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# frozen_string_literal: true

# CanCan has some default aliases and matchers:
# :all matches any object
# :manage matches any action
# :read is an alias for [:index, :show]
# We alias :create, :read, :update, :destroy to :crud
# We use some symbols to refer to things which don't otherwise have a model to refer to.
# These are generally used for admin specific functionality and generally with just :manage or
# :show as an action
# :admin_functions - Admin specific pages
# :all_schools - All schools on site, include those that arenot visible
# :funders - all funders
# :geocoding - Geocoding/location objects on school details form
# :parent_calendars - Parent calendars
# :read_invisible_schools - whether to show invisible schools on school index page. Admin only
# When we call `load_and_authorize_resource` in a controller CanCan will check whether the user can access
# the controller action before it is called. This includes not only the CRUD methods but also any custom
# method.
# So, for example, in order for any user to be able to access the ActivityType search page we need to grant:
# ```
# can :search, ActivityType
# ```
# So some of the actions given below actually map to controller actions. But others are custom actions used in
# specific parts of the code, usually in controllers or templates to manage access to other fine-grained functionality
# :change_data_enabled - can enable/disable data enabled features for a school. Admin only
# :change_data_processing - can enabled/disable data processing. Admin only
# :change_public - can make school public or private. Admin only
# :change_visibility - can change visibility of school. Admin only
# :configure - can update configuration for a school. Admin only
# :download_school_data - can download school meter and related data
# :expert_analyse - can access internal 'expert analysis' pages. Admin only
# :manage_users - can manage users
# :manage_solar_feed_configuration - can manage solar data feeds. Admin only
# :manage_school_times - can manage school open/close times
# :my_school_menu - can see 'my school' menu when logged in
# :read_dashboard_menu - can see pupil/adult dashboard buttons on school pages.
# :read_restricted_advice - can access tariff/costs pages.
# :read_restricted_analysis - can access restricted analysis (costs). Obsolete?
# :regenerate_school_data - can access functionality to regenerate a school. Admin only
# :remove_school - can remove/archive a School. Admin only
# :show_management_dash - whether to show prompts and messages on dashboard (see Promptable), whether to
# show print view, plus whether to show other data enabled features on school dashboards. Access to dashboard itself is
# covered by :show
# :show_pupils_dash - can view pupil dashboard link. Adult dashboard just uses :show
# :start_programme - can start a programme for a school.
# :validate_meters - can validate meter data for a school. Admin only
# :view_advice_pages - can access old analysis pages. Admin only
# :view_content_reports - can view admin only reports from overnight jobs
# :view_dcc_data - can view DCC debug detail for school meters. Admin only
# :view_target_data - can see debug for targets feature. Admin only
# :compare - can compare schools in this group. Used to add/remove links to compare functionality
# But also used to control access to school group page with data.
# :update_settings - can use manage settings (chart prefs, clusters) for school group. But also used to gate
# access to viewing clusters on school group dashboard. Also used to decide whether to show sub navbar on some pages
# :grant_consent - can grant consent for a meter. Admin only
# :report_on - can view data report for a Meter. Admin only
# :view_inventory - can view DCC meter inventory. Admin only
# :view_meter_attributes - can view meter attributes for a Meter. Admin only
# :view_tariff_reports - can view summary of tariffs for a meter. Admin only
# :withdraw_consent - can withdrawn consent for a meter. Admin only
# Other objects and functionality is covered by the CanCan default operations, e.g. CRUD, show, index, manage
class Ability
  include CanCan::Ability

  def initialize(user)
    user ||= # guest user (not logged in)
    alias_action :create, :read, :update, :destroy, to: :crud

    # All users can do these things
    can :read, Activity, school: { visible: true }
    can %i[read recommended], [ActivityCategory, InterventionTypeGroup]
    can %i[read search for_school], [ActivityType, InterventionType]

    can :read, SchoolGroup

    # Allow anyone to compare schools in public school group. The actual schools that are shown
    # are filtered based on whether user can :show the school
    can :compare, SchoolGroup, public: true

    can %i[index read_dashboard_menu], School

    # Anyone can view any visible school whose data sharing is set to public
    can %i[show show_pupils_dash], School, visible: true, data_sharing: :public

    can :live_data, Cad, visible: true, public: true
    can :read, Scoreboard, public: true

    can :read, [FindOutMore, Observation, TransportSurvey, TransportSurvey::Response, ProgrammeType, SchoolTarget]

    can :manage, Location, school_id: user.school_id

    if user.guest?
      cannot :manage, Location
      can :read, Location

    if user.admin? ||
      can :manage, :all
      cannot :read, :my_school_menu
    elsif user.school_admin? || user.group_admin?
      if user.group_admin?
        # Group users are associated with a school group. This scope is used when checking abilities
        # for objects that are associated with same SchoolGroup
        school_scope = { school_group_id: user.school_group_id, visible: true }
        # This scope is used when checking for abilities on objects that are associated with a school.
        # We check to ensure that the school is in the same group as the user
        related_school_scope = { school: { school_group_id: user.school_group_id } }
        can %i[show compare show_management_dash update_settings], SchoolGroup, id: user.school_group_id
        can :manage, SchoolGroupCluster, school_group_id: user.school_group_id
        can :manage, EnergyTariff, tariff_holder: user.school_group
        can :manage, EnergyTariff, related_school_scope

        # Calendars and CalendarEvents aren't associated with schools or groups, so check whether the
        # calender is associated with the group
        can [:show, :update], Calendar do |calendar|
        can :manage, CalendarEvent do |calendar_event|
        # A group admin can manage onboarding for any school in their group
        # The onboarding must be associated with the group
        can :manage, SchoolOnboarding do |onboarding|
          onboarding.school_group.present? && user.school_group == onboarding.school_group
        # School admin users are associated with a school. This scope is used when checking abilities
        # on that school
        school_scope = { id: user.school_id, visible: true }
        # This scope is used when checking for abilities on objects that are associated with a school.
        # We check to ensure that the school is the same as that associated with the user
        related_school_scope = { school_id: user.school_id }
        # Calendars and CalendarEvents aren't associated with schools or groups, so check whether linked to the
        # school
        can %i[show update], Calendar, id:
        can :manage, CalendarEvent, calendar_id:

        # School admins can manage an onboarding if not yet started, or if they are in process of
        # completing it
        can :manage, SchoolOnboarding do |onboarding|
          onboarding.created_user.blank? || (onboarding.created_user == user)
        # Show the my school menu
        can :read, :my_school_menu
        can :switch, School
        can :manage, EnergyTariff, tariff_holder:

      # Some group admins have been linked to schools, so that they can get alerts, so this
      # applies to both types of user currently
        # Extend default permission to see visible schools with public data to also add permission to
        # view visible schools in the same group that have data sharing set to be 'within_group'
        can %i[show show_pupils_dash], School,
            { data_sharing: :within_group, school_group_id:, visible: true }

        # Can compare own school group, even if not public
        can :compare, SchoolGroup, { id:, public: false }
        # Can see messages on school group dashboard for their group
        can :show_management_dash, SchoolGroup, { id: }

      # Permissions for both school and group admins. These use the scopes defined above so work regardless of
      # type of user
      can %i[
        show show_pupils_dash update manage_school_times manage_users
        show_management_dash read start_programme read_restricted_analysis read_restricted_advice
      ], School, school_scope

      can :manage, [EstimatedAnnualConsumption, SchoolTarget, Activity, Contact, Observation, TransportSurvey],
      can :manage, TransportSurvey::Response, transport_survey: related_school_scope

      can :show, Cad, related_school_scope
      can :read, Scoreboard, public: false, id: user.default_scoreboard.try(:id)
      can %i[index read], ConsentGrant, related_school_scope
      can %i[index create read update], [ConsentDocument, Meter], related_school_scope
      can :crud, Programme, related_school_scope

      can :activate, Meter, { active: false }.merge(related_school_scope)
      can :deactivate, Meter, { active: true }.merge(related_school_scope)
      can %i[destroy delete], Meter, related_school_scope
      cannot [:destroy, :delete], Meter do |meter|

      can :manage, User, related_school_scope
      can(:manage, User) { |other_user| other_user.cluster_schools.include?( }

      cannot :delete, User do |other_user| ==

      can %i[show read index], Audit, related_school_scope
      can :download_school_data, School, school_scope
    elsif user.staff? || user.volunteer? || user.pupil?
      # abilities that give you access to dashboards for own school
      school_scope = { id: user.school_id, visible: true }
      can %i[show show_pupils_dash show_management_dash], School, school_scope

      # Extend default permission to see visible schools with public data to also add permission to
      # view visible schools in the same group that have data sharing set to be 'within_group'
      can %i[show show_pupils_dash], School,
          { data_sharing: :within_group, school_group_id:, visible: true }

      can :compare, SchoolGroup, { id: }
      can :show_management_dash, SchoolGroup, { id: }

      can %i[show read index], Audit, school: { id: user.school_id, visible: true }

      can :manage, [Activity, Observation], school: { id: user.school_id, visible: true }
      can :read, Scoreboard, public: false, id: user.default_scoreboard.try(:id)
      can :read, [:my_school_menu]
      can :download_school_data, School, school_scope
      can :read, Meter
      can [:start_programme], School, id: user.school_id, visible: true
      # pupils can view management dashboard for their school and others in group
      if user.pupil?
        can :show_management_dash, School, id: user.school_id, visible: true
        can %i[start read update create], TransportSurvey, related_school_scope
        can %i[read create], TransportSurvey::Response, transport_survey: related_school_scope
      # pupils and volunteers can only read real cost data if their school is set to share data publicly
      if user.volunteer? || user.pupil?
        can %i[read_restricted_analysis read_restricted_advice], School,
            { id: user.school_id, visible: true, data_sharing: :public }
        # but staff can read it regardless
        can %i[read_restricted_analysis read_restricted_advice], School, { id: user.school_id, visible: true }
      if user.staff? || user.volunteer?
        can :manage, [SchoolTarget, EstimatedAnnualConsumption], school: { id: user.school_id, visible: true }
        can :start_programme, School, id: user.school_id, visible: true
        can :crud, Programme, school: { id: user.school_id, visible: true }
        can :enable_alerts, User, id:
        can %i[create update destroy], Contact, user_id:
        can :manage, TransportSurvey, school: { id: user.school_id, visible: true }
        can :manage, TransportSurvey::Response, transport_survey: { school: { id: user.school_id, visible: true } }
    elsif user.guest?
      # Users who are not yet signed in, or registered can begin onboarding
      can :manage, SchoolOnboarding, created_user_id: nil
    elsif user.school_onboarding?
      # Users who are still onboarding can manage their in-progress SchoolOnboarding
      can :manage, SchoolOnboarding do |onboarding|
        onboarding.created_user == user || onboarding.created_user.nil?