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Mock middleware
__Fully-functional mock__ implementations for every operation in your API, including data persistence, all with __zero code!__  This is a great way to test-drive your API as you write it, or for quick demos and POCs.  You can even extend the mock middleware with your own logic and data to fill in any gaps.

> **NOTE:** The Mock middleware is _not_ intended to be a 100% perfect implementation of every possible Swagger API.  It makes intelligent guesses about the _intended_ behavior of your API based on [good RESTful API design principles](, but sometimes those guesses can be incorrect.  Don't worry though, it's really easy to enhance, alter, or even replace the [default behavior](#default-behavior) with your own [custom behavior](#customizing-behavior).

For some examples (and explanations) of the Mock middleware in action, see the [Sample 1 walkthrough](../walkthroughs/ and [Sample 2 walkthrough](../walkthroughs/

const express = require('express');
const createMiddleware = require('@apidevtools/swagger-express-middleware');

let app = express();

createMiddleware('PetStore.yaml', app, function(err, middleware) {

    app.listen(8000, function() {
        console.log('POST some data to http://localhost:8000/pets');

### `middleware.mock(router, dataStore)`
This is the function you call to create the Mock middleware.

* __router__ (_optional_) - `express.App` or `express.Router`<br>
An [Express Application]( or [Router]( that will be used to determine settings (such as case-sensitivity and strict routing).
All Swagger Express Middleware modules accept this optional first parameter. Rather than passing it to each middleware, you can just pass it to the [createMiddleware function](../exports/ (as shown in the example above) and all middleware will use it.

* __dataStore__ (_optional_) - `DataStore object`<br>
By default, the Mock middleware creates a new [MemoryDataStore](../exports/ instance, which stores mock data as an in-memory array.  But this parameter allows you to specify your own `DataStore` object to use instead.  Maybe you alrady have a `MemoryDataStore` object that's pre-populated with sample data.  Or maybe you want to use a [FileDataStore](../exports/ instead.  Or perhaps you want to create your own custom class that inherits from the [DataStore abstract class](../exports/ and saves data to a SQL database or third-party web service.

The Mock middleware requires the following middleware to come before it in the middleware pipeline:

* [Metadata middleware](
* [Parse Request middleware](
* [Validate Request middleware](

Default Behavior
The Mock middleware's behavior varies greatly depending on the HTTP request and the structure of your Swagger API.  At a high level, the logic consists of __three steps__:

1. [Determine if it's a collection or resource operation](#1-determine-if-its-a-collection-or-resource-operation)
2. [Perform the corresponding action for the HTTP method](#2-perform-the-corresponding-action-for-the-http-method)
3. [Send the response](#3-send-the-response)

### 1) Determine if it's a collection or resource operation
Two fundamental concepts in RESTful API are [resources and collections](  Put simply, resources are the _things_ in your API &mdash; the users, the products, the orders, etc. &mdash; and collections are _groups_ of those things &mdash; all the products in your database, all the orders for a user, etc.  Every REST operation is either operating on a resource or a collection of resources, so the first thing the Mock middleware does is determine which one.

To determine this, it compares the _response_ schema of your `GET` or `HEAD` operation to the _request_ schema of your `POST`, `PUT`, or `PATCH` operation.  If the response schema is an `array`, or an `object` with an `array` property that matches your request schema, then the path is considered a collection path; otherwise, it's considered a resource path.  For example, the [Swagger Pet Store API]( has five paths defined:

* __/pets__<br>
Has a `get` operation with an `array` response schema, therefore it's a collection path. You can `get` multiple pets from the collection, `delete` multiple pets from the collection, and `post` a new pet to the collection.

* __/pets/{petName}__<br>
Has a `get` operation with an `object` response schema, therefore it's a resource path. You can `get` a specific pet, `delete` a specific pet, or `patch` (update) a specific pet.

* __/pets/{petName}/photos__<br>
Has a `get` operation with an `array` response schema, therefore it's a collection path. You can `get` all photos for a specific pet, or `post` a new photo for a specific pet.

* __/pets/{petName}/photos/{id}__<br>
Has a `get` operation with an `file` response schema, therefore it's a resource path. You can `get` a specific photo or `delete` a specific photo.

* __/__<br>
This is the root URL of the API.  It has a `get` operation with an `file` response schema, therefore it's a resource path. You can `get` the homepage (which is the _index.html_ file)

But what if your API has a path _without_ a `GET` operation?  Or what if your `GET` operation _doesn't_ have a response schema? In this case, the Mock middleware tries to guess whether it's a collection or resource path based on the path parameters.  If the final path segment contains a path parameter, then it's assumed to be a resource path; otherwise, it's a collection path.  For example, if the [Swagger Pet Store API]( didn't have any `get` operations for any of its paths, then they would be categorized like this, based on their path parameters:

* __Collections:__<br>
`/pets`, `/pets/{petName}/photos`, and `/` (the root URL) would all be considered collection paths becasue they do not end with parameters.

* __Resources:__<br>
`/pets/{petName}` and `/pets/{petName}/photos/{id}` would both be considered resource paths becasue they end with parameters.

> **NOTE:** This algorithm may be enhanced with additional logic over time.  If you have any ideas for ways to improve the algorithm, please [let me know](

### 2) Perform the corresponding action for the HTTP method
This is where the [CRUD](,_read,_update_and_delete) happens.  Each HTTP method corresponds to a CRUD action, though the action varies depending on whether this is a resource operation or a collection operation.

##### Resources

| HTTP Method | CRUD action
| `GET`       | Returns the resource.  If no data exists, then an [HTTP 404 (Not Found)]( error is sent.
| `HEAD`      | The same as `GET`, except that only the HTTP headers are sent.  No body content is sent.
| `POST`      | Creates or updates a resource.
| `PATCH`     | The same as `POST`.
| `PUT`       | The same as `PATCH`, except that when updating an existing resource, the old data is completely overwritten with the new data, rather than merging the data.
| `DELETE`    | Delete the resource
| `OPTIONS`   | `OPTIONS` is usually reserved for CORS preflight requests.  If you're _not_ using the [CORS middleware](, then `OPTIONS` is treated the same as `GET`

##### Collections

| HTTP Method | CRUD action
| `GET`       | Returns all resources in the collection.  If your API has `query` parameters, they can be used to filter the results (e.g. _/pets?age=4&type=dog_)
| `HEAD`      | The same as `GET`, except that only the HTTP headers are sent.  No body content is sent.
| `POST`      | Adds new resources to the collection. The URL of the new resource is determined by its [primary key](#how-primary-keys-are-determined). For example, a `POST` request to "_/pets_" with the data `{name: 'Fido', type: 'dog'}` will create a new resource at the URL "_/pets/Fido_" (since the `name` property is the primary key)
| `PATCH`     | The same as `POST`.  Adds new resources or updates existing resources.
| `PUT`       | The same as `PATCH`, except that when updating existing resources, the old data is completely overwritten with the new data, rather than merging the data.
| `DELETE`    | Deletes all resources in the collection.   If your API has `query` parameters, they can be used to limit which resources get deleted (e.g. _/pets?age=4&type=dog_)
| `OPTIONS`   | `OPTIONS` is usually reserved for CORS preflight requests.  If you're _not_ using the [CORS middleware](, then `OPTIONS` is treated the same as `GET`

##### How data is stored
The Mock middleware uses a [DataStore](../exports/ object to store its data.  Each resource is saved as a [Resource](../exports/ object.

##### How files are stored
If your Swagger API has `file` parameters, then the uploaded files are stored in your operating system's temporary directory, with random, unique file names.  You can change the default directory, and even the file-naming algorithm using the [Parse Request middleware's]( options.

Swagger Express Middleware uses [Multer]( to handle file uploads, so for each `file` parameter in your API, there will be a corresponding [Multer file object]( in `req.files`.  This object contains detailed information about the file, such as the original file name, its size, MIME type, etc.

##### How primary keys are determined
Every [REST resource]( is uniquely identified by a URL.  When resources are created by a `PUT`, `PATCH`, or `POST` to a _resource_ path (such as _/pets/{petName}_), the resource's URL is obvious. `PUT /pets/Fido` creates a resource at _/pets/Fido_.

But when resources are created by a `PUT`, `PATCH`, or `POST` to a _collection_ path (such as _/pets_), the Mock middleware needs to determine the resource URL.  It does this by trying to determine the primary key of the data model.  This consists of the following logic, _in order_.  As soon as a primary key is found, the rest of the steps are skipped.

1. __Data type__<br>
If your data is a simple data type, such as a string, number, boolean, or date, then the value itself is the primary key.

2. __Property names__<br>
If your data model is an object, then the Mock middleware will look for any property that is usually a primary key, such as `id`, `key`, `code`, `number`, `num`, `nbr`, `username`, `name`, etc.  If the data has more than one of these properties, then it chooses the one that is most likely to be the primary key (for example, it will choose `id` over `name`). Also, it will ignore any properties that aren't simple data types (string, number, boolean, or date).

3. __Required properties__<br>
If your Swagger API specifies any required properties for your data model, then the Mock middleware will use the _first_ required property that is a simple data type (string, number, boolean, or date).

4. __File name__<br>
If the operation has a _single_ file parameter, then the file name is used as the primary key.

If a primary key is found, then it is used as the resource's URL.  If the primary key property has no value, then a random, unique value is generated for it, according to the property's data type.  If _no_ primary key is found at all, then a random value is generated and used as the resource's URL.

For an example of all this in action, see the [Sample 1 walkthrough](../walkthroughs/  When you `POST` to the the _/pets_ path, the pet's `name` property is used for the resource URL (e.g. _/pets/Fido_).   When you `POST` a photo to the _/pets/{petName}/photos_ path, the `id` parameter is used as the resource URL (e.g. _/pets/Fido/photos/12345_).  But the `id` parameter is optional, so if you don't specify it, then a random, unique ID is generated.

### 3) Send the response
The final step to the Mock middleware is sending a response back to the client.  It uses your Swagger API definition to determine the status code, headers, and content-type of the response.

### How the status code is set
Each operation in your Swagger API can have multiple responses defined &mdash; one for each HTTP status code, plus a "default" response.  If you define any 2XX or 3XX responses, then the Mock middleware will use the lowest one as the status code.  If you only have a "default" response defined, then it will use HTTP status code that is most appropriate.  For `POST` and `PUT` operations, it will use [HTTP 201 (Created)](  For `DELETE` operations that have no response schema, it will use [HTTP 204 (No Content)](  For everything else, it uses an [HTTP 200 (OK)](

> **NOTE:** If your Swagger API doesn't ave any 2XX or 3XX responses, and no "default" response, then the Mock will use the first status code it finds, which might be an error code.

> **TIP:** If you set the HTTP status code yourself using custom middleware, then the Mock middleware will use that code as long as it corresponds to a response in the Swagger API. This is useful if you have multiple 2XX responses defined, and you have custom logic that determines which one is sent.

### How response headers are set
If your Swagger API includes response headers, then the Mock middleware will set them.  If you specify a `default` value for the header, then that value will be used.  If you _don't_ specify a `default`, then the Mock middleware will set the value as follows:

* `Last-Modified`<br>
Is set to the date/time that the resource was last modified.

* `Location`<br>
Is set to the resource's URL.  This is especially useful when POSTing new resources to a collection path, since it lets the client know the URL of the newly-created resource.

* `Content-Disposition`<br>
Is set to `attachment` with a file name that corresponds to the resource URL.

* `Set-Cookie`<br>
Sets a cookie named "_swagger_" with a random, unique value.  If the "_swagger_" cookie already exists, then its existing value is used instead.  This makes it easy to use `Set-Cookie` in your API for cookie-based tokens.

* __Anything else__<br>
A random value is generated, based on the data type of the header.

> **TIP:** You can set response headers yourself using custom middleware.  The Mock middleware won't set any headers that already have values.

### How the content-type is set
The response body and `Conent-Type` header are determined by the response schema in your Swagger API.  If there is no response schema at all, then an empty response is sent.  If there _is_ a response schema then its `type` property determines what is sent.

* `object` or `array`<br>
The response body is sent as JSON.  The `Content-Type` header is set to `application/json` unless your API includes a different JSON MIME type in the `produces` list (such as `text/json`, `application/x-web-app-manifest+json`, etc.)

* `file`<br>
The file contents are sent as the response body, and the `Content-Type` header is determined by the file type.  If `res.body` is a [Buffer]( object, then the buffer contents are sent as the response body, and the `Content-Type` header is set to `application/octet-stream` unless your API includes a different MIME type in the `produces` list.

* __Anything else__<br>
The response body is sent as plain text, and the `Content-Type` header is set to `text/plain` unless your API includes a different MIME type in the `produces` list (such as `text/html`, `text/css`, `application/xml`, etc.)

Customizing Behavior
The Mock middleware examines your Swagger API, determines what it thinks is the _intended_ behavior, and then performs that behavior.  This includes sending a response to the client, which ends the request.  For this reason, it usually makes sense for the Mock middleware to come __last__ in your app's middleware pipeline.  So if it's the last middleware in the pipeline, then how are you supposed to add additional custom logic?  There are a few different ways:

### Default and example responses
The Mock middleware is pretty good at figuring out the right response to send.  Most REST operations operate on one or more [Resources](../exports/, so by default, the Mock middleware will send one or all of those resources (depending on whether your response schema is an `object` or `array`).  But sometimes no REST resource exists, so the Mock middleware has nothing to send.  When this happens, it normally sends an [HTTP 404 (Not Found)]( error.

But you can change that.  Rather than sending back a 404, you might want to send back some other value.  Perhaps your own custom error object, or maybe a friendly message with instructions, or maybe just a default value.  You can do this by specifying a `default` or `example` value on your response schema.  For example:

          description: If the requested pet doesn't exist, then the Fido will be sent
            type: object
              name: Fido
              type: dog
              dob: 2000-04-16
                - furry
                - brown

### Modifying the request
All Express apps use a middleware pipeline.  Any middleware in the pipeline can modify the [Request object](, and other middleware later in the pipeline will get the modified object.  You can do the same thing with the Mock middleware.

For example, if your data model has a primary key that is _not_ specified by the client, then the Mock middleware normally [generates a random unique value](../walkthroughs/ for the key.  But what if the random value isn't good enough for you?  Maybe you have a specific algorithm for determining the key, or maybe it needs to be formatted a certain way.  In this case, the answer is to simply add your own middleware to set the key yourself. You can modify the Request object so that when it gets to the Mock middleware, the key is already set to whatever value you want.  Here's an example:

// Set the photo's ID using a custom algorithm'/pets/:petName/photos', function(req, res, next) { = myCustomIdAlgorithm();

// Make sure the Mock middleware comes *after* your middleware

### Modifying the response
Just like you can modify the [Request object]( in your own middleware, you can also modify the [Response object](  For example, you can use [`res.set()`]( to set response headers, and [`res.status()`]( to set the status code.  You can also set the `res.body` property, which will make the Mock middleware send that value as the response rather than whatever it would normally send.  Of course, you could also just send your own response using [`res.send()`](, but that would end the request, so the Mock middleware would never run.  Using `res.body` allows the Mock middleware to run, so it can do all the other things it does, such as updating the [DataStore](../exports/, setting response headers, setting the status code, etc.

Here's an example of using `res.body` to customize the response:

```javascript'/pets', function(req, res, next) {
    // Customize the response body
    res.body = {
        action: 'created',
        date: new Date()

    // Let the Mock middleware save the pet as usual

// Make sure the Mock middleware comes *after* your middleware

### Manipulating the mock data store
The Mock middleware uses a [DataStore](../exports/ object to get and save all of its data.  You can add, delete, or modify data in the data store to change how the Mock middleware behaves.  There's a great example of this in [Sample 2](  It has a custom middleware function to detect when a pet's name changes.  When that happens, it deletes the old pet from the data store and creates a new pet resource at the new URL (since the pet's name is part of the URL).

See the [Sample 2 Walkthrough](../walkthroughs/ for a detailed explanation.

### Skip the Mock middleware
The Mock middleware works pretty well for most standard REST operations, but many REST APIs have a _few_ operations that are atypical or require highly customized behavior.  In these cases, it may be best to simply bypass the Mock middleware entirely and just write your own implementation.  Fortunately the Express middleware pipeline was built with this sort of thing in mind.  Any middleware anywhere in the pipeline can choose _not_ to call `next()`, which skips the rest of the middleware in the pipeline.  So it's very easy for you to add your own implementation for certain operations that bypasses the Mock middleware entirely, while still allowing other operations to be handled by the Mock middleware.

This is also a great technique for developing your API.  You can start-off with the Mock middleware handling _all_ operations in your API, and then start writing your own implementations one-by-one.  Once you have every operation implemented, you can remove the Mock middleware.  Or you can just leave the Mock middleware in place for when you inevitably add new operations to your API later.