Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.char *cktelv = "Telnet support, 8.0.270, 29 Dec 2005";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define CKCTEL_CToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int sstelnet = 0; /* Do server-side Telnet negotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* C K C T E L -- Telnet support */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Authors:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Telnet protocol by Frank da Cruz and Jeffrey Altman.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Telnet Forward X by Jeffrey AltmanToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Telnet START_TLS support by Jeffrey AltmanToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Telnet AUTH and ENCRYPT support by Jeffrey AltmanToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Telnet COMPORT support by Jeffrey AltmanToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Telnet NEW-ENVIRONMENT support by Jeffrey AltmanToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Telnet NAWS support by Frank da Cruz and Jeffrey AltmanToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Telnet TERMTYPE support by Jeffrey AltmanToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Telnet KERMIT support by Jeffrey AltmanToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Other contributions as indicated in the code.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Copyright (C) 1985, 2004,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. All rights reserved. See the C-Kermit COPYING.TXT file or theToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. copyright text in the ckcmai.c module for disclaimer and permissions.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NOTE TO CONTRIBUTORS: This file, and all the other shared (ckc and cku)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. C-Kermit source files, must be compatible with C preprocessors that supportToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. only #ifdef, #else, #endif, #define, and #undef. Please do not use #if,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. logical operators, or other preprocessor features in this module. Also,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. don't use any ANSI C constructs except within #ifdef CK_ANSIC..#endif.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include "ckcsym.h"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include "ckcdeb.h"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef TNCODEToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include "ckcker.h"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define TELCMDS /* to define name array */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define TELOPTS /* to define name array */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define SLC_NAMES /* to define name array */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define ENCRYPT_NAMESToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define AUTH_NAMESToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define TELOPT_STATESToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define TELOPT_MODESToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define TNC_NAMESToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include "ckcnet.h"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include "ckctel.h"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTHENTICATIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include "ckuath.h"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTHENTICATION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include "ck_ssl.h"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOTERMToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2 /* For terminal type name string */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include "ckuusr.h"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include <os2.h>Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#undef COMMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define isascii __isasciiToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include "ckocon.h"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern int tt_type, max_tt;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern struct tt_info_rec tt_info[];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOTERM */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include <assert.h>Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef NTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include <setjmpex.h>Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* NT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include <setjmp.h>Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include <signal.h>Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include "ckcsig.h"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include "ckosyn.h"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_NAWS /* Negotiate About Window Size */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef RLOGCODEToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations._PROTOTYP( int rlog_naws, (void) );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* RLOGCODE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_NAWS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_init = 0; /* Telnet protocol initialized flag */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_begun = 0; /* Telnet protocol started flag */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tn_first = 1; /* First time init flag */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern int tn_exit; /* Exit on disconnect */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern int nettype;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern int inserver; /* Running as IKSD */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.char *tn_term = NULL; /* Terminal type override */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SNDLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.char *tn_loc = NULL; /* Location override */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SNDLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_nlm = TNL_CRLF; /* Telnet CR -> CR LF mode */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_b_nlm = TNL_CR; /* Telnet Binary CR RAW mode */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_b_meu = 0; /* Telnet Binary ME means U too */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_b_ume = 0; /* Telnet Binary U means ME too */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_wait_flg = 1; /* Telnet Wait for Negotiations */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_infinite = 0; /* Telnet Bug Infinite-Loop-Check */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_rem_echo = 1; /* We will echo if WILL ECHO */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_b_xfer = 0; /* Telnet Binary for Xfers? */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_sb_bug = 1; /* Telnet BUG - SB w/o WILL or DO */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_auth_krb5_des_bug = 1; /* Telnet BUG - AUTH KRB5 DES */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* truncates long keys */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_no_encrypt_xfer = 0; /* Turn off Telnet Encrypt? */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_delay_sb = 1; /* Delay SBs until safe */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_auth_how = TN_AUTH_HOW_ANY;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_auth_enc = TN_AUTH_ENC_ANY;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_deb = 0; /* Telnet Debug mode */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_sfu = 0; /* Microsoft SFU compatibility */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.char * tn_fwdx_xauthority = NULL; /* Xauthority File */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int fwdx_no_encrypt = 0; /* Forward-X requires encryption */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int ttnum = -1; /* Last Telnet Terminal Type sent */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int ttnumend = 0; /* Has end of list been found */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.char tn_msg[TN_MSG_LEN]; /* Telnet data can be rather long */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.char hexbuf[TN_MSG_LEN];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.char tn_msg_out[TN_MSG_LEN];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.CHAR fwdx_msg_out[TN_MSG_LEN];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. In order to prevent an infinite telnet negotiation loop we maintain aToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. count of the number of times the same telnet negotiation message isToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sent. When this count hits MAXTNCNT, we do not send any more of theToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. message. The count is stored in the tncnts[][] array.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. The tncnts[][] array is indexed by negotiation option (SUPPRESS GO AHEAD,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TERMINAL TYPE, NAWS, etc. - see the tnopts[] array) and the fourToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. negotiation message types (WILL, WONT, DO, DONT). All telnet negotiationsToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. are kept track of in this way.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. The count for a message is zeroed when the "opposite" message is sent.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. WILL is the opposite of WONT, and DO is the opposite of DONT.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. For example sending "WILL SGA" increments tncnts[TELOPT_SGA][0]Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. and zeroes tncnts[TELOPT_SGA][1].Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. The code that does this is in tn_sopt().Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rogersh@fsj.co.jp, 18/3/1995Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 8/16/1998 - with the recent rewrite of the telnet state machine I don'tToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. think this code is necessary anymore. However, it can't do any harm soToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. I am leaving it in. - JeffToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 12/28/1998 - all references to tncnts[] must be done with TELOPT_INDEX(opt)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. because the Telnet option list is no longer contiguous. We also mustToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. allocate NTELOPTS + 1 because the TELOPT_INDEX() macro returns NTELOPTSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for an invalid option number.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define MAXTNCNT 4 /* Permits 4 intermediate telnet firewalls/gateways */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.char tncnts[NTELOPTS+1][4]; /* Counts */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.char tnopps[4] = { 1,0,3,2 }; /* Opposites */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENVIRONMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define TSBUFSIZ 2056Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define TSBUFSIZ 1024Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.char tn_env_acct[64];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.char tn_env_disp[64];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.char tn_env_job[64];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.char tn_env_prnt[64];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.char tn_env_sys[64];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.char * tn_env_uservar[8][2];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_env_flg = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ENVIRONMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define TSBUFSIZ 41Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_env_flg = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENVIRONMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef COMMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* SIGWINCH handler moved to ckuusx.c */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOSIGWINCHToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_NAWS /* Window size business */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef UNIXToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#include <signal.h>Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* UNIX */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_NAWS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOSIGWINCH */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* COMMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.CHAR sb[TSBUFSIZ]; /* Buffer - incoming subnegotiations */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.CHAR sb_out[TSBUFSIZ]; /* Buffer - outgoing subnegotiations */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.int tn_duplex = 1; /* Local echo */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern char uidbuf[]; /* User ID buffer */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern int quiet, ttnet, ttnproto, debses, what, duplex, oldplex, local;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern int seslog, sessft, whyclosed;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOTERMToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern int tt_rows[], tt_cols[];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern int tt_status[VNUM];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern int scrninitialized[];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOTERM */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern int tt_rows, tt_cols; /* Everybody has this */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern int cmd_cols, cmd_rows;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern char namecopy[];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern char myipaddr[]; /* Global copy of my IP address */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef TELOPT_MACROToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.telopt_index(opt) int opt; {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (opt >= 0 && opt <= TELOPT_STDERR)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(opt);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (opt >= TELOPT_PRAGMA_LOGON && opt <= TELOPT_PRAGMA_HEARTBEAT)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(opt-88);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (opt == TELOPT_IBM_SAK)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(opt-147);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(NTELOPTS);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.telopt_ok(opt) int opt; {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return((opt >= TELOPT_BINARY && opt <= TELOPT_STDERR) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (opt >= TELOPT_PRAGMA_LOGON && opt <= TELOPT_PRAGMA_HEARTBEAT) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (opt == TELOPT_IBM_SAK));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.CHAR *Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.telopt(opt) int opt; {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (telopt_ok(opt))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return((CHAR *)telopts[telopt_index(opt)]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return((CHAR *)"UNKNOWN");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.telopt_mode_ok(opt) int opt; {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return((unsigned int)(opt) <= TN_NG_MU);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.CHAR *Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.telopt_mode(opt) int opt; {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (telopt_mode_ok(opt))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return((CHAR *)telopt_modes[opt-TN_NG_RF]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return((CHAR *)"UNKNOWN");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* TELOPT_MACRO */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_outst(notquiet) int notquiet; {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int outstanding = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int x = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int e = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int d = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_wait_flg) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (x = TELOPT_FIRST; x <= TELOPT_LAST; x++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_OK(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( notquiet )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("?Telnet waiting for response to WILL %s\r\n",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(x));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_outst","unanswered WILL",x);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. outstanding = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !notquiet )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( notquiet )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("?Telnet waiting for response to DO %s\r\n",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(x));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_outst","unanswered DO",x);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. outstanding = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !notquiet )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WONT(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( notquiet )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("?Telnet waiting for response to WONT %s\r\n",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(x));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_outst","unanswered WONT",x);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. outstanding = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !notquiet )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DONT(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( notquiet )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("?Telnet waiting for response to DONT %s\r\n",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(x));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_outst","unanswered DONT",x);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. outstanding = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !notquiet )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_SB(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( notquiet )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("?Telnet waiting for response to SB %s\r\n",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(x));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_outst","unanswered SB",x);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. outstanding = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !notquiet )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTHENTICATIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ck_tn_auth_in_progress()) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (notquiet)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("?Telnet waiting for WILL %s subnegotiation\r\n",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "tn_outst",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "ME authentication in progress",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_AUTHENTICATIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. outstanding = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (TELOPT_U(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (notquiet)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("?Telnet waiting for DO %s subnegotiation\r\n",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "tn_outst",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "U authentication in progress",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_AUTHENTICATIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. outstanding = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTHENTICATION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!outstanding) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. e = ck_tn_encrypting();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. d = ck_tn_decrypting();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION).encrypt.stop && e ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. !TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION).encrypt.stop && !eToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( notquiet )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("?Telnet waiting for WILL %s subnegotiation\r\n",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "tn_outst",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "encryption mode switch",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. outstanding = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION).encrypt.stop && d ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. !TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION).encrypt.stop && !dToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( notquiet )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("?Telnet waiting for DO %s subnegotiation\r\n",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "tn_outst",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "decryption mode switch",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. outstanding = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } /* if (tn_wait_flg) */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKS_OPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Even if we are not waiting for Telnet options we must wait for */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Kermit Telnet Subnegotiations if we have sent a request to the */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* other guy. Otherwise we will get out of sync. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!outstanding) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U(TELOPT_KERMIT) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_start ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_stop ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. !TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.sop)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( notquiet )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("?Telnet waiting for SB %s negotiation\r\n",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(TELOPT_KERMIT));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_outst","U kermit in progress",TELOPT_KERMIT);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. outstanding = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKS_OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef TN_COMPORTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!outstanding) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (notquiet)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("?Telnet waiting for SB %s negotiation\r\n",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_outst","ComPort SB in progress",TELOPT_COMPORT);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. outstanding = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_ms) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (notquiet)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("?Telnet waiting for SB %s MODEM_STATUS negotiation\r\n",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_outst","ComPort SB MS in progress",TELOPT_COMPORT);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. outstanding = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* TN_COMPORT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(outstanding);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.istncomport() {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef TN_COMPORTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!local) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* TN_COMPORT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tn_wait() -- Wait for response to Telnet negotiation. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Wait for up to <timeout> seconds for the response to arrive.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Place all non-telnet data into Telnet Wait Buffer.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. If response does arrive return 1, else return 0.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef TN_WAIT_BUF_SZToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define TN_WAIT_BUF_SZ 4096Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* TN_WAIT_BUF_SZ */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static char tn_wait_buf[TN_WAIT_BUF_SZ];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tn_wait_idx = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef TN_TIMEOUTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define TN_TIMEOUT 120Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* TN_TIMEOUT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tn_wait_tmo = TN_TIMEOUT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CKSPINNERToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.VOIDToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.prtwait(state) int state; {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (state % 4) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 0:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("/");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 1:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("-");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("\\");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 3:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("|");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CKSPINNER */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int nflag = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_wait(char * where)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_wait(where) char * where;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tn_wait */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int ckxech, local;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int ch = 0, count = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOHINTSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int nohintgiven = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int hints;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOHINTS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int outstanding;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef TN_COMPORTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int savcarr;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int ttcarr;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* TN_COMPORT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if (!IS_TELNET()) return(1); */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rtimer();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_wait waiting for",where,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_tmo = TN_TIMEOUT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_wait","timeout",tn_wait_tmo);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. outstanding = tn_outst(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_wait","outstanding",outstanding);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_wait","tn_wait_flg",tn_wait_flg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* The following is meant to be !(||). We only want to return */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* immediately if both the tn_wait_flg && tn_outst() are false */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(outstanding || tn_wait_flg)) /* If no need to wait */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1); /* Don't. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug("<wait for outstanding negotiations>");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CKSPINNERToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!sstelnet && !quiet)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. prtwait(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CKSPINNER */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Wait up to TN_TIMEOUT sec for responses to outstanding telnet negs */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. do {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef NTSIGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ck_ih();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NTSIG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ch = ttinc(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ch == -1) { /* Timed out */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!sstelnet && !quiet) { /* Let user know... */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CKSPINNERToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("\b");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. prtwait(gtimer());Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (nflag == 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf(" Negotiations.");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. nflag++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (nflag > 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf(".");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. nflag++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. fflush(stdout);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CKSPINNER */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (ch < -1) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("\r\n?Connection closed by peer.\r\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug("<connection closed by peer>");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (ch) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case IAC:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CKSPINNERToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!sstelnet && !quiet)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("\b");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CKSPINNER */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ch = tn_doop((CHAR)(ch & 0xff),inserver?ckxech:duplex,ttinc);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CKSPINNERToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!sstelnet && !quiet) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. prtwait(gtimer());Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CKSPINNER */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_wait tn_doop","",ch);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (ch) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 1:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. duplex = 1; /* Turn on echoing */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (inserver)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckxech = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. duplex = 0; /* Turn off echoing */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (inserver)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckxech = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 3:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_buf[tn_wait_idx++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 4: /* IKS event */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 6: /* Logout */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case -1:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!quiet)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("?Telnet Option negotiation error.\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug("<Telnet Option negotiation error>");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case -2:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("?Connection closed by peer.\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug("<Connection closed by peer>");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttclos(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-2);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ch < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug("<Unknown connection error>");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(ch);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } /* switch */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CKSPINNERToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!sstelnet && !quiet) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("\b");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. prtwait(gtimer());Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CKSPINNER */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_buf[tn_wait_idx++] = (CHAR)(ch & 0xff);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } /* switch */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. outstanding = tn_outst(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( outstanding && ch != IAC ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int timer = gtimer();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( timer > tn_wait_tmo ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!sstelnet) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf(Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "\r\n?Telnet Protocol Timeout - connection closed\r\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "<telnet protocol timeout - connection closed>");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_outst(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if we do not close the connection, then we will block */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* the next time we hit a wait. and if we don't we will */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* do the wrong thing if the host sends 0xFF and does */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* not intend it to be an IAC. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttclos(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. whyclosed = WC_TELOPT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOHINTSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if ( hints && timer > 30 && nohintgiven && !inserver ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CKSPINNERToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("\b");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CKSPINNER */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("\r\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CKSPINNER */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("*************************\r\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("The Telnet %s is not sending required responses.\r\n\r\n",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sstelnet?"client":"server");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_outst(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("\nYou can continue to wait or you can cancel with Ctrl-C.\r\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("In case the Telnet server never responds as required,\r\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("you can try connecting to this host with TELNET /NOWAIT.\r\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("Use SET HINTS OFF to suppress further hints.\r\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("*************************\r\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. nohintgiven = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOHINTS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef TN_COMPORTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Must disable carrier detect check if we are using Telnet Comport */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. savcarr = ttcarr;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttscarr(CAR_OFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. count = ttchk();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttscarr(savcarr);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* TN_COMPORT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. count = ttchk();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* TN_COMPORT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } while ((tn_wait_idx < TN_WAIT_BUF_SZ) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (outstanding && count >= 0));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_wait_idx == TN_WAIT_BUF_SZ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug("<Telnet Wait Buffer filled>");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!sstelnet && !quiet) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CKSPINNERToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("\b \b");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (nflag > 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf(" (OK)\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. nflag = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CKSPINNER */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug("<no outstanding negotiations>");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Push data from the Telnet Wait Buffer into the I/O Queue */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Return 1 on success */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_push() {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef NETLEBUFToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int tt_push_inited;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NETLEBUF */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if (!IS_TELNET()) return(1); */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_wait_idx) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. hexdump((CHAR *)"tn_push",tn_wait_buf,tn_wait_idx);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef NETLEBUFToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!tt_push_inited) /* Local handling */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. le_init();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. le_puts((CHAR *)tn_wait_buf,tn_wait_idx);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* External handling... */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2 /* K95 has its own way */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. le_puts((CHAR *)tn_wait_buf,tn_wait_idx);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef TTLEBUF /* UNIX, etc */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. le_puts((CHAR *)tn_wait_buf,tn_wait_idx);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. If you see this message in AOS/VS, OS-9, VOS, etc, you need to copyToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. the #ifdef TTLEBUF..#endif code from ckutio.c to the correspondingToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. places in your ck?tio.c module.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("tn_push called but not implemented - data lost.\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* TTLEBUF */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NETLEBUF */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_idx = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_tmo = TN_TIMEOUT; /* Reset wait timer stats */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* T N _ S O P T */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Sends a telnet option, avoids loops.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Returns 1 if command was sent, 0 if not, -1 on error.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_sopt(cmd,opt) int cmd, opt; { /* TELNET SEND OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. CHAR buf[5];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char msg[128];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(-1); /* Must be TCP/IP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(-1); /* Must be telnet protocol */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELCMD_OK(cmd)) return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_OK(opt)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (cmd == DO && TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(opt)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (cmd == WILL && TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(opt)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (cmd == DONT && TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DONT(opt)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (cmd == WONT && TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WONT(opt)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (cmd == DO && opt == TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[0] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_infinite && TELOPT_OK(opt)) { /* See comment above about */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int index = TELOPT_INDEX(opt); /* preventing infinite loops */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int m = cmd - WILL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tncnts[index][m] > MAXTNCNT) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses || deblog) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(msg,sizeof(msg),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET negotiation loop ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELCMD(cmd), " ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(opt));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,msg,"",opt);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tncnts[index][m]++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tncnts[index][tnopps[m]] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[0] = (CHAR) IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[1] = (CHAR) (cmd & 0xff);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[2] = (CHAR) (opt & 0xff);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[3] = (CHAR) 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((tn_deb || debses || deblog) && cmd != SB)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(msg,sizeof(msg),"TELNET SENT ",TELCMD(cmd)," ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(opt));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,msg,"",opt);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((tn_deb || debses) && cmd != SB)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol(buf,3) < 3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_OK(opt)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (cmd == DONT && TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(opt))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (cmd == WONT && TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(opt))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (cmd == DO && TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DONT(opt))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DONT(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (cmd == WILL && TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WONT(opt))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WONT(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Send a telnet sub-option */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Returns 1 if command was sent, 0 if not, -1 on error */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_ssbopt(opt,sub,data,len) int opt, sub; CHAR * data; int len; {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. CHAR buf[256];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int n,m,rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0); /* Must be TCP/IP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0); /* Must be telnet protocol */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_OK(opt)) return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len < 0 || len > 250) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"Unable to Send TELNET SB - data too long","len",len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1); /* Data too long */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttchk() < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!data) len = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[0] = (CHAR) IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[1] = (CHAR) (SB & 0xff);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[2] = (CHAR) (opt & 0xff);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[3] = (CHAR) (sub & 0xff);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (data && len > 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. memcpy(&buf[4],data,len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[4+len] = (CHAR) IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[5+len] = (CHAR) SE;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses || deblog) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (opt == TELOPT_START_TLS && sub == 1)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET SENT SB ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(opt)," FOLLOWS IAC SE",NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (opt == TELOPT_TTYPE && sub == 1)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET SENT SB ", TELOPT(opt),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SEND IAC SE",NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (opt == TELOPT_TTYPE && sub == 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(opt)," IS ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (char *)data," IAC SE",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (opt == TELOPT_NEWENVIRON) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i, quote;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET SENT SB ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON)," ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sub == TELQUAL_SEND ? "SEND" :Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sub == TELQUAL_IS ? "IS" :Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sub == TELQUAL_INFO ?"INFO" : "UNKNOWN" );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (i = 0, quote = 0; i < len; i++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (quote) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sprintf(hexbuf,"%02x",data[i]); /* safe but ugly */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg_out,hexbuf,TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. quote = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (data[i]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_USERVAR:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg_out," USERVAR ",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_VAR:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg_out," VAR ",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_VALUE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg_out," VALUE ",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_ESC:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg_out," ESC ",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. quote = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case IAC:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg_out," IAC ",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sprintf(hexbuf,"%c",data[i]); /* safe but ugly */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg_out,hexbuf,TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg_out," IAC SE",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sprintf(hexbuf,"%02x",sub); /* safe but ugly */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(opt),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. hexbuf,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " <data> IAC SE",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,tn_msg_out,"",opt);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol(buf,6+len) < 6+len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_flui() -- Processes all waiting data for Telnet commands.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. All non-Telnet data is to be stored into the Telnet Wait Buffer.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Returns 1 on success.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_flui() {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int ckxech;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int x = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if (!IS_TELNET()) return(0); */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Wait up to 5 sec for responses to outstanding telnet negotiations */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. while (x >= 0 && ttchk() > 0 && tn_wait_idx < TN_WAIT_BUF_SZ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. x = ttinc(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (x) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case IAC:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. x = tn_doop((CHAR)(x & 0xff),inserver?ckxech:duplex,ttinc);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_flui tn_doop","",x);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (x) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 1: /* Turn on echoing */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. duplex = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (inserver)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckxech = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2: /* Turn off echoing */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. duplex = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (inserver)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckxech = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 3:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_buf[tn_wait_idx++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 4: /* IKS event */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 6: /* Logout */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (x >= 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_buf[tn_wait_idx++] = x;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.unsigned char *Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_get_display()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char * disp = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. static char tmploc[256];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Must compute the DISPLAY string we are going to send to the host */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* If one is not assigned, do not send a string unless the user has */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* explicitedly requested we try to send one via X-Display Location */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* But do not send a string at all if FORWARD_X is in use. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if (!IS_TELNET()) return(0); */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_get_display() myipaddr",myipaddr,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENVIRONMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_get_display() tn_env_disp",tn_env_disp,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_env_disp[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int colon = ckindex(":",tn_env_disp,0,0,1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !colon ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(tmploc,256,myipaddr,":",tn_env_disp,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. disp = tmploc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if ( ckindex("localhost:",tn_env_disp,0,0,0) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckindex("unix:",tn_env_disp,0,0,0) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckindex("",tn_env_disp,0,0,0) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. !ckstrcmp("0:",tn_env_disp,2,1) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_env_disp[0] == ':' ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(tmploc,256,myipaddr,":",&tn_env_disp[colon],NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. disp = tmploc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. disp = tn_env_disp;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENVIRONMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_XDISPLOC) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U(TELOPT_FORWARD_X)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(tmploc,256,myipaddr,":0.0",NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. disp = tmploc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_get_display() returns",disp,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return((CHAR *)disp);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static Xauth fake_xauth = {0,0,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL};Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static Xauth *real_xauth=NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * Author: Jim Fulton, MIT X ConsortiumToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * fwdx_parse_displayname -Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * display a display string up into its component partsToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef UNIXToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define UNIX_CONNECTION "unix"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define UNIX_CONNECTION_LENGTH 4Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * private utility routinesToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.XmuGetHostname (char *buf, int maxlen)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.XmuGetHostname (buf, maxlen)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char *buf;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int maxlen;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef NEED_UTSNAMEToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * same host name crock as in server and xinit.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. struct utsname name;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. uname (&name);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. len = strlen (name.nodename);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len >= maxlen) len = maxlen - 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strncpy (buf, name.nodename, len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[len] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[0] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (void) gethostname (buf, maxlen);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf [maxlen - 1] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. len = strlen(buf);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* hpux */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static char *Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.copystring (char *src, int len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.copystring (src, len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char *src;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char *cp;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!src && len != 0) return NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cp = malloc (len + 1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (cp) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (src) strncpy (cp, src, len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cp[len] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return cp;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static char *Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.get_local_hostname (char *buf, int maxlen)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.get_local_hostname (buf, maxlen)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char *buf;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int maxlen;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[0] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (void) XmuGetHostname (buf, maxlen);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return (buf[0] ? buf : NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef UNIXToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static char *Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.copyhostname ()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char buf[256];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return (get_local_hostname (buf, sizeof buf) ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. copystring (buf, strlen (buf)) : NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_parse_displayname (char *displayname, int *familyp, char **hostp,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int *dpynump, int *scrnump, char **restp)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_parse_displayname (displayname, familyp, hostp, dpynump, scrnump, restp)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char *displayname;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int *familyp; /* return */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char **hostp; /* return */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int *dpynump, *scrnump; /* return */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char **restp; /* return */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char *ptr; /* work variables */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int len; /* work variable */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int family = -1; /* value to be returned */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char *host = NULL; /* must free if set and error return */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int dpynum = -1; /* value to be returned */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int scrnum = 0; /* value to be returned */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char *rest = NULL; /* must free if set and error return */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int dnet = 0; /* if 1 then using DECnet */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* check the name */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!displayname || !displayname[0])Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* must have at least :number */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ptr = (char *)strchr(displayname, ':');Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!ptr || !ptr[1]) return 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ptr[1] == ':') {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ptr[2] == '\0') return 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. dnet = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * get the host string; if none is given, use the most effiecient pathToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. len = (ptr - displayname); /* length of host name */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len == 0) { /* choose most efficient path */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef UNIXToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. host = copystring (UNIX_CONNECTION, UNIX_CONNECTION_LENGTH);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. family = FamilyLocal;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (dnet) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. host = copystring ("0", 1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. family = FamilyDECnet;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. host = copyhostname ();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. family = FamilyInternet;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. host = copystring (displayname, len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (dnet) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. family = dnet;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef UNIXToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (host && strcmp (host, UNIX_CONNECTION) == 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. family = FamilyLocal;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. family = FamilyInternet;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!host) return 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * get the display number; we know that there is something after theToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * colon (or colons) from above. note that host is now set and mustToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * be freed if there is an error.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (dnet) ptr++; /* skip the extra DECnet colon */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ptr++; /* move to start of display num */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. register char *cp;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (cp = ptr; *cp && isascii(*cp) && isdigit(*cp); cp++) ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. len = (cp - ptr);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* check present and valid follow */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len == 0 || (*cp && *cp != '.')) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free (host);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. dpynum = atoi (ptr); /* it will handle num. as well */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ptr = cp;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * now get screen number if given; ptr may point to nul at this pointToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ptr[0] == '.') {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. register char *cp;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ptr++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (cp = ptr; *cp && isascii(*cp) && isdigit(*cp); cp++) ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. len = (cp - ptr);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len == 0 || (*cp && *cp != '.')) { /* all prop name */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free (host);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. scrnum = atoi (ptr); /* it will handle num. as well */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ptr = cp;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * and finally, get any additional stuff that might be following theToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * the screen number; ptr must point to a period if there is anythingToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ptr[0] == '.') {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ptr++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. len = strlen (ptr);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len > 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rest = copystring (ptr, len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!rest) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free (host);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * and we are done!Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( familyp )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *familyp = family;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( hostp )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *hostp = host;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free(host);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( dpynump )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *dpynump = dpynum;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( scrnump )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *scrnump = scrnum;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( restp )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *restp = rest;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free(rest);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_tn_sb( unsigned char * sb, int n )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_tn_sb( sb, n ) unsigned char * sb; int n;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. unsigned short hchannel, nchannel;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. unsigned char * p;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int rc = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* check to ensure we have negotiated Forward X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( sstelnet && !TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_FORWARD_X) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. !sstelnet && !TELOPT_U(TELOPT_FORWARD_X) ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,"fwdx_tn_sb() not negotiated","",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FWDX_SCREEN:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sstelnet && n == 4)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = fwdx_create_listen_socket(sb[1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FWDX_OPEN:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !sstelnet && n >= 5 ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p = (unsigned char *) &nchannel;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC quoting has been stripped in tn_sb() */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p[0] = sb[i++];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p[1] = sb[i++];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. hchannel = ntohs(nchannel);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = fwdx_open_client_channel(hchannel);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( rc < 0 ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Failed; Send CLOSE channel */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. fwdx_send_close(hchannel);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = 0; /* Do not consider this to be a telnet error */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef NTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.thread_started ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckThreadBegin( &fwdx_thread,32655, 0, FALSE, 0 ) ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.thread_started = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FWDX_CLOSE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p = (unsigned char *) &nchannel;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC quoting has been stripped in tn_sb() */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p[0] = sb[i++];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p[1] = sb[i++];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. hchannel = ntohs(nchannel);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. fwdx_close_channel(hchannel);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = 0; /* no errors when closing */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FWDX_DATA:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p = (unsigned char *) &nchannel;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC quoting has been stripped in tn_sb() */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p[0] = sb[i++];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p[1] = sb[i++];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. hchannel = ntohs(nchannel);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = fwdx_send_xauth_to_xserver(hchannel,(char *)&sb[3],n-5);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( rc >= 0 && n-5-rc > 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = fwdx_write_data_to_channel(hchannel,(char *)&sb[3+rc],n-5-rc);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( rc < 0 ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Failed; Send CLOSE channel */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = fwdx_send_close(hchannel);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FWDX_OPTIONS:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( sstelnet ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef FWDX_SERVERToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = fwdx_server_accept_options((char*)&sb[2],n-3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = fwdx_client_reply_options((char *)&sb[2],n-3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( rc >= 0 ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tn_sndfwdx();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FWDX_OPT_DATA:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch ( sb[1] ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = 0; /* we don't recognize, not an error */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FWDX_XOFF:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FWDX_XON:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !sstelnet ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p = (unsigned char *) &nchannel;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC quoting has been stripped in tn_sb() */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p[0] = sb[i++];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p[1] = sb[i++];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. hchannel = ntohs(nchannel);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[hchannel].suspend =Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (sb[0] == FWDX_XOFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(rc < 0 ? -1 : 0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_send_xauth_to_xserver(int channel, unsigned char * data, int len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_send_xauth_to_xserver(channel, data, len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int channel; unsigned char * data; int len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int name_len, data_len, i;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (i = 0; i < MAXFWDX ; i++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[i].id == channel)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( i == MAXFWDX )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. goto auth_err;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[i].need_to_send_xauth)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len < 12)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. goto auth_err;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Parse the lengths of variable-length fields. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (data[0] == 0x42) { /* byte order MSB first. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Xauth packets appear to always have this format */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( data[1] != 0x00 ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[2] != 0x00 ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[3] != 0x0B ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[4] != 0x00 ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[5] != 0x00 )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. goto auth_err;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. name_len = (data[6] << 8) + data[7];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data_len = (data[8] << 8) + data[9];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (data[0] == 0x6c) { /* Byte order LSB first. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Xauth packets appear to always have this format */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( data[1] != 0x00 ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[2] != 0x0B ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[3] != 0x00 ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[4] != 0x00 ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[5] != 0x00 )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. goto auth_err;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. name_len = data[6] + (data[7] << 8);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data_len = data[8] + (data[9] << 8);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* bad byte order byte */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. goto auth_err;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Check if the whole packet is in buffer. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len < 12 + ((name_len + 3) & ~3) + ((data_len + 3) & ~3))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. goto auth_err;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* If the Telnet Server allows a real Xauth message to be sent */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Then let the message be processed by the Xserver. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (name_len + data_len > 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[i].need_to_send_xauth = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* If an empty Xauth message was received. We are going to */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* send our own Xauth message using the real Xauth data. And */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* then send any other data in the buffer. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int c, err, dpynum, scrnum, family, sb_len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char *display, *host = NULL, *rest = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. unsigned char *sb, *p;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* parse the local DISPLAY env var */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. display = getenv("DISPLAY");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !display )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. display = "";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (fwdx_parse_displayname(display,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. &family, &host, &dpynum, &scrnum, &rest)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char * disp_no = ckitoa(dpynum); /* should be unsigned */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (family == FamilyLocal) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* call with address = "<local host name>" */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char address[300] = "localhost";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. gethostname(address, sizeof(address) - 1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. real_xauth = XauGetAuthByAddr(family,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strlen(address),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. address,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strlen(disp_no),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. disp_no, 0, NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (family == FamilyInternet) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* call with address = 4 bytes numeric ip addr (MSB) */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. struct hostent *hi;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (hi = gethostbyname(host))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. real_xauth = XauGetAuthByAddr(family, 4,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. hi->h_addr, strlen(disp_no),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. disp_no, 0, NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (host) free(host);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rest) free(rest);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!real_xauth) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[i].need_to_send_xauth = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!strncmp(real_xauth->name,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. real_xauth->name_length)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char msg[64];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. name_len = real_xauth->name_length;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data_len = 16;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( data[0] == 0x42 ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[0] = 0x42; /* MSB order */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[1] = msg[2] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[3] = 0x0B;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[4] = msg[5] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[6] = (name_len >> 8);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[7] = (name_len & 0xFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[8] = (data_len >> 8);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[9] = (data_len & 0xFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[0] = 0x6c; /* LSB order */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[1] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[2] = 0x0B;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[3] = msg[4] = msg[5] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[6] = (name_len & 0xFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[7] = (name_len >> 8);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[8] = (data_len & 0xFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[9] = (data_len >> 8);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[10] = msg[11] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. memcpy(&msg[12],real_xauth->name,18);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msg[30] = msg[31] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. memcpy(&msg[32],real_xauth->data,16);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (fwdx_write_data_to_channel(channel,(char *)msg,48) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[i].need_to_send_xauth = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[i].need_to_send_xauth = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(12);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[i].need_to_send_xauth = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0); /* we do not know how to handle this type yet */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. auth_err:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,"fwdx_send_xauth_to_xserver error","",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef COMMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_authorize_channel(int channel, unsigned char * data, int len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_authorize_channel(channel, data, len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int channel; unsigned char * data; int len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* XXX maybe we should have some retry handling if not the whole firstToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * authorization packet arrives completeToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[channel].authorized ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int name_len, data_len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len < 12)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. goto auth_err;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Parse the lengths of variable-length fields. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (data[0] == 0x42) { /* byte order MSB first. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Xauth packets appear to always have this format */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( data[1] != 0x00 ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[2] != 0x00 ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[3] != 0x0B ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[4] != 0x00 ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[5] != 0x00 )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. goto auth_err;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. name_len = (data[6] << 8) + data[7];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data_len = (data[8] << 8) + data[9];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (data[0] == 0x6c) { /* Byte order LSB first. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Xauth packets appear to always have this format */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( data[1] != 0x00 ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[2] != 0x0B ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[3] != 0x00 ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[4] != 0x00 ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data[5] != 0x00 )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. goto auth_err;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. name_len = data[6] + (data[7] << 8);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. data_len = data[8] + (data[9] << 8);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* bad byte order byte */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. goto auth_err;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Check if authentication protocol matches. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (name_len != fake_xauth.name_length ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. memcmp(data + 12, fake_xauth.name, name_len) != 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* connection uses different authentication protocol */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. goto auth_err;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Check if authentication data matches our fake data. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (data_len != fake_xauth.data_length ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. memcmp(data + 12 + ((name_len + 3) & ~3),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. fake_xauth.data, fake_xauth.data_length) != 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* auth data does not match fake data */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. goto auth_err;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* substitute the fake data with real data if we have any */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (real_xauth && real_xauth->data)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. memcpy(data + 12 + ((name_len + 3) & ~3),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. real_xauth->data, data_len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[channel].authorized = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. auth_err:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* COMMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_send_close(int channel)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_send_close(channel) int channel;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. unsigned short nchannel;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i,rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. CHAR * p;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. nchannel = htons(channel);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p = (unsigned char *) &nchannel;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_FORWARD_X; /* Forward X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = FWDX_CLOSE; /* Open */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = p[0]; /* First Byte of Channel */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( p[0] == IAC )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = p[1]; /* Second Byte of Channel */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( p[1] == IAC )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(fwdx_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET SENT SB ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(TELOPT_FORWARD_X),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " CLOSE CHANNEL=",ckitoa(channel)," IAC SE",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,fwdx_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(fwdx_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_send_open(int channel)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_send_open(channel) int channel;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. unsigned short nchannel;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. CHAR * p;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. nchannel = htons(channel);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p = (unsigned char *) &nchannel;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_FORWARD_X; /* Forward X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = FWDX_OPEN; /* Open */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = p[0]; /* First Byte of Channel */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( p[0] == IAC )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = p[1]; /* Second Byte of Channel */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( p[1] == IAC )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(fwdx_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET SENT SB ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(TELOPT_FORWARD_X),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " OPEN CHANNEL=",ckitoa(channel)," IAC SE",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,fwdx_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(fwdx_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_client_reply_options(char *opts, int n)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_client_reply_options(opts, n) char *opts; int n;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i,j,rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_FORWARD_X; /* Forward X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = FWDX_OPTIONS; /* Options */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Look for the options we recognize and will support for this session */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* and reply with their bytes set */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (j=0; j<n; j++,i++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i] = FWDX_OPT_NONE; /* Add zero byte - no options */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef COMMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* If we had any options to support, this is how we would do it */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( j == 0 ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (opts[j] & FWDX_OPT_XXXX) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* set flag to remember option is in use */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. flag = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i] |= FWDX_OPT_XXXX;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* COMMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(fwdx_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET SENT SB ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(TELOPT_FORWARD_X),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " OPTIONS ",ckctox(sb_out[4],1)," IAC SE",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,fwdx_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(fwdx_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_send_options() {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_FORWARD_X; /* Forward X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = FWDX_OPTIONS; /* Options */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i] = FWDX_OPT_NONE;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* activate options here */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(fwdx_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET SENT SB ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(TELOPT_FORWARD_X),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " OPTIONS 00 IAC SE",NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,fwdx_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(fwdx_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_send_data_from_channel(int channel, char * data, int len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_send_data_from_channel(channel, data, len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int channel; char * data; int len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. unsigned short nchannel;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* static */ CHAR sb_priv[2048];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. CHAR * p;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i, j, j_sav, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. unsigned int tmp;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"fwdx_send_data_from_channel()","channel",channel);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. nchannel = htons(channel);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p = (unsigned char *) &nchannel;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. j = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = TELOPT_FORWARD_X; /* Forward X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = FWDX_DATA; /* Data */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = p[0]; /* First Byte of Channel */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( p[0] == IAC )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = p[1]; /* Second Byte of Channel */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( p[1] == IAC )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. j_sav = j;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tmp = (unsigned int)data[i];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( tmp == IAC ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = tmp;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( j >= 2045 && (i < len-1) ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg( fwdx_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET SENT SB ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(TELOPT_FORWARD_X),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " DATA CHANNEL=",ckitoa(channel)," ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_hex(fwdx_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,&sb_priv[j_sav],j-(j_sav+2));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(fwdx_msg_out," IAC SE",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,fwdx_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(fwdx_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol(sb_priv,j) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"fwdx_send_data_from_channel()","ttol() failed",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. j = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = TELOPT_FORWARD_X; /* Forward X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = FWDX_DATA; /* Data */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = p[0]; /* First Byte of Channel */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( p[0] == IAC )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = p[1]; /* Second Byte of Channel */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( p[1] == IAC )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_priv[j++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg( fwdx_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_FORWARD_X),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " DATA ",ckctox(p[0],1)," ",ckctox(p[1],1)," ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_hex(fwdx_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,&sb_priv[6],j-8);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(fwdx_msg_out," IAC SE",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,fwdx_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(fwdx_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol(sb_priv,j) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( rc ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"fwdx_send_data_from_channel()","ttol() failed",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static unsigned char *Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_add_quoted_twobyte(unsigned char *p, unsigned short twobyte)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_add_quoted_twobyte(p, twobyte)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. unsigned char *p; unsigned short twobyte;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* adds the IAC quoted (MSB) representation of 'channel' at buffer pointer 'p',Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * returning pointer to new buffer position. NO OVERFLOW CHECK!Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *p++ = (unsigned char)((twobyte >> 8) & 0xFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (*(p - 1) == 0xFF)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *p++ = 0xFF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *p++ = (unsigned char)(twobyte & 0xFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (*(p - 1) == 0xFF)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *p++ = 0xFF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return p;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_create_fake_xauth(char *name, int name_len, int data_len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_create_fake_xauth(name, name_len, data_len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char *name; int name_len; int data_len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char stackdata[256];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. unsigned int c, n;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!name_len || !data_len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. fake_xauth.name = malloc(name_len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. fake_xauth.data = malloc(data_len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!fake_xauth.name || !fake_xauth.data)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. fake_xauth.name_length = name_len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. memcpy(fake_xauth.name, name, name_len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. fake_xauth.data_length = data_len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* try to make a random unsigned int to feed srand() */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. c = time(NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. c *= getpid();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (n = 0; n < sizeof(stackdata); n++)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. c += stackdata[n];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. srand((unsigned int)c);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (c = 0; c < data_len; c++)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. fake_xauth.data[c] = (unsigned char)rand();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef COMMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* No longer used */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_send_xauth(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int c, err, dpynum, family, sb_len, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char *display, *host = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. unsigned char *sb_priv, *p;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* parse the local DISPLAY env var */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(display = tn_get_display()))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return (-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (fwdx_parse_displayname(display, &family, &host, &dpynum, NULL, NULL)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char * disp_no = ckitoa(dpynum);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (family == FamilyLocal) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* call with address = "<local host name>" */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char address[300] = "localhost";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. gethostname(address, sizeof(address) - 1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. real_xauth = XauGetAuthByAddr(family,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strlen(address),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. address,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strlen(disp_no),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. disp_no, 0, NULLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (family == FamilyInternet) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* call with address = 4 bytes numeric ip addr (MSB) */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. struct hostent *hi;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (hi = gethostbyname(host))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. real_xauth = XauGetAuthByAddr(family, 4,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. hi->h_addr,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strlen(disp_no),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. disp_no, 0, NULLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (host) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free(host);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. host = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (real_xauth)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. err = fwdx_create_fake_xauth(real_xauth->name,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. real_xauth->name_length,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. real_xauth->data_lengthToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. err = fwdx_create_fake_xauth("MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strlen("MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1"), 16);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (err)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* allocate memory for the SB block, alloc for worst case */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* the following sprintf() calls are safe due to length checking */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* buffer is twice as big as the input just in case every byte was IAC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_len = 5 + 2 + 2 + fake_xauth.name_length + fake_xauth.data_length + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(sb_priv = malloc(2 * sb_len)))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p = sb_priv;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sprintf(p, "%c%c%c%c%c", IAC, SB, TELOPT_FORWARD_X,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. FWDX_OPT_DATA, FWDX_OPT_XAUTH);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p += 5;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p = fwdx_add_quoted_twobyte(p, fake_xauth.name_length);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p = fwdx_add_quoted_twobyte(p, fake_xauth.data_length);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (c = 0; c < fake_xauth.name_length; c++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *p++ = fake_xauth.name[c];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((unsigned char)fake_xauth.name[c] == 0xFF)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *p++ = 0xFF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (c = 0; c < fake_xauth.data_length; c++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *p++ = fake_xauth.data[c];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((unsigned char)fake_xauth.data[c] == 0xFF)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *p++ = 0xFF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sprintf(p, "%c%c", IAC, SE);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p += 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sprintf(fwdx_msg_out,"TELNET SENT SB %s OPTION_DATA XAUTH ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(TELOPT_FORWARD_X));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_hex(fwdx_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,&sb_priv[5],(p-sb_priv)-7);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(fwdx_msg_out," IAC SE",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Add Telnet Debug info here */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,fwdx_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(fwdx_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = ( ttol(sb_priv,p-sb_priv) < 0 ); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"fwdx_send_xauth()","ttol() failed",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free(sb_priv);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* COMMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef FWDX_SERVERToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Only if we ever become a server - not yet ported to Kermit */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* And even so most of this code does not belong in this module */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_write_xauthfile(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int dpynum, scrnum, family;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char myhost[300], *host, *rest = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. FILE *file;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. struct sockaddr_in saddr;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. struct hostent *hi;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!fwdx_display && !fwdx_xauthfile)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!parse_displayname(fwdx_display,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. &family, &host, &dpynum, &scrnum, &rest))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rest) free(rest);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (host) free(host);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (family != FamilyInternet)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 3; /* every thing but FamilyInternet is unexpected */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* X connections to localhost:1 is actually treated as local unix sockets,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * see the 'xauth' man page.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. xauth.family = FamilyLocal;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (gethostname(myhost, sizeof(myhost) - 1))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 5;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. xauth.address_length = strlen(myhost);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(xauth.address = malloc(xauth.address_length)))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 5;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. memcpy(xauth.address, myhost, xauth.address_length);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* the display number is written as a string, not numeric */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(xauth.number = malloc(6)))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 6;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. snprintf(xauth.number, 5, "%u", dpynum);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. xauth.number_length = strlen(xauth.number);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(file = fopen(fwdx_xauthfile, "wb")))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 7;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!XauWriteAuth(file, &xauth))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 8;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. fclose(file);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. setenv("XAUTHORITY", fwdx_xauthfile, 1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_setup_xauth(unsigned char *sp, int len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* called with 'len' xauth bytes, starting at 'sp'Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * the data format is: <uint16 name_length> <uint16 data_length> <name> <data>Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int xauthfd;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!fwdx_options[FWDX_OPT_XAUTH])Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len < 4)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* setup the xauth struct */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. xauth.name_length = (sp[0] << 8) + sp[1];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. xauth.data_length = (sp[2] << 8) + sp[3];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len != 4 + xauth.name_length + xauth.data_length)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 3;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. xauth.name = malloc(xauth.name_length);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. xauth.data = malloc(xauth.data_length);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!xauth.name || !xauth.data)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 4;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. memcpy(xauth.name, sp + 4, xauth.name_length);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. memcpy(xauth.data, sp + 4 + xauth.name_length, xauth.data_length);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Setup to always have a local .Xauthority. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. fwdx_xauthfile = malloc(MAXPATHLEN+1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. snprintf(fwdx_xauthfile, MAXPATHLEN, "/tmp/XauthXXXXXX");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((xauthfd = mkstemp(fwdx_xauthfile)) != -1)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* we change file ownership later, when we know who is to be owner! */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. close(xauthfd);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free(fwdx_xauthfile);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. fwdx_xauthfile = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 5;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Must have the subshell's new DISPLAY env var to write xauth to xauthfile */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (fwdx_display)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (fwdx_write_xauthfile())Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 6;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.void fwdx_set_xauthfile_owner(int uid)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. struct passwd *pwd;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!fwdx_xauthfile || !(pwd = getpwuid(uid)))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. chown(fwdx_xauthfile, pwd->pw_uid, pwd->pw_gid);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.fwdx_server_accept_options(unsigned char *sp, int len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* called with 'len' option bytes, starting at 'sp' */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int c;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (c = 0; c < len-2; c++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (c == 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sp[c] & FWDX_OPT_XAUTH)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. flag = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* FWDX_SERVER */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKS_OPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. iks_wait() -- Wait for an IKS subnegotiation response.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb - is either KERMIT_REQ_START or KERMIT_REQ_STOP depending on the desiredToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. state of the peer's Kermit server.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. flushok - specifies whether it is ok to throw away non-Telnet dataToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if so, then we call ttflui() instead of tn_flui().Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Returns:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 1 if the desired state is achieved or if it is unknown.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 0 if the desired state is not achieved.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.iks_wait(int sb, int flushok)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.iks_wait(sb,flushok) int sb; int flushok;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int tn_wait_save = tn_wait_flg;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int x;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U(TELOPT_KERMIT)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case KERMIT_REQ_START:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "iks_wait KERMIT_REQ_START",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "u_start",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_startToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_REQ_START);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_flg = 1; /* Kermit Option MUST wait */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. do {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (flushok)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_idx = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. x = tn_wait("iks_wait() me_iks_req_start");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } while (x == 0 && flushok && tn_wait_idx == TN_WAIT_BUF_SZ);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_flg = tn_wait_save;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (flushok)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_idx = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_wait_idx == TN_WAIT_BUF_SZ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * We are attempting to start a kermit server on the peerToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * the most likely reason is because we want to perform aToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * file transfer. But there is a huge amount of non telnetToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * negotiation data coming in and so we have not been ableToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * to find the response. So we will lie and assume thatToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * response is 'yes'. The worse that will happen is thatToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * a RESP_STOP is received after we enter protocol mode.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * And the protocol operation will be canceled.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case KERMIT_REQ_STOP:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "iks_wait KERMIT_REQ_STOP",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "u_start",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_startToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_REQ_STOP);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_flg = 1; /* Kermit Option MUST wait */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. do {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (flushok)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_idx = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. x = tn_wait("iks_wait() me_iks_req_stop");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } while (x == 0 && flushok && tn_wait_idx == TN_WAIT_BUF_SZ);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_flg = tn_wait_save;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (flushok)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_idx = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_wait_idx == TN_WAIT_BUF_SZ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * We are attempting to stop a kermit server on the peerToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * the most likely reason being that we want to enterToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * CONNECT mode. But there is a huge amount of non telnetToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * negotiation data coming in and so we have not been ableToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * to find the response. So we will lie and assume thatToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * the answer is 'yes' and allow the CONNECT command toToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * succeed. The worst that happens is that CONNECT modeToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * swallows the incoming data displaying it to the userToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * and then it resumes Kermit client mode.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(!TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.iks_tn_sb(CHAR * sb, int n)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.iks_tn_sb(sb, n) CHAR * sb; int n;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int server;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern CHAR sstate;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef NOICPToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int autodl;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int inautodl = 0, cmdadl = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTODLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int autodl, inautodl, cmdadl;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTODL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOICP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case KERMIT_START: /* START */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(4);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case KERMIT_STOP: /* STOP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(4);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case KERMIT_REQ_START: /* REQ-START */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOXFERToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (inserver) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTODLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cmdadl = 1; /* Turn on packet detection */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTODL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_RESP_START);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_RESP_START);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef IKSDONLYToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTODLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (local && (IsConnectMode() && autodl) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (!IsConnectMode() && Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (inautodl || sstate == 'x' || sstate == 'v'))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_RESP_START); /* START */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((local && what == W_CONNECT && autodl) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (local && what != W_CONNECT &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (inautodl || sstate == 'x' || sstate == 'v')Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_RESP_START); /* START */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTODL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKSDONLY */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_RESP_STOP);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* NOXFER */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_RESP_STOP);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOXFER */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(4);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case KERMIT_REQ_STOP: /* REQ-STOP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* The protocol requires that the request be responded to */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* either by changing states or by reporting the current */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* state. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* We need to provide the user some way of dictating what */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* the policies should be. For instance, if we are in */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* CONNECT mode with autodownload ON and we get a REQ-STOP*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* what should the proper response be? */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOXFERToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (inserverToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTODLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. || !local && cmdadlToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTODL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTODLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cmdadl = 0; /* Turn off packet detection */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTODL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_RESP_STOP);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (server) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int en_fin;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (en_fin) { /* If the server is allowed to stop */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_RESP_STOP);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else { /* We are not allowed to stop */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_RESP_START);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef IKSDONLYToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTODLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (local && (IsConnectMode() && autodl) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (!IsConnectMode() && inautodl)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* If we are a pseudo-server and the other side requests */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* that we stop, tell then that we have even though we */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* have not. Otherwise, the other side might refuse to */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* enter SERVER mode. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_RESP_STOP); /* STOP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if ((local && what == W_CONNECT && autodl) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (local && what != W_CONNECT && inautodl)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* If we are a pseudo-server and the other side requests */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* that we stop, tell then that we have even though we */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* have not. Otherwise, the other side might refuse to */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* enter SERVER mode. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_RESP_STOP); /* STOP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTODL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKSDONLY */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOXFER */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* If we are not currently in any mode that accepts */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Kermit packets then of course report that we are */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* not being a Kermit server. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_RESP_STOP); /* STOP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(4);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case KERMIT_SOP: { /* SOP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOXFERToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern CHAR stchr; /* Incoming SOP character */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. stchr = sb[1];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOXFER */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.sop = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(4);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case KERMIT_RESP_START: /* START */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_start) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_start = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_stop) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* If we have issued a request to stop a Kermit Server */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* and the response is Start, then we must report this */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* to the caller. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_stop = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(4);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case KERMIT_RESP_STOP: /* STOP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_start) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_start = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* If we have issued a request to start a Kermit Server */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* and the response is Stop, then we must report this */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* to the caller. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_stop) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_stop = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(4);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } /* switch (sb[0]) */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKS_OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Initialize telnet settings - set default values for ME and U modes */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_set_modes() {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int opt,cmd;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int x;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENVIRONMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i,j;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_env_uservar[i][0] = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_env_uservar[i][1] = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENVIRONMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* initialize all options to refuse in both directions */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (opt = 0; opt < NTELOPTS; opt++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WONT(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DONT(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_SB(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(opt) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(opt) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(opt) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(opt) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(opt) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(opt) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (cmd = 0; cmd < 4; cmd ++)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tncnts[TELOPT_INDEX(opt)][cmd] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKS_OPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_start = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_stop = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.sop = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKS_OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION).encrypt.stop = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_NAWSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NAWS).naws.x = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NAWS).naws.y = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_NAWS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.u_follows = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.auth_request = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Now set the ones we want to accept to the proper values */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_SGA) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_SGA) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_SGA) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_SGA) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_BINARY) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_BINARY) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_BINARY) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_BINARY) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_LOGOUT) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_LOGOUT) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_LOGOUT) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_LOGOUT) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKS_OPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_KERMIT) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_KERMIT) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_KERMIT) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_KERMIT) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKS_OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ECHO) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKSDToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !inserver )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKSD */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_TTYPE) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENVIRONMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENVIRONMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTHENTICATIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTHENTICATION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ck_ssleay_is_installed()) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_NAWSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_NAWS) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_NAWS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_ECHO) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_TTYPE) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENVIRONMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENVIRONMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTHENTICATIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTHENTICATION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_NAWSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_NAWS) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_NAWS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SNDLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_SNDLOC) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SNDLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_FORWARD_X) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.listen_socket = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (x = 0; x < MAXFWDX; x++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[x].fd = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[x].id = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[x].need_to_send_xauth = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[x].suspend = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef TN_COMPORTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_COMPORT) = TN_NG_RQ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* TN_COMPORT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Set the initial values for currently known mode */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (opt = TELOPT_FIRST; opt <= TELOPT_LAST; opt++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_OK(opt)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(opt) = sstelnet ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(opt) :Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(opt);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(opt) = sstelnet ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(opt) :Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(opt);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Send Delayed Subnegotiations */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.VOIDToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_sdsb() {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if (!IS_TELNET()) return; */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_TTYPE).term.need_to_send) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_sttyp();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_TTYPE).term.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENVIRONMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.need_to_send &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.str) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_snenv((CHAR *)TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.str,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free(TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.str);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.str=NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.len=0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_XDISPLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_XDISPLOC).xdisp.need_to_send) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_sxdisploc();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_XDISPLOC).xdisp.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_XDISPLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENVIRONMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_NAWSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NAWS).naws.need_to_send) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_snaws();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NAWS).naws.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_NAWS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SNDLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_SNDLOC).sndloc.need_to_send) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_sndloc();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_SNDLOC).sndloc.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SNDLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.need_to_send) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( sstelnet )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. fwdx_send_options();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef TN_COMPORTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.need_to_send) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_sndcomport();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* TN_COMPORT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_reset() {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int x,opt,cmd;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if (!IS_TELNET()) return(1); */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_idx = 0; /* Clear the tn_push() buffer */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_tmo = TN_TIMEOUT; /* Reset wait timer stats */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. nflag = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Reset the TELNET OPTIONS counts */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (opt = TELOPT_FIRST; opt <= TELOPT_LAST; opt++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_OK(opt)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WONT(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DONT(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_SB(opt) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(opt) = sstelnet ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(opt) :Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(opt);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(opt) = sstelnet ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(opt) :Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(opt);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (TELOPT_ME_MODE(opt)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_NG_RF:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_ini ME REFUSE ",TELOPT(opt),0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_NG_AC:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_ini ME ACCEPT ",TELOPT(opt),0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_NG_RQ:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_ini ME REQUEST",TELOPT(opt),0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_NG_MU:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_ini ME REQUIRE",TELOPT(opt),0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (TELOPT_U_MODE(opt)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_NG_RF:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_ini U REFUSE ",TELOPT(opt),0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_NG_AC:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_ini U ACCEPT ",TELOPT(opt),0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_NG_RQ:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_ini U REQUEST",TELOPT(opt),0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_NG_MU:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_ini U REQUIRE",TELOPT(opt),0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (cmd = 0; cmd < 4; cmd ++)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tncnts[TELOPT_INDEX(opt)][cmd] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENVIRONMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!tn_env_flg) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENVIRONMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SNDLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!tn_loc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_SNDLOC) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SNDLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKS_OPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_start = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_stop = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.sop = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKS_OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION).encrypt.stop = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION).encrypt.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_NAWSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NAWS).naws.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NAWS).naws.x = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NAWS).naws.y = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_NAWS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_TTYPE).term.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_TTYPE).term.type[0] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENVIRONMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_first)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.str=NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.str) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free(TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.str);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.str=NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.len=0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_XDISPLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_XDISPLOC).xdisp.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_XDISPLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENVIRONMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SNDLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_SNDLOC).sndloc.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SNDLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.listen_socket = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (x = 0; x < MAXFWDX; x++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[x].fd = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[x].id = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[x].need_to_send_xauth = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.channel[x].suspend = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Reset Xauth data */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( real_xauth ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. XauDisposeAuth(real_xauth);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. real_xauth = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( fake_xauth.name )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free(fake_xauth.name);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( fake_xauth.data )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free(fake_xauth.data);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( fake_xauth.address )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free(fake_xauth.address);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( fake_xauth.number )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free(fake_xauth.number);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. memset(&fake_xauth,0,sizeof(fake_xauth));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef NTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.thread_started = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tls_only_flag || ssl_only_flag) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.u_follows = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.auth_request = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!ck_crypt_is_installed()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. || tls_only_flag || ssl_only_flagToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef TN_COMPORTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_ms = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_init();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* TN_COMPORT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_first = 0; /* No longer the first time init */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttnum = -1; /* Reset TermType negotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttnumend = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_start() {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int wait, x, opt;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if (!IS_TELNET()) return(0); */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_init && tn_begun)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_begun = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_start","sstelnet",sstelnet);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_duplex) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. oldplex = duplex; /* save old duplex value */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. duplex = 1; /* and set to half duplex for telnet */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_START_TLS) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, TELOPT_START_TLS) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(TELOPT_START_TLS) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_U(TELOPT_START_TLS) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DO, TELOPT_START_TLS) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(TELOPT_START_TLS) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTHENTICATIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_ini() CK_AUTHENTICATION","",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_init) /* tn_ini() might be called recursively */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_U(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DO, TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) == TN_NG_RF &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) == TN_NG_RF) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTHENTICATION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_NAWSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOLOCALToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_ini() CK_NAWS !NOLOCAL","",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!sstelnet) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Console terminal screen rows and columns */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "tn_ini tt_rows 1",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. VscrnGetHeight(VTERM)-(tt_status[VTERM]?1:0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_ini tt_cols 1","",VscrnGetWidth(VTERM));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Not known yet */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (VscrnGetWidth(VTERM) < 0 ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. VscrnGetHeight(VTERM)-(tt_status[VTERM]?1:0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttgwsiz(); /* Try to find out */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "tn_ini tt_rows 2",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. VscrnGetHeight(VTERM)-(tt_status[VTERM]?1:0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_ini tt_cols 2","",VscrnGetWidth(VTERM));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Now do we know? */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (VscrnGetWidth(VTERM) > 0 &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. VscrnGetHeight(VTERM)-(tt_status[VTERM]?1:0) > 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_NAWS) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_NAWS) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, TELOPT_NAWS) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(TELOPT_NAWS) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_ini tt_rows 1","",tt_rows);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_ini tt_cols 1","",tt_cols);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tt_rows < 0 || tt_cols < 0) { /* Not known yet */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttgwsiz(); /* Try to find out */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_ini tt_rows 2","",tt_rows);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_ini tt_cols 2","",tt_cols);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tt_rows > 0 && tt_cols > 0) { /* Now do we know? */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_NAWS) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_NAWS) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, TELOPT_NAWS) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(TELOPT_NAWS) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOLOCAL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_U(TELOPT_NAWS) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_NAWS) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DO, TELOPT_NAWS) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(TELOPT_NAWS) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_NAWS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_SGA) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_SGA) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, TELOPT_SGA) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(TELOPT_SGA) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_U(TELOPT_SGA) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_SGA) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DO, TELOPT_SGA) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(TELOPT_SGA) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!tn_duplex) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_U(TELOPT_ECHO) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_ECHO) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DO, TELOPT_ECHO) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(TELOPT_ECHO) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_ECHO) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ECHO) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, TELOPT_ECHO) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(TELOPT_ECHO) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,"tn_ini about to send WILL TTYPE if requested","",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Talking to TELNET port, so send WILL TERMINAL TYPE and DO SGA.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Also send WILL NAWS if we know our screen dimensions.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_TTYPE) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_TTYPE) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((x = tn_sopt(WILL,TELOPT_TTYPE)) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_ini tn_sopt WILL TTYPE failed","",x);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(TELOPT_TTYPE) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,"tn_ini sent WILL TTYPE ok","",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_U(TELOPT_TTYPE) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_TTYPE) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((x = tn_sopt(DO,TELOPT_TTYPE)) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_ini tn_sopt DO TTYPE failed","",x);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(TELOPT_TTYPE) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,"tn_ini sent DO TTYPE ok","",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_BINARY) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_BINARY) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, TELOPT_BINARY) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(TELOPT_BINARY) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_U(TELOPT_BINARY) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_BINARY) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DO, TELOPT_BINARY) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(TELOPT_BINARY) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SNDLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_loc) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_SNDLOC) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_SNDLOC) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, TELOPT_SNDLOC) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(TELOPT_SNDLOC) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SNDLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENVIRONMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_U(TELOPT_FORWARD_X) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_FORWARD_X) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, TELOPT_FORWARD_X) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(TELOPT_FORWARD_X) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_XDISPLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_XDISPLOC) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_XDISPLOC) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, TELOPT_XDISPLOC) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(TELOPT_XDISPLOC) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_XDISPLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Will send terminal environment. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, TELOPT_NEWENVIRON) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_U(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DO, TELOPT_NEWENVIRON) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENVIRONMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Take care of any other telnet options that require handling. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (opt = TELOPT_FIRST; opt <= TELOPT_LAST; opt++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ENCRYPTION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_TTYPE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_NAWS:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_BINARY:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_NEWENVIRON:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_SNDLOC:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_XDISPLOC:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_SGA:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ECHO:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_KERMIT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_START_TLS:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_FORWARD_X:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_OK(opt)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(opt) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(opt) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, opt) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(opt) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_U(opt) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(opt) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DO, opt) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(opt) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (wait) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_wait("pre-encrypt") < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_init) /* tn_ini() may be called recursively */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_U(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DO, TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* If we are going to encrypt, we want to do it before we send any more */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* data, especially the terminal type and environment variables. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (wait) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_wait("post-encrypt") < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_sdsb();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_init) /* tn_ini() may be called recursively */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKS_OPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Kermit Server negotiation must go last */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Send U before ME */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_U(TELOPT_KERMIT) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_KERMIT) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DO, TELOPT_KERMIT) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(TELOPT_KERMIT) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_KERMIT) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_KERMIT) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, TELOPT_KERMIT) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(TELOPT_KERMIT) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKS_OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (wait) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_wait("end of telnet negotiations") < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. wait = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_sdsb(); /* Send delayed subnegotiations */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Start a telnet connection. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Returns -1 on error, 0 if nothing happens, 1 if init msgs sent ok */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_ini() {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int x;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_ini ttnproto","",ttnproto);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_ini tn_init","",tn_init);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) /* Make sure connection is TCP/IP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!IS_TELNET())Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_init) /* Have we done this already? */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0); /* Don't do it again. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_reset(); /* Reset telnet parameters */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_begun = 0; /* Reset; will be set by tn_start() */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch ( ttnproto ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case NP_RLOGIN:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case NP_K4LOGIN:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case NP_EK4LOGIN:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case NP_K5LOGIN:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case NP_EK5LOGIN:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case NP_K5U2U:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_init = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,"tn_ini telnet negotiations ignored","tn_init",tn_init);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case NP_NONE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case NP_SSL:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case NP_TLS:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttnproto = NP_TELNET; /* pretend it's telnet anyway, */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. oldplex = duplex; /* save old duplex value */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. duplex = 1; /* and set to half duplex for telnet */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (inserver)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,"tn_ini skipping telnet negotiations","",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait("tn_ini - waiting to see if telnet negotiations were sent");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case NP_SSL_RAW:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case NP_TLS_RAW:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case NP_TCPRAW: /* Raw socket requested. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,"tn_ini telnet negotiations ignored","tn_init",tn_init);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case NP_KERMIT: /* switching to Telnet protocol */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case NP_SSL_TELNET:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case NP_TLS_TELNET:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_ini switching from XXX to Telnet","",ttnproto);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttnproto = NP_TELNET;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* fall through */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* We are already using a variation on Telnet protocol */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. x = tn_start();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_init = 1; /* Remember successful completion. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Don't send anything else! */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_ini duplex","",duplex);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_ini done, tn_init","",tn_init);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(x);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_hex(CHAR * buf, int buflen, CHAR * data, int datalen)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_hex(buf, buflen, data, datalen)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. CHAR * buf;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int buflen;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. CHAR * data;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int datalen;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. CHAR tmp[16]; /* in case value is treated as negative */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef COMMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int was_hex = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (k=0; k < datalen; k++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (data[k] < 32 || data[k] >= 127) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sprintf(tmp,"%s%02X ",was_hex?"":"\" ",data[k]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. was_hex = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sprintf(tmp,"%s%c",was_hex?"\"":"",data[k]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. was_hex = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat((char *)buf,tmp,buflen);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!was_hex)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat((char *)buf,"\" ",buflen);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* COMMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (datalen <= 0 || data == NULL || buf == NULL || buflen <= 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (i = 0; i < datalen; i++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat((char *)buf,"\r\n ",buflen);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (j = 0 ; (j < 16); j++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((i + j) < datalen)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sprintf((char *)tmp,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "%s%02x ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (j == 8 ? "| " : ""),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (unsigned int) data[i + j]Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sprintf((char *)tmp,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "%s ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (j == 8 ? "| " : "")Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat((char *)buf,(char *)tmp,buflen);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat((char *)buf," ",buflen);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (k = 0; (k < 16) && ((i + k) < datalen); k++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sprintf((char *)tmp,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "%s%c",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (k == 8 ? " " : ""),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. isprint((char)(data[i+k])) ? data[i+k] : '.'Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat((char *)buf,(char *)tmp,buflen);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i += j - 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } /* end for */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat((char *)buf,"\r\n ",buflen);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* COMMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(strlen((char *)buf));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.VOIDToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_debug(s) char *s; {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef NOLOCALToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* NOLOCAL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. void cwrite(unsigned short);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char *p = s;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. _PROTOTYP (void os2bold, (void));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int tt_type_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(tn_deb || debses))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_debug",s,what);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (1) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern unsigned char colorcmd;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. colorcmd ^= 0x8 ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("%s\r\n",s);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. colorcmd ^= 0x8 ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!scrninitialized[VTERM]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. USHORT x,y;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. checkscreenmode();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. GetCurPos(&y, &x);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. SaveCmdMode(x+1,y+1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. scrninit();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RestoreCmdMode();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( ISVTNT(tt_type_mode) && ttnum != -1 && !debses )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestVscrnMutex( VTERM, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT ) ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. os2bold(); /* Toggle boldness */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. while (*p)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cwrite((CHAR) *p++); /* Go boldly ... */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. os2bold(); /* Toggle boldness back */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debses = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cwrite((CHAR) '\015');Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cwrite((CHAR) '\012');Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debses = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cwrite((CHAR) '\015');Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cwrite((CHAR) '\012');Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseVscrnMutex(VTERM) ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (what != W_CONNECT && what != W_DIALING && Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. what != W_COMMAND && what != W_NOTHING)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return; /* CONNECT/command must be active */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. conoll(s);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOLOCAL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Process in-band Telnet negotiation characters from the remote host.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Call with the telnet IAC character and the current duplex settingToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (0 = remote echo, 1 = local echo), and a pointer to a function to callToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. to read more characters. Returns:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 6 if DO LOGOUT was received and acceptedToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 5 if the Kermit start of packet character has changedToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 4 if state of remote Internet Kermit Service has changedToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 3 if a quoted IAC was receivedToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 2 if local echo must be changed to remoteToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 1 if remote echo must be changed to localToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 0 if nothing happens or no action necessaryToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. -1 on failure (= internal or i/o error)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKS_OPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_siks(cmd) int cmd; { /* TELNET SEND IKS SUB */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. CHAR buf[8];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOXFERToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern CHAR mystch; /* Outgoing Start of Packet Char */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. CHAR mystch = '\1';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOXFER */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int n,m,rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0); /* Must be TCP/IP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0); /* Must be telnet protocol */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (cmd < KERMIT_START || cmd > KERMIT_RESP_STOP) /* Illegal subcommand */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (cmd == KERMIT_START || cmd == KERMIT_RESP_START) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (cmd == KERMIT_STOP || cmd == KERMIT_RESP_STOP) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (cmd == KERMIT_REQ_STOP)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_stop = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (cmd == KERMIT_REQ_START)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_req_start = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (cmd == KERMIT_SOP) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[0] = (CHAR) IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[1] = (CHAR) SB;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[2] = (CHAR) TELOPT_KERMIT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[3] = (CHAR) (cmd & 0xff);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[4] = (CHAR) mystch;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[5] = (CHAR) IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[6] = (CHAR) SE;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[7] = (CHAR) 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses || deblog)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg( tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET SENT SB KERMIT SOP ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckctox(mystch,1)," IAC SE",NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,tn_msg_out,"",cmd);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = ( ttol(buf,7) < 7 ); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[0] = (CHAR) IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[1] = (CHAR) SB;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[2] = (CHAR) TELOPT_KERMIT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[3] = (CHAR) (cmd & 0xff);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[4] = (CHAR) IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[5] = (CHAR) SE;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. buf[6] = (CHAR) 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses || deblog) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char * s = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (cmd) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case KERMIT_START: s = "START"; break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case KERMIT_STOP: s = "STOP"; break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case KERMIT_REQ_START: s = "REQ-START"; break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case KERMIT_REQ_STOP: s = "REQ-STOP"; break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case KERMIT_RESP_START: s = "RESP-START"; break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case KERMIT_RESP_STOP: s = "RESP-STOP"; break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg( tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB kermit ",s," IAC SE",NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,tn_msg_out,"",cmd);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = ( ttol(buf,6) < 6 ); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKS_OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tn_sb() performs Telnet Subnegotiation Parsing and Debugging */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* returns <= 0 on error, 1 on success */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* the length returned includes the IAC SE bytes */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSIC /* TELNET SB */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_sb( int opt, int * len, int (*fn)(int) )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_sb( opt, len, fn ) int opt; int * len; int (*fn)();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tn_sb */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int c, x, y, n, m, flag;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if (!IS_TELNET()) return(1); */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,"Entering tn_sb()","",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *len = 0; /* Initialize Len to 0 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n = flag = 0; /* Flag for when done reading SB */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. while (n < TSBUFSIZ) { /* Loop looking for IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((y = (*fn)(0)) < 0) /* Read a byte */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(y);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. y &= 0xff; /* Make sure it's just 8 bits. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb[n++] = (char) y; /* Deposit in buffer. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (seslog && sessft == XYFT_D) { /* Take care of session log */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. logchar((char) y);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (y == IAC) { /* If this is an IAC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (flag) { /* If previous char was IAC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n--; /* it's quoted, keep one IAC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. flag = 0; /* and turn off the flag. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else flag = 1; /* Otherwise set the flag. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (flag) { /* Something else following IAC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (y == SE) /* If not SE, it's a protocol error */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (y == DONT) { /* Used DONT instead of SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET Subnegotiation error - used DONT instead of SE!",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ""Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ,0Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET Subnegotiation error - used DONT instead of SE!");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. flag = 3;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else { /* Other protocol error */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. flag = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( opt == TELOPT_FORWARD_X && sb[0] == FWDX_DATA &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n >= (TSBUFSIZ-4) && !flag ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* do not let the buffer over flow */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* write the data to the channel and continue processing */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* the incoming data until IAC SE is reached. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb[n++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb[n++] = SE;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( deblog || tn_deb || debses ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg( tn_msg,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET RCVD SB ",TELOPT(opt),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " DATA(buffer-full) ",NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_hex(tn_msg,TN_MSG_LEN,&sb[1],n-3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (flag == 2)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg," SE",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (flag == 3)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg," IAC DONT",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg," IAC SE",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(tn_msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( fwdx_tn_sb(sb,n) < 0 ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,"fxdx_tn_sb() failed","",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* We can't return though because that would leave */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* data to be forwarded in the queue to the be sent */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* to the terminal emulator. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* reset leave the msg type and channel number in place */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n = 3;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_sb end of while loop","flag",flag);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!flag) { /* Make sure we got a valid SB */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111, "TELNET Subnegotiation prematurely broken","opt",opt);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg( tn_msg, TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET ", TELOPT(opt),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " Subnegotiation prematurely broken",NULLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(tn_msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Was -1 but that would be an I/O error, so absorb it and go on. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char * s[16];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[i] = "";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (opt == TELOPT_NAWS) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "UNKNOWN";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 0:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (opt == TELOPT_FORWARD_X)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "SCREEN";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (opt == TELOPT_KERMIT)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "START";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (opt == TELOPT_LFLOW)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "OFF";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (opt == TELOPT_COMPORT)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "SIGNATURE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "IS";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (opt == TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sb[1] < ENCTYPE_CNT) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[1] = enctype_names[sb[1]];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch(sb[2]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 1:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[2] = "FB64_IV";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[2] = "FB64_IV_OK";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 3:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[2] = "FB64_IV_BAD";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 4:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[2] = "FB64_CHALLENGE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 5:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[2] = "FB64_RESPONSE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[1] = "UNKNOWN";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (opt == TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i += 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[1] = AUTHTYPE_NAME(sb[1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[2] = AUTHMODE_NAME(sb[2]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[3]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 0:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_NTLM:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "NTLM_AUTH";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "AUTH";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 1:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_SSL:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "START";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_NTLM:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "NTLM_CHALLENGE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "REJECT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_NTLM:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "NTLM_RESPONSE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "ACCEPT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 3:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_NTLM:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "NTLM_ACCEPT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 1: /* KERBEROS_v4 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 5: /* SRP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "CHALLENGE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2: /* KERBEROS_v5 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "RESPONSE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_SSL:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "REJECT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 4:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_NTLM:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "NTLM_REJECT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 1: /* KERBEROS_V4 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 5: /* SRP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "RESPONSE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2: /* KERBEROS_V5 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "FORWARD";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 5:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 5: /* SRP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "FORWARD";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2: /* KERBEROS_V5 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "FORWARD_ACCEPT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 6:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 5: /* SRP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "FORWARD_ACCEPT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2: /* KERBEROS_V5 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "FORWARD_REJECT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 7:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 5: /* SRP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "FORWARD_REJECT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2: /* KERBEROS_V5 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "TLS_VERIFY";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 8:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 5: /* SRP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "EXP";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 9:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 5: /* SRP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "PARAMS";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 1:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_FORWARD_X:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "OPEN";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_LFLOW:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "ON";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_KERMIT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "STOP";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "SET-BAUDRATE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "SEND";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. hexbuf[0] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (; i < n-2; i += 2) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( AUTHTYPE_NAME_OK(sb[i]) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. AUTHMODE_NAME_OK(sb[i]))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg( tn_msg, TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. AUTHTYPE_NAME(sb[i])," ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. AUTHMODE_NAME(sb[i+1])," "Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg, TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. AUTHTYPE_NAME(sb[i]),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "=",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckitoa(sb[i]),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. AUTHMODE_NAME(sb[i+1]),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "=",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckitoa(sb[i+1]),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(hexbuf,tn_msg,sizeof(hexbuf));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[1] = hexbuf;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ENCRYPTION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "SUPPORT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. while (i < n-2) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[i] = enctype_names[sb[i]];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_START_TLS:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "FOLLOWS";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "SEND";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_FORWARD_X:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "CLOSE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_LFLOW:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "RESTART-ANY";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_KERMIT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "REQ-START";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "SET-DATASIZE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_NEWENVIRON:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "INFO";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "REPLY";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i=4;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[1] = AUTHTYPE_NAME(sb[1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[2] = AUTHMODE_NAME(sb[2]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[3]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 0:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_NTLM:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "NTLM_AUTH";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "AUTH";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 1:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_NTLM:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "NTLM_CHALLENGE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "REJECT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_NTLM:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "NTLM_RESPONSE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "ACCEPT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 3:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_NTLM:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "NTLM_ACCEPT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_KERBEROS_V4:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_SRP:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "CHALLENGE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_KERBEROS_V5:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "RESPONSE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 4:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_NTLM:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "NTLM_REJECT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_KERBEROS_V4:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_SRP:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "RESPONSE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_KERBEROS_V5:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "FORWARD";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 5:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_SRP:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "FORWARD";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_KERBEROS_V5:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "FORWARD_ACCEPT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 6:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_SRP:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "FORWARD_ACCEPT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_KERBEROS_V5:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "FORWARD_REJECT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 7:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_SRP:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "FORWARD_REJECT";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_KERBEROS_V5:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "TLS_VERIFY";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 8:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_SRP:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "EXP";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 9:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case AUTHTYPE_SRP:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[3] = "PARAMS";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ENCRYPTION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "REPLY";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[1] = enctype_names[sb[1]];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[2]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 1:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[2] = "FB64_IV";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[2] = "FB64_IV_OK";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 3:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[2] = "FB64_IV_BAD";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 4:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[2] = "FB64_CHALLENGE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 5:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[2] = "FB64_RESPONSE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 3:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_FORWARD_X:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "DATA";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_LFLOW:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "RESTART-XON";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_KERMIT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "REQ-STOP";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "SET-PARITY";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "NAME";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ENCRYPTION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "START";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 4:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_FORWARD_X:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "OPTIONS";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_KERMIT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "SOP";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "SET-STOPSIZE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ENCRYPTION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "END";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 5:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_FORWARD_X:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "OPTION_DATA";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ENCRYPTION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "REQUEST-START";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "SET-CONTROL";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 6:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_FORWARD_X:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "XOFF";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ENCRYPTION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "REQUEST-END";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "NOTIFY-LINESTATE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 7:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_FORWARD_X:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "XON";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ENCRYPTION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "ENC-KEYID";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "NOTIFY-MODEMSTATE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 8:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_KERMIT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "RESP-START";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ENCRYPTION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "DEC-KEYID";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "FLOWCONTROL-SUSPEND";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 9:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_KERMIT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "RESP-STOP";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "FLOWCONTROL-RESUME";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 10:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "SET-LINESTATE-MASK";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 11:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "SET-MODEMSTATE-MASK";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 12:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "PURGE-DATA";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 100:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "S_SIGNATURE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 101:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "S_SET-BAUDRATE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 102:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "S_SET-DATASIZE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 103:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "S_SET-PARITY";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 104:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "S_SET-STOPSIZE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 105:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "S_SET-CONTROL";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 106:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "S_NOTIFY-LINESTATE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 107:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "S_NOTIFY-MODEMSTATE";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 108:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "S_FLOWCONTROL-SUSPEND";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 109:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "S_FLOWCONTROL-RESUME";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 110:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "S_SET-LINESTATE-MASK";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 111:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "S_SET-MODEMSTATE-MASK";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 112:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (opt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s[0] = "S_PURGE-DATA";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef M_XENIXToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int len, param, param_len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg( tn_msg, TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET RCVD SB ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(opt)," ",NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. len = strlen(tn_msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (param = 0; param <= 15; param++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. param_len = strlen(s[param]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (param_len > 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&tn_msg[len], s[param]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. len += param_len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_msg[len++] = ' ';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_msg[len] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* M_XENIX */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET RCVD SB ",TELOPT(opt)," ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (s[i][0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg,s[i],TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg," ",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* M_XENIX */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_hex((CHAR *)tn_msg,TN_MSG_LEN,&sb[i],n-2-i);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (flag == 2)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg," SE",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (flag == 3)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg," IAC DONT",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncat(tn_msg," IAC SE",TN_MSG_LEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(tn_msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_sb","len",n);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *len = n; /* return length */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1); /* success */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static char rows_buf[16] = { 0, 0 }; /* LINES Environment variable */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static char cols_buf[16] = { 0, 0 }; /* COLUMNS Enviornment variable */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static char term_buf[64] = { 0, 0 }; /* TERM Environment variable */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_CURSESToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef VMSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef COHERENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations._PROTOTYP(int tgetent,(char *, char *));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* COHERENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef __DECCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations._PROTOTYP(int tgetent,(char *, char *));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* __DECC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* VMS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.extern char * trmbuf; /* Real curses */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_CURSES */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_no_encrypt()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.{Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Prevent Encryption from being negotiated */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Cancel any negotiation that might have started */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ck_tn_enc_stop();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WONT,TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WONT(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DONT,TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DONT(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* The following note came from the old SGA negotiation code. This should */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* no longer be necessary with the New Telnet negotiation state machine. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Note: The following is proper behavior, and required for talking to theToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Apertus interface to the NOTIS library system, e.g. at Iowa State U:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. scholar.iastate.edu. Without this reply, the server hangs forever. ThisToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. code should not be loop-inducing, since C-Kermit never sends WILL SGA asToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. an initial bid, so if DO SGA comes, it is never an ACK.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Return values:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. -1 = Telnet Option negotiation errorToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. -2 = Connection closed by peerToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. -3 = Connection closed by usToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 0 = SuccessToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 1 = Echoing onToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 2 = Echoing offToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 3 = Quoted IACToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 4 = IKS EventToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 5 = (unassigned)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 6 = LogoutToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSIC /* TELNET DO OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_xdoop(CHAR z, int echo, int (*fn)(int))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_xdoop(z, echo, fn) CHAR z; int echo; int (*fn)();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tn_xdoop */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int c, x, y, n, m;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKS_OPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int server;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef NOICPToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int autodl;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int inautodl = 0, cmdadl = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTODLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int autodl, inautodl, cmdadl;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTODL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOICP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKS_OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if (!IS_TELNET()) return(7); */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Have IAC, read command character. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. while ((c = (*fn)(0)) == -1); /* Read command character */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (c < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(c);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. c &= 0xFF; /* Strip high bits */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELCMD_OK(c)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses || deblog) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(tn_msg,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET RCVD UNKNOWN (",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckitoa(c),")",NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,tn_msg,"",c);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(tn_msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto == NP_NONE) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,"tn_doop discovered a Telnet command",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "ttnproto = NP_TELNET",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttnproto = NP_TELNET;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (seslog && sessft == XYFT_D) { /* Copy to session log, if any. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. logchar((char)z);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. logchar((char)c);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (c == (CHAR) IAC) /* Quoted IAC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (c < SB) { /* Other command with no arguments. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(tn_msg,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET RCVD ",TELCMD(c),NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,tn_msg,"",c);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (c) { /* What we would like to do here */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_GA: /* Is substitute ASCII characters */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break; /* for the Telnet Command so that */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_EL: /* the command may be processed by */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break; /* either the internal emulator or */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_EC: /* by the superior process or shell */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_AYT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttol((CHAR *)"[Yes]\015\012",7);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_AO:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef BETADEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. bleep(BP_NOTE);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* BETADEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_IP:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case BREAK:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_DM:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_NOP:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case SE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_EOR:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_ABORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_SUSP:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_EOF:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TN_SAK:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* SB, WILL, WONT, DO, or DONT need more bytes... */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((x = (*fn)(0)) < 0) /* Get the option. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(x);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. x &= 0xff; /* Trim to 8 bits. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (seslog && sessft == XYFT_D) { /* Session log */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. logchar((char) x);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((deblog || tn_deb || debses) && c != SB) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(tn_msg,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET RCVD ",TELCMD(c)," ",TELOPT(x));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,tn_msg,"",x);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Now handle the command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (c) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case WILL:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (x == TELOPT_FORWARD_X) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!fwdx_server_avail() || !(fwdx_no_encrypt ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (ssl_active_flag || tls_active_flag)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 0Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (ck_tn_encrypting() && ck_tn_decrypting())Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 0Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. )) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_FORWARD_X) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_FORWARD_X) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_OK(x) || TELOPT_U_MODE(x) == TN_NG_RF) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DONT,x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (!TELOPT_U(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DO,x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U(x) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (x) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_START_TLS:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. If my proposal is accepted, at this point the TelnetToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. protocol is turned off and a TLS negotiation takesToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. place.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Start by sending SB START_TLS FOLLOWS to signalToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. we are ready. Wait for the peer to send the sameToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. and then start the TLS negotiation.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. If the TLS negotiation succeeds we call tn_ini()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. again to reset the telnet state machine and restartToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. the negotiation process over the now secure link.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. If the TLS negotiation fails, we call ttclos()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. to terminate the connection.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Only the server should receive a WILL START_TLSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_ssbopt(TELOPT_START_TLS,1,NULL,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTHENTICATIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION: {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* We now have to perform a SB SEND to identify the */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* supported authentication types to the other side. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int authentication_version;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if we have an outstanding DO START_TLS then we must Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * wait for the response before we determine what to doToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(TELOPT_START_TLS)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.auth_request = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. authentication_version = AUTHTYPE_AUTO;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ck_tn_auth_request();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTHENTICATION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ENCRYPTION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DONT,x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ck_tn_auth_in_progress()) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION).encrypt.need_to_send = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Perform subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ck_encrypt_send_support();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(TELOPT_ME(x) || TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. && TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) != TN_NG_RF) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKS_OPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_KERMIT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Tell the other side what Start of Packet Character */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_SOP); /* SOP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) != TN_NG_RF) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKS_OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_BINARY:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL, x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ECHO:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (echo) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(2);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_TTYPE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* SB TTYPE SEND */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_ssbopt(TELOPT_TTYPE,TELQUAL_SEND,NULL,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_SB(TELOPT_TTYPE)=1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENVIRONMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_NEWENVIRON: /* SB NEW-ENVIRON SEND */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char request[6]; /* request it */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sprintf(request,"%cUSER",TEL_ENV_VAR); /* safe */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_ssbopt(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON,TELQUAL_SEND,request,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strlen(request));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON)=1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENVIRONMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } /* switch */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case WONT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U(x) || TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* David Borman says we should not respond DONT whenToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * the WONT is a response to a DO that we sent.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * Nor should we send one if the state is already WONTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * such as when we do not recognize the option sinceToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * options are initialized in the WONT/DONT state.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x) || TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DONT(x)))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DONT,x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DONT(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DONT(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch(x) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_START_TLS:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sstelnet) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U_MODE(x) == TN_NG_MU) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("Telnet Start-TLS refused.\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttclos(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. whyclosed = WC_TELOPT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(x).start_tls.auth_request) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int authentication_version;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(x).start_tls.auth_request = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. authentication_version = AUTHTYPE_AUTO;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ck_tn_auth_request();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTHENTICATIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sstelnet && TELOPT_U_MODE(x) == TN_NG_MU) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("Telnet authentication refused.\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttclos(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. whyclosed = WC_TELOPT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (TELOPT_U_MODE(x) == TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(x) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ck_tn_auth_in_progress())Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("Telnet authentication refused.\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sstelnet) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_no_encrypt()<0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTHENTICATION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ENCRYPTION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ck_tn_enc_stop();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKS_OPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_KERMIT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(x).kermit.u_start = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(x).kermit.me_req_start = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(x).kermit.me_req_stop = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKS_OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_NAWS: {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* The client does not support NAWS. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Assume a height of 24 and a width of 80 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sstelnetToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKSDToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. || inserverToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKSD */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int w = 80, h = 24;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOLOCALToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tcp_incoming) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tt_cols[VTERM] = w;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tt_rows[VTERM] = h;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. VscrnSetWidth(VTERM, w);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. VscrnSetHeight(VTERM, h+(tt_status[VTERM]?1:0));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tt_cols = w;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tt_rows = h;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tt_cols[VCMD] = w;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tt_rows[VCMD] = h;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. VscrnSetWidth(VCMD, w);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. VscrnSetHeight(VCMD, h);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cmd_cols = w;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cmd_rows = h;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* NOLOCAL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cmd_cols = w;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cmd_rows = h;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOLOCAL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Add LINES and COLUMNS to the environment */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg((char *)rows_buf,16,"LINES=",ckitoa(h),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg((char *)cols_buf,16,"COLUMNS=",ckitoa(w),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2ORUNIXToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOPUTENVToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. putenv(rows_buf);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. putenv(cols_buf);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOPUTENV */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2ORUNIX */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ECHO:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!echo) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DONT(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DONT(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U_MODE(x) == TN_NG_MU) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg( tn_msg,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "Peer refuses TELNET DO ",TELOPT(x),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " negotiations - terminating connection",NULLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("%s\n",tn_msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttclos(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. whyclosed = WC_TELOPT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef COMMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (x == TELOPT_ECHO && !echo) /* Special handling for echo */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1); /* because we allow 'duplex' */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* COMMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case DO:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_OK(x) || TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) == TN_NG_RF) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WONT,x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (!TELOPT_ME(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WILL,x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME(x) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (x) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_START_TLS:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. If my proposal is accepted at this point the TelnetToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. protocol is turned off and a TLS negotiation takesToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. place.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Start by sending SB START_TLS FOLLOWS to signalToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. we are ready. Wait for the peer to send the sameToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. and then start the TLS negotiation.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. If the TLS negotiation succeeds we call tn_ini()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. again to reset the telnet state machine and restartToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. the negotiation process over the now secure link.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. If the TLS negotiation fails, we call ttclos()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. to terminate the connection. Then we set theToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. U_MODE and ME_MODE for TELOPT_START_TLS to REFUSEToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. and then call ttopen() to create a new connectionToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. to the same host but this time do not attemptToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TLS security.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Only the client should receive DO START_TLS.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_ssbopt(TELOPT_START_TLS,1,NULL,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTHENTICATIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION: {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* We don't know what authentication we are using yet */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* but it is not NULL until a failure is detected so */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* use AUTO in the meantime. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int authentication_version;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. authentication_version = AUTHTYPE_AUTO;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTHENTICATION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ENCRYPTION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WONT,x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(TELOPT_U(x) || TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. && TELOPT_U_MODE(x) != TN_NG_RF) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DO, x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKS_OPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_KERMIT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* If currently processing Kermit server packets, must tell the other side */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_doop","what",what);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_doop","server",server);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTODLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_doop","autodl",autodl);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_doop","inautodl",inautodl);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_doop","cmdadl",cmdadl);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTODL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (serverToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTODLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. || (local && ((what == W_CONNECT && autodl) ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (what != W_CONNECT && inautodl)))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. || (!local && cmdadl)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTODL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_START); /* START */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_U(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Tell the other side what Start of Packet Character */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_siks(KERMIT_SOP); /* SOP */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(x) != TN_NG_RF) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DO, x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKS_OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_BINARY:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_U(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x) &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(x) >= TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DO, x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_NAWS:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_NAWSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !tn_delay_sb || !tn_outst(0) || tn_init ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_snaws() < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NAWS).naws.need_to_send = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_NAWS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_LOGOUT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttclos(0); /* And then hangup */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. whyclosed = WC_TELOPT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(6);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SNDLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_SNDLOC:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !tn_delay_sb || !tn_outst(0) || tn_init ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sndloc() < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_SNDLOC).sndloc.need_to_send = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SNDLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_FORWARD_X:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !tn_delay_sb || !tn_outst(0) || tn_init ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (fwdx_send_options() < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DONT,x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DONT(x) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_FORWARD_X).forward_x.need_to_send = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef TN_COMPORTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT: {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int reliable;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!tn_delay_sb || !tn_outst(0) || tn_init) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sndcomport() < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.need_to_send = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Telnet -> Serial -> ??? is not a reliable connection. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reliable = SET_OFF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* TN_COMPORT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } /* switch */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case DONT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME(x) || TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* David Borman says we should not respond WONT whenToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * the DONT is a response to a WILL that we sent.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * Nor should we send one if the state is already WONTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * such as when we do not recognize the option sinceToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * options are initialized in the WONT/DONT state.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x) || TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WONT(x)))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WONT,x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WONT(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WONT(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (x) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_START_TLS:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!sstelnet && TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) == TN_NG_MU) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("Telnet Start-TLS refused.\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttclos(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. whyclosed = WC_TELOPT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTHENTICATIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!sstelnet && TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) == TN_NG_MU) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tls_active_flag) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("Telnet authentication refused.\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttclos(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. whyclosed = WC_TELOPT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) == TN_NG_RQ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ck_tn_auth_in_progress())Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("Telnet authentication refused.\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!sstelnet) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_no_encrypt()<0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTHENTICATION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ENCRYPTION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ck_tn_enc_stop();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_KERMIT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKS_OPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(x).kermit.me_start = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKS_OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } /* switch */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WONT(x))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WONT(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) == TN_NG_MU) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg( tn_msg,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "Peer refuses TELNET WILL ",TELOPT(x),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " negotiations - terminating connection",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("%s\n",tn_msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttclos(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. whyclosed = WC_TELOPT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case SB:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((y = tn_sb(x,&n,fn)) <= 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(y);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Do not process subnegotiations other than START_TLS after we */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* have agreed to begin the TLS negotiation sequence. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. x != TELOPT_START_TLS)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_OK(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. hexdump("unknown telnet subnegotiation",sb,n);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if ( !(TELOPT_ME(x) || TELOPT_U(x)) ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. hexdump("telnet option not negotiated",sb,n);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!tn_sb_bug)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WILL(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U(x) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(tn_msg,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET DO ",TELOPT(x),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "(implied by receipt of SB - protocol error ignored)",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_DO(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME(x) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(tn_msg,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET WILL ",TELOPT(x),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " (implied by receipt of SB - protocol error ignored)",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_SB(x)=0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (x) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_FORWARD_X:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(fwdx_tn_sb(sb, n));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_START_TLS: {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. the other side is saying SB START_TLS FOLLOWSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. the incoming channel is now ready for starting theToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TLS negotiation.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int def_tls_u_mode, def_tls_me_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int def_enc_u_mode, def_enc_me_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int rc = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sb[0] != 1) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.u_follows = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Preserve the default modes and make sure we will */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* refuse START_TLS when we retry. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sstelnet) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. def_tls_u_mode = TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. def_tls_me_mode = TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS)= TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. def_enc_u_mode = TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. def_enc_me_mode = TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION)= TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. def_tls_u_mode = TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. def_tls_me_mode = TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS)= TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. def_enc_u_mode = TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. def_enc_me_mode = TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION)= TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Negotiate TLS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttnproto = NP_TLS;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_init = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_begun = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ck_tn_tls_negotiate()<0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* we failed. disconnect and if we are the client */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* then reconnect and try without START_TLS. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern char * line;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int x = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int mdmtyp;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sstelnet) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("TLS failed: Disconnecting.\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) = def_tls_u_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) = def_tls_me_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = def_enc_u_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = def_enc_me_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttclos(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. whyclosed = WC_TELOPT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttnproto = NP_TELNET;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = -3;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOLOCALToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern tls_norestore;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOLOCAL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("TLS failed: Disconnecting...\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = def_enc_u_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = def_enc_me_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if START_TLS is not REQUIRED, then retry without it */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( def_tls_me_mode != TN_NG_MU ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern char ttname[];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOLOCALToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tls_norestore = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOLOCAL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttclos(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. whyclosed = WC_TELOPT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOLOCALToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tls_norestore = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOLOCAL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttnproto = NP_TELNET;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. printf("Reconnecting without TLS.\n");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sleep(2);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttopen(ttname,&x,mdmtyp,0)<0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = -3;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) =Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. def_tls_u_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) =Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. def_tls_me_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttclos(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. whyclosed = WC_TELOPT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttnproto = NP_TELNET;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = -3;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTHENTICATIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* we succeeded. restart telnet negotiations from */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* the beginning. However, if we have received a */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* client certificate and we are a server, then do */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* not offer TELOPT_AUTH. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( ck_tn_auth_valid() == AUTH_VALID ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION)= TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTHENTICATION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttnproto = NP_TELNET;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_ini() < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttchk() < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Restore the default modes */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sstelnet) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) = def_tls_u_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) = def_tls_me_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = def_enc_u_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_S_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = def_enc_me_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) = def_tls_u_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_START_TLS) = def_tls_me_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = def_enc_u_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_DEF_C_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = def_enc_me_mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(rc);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTHENTICATIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ck_tn_sb_auth((char *)sb,n) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sstelnet && TELOPT_U_MODE(x) == TN_NG_MU) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttclos(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. whyclosed = WC_TELOPT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (!sstelnet && TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) == TN_NG_MU) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttclos(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. whyclosed = WC_TELOPT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) == TN_NG_RQ)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U_MODE(x) == TN_NG_RQ)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(x) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WONT,x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DONT,x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_no_encrypt()<0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!ck_tn_auth_in_progress()) { /* we are finished */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ck_tn_authenticated() == AUTHTYPE_SSL) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* TLS was successful. Disable ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION) = TN_NG_RF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION).encrypt.need_to_send) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ck_encrypt_send_support();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_ENCRYPTION).encrypt.need_to_send = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTHENTICATION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENCRYPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_ENCRYPTION:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ck_tn_sb_encrypt(sb, n) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U_MODE(x) == TN_NG_MU ||Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) == TN_NG_MU)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttclos(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. whyclosed = WC_TELOPT;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) == TN_NG_RQ)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME_MODE(x) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U_MODE(x) == TN_NG_RQ)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U_MODE(x) = TN_NG_AC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_ME(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WONT,x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U(x)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_U(x) = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(DONT,x) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKS_OPTIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_KERMIT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(iks_tn_sb(sb, n-2));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKS_OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef TN_COMPORTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_COMPORT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_tn_sb(sb, n-2));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* TN_COMPORT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_TTYPE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELQUAL_SEND: /* SEND terminal type? */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !tn_delay_sb || !tn_outst(0) || tn_init ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sttyp() < 0) /* Yes, so send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_TTYPE).term.need_to_send = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELQUAL_IS: { /* IS terminal type? */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IS terminal type -- remote gave us its current type */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. CHAR oldterm[64], *p;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Isolate the specified terminal type string */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. while (sb[i++] != IAC) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (i == 40 || /* max len of term string - RFC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb[i] == IAC) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb[i] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOTERMToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strupr(&(sb[1])); /* Upper case it */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (i = 0; i <= max_tt; i++) { /* find it in our list */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!strcmp(&(sb[1]),tt_info[i].x_name)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. && i != TT_VTNT) /* can't support VTNT as server */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Set terminal type to the one chosen */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (i != tt_type)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. settermtype(i,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (i > max_tt &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcmp(&(sb[1]),TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_TTYPE).term.type)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Couldn't find the specified term type */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb[40] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_TTYPE).term.type,&(sb[1]));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* SB TTYPE SEND */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_ssbopt(TELOPT_TTYPE,TELQUAL_SEND,NULL,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_SB(TELOPT_TTYPE)=1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOTERM */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. p = (CHAR *) getenv("TERM");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (p)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncpy((char *)oldterm,(char *)p,63);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. oldterm[0] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cklower((char *)&(sb[1])); /* Lower case new term */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(term_buf,64,"TERM=",(char *)&(sb[1]),NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2ORUNIXToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOPUTENVToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. putenv(term_buf);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOPUTENV */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2ORUNIX */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_CURSESToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef MYCURSESToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef COHERENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (trmbuf) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tgetent(trmbuf,(char *)&sb[1]) < 1) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Unsupported terminal. If new and old terminal */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* types do not match, ask for another type. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (strcmp((char *)oldterm,(char *)&sb[1])) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* SB TTYPE SEND */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_ssbopt(TELOPT_TTYPE,TELQUAL_SEND,NULL,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_SB(TELOPT_TTYPE)=1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* COHERENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* MYCURSES */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_CURSES */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENVIRONMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_XDISPLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_XDISPLOC: /* Send X-Display Location */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sb[0] == TELQUAL_SEND) {/* SEND X-Display Loc? */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !tn_delay_sb || !tn_outst(0) || tn_init ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sxdisploc() < 0) /* Yes, so send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_XDISPLOC).xdisp.need_to_send = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IS -- X Display Location (not supported) */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (sb[0] == TELQUAL_IS) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Isolate the specified X-display string */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. while (sb[i++] != IAC) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (i >= TSBUFSIZ)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return (-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sb[i] == IAC) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb[i] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"TELNET SB XDISPLOC IS",&sb[1],0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_XDISPLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENVIRONMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_NAWS:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sstelnetToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKSDToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. || inserverToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKSD */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int w = 0, h = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* At this point sb[] should contain width and height */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sb[i] == IAC) i++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. w = (sb[i++] << 8); /* save upper height */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sb[i] == IAC) i++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. w += sb[i++]; /* save the width */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sb[i] == IAC) i++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. h = (sb[i++] << 8); /* save upper height */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sb[i] == IAC) i++;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. h += sb[i++];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_doop NAWS SB","width",w);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_doop NAWS SB","height",h);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (w == 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. w = 80;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (h == 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. h = 24;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOLOCALToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tcp_incoming || inserver) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tt_cols[VTERM] = w;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tt_rows[VTERM] = h;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. VscrnSetWidth(VTERM, w);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. VscrnSetHeight(VTERM, h+(tt_status[VTERM]?1:0));Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef IKSDToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (inserver) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cmd_cols = tt_cols[VCMD] = w;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cmd_rows = tt_rows[VCMD] = h;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. VscrnSetWidth(VCMD, w);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. VscrnSetHeight(VCMD, h);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* IKSD */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tt_cols = w;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tt_rows = h;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tt_cols[VCMD] = w;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tt_rows[VCMD] = h;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. VscrnSetWidth(VCMD, w);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. VscrnSetHeight(VCMD, h);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cmd_cols = w;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cmd_rows = h;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* NOLOCAL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cmd_cols = w;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cmd_rows = h;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOLOCAL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Add LINES and COLUMNS to the environment */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg((char *)rows_buf,16,"LINES=",ckitoa(h),NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg((char *)cols_buf,16,"COLUMNS=",ckitoa(w),NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2ORUNIXToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOPUTENVToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. putenv(rows_buf);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. putenv(cols_buf);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOPUTENV */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2ORUNIX */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENVIRONMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_NEWENVIRON:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELQUAL_IS: /* IS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELQUAL_INFO: /* INFO */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sb[0] == TELQUAL_IS)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_doop NEW-ENV SB IS","",n-3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_doop NEW-ENV SB INFO","",n-3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sstelnet || inserver) { /* Yes, receive it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_rnenv((CHAR *)&sb[1],n-3) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELQUAL_SEND: /* SEND */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( sstelnet || inserver ) /* ignore if server */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* We need to take the sb[] and build a structure */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* containing all of the variables and types that */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* we are supposed to keep track of and send to */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* the host, then call tn_snenv(). */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Or we can punt ... */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !tn_delay_sb || !tn_outst(0) || tn_init ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_snenv((CHAR *)&sb[1],n-3) < 0) /* Yes, send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef VMSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. CHAR * xxx;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. xxx = (CHAR *) malloc(n-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. unsigned char * xxx;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. xxx = (unsigned char *) malloc(n-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* VMS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Postpone sending until end of tn_ini() */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.str = xxx;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.str) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. memcpy((char *)TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.str,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (char *)&sb[1],n-3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.str[n-3] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.str[n-2] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.len = n-3;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON).env.need_to_send = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENVIRONMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SNDLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TELOPT_SNDLOC: {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( deblog ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb[n-2] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"TELNET Send-Location",sb,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SNDLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } /* switch */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSIC /* TELNET DO OPTION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_doop(CHAR z, int echo, int (*fn)(int))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_doop(z, echo, fn) CHAR z; int echo; int (*fn)();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tn_doop */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int x=0, y=0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_doop char","",z);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_doop ttnproto","",ttnproto);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!IS_TELNET()) return(3);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_doop ssl_raw_flag","",ssl_raw_flag);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ssl_raw_flag || tls_raw_flag) return(7);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,"tn_doop ttnproto proceeding...","",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (z != (CHAR) IAC) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tn_doop bad call","",z);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) /* Check network type */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttnproto != NP_NONE) /* Check protocol */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. x = tn_xdoop(z,echo,fn);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (x >= 0 && !tn_begun) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. y = tn_start();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(y < 0 ? y : x);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENVIRONMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Telnet receive new environment */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Returns -1 on error, 0 if nothing happens, 1 on success */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* In order for this code to work, sb[len] == IAC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* We currently only support the USER environment variable */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_rnenv(CHAR * sb, int len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_rnenv(sb, len) CHAR * sb; int len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tn_rnenv */ { /* Receive new environment */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char varname[17];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char value[65];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char * reply = 0, * s = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i,j,k,n; /* Worker. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int type = 0; /* 0 for NONE, 1 for VAR, 2 for USERVAR, */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* 3 for VALUE in progress */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sb == NULL) return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len == 0) return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Pairs of <type> [VAR=0, VALUE=1, ESC=2, USERVAR=3] <value> "unterminated"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. follow here until done...Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, type = 0, varname[0]= '\0'; i <= len; i++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[i]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_VAR: /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_USERVAR: /* USERVAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case IAC: /* End of the list */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (type) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 0: /* Nothing in progress */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* If we get IAC only, then that means there were */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* no environment variables to send. we are done */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (j == 0 && sb[i] == IAC)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 1: /* VAR in progress */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2: /* USERVAR in progress */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 3: /* VALUE in progress */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. value[k] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. varname[j] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_rnenv varname",varname,type);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tn_rnenv value",value,type);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!strcmp(varname,"USER")) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_AUTHENTICATIONToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ck_tn_auth_valid() != AUTH_VALID) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern char szUserNameRequested[];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,"tn_rnenv != AUTH_VALID","",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncpy(szUserNameRequested,value,UIDBUFLEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncpy(uidbuf,value,UIDBUFLEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ssl_active_flag) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( tls_is_user_valid(ssl_con, uidbuf) ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern char szUserNameAuthenticated[];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncpy(szUserNameAuthenticated,uidbuf,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. UIDBUFLEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. auth_finished(AUTH_VALID);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (tls_active_flag) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( tls_is_user_valid(tls_con, uidbuf) ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern char szUserNameAuthenticated[];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncpy(szUserNameAuthenticated,uidbuf,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. UIDBUFLEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. auth_finished(AUTH_VALID);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else { /* AUTH_VALID */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int x = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_rnenv AUTH_VALID uidbuf",uidbuf,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. x = ckstrcmp(value,uidbuf,-1,0); /* case insensitive */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef NTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* NTLM authentication returns names of the form */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* DOMAIN\user. We need to check to see of the */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* USER VAR contains a domain name or not. If */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* not, then we do not want to change state if */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* the uidbuf matches the USER VAR when the */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* DOMAIN is ignored. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( x && ck_tn_authenticated() == AUTHTYPE_NTLM ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char * s1=NULL, * s2=NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int len1, len2, i;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. len1 = strlen(value);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for ( i=len1-1 ; i>=0 ; i--) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( value[i] == '\\' ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s1 = &value[i+1]; /* DOMAIN found */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( s1 == NULL ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. len2 = strlen(uidbuf);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for ( i=len2-1 ; i>=0 ; i--) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( uidbuf[i] == '\\' ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. s2 = &uidbuf[i+1]; /* DOMAIN found */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( s2 )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. x = ckstrcmp(value,s2,-1,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. x = ckstrcmp(value,uidbuf,-1,1); /* case sensitive */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( x ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern char szUserNameRequested[];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncpy(uidbuf,value,UIDBUFLEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncpy(szUserNameRequested,value,UIDBUFLEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. auth_finished(AUTH_USER);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ssl_active_flag || tls_active_flag) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( tls_is_user_valid(ssl_con, uidbuf) )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. auth_finished(AUTH_VALID);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_AUTHENTICATION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncpy(uidbuf,value,UIDBUFLEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_AUTHENTICATION */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. varname[0] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. value[0] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. j = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. k = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. type = (sb[i] == TEL_ENV_USERVAR ? 2 : /* USERVAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb[i] == TEL_ENV_VAR ? 1 : /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 0Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_VALUE: /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( type == 1 || type == 2 )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. type = 3;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_ESC: /* ESC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Take next character literally */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( ++i >= len )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* otherwise, fallthrough so byte will be added to string. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (type) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 1: /* VAR in progress */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2: /* USERVAR in progress */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( j < 16 )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. varname[j++] = sb[i];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 3:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( k < 64 )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. value[k++] = sb[i];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* These are for Microsoft SFU version 2 Telnet Server */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define SFUTLNTVER "SFUTLNTVER"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define SFUTLNTMODE "SFUTLNTMODE"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define SFUTLNTVER_VALUE "2"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#define SFUTLNTMODE_VALUE "console" /* The other value is "stream" */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Telnet send new environment */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Returns -1 on error, 0 if nothing happens, 1 on success */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* In order for this code to work, sb[len] == IAC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_snenv(CHAR * sb, int len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_snenv(sb, len) CHAR * sb; int len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tn_snenv */ { /* Send new environment */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char varname[16];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char * reply = 0, * s = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i,j,n; /* Worker. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int type = 0; /* 0 for NONE, 1 for VAR, 2 for USERVAR in progress */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int ck_lcname;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char localuidbuf[UIDBUFLEN]; /* (Initialized just below) */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char * uu = uidbuf;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char * disp = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. localuidbuf[0] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!sb) return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U(TELOPT_FORWARD_X)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. disp = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. disp = (char *)tn_get_display();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ck_lcname) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckstrncpy(localuidbuf,uidbuf,UIDBUFLEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. cklower(localuidbuf);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. uu = localuidbuf;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. hexdump((CHAR *)"tn_snenv sb[]",sb,len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_snenv uidbuf",uidbuf,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_snenv localuidbuf",localuidbuf,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_snenv tn_env_sys",tn_env_sys,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_snenv tn_env_disp",tn_env_disp,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_snenv disp",disp,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* First determine the size of the buffer we will need */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (i = 0, j = 0, n = 0, type = 0, varname[0]= '\0'; i <= len; i++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[i]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_VAR: /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_USERVAR: /* USERVAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case IAC: /* End of the list */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (type) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 0: /* Nothing in progress */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* If we get IAC only, then that means send all */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* VAR and USERVAR. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(j == 0 && sb[i] == IAC))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 1: /* VAR in progress */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. varname[j] = '\0' ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!varname[0]) { /* Send All */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (uu[0])Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(uu) + 4 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_env_job[0])Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_job) + 3 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_env_acct[0])Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_acct) + 4 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_env_prnt[0])Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_prnt) + 7 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_env_sys[0])Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_sys) + 10 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (disp)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(disp) + 7 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (!strcmp(varname,"USER") && uu[0])Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(uu) + 4 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (!strcmp(varname,"JOB") && tn_env_job[0])Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_job) + 3 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (!strcmp(varname,"ACCT") && tn_env_acct[0])Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_acct) + 4 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (!strcmp(varname,"PRINTER") && tn_env_prnt[0])Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_prnt) + 7 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (!strcmp(varname,"SYSTEMTYPE") && tn_env_sys[0])Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_sys) + 10 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (!strcmp(varname,"DISPLAY") && disp)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(disp) + 7 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* If we get IAC only, then that means send all */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* VAR and USERVAR. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(j == 0 && sb[i] == IAC))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2: /* USERVAR in progress */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. varname[j] = '\0' ;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!varname[0]) { /* Send All */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int x;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for ( x=0 ; x<8 ; x++ ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( tn_env_uservar[x][0] &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_env_uservar[x][1] )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_uservar[x][0])Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. + strlen(tn_env_uservar[x][1]) + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( tn_sfu ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* For compatibility with Microsoft Telnet Server */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(SFUTLNTVER) + strlen(SFUTLNTVER_VALUE) + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(SFUTLNTMODE) +Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strlen(SFUTLNTMODE_VALUE) + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SNDLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( tn_loc && tn_loc[0] )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen("LOCATION") + strlen(tn_loc) + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SNDLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (tn_sfu && !strcmp(varname,SFUTLNTVER))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(SFUTLNTVER) + strlen(SFUTLNTVER_VALUE) + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (tn_sfu && !strcmp(varname,SFUTLNTMODE))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(SFUTLNTMODE) + strlen(SFUTLNTMODE_VALUE) + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SNDLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if ( tn_loc && tn_loc[0] && !strcmp(varname,"LOCATION"))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen("LOCATION") + strlen(tn_loc) + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SNDLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int x;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for ( x=0 ; x<8 ; x++ ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( tn_env_uservar[x][0] &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_env_uservar[x][1] &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. !strcmp(varname,tn_env_uservar[x][0]))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_uservar[x][0])Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. + strlen(tn_env_uservar[x][1]) + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. varname[0] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. j = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. type = (sb[i] == TEL_ENV_USERVAR ? 2 : /* USERVAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb[i] == TEL_ENV_VAR ? 1 : /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 0Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_VALUE: /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Protocol Error */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100, "TELNET Subnegotiation error - VALUE in SEND", "",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug("TELNET Subnegotiation error - VALUE in SEND");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_ESC: /* ESC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (++i >= len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (j < 16 )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. varname[j++] = sb[i];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply = malloc(n + 16); /* Leave room for IAC stuff */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!reply) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100, "TELNET Subnegotiation error - malloc failed", "",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug("TELNET Subnegotiation error - malloc failed");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Send a return packet with no variables so that the host */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* may continue with additional negotiations */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_ssbopt(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON,TELQUAL_IS,"",0) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Now construct the real reply */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n = 0; /* Start at beginning of buffer */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Pairs of <type> [VAR=0, VALUE=1, ESC=2, USERVAR=3] <value> "unterminated"Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. follow here until done...Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (i = 0, j = 0, type = 0, varname[0]= '\0'; i <= len; i++) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[i]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_VAR: /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_USERVAR: /* USERVAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case IAC: /* End of the list */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (type) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 0: /* Nothing in progress */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* If we get IAC only, then that means send all */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* VAR and USERVAR. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(j == 0 && sb[i] == IAC))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 1: /* VAR in progress */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. varname[j] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!varname[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Send All */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (uu[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_VAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],"USER");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+5] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+6],uu);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(uu) + 4 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_env_job[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_VAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],"JOB");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+4] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+5],tn_env_job);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_job) + 3 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_env_acct[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_VAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],"ACCT");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+5] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+6],tn_env_acct);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_acct) + 4 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_env_prnt[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_VAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],"PRINTER");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+8] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+9],tn_env_prnt);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_prnt) + 7 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_env_sys[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_VAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],"SYSTEMTYPE");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+11] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+12],tn_env_sys);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_sys) + 10 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (disp) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_VAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],"DISPLAY");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+8] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+9],disp);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(disp) + 7 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (!strcmp(varname,"USER") && uu[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_VAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],"USER");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+5] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+6],uu);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(uu) + 4 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (!strcmp(varname,"JOB") && tn_env_job[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_VAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],"JOB");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+4] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+5],tn_env_job);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_job) + 3 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (!strcmp(varname,"ACCT") && tn_env_acct[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_VAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],"ACCT");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+5] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+6],tn_env_acct);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_acct) + 4 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (!strcmp(varname,"PRINTER") && tn_env_prnt[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_VAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],"PRINTER");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+8] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+9],tn_env_prnt);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_prnt) + 7 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (!strcmp(varname,"SYSTEMTYPE") && tn_env_sys[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_VAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],"SYSTEMTYPE");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+11] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+12],tn_env_sys);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(tn_env_sys) + 10 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (!strcmp(varname,"DISPLAY") && disp) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_VAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],"DISPLAY");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+8] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+9],disp);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(disp) + 7 + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* If we get IAC only, then that means send all */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* VAR and USERVAR. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(j == 0 && sb[i] == IAC))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2: /* USERVAR in progress */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. varname[j] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!varname[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Send All */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int x,y;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for ( x=0 ; x<8 ; x++ ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( tn_env_uservar[x][0] &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_env_uservar[x][1] ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_USERVAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. y = strlen(tn_env_uservar[x][0]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],tn_env_uservar[x][0]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+y+1] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+y+2],tn_env_uservar[x][1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += y+strlen(tn_env_uservar[x][1])+2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( tn_sfu ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Compatibility with Microsoft Telnet Server */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_USERVAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],SFUTLNTVER);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+11] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+12],SFUTLNTVER_VALUE);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(SFUTLNTVER)+strlen(SFUTLNTVER_VALUE)+2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_USERVAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],SFUTLNTMODE);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+12] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+13],SFUTLNTMODE_VALUE);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(SFUTLNTMODE)+strlen(SFUTLNTMODE_VALUE)+2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_loc && tn_loc[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_USERVAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],"LOCATION");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+9] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+10],tn_loc);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen("LOCATION") + strlen(tn_loc) + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (tn_sfu && !strcmp(varname,SFUTLNTVER)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_USERVAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],SFUTLNTVER);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+11] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+12],SFUTLNTVER_VALUE);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(SFUTLNTVER) + strlen(SFUTLNTVER_VALUE) + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (tn_sfu && !strcmp(varname,SFUTLNTMODE)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_USERVAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],SFUTLNTMODE);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+12] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+13],SFUTLNTMODE_VALUE);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen(SFUTLNTMODE) + strlen(SFUTLNTMODE_VALUE) + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SNDLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (tn_loc && tn_loc[0] && !strcmp(varname,"LOCATION")){Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_USERVAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],"LOCATION");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+9] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+10],tn_loc);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += strlen("LOCATION") + strlen(tn_loc) + 2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SNDLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int x,y;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for ( x=0 ; x<8 ; x++ ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( tn_env_uservar[x][0] &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_env_uservar[x][1] &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. !strcmp(varname,tn_env_uservar[x][0])) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n] = TEL_ENV_USERVAR; /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. y = strlen(tn_env_uservar[x][0]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+1],tn_env_uservar[x][0]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. reply[n+y+1] = TEL_ENV_VALUE; /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. strcpy(&reply[n+y+2],tn_env_uservar[x][1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. n += y+strlen(tn_env_uservar[x][1])+2;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. varname[0] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. j = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. type = (sb[i] == TEL_ENV_USERVAR ? 2 : /* USERVAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb[i] == TEL_ENV_VAR ? 1 : /* VAR */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. 0Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_VALUE: /* VALUE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Protocol Error */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100, "TELNET Subnegotiation error - VALUE in SEND", "",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug("TELNET Subnegotiation error - VALUE in SEND");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0); /* Was -1 but that would be taken as */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* an I/O error, so absorb it and go on. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TEL_ENV_ESC: /* ESC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Not sure what this for. Quote next character? */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. varname[j++] = sb[i];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_ssbopt(TELOPT_NEWENVIRON,TELQUAL_IS,reply,n) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free(reply);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free(reply);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENVIRONMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Telnet send terminal type */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Returns -1 on error, 0 if nothing happens, 1 if type sent successfully */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_sttyp() { /* Send telnet terminal type. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char *ttn; /* Name of terminal type. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. static int alias = -1; /* which alias are we using ? */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int settype = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i, rc; /* Worker. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int tntermflg = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_TTYPE)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttn = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOTERMToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!tn_term) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnum == -1) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttnum = tt_type;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. settype = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. alias = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (ttnumend) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttnumend = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. settype = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tt_info[tt_type].x_aliases[++alias] == NULL) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (--tt_type < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tt_type = max_tt;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnum == tt_type)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttnumend = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. settype = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. alias = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tt_type >= 0 && tt_type <= max_tt) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (alias == -1)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttn = tt_info[tt_type].x_name;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttn = tt_info[tt_type].x_aliases[alias];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttn = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else settype = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOTERM */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_term) { /* Terminal type override? */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_sttyp",tn_term,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (*tn_term) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttn = tn_term;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tntermflg = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else debug(F100,"tn_sttyp no term override","",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef datageneralToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!ttn) { /* If no override, */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttn = getenv("TERM"); /* get it from the environment. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* datageneral */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((ttn == ((char *)0)) || ((int)strlen(ttn) >= TSBUFSIZ))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttn = "UNKNOWN";Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[0] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[1] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[2] = TELOPT_TTYPE; /* Terminal Type */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[3] = (CHAR) 0; /* Is... */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (i = 4; *ttn; ttn++,i++) { /* Copy and uppercase it */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef VMSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!tntermflg && *ttn == '-' &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. (!strcmp(ttn,"-80") || !strcmp(ttn,"-132")))Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* VMS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i] = (char) ((!tntermflg && islower(*ttn)) ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. toupper(*ttn) :Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *ttn);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttn = (char *)sb_out; /* Point back to beginning */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i] = '\0'; /* For debugging */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET SENT SB ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT(TELOPT_TTYPE)," IS ",(char *)sb_out+4," IAC SE",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOTERMToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (settype)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. settermtype(tt_type,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ipadl25();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. VscrnIsDirty(VTERM);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOTERM */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ENVIRONMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_XDISPLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Telnet send xdisplay location */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Returns -1 on error, 0 if nothing happens, 1 if type sent successfully */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_sxdisploc() { /* Send telnet X display location. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char * disp=NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i,rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_XDISPLOC)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_U(TELOPT_FORWARD_X)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. disp = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. disp = (char *)tn_get_display();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tn_sxdisploc",disp,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!disp) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Can't do both, send WONT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_sopt(WONT,TELOPT_XDISPLOC) < 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_UNANSWERED_WONT(TELOPT_XDISPLOC) = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[0] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[1] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[2] = TELOPT_XDISPLOC; /* X-Display Location */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[3] = (CHAR) 0; /* Is... */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (i = 4; *disp; disp++,i++) { /* Copy and uppercase it */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i] = (char) *disp;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i] = '\0'; /* For debugging */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg( tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_XDISPLOC),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " IS ",(char *)sb_out+4," IAC SE",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_XDISPLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ENVIRONMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_FORWARD_XToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_sndfwdx() { /* Send Fwd X Screen number to host */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. unsigned char screen = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char * disp;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i,rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if (!IS_TELNET()) return(0); */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_U(TELOPT_FORWARD_X)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * The format of the DISPLAY variable is [<host>:]<display>[.<screen>]Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * where <host> is an optional DNS name or ip address with a default ofToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * the localhost; the screen defaults to 0Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. disp = tn_get_display();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (disp) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int colon,dot;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. colon = ckindex(":",disp,0,0,1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. dot = ckindex(".",&disp[colon],0,0,1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( dot ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. screen = atoi(&disp[colon+dot]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. screen = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. i = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_FORWARD_X; /* Forward X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = FWDX_SCREEN; /* Screen */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = screen;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( screen == IAC )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg( tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_FORWARD_X),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SCREEN ",ckctox(screen,1)," IAC SE",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_FORWARD_X */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SNDLOCToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_sndloc() { /* Send location. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i,rc; /* Worker. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char *ttloc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if (!IS_TELNET()) return(0); */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_SNDLOC)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ttloc = (tn_loc ? tn_loc : ""); /* In case we are being called even */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* though there is no location. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[0] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[1] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[2] = TELOPT_SNDLOC; /* Location */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (i = 3; *ttloc && i < TSBUFSIZ; ttloc++,i++) /* Copy it */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i] = (char) *ttloc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_SNDLOC)," ",(char *)sb_out+3,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " IAC SE", NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i-2] = '\0'; /* For debugging */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SNDLOC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_NAWS /* NAWS = Negotiate About Window Size */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_snaws() { /* Send terminal width and height, RFC 1073 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifndef NOLOCALToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. CHAR sb_out[24]; /* multiple threads */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0,rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int x = VscrnGetWidth(VTERM),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. y = VscrnGetHeight(VTERM) - (tt_status[VTERM] ? 1 : 0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int x = tt_cols, y = tt_rows;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* OS2 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_NAWS)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (x < 0) x = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (y < 0) y = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (x == TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NAWS).naws.x && /* Only send if changed */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. y == TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NAWS).naws.yToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NAWS).naws.x = x; /* Remember the size */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_NAWS).naws.y = y;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* Send the subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_NAWS;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) (x >> 8) & 0xff;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((CHAR) sb_out[i-1] == (CHAR) IAC) /* IAC in data must be doubled */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) (x & 0xff);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((CHAR) sb_out[i-1] == (CHAR) IAC)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) (y >> 8) & 0xff;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((CHAR) sb_out[i-1] == (CHAR) IAC)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) (y & 0xff);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ((CHAR) sb_out[i-1] == (CHAR) IAC)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,"TELNET SENT SB NAWS ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckitoa(x)," ",ckitoa(y)," IAC SE",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* NOLOCAL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return (0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_NAWS */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef TN_COMPORTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static char * tnc_signature = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tnc_ls_mask = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tnc_ls = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tnc_ms_mask = 255;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tnc_ms = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tnc_oflow = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tnc_iflow = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tnc_bps = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tnc_datasize = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tnc_parity = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tnc_stopbit = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tnc_break = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tnc_dtr = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tnc_rts = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tnc_suspend_xmit = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.static int tnc_bps_index = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_init(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_init()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_init */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,"tnc_init","",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if (!IS_TELNET()) return(0); */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_signature) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free(tnc_signature);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_signature = NULL;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_ls_mask = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_ls = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_ms_mask = 255;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_ms = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_oflow = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_iflow = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_datasize = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_parity = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_stopbit = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_break = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_dtr = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_rts = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_suspend_xmit = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps_index = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_sndcomport(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tn_sndcomport()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tn_sndcomport */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int baud, datasize, parity, stopsize, oflow, iflow;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. CONST char * signature;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if (!IS_TELNET()) return(0); */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,"tnc_sndcomport","",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. signature = tnc_get_signature();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. baud = tnc_get_baud();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. datasize = tnc_get_datasize();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. parity = tnc_get_parity();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. stopsize = tnc_get_stopsize();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. oflow = tnc_get_oflow();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. iflow = tnc_get_iflow();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_set_ls_mask(255);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_set_ms_mask(255);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_wait(CHAR * msg, int ms)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_wait(msg, ms) CHAR * msg; int ms;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_wait */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int rc, tn_wait_save = tn_wait_flg;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* if (!IS_TELNET()) return(0); */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_wait","begin",ms);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( ms )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_ms = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_flg = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tn_wait((char *)msg);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_wait","end",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_wait_flg = tn_wait_save;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(rc);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* Returns -1 on error, 0 on success */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* In order for this code to work, sb[len] == IAC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_tn_sb(CHAR * sb, int len)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_tn_sb(sb, len) CHAR * sb; int len;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_tn_sb */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!sb) return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","sb[0]",sb[0]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","len",len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[0]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_C2S_SIGNATURE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_S2C_SIGNATURE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","signature",len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len == 1) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_send_signature("Kermit Telnet Com Port Option");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_signature)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. free(tnc_signature);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_signature = malloc(len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_signature) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. memcpy(tnc_signature,&sb[1],len-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_signature[len-1] = '\0';Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_C2S_SET_BAUDRATE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_S2C_SET_BAUDRATE: {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. long baudrate;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. char * br = (char *)&baudrate;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len == 2) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Actual behavior of the Access Server... */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","baudrate index",sb[1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps_index = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (sb[1]) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_BPS_300:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = 300;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_BPS_600:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = 600;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_BPS_1200:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = 1200;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_BPS_2400:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = 2400;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_BPS_4800:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = 4800;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_BPS_9600:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = 9600;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_BPS_14400:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = 14400;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_BPS_19200:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = 19200;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_BPS_28800:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = 28800;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_BPS_38400:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = 38400;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_BPS_57600:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = 57600;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_BPS_115200:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = 115200;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_BPS_230400:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = 230400;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_BPS_460800:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = 460800;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else if (len == 5) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* This section attempts to follow RFC 2217 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps_index = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. br[0] = sb[1];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. br[1] = sb[2];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. br[2] = sb[3];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. br[3] = sb[4];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef datageneralToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* AOS/VS doesn't have ntohl() but MV's are big-endian */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = baudrate;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_bps = ntohl(baudrate);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* datageneral */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","baudrate rfc",tnc_bps);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","baudrate invalid len",len);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_C2S_SET_DATASIZE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_S2C_SET_DATASIZE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len < 2)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_datasize = sb[1];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","datasize",sb[1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_C2S_SET_PARITY:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_S2C_SET_PARITY:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len < 2)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_parity = sb[1];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","parity",sb[1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_C2S_SET_STOPSIZE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_S2C_SET_STOPSIZE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len < 2)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_stopbit = sb[1];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","stopsize",sb[1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_C2S_SET_CONTROL:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_S2C_SET_CONTROL:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len < 2) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef COMMENTToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* This line should be removed when testing is complete. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* COMMENT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch ( sb[1] ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_OFLOW_REQUEST:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* determine local outbound flow control and send to peer */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Cisco IOS returns 0 (TNC_CTL_OFLOW_REQUEST) when attempting */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* to set the inbound flow control if it is not supported */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* separately from outbound flow control. So must reset */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* wait for sb flag. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_tn_sb","oflow request",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_OFLOW_NONE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_OFLOW_XON_XOFF:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_OFLOW_RTS_CTS:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_OFLOW_DCD:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_OFLOW_DSR:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_oflow = sb[1];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","oflow",sb[1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_BREAK_REQUEST:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* determine local break state and send to peer */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_tn_sb","break request",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_BREAK_ON:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_break = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_tn_sb","break on",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_BREAK_OFF:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_break = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_tn_sb","break off",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_DTR_REQUEST:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* determine local dtr state and send to peer */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_tn_sb","dtr request",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_DTR_ON:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_dtr = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_tn_sb","dtr on",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_DTR_OFF:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_dtr = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_tn_sb","dtr off",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_RTS_REQUEST:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* determine local rts state and send to peer */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_tn_sb","rts request",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_RTS_ON:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_rts = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_tn_sb","rts on",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_RTS_OFF:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_rts = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_tn_sb","rts off",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_IFLOW_REQUEST:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* determine local inbound flow control and send to peer */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_tn_sb","iflow request",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_IFLOW_NONE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_IFLOW_XON_XOFF:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_IFLOW_RTS_CTS:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_CTL_IFLOW_DTR:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_iflow = sb[1];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","iflow",sb[1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_C2S_NOTIFY_LINESTATE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_S2C_SEND_LS:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len < 2)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_ls = sb[1];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","linestate",sb[1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ls & TNC_MS_DATA_READY )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Linestate Data Ready");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ls & TNC_MS_OVERRUN_ERROR )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Linestate Overrun Error");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ls & TNC_MS_PARITY_ERROR )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Linestate Parity Error");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ls & TNC_MS_FRAME_ERROR )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Linestate Framing Error");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ls & TNC_MS_BREAK_ERROR )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Linestate Break Detect Error");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ls & TNC_MS_HR_EMPTY )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Linestate Holding Register Empty");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ls & TNC_MS_SR_EMPTY )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Linestate Shift Register Empty");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ls & TNC_MS_TIMEOUT_ERROR )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Linestate Timeout Error");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_C2S_NOTIFY_MODEMSTATE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_S2C_SEND_MS:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_ms = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len < 2)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_ms = sb[1];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","modemstate",sb[1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ms & TNC_MS_CTS_DELTA )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Modemstate CTS State Change");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ms & TNC_MS_DSR_DELTA )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Modemstate DSR State Change");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ms & TNC_MS_EDGE_RING )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Modemstate Trailing Edge Ring Detector On");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Modemstate Trailing Edge Ring Detector Off");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ms & TNC_MS_RLSD_DELTA )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Modemstate RLSD State Change");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ms & TNC_MS_CTS_SIG )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Modemstate CTS Signal On");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Modemstate CTS Signal Off");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ms & TNC_MS_DSR_SIG )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Modemstate DSR Signal On");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Modemstate DSR Signal Off");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ms & TNC_MS_RI_SIG )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Modemstate Ring Indicator On");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Modemstate Ring Indicator Off");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_ms & TNC_MS_RLSD_SIG )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Modemstate RLSD Signal On");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_debug(" ComPort Modemstate RLSD Signal Off");Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_C2S_FLOW_SUSPEND:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_S2C_FLOW_SUSPEND:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_tn_sb","flow suspend",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_suspend_xmit = 1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_C2S_FLOW_RESUME:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_S2C_FLOW_RESUME:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_tn_sb","flow resume",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_suspend_xmit = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_C2S_SET_LS_MASK:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_S2C_SET_LS_MASK:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len < 2)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","linestate mask",sb[1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_ls_mask = sb[1];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_C2S_SET_MS_MASK:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_S2C_SET_MS_MASK:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_COMPORT).comport.wait_for_sb = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len < 2)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","modemstate mask",sb[1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_ls_mask = sb[1];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_C2S_PURGE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_S2C_PURGE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (len < 2)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_tn_sb","purge",sb[1]);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch ( sb[1] ) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_PURGE_RECEIVE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_PURGE_TRANSMIT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case TNC_PURGE_BOTH:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* purge local buffers */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.CONST char *Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_signature(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_signature()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_get_signature */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* send IAC SB COM-PORT SIGNATURE IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* wait for response */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( tnc_signature )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_signature);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SIGNATURE; /* Signature */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SIGNATURE IAC SE", NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport signature request",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_get_signature",tnc_signature,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_signature);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_send_signature(char * signature)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_send_signature(signature) char * signature;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_send_signature */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* send IAC SB COM-PORT SIGNATURE <text> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, j = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_send_signature",signature,0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!signature || !signature[0])Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SIGNATURE; /* Signature */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. for (; signature[j]; i++,j++)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i] = signature[j];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SIGNATURE ", signature, " IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_baud( long baud )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_baud(baud) long baud;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_set_baud */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* send IAC SB COM-PORT SET-BAUD <value(4)> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* wait for response */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* 0 is used to request the current baud rate and */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* may not be sent by this func */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* return new host value */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * the above comes from the RFC. But that is not what I am seeingToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * instead I appear to be seeing to following:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. *Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * Value BaudToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 1 ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 2 ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 3 300Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 4 600Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 5 1200Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 6 2400Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 7 4800 ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 8 9600Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 9 ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 10 19200 ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 11 ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 12 38400Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 13 57600 ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 14 115200Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 15 230400 ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 16 460800 ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef datageneralToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* AOS/VS doesn't have htonl() but MV's are big-endian */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. long net_baud = baud;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. long net_baud = htonl(baud);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* datageneral */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. CHAR b;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_baud","begin",baud);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (baud <= 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( net_baud != 0 && net_baud == tnc_bps)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_bps);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_BAUDRATE; /* Set Baud Rate */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_bps_index) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IOS Access Server */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (baud <= 300)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. b = TNC_BPS_300;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (baud <= 600)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. b = TNC_BPS_600;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (baud <= 1200)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. b = TNC_BPS_1200;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (baud <= 2400)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. b = TNC_BPS_2400;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (baud <= 4800)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. b = TNC_BPS_4800;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (baud <= 9600)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. b = TNC_BPS_9600;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (baud <= 14400)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. b = TNC_BPS_14400;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (baud <= 19200)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. b = TNC_BPS_19200;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (baud <= 28800)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. b = TNC_BPS_28800;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (baud <= 38400)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. b = TNC_BPS_38400;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (baud <= 57600)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. b = TNC_BPS_57600;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (baud <= 115200)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. b = TNC_BPS_115200;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. else if (baud <= 230400)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. b = TNC_BPS_230400;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. b = TNC_BPS_460800;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = b;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* RFC 2217 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = ((char *)&net_baud)[0];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = ((char *)&net_baud)[1];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = ((char *)&net_baud)[2];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = ((char *)&net_baud)[3];Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-BAUD-RATE ", ckltoa(baud)," IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport set baud rate",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_baud","end",tnc_bps);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_bps);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_baud(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_baud()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_get_baud */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* send IAC SB COM-PORT SET-BAUD <value(4)=0> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* wait for response */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_get_baud","begin",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_BAUDRATE; /* Set Baud Rate */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_bps_index > 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Access Server */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* RFC 2217 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-BAUD-RATE ", ckltoa(0)," IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport get baud rate",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_get_baud","end",tnc_bps);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_bps);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_datasize(int datasize)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_datasize(datasize) int datasize;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_set_datasize */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM-PORT SET_DATASIZE <value(1)> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Valid <value>s are 5 through 8 */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Wait for response */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* return new host value */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_datasize","begin",datasize);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !(datasize >= 5 && datasize <= 8) )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( datasize != 0 && datasize == tnc_datasize )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_datasize);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_DATASIZE; /* Set DataSize */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (unsigned char)(datasize & 0xFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-DATASIZE ", ckitoa(datasize)," IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport set datasize",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_datasize","end",tnc_datasize);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_datasize);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_datasize(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_datasize()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_get_datasize */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM-PORT SET_DATASIZE <value(1)=0> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Wait for response */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_get_datasize","begin",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_DATASIZE; /* Set DataSize */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-DATASIZE ", ckltoa(0)," IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport get datasize",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_get_datasize","end",tnc_datasize);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_datasize);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_parity(int parity)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_parity(parity) int parity;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_set_parity */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM-PORT SET_PARITY <value(1)> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Value ParityToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 1 NoneToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 2 OddToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 3 EvenToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 4 MarkToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 5 SpaceToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Wait for response. Return new host value. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_set_parity","begin",parity);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !(parity >= 1 && parity <= 5) )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( parity != 0 && parity == tnc_parity )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_parity);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_PARITY; /* Set Parity */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (unsigned char)(parity & 0xFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-PARITY ", ckitoa(parity)," IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport set parity",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_parity","end",tnc_parity);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_parity);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_parity(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_parity()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_get_parity */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM-PORT SET_PARITY <value(1)=0> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* wait for response */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_get_parity","begin",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_PARITY; /* Set Parity */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-PARITY ", ckitoa(0)," IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport get parity",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_get_parity","end",tnc_parity);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_parity);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_stopsize(int stopsize)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_stopsize(stopsize) int stopsize;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_set_stopsize */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM-PORT SET_STOPSIZE <value(1)> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Value Stop Bit SizeToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 1 1Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 2 2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 3 1.5Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Wait for response. Return new host value. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_stopsize","begin",stopsize);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!(stopsize >= 1 && stopsize <= 3) )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( stopsize != 0 && stopsize == tnc_stopbit )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_stopbit);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_STOPSIZE; /* Set Stop Bits */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (unsigned char)(stopsize & 0xFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-STOPSIZE ", ckitoa(stopsize)," IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport set stopsize",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_stopsize","end",tnc_stopbit);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_stopbit);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_stopsize(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_stopsize()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_get_stopsize */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM-PORT SET_STOPSIZE <value(1)=0> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Wait for response */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_get_stopsize","begin",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_STOPSIZE; /* Set Stop Bits */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-STOPSIZE ", ckitoa(0)," IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport set stopsize",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_get_stopsize","end",tnc_stopbit);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_stopbit);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_oflow(int control)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_oflow(control) int control;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_set_oflow */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM_PORT SET_CONTROL <value(1)> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Value Flow ControlToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 1 No Flow ControlToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 2 Xon/XoffToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 3 Rts/CtsToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 17 DCDToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 19 DSRToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* wait for response, return new host value. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_oflow","begin",control);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (control != 1 && control != 2 && control != 3 &&Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. control != 17 && control != 19)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( control != 0 && control == tnc_oflow )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_oflow);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_CONTROL; /* Set Control */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (unsigned char)(control & 0xFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-CONTROL ", ckitoa(control)," IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport set outbound flow control",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_oflow","end",tnc_oflow);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_oflow);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_oflow(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_oflow()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_get_oflow */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM_PORT SET_CONTROL <value(1)=0> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* wait for response */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_get_oflow","begin",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_CONTROL; /* Set Control */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_CTL_OFLOW_REQUEST;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-CONTROL ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckitoa(TNC_CTL_OFLOW_REQUEST),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport get outbound flow control",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_get_oflow","end",tnc_oflow);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_oflow);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_iflow(int control)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_iflow(control) int control;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_set_iflow */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM_PORT SET_CONTROL <value(1)> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Value Flow ControlToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 14 No Flow ControlToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 15 Xon/XoffToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 16 Rts/CtsToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 18 DTRToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* wait for response, return new host value. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_iflow","begin",control);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (control != 14 && control != 15 && control != 16 && control != 18)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( control != 0 && control == tnc_iflow )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_iflow);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_CONTROL; /* Set Control */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (unsigned char)(control & 0xFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-CONTROL ", ckitoa(control)," IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport set inbound flow control",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_iflow","end",tnc_iflow);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_iflow);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_iflow(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_iflow()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_get_iflow */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM_PORT SET_CONTROL <value(1)=13> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* wait for response */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_get_iflow","begin",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_CONTROL; /* Set Control */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_CTL_IFLOW_REQUEST;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-CONTROL ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckitoa(TNC_CTL_IFLOW_REQUEST),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport get inbound flow control",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_get_iflow","end",tnc_iflow);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_iflow);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_break_state(int onoff)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_break_state(onoff) int onoff;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_set_break_state */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM_PORT SET_CONTROL <value(1)> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Value Break StateToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 5 OnToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 6 OffToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* wait for response, return new host value. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_break_state","begin",onoff);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( onoff != 0 && onoff == tnc_break )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_break);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_CONTROL; /* Set Control */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = onoff ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TNC_CTL_BREAK_ON : TNC_CTL_BREAK_OFF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-CONTROL ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. onoff ? "BREAK-ON" : "BREAK-OFF",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport set break state",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_break_state","end",tnc_break);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_break);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_break_state(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_break_state()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_get_break_state */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM_PORT SET_CONTROL <value(1)=4> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* wait for response */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_get_break_state","begin",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_CONTROL; /* Set Control */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_CTL_BREAK_REQUEST;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-CONTROL ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "BREAK-REQUEST",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport get break state",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_get_break_state","end",tnc_break);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_break);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_dtr_state(int onoff)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_dtr_state(onoff) int onoff;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_set_dtr_state */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM_PORT SET_CONTROL <value(1)> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Value Dtr StateToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 8 OnToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 9 OffToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* wait for response, return new host value. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_dtr_state","begin",onoff);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( onoff != 0 && onoff == tnc_dtr )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_dtr);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_CONTROL; /* Set Control */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = onoff ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TNC_CTL_DTR_ON : TNC_CTL_DTR_OFF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-CONTROL ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. onoff ? "DTR-ON" : "DTR-OFF",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport set dtr state",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_dtr_state","end",tnc_dtr);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_dtr);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_dtr_state(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_dtr_state()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_get_dtr_state */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM_PORT SET_CONTROL <value(1)=7> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* wait for response */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_get_dtr_state","begin",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_CONTROL; /* Set Control */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_CTL_DTR_REQUEST;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-CONTROL ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "DTR-REQUEST",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport get dtr state",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_get_dtr_state","end",tnc_dtr);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_dtr);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_rts_state(int onoff)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_rts_state(onoff) int onoff;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_set_rts_state */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM_PORT SET_CONTROL <value(1)> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Value Rts StateToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 5 OnToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 6 OffToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* wait for response, return new host value. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_rts_state","begin",onoff);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( onoff != 0 && onoff == tnc_rts )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_rts);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_CONTROL; /* Set Control */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = onoff ?Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TNC_CTL_RTS_ON : TNC_CTL_RTS_OFF;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-CONTROL ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. onoff ? "RTS-ON" : "RTS-OFF",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport set rts state",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_rts_state","end",tnc_rts);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_rts);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_rts_state(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_rts_state()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_get_rts_state */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM_PORT SET_CONTROL <value(1)=10> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* wait for response */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_get_rts_state","begin",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_CONTROL; /* Set Control */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_CTL_RTS_REQUEST;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-CONTROL ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "RTS-REQUEST",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tnc_wait((CHAR *)"comport get rts state",0) < 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tn_push();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_get_rts_state","end",tnc_rts);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_rts);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_ls_mask(int mask)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_ls_mask(mask) int mask;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_set_ls_mask */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM_PORT SET_LINESTATE_MASK <value(1)> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Bit MeaningToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 0 Data ReadyToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 1 Overrun ErrorToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 2 Parity ErrorToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 3 Framing ErrorToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 4 Break Detect ErrorToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 5 Transfer Holding Register EmptyToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 6 Transfer Shift Register EmptyToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 7 Timeout ErrorToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_ls_mask","begin",mask);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( mask != 0 && mask == tnc_ls_mask )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_ls_mask);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_LS_MASK;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (unsigned char)(mask & 0xFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sb_out[i-1] == IAC )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-LINESTATE-MASK ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckitoa(mask & 0xFF),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_ls_mask = mask;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_ls_mask","end",tnc_ls_mask);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_ls_mask(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_ls_mask()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_get_ls_mask */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tnc_get_ls_mask","",tnc_ls_mask);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_ls_mask);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_ls(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_ls()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_get_ls */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int ls = tnc_ls;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tnc_get_ls","",tnc_ls);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(ls);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_ms_mask(int mask)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_set_ms_mask(mask) int mask;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_set_ms_mask */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM_PORT SET_MODEMSTATE_MASK <value(1)> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Bit MeaningToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 0 Delta Clear To SendToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 1 Delta Data Set ReadyToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 2 Trailing Edge Ring DetectorToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 3 Delta Receive Line Signal (Carrier) DetectToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 4 Clear To Send Signal StateToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 5 Data-Set-Ready Signal StateToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 6 Ring IndicatorToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 7 Receive Line Signal (Carrier) DetectToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_ms_mask","begin",mask);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( mask != 0 && mask == tnc_ms_mask )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_ms_mask);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_SET_MS_MASK;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (unsigned char)(mask & 0xFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (sb_out[i-1] == IAC )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = IAC;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " SET-MODEMSTATE-MASK ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckitoa(mask & 0xFF),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. tnc_ms_mask = mask;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_set_ms_mask","end",tnc_ms_mask);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_ms_mask(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_ms_mask()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_get_ms_mask */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tnc_get_gs_mask","",tnc_ms_mask);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_ms_mask);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_ms(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_get_ms()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_get_ms */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int ms = tnc_ms;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F101,"tnc_get_ms","",tnc_ms);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(ms);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_send_purge_data(int mode)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_send_purge_data(mode) int mode;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_send_purge_data */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM_PORT PURGE_DATA <value(1)> IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* Value MeaningToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 1 Purge access server receive data bufferToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 2 Purge access server transmit data bufferToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. * 3 Purge access server receive and transmit data buffersToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* No response */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_send_purge_data","begin",mode);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if ( !(mode >= 1 && mode <= 3) )Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_PURGE;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (unsigned char)(mode & 0xFF);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakxmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " PURGE-DATA ",Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckitoa(mode & 0xFF),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " IAC SE", NULL,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_send_purge_data","end",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_flow_suspended(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_flow_suspended()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_flow_suspended */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnc_flow_suspended","",tnc_suspend_xmit);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(tnc_suspend_xmit);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_suspend_flow(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_suspend_flow()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_suspend_flow */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM_PORT FLOWCONTROL_SUSPEND IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_suspend_flow","begin",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_FLOW_SUSPEND;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " FLOWCONTROL-SUSPEND IAC SE", NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_suspend_flow","end",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_resume_flow(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#else /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnc_resume_flow()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnc_resume_flow */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* IAC SB COM_PORT FLOWCONTROL_RESUME IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int i = 0, rc;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_resume_flow","begin",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnproto != NP_TELNET) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_SSLToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_START_TLS).start_tls.me_follows) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_SSL */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SB; /* Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TELOPT_COMPORT; /* ComPort */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = TNC_C2S_FLOW_RESUME;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) IAC; /* End of Subnegotiation */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. sb_out[i++] = (CHAR) SE; /* marked by IAC SE */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (deblog || tn_deb || debses) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ckmakmsg(tn_msg_out,TN_MSG_LEN,Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. "TELNET SENT SB ",TELOPT(TELOPT_COMPORT),Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. " FLOWCONTROL-RESUME IAC SE", NULL);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. RequestTelnetMutex( SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef DEBUGToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F100,tn_msg_out,"",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (tn_deb || debses) tn_debug(tn_msg_out);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* DEBUG */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = (ttol((CHAR *)sb_out,i) < 0); /* Send it. */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef OS2Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. ReleaseTelnetMutex();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endifToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tnc_resume_flow","end",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnsetflow(int nflow)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnsetflow(nflow) int nflow;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnsetflow */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int rc = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnsetflow","begin",nflow);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB || ttnproto != NP_TELNET)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch(nflow) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FLO_XONX:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_oflow(Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TNC_CTL_OFLOW_XON_XOFFToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc >= 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_iflow(Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TNC_CTL_IFLOW_XON_XOFFToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FLO_RTSC:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_oflow(Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TNC_CTL_OFLOW_RTS_CTSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc >= 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_iflow(Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TNC_CTL_IFLOW_RTS_CTSToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FLO_KEEP:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* leave things exactly as they are */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FLO_NONE:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FLO_DIAL: /* dialing hack */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FLO_DIAX: /* cancel dialing hack */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_oflow(Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TNC_CTL_OFLOW_NONEToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc >= 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_iflow(Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. TNC_CTL_IFLOW_NONEToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. );Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FLO_DTRC:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FLO_ETXA:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FLO_STRG:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case FLO_DTRT:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* not supported */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnsetflow","end",rc);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(rc >= 0 ? 0 : -1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnsettings(int par, int stop)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnsettings(par, stop) int par, stop;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnsettings */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int rc = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int datasize = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. extern int hwparity;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnsettings begin","par",par);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnsettings begin","stop",stop);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB || ttnproto != NP_TELNET)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. datasize = par ? TNC_DS_7 : TNC_DS_8;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (!par) par = hwparity;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch (par) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 'e':Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_parity(TNC_PAR_EVEN);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc >= 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_datasize(datasize);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 'o':Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_parity(TNC_PAR_ODD);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc >= 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_datasize(datasize);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 'm':Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_parity(TNC_PAR_MARK);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc >= 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_datasize(datasize);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 's':Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_parity(TNC_PAR_SPACE);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc >= 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_datasize(datasize);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 0:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 'n':Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_parity(TNC_PAR_NONE);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc >= 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_datasize(datasize);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* no change */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. switch(stop) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 2:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc >= 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_stopsize(TNC_SB_2);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. case 1:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc >= 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_stopsize(TNC_SB_1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. break;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. default:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. /* no change */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc >= 0)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnsettings","end",rc);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return((rc >= 0) ? 0 : -1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* T N G M D M -- Telnet Get modem signals */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./*Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Looks for the modem signals CTS, DSR, and CTS, and returns those that areToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. on in as its return value, in a bit mask as described for ttwmdm.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Returns:Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. -3 Not implementedToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. -2 if the line does not have modem controlToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. -1 on error.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. >= 0 on success, with a bit mask containing the modem signals that are on.Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.*/Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tngmdm(void)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tngmdm()Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tngmdm */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int rc = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F110,"tngmdm","begin",0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB || ttnproto != NP_TELNET)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int modemstate = tnc_get_ms();Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int modem = 0;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (modemstate & TNC_MS_CTS_SIG)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. modem |= BM_CTS;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (modemstate & TNC_MS_DSR_SIG)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. modem |= BM_DSR;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (modemstate & TNC_MS_RI_SIG)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. modem |= BM_RNG;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (modemstate & TNC_MS_RLSD_SIG)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. modem |= BM_DCD;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tngmdm","end",modem);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(modem);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. } else {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tngmdm","end",-2);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-2);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.intToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#ifdef CK_ANSICToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnsndb(long wait)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#elseToo many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.tnsndb(wait) long wait;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* CK_ANSIC */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations./* tnsndb */ {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. int rc = -1;Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnsndb","begin",wait);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (ttnet != NET_TCPB || ttnproto != NP_TELNET)Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return(-1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_COMPORT)) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_break_state(1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. if (rc >= 0) {Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. msleep(wait); /* ZZZzzz */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. rc = tnc_set_break_state(0);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. }Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. debug(F111,"tnsndb","end",rc);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. return((rc >= 0) ? 0 : -1);Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.}Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* TN_COMPORT */Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks 12 of 389 configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.#endif /* TNCODE */