* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import type {EditorState, SerializedEditorState} from './LexicalEditorState';
import type {
} from './LexicalNode';
import invariant from 'lexical/shared/invariant';
import {$getRoot, $getSelection, TextNode} from '.';
import {FULL_RECONCILE, NO_DIRTY_NODES} from './LexicalConstants';
import {createEmptyEditorState} from './LexicalEditorState';
import {addRootElementEvents, removeRootElementEvents} from './LexicalEvents';
import {$flushRootMutations, initMutationObserver} from './LexicalMutations';
import {LexicalNode} from './LexicalNode';
import {
} from './LexicalUpdates';
import {
} from './LexicalUtils';
import {ArtificialNode__DO_NOT_USE} from './nodes/ArtificialNode';
import {DecoratorNode} from './nodes/LexicalDecoratorNode';
import {LineBreakNode} from './nodes/LexicalLineBreakNode';
import {ParagraphNode} from './nodes/LexicalParagraphNode';
import {RootNode} from './nodes/LexicalRootNode';
import {TabNode} from './nodes/LexicalTabNode';
export type Spread<T1, T2> = Omit<T2, keyof T1> & T1;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export type KlassConstructor<Cls extends GenericConstructor<any>> =
GenericConstructor<InstanceType<Cls>> & {[k in keyof Cls]: Cls[k]};
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
type GenericConstructor<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
export type Klass<T extends LexicalNode> = InstanceType<
> extends T
? T['constructor']
: GenericConstructor<T> & T['constructor'];
export type EditorThemeClassName = string;
export type TextNodeThemeClasses = {
base?: EditorThemeClassName;
bold?: EditorThemeClassName;
code?: EditorThemeClassName;
highlight?: EditorThemeClassName;
italic?: EditorThemeClassName;
strikethrough?: EditorThemeClassName;
subscript?: EditorThemeClassName;
superscript?: EditorThemeClassName;
underline?: EditorThemeClassName;
underlineStrikethrough?: EditorThemeClassName;
[key: string]: EditorThemeClassName | undefined;
export type EditorUpdateOptions = {
onUpdate?: () => void;
skipTransforms?: true;
tag?: string;
discrete?: true;
export type EditorSetOptions = {
tag?: string;
export type EditorFocusOptions = {
defaultSelection?: 'rootStart' | 'rootEnd';
export type EditorThemeClasses = {
blockCursor?: EditorThemeClassName;
characterLimit?: EditorThemeClassName;
code?: EditorThemeClassName;
codeHighlight?: Record<string, EditorThemeClassName>;
hashtag?: EditorThemeClassName;
heading?: {
h1?: EditorThemeClassName;
h2?: EditorThemeClassName;
h3?: EditorThemeClassName;
h4?: EditorThemeClassName;
h5?: EditorThemeClassName;
h6?: EditorThemeClassName;
hr?: EditorThemeClassName;
image?: EditorThemeClassName;
link?: EditorThemeClassName;
list?: {
ul?: EditorThemeClassName;
ulDepth?: Array<EditorThemeClassName>;
ol?: EditorThemeClassName;
olDepth?: Array<EditorThemeClassName>;
checklist?: EditorThemeClassName;
listitem?: EditorThemeClassName;
listitemChecked?: EditorThemeClassName;
listitemUnchecked?: EditorThemeClassName;
nested?: {
list?: EditorThemeClassName;
listitem?: EditorThemeClassName;
ltr?: EditorThemeClassName;
mark?: EditorThemeClassName;
markOverlap?: EditorThemeClassName;
paragraph?: EditorThemeClassName;
quote?: EditorThemeClassName;
root?: EditorThemeClassName;
rtl?: EditorThemeClassName;
table?: EditorThemeClassName;
tableAddColumns?: EditorThemeClassName;
tableAddRows?: EditorThemeClassName;
tableCellActionButton?: EditorThemeClassName;
tableCellActionButtonContainer?: EditorThemeClassName;
tableCellPrimarySelected?: EditorThemeClassName;
tableCellSelected?: EditorThemeClassName;
tableCell?: EditorThemeClassName;
tableCellEditing?: EditorThemeClassName;
tableCellHeader?: EditorThemeClassName;
tableCellResizer?: EditorThemeClassName;
tableCellSortedIndicator?: EditorThemeClassName;
tableResizeRuler?: EditorThemeClassName;
tableRow?: EditorThemeClassName;
tableSelected?: EditorThemeClassName;
text?: TextNodeThemeClasses;
embedBlock?: {
base?: EditorThemeClassName;
focus?: EditorThemeClassName;
indent?: EditorThemeClassName;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
[key: string]: any;
export type EditorConfig = {
disableEvents?: boolean;
namespace: string;
theme: EditorThemeClasses;
export type LexicalNodeReplacement = {
replace: Klass<LexicalNode>;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
with: <T extends {new (...args: any): any}>(
node: InstanceType<T>,
) => LexicalNode;
withKlass?: Klass<LexicalNode>;
export type HTMLConfig = {
export?: DOMExportOutputMap;
import?: DOMConversionMap;
export type CreateEditorArgs = {
disableEvents?: boolean;
editorState?: EditorState;
namespace?: string;
nodes?: ReadonlyArray<Klass<LexicalNode> | LexicalNodeReplacement>;
onError?: ErrorHandler;
parentEditor?: LexicalEditor;
editable?: boolean;
theme?: EditorThemeClasses;
html?: HTMLConfig;
export type RegisteredNodes = Map<string, RegisteredNode>;
export type RegisteredNode = {
klass: Klass<LexicalNode>;
transforms: Set<Transform<LexicalNode>>;
replace: null | ((node: LexicalNode) => LexicalNode);
replaceWithKlass: null | Klass<LexicalNode>;
exportDOM?: (
editor: LexicalEditor,
targetNode: LexicalNode,
) => DOMExportOutput;
export type Transform<T extends LexicalNode> = (node: T) => void;
export type ErrorHandler = (error: Error) => void;
export type MutationListeners = Map<MutationListener, Klass<LexicalNode>>;
export type MutatedNodes = Map<Klass<LexicalNode>, Map<NodeKey, NodeMutation>>;
export type NodeMutation = 'created' | 'updated' | 'destroyed';
export interface MutationListenerOptions {
* Skip the initial call of the listener with pre-existing DOM nodes.
* The default is currently true for backwards compatibility with <= 0.16.1
* but this default is expected to change to false in 0.17.0.
skipInitialization?: boolean;
export type UpdateListener = (arg0: {
dirtyElements: Map<NodeKey, IntentionallyMarkedAsDirtyElement>;
dirtyLeaves: Set<NodeKey>;
editorState: EditorState;
normalizedNodes: Set<NodeKey>;
prevEditorState: EditorState;
tags: Set<string>;
}) => void;
export type DecoratorListener<T = never> = (
decorator: Record<NodeKey, T>,
) => void;
export type RootListener = (
rootElement: null | HTMLElement,
prevRootElement: null | HTMLElement,
) => void;
export type TextContentListener = (text: string) => void;
export type MutationListener = (
nodes: Map<NodeKey, NodeMutation>,
payload: {
updateTags: Set<string>;
dirtyLeaves: Set<string>;
prevEditorState: EditorState;
) => void;
export type CommandListener<P> = (payload: P, editor: LexicalEditor) => boolean;
export type EditableListener = (editable: boolean) => void;
export type CommandListenerPriority = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
export const COMMAND_PRIORITY_LOW = 1;
export const COMMAND_PRIORITY_HIGH = 3;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
export type LexicalCommand<TPayload> = {
type?: string;
* Type helper for extracting the payload type from a command.
* @example
* ```ts
* const MY_COMMAND = createCommand<SomeType>();
* // ...
* editor.registerCommand(MY_COMMAND, payload => {
* // Type of `payload` is inferred here. But lets say we want to extract a function to delegate to
* handleMyCommand(editor, payload);
* return true;
* });
* function handleMyCommand(editor: LexicalEditor, payload: CommandPayloadType<typeof MY_COMMAND>) {
* // `payload` is of type `SomeType`, extracted from the command.
* }
* ```
export type CommandPayloadType<TCommand extends LexicalCommand<unknown>> =
TCommand extends LexicalCommand<infer TPayload> ? TPayload : never;
type Commands = Map<
type Listeners = {
decorator: Set<DecoratorListener>;
mutation: MutationListeners;
editable: Set<EditableListener>;
root: Set<RootListener>;
textcontent: Set<TextContentListener>;
update: Set<UpdateListener>;
export type Listener =
| DecoratorListener
| EditableListener
| MutationListener
| RootListener
| TextContentListener
| UpdateListener;
export type ListenerType =
| 'update'
| 'root'
| 'decorator'
| 'textcontent'
| 'mutation'
| 'editable';
export type TransformerType = 'text' | 'decorator' | 'element' | 'root';
type IntentionallyMarkedAsDirtyElement = boolean;
type DOMConversionCache = Map<
Array<(node: Node) => DOMConversion | null>
export type SerializedEditor = {
editorState: SerializedEditorState;
export function resetEditor(
editor: LexicalEditor,
prevRootElement: null | HTMLElement,
nextRootElement: null | HTMLElement,
pendingEditorState: EditorState,
): void {
const keyNodeMap = editor._keyToDOMMap;
editor._editorState = createEmptyEditorState();
editor._pendingEditorState = pendingEditorState;
editor._compositionKey = null;
editor._dirtyType = NO_DIRTY_NODES;
editor._dirtyLeaves = new Set();
editor._normalizedNodes = new Set();
editor._updateTags = new Set();
editor._updates = [];
editor._blockCursorElement = null;
const observer = editor._observer;
if (observer !== null) {
editor._observer = null;
// Remove all the DOM nodes from the root element
if (prevRootElement !== null) {
prevRootElement.textContent = '';
if (nextRootElement !== null) {
nextRootElement.textContent = '';
keyNodeMap.set('root', nextRootElement);
function initializeConversionCache(
nodes: RegisteredNodes,
additionalConversions?: DOMConversionMap,
): DOMConversionCache {
const conversionCache = new Map();
const handledConversions = new Set();
const addConversionsToCache = (map: DOMConversionMap) => {
Object.keys(map).forEach((key) => {
let currentCache = conversionCache.get(key);
if (currentCache === undefined) {
currentCache = [];
conversionCache.set(key, currentCache);
nodes.forEach((node) => {
const importDOM = node.klass.importDOM;
if (importDOM == null || handledConversions.has(importDOM)) {
const map =;
if (map !== null) {
if (additionalConversions) {
return conversionCache;
* Creates a new LexicalEditor attached to a single contentEditable (provided in the config). This is
* the lowest-level initialization API for a LexicalEditor. If you're using React or another framework,
* consider using the appropriate abstractions, such as LexicalComposer
* @param editorConfig - the editor configuration.
* @returns a LexicalEditor instance
export function createEditor(editorConfig?: CreateEditorArgs): LexicalEditor {
const config = editorConfig || {};
const activeEditor = internalGetActiveEditor();
const theme = config.theme || {};
const parentEditor =
editorConfig === undefined ? activeEditor : config.parentEditor || null;
const disableEvents = config.disableEvents || false;
const editorState = createEmptyEditorState();
const namespace =
config.namespace ||
(parentEditor !== null ? parentEditor._config.namespace : createUID());
const initialEditorState = config.editorState;
const nodes = [
...(config.nodes || []),
const {onError, html} = config;
const isEditable = config.editable !== undefined ? config.editable : true;
let registeredNodes: Map<string, RegisteredNode>;
if (editorConfig === undefined && activeEditor !== null) {
registeredNodes = activeEditor._nodes;
} else {
registeredNodes = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
let klass = nodes[i];
let replace: RegisteredNode['replace'] = null;
let replaceWithKlass: RegisteredNode['replaceWithKlass'] = null;
if (typeof klass !== 'function') {
const options = klass;
klass = options.replace;
replace = options.with;
replaceWithKlass = options.withKlass || null;
// Ensure custom nodes implement required methods and replaceWithKlass is instance of base klass.
if (__DEV__) {
// ArtificialNode__DO_NOT_USE can get renamed, so we use the type
const nodeType =, 'getType') &&
const name =;
if (replaceWithKlass) {
replaceWithKlass.prototype instanceof klass,
"%s doesn't extend the %s",,
if (
name !== 'RootNode' &&
nodeType !== 'root' &&
nodeType !== 'artificial'
) {
const proto = klass.prototype;
['getType', 'clone'].forEach((method) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!klass.hasOwnProperty(method)) {
console.warn(`${name} must implement static "${method}" method`);
if (
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
!klass.hasOwnProperty('importDOM') &&
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
) {
`${name} should implement "importDOM" if using a custom "exportDOM" method to ensure HTML serialization (important for copy & paste) works as expected`,
if (proto instanceof DecoratorNode) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!proto.hasOwnProperty('decorate')) {
`${} must implement "decorate" method`,
if (
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
) {
`${name} should implement "importJSON" method to ensure JSON and default HTML serialization works as expected`,
if (
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
) {
`${name} should implement "exportJSON" method to ensure JSON and default HTML serialization works as expected`,
const type = klass.getType();
const transform = klass.transform();
const transforms = new Set<Transform<LexicalNode>>();
if (transform !== null) {
registeredNodes.set(type, {
exportDOM: html && html.export ? html.export.get(klass) : undefined,
const editor = new LexicalEditor(
onError ? onError : console.error,
initializeConversionCache(registeredNodes, html ? html.import : undefined),
if (initialEditorState !== undefined) {
editor._pendingEditorState = initialEditorState;
editor._dirtyType = FULL_RECONCILE;
return editor;
export class LexicalEditor {
['constructor']!: KlassConstructor<typeof LexicalEditor>;
/** The version with build identifiers for this editor (since 0.17.1) */
static version: string | undefined;
/** @internal */
_headless: boolean;
/** @internal */
_parentEditor: null | LexicalEditor;
/** @internal */
_rootElement: null | HTMLElement;
/** @internal */
_editorState: EditorState;
/** @internal */
_pendingEditorState: null | EditorState;
/** @internal */
_compositionKey: null | NodeKey;
/** @internal */
_deferred: Array<() => void>;
/** @internal */
_keyToDOMMap: Map<NodeKey, HTMLElement>;
/** @internal */
_updates: Array<[() => void, EditorUpdateOptions | undefined]>;
/** @internal */
_updating: boolean;
/** @internal */
_listeners: Listeners;
/** @internal */
_commands: Commands;
/** @internal */
_nodes: RegisteredNodes;
/** @internal */
_decorators: Record<NodeKey, unknown>;
/** @internal */
_pendingDecorators: null | Record<NodeKey, unknown>;
/** @internal */
_config: EditorConfig;
/** @internal */
_dirtyType: 0 | 1 | 2;
/** @internal */
_cloneNotNeeded: Set<NodeKey>;
/** @internal */
_dirtyLeaves: Set<NodeKey>;
/** @internal */
_dirtyElements: Map<NodeKey, IntentionallyMarkedAsDirtyElement>;
/** @internal */
_normalizedNodes: Set<NodeKey>;
/** @internal */
_updateTags: Set<string>;
/** @internal */
_observer: null | MutationObserver;
/** @internal */
_key: string;
/** @internal */
_onError: ErrorHandler;
/** @internal */
_htmlConversions: DOMConversionCache;
/** @internal */
_window: null | Window;
/** @internal */
_editable: boolean;
/** @internal */
_blockCursorElement: null | HTMLDivElement;
/** @internal */
editorState: EditorState,
parentEditor: null | LexicalEditor,
nodes: RegisteredNodes,
config: EditorConfig,
onError: ErrorHandler,
htmlConversions: DOMConversionCache,
editable: boolean,
) {
this._parentEditor = parentEditor;
// The root element associated with this editor
this._rootElement = null;
// The current editor state
this._editorState = editorState;
// Handling of drafts and updates
this._pendingEditorState = null;
// Used to help co-ordinate selection and events
this._compositionKey = null;
this._deferred = [];
// Used during reconciliation
this._keyToDOMMap = new Map();
this._updates = [];
this._updating = false;
// Listeners
this._listeners = {
decorator: new Set(),
editable: new Set(),
mutation: new Map(),
root: new Set(),
textcontent: new Set(),
update: new Set(),
// Commands
this._commands = new Map();
// Editor configuration for theme/context.
this._config = config;
// Mapping of types to their nodes
this._nodes = nodes;
// React node decorators for portals
this._decorators = {};
this._pendingDecorators = null;
// Used to optimize reconciliation
this._dirtyType = NO_DIRTY_NODES;
this._cloneNotNeeded = new Set();
this._dirtyLeaves = new Set();
this._dirtyElements = new Map();
this._normalizedNodes = new Set();
this._updateTags = new Set();
// Handling of DOM mutations
this._observer = null;
// Used for identifying owning editors
this._key = createUID();
this._onError = onError;
this._htmlConversions = htmlConversions;
this._editable = editable;
this._headless = parentEditor !== null && parentEditor._headless;
this._window = null;
this._blockCursorElement = null;
* @returns true if the editor is currently in "composition" mode due to receiving input
* through an IME, or 3P extension, for example. Returns false otherwise.
isComposing(): boolean {
return this._compositionKey != null;
* Registers a listener for Editor update event. Will trigger the provided callback
* each time the editor goes through an update (via {@link LexicalEditor.update}) until the
* teardown function is called.
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
registerUpdateListener(listener: UpdateListener): () => void {
const listenerSetOrMap = this._listeners.update;
return () => {
* Registers a listener for for when the editor changes between editable and non-editable states.
* Will trigger the provided callback each time the editor transitions between these states until the
* teardown function is called.
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
registerEditableListener(listener: EditableListener): () => void {
const listenerSetOrMap = this._listeners.editable;
return () => {
* Registers a listener for when the editor's decorator object changes. The decorator object contains
* all DecoratorNode keys -> their decorated value. This is primarily used with external UI frameworks.
* Will trigger the provided callback each time the editor transitions between these states until the
* teardown function is called.
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
registerDecoratorListener<T>(listener: DecoratorListener<T>): () => void {
const listenerSetOrMap = this._listeners.decorator;
return () => {
* Registers a listener for when Lexical commits an update to the DOM and the text content of
* the editor changes from the previous state of the editor. If the text content is the
* same between updates, no notifications to the listeners will happen.
* Will trigger the provided callback each time the editor transitions between these states until the
* teardown function is called.
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
registerTextContentListener(listener: TextContentListener): () => void {
const listenerSetOrMap = this._listeners.textcontent;
return () => {
* Registers a listener for when the editor's root DOM element (the content editable
* Lexical attaches to) changes. This is primarily used to attach event listeners to the root
* element. The root listener function is executed directly upon registration and then on
* any subsequent update.
* Will trigger the provided callback each time the editor transitions between these states until the
* teardown function is called.
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
registerRootListener(listener: RootListener): () => void {
const listenerSetOrMap = this._listeners.root;
listener(this._rootElement, null);
return () => {
listener(null, this._rootElement);
* Registers a listener that will trigger anytime the provided command
* is dispatched, subject to priority. Listeners that run at a higher priority can "intercept"
* commands and prevent them from propagating to other handlers by returning true.
* Listeners registered at the same priority level will run deterministically in the order of registration.
* @param command - the command that will trigger the callback.
* @param listener - the function that will execute when the command is dispatched.
* @param priority - the relative priority of the listener. 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
command: LexicalCommand<P>,
listener: CommandListener<P>,
priority: CommandListenerPriority,
): () => void {
if (priority === undefined) {
invariant(false, 'Listener for type "command" requires a "priority".');
const commandsMap = this._commands;
if (!commandsMap.has(command)) {
commandsMap.set(command, [
new Set(),
new Set(),
new Set(),
new Set(),
new Set(),
const listenersInPriorityOrder = commandsMap.get(command);
if (listenersInPriorityOrder === undefined) {
'registerCommand: Command %s not found in command map',
const listeners = listenersInPriorityOrder[priority];
listeners.add(listener as CommandListener<unknown>);
return () => {
listeners.delete(listener as CommandListener<unknown>);
if (
(listenersSet) => listenersSet.size === 0,
) {
* Registers a listener that will run when a Lexical node of the provided class is
* mutated. The listener will receive a list of nodes along with the type of mutation
* that was performed on each: created, destroyed, or updated.
* One common use case for this is to attach DOM event listeners to the underlying DOM nodes as Lexical nodes are created.
* {@link LexicalEditor.getElementByKey} can be used for this.
* If any existing nodes are in the DOM, and skipInitialization is not true, the listener
* will be called immediately with an updateTag of 'registerMutationListener' where all
* nodes have the 'created' NodeMutation. This can be controlled with the skipInitialization option
* (default is currently true for backwards compatibility in 0.16.x but will change to false in 0.17.0).
* @param klass - The class of the node that you want to listen to mutations on.
* @param listener - The logic you want to run when the node is mutated.
* @param options - see {@link MutationListenerOptions}
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
klass: Klass<LexicalNode>,
listener: MutationListener,
options?: MutationListenerOptions,
): () => void {
const klassToMutate = this.resolveRegisteredNodeAfterReplacements(
const mutations = this._listeners.mutation;
mutations.set(listener, klassToMutate);
const skipInitialization = options && options.skipInitialization;
if (
!(skipInitialization === undefined
: skipInitialization)
) {
this.initializeMutationListener(listener, klassToMutate);
return () => {
/** @internal */
private getRegisteredNode(klass: Klass<LexicalNode>): RegisteredNode {
const registeredNode = this._nodes.get(klass.getType());
if (registeredNode === undefined) {
'Node %s has not been registered. Ensure node has been passed to createEditor.',,
return registeredNode;
/** @internal */
private resolveRegisteredNodeAfterReplacements(
registeredNode: RegisteredNode,
): RegisteredNode {
while (registeredNode.replaceWithKlass) {
registeredNode = this.getRegisteredNode(registeredNode.replaceWithKlass);
return registeredNode;
/** @internal */
private initializeMutationListener(
listener: MutationListener,
klass: Klass<LexicalNode>,
): void {
const prevEditorState = this._editorState;
const nodeMap = getCachedTypeToNodeMap(prevEditorState).get(
if (!nodeMap) {
const nodeMutationMap = new Map<string, NodeMutation>();
for (const k of nodeMap.keys()) {
nodeMutationMap.set(k, 'created');
if (nodeMutationMap.size > 0) {
listener(nodeMutationMap, {
dirtyLeaves: new Set(),
updateTags: new Set(['registerMutationListener']),
/** @internal */
private registerNodeTransformToKlass<T extends LexicalNode>(
klass: Klass<T>,
listener: Transform<T>,
): RegisteredNode {
const registeredNode = this.getRegisteredNode(klass);
registeredNode.transforms.add(listener as Transform<LexicalNode>);
return registeredNode;
* Registers a listener that will run when a Lexical node of the provided class is
* marked dirty during an update. The listener will continue to run as long as the node
* is marked dirty. There are no guarantees around the order of transform execution!
* Watch out for infinite loops. See [Node Transforms](
* @param klass - The class of the node that you want to run transforms on.
* @param listener - The logic you want to run when the node is updated.
* @returns a teardown function that can be used to cleanup the listener.
registerNodeTransform<T extends LexicalNode>(
klass: Klass<T>,
listener: Transform<T>,
): () => void {
const registeredNode = this.registerNodeTransformToKlass(klass, listener);
const registeredNodes = [registeredNode];
const replaceWithKlass = registeredNode.replaceWithKlass;
if (replaceWithKlass != null) {
const registeredReplaceWithNode = this.registerNodeTransformToKlass(
listener as Transform<LexicalNode>,
markAllNodesAsDirty(this, klass.getType());
return () => {
registeredNodes.forEach((node) =>
node.transforms.delete(listener as Transform<LexicalNode>),
* Used to assert that a certain node is registered, usually by plugins to ensure nodes that they
* depend on have been registered.
* @returns True if the editor has registered the provided node type, false otherwise.
hasNode<T extends Klass<LexicalNode>>(node: T): boolean {
return this._nodes.has(node.getType());
* Used to assert that certain nodes are registered, usually by plugins to ensure nodes that they
* depend on have been registered.
* @returns True if the editor has registered all of the provided node types, false otherwise.
hasNodes<T extends Klass<LexicalNode>>(nodes: Array<T>): boolean {
return nodes.every(this.hasNode.bind(this));
* Dispatches a command of the specified type with the specified payload.
* This triggers all command listeners (set by {@link LexicalEditor.registerCommand})
* for this type, passing them the provided payload.
* @param type - the type of command listeners to trigger.
* @param payload - the data to pass as an argument to the command listeners.
dispatchCommand<TCommand extends LexicalCommand<unknown>>(
type: TCommand,
payload: CommandPayloadType<TCommand>,
): boolean {
return dispatchCommand(this, type, payload);
* Gets a map of all decorators in the editor.
* @returns A mapping of call decorator keys to their decorated content
getDecorators<T>(): Record<NodeKey, T> {
return this._decorators as Record<NodeKey, T>;
* @returns the current root element of the editor. If you want to register
* an event listener, do it via {@link LexicalEditor.registerRootListener}, since
* this reference may not be stable.
getRootElement(): null | HTMLElement {
return this._rootElement;
* Gets the key of the editor
* @returns The editor key
getKey(): string {
return this._key;
* Imperatively set the root contenteditable element that Lexical listens
* for events on.
setRootElement(nextRootElement: null | HTMLElement): void {
const prevRootElement = this._rootElement;
if (nextRootElement !== prevRootElement) {
const classNames = getCachedClassNameArray(this._config.theme, 'root');
const pendingEditorState = this._pendingEditorState || this._editorState;
this._rootElement = nextRootElement;
resetEditor(this, prevRootElement, nextRootElement, pendingEditorState);
if (prevRootElement !== null) {
// TODO: remove this flag once we no longer use UEv2 internally
if (!this._config.disableEvents) {
if (classNames != null) {
if (nextRootElement !== null) {
const windowObj = getDefaultView(nextRootElement);
const style =;
style.userSelect = 'text';
style.whiteSpace = 'pre-wrap';
style.wordBreak = 'break-word';
nextRootElement.setAttribute('data-lexical-editor', 'true');
this._window = windowObj;
this._dirtyType = FULL_RECONCILE;
// TODO: remove this flag once we no longer use UEv2 internally
if (!this._config.disableEvents) {
addRootElementEvents(nextRootElement, this);
if (classNames != null) {
} else {
// If content editable is unmounted we'll reset editor state back to original
// (or pending) editor state since there will be no reconciliation
this._editorState = pendingEditorState;
this._pendingEditorState = null;
this._window = null;
triggerListeners('root', this, false, nextRootElement, prevRootElement);
* Gets the underlying HTMLElement associated with the LexicalNode for the given key.
* @returns the HTMLElement rendered by the LexicalNode associated with the key.
* @param key - the key of the LexicalNode.
getElementByKey(key: NodeKey): HTMLElement | null {
return this._keyToDOMMap.get(key) || null;
* Gets the active editor state.
* @returns The editor state
getEditorState(): EditorState {
return this._editorState;
* Imperatively set the EditorState. Triggers reconciliation like an update.
* @param editorState - the state to set the editor
* @param options - options for the update.
setEditorState(editorState: EditorState, options?: EditorSetOptions): void {
if (editorState.isEmpty()) {
"setEditorState: the editor state is empty. Ensure the editor state's root node never becomes empty.",
const pendingEditorState = this._pendingEditorState;
const tags = this._updateTags;
const tag = options !== undefined ? options.tag : null;
if (pendingEditorState !== null && !pendingEditorState.isEmpty()) {
if (tag != null) {
this._pendingEditorState = editorState;
this._dirtyType = FULL_RECONCILE;
this._dirtyElements.set('root', false);
this._compositionKey = null;
if (tag != null) {
* Parses a SerializedEditorState (usually produced by {@link EditorState.toJSON}) and returns
* and EditorState object that can be, for example, passed to {@link LexicalEditor.setEditorState}. Typically,
* deserialization from JSON stored in a database uses this method.
* @param maybeStringifiedEditorState
* @param updateFn
* @returns
maybeStringifiedEditorState: string | SerializedEditorState,
updateFn?: () => void,
): EditorState {
const serializedEditorState =
typeof maybeStringifiedEditorState === 'string'
? JSON.parse(maybeStringifiedEditorState)
: maybeStringifiedEditorState;
return parseEditorState(serializedEditorState, this, updateFn);
* Executes a read of the editor's state, with the
* editor context available (useful for exporting and read-only DOM
* operations). Much like update, but prevents any mutation of the
* editor's state. Any pending updates will be flushed immediately before
* the read.
* @param callbackFn - A function that has access to read-only editor state.
read<T>(callbackFn: () => T): T {
return this.getEditorState().read(callbackFn, {editor: this});
* Executes an update to the editor state. The updateFn callback is the ONLY place
* where Lexical editor state can be safely mutated.
* @param updateFn - A function that has access to writable editor state.
* @param options - A bag of options to control the behavior of the update.
* @param options.onUpdate - A function to run once the update is complete.
* Useful for synchronizing updates in some cases.
* @param options.skipTransforms - Setting this to true will suppress all node
* transforms for this update cycle.
* @param options.tag - A tag to identify this update, in an update listener, for instance.
* Some tags are reserved by the core and control update behavior in different ways.
* @param options.discrete - If true, prevents this update from being batched, forcing it to
* run synchronously.
update(updateFn: () => void, options?: EditorUpdateOptions): void {
updateEditor(this, updateFn, options);
* Helper to run the update and commitUpdates methods in a single call.
updateAndCommit(updateFn: () => void, options?: EditorUpdateOptions): void {
this.update(updateFn, options);
* Focuses the editor
* @param callbackFn - A function to run after the editor is focused.
* @param options - A bag of options
* @param options.defaultSelection - Where to move selection when the editor is
* focused. Can be rootStart, rootEnd, or undefined. Defaults to rootEnd.
focus(callbackFn?: () => void, options: EditorFocusOptions = {}): void {
const rootElement = this._rootElement;
if (rootElement !== null) {
// This ensures that iOS does not trigger caps lock upon focus
rootElement.setAttribute('autocapitalize', 'off');
() => {
const selection = $getSelection();
const root = $getRoot();
if (selection !== null) {
// Marking the selection dirty will force the selection back to it
selection.dirty = true;
} else if (root.getChildrenSize() !== 0) {
if (options.defaultSelection === 'rootStart') {
} else {
onUpdate: () => {
if (callbackFn) {
tag: 'focus',
// In the case where onUpdate doesn't fire (due to the focus update not
// occuring).
if (this._pendingEditorState === null) {
* Commits any currently pending updates scheduled for the editor.
commitUpdates(): void {
* Removes focus from the editor.
blur(): void {
const rootElement = this._rootElement;
if (rootElement !== null) {
const domSelection = getDOMSelection(this._window);
if (domSelection !== null) {
* Returns true if the editor is editable, false otherwise.
* @returns True if the editor is editable, false otherwise.
isEditable(): boolean {
return this._editable;
* Sets the editable property of the editor. When false, the
* editor will not listen for user events on the underling contenteditable.
* @param editable - the value to set the editable mode to.
setEditable(editable: boolean): void {
if (this._editable !== editable) {
this._editable = editable;
triggerListeners('editable', this, true, editable);
* Returns a JSON-serializable javascript object NOT a JSON string.
* You still must call JSON.stringify (or something else) to turn the
* state into a string you can transfer over the wire and store in a database.
* See {@link LexicalNode.exportJSON}
* @returns A JSON-serializable javascript object
toJSON(): SerializedEditor {
return {
editorState: this._editorState.toJSON(),
LexicalEditor.version = '0.17.1';