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Test Coverage
// Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Cristian Măgherușan-Stanciu
// Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0

// instance_queries.go contains read-only functions that return various information about instances.

package autospotting

import (

    ec2instancesinfo ""

func (i *instance) calculatePrice(spotCandidate instanceTypeInformation) float64 {
    spotPrice :=[*i.Placement.AvailabilityZone]
    debug.Println("Comparing price spot/instance:")

    if i.EbsOptimized != nil && *i.EbsOptimized {
        spotPrice += spotCandidate.pricing.ebsSurcharge
        debug.Println("\tEBS Surcharge : ", spotCandidate.pricing.ebsSurcharge)

    debug.Println("\tSpot price: ", spotPrice)
    debug.Println("\tInstance price: ", i.price)
    return spotPrice

func (i *instance) isSpot() bool {
    return i.InstanceLifecycle != nil &&
        *i.InstanceLifecycle == Spot

func (i *instance) getSavings() float64 {
    odPrice := i.typeInfo.pricing.onDemand
    spotPrice :=[*i.Placement.AvailabilityZone]

    log.Printf("Calculating savings for instance %s with OD price %f and Spot price %f\n", *i.InstanceId, odPrice, spotPrice)
    return odPrice - spotPrice

func (i *instance) isProtectedFromTermination() (bool, error) {
    debug.Println("\tChecking termination protection for instance: ", *i.InstanceId)

    // determine and set the API termination protection field
    diaRes, err :=
            Attribute:  aws.String("disableApiTermination"),
            InstanceId: i.InstanceId,

    if err != nil {
        // better safe than sorry!
        log.Printf("Couldn't describe instance attributes, assuming instance %v is protected: %v\n",
            *i.InstanceId, err.Error())
        return true, err

    if diaRes != nil &&
        diaRes.DisableApiTermination != nil &&
        diaRes.DisableApiTermination.Value != nil &&
        *diaRes.DisableApiTermination.Value {
        log.Printf("\t: %v Instance, %v is protected from termination\n",
            *i.Placement.AvailabilityZone, *i.InstanceId)
        return true, nil
    return false, nil

func (i *instance) isProtectedFromScaleIn() bool {
    if i.asg == nil {
        return false

    for _, inst := range i.asg.Instances {
        if *inst.InstanceId == *i.InstanceId &&
            *inst.ProtectedFromScaleIn {
            log.Printf("\t: %v Instance, %v is protected from scale-in\n",
            return true
    return false

func (i *instance) canTerminate() bool {
    return *i.State.Name != ec2.InstanceStateNameTerminated &&
        *i.State.Name != ec2.InstanceStateNameShuttingDown

func (i *instance) shouldBeReplacedWithSpot() bool {
    protT, _ := i.isProtectedFromTermination()
    return i.belongsToEnabledASG() &&
        i.asgNeedsReplacement() &&
        !i.isSpot() &&
        !i.isProtectedFromScaleIn() &&

func (i *instance) belongsToEnabledASG() bool {
    belongs, asgName := i.belongsToAnASG()
    if !belongs {
        log.Printf("%s instane %s doesn't belong to any ASG",
  , *i.InstanceId)
        return false

    for _, asg := range i.region.enabledASGs {
        if == *asgName {
            asg.config = i.region.conf.AutoScalingConfig
            i.asg = &asg
            i.price = i.typeInfo.pricing.onDemand
            log.Printf("%s instace %s belongs to enabled ASG %s",,
            return true
    return false

func (i *instance) belongsToAnASG() (bool, *string) {
    for _, tag := range i.Tags {
        if *tag.Key == "aws:autoscaling:groupName" {
            return true, tag.Value
    return false, nil

func (i *instance) getReplacementTargetASGName() *string {
    for _, tag := range i.Tags {
        if *tag.Key == "launched-for-asg" {
            return tag.Value
    return nil

func (i *instance) asgNeedsReplacement() bool {
    ret, _ := i.asg.needReplaceOnDemandInstances()
    return ret

func (i *instance) isPriceCompatible(spotPrice float64) bool {
    if spotPrice == 0 {
        debug.Printf("\tUnavailable in this Availability Zone")
        return false

    if spotPrice <= i.price {
        return true

    debug.Printf("\tNot price compatible")
    return false

func (i *instance) isClassCompatible(spotCandidate *instanceTypeInformation) bool {
    current := i.typeInfo

    debug.Println("Comparing class spot/instance:")
    debug.Println("\tSpot CPU/memory/GPU: ", spotCandidate.vCPU,
        " / ", spotCandidate.memory, " / ", spotCandidate.GPU)
    debug.Println("\tInstance CPU/memory/GPU: ", current.vCPU,
        " / ", current.memory, " / ", current.GPU)

    if i.isSameArch(spotCandidate) &&
        spotCandidate.vCPU >= current.vCPU &&
        spotCandidate.memory >= current.memory &&
        spotCandidate.GPU >= current.GPU {
        return true
    debug.Println("\tNot class compatible (CPU/memory/GPU)")
    return false

func (i *instance) isSameArch(other *instanceTypeInformation) bool {
    thisCPU := i.typeInfo.PhysicalProcessor
    otherCPU := other.PhysicalProcessor

    ret := (isIntelCompatible(thisCPU) && isIntelCompatible(otherCPU)) ||
        (isARM(thisCPU) && isARM(otherCPU))

    if !ret {
        debug.Println("\tInstance CPU architecture mismatch, current CPU architecture",
            thisCPU, "is incompatible with candidate CPU architecture", otherCPU)
    return ret

func isIntelCompatible(cpuName string) bool {
    return isIntel(cpuName) || isAMD(cpuName)

func isIntel(cpuName string) bool {
    // t1.micro seems to be the only one to have this set to 'Variable'
    return strings.Contains(cpuName, "Intel") || strings.Contains(cpuName, "Variable")

func isAMD(cpuName string) bool {
    return strings.Contains(cpuName, "AMD")

func isARM(cpuName string) bool {
    // The ARM chips are so far all called "AWS Graviton Processor"
    return strings.Contains(cpuName, "AWS")

func (i *instance) isEBSCompatible(spotCandidate *instanceTypeInformation) bool {
    if spotCandidate.EBSThroughput < i.typeInfo.EBSThroughput {
        debug.Println("\tEBS throughput insufficient:", spotCandidate.EBSThroughput, "<", i.typeInfo.EBSThroughput)
        return false
    return true

// Here we check the storage compatibility, with the following evaluation
// criteria:
//   - speed: don't accept spinning disks when we used to have SSDs
//   - number of volumes: the new instance should have enough volumes to be
//     able to attach all the instance store device mappings defined on the
//     original instance
//   - volume size: each of the volumes should be at least as big as the
//     original instance's volumes
func (i *instance) isStorageCompatible(spotCandidate *instanceTypeInformation, attachedVolumes int) bool {
    existing := i.typeInfo

    debug.Println("Comparing storage spot/instance:")
    debug.Println("\tSpot volumes/size/ssd: ",
    debug.Println("\tInstance volumes/size/ssd: ",

    if attachedVolumes == 0 ||
        (spotCandidate.instanceStoreDeviceCount >= attachedVolumes &&
            spotCandidate.instanceStoreDeviceSize >= existing.instanceStoreDeviceSize &&
            (spotCandidate.instanceStoreIsSSD ||
                spotCandidate.instanceStoreIsSSD == existing.instanceStoreIsSSD)) {
        return true
    debug.Println("\tNot storage compatible")
    return false

func (i *instance) isVirtualizationCompatible(spotVirtualizationTypes []string) bool {
    current := *i.VirtualizationType
    if len(spotVirtualizationTypes) == 0 {
        spotVirtualizationTypes = []string{"HVM"}
    debug.Println("Comparing virtualization spot/instance:")
    debug.Println("\tSpot virtualization: ", spotVirtualizationTypes)
    debug.Println("\tInstance virtualization: ", current)

    for _, avt := range spotVirtualizationTypes {
        if (avt == "PV") && (current == "paravirtual") ||
            (avt == "HVM") && (current == "hvm") {
            return true
    debug.Println("\tNot virtualization compatible")
    return false

func (i *instance) isAllowed(instanceType string, allowedList []string, disallowedList []string) bool {
    debug.Println("Checking allowed/disallowed list")

    if len(allowedList) > 0 {
        for _, a := range allowedList {
            if match, _ := filepath.Match(a, instanceType); match {
                return true
        debug.Println("\tNot in the list of allowed instance types")
        return false
    } else if len(disallowedList) > 0 {
        for _, a := range disallowedList {
            // glob matching
            if match, _ := filepath.Match(a, instanceType); match {
                debug.Println("\tIn the list of disallowed instance types")
                return false
    return true

func (i *instance) getCompatibleSpotInstanceTypesList(PrioritizationBias string, allowedList []string,
    disallowedList []string) ([]*string, error) {
    current := i.typeInfo
    var acceptableInstanceTypes []acceptableInstance

    // Count the ephemeral volumes attached to the original instance's block
    // device mappings, this number is used later when comparing with each
    // instance type.

    lcMappings := i.asg.launchConfiguration.countLaunchConfigEphemeralVolumes()
    ltMappings := i.asg.launchTemplate.countLaunchTemplateEphemeralVolumes()
    usedMappings := max(lcMappings, ltMappings)
    attachedVolumesNumber := min(usedMappings, current.instanceStoreDeviceCount)

    // Iterate alphabetically by instance type
    keys := make([]string, 0)
    for k := range i.region.instanceTypeInformation {
        keys = append(keys, k)

    if len(keys) == 0 {
        log.Println("Missing instance type information for ",


    // Find all compatible and not blocked instance types
    for _, k := range keys {
        candidate := i.region.instanceTypeInformation[k]

        candidatePrice := i.calculatePrice(candidate)
        debug.Println("Comparing current type", current.instanceType, "with price", i.price,
            "with candidate", candidate.instanceType, "with price", candidatePrice)

        if i.isAllowed(candidate.instanceType, allowedList, disallowedList) && i.isCompatible(&candidate, candidatePrice, attachedVolumesNumber) {
            acceptableInstanceTypes = append(acceptableInstanceTypes, acceptableInstance{candidate, candidatePrice, candidate.generationDelta})
            log.Println("\tMATCH FOUND, added", candidate.instanceType, "to launch candidates list for instance", *i.InstanceId)
        } else if candidate.instanceType != "" {
            debug.Println("Non compatible option found:", candidate.instanceType, "at", candidatePrice, " - discarding")

    if acceptableInstanceTypes != nil {
        sort.Slice(acceptableInstanceTypes, func(i, j int) bool {
            if PrioritizationBias == "prefer_newer_generations" {
                log.Printf("Sorting biased towards newer instance types, comparing %v"+
                    " of generation delta %v and price %v(adjusted to %v) with %v of generation delta %v and price %v (adjusted to %v)\n",
                return acceptableInstanceTypes[i].price*(1.0+0.1*float64(acceptableInstanceTypes[i].generationDelta)) <
            return acceptableInstanceTypes[i].price < acceptableInstanceTypes[j].price

        log.Println("List of cheapest compatible spot instances found, sorted ascending by price/bias: ",
        var result []*string
        for _, ai := range acceptableInstanceTypes {
            result = append(result, aws.String(ai.instanceTI.instanceType))
        return result, nil

    return nil, fmt.Errorf("no cheaper spot instance types could be found")

func (i *instance) isCompatible(candidate *instanceTypeInformation, candidatePrice float64, attachedVolumesNumber int) bool {
    return i.isPriceCompatible(candidatePrice) &&
        i.isEBSCompatible(candidate) &&
        i.isClassCompatible(candidate) &&
        i.isStorageCompatible(candidate, attachedVolumesNumber) &&

func (i *instance) getReplacementTargetInstanceID() *string {
    for _, tag := range i.Tags {
        if *tag.Key == "launched-for-replacing-instance" {
            return tag.Value
    return nil

func (i *instance) isLaunchedByAutoSpotting() bool {
    for _, tag := range i.Tags {
        if *tag.Key == "launched-by-autospotting" {
            return true
    return false

func (i *instance) launchTemplateHasNetworkInterfaces(ltData *ec2.ResponseLaunchTemplateData) (bool, []*ec2.LaunchTemplateInstanceNetworkInterfaceSpecification) {
    if ltData == nil {
        log.Println("Missing launch template data for ", *i.InstanceId)
        return false, nil

    nis := ltData.NetworkInterfaces
    if len(nis) > 0 {
        return true, nis
    return false, nil

func (i *instance) isUnattachedSpotInstanceLaunchedForAnEnabledASG() bool {
    asgName := i.getReplacementTargetASGName()
    if asgName == nil {
        log.Printf("%s is missing the tag value for 'launched-for-asg'", *i.InstanceId)
        return false
    asg := i.region.findEnabledASGByName(*asgName)

    if asg != nil &&
        !asg.hasMemberInstance(i) &&
        i.isSpot() {
        log.Println("Found unattached spot instance", *i.InstanceId)
        return true
    return false

func calculateGenerationDelta(data *ec2instancesinfo.InstanceData,
    instanceType string,
    itfic *instanceTypeFamilyInfoCache,
    itmgc *instanceTypeMaxGenerationCache) int64 {

    family, generation := calculateInstanceTypeGeneration(instanceType, itfic)

    if (*itmgc)[family] != 0 {
        mg := (*itmgc)[family]
        debug.Println("Found in cache for family", family, "latest generation ", mg)
        delta := mg - generation
        debug.Println("Calculated generation delta for instance type", instanceType, "of generation", generation, "to be", delta)
        return delta

    maxGeneration := generation
    for i := range *data {
        f, g := calculateInstanceTypeGeneration((*data)[i].InstanceType, itfic)
        if f == family && g > maxGeneration {
            maxGeneration = g
    log.Println("Caching maxgeneration", maxGeneration, "for family", family,
        "while processing instance type", instanceType, "of generation", generation)
    (*itmgc)[family] = maxGeneration
    delta := maxGeneration - generation
    debug.Println("Calculated generation delta for instance type", instanceType, "of generation", generation, "to be", delta)
    return delta

// for c5ad.2xlarge returns the tuple ("c", 5)
// for inf1.6xlarge returns the tuple ("inf", 1)
// for g5g.4xlarge returns the tuple ("g", 5)
func calculateInstanceTypeGeneration(InstanceType string, itfic *instanceTypeFamilyInfoCache) (string, int64) {
    if it := (*itfic)[InstanceType]; it != nil {
        return, it.generation

    re := regexp.MustCompile(`^(\w+)(\d+)(\w+)?\.\w+$`)
    match := re.FindStringSubmatch(InstanceType)
    if len(match) == 0 {
        (*itfic)[InstanceType] = &instanceTypeFamilyInfo{family: InstanceType, generation: 1}
        return InstanceType, 1
    family := match[1]
    generation, _ := strconv.ParseInt(match[2], 10, 64)

    (*itfic)[InstanceType] = &instanceTypeFamilyInfo{family: family, generation: generation}
    return family, generation