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<% content_for :page_title, 'Unvalidated readings report' %>

<h1>Unvalidated readings report</h1>

This form can be used to generate a report from the unvalidated meter data. This includes all of the
raw data loaded into the system over the last few years.

Add one or more MPANs/MPRNs into the box below, one per line. Then run the report.

If the MPANs/MPRNs are found then you'll get a table that lists the meter associated with that
meter (if any) and one row for each data feed config used to load data for that meter, along with the
earliest and latest reading dates. This is necessary because data is received by multiple routes.

The results are sorted by the entered MPAN list order, then DESCENDING order of latest reading date.

It's possible for this report to break if the raw readings have been loaded with an incorrect date format.
If you get an error add a Trello card indicating which MPANs you were trying to view.

<%= simple_form_for :mpans, url: admin_reports_unvalidated_readings_path, method: "GET", html: { class: 'form' } do |f| %>
  <%= :amr_data_feed_config_id, options_for_select(AmrDataFeedConfig.all.order(description: :asc).pluck(:description, :id), params.dig(:mpans,'amr_data_feed_config_id')), { include_blank: 'All data feed configs' }, { class: 'form-control' } %>
  <%= f.input :list, as: :text, input_html: {'rows' => 20, 'cols' => 10, value: params[:mpans].present? ? params[:mpans]["list"]: ''} %>
  <%= f.submit "Run report", class: "btn btn-primary" %>
  <%= f.submit "Download CSV", class: "btn", formaction:admin_reports_unvalidated_readings_path(format: :csv) %>
<% end %>

<% if @report.any? %>
  <table class="advice-table mt-4 table table-sm">
        <th>Config identifier</th>
        <th>Config name</th>
        <th>Earliest reading</th>
        <th>Latest reading</th>
      <% @report.each do |row| %>
          <td><%= row['mpan_mprn'] %></td>
          <td><%= row['identifier'] %></td>
          <td><%= row['description'] %></td>
          <td><%= row['earliest_reading'] %></td>
          <td><%= row['latest_reading'] %></td>
      <% end %>
<% end %>