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Test Coverage
# Security Policy

## Supported Versions

While this project is under development (i.e. until release 1.0.0), **only the current version is supported**. If you believe you have
found a security vulnerability, ensure you are running the latest commit from GitHub; if you're not, update to it — if you are,
please report the vulnerability to us.

## Reporting a Vulnerability

Please email with details (including the commit hash you're running and full reproduction steps) of the vulnerability.
We'll investigate and get back in touch if we need more details. If the vulnerability has little impact, we may ask you to create a
GitHub issue to help us track development better.

## Bug Bounty & Acknowledgements
There is no bug bounty program available for this software at present. If you wish us to make an acknowledgement of your contribution,
please let us know under what name you'd like it to be added, and to what URL you would like us to link.