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"""IBEA selector"""

Copyright (c) 2016-2022, EPFL/Blue Brain Project

 This file is part of BluePyOpt <>

 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 as published
 by the Free Software Foundation.

 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more

 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

The code in this file was original written in 2015 at the
BlueBrain Project, EPFL, Lausanne
The authors were Werner Van Geit, Michael Gevaert and Jean-Denis Courcol
It is based on a C implementation of the IBEA algorithm in the PISA
optimization framework developed at the ETH, Zurich

import numpy
import random

def selIBEA(population, mu, alpha=None, kappa=.05, tournament_n=4):
    """IBEA Selector"""

    if alpha is None:
        alpha = len(population)

    # Calculate a matrix with the fitness components of every individual
    components = _calc_fitness_components(population, kappa=kappa)

    # Calculate the fitness values
    _calc_fitnesses(population, components)

    # Do the environmental selection
    population[:] = _environmental_selection(population, alpha)

    # Select the parents in a tournament
    parents = _mating_selection(population, mu, tournament_n)

    return parents

def _calc_fitness_components(population, kappa):
    """returns an N * N numpy array of doubles, which is their IBEA fitness """
    # DEAP selector are supposed to maximise the objective values
    # We take the negative objectives because this algorithm will minimise
    population_matrix = numpy.fromiter(
        iter(-x for individual in population
             for x in,
    pop_len = len(population)
    feat_len = len(population[0].fitness.wvalues)
    population_matrix = population_matrix.reshape((pop_len, feat_len))

    # Calculate minimal square bounding box of the objectives
    box_ranges = (numpy.max(population_matrix, axis=0) -
                  numpy.min(population_matrix, axis=0))

    # Replace all possible zeros to avoid division by zero
    # Basically 0/0 is replaced by 0/1
    box_ranges[box_ranges == 0] = 1.0

    components_matrix = numpy.zeros((pop_len, pop_len))
    for i in range(0, pop_len):
        diff = population_matrix - population_matrix[i, :]
        components_matrix[i, :] = numpy.max(
            numpy.divide(diff, box_ranges),

    # Calculate max of absolute value of all elements in matrix
    max_absolute_indicator = numpy.max(numpy.abs(components_matrix))

    # Normalisation
    if max_absolute_indicator != 0:
        components_matrix = numpy.exp(
            (-1.0 / (kappa * max_absolute_indicator)) * components_matrix.T)

    return components_matrix

def _calc_fitnesses(population, components):
    """Calculate the IBEA fitness of every individual"""

    # Calculate sum of every column in the matrix, ignore diagonal elements
    column_sums = numpy.sum(components, axis=0) - numpy.diagonal(components)

    # Fill the 'ibea_fitness' field on the individuals with the fitness value
    for individual, ibea_fitness in zip(population, column_sums):
        individual.ibea_fitness = ibea_fitness

def _choice(seq):
    """Python 2 implementation of choice"""

    return seq[int(random.random() * len(seq))]

def _mating_selection(population, mu, tournament_n):
    """Returns the n_of_parents individuals with the best fitness"""

    parents = []
    for _ in range(mu):
        winner = _choice(population)
        for _ in range(tournament_n - 1):
            individual = _choice(population)
            # Save winner is element with smallest fitness
            if individual.ibea_fitness < winner.ibea_fitness:
                winner = individual

    return parents

def _environmental_selection(population, selection_size):
    """Returns the selection_size individuals with the best fitness"""

    # Sort the individuals based on their fitness
    population.sort(key=lambda ind: ind.ibea_fitness)

    # Return the first 'selection_size' elements
    return population[:selection_size]

__all__ = ['selIBEA']