RDs / Coordinators their pending requests.
* @param integer $term
* @param array<Floor> $floorList
* @param arary<string> $stateList
public static function getRoomChangesByFloor($term, Array $floorList, Array $stateList)
$db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
$floorPlaceholders = array();
$floorParams = array();
foreach ($floorList as $floor) {
$placeholder = "floor_id_" . $floor->getId(); // piece together a placeholder name
$floorPlaceholders[] = ':' . $placeholder; // Add it to the list of placeholders for \PDO
$floorParams[$placeholder] = $floor->getId(); // Add the value for this placeholder, to be passed to execute()
$floorQuery = implode(',', $floorPlaceholders); // Collapse the array of placeholders into a comma separated list
$statePlaceholders = array();
$stateParams = array();
foreach ($stateList as $state) {
$placeholder = "state_name_$state";
$statePlaceholders[] = ':' . $placeholder;
$stateParams[$placeholder] = $state;
$stateQuery = implode(',', $statePlaceholders);
* Get any requests in the given states where the request is
* coming from a Participant currently living on one of the listed floor
* (from_bed is on a floor in list)
* Union that with any requests in the given states, where the request
* has a to_bed set and that bed is on one of the floors in the list
* The union is important because the 'to_bed' field does not always have to be
* set. A combined JOIN (as opposed to UNION) would not include results where
* to_bed field is empty.
$query = "SELECT hms_room_change_curr_request.* FROM hms_room_change_curr_request
JOIN hms_room_change_curr_participant ON = hms_room_change_curr_participant.request_id
JOIN hms_hall_structure ON from_bed = hms_hall_structure.bedid
term = :term AND
hms_room_change_curr_request.state_name IN ($stateQuery) AND
hms_hall_structure.floorid IN ($floorQuery)
SELECT hms_room_change_curr_request.* FROM hms_room_change_curr_request
JOIN hms_room_change_curr_participant ON = hms_room_change_curr_participant.request_id
JOIN hms_hall_structure ON to_bed = hms_hall_structure.bedid
term = :term AND
hms_room_change_curr_request.state_name IN ($stateQuery) AND
hms_hall_structure.floorid IN ($floorQuery)";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$params = array_merge(array(
'term' => $term
), $floorParams, $stateParams);
return $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS, '\Homestead\RoomChangeRequestRestored');
* Returns a set of RoomChangeRequest objects which are in the given state
* for a given array of Floor objects.
* Useful for showing RDs / Coordinators their pending requests.
* @param integer $term
* @param array<Floor> $floorList
public static function getRoomChangesNeedsApproval($term, Array $floorList)
$db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
$floorPlaceholders = array();
$floorParams = array();
foreach ($floorList as $floor) {
$placeholder = "floor_id_" . $floor->getId(); // piece together a placeholder name
$floorPlaceholders[] = ':' . $placeholder; // Add it to the list of placeholders for \PDO
$floorParams[$placeholder] = $floor->getId(); // Add the value for this placeholder, to be passed to execute()
$floorQuery = implode(',', $floorPlaceholders); // Collapse the array of placeholders into a comma separated list
* Get any requests in the 'Pending' or 'Hold' states where the request is
* coming from a Participant currently living on one of the listed floor
* (from_bed is on a floor in list) and the participant status is
* 'StudentAproved' (i.e. this request is waiting on the currnt RDs approval)
* Union that with any Pending/Held request that has a to_bed set and that bed
* is on one of the floors in the list, and the participant's status is
* 'CurrRdApproved' (i.e. the request is waiting on the future RD's approval).
* The union is important because the 'to_bed' field does not always have to be
* set. A combined JOIN (as opposed to UNION) would not include results where
* to_bed field is empty.
$query = "SELECT hms_room_change_curr_request.* FROM hms_room_change_curr_request
JOIN hms_room_change_curr_participant ON = hms_room_change_curr_participant.request_id
JOIN hms_hall_structure ON from_bed = hms_hall_structure.bedid
term = :term AND
hms_room_change_curr_request.state_name IN ('Pending', 'Hold') AND
hms_hall_structure.floorid IN ($floorQuery) AND hms_room_change_curr_participant.state_name IN ('StudentApproved')
SELECT hms_room_change_curr_request.* FROM hms_room_change_curr_request
JOIN hms_room_change_curr_participant ON = hms_room_change_curr_participant.request_id
JOIN hms_hall_structure ON to_bed = hms_hall_structure.bedid
term = :term AND
hms_room_change_curr_request.state_name IN ('Pending', 'Hold') AND
hms_hall_structure.floorid IN ($floorQuery) AND hms_room_change_curr_participant.state_name IN ('CurrRdApproved')";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$params = array_merge(array(
'term' => $term
), $floorParams);
return $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS, '\Homestead\RoomChangeRequestRestored');
* Returns a set of RoomChangeRequest objects which are ready for Housing Assignments approval.
* Useful for showing Assignments Office their pending requests.
* @param integer $term
public static function getAllRoomChangesNeedsAdminApproval($term)
$db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
* Get any requests in the 'Pending' or 'Hold' states and the participant status is
* 'FutureRdAproved' (i.e. this request is waiting on assignment office approval)
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT hms_room_change_curr_request.* FROM hms_room_change_curr_request
JOIN hms_room_change_curr_participant ON = hms_room_change_curr_participant.request_id
term = :term AND
hms_room_change_curr_request.state_name IN ('Pending', 'Hold') AND NOT IN
(select request_id from hms_room_change_curr_participant where hms_room_change_curr_participant.state_name NOT IN ('FutureRdApproved'))";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$params = array('term' => $term);
return $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS, '\Homestead\RoomChangeRequestRestored');
* Returns a set of RoomChangeRequest objects which are in the given state
* Useful for showing assignment office their pending requests.
* @param integer $term
* @param arary<string> $stateList
public static function getAllRoomChangesByState($term, Array $stateList)
$db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
$statePlaceholders = array();
$stateParams = array();
foreach ($stateList as $state) {
$placeholder = "state_name_$state";
$statePlaceholders[] = ':' . $placeholder;
$stateParams[$placeholder] = $state;
$stateQuery = implode(',', $statePlaceholders);
* Get any requests in the given states
$query = "SELECT hms_room_change_curr_request.* FROM hms_room_change_curr_request
term = :term AND
hms_room_change_curr_request.state_name IN ($stateQuery)";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$params = array_merge(array('term' => $term), $stateParams);
return $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS, '\Homestead\RoomChangeRequestRestored');
public static function getRequestPendingCheckout(Student $student, $term)
$db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
$query = "SELECT hms_room_change_curr_request.* FROM hms_room_change_curr_request
JOIN hms_room_change_curr_participant ON = hms_room_change_curr_participant.request_id
term = :term AND
banner_id = :bannerId AND
hms_room_change_curr_request.state_name = 'Approved' AND
hms_room_change_curr_participant.state_name = 'InProcess'";
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
'term' => $term,
'bannerId' => $student->getBannerId()
$results = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS, '\Homestead\RoomChangeRequestRestored');
// If more than one pending request is found, throw an exception
if (sizeof($results) > 1) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('More than one pending room change detected.');
} else if (sizeof($results) == 0) {
return null;
} else {
return $results[0];