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using Edument.CQRS;
using Events.Scores;
using MBACNationals.Participant;
using MBACNationals.Scores.Commands;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections;
using MBACNationals.ReadModels;

namespace MBACNationals.Scores
    public class ScoresCommandHandlers :
        IHandleCommand<SaveMatchResult, MatchAggregate>,
        IHandleCommand<SaveMatch, MatchAggregate>,
        IHandleCommand<CreateStepladderMatch, StepladderMatchAggregate>,
        IHandleCommand<UpdateStepladderMatch, StepladderMatchAggregate>,
        IHandleCommand<DeleteStepladderMatch, StepladderMatchAggregate>
        private MessageDispatcher _dispatcher;
        private ICommandQueries CommandQueries;

        public ScoresCommandHandlers(ICommandQueries commandQueries, MessageDispatcher dispatcher)
            CommandQueries = commandQueries;
            _dispatcher = dispatcher;

        public IEnumerable Handle(Func<Guid, MatchAggregate> al, SaveMatchResult command)
            var agg = al(command.Id);
            var match = _dispatcher.Load<MatchAggregate>(command.Id); //TODO: Why am I loading this again?

            if (match.IsPOA)
                //var awayBowler = command.Away.Bowlers.First();
                //var homeBowler = command.Home.Bowlers.First();

                //Single might no longer be first bowler if they are replaced
                var awaySingleParticipant = CommandQueries.GetTeamParticipants(command.Away.Id)
                    .Where(x => !x.IsReplaced)
                    .OrderBy(x => x.QualifyingPosition)
                    .FirstOrDefault() ?? new CommandQueries.Participant();
                    //.FirstOrDefault(x => x.QualifyingPosition == 1) ?? new CommandQueries.Participant();

                var awayBowler = command.Away.Bowlers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == awaySingleParticipant.Id)
                    ?? command.Away.Bowlers.First(); // Never used to have QualifyingPosition

                var homeSingleParticipant = CommandQueries.GetTeamParticipants(command.Home.Id)
                    .Where(x => !x.IsReplaced)
                    .OrderBy(x => x.QualifyingPosition)
                    .FirstOrDefault() ?? new CommandQueries.Participant();
                    //.FirstOrDefault(x => x.QualifyingPosition == 1) ?? new CommandQueries.Participant();

                var homeBowler = command.Home.Bowlers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == homeSingleParticipant.Id)
                    ?? command.Home.Bowlers.First(); // Never used to have QualifyingPosition
                var awayParticipant = _dispatcher.Load<ParticipantAggregate>(awayBowler.Id);
                var homeParticipant = _dispatcher.Load<ParticipantAggregate>(homeBowler.Id);

                var awayPOA = awayBowler.Score - awayParticipant.Average;
                var homePOA = homeBowler.Score - homeParticipant.Average;

                var awaySinglePoints = CalculatePoint(awayPOA, homePOA, 2);
                var homeSinglePoints = CalculatePoint(homePOA, awayPOA, 2);

                yield return new TeamGameCompleted
                    Id = command.Id,
                    Number = match.Number,
                    Division = agg.Division + " Single",
                    Contingent = match.Away,
                    Opponent = match.Home,
                    TeamId = command.Away.Id,
                    Score = awayBowler.Score,
                    POA = awayPOA,
                    Points = awaySinglePoints,
                    OpponentPoints = homeSinglePoints,
                    TotalPoints = awaySinglePoints,
                    OpponentScore = homeBowler.Score,
                    OpponentPOA = homePOA,
                    Lane = match.Lane,
                    Centre = match.CentreName,
                    IsPOA = match.IsPOA

                yield return new TeamGameCompleted
                    Id = command.Id,
                    Number = match.Number,
                    Division = agg.Division + " Single",
                    Contingent = match.Home,
                    Opponent = match.Away,
                    TeamId = command.Home.Id,
                    Score = homeBowler.Score,
                    POA = homePOA,
                    Points = homeSinglePoints,
                    OpponentPoints = awaySinglePoints,
                    TotalPoints = homeSinglePoints,
                    OpponentScore = awayBowler.Score,
                    OpponentPOA = awayPOA,
                    Lane = match.Lane + 1,
                    Centre = match.CentreName,
                    IsPOA = match.IsPOA

            var awayTeamScore = 0;
            var homeTeamScore = 0;
            var awayTeamPOA = 0;
            var homeTeamPOA = 0;
            var awayTeamPoints = 0m;
            var homeTeamPoints = 0m;

            for (var i = 1; i <= command.Away.Bowlers.Length; i++)
                var awayBowler = command.Away.Bowlers.SingleOrDefault(x=>x.Position == i);
                if (awayBowler == null)
                var awayParticipant = _dispatcher.Load<ParticipantAggregate>(awayBowler.Id);

                var homeBowler = command.Home.Bowlers.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Position == i);
                if (homeBowler == null)
                var homeParticipant = _dispatcher.Load<ParticipantAggregate>(homeBowler.Id);

                var awayPOA = awayBowler.Score - awayParticipant.Average;
                var homePOA = homeBowler.Score - homeParticipant.Average;

                awayTeamScore += awayBowler.Score;
                homeTeamScore += homeBowler.Score;

                awayTeamPOA += awayPOA;
                homeTeamPOA += homePOA;

                var maxIndividualPoints = agg.Division.Contains("Single") ? 2 : 1;
                var awayBowlerPoint = agg.IsPOA
                    ? CalculatePoint(awayPOA, homePOA, maxIndividualPoints)
                    : CalculatePoint(awayBowler.Score, homeBowler.Score, maxIndividualPoints);

                var homeBowlerPoint = agg.IsPOA
                    ? CalculatePoint(homePOA, awayPOA, maxIndividualPoints)
                    : CalculatePoint(homeBowler.Score, awayBowler.Score, maxIndividualPoints);
                awayTeamPoints += awayBowlerPoint;
                homeTeamPoints += homeBowlerPoint;

                yield return new ParticipantGameCompleted
                    Id = command.Id,
                    ParticipantId = awayBowler.Id,
                    OpponentId = homeBowler.Id,
                    Number = match.Number,
                    Name = awayParticipant.Name,
                    Gender = awayParticipant.Gender,
                    Division = agg.Division,
                    Contingent = match.Away,
                    Opponent = match.Home,
                    OpponentName = homeParticipant.Name,
                    OpponentScore = homeBowler.Score,
                    OpponentPOA = homePOA,
                    Score = awayBowler.Score,
                    Position = awayBowler.Position,
                    POA = awayPOA,
                    Points = awayBowlerPoint,
                    Lane = match.Lane,
                    Centre = match.CentreName,
                    IsPOA = match.IsPOA

                yield return new ParticipantGameCompleted
                    Id = command.Id,
                    ParticipantId = homeBowler.Id,
                    OpponentId = awayBowler.Id,
                    Number = match.Number,
                    Name = homeParticipant.Name,
                    Gender = homeParticipant.Gender,
                    Division = agg.Division,
                    Contingent = match.Home,
                    Opponent = match.Away,
                    OpponentName = awayParticipant.Name,
                    OpponentScore = awayBowler.Score,
                    OpponentPOA = awayPOA,
                    Score = homeBowler.Score,
                    Position = homeBowler.Position,
                    POA = homePOA,
                    Points = homeBowlerPoint,
                    Lane = match.Lane + 1,
                    Centre = match.CentreName,
                    IsPOA = match.IsPOA

            var maxTeamPoints = agg.Division.Contains("Single") ? 0 : 3;
            var awayTeamPoint = agg.IsPOA
                ? CalculatePoint(awayTeamPOA, homeTeamPOA, maxTeamPoints)
                : CalculatePoint(awayTeamScore, homeTeamScore, maxTeamPoints);

            var homeTeamPoint = agg.IsPOA
                ? CalculatePoint(homeTeamPOA, awayTeamPOA, maxTeamPoints)
                : CalculatePoint(homeTeamScore, awayTeamScore, maxTeamPoints);

            yield return new TeamGameCompleted
                Id = command.Id,
                Number = match.Number,
                Division = agg.Division,
                Contingent = match.Away,
                Opponent = match.Home,
                TeamId = command.Away.Id,
                Score = awayTeamScore,
                POA = awayTeamPOA,
                Points = awayTeamPoint,
                TotalPoints = awayTeamPoints + awayTeamPoint,
                OpponentPoints = homeTeamPoints + homeTeamPoint,
                OpponentScore = homeTeamScore,
                OpponentPOA = homeTeamPOA,
                Lane = match.Lane,
                Centre = match.CentreName,
                IsPOA = match.IsPOA

            yield return new TeamGameCompleted
                Id = command.Id,
                Number = match.Number,
                Division = agg.Division,
                Contingent = match.Home,
                Opponent = match.Away,
                TeamId = command.Home.Id,
                Score = homeTeamScore,
                POA = homeTeamPOA,
                Points = homeTeamPoint,
                TotalPoints = homeTeamPoints + homeTeamPoint,
                OpponentPoints = awayTeamPoints + awayTeamPoint,
                OpponentScore = awayTeamScore,
                OpponentPOA = awayTeamPOA,
                Lane = match.Lane + 1,
                Centre = match.CentreName,
                IsPOA = match.IsPOA

            yield return new MatchCompleted
                Id = command.Id,
                Number = match.Number,
                Division = agg.Division,
                Home = match.Home,
                Away = match.Away

        public IEnumerable Handle(Func<Guid, MatchAggregate> al, SaveMatch command)
            var agg = al(command.Id);

            if (agg.EventsLoaded > 0)
                throw new MatchAlreadyCreated();

            yield return new MatchCreated
                Id = command.Id,
                TournamentId = command.TournamentId,
                Year = command.Year,
                Division = command.Division,
                IsPOA = command.IsPOA,
                Home = command.Home,
                Away = command.Away,
                Centre = command.Centre,
                CentreName = command.CentreName,
                Lane = command.Lane,
                Slot = command.Slot,
                Number = command.Number

        public IEnumerable Handle(Func<Guid, StepladderMatchAggregate> al, CreateStepladderMatch command)
            var agg = al(command.Id);

            if (agg.EventsLoaded > 0)
                throw new MatchAlreadyCreated();

            var tournament = CommandQueries.GetTournaments().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Year == command.Year);
            var awayBowler = CommandQueries.GetParticipant(command.AwayBowlerId);
            var homeBowler = CommandQueries.GetParticipant(command.HomeBowlerId);
            yield return new StepladderMatchCreated
                Id = command.Id,
                TournamentId = tournament.Id,
                Year = command.Year,
                Away = awayBowler.Id,
                AwayBowler = awayBowler.Name,
                Home = homeBowler.Id,
                HomeBowler = homeBowler.Name,
                Gender = homeBowler.Gender,
                Created = DateTime.Now,

        public IEnumerable Handle(Func<Guid, StepladderMatchAggregate> al, UpdateStepladderMatch command)
            var agg = al(command.Id);

            yield return new StepladderMatchUpdated
                Id = command.Id,
                TournamentId = command.TournamentId,
                HomeShots = command.HomeShots,
                AwayShots = command.AwayShots,
                Updated = DateTime.Now,

        public IEnumerable Handle(Func<Guid, StepladderMatchAggregate> al, DeleteStepladderMatch command)
            var agg = al(command.Id);

            yield return new StepladderMatchDeleted
                Id = command.Id,
                TournamentId = command.TournamentId

        public decimal CalculatePoint(int score, int opponentScore, decimal maxPoint)
            return score > opponentScore ? maxPoint
                        : score == opponentScore ? maxPoint / 2m
                        : 0m;