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'use strict';

const { rendererFactory: mapnikRendererFactory } = require('@carto/cartonik');
const mapnik = require('@carto/mapnik');
const grainstore = require('grainstore');
const layersFilter = require('../../utils/layers-filter');
const MapnikAdaptor = require('./adaptor');
const DefaultQueryRewriter = require('../../utils/default-query-rewriter');

const COLUMN_TYPE_GEOMETRY = 'geometry';
const COLUMN_TYPE_RASTER = 'raster';
const DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE = 256;
const FORMAT_MVT = 'mvt';
const SUPPORTED_FORMATS = ['png', 'png32', 'grid.json', FORMAT_MVT];

module.exports = class MapnikFactory {
    static get NAME () {
        return 'mapnik';

    constructor (options) {
        this._mapnikOptions = Object.assign({}, {
            geometry_field: 'the_geom_webmercator',

            // Metatile is the number of tiles-per-side that are going
            // to be rendered at once. If all of them will be requested
            // we'd have saved time. If only one will be used, we'd have
            // wasted time.
            // Defaults to 2 as of tilelive-mapnik@0.3.2
            // We'll assume an average of a 4x4 viewport
            metatile: 4,

            // tilelive-mapnik uses an internal cache to store tiles/grids
            // generated when using metatile. This options allow to tune
            // the behaviour for that internal cache.
            metatileCache: {
                // Time an object must stay in the cache until is removed
                ttl: 0,
                // Whether an object must be removed after the first hit
                // Usually you want to use `true` here when ttl>0.
                deleteOnHit: false

            // Override metatile behaviour depending on the format
            formatMetatile: {},

            // Buffer size is the tickness in pixel of a buffer
            // around the rendered (meta?)tile.
            // This is important for labels and other marker that overlap tile boundaries.
            // Setting to 128 ensures no render artifacts.
            // 64 may have artifacts but is faster.
            // Less important if we can turn metatiling on.
            // defaults to 128 as of tilelive-mapnik@0.3.2
            bufferSize: 64,

            // Buffer size behaviour depending on the format
            formatBufferSize: {},

            // retina support, which scale factors are supported
            scale_factors: [1, 2],

            limits: {
                // Time in milliseconds a render request can take before it fails, some notes:
                //  - 0 means no render limit
                //  - it considers metatiling, it naive implementation: (render timeout) * (number of tiles in metatile)
                render: 0,
                // As the render request will finish even if timed out, whether it should be placed in the internal
                // cache or it should be fully discarded. When placed in the internal cache another attempt to retrieve
                // the same tile will result in an immediate response, however that will use a lot of more application
                // memory. If we want to enforce this behaviour we have to implement a cache eviction policy for the
                // internal cache.
                cacheOnTimeout: true

            // A query-rewriter can be passed to preprocess SQL queries
            // before passing them to Mapnik.
            // The query rewriter should contain one function:
            // - `query(sql, data)` to transform queries using the optional data provided
            // The data passed to this function can be provided for eaach layer
            // through a `query_rewrite_data` entry in the layer options.
            // By default a dummy query rewriter which doesn't alter queries is used.
            queryRewriter: new DefaultQueryRewriter(),

            // If enabled Mapnik will reuse the features retrieved from the database
            // instead of requesting them once per style inside a layer
            'cache-features': true,

            // Require stats per query to the renderer
            metrics: false,

            // Options for markers attributes, ellipses and images caches
            markers_symbolizer_caches: {
                disabled: false

            // INTERNAL: Render time variables
            variables: {}
        }, options.mapnik || {});

        this._mapnikOptions.scale_factors = this._mapnikOptions.scale_factors.reduce((previousValue, currentValue) => {
            previousValue[currentValue] = DEFAULT_TILE_SIZE * currentValue;
            return previousValue;
        }, {});

        this._grainstoreOptions = options.grainstore || {};
        this._grainstoreOptions.mapnik_version = this._grainstoreOptions.mapnik_version || mapnik.versions.mapnik;


    getName () {
        return MapnikFactory.NAME;

    supportsFormat (format) {
        return SUPPORTED_FORMATS.includes(format);

    getAdaptor (renderer, onTileErrorStrategy) {
        return new MapnikAdaptor(renderer, onTileErrorStrategy);

    getRenderer (mapConfig, format, options, callback) {
        const isMvt = format === FORMAT_MVT;

        if (mapConfig.isVectorOnlyMapConfig() && !isMvt) {
            const error = new Error(`Unsupported format: 'cartocss' option is missing for ${format}`);
            error.http_status = 400;
            error.type = 'tile';
            return callback(error);

        defineExpectedParams(options.params, this._mapnikOptions);

        let mmlBuilderConfig;
        try {
            mmlBuilderConfig = mapConfigToMMLBuilderConfig(mapConfig, options, this._mapnikOptions);
        } catch (error) {
            return callback(error);

        const params = Object.assign({}, options.params, mmlBuilderConfig);
        const limits = Object.assign({}, this._mapnikOptions.limits, options.limits);
        const variables = Object.assign({}, this._mapnikOptions.variables, options.variables);

        // fix layer index
        // see
        if (params.layer) {
            params.layer = mapConfig.getLayerIndexByType('mapnik', params.layer);

        const scaleFactor = params.scale_factor === undefined ? 1 : +params.scale_factor;
        const tileSize = this._mapnikOptions.scale_factors[scaleFactor];

        if (!tileSize) {
            const err = new Error('Tile with specified resolution not found');
            err.http_status = 404;
            return callback(err);

        let mmlBuilder;
        try {
            mmlBuilder = getMMLBuilder(mapConfig, this._grainstoreOptions, params, format);
        } catch (error) {
            return callback(error);

        mmlBuilder.toXML((err, xml) => {
            if (err) {
                return callback(err);

            try {
                const renderer = mapnikRendererFactory({
                    type: isMvt ? 'vector' : 'raster',
                    xml: xml,
                    strict: !!params.strict,
                    bufferSize: this._getBufferSize(mapConfig, format),
                    poolSize: this._mapnikOptions.poolSize,
                    poolMaxWaitingClients: this._mapnikOptions.poolMaxWaitingClients,
                    tileSize: tileSize,
                    limits: limits,
                    metrics: options.params.metrics,
                    variables: variables,
                    metatile: this._getMetatile(format), // when raster renderer
                    metatileCache: this._mapnikOptions.metatileCache, // when raster renderer
                    scale: scaleFactor, // when raster renderer
                    gzip: false // when vector renderer

                return callback(null, renderer);
            } catch (err) {
                return callback(err);

    _getMetatile (format) {
        let metatile = this._mapnikOptions.metatile;

        if (Number.isFinite(this._mapnikOptions.formatMetatile[format])) {
            metatile = this._mapnikOptions.formatMetatile[format];

        return metatile;

    _getBufferSize (mapConfig, format, options) {
        options = options || this._mapnikOptions;

        if (Number.isFinite(mapConfig.getBufferSize(format))) {
            return mapConfig.getBufferSize(format);

        return getBufferSizeFromOptions(format, options);

function defineExpectedParams (params, mapnikOptions) {
    if (params['cache-features'] === undefined) {
        params['cache-features'] = mapnikOptions['cache-features'];

    if (params.metrics === undefined) {
        params.metrics = mapnikOptions.metrics;

    if (params.markers_symbolizer_caches === undefined) {
        params.markers_symbolizer_caches = mapnikOptions.markers_symbolizer_caches;

function mapConfigToMMLBuilderConfig (mapConfig, rendererOptions, mapnikOptions) {
    const options = {
        ids: [],
        sql: [],
        originalSql: [],
        style: [],
        style_version: [],
        zooms: [],
        interactivity: [],
        ttl: 0,
        datasource_extend: [],
        extra_ds_opts: [],
        gcols: [],
        'cache-features': rendererOptions.params['cache-features']

    const layerFilter = rendererOptions.layer;

    const filteredLayerIndexes = layersFilter(mapConfig, layerFilter);
    filteredLayerIndexes.reduce((options, layerIndex) => {
        const layer = mapConfig.getLayer(layerIndex);

        validateLayer(mapConfig, layerIndex);

        const layerOptions = layer.options;

        if (layerOptions.cartocss !== undefined && layerOptions.cartocss_version !== undefined) {

        const { queryRewriter } = mapnikOptions;
        const query = queryRewriter.query(layerOptions.sql, layerOptions.query_rewrite_data);
        const queryOptions = prepareQuery(query, layerOptions.geom_column, layerOptions.geom_type, mapnikOptions);


        const zoom = {};
        if (Number.isFinite(layerOptions.minzoom)) {
            zoom.minzoom = layerOptions.minzoom;
        if (Number.isFinite(layerOptions.maxzoom)) {
            zoom.maxzoom = layerOptions.maxzoom;

            type: queryOptions.geomColumnType, // grainstore allows undefined here
            name: queryOptions.geomColumnName

        const extraOpt = {};
        if (, 'raster_band')) {
   = layerOptions.raster_band;

        return options;
    }, options);

    if (!options.sql.length) {
        throw new Error('No \'mapnik\' layers in MapConfig');

    if (!options.gcols.length) {
        options.gcols = undefined;

    // Grainstore limits interactivity to one layer. If there are more than one layer in layer filter then interactivity
    // won't be passed to grainstore (due to format requested is png, only one layer is allowed for grid.json format)
    if (filteredLayerIndexes.length === 1) {
        const lyrInteractivity = mapConfig.getLayer(filteredLayerIndexes[0]);
        const layerOptions = lyrInteractivity.options;

        if (layerOptions.interactivity) {
            // NOTE: interactivity used to be a string as of version 1.0.0
            if (Array.isArray(layerOptions.interactivity)) {
                layerOptions.interactivity = layerOptions.interactivity.join(',');

            // grainstore needs to know the layer index to take the interactivity, forced to be 0.
            options.layer = 0;

    return options;

function bootstrapFonts (grainstoreOptions) {
    // Set carto renderer configuration for MMLStore
    grainstoreOptions.carto_env = grainstoreOptions.carto_env || {};
    const cenv = grainstoreOptions.carto_env;

    cenv.validation_data = cenv.validation_data || {};
    if (!cenv.validation_data.fonts) {
        cenv.validation_data.fonts = Object.keys(mapnik.fontFiles());

function validateLayer (mapConfig, layerIndex) {
    const layer = mapConfig.getLayer(layerIndex);
    const layerOptions = layer.options;

    if (!mapConfig.isVectorOnlyMapConfig()) {
        if (!, 'cartocss')) {
            throw new Error('Missing cartocss for layer ' + layerIndex + ' options');

        if (!, 'cartocss_version')) {
            throw new Error('Missing cartocss_version for layer ' + layerIndex + ' options');

    if (!, 'sql')) {
        throw new Error('Missing sql for layer ' + layerIndex + ' options');

    // It doesn't make sense to have interactivity with raster layers so we raise
    // an error in case someone tries to instantiate a raster layer with interactivity.
    if (isRasterColumnType(layerOptions.geom_type) && layerOptions.interactivity !== undefined) {
        throw new Error('Mapnik raster layers do not support interactivity');

function getBufferSizeFromOptions (format, options) {
    return options && options.formatBufferSize && Number.isFinite(options.formatBufferSize[format])
        ? options.formatBufferSize[format]
        : options.bufferSize;

// Wrap SQL requests in mapnik format if sent
function prepareQuery (userSql, geomColumnName, geomColumnType, mapnikOptions) {
    // remove trailing ';'
    userSql = userSql.replace(/;\s*$/, '');

    geomColumnName = geomColumnName || mapnikOptions.geometry_field;
    geomColumnType = geomColumnType || COLUMN_TYPE_DEFAULT;

    return {
        sql: '(' + userSql + ') as cdbq',
        geomColumnName: geomColumnName,
        geomColumnType: geomColumnType

function isRasterColumnType (geomColumnType) {
    return geomColumnType === COLUMN_TYPE_RASTER;

function getMMLBuilder (mapConfig, grainstoreOptions, params, format) {
    const mmlBuilderOptions = {};
    if (format === 'png32') {
        mmlBuilderOptions.mapnik_tile_format = 'png';

    if (format === FORMAT_MVT) {
        grainstoreOptions = getMVTOptions(mapConfig, grainstoreOptions);

    const mmlStore = new grainstore.MMLStore(grainstoreOptions);
    return mmlStore.mml_builder(params, mmlBuilderOptions);

function getMVTOptions (mapConfig, grainstoreOptions) {
    const mapExtents = mapConfig.getMVTExtents();

    // Make a copy of grainstoreOptions so we can modify it safely
    const newOptions = Object.assign({}, grainstoreOptions);
    newOptions.datasource = Object.assign({}, grainstoreOptions.datasource);

    newOptions.datasource.vector_layer_extent = mapExtents.extent;

    // This function is used to set all the simplify options in Mapnik to work with MVTs
    // so it's tied to `plugins/input/postgis/postgis_datasource.cpp`

    // TWKB encoding: Adapt the rounding to the simplify extent
    newOptions.datasource.twkb_rounding_adjustment = Math.log10(mapExtents.extent / mapExtents.simplify_extent);

    // Binary encoding: Disable snapping and simplify geometries up to half pixel
    newOptions.datasource.simplify_geometries = true;
    newOptions.datasource.simplify_snap_ratio = 0;
    newOptions.datasource.simplify_dp_ratio = 0.5 * mapExtents.extent / mapExtents.simplify_extent;
    newOptions.datasource.simplify_dp_preserve = true;

    return newOptions;