

4 days
Test Coverage
require 'rails_helper'

api_types  = GraphQL::ApiTypesCreator.create(API_TYPE_DEFINITIONS)
query_type = GraphQL::QueryTypeCreator.create(api_types)
ConsulSchema = GraphQL::Schema.define do
  query query_type
  max_depth 12

def execute(query_string, context = {}, variables = {})
  ConsulSchema.execute(query_string, context: context, variables: variables)

def dig(response, path)

def hidden_field?(response, field_name)
  data_is_empty = response['data'].nil?
  error_is_present = ((response['errors'].first['message'] =~ /Field '#{field_name}' doesn't exist on type '[[:alnum:]]*'/) == 0)
  data_is_empty && error_is_present

def extract_fields(response, collection_name, field_chain)
  fields = field_chain.split('.')
  dig(response, "data.#{collection_name}.edges").collect do |node|
      if fields.size > 1
    rescue NoMethodError

describe 'Consul Schema' do
  let(:user) { create(:user) }
  let(:proposal) { create(:proposal, author: user) }

  it 'returns fields of Int type' do
    response = execute("{ proposal(id: #{proposal.id}) { id } }")
    expect(dig(response, 'data.proposal.id')).to eq(proposal.id)

  it 'returns fields of String type' do
    response = execute("{ proposal(id: #{proposal.id}) { title } }")
    expect(dig(response, 'data.proposal.title')).to eq(proposal.title)

  xit 'returns has_one associations' do
    organization = create(:organization)
    response = execute("{ user(id: #{organization.user_id}) { organization { name } } }")
    expect(dig(response, 'data.user.organization.name')).to eq(organization.name)

  it 'returns belongs_to associations' do
    response = execute("{ proposal(id: #{proposal.id}) { public_author { username } } }")
    expect(dig(response, 'data.proposal.public_author.username')).to eq(proposal.public_author.username)

  it 'returns has_many associations' do
    comments_author = create(:user)
    comment_1 = create(:comment, author: comments_author, commentable: proposal)
    comment_2 = create(:comment, author: comments_author, commentable: proposal)

    response = execute("{ proposal(id: #{proposal.id}) { comments { edges { node { body } } } } }")
    comments = dig(response, 'data.proposal.comments.edges').collect { |edge| edge['node'] }
    comment_bodies = comments.collect { |comment| comment['body'] }

    expect(comment_bodies).to match_array([comment_1.body, comment_2.body])

  xit 'executes deeply nested queries' do
    org_user = create(:user)
    organization = create(:organization, user: org_user)
    org_proposal = create(:proposal, author: org_user)
    response = execute("{ proposal(id: #{org_proposal.id}) { public_author { organization { name } } } }")

    expect(dig(response, 'data.proposal.public_author.organization.name')).to eq(organization.name)

  it 'hides confidential fields of Int type' do
    response = execute("{ user(id: #{user.id}) { failed_census_calls_count } }")
    expect(hidden_field?(response, 'failed_census_calls_count')).to be_truthy

  it 'hides confidential fields of String type' do
    response = execute("{ user(id: #{user.id}) { encrypted_password } }")
    expect(hidden_field?(response, 'encrypted_password')).to be_truthy

  it 'hides confidential has_one associations' do
    user.administrator = create(:administrator)
    response = execute("{ user(id: #{user.id}) { administrator { id } } }")
    expect(hidden_field?(response, 'administrator')).to be_truthy

  it 'hides confidential belongs_to associations' do
    create(:failed_census_call, user: user)
    response = execute("{ user(id: #{user.id}) { failed_census_calls { id } } }")
    expect(hidden_field?(response, 'failed_census_calls')).to be_truthy

  it 'hides confidential has_many associations' do
    create(:direct_message, sender: user)
    response = execute("{ user(id: #{user.id}) { direct_messages_sent { id } } }")
    expect(hidden_field?(response, 'direct_messages_sent')).to be_truthy

  it 'hides confidential fields inside deeply nested queries' do
    response = execute("{ proposals(first: 1) { edges { node { public_author { encrypted_password } } } } }")
    expect(hidden_field?(response, 'encrypted_password')).to be_truthy

  describe 'Users' do
    let(:user) { create(:user, public_activity: false) }

    it 'does not link debates if activity is not public' do
      create(:debate, author: user)

      response = execute("{ user(id: #{user.id}) { public_debates { edges { node { title } } } } }")
      received_debates = dig(response, 'data.user.public_debates.edges')

      expect(received_debates).to eq []

    it 'does not link proposals if activity is not public' do
      create(:proposal, author: user)

      response = execute("{ user(id: #{user.id}) { public_proposals { edges { node { title } } } } }")
      received_proposals = dig(response, 'data.user.public_proposals.edges')

      expect(received_proposals).to eq []

    it 'does not link comments if activity is not public' do
      create(:comment, author: user)

      response = execute("{ user(id: #{user.id}) { public_comments { edges { node { body } } } } }")
      received_comments = dig(response, 'data.user.public_comments.edges')

      expect(received_comments).to eq []


  describe 'Proposals' do
    it 'does not include hidden proposals' do
      visible_proposal = create(:proposal)
      hidden_proposal  = create(:proposal, :hidden)

      response = execute('{ proposals { edges { node { title } } } }')
      received_titles = extract_fields(response, 'proposals', 'title')

      expect(received_titles).to match_array [visible_proposal.title]

    xit 'only returns proposals of the Human Rights proceeding' do
      proposal = create(:proposal)
      human_rights_proposal = create(:proposal, proceeding: 'Derechos Humanos', sub_proceeding: 'Right to have a job')
      other_proceeding_proposal = create(:proposal)
      other_proceeding_proposal.update_attribute(:proceeding, 'Another proceeding')

      response = execute('{ proposals { edges { node { title } } } }')
      received_titles = extract_fields(response, 'proposals', 'title')

      expect(received_titles).to match_array [proposal.title, human_rights_proposal.title]

    it 'includes proposals of authors even if public activity is set to false' do
      visible_author = create(:user, public_activity: true)
      hidden_author  = create(:user, public_activity: false)

      visible_proposal = create(:proposal, author: visible_author)
      hidden_proposal  = create(:proposal, author: hidden_author)

      response = execute('{ proposals { edges { node { title } } } }')
      received_titles = extract_fields(response, 'proposals', 'title')

      expect(received_titles).to match_array [visible_proposal.title, hidden_proposal.title]

    it 'does not link author if public activity is set to false' do
      visible_author = create(:user, public_activity: true)
      hidden_author  = create(:user, public_activity: false)

      visible_proposal = create(:proposal, author: visible_author)
      hidden_proposal  = create(:proposal, author: hidden_author)

      response = execute('{ proposals { edges { node { public_author { username } } } } }')
      received_authors = extract_fields(response, 'proposals', 'public_author.username')

      expect(received_authors).to match_array [visible_author.username]

    it 'only returns date and hour for created_at' do
      created_at = Time.zone.parse("2017-12-31 9:30:15")
      create(:proposal, created_at: created_at)

      response = execute('{ proposals { edges { node { public_created_at } } } }')
      received_timestamps = extract_fields(response, 'proposals', 'public_created_at')

      expect(Time.zone.parse(received_timestamps.first)).to eq Time.zone.parse("2017-12-31 9:00:00")

    it 'only retruns tags with kind nil or category' do
      tag          = create(:tag, name: 'Parks')
      category_tag = create(:tag, :category, name: 'Health')
      admin_tag    = create(:tag, name: 'Admin tag', kind: 'admin')

      proposal = create(:proposal, tag_list: 'Parks, Health, Admin tag')

      response = execute("{ proposal(id: #{proposal.id}) { tags  { edges { node { name } } } } }")
      received_tags = dig(response, 'data.proposal.tags.edges').map { |node| node['node']['name'] }

      expect(received_tags).to match_array ['Parks', 'Health']

    it 'returns nested votes for a proposal' do
      proposal = create(:proposal)
      2.times { create(:vote, votable: proposal) }

      response = execute("{ proposal(id: #{proposal.id}) { votes_for { edges { node { public_created_at } } } } }")

      votes = response["data"]["proposal"]["votes_for"]["edges"]
      expect(votes.count).to eq(2)


  describe 'Debates' do
    it 'does not include hidden debates' do
      visible_debate = create(:debate)
      hidden_debate  = create(:debate, :hidden)

      response = execute('{ debates { edges { node { title } } } }')
      received_titles = extract_fields(response, 'debates', 'title')

      expect(received_titles).to match_array [visible_debate.title]

    it 'includes debates of authors even if public activity is set to false' do
      visible_author = create(:user, public_activity: true)
      hidden_author  = create(:user, public_activity: false)

      visible_debate = create(:debate, author: visible_author)
      hidden_debate  = create(:debate, author: hidden_author)

      response = execute('{ debates { edges { node { title } } } }')
      received_titles = extract_fields(response, 'debates', 'title')

      expect(received_titles).to match_array [visible_debate.title, hidden_debate.title]

    it 'does not link author if public activity is set to false' do
      visible_author = create(:user, public_activity: true)
      hidden_author  = create(:user, public_activity: false)

      visible_debate = create(:debate, author: visible_author)
      hidden_debate  = create(:debate, author: hidden_author)

      response = execute('{ debates { edges { node { public_author { username } } } } }')
      received_authors = extract_fields(response, 'debates', 'public_author.username')

      expect(received_authors).to match_array [visible_author.username]

    it 'only returns date and hour for created_at' do
      created_at = Time.zone.parse("2017-12-31 9:30:15")
      create(:debate, created_at: created_at)

      response = execute('{ debates { edges { node { public_created_at } } } }')
      received_timestamps = extract_fields(response, 'debates', 'public_created_at')

      expect(Time.zone.parse(received_timestamps.first)).to eq Time.zone.parse("2017-12-31 9:00:00")

    it 'only retruns tags with kind nil or category' do
      tag          = create(:tag, name: 'Parks')
      category_tag = create(:tag, :category, name: 'Health')
      admin_tag    = create(:tag, name: 'Admin tag', kind: 'admin')

      debate = create(:debate, tag_list: 'Parks, Health, Admin tag')

      response = execute("{ debate(id: #{debate.id}) { tags  { edges { node { name } } } } }")
      received_tags = dig(response, 'data.debate.tags.edges').map { |node| node['node']['name'] }

      expect(received_tags).to match_array ['Parks', 'Health']

  describe 'Comments' do
    it 'only returns comments from proposals, debates and polls' do
      proposal_comment          = create(:comment, commentable: create(:proposal))
      debate_comment            = create(:comment, commentable: create(:debate))
      poll_comment              = create(:comment, commentable: create(:poll))
      spending_proposal_comment = build(:comment, commentable: create(:spending_proposal)).save(skip_validation: true)

      response = execute('{ comments { edges { node { commentable_type } } } }')
      received_commentables = extract_fields(response, 'comments', 'commentable_type')

      expect(received_commentables).to match_array ['Proposal', 'Debate', 'Poll']

    it 'displays comments of authors even if public activity is set to false' do
      visible_author = create(:user, public_activity: true)
      hidden_author  = create(:user, public_activity: false)

      visible_comment = create(:comment, user: visible_author)
      hidden_comment  = create(:comment, user: hidden_author)

      response = execute('{ comments { edges { node { body } } } }')
      received_comments = extract_fields(response, 'comments', 'body')

      expect(received_comments).to match_array [visible_comment.body, hidden_comment.body]

    it 'does not link author if public activity is set to false' do
      visible_author = create(:user, public_activity: true)
      hidden_author  = create(:user, public_activity: false)

      visible_comment = create(:comment, author: visible_author)
      hidden_comment  = create(:comment, author: hidden_author)

      response = execute('{ comments { edges { node { public_author { username } } } } }')
      received_authors = extract_fields(response, 'comments', 'public_author.username')

      expect(received_authors).to match_array [visible_author.username]

    it 'does not include hidden comments' do
      visible_comment = create(:comment)
      hidden_comment  = create(:comment, hidden_at: Time.current)

      response = execute('{ comments { edges { node { body } } } }')
      received_comments = extract_fields(response, 'comments', 'body')

      expect(received_comments).to match_array [visible_comment.body]

    it 'does not include comments from hidden proposals' do
      visible_proposal = create(:proposal)
      hidden_proposal  = create(:proposal, hidden_at: Time.current)

      visible_proposal_comment = create(:comment, commentable: visible_proposal)
      hidden_proposal_comment  = create(:comment, commentable: hidden_proposal)

      response = execute('{ comments { edges { node { body } } } }')
      received_comments = extract_fields(response, 'comments', 'body')

      expect(received_comments).to match_array [visible_proposal_comment.body]

    it 'does not include comments from hidden debates' do
      visible_debate = create(:debate)
      hidden_debate  = create(:debate, hidden_at: Time.current)

      visible_debate_comment = create(:comment, commentable: visible_debate)
      hidden_debate_comment  = create(:comment, commentable: hidden_debate)

      response = execute('{ comments { edges { node { body } } } }')
      received_comments = extract_fields(response, 'comments', 'body')

      expect(received_comments).to match_array [visible_debate_comment.body]

    it 'does not include comments from hidden polls' do
      visible_poll = create(:poll)
      hidden_poll  = create(:poll, hidden_at: Time.current)

      visible_poll_comment = create(:comment, commentable: visible_poll)
      hidden_poll_comment  = create(:comment, commentable: hidden_poll)

      response = execute('{ comments { edges { node { body } } } }')
      received_comments = extract_fields(response, 'comments', 'body')

      expect(received_comments).to match_array [visible_poll_comment.body]

    it 'does not include comments of debates that are not public' do
      not_public_debate = create(:debate, :hidden)
      not_public_debate_comment = create(:comment, commentable: not_public_debate)
      allow(Comment).to receive(:public_for_api).and_return([])

      response = execute('{ comments { edges { node { body } } } }')
      received_comments = extract_fields(response, 'comments', 'body')

      expect(received_comments).not_to include(not_public_debate_comment.body)

    it 'does not include comments of proposals that are not public' do
      not_public_proposal = create(:proposal)
      not_public_proposal_comment = create(:comment, commentable: not_public_proposal)
      allow(Comment).to receive(:public_for_api).and_return([])

      response = execute('{ comments { edges { node { body } } } }')
      received_comments = extract_fields(response, 'comments', 'body')

      expect(received_comments).not_to include(not_public_proposal_comment.body)

    it 'does not include comments of polls that are not public' do
      not_public_poll = create(:poll)
      not_public_poll_comment = create(:comment, commentable: not_public_poll)
      allow(Comment).to receive(:public_for_api).and_return([])

      response = execute('{ comments { edges { node { body } } } }')
      received_comments = extract_fields(response, 'comments', 'body')

      expect(received_comments).not_to include(not_public_poll_comment.body)

    it 'only returns date and hour for created_at' do
      created_at = Time.zone.parse("2017-12-31 9:30:15")
      create(:comment, created_at: created_at)

      response = execute('{ comments { edges { node { public_created_at } } } }')
      received_timestamps = extract_fields(response, 'comments', 'public_created_at')

      expect(Time.zone.parse(received_timestamps.first)).to eq Time.zone.parse("2017-12-31 9:00:00")

    it 'does not include valuation comments' do
      visible_comment = create(:comment)
      valuation_comment = create(:comment, :valuation)

      response = execute('{ comments { edges { node { body } } } }')
      received_comments = extract_fields(response, 'comments', 'body')

      expect(received_comments).not_to include(valuation_comment.body)

  describe 'Geozones' do
    it 'returns geozones' do
      geozone_names = [ create(:geozone), create(:geozone) ].map { |geozone| geozone.name }

      response = execute('{ geozones { edges { node { name } } } }')
      received_names = extract_fields(response, 'geozones', 'name')

      expect(received_names).to match_array geozone_names

  describe 'Proposal notifications' do

    it 'does not include proposal notifications for hidden proposals' do
      visible_proposal = create(:proposal)
      hidden_proposal  = create(:proposal, :hidden)

      visible_proposal_notification = create(:proposal_notification, proposal: visible_proposal)
      hidden_proposal_notification  = create(:proposal_notification, proposal: hidden_proposal)

      response = execute('{ proposal_notifications { edges { node { title } } } }')
      received_notifications = extract_fields(response, 'proposal_notifications', 'title')

      expect(received_notifications).to match_array [visible_proposal_notification.title]

    it 'does not include proposal notifications for proposals that are not public' do
      not_public_proposal = create(:proposal)
      not_public_proposal_notification = create(:proposal_notification, proposal: not_public_proposal)
      allow(ProposalNotification).to receive(:public_for_api).and_return([])

      response = execute('{ proposal_notifications { edges { node { title } } } }')
      received_notifications = extract_fields(response, 'proposal_notifications', 'title')

      expect(received_notifications).not_to include(not_public_proposal_notification.title)

    it 'only returns date and hour for created_at' do
      created_at = Time.zone.parse("2017-12-31 9:30:15")
      create(:proposal_notification, created_at: created_at)

      response = execute('{ proposal_notifications { edges { node { public_created_at } } } }')
      received_timestamps = extract_fields(response, 'proposal_notifications', 'public_created_at')

      expect(Time.zone.parse(received_timestamps.first)).to eq Time.zone.parse("2017-12-31 9:00:00")

    it 'only links proposal if public' do
      visible_proposal = create(:proposal)
      hidden_proposal  = create(:proposal, :hidden)

      visible_proposal_notification = create(:proposal_notification, proposal: visible_proposal)
      hidden_proposal_notification  = create(:proposal_notification, proposal: hidden_proposal)

      response = execute('{ proposal_notifications { edges { node { proposal { title } } } } }')
      received_proposals = extract_fields(response, 'proposal_notifications', 'proposal.title')

      expect(received_proposals).to match_array [visible_proposal.title]


  describe 'Tags' do
    it 'only display tags with kind nil or category' do
      tag           = create(:tag, name: 'Parks')
      category_tag  = create(:tag, :category, name: 'Health')
      admin_tag     = create(:tag, name: 'Admin tag', kind: 'admin')

      proposal = create(:proposal, tag_list: 'Parks')
      proposal = create(:proposal, tag_list: 'Health')
      proposal = create(:proposal, tag_list: 'Admin tag')

      response = execute('{ tags { edges { node { name } } } }')
      received_tags = extract_fields(response, 'tags', 'name')

      expect(received_tags).to match_array ['Parks', 'Health']

    it 'uppercase and lowercase tags work ok together for proposals' do
      create(:tag, name: 'Health')
      create(:tag, name: 'health')
      create(:proposal, tag_list: 'health')
      create(:proposal, tag_list: 'Health')

      response = execute('{ tags { edges { node { name } } } }')
      received_tags = extract_fields(response, 'tags', 'name')

      expect(received_tags).to match_array ['Health', 'health']

    it 'uppercase and lowercase tags work ok together for debates' do
      create(:tag, name: 'Health')
      create(:tag, name: 'health')
      create(:debate, tag_list: 'Health')
      create(:debate, tag_list: 'health')

      response = execute('{ tags { edges { node { name } } } }')
      received_tags = extract_fields(response, 'tags', 'name')

      expect(received_tags).to match_array ['Health', 'health']

    it 'does not display tags for hidden proposals' do
      proposal = create(:proposal, tag_list: 'Health')
      hidden_proposal = create(:proposal, :hidden, tag_list: 'SPAM')

      response = execute('{ tags { edges { node { name } } } }')
      received_tags = extract_fields(response, 'tags', 'name')

      expect(received_tags).to match_array ['Health']

    it 'does not display tags for hidden debates' do
      debate = create(:debate, tag_list: 'Health, Transportation')
      hidden_debate = create(:debate, :hidden, tag_list: 'SPAM')

      response = execute('{ tags { edges { node { name } } } }')
      received_tags = extract_fields(response, 'tags', 'name')

      expect(received_tags).to match_array ['Health', 'Transportation']

    xit "does not display tags for proceeding's proposals" do
      valid_proceeding_proposal = create(:proposal, proceeding: 'Derechos Humanos', sub_proceeding: 'Right to a Home', tag_list: 'Health')
      invalid_proceeding_proposal = create(:proposal, tag_list: 'Animals')
      invalid_proceeding_proposal.update_attribute('proceeding', 'Random')

      response = execute('{ tags { edges { node { name } } } }')
      received_tags = extract_fields(response, 'tags', 'name')

      expect(received_tags).to match_array ['Health']

    it 'does not display tags for taggings that are not public' do
      proposal = create(:proposal, tag_list: 'Health')
      allow(ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag).to receive(:public_for_api).and_return([])

      response = execute('{ tags { edges { node { name } } } }')
      received_tags = extract_fields(response, 'tags', 'name')

      expect(received_tags).not_to include('Health')


  describe 'Votes' do

    it 'only returns votes from proposals, debates and comments' do
      proposal = create(:proposal)
      debate   = create(:debate)
      comment  = create(:comment)
      spending_proposal = create(:spending_proposal)

      proposal_vote = create(:vote, votable: proposal)
      debate_vote   = create(:vote, votable: debate)
      comment_vote  = create(:vote, votable: comment)
      spending_proposal_vote = create(:vote, votable: spending_proposal)

      response = execute('{ votes { edges { node { votable_type } } } }')
      received_votables = extract_fields(response, 'votes', 'votable_type')

      expect(received_votables).to match_array ['Proposal', 'Debate', 'Comment']

    it 'does not include votes from hidden debates' do
      visible_debate = create(:debate)
      hidden_debate  = create(:debate, :hidden)

      visible_debate_vote = create(:vote, votable: visible_debate)
      hidden_debate_vote  = create(:vote, votable: hidden_debate)

      response = execute('{ votes { edges { node { votable_id } } } }')
      received_debates = extract_fields(response, 'votes', 'votable_id')

      expect(received_debates).to match_array [visible_debate.id]

    it 'does not include votes of hidden proposals' do
      visible_proposal = create(:proposal)
      hidden_proposal  = create(:proposal, hidden_at: Time.current)

      visible_proposal_vote = create(:vote, votable: visible_proposal)
      hidden_proposal_vote  = create(:vote, votable: hidden_proposal)

      response = execute('{ votes { edges { node { votable_id } } } }')
      received_proposals = extract_fields(response, 'votes', 'votable_id')

      expect(received_proposals).to match_array [visible_proposal.id]

    it 'does not include votes of hidden comments' do
      visible_comment = create(:comment)
      hidden_comment  = create(:comment, hidden_at: Time.current)

      visible_comment_vote = create(:vote, votable: visible_comment)
      hidden_comment_vote  = create(:vote, votable: hidden_comment)

      response = execute('{ votes { edges { node { votable_id } } } }')
      received_comments = extract_fields(response, 'votes', 'votable_id')

      expect(received_comments).to match_array [visible_comment.id]

    it 'does not include votes of comments from a hidden proposal' do
      visible_proposal = create(:proposal)
      hidden_proposal  = create(:proposal, :hidden)

      visible_proposal_comment = create(:comment, commentable: visible_proposal)
      hidden_proposal_comment  = create(:comment, commentable: hidden_proposal)

      visible_proposal_comment_vote = create(:vote, votable: visible_proposal_comment)
      hidden_proposal_comment_vote  = create(:vote, votable: hidden_proposal_comment)

      response = execute('{ votes { edges { node { votable_id } } } }')
      received_votables = extract_fields(response, 'votes', 'votable_id')

      expect(received_votables).to match_array [visible_proposal_comment.id]

    it 'does not include votes of comments from a hidden debate' do
      visible_debate = create(:debate)
      hidden_debate  = create(:debate, :hidden)

      visible_debate_comment = create(:comment, commentable: visible_debate)
      hidden_debate_comment  = create(:comment, commentable: hidden_debate)

      visible_debate_comment_vote = create(:vote, votable: visible_debate_comment)
      hidden_debate_comment_vote  = create(:vote, votable: hidden_debate_comment)

      response = execute('{ votes { edges { node { votable_id } } } }')
      received_votables = extract_fields(response, 'votes', 'votable_id')

      expect(received_votables).to match_array [visible_debate_comment.id]

    it 'does not include votes of debates that are not public' do
      not_public_debate = create(:debate)
      allow(Vote).to receive(:public_for_api).and_return([])

      not_public_debate_vote = create(:vote, votable: not_public_debate)

      response = execute('{ votes { edges { node { votable_id } } } }')
      received_votables = extract_fields(response, 'votes', 'votable_id')

      expect(received_votables).not_to include(not_public_debate.id)

    it 'does not include votes of a hidden proposals' do
      not_public_proposal = create(:proposal)
      allow(Vote).to receive(:public_for_api).and_return([])

      not_public_proposal_vote = create(:vote, votable: not_public_proposal)

      response = execute('{ votes { edges { node { votable_id } } } }')
      received_votables = extract_fields(response, 'votes', 'votable_id')

      expect(received_votables).not_to include(not_public_proposal.id)

    it 'does not include votes of a hidden comments' do
      not_public_comment = create(:comment)
      allow(Vote).to receive(:public_for_api).and_return([])

      not_public_comment_vote = create(:vote, votable: not_public_comment)

      response = execute('{ votes { edges { node { votable_id } } } }')
      received_votables = extract_fields(response, 'votes', 'votable_id')

      expect(received_votables).not_to include(not_public_comment.id)

    it 'only returns date and hour for created_at' do
      created_at = Time.zone.parse("2017-12-31 9:30:15")
      create(:vote, created_at: created_at)

      response = execute('{ votes { edges { node { public_created_at } } } }')
      received_timestamps = extract_fields(response, 'votes', 'public_created_at')

      expect(Time.zone.parse(received_timestamps.first)).to eq Time.zone.parse("2017-12-31 9:00:00")

