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4 days
Test Coverage
namespace Homestead;

class Student
    // TODO make these all private and make sure nothing breaks
    public $username;
    public $banner_id;
    public $first_name;
    public $middle_name;
    public $last_name;
    public $preferred_name;
    public $dob;
    public $gender;
    public $confidential; // This student is super secret
    public $application_term;
    public $type;
    public $class;
    public $credit_hours;
    public $student_level;
    public $international;
    public $admissions_decision_code;
    public $admissions_decision_desc;
    public $honors;
    public $teaching_fellow;
    public $watauga_member;
    public $greek;
    public $disabled_pin;
    public $housing_waiver; // Whether or not a freshmen's student on-campus housing has been waived (e.g., living close by with family)
    public $addressList;
    public $phoneNumberList;
    // Data Source - Not saved to the DB.
    // Used to determine the class name that provided the data.
    private $dataSource;

    public function __construct()


    public function getName()
        if (isset($this->preferred_name) && $this->preferred_name != '') {
            return $this->getPreferredName() . ' ' . $this->getLastName();

        return $this->getFirstName() . ' ' . $this->getLastName();

    public function getFullName()
        if (isset($this->preferred_name) && $this->preferred_name != '') {
            $firstName = $this->getPreferredName();
            if (isset($this->middle_name) && $this->middle_name != $this->preferred_name) {
                $middleName = $this->getMiddleName();
            } else {
                $middleName = null;
        } else {
            $firstName = $this->getFirstName();
            $middleName = $this->getMiddleName();

        return $firstName . ' ' . $middleName . ' ' . $this->getLastName();

    public function getLegalName()
        return $this->getFirstName() . ' ' . $this->getMiddleName() . ' ' . $this->getLastName();

    public function getFullNameInverted()
        if (isset($this->preferred_name) && $this->preferred_name != '') {
            $firstName = $this->getPreferredName();
        } else {
            $firstName = $this->getFirstName();

        return $this->getLastName() . ', ' . $firstName . ' ' . $this->getMiddleName();

    public function getPrintableGender()
        $gender = $this->getGender();

        if ($gender === '' || is_null($gender)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing gender.');

        if ($gender == FEMALE) {
            return FEMALE_DESC;
        } else if ($gender == MALE) {
            return MALE_DESC;

        // If we make it here, there's a big problem.
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid gender.');

    public function getPrintableGenderAbbreviation()
        $gender = $this->getGender();

        if ($gender === '' || is_null($gender)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing gender.');

        if ($gender == FEMALE) {
            return 'F';
        } else if ($gender == MALE) {
            return 'M';

        // If we make it here, there's a big problem.
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid gender.');

    public function getPrintableType()
        switch ($this->getType()) {
            case TYPE_FRESHMEN:
                return 'Freshmen';
            case TYPE_TRANSFER:
                return 'Transfer';
            case TYPE_CONTINUING:
                return 'Continuing';
            case TYPE_RETURNING:
                return 'Returning';
            case TYPE_READMIT:
                return 'Re-admit';
            case TYPE_WITHDRAWN:
                return 'Withdrawn';
            case TYPE_NONDEGREE:
                return 'New non-degree';
            case TYPE_GRADUATE:
                return 'Graduate';
                return 'Unknown type: ' . $this->type;

    public function getPrintableClass()
        switch ($this->getClass()) {
            case CLASS_FRESHMEN:
                return 'Freshmen';
            case CLASS_SOPHOMORE:
                return 'Sophomore';
            case CLASS_JUNIOR:
                return 'Junior';
            case CLASS_SENIOR:
                return 'Senior';
                return 'Unknown class: ' . $this->getClass();

    public function getPrintableLevel()
        switch ($this->getStudentLevel()) {
            case LEVEL_UNDERGRAD:
                return 'Undergraduate';
            case LEVEL_GRAD:
                return 'Graduate';
            case LEVEL_GRAD2:
                return 'Graduate II';
            case LEVEL_DOCTORAL:
                return 'Doctoral';
            case LEVEL_SPECIALIST:
                return 'Specialist';
            case LEVEL_UNDECLARED:
                return 'Undeclared';
                return 'Unknown level ' . $this->getStudentLevel();

    public function getProfileLink($css_class = null)
        $profileCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowStudentProfile');
        return $profileCmd->getLink($this->getName(), null, $css_class);

     * @deprecated 0.4.87 - Nov 3, 2014
     * @see getProfileLink()
    public function getFullNameProfileLink()
        return $this->getProfileLink();

    public function getEmailLink()
        return '<a href="mailto:' . $this->getUsername() . '">' . $this->getUsername() . '</a>';

    public function getEmailAddress()
        //TODO make the domain configurable
        return $this->getUsername() . '';

     * Returns an associate array with keys:
     * line1, line2, line3, city, county, state, zip
     * 'county' is a county code
     * 'state' is a two character abbrev.
     * Passing a type of 'null' will cause a 'PR' address to
     * be returned, or a 'PS' addresses if no PR exists.
     * Valid options for 'type' are the address types defined in inc/defines.php:
     * null (default, returns 'PR' if exists, otherwise 'PS')
     * ADDRESS_PRMT_RESIDENCE ('PR' - permanent residence)
     * ADDRESS_PRMT_STUDENT   ('PS' - permanent student)
    public function getAddress($type = null)
        $pr_address = null;
        $ps_address = null;

        foreach ($this->addressList as $address) {
            if (((string) $address->atyp_code) == ADDRESS_PRMT_RESIDENCE) {
                $pr_address = $address;
            } else if (((string) $address->atyp_code) == ADDRESS_PRMT_STUDENT) {
                $ps_address = $address;

        # Decide which address type to return, based on $type parameter
        if (is_null($type)) {
            # Return the pr address, if it exists
            if (!is_null($pr_address)) {
                return $pr_address;
                # Since there was no ps address, return the ps address, if it exists
            } else if (!is_null($ps_address)) {
                return $ps_address;
            } else {
                # No address found, return false
                return false;
        } else if ($type == ADDRESS_PRMT_RESIDENCE && !is_null($pr_address)) {
            return $pr_address;
        } else if ($type == ADDRESS_PRMT_STUDENT && !is_null($ps_address)) {
            return $ps_address;
        } else {
            # Either a bad type was specified (i.e. not null and not PS or PR)
            # or the specified type was not found
            return false;

        # Since we got here without finding the requested address, just return false
        return false;

     * Returns an address formatted as one line, like so:
     * "line1, (line 2, )(line 3, )city, state, zip"
     * @param $addrType String Two letter address type code, same as for getAddress()
    public function getAddressLine()
        $addr = $this->getAddress();

        if (!$addr) {
            return false;

        $line2 = ($addr->line2 != NULL && $addr->line2 != '') ? ($addr->line2 . ', ') : '';
        $line3 = ($addr->line3 != NULL && $addr->line3 != '') ? ($addr->line3 . ', ') : '';

        return "{$addr->line1}, $line2$line3{$addr->city}, {$addr->state} {$addr->zip}";

    public function getComputedClass($baseTerm)

        // Break up the term and year
        $yr = floor($this->application_term / 100);
        $sem = $this->application_term - ($yr * 100);

        $curr_year = floor($baseTerm / 100);
        $curr_sem = $baseTerm - ($curr_year * 100);

        if ($curr_sem == 10) {
            $curr_year -= 1;
            $curr_sem = 40;

        if (is_null($this->application_term) || !isset($this->application_term)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing application term!');
        } else if ($this->application_term >= $baseTerm) {
            // The application term is greater than the current term, then they're certainly a freshmen
            return CLASS_FRESHMEN;
        } else if (
                ($yr == $curr_year + 1 && $sem = 10) || ($yr == $curr_year && $sem >= 20 && $sem <= 40)) {
            // freshmen
            return CLASS_FRESHMEN;
        } else if (
                ($yr == $curr_year && $sem == 10) || ($yr + 1 == $curr_year && $sem >= 20 && $sem <= 40)) {
            // soph
            return CLASS_SOPHOMORE;
        } else if (
                ($yr + 1 == $curr_year && $sem == 10) || ($yr + 2 == $curr_year && $sem >= 20 && $sem <= 40)) {
            // jr
            return CLASS_JUNIOR;
        } else {
            // senior
            return CLASS_SENIOR;

     * Returns this student's date of birth as a DateTime object
    public function getDobDateTime()
        return \DateTime::createFromFormat('!Y-m-d', $this->getDob(), new \DateTimeZone('America/New_York'));

     * Returns true if the student is under 18 at the time this method is called.
    public function isUnder18()
        // Get DOB as a DateTime object
        $dob = $this->getDobDateTime();

        // Add 18 years
        $dob->add(new \DateInterval('P18Y'));

        // Format as Unix timestamp
        $timestamp = $dob->format('U');

        // If dob timestamp is in the future (greater than now), student is under 18
        if ($timestamp > time()) {
            return true;

        return false;

    /*     * *************************
     * Getter / Setter Methods *
     * ************************* */

    public function getUsername()
        return $this->username;

    public function setUsername($username)
        $this->username = $username;

    public function getBannerId()
        return $this->banner_id;

    public function setBannerId($id)
        $this->banner_id = $id;

    public function getFirstName()
        return $this->first_name;

    public function setFirstName($name)
        $this->first_name = $name;

    public function getMiddleName()
        return $this->middle_name;

    public function setMiddleName($name)
        $this->middle_name = $name;

    public function getLastName()
        return $this->last_name;

    public function setLastName($name)
        $this->last_name = $name;

    public function getPreferredName()
        return $this->preferred_name;

    public function setPreferredName($name)
        $this->preferred_name = $name;

    public function getDOB()
        return $this->dob;

    public function setDOB($dob)
        $this->dob = $dob;

    public function getGender()
        return $this->gender;

    public function setGender($gender)
        if ($gender == 'M') {
            $this->gender = MALE;

        if ($gender == 'F') {
            $this->gender = FEMALE;

        $this->gender = $gender;

    public function getConfiential()
        return $this->confidential;

    public function setConfidential($conf)
        $this->confidential = $conf;

    public function getApplicationTerm()
        return $this->application_term;

    public function setApplicationTerm($term)
        $this->application_term = $term;

    public function getType()
        return $this->type;

    public function setType($type)
        $this->type = $type;

    public function getClass()
        return $this->class;

    public function setClass($class)
        $this->class = $class;

    public function getCreditHours()
        return $this->credit_hours;

    public function setStudentLevel($level)
        $this->student_level = $level;

    public function getStudentLevel()
        return $this->student_level;

    public function setCreditHours($hrs)
        $this->credit_hours = $hrs;

    public function setInternational($intl)
        $this->international = $intl;

    public function isInternational()
        return $this->international;

    public function setHonors($hon)
        $this->honors = $hon;

    public function isHonors()
        return $this->honors;

    public function setTeachingFellow($teach)
        $this->teaching_fellow = $teach;

    public function isTeachingFellow()
        return $this->teaching_fellow;

    public function setWataugaMember($member)
        $this->watauga_member = $member;

    public function isWataugaMember()
        return $this->watauga_member;

    public function setGreek($greek)
        $this->greek = $greek;

    public function isGreek()
        return $this->greek;

    public function pinDisabled()
        return $this->disabled_pin;

    public function setPinDisabled($flag)
        $this->disabled_pin = $flag;

    public function housingApplicationWaived()
        return $this->housing_waiver;

    public function setHousingWaiver($waiver)
        $this->housing_waiver = $waiver;

    public function getAdmissionDecisionCode()
        return $this->admissions_decision_code;

    public function setAdmissionDecisionCode($code)
        $this->admissions_decision_code = $code;

    public function getAdmissionDecisionDesc()
        return $this->admissions_decision_desc;

    public function setAdmissionDecisionDesc($desc)
        $this->admissions_decision_desc = $desc;

    public function getAddressList()
        return $this->addressList;

    public function setAddressList(Array $list)
        $this->addressList = $list;

    public function getPhoneNumberList()
        return $this->phoneNumberList;

    public function setPhoneNumberList(Array $list)
        $this->phoneNumberList = $list;

    public function getDataSource()
        return $this->dataSource;

    public function setDataSource($source)
        $this->dataSource = $source;
