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from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
from six.moves import zip

def smooth_with_noise(image, bits):
    """Smooth the image with a per-pixel random multiplier
    image - the image to perturb
    bits - the noise is this many bits below the pixel value
    The noise is random with normal distribution, so the individual pixels
    get either multiplied or divided by a normally distributed # of bits

    rr = np.random.RandomState()
    r = rr.normal(size=image.shape)
    delta = pow(2.0, -bits)
    image_copy = np.clip(image, delta, 1)
    result = np.exp2(np.log2(image_copy + delta) * r + (1 - r) * np.log2(image_copy))
    result[result > 1] = 1
    result[result < 0] = 0
    return result

def smooth_with_function_and_mask(image, function, mask):
    """Smooth an image with a linear function, ignoring the contribution of masked pixels
    image - image to smooth
    function - a function that takes an image and returns a smoothed image
    mask  - mask with 1's for significant pixels, 0 for masked pixels
    This function calculates the fractional contribution of masked pixels
    by applying the function to the mask (which gets you the fraction of
    the pixel data that's due to significant points). We then mask the image
    and apply the function. The resulting values will be lower by the bleed-over
    fraction, so you can recalibrate by dividing by the function on the mask
    to recover the effect of smoothing from just the significant pixels.
    not_mask = np.logical_not(mask)
    bleed_over = function(mask.astype(float))
    masked_image = np.zeros(image.shape, image.dtype)
    masked_image[mask] = image[mask]
    smoothed_image = function(masked_image)
    output_image = smoothed_image / (bleed_over + np.finfo(float).eps)
    return output_image

def circular_gaussian_kernel(sd, radius):
    """Create a 2-d Gaussian convolution kernel
    sd     - standard deviation of the gaussian in pixels
    radius - build a circular kernel that convolves all points in the circle
             bounded by this radius 
    i, j = np.mgrid[-radius : radius + 1, -radius : radius + 1].astype(float) / radius
    mask = i ** 2 + j ** 2 <= 1
    i = i * radius / sd
    j = j * radius / sd

    kernel = np.zeros((2 * radius + 1, 2 * radius + 1))
    kernel[mask] = np.e ** (-(i[mask] ** 2 + j[mask] ** 2) / (2 * sd ** 2))
    # Normalize the kernel so that there is no net effect on a uniform image
    kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel)
    return kernel

def fit_polynomial(pixel_data, mask, clip=True):
    """Return an "image" which is a polynomial fit to the pixel data
    Fit the image to the polynomial Ax**2+By**2+Cxy+Dx+Ey+F
    pixel_data - a two-dimensional numpy array to be fitted
    mask - a mask of pixels whose intensities should be considered in the
           least squares fit
    clip - if True, clip the output array so that pixels less than zero
           in the fitted image are zero and pixels that are greater than
           one are one.
    mask = np.logical_and(mask, pixel_data > 0)
    if not np.any(mask):
        return pixel_data
    x, y = np.mgrid[0 : pixel_data.shape[0], 0 : pixel_data.shape[1]]
    x2 = x * x
    y2 = y * y
    xy = x * y
    o = np.ones(pixel_data.shape)
    a = np.array([x[mask], y[mask], x2[mask], y2[mask], xy[mask], o[mask]])
    coeffs = scipy.linalg.lstsq(a.transpose(), pixel_data[mask])[0]
    output_pixels = np.sum(
        [coeff * index for coeff, index in zip(coeffs, [x, y, x2, y2, xy, o])], 0
    if clip:
        output_pixels[output_pixels > 1] = 1
        output_pixels[output_pixels < 0] = 0
    return output_pixels