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# 1. Purpose

This specification describes [MapConfig]( format version 1.3.0.

# 2. File format

Layergroup files use the JSON format as described in [RFC 4627](

    // default map extent, in map projection
    // (only webmercator supported at this version)
    extent: [-20037508.5, -20037508.5, 20037508.5, 20037508.5],

    // Spatial reference identifier for the map
    // Defaults to 3857
    srid: 3857,

    // maxzoom to be renderer. From this zoom tiles will respond 404
    // default: undefined (infinite)
    maxzoom: 18,

    // minzoom to be renderer. From this zoom tiles will respond 404. Must be less than maxzoom
    // default: 0
    minzoom: 3,

    // Array of layers defined in render order
    // Different kind of layers supported are described below
    layers: [
            // REQUIRED
            // string, sets layer type, can take 4 values:
            //  - 'mapnik'  - rasterized tiles
            //  - 'cartodb' - an alias for mapnik, for backward compatibility
            //  - 'torque'  - render vector tiles in torque format (to be linked)
            //  - 'http'    - load tiles over HTTP
            type: 'mapnik',

            // REQUIRED
            // object, set different options for each layer type
            options: {
                // See different options by layer type bellow this
                // NOTE: Options not defined in the different layers will be discarded

## 2.1 Mapnik layers options

    // string, SQL to be performed on user database to fetch the data to be rendered.
    // It should select at least the columns specified in ``geom_column``,
    // ``interactivity`` and  ``attributes`` configurations below.
    // It can contain substitution tokens `!bbox!`, `!pixel_width!`, `!scale_denominator!`,
    // and `!pixel_height!`.
    sql: 'select * from table',

    // string, CartoCSS style to render the tiles
    // CartoCSS specification depend on layer type:
    //  Mapnik:
    cartocss: '#layer { ... }',

    // string, CartoCSS style version of cartocss attribute
    // Version semantic is specific to the layer type.
    cartocss_version: '2.0.1',

    // name of the column containing the geometry
    // Defaults to 'the_geom_webmercator'
    geom_column: 'the_geom_webmercator',

    // type of column, can be 'geometry' or 'raster'
    // Defaults to 'geometry'
    geom_type: 'geometry',

    // raster band, only valid when geom_type = 'raster'.
    // If 0 or not specified makes rasters being interpreted
    // as either grayscale (for single bands) or RGB (for 3 bands)
    // or RGBA (for 4 bands).
    // Defaults to 0
    raster_band: 0,

    // spatial reference identifier of the geometry column
    // Defaults to 3857
    srid: 3857,

    // string array, contains tables that SQL uses. It used when affected tables can't be
    // guessed from SQL (for example, plsql functions are used)
    affected_tables: [ 'table1', 'schema.table2', '"MixedCase"."Table"' ],

    // string array, contains fields renderer inside grid.json
    // all the params should be exposed by the results of executing the query in sql attribute
    // NOTE: `interactivity` is incompatible with `geom_type` so it is not possible to create
    // a layergroup instance with a `raster` layer with geom_type='raster'.
    interactivity: [ 'field1', 'field2', .. ]

    // values returned by attributes service (disabled if no config is given)
    attributes: {
        // REQUIRED
        // used as key value to fetch columns
        id: 'identifying_column',

        // REQUIRED
        // string list of columns returned by attributes service
        columns: ['column1', 'column2']

## 2.2 Torque layers options

    // string, SQL to be performed on user database to fetch the data to be rendered.
    // It should select at least the columns specified in ``geom_column``,
    // ``interactivity`` and  ``attributes`` configurations below.
    sql: 'select * from table',

    // string, CartoCSS style to render the tiles
    // CartoCSS specification depend on layer type:
    //  Torque:
    cartocss: '#layer { ... }',

    // string, CartoCSS style version of cartocss attribute
    // Version semantic is specific to the layer type.
    cartocss_version: '1.0.0',

    // The step to render when requesting a torque.png tile
    // Defaults to 0
    step: 0,

    // name of the column containing the geometry
    // Defaults to 'the_geom_webmercator'
    geom_column: 'the_geom_webmercator',

    // spatial reference identifier of the geometry column
    // Defaults to 3857
    srid: 3857,

    // string array, contains tables that SQL uses. It used when affected tables can't be
    // guessed from SQL (for example, plsql functions are used)
    affected_tables: [ 'table1', 'schema.table2', '"MixedCase"."Table"' ],

    // values returned by attributes service (disabled if no config is given)
    // NOTE: enabling the attribute service is forbidden if the "sql" option contains
    //       substitution token that make it dependent on zoom level or viewport extent.
    attributes: {
        // REQUIRED
        // used as key value to fetch columns
        id: 'identifying_column',

        // REQUIRED
        // string list of columns returned by attributes service
        columns: ['column1', 'column2']

## 2.3 Http layers options

    // {String} end URL to retrieve the tiles from.
    // Where {z} — zoom level, {x} and {y} — tile coordinates.
    // And {s} the subdomain, {s} is OPTIONAL. See `subdomains`.
    // NOTE: URLs must be included in the configuration whitelist to be valid
    urlTemplate: "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",

    // {Array<String>} it will be used to retrieve from different subdomains.
    // It will consistently replace {s} from `urlTemplate`.
    // Defaults to ['a', 'b', 'c'] when {s} is present in `urlTemplate`, [] otherwise.
    subdomains: ['a', 'b', 'c'],

    // {Boolean} will indicate either the tile is in TMS service format or not
    // If true, it inverses Y axis numbering for tiles
    // Defaults to `false`
    tms: false

# Extensions

The document may be extended for specific uses.
For example, Windshaft-CartoDB defines the addition of a "stat_tag" element
in the config. See

Specification for how to name extensions is yet to be defined as of this version
of MapConfig.


 - Allow for each layer to specify the name of the geometry column to use for tiles
 - Allow to specify layer projection/srid and map projection/srid
 - Allow to specify quadtree configuration (max extent, mostly)
 - Link to a document describing "CartoCSS" version (ie: what's required for torque etc.)

# History

## 1.3.0

 - Add support for 'http' layer type
 - Add support in torque layers to specify the step to render when rendering the associated png
 - Removes interactivity option for mapnik layers with raster geom_type
 - Removes interactivity option for torque layers. It was never used.

## 1.2.0

 - Add support for 'geom_type' and 'raster_band' in 'mapnik' type layers

## 1.1.0

 - Add support for 'torque' type layers
 - Add support for 'attributes' specification

## 1.0.1

 - Layer.options.interactivity became an array (from a string)

## 1.0.0

 - Initial version