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Test Coverage
import uuid
import socket
import asyncio
import logging
from http import HTTPStatus

import tornado.gen

import sentry_sdk

from waterbutler.core import utils
from waterbutler.server import settings
from waterbutler.server.api.v1 import core
from waterbutler.core import remote_logging
from waterbutler.server.auth import AuthHandler
from waterbutler.core.log_payload import LogPayload
from waterbutler.core.exceptions import TooManyRequests
from waterbutler.core.streams import RequestStreamReader
from waterbutler.server.settings import ENABLE_RATE_LIMITING
from waterbutler.server.api.v1.provider.create import CreateMixin
from waterbutler.server.api.v1.provider.metadata import MetadataMixin
from waterbutler.server.api.v1.provider.movecopy import MoveCopyMixin
from waterbutler.server.api.v1.provider.ratelimiting import RateLimitingMixin

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
auth_handler = AuthHandler(settings.AUTH_HANDLERS)

def list_or_value(value):
    assert isinstance(value, list)
    if len(value) == 0:
        return None
    if len(value) == 1:
        return value[0].decode('utf-8')
    return [item.decode('utf-8') for item in value]

# TODO: the order should be reverted though it doesn't have any functional effect for this class.
class ProviderHandler(core.BaseHandler, CreateMixin, MetadataMixin, MoveCopyMixin, RateLimitingMixin):
    PRE_VALIDATORS = {'put': 'prevalidate_put', 'post': 'prevalidate_post'}
    POST_VALIDATORS = {'put': 'postvalidate_put'}
    PATTERN = r'/resources/(?P<resource>(?:\w|\d)+)/providers/(?P<provider>(?:\w|\d)+)(?P<path>/.*/?)'

    async def prepare(self, *args, **kwargs):

            logger.debug('>>> checking for rate-limiting')
            limit_hit, data = self.rate_limit()
            if limit_hit:
                raise TooManyRequests(data=data)
            logger.debug('>>> rate limiting check passed ...')

        method = self.request.method.lower()

        # TODO Find a nicer way to handle this
        if method == 'options':

        self.arguments = {
            key: list_or_value(value)
            for key, value in self.request.query_arguments.items()

        # Going with version as its the most correct term
        # TODO Change all references of revision to version @chrisseto
        # revisions will still be accepted until necessary changes are made to OSF
        self.requested_version = (self.get_query_argument('version', default=None) or
                                  self.get_query_argument('revision', default=None))

        self.path = self.path_kwargs['path'] or '/'
        provider = self.path_kwargs['provider']
        self.resource = self.path_kwargs['resource']

        with sentry_sdk.configure_scope() as scope:
            scope.set_tag('', self.resource)
            scope.set_tag('src_provider', self.path_kwargs['provider'])

        # pre-validator methods perform validations that can be performed before ensuring that the
        # path given by the url is valid.  An example would be making sure that a particular query
        # parameter matches and allowed value.  We do this because validating the path requires
        # issuing one or more API calls to the provider, and some providers are quite stingy with
        # their rate limits.
        if method in self.PRE_VALIDATORS:
            getattr(self, self.PRE_VALIDATORS[method])()

        # Delay setup of the provider when method is post, as we need to evaluate the json body
        # action.
        if method != 'post':
            self.auth = await auth_handler.get(self.resource, provider, self.request,
                                               path=self.path, version=self.requested_version)
            self.provider = utils.make_provider(provider, self.auth['auth'],
                                                self.auth['credentials'], self.auth['settings'])
            self.path = await self.provider.validate_v1_path(self.path, **self.arguments)

        self.target_path = None

        # post-validator methods perform validations that expect that the path given in the url has
        # been verified for existence and type.
        if method in self.POST_VALIDATORS:
            await getattr(self, self.POST_VALIDATORS[method])()

        # The one special case
        if method == 'put' and self.target_path.is_file:
            await self.prepare_stream()
   = None
        self.body = b''

        self.add_header('X-WATERBUTLER-REQUEST-ID', str(uuid.uuid4()))

    async def head(self, **_):
        """Get metadata for a folder or file
        if self.path.is_dir:  # Metadata on the folder itself TODO
            return self.set_status(int(HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED))
        return (await self.header_file_metadata())

    async def get(self, **_):
        """Download a file
        Will redirect to a signed URL if possible and accept_url is not False
        :raises: MustBeFileError if path is not a file
        if self.path.is_dir:
            return (await self.get_folder())
        return (await self.get_file())

    async def put(self, **_):
        """Defined in CreateMixin"""
        if self.target_path.is_file:
            return (await self.upload_file())
        return (await self.create_folder())

    async def post(self, **_):
        return (await self.move_or_copy())

    async def delete(self, **_):
        self.confirm_delete = int(self.get_query_argument('confirm_delete', default=0))
        await self.provider.delete(self.path, confirm_delete=self.confirm_delete)

    async def data_received(self, chunk):
        """Note: Only called during uploads."""
        self.bytes_uploaded += len(chunk)
            await self.writer.drain()
            self.body += chunk

    async def prepare_stream(self):
        """Sets up an asyncio pipe from client to server
        Only called on PUT when path is to a file
        self.rsock, self.wsock = socket.socketpair()

        self.reader, _ = await asyncio.open_unix_connection(sock=self.rsock)
        _, self.writer = await asyncio.open_unix_connection(sock=self.wsock) = RequestStreamReader(self.request, self.reader)
        self.uploader = asyncio.ensure_future(self.provider.upload(, self.target_path))

    def on_finish(self):
        status, method = self.get_status(), self.request.method.upper()

        # If the response code is not within the 200-302 range, the request was a HEAD or OPTIONS,
        # the response code is 202, or the response was a 206 partial request, then no callbacks
        # should be sent and no metrics collected.  For 202s, celery will send its own callback.
        # Osfstorage and s3 can return 302s for file downloads, which should be tallied.
        if any({
            method in {'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'},
            status in {202, 206},
            status > 302,
            status < 200

        # WB doesn't send along Range headers when requesting signed urls, expecting the client
        # to forward them along with the redirect request (as curl and Postman do).  Before
        # rejecting 302s with partials, start logging instances of them to see how common they
        # are.  That information will be used to decide if direct+Range requests should be logged
        # or not.  For now, continue to log.
        if status == 302 and 'Range' in self.request.headers:
  'Received a direct-to-provider download request (302 response) with '
                        'Range header: {}'.format(self.request.headers['Range']))

        # Don't log metadata requests, incl. anything with 'meta' or 'revisions' as a query arg.
        # Folder requests w/o 'zip' as a query arg are treated as metadata requests, and should
        # be ignored.
        if (method == 'GET' and ('meta' in self.request.query_arguments or
                                 'revisions' in self.request.query_arguments or
                                 (self.path.is_folder and
                                  'zip' not in self.request.query_arguments))):

        # Done here just because method is defined
        action = {
            'GET': lambda: 'download_file' if self.path.is_file else 'download_zip',
            'PUT': lambda: ('create' if self.target_path.is_file else 'create_folder') if status == 201 else 'update',
            'POST': lambda: 'move' if self.json['action'] == 'rename' else self.json['action'],
            'DELETE': lambda: 'delete'


    def _send_hook(self, action):
        source = None
        destination = None

        if action in ('move', 'copy'):
            # if provider can't intra_move or copy, then the celery task will take care of logging
            if not getattr(self.provider, 'can_intra_' + action)(self.dest_provider, self.path):

            source = LogPayload(self.resource, self.provider, path=self.path)
            destination = LogPayload(
        elif action in ('create', 'create_folder', 'update'):
            source = LogPayload(self.resource, self.provider, metadata=self.metadata)
        elif action in ('delete', 'download_file', 'download_zip'):
            source = LogPayload(self.resource, self.provider, path=self.path)

        remote_logging.log_file_action(action, source=source, destination=destination, api_version='v1',