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Metadata middleware
Annotates each request with all the relevant information from the Swagger definition.  The path, the operation, the parameters, the security requirements - they're all easily accessible at `req.swagger`.

This example uses the [PetStore.yaml]( sample Swagger API.  If you aren't familiar with using middleware in Express.js, then [read this first](

const util = require('util');
const express = require('express');
const createMiddleware = require('@apidevtools/swagger-express-middleware');

let app = express();

createMiddleware('PetStore.yaml', app, function(err, middleware) {
    // Add the Metadata middleware to the Express app

    // Add middleware to display the Swagger metadata as HTML
    app.use(function(req, res, next) {
        res.send(util.format('<h1>%s has %d parameters</h1><pre>%s</pre>',

    app.listen(8000, function() {
        console.log('Go to http://localhost:8000/pets/Fido/photos/12345');

Run the above example and then try browsing to [http://localhost:8000/pets/Fido](http://localhost:8000/pets/Fido) and [http://localhost:8000/pets/Fido/photos/12345](http://localhost:8000/pets/Fido/photos/12345).  You will see different metadata for each path.

### `middleware.metadata(router)`
This is the function you call to create the metadata middleware.

* __router__ (_optional_) - `express.App` or `express.Router`<br>
An [Express Application]( or [Router]( that will be used to determine settings (such as case-sensitivity and strict routing).
All Swagger Express Middleware modules accept this optional first parameter. Rather than passing it to each middleware, you can just pass it to the [createMiddleware function](../exports/ (as shown in the example above) and all middleware will use it.

### `req.swagger`
A `swagger` property is added to the [Request object](  It's an object with the following properties:

| Property         | Type             | Description |
| `api`            | [Swagger Object]( | The complete Swagger API object. If the Swagger API has a `basePath` and the current request is not within that path, then this property is `null`.
| `pathName`       | string           | The Swagger path that corresponds to the current HTTP request. If the current request does not match any paths in the Swagger API, then this property is an empty string.<br><br> For example, the "_/pets/{petName}/photos/{id}_" Swagger path would match a request to "_/pets/Fido/photos/123_".
| `path`           | [Path Object]( | The Swagger path object that corresponds to the current HTTP request, or `null` if the request does not match any path in the Swagger API.
| `operation`      | [Operation Object]( | The Swagger operation object that corresponds to the current HTTP request, or `null` if the request does not match any operation in the Swagger API.
| `params`         | array of [Parameter Objects]( | The Swagger parameter objects that correspond to the current HTTP request. The array is empty if there are no parameters. These are just the parameter _definitions_ from the API, not the _values_ for the current request. See the [Parse Request middleware]( for parameter values.
| `security`       | array of [Security Requirement Objects]( | The security requirement objects that correspond to the current HTTP request.  The array is empty if there are no security requirements. These are just the security _definitions_ from the API, not any validated or authenticated values. See the [Validate Request middleware]( for security validation.