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<% content_for :page_title, 'Target data report' %>

<h1>Target data report for <%= %></h1>

The following table summarises which fuel types have sufficient data for us to
generate targets for this school.

Where there is enough calendar and AMR data we should be able to generate both
their targets and a progress report.

Is the targets feature enabled for this school?: <strong><%= @school.enable_targets_feature? %></strong>

<% if @school.enable_targets_feature? && @school.has_current_target? %>
    This school currently has a target set, you can <%= link_to "view their target and progress", school_school_targets_path(@school) %>
<% end %>

<table class="table">
      <th>Fuel Type</th>
      <th>Enough holidays?</th>
      <th>Enough temperature data?</th>
      <th>Enough readings?</th>
      <th>Estimate required?</th>
      <th>Estimate set?</th>
    <%= render 'row', fuel_type: 'Electricity', service: @electricity_service %>
    <%= render 'row', fuel_type: 'Gas', service: @gas_service %>
    <%= render 'row', fuel_type: 'Storage heaters', service: @storage_heater_service %>