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# Vote for Yii2

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![How yii2-vote works](

## Installation

Next steps will guide you through the process of installing yii2-vote using **composer**. Installation is a quick and easy three-step process.

### Step 1: Install component via composer

Run command

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist chiliec/yii2-vote "^4.2"

or add

"chiliec/yii2-vote": "^4.2"

to the require section of your `composer.json` file.

### Step 2: Configuring your application

Add following lines to your main configuration file:

'bootstrap' => [
'modules' => [
    'vote' => [
        'class' => 'chiliec\vote\Module',
        // show messages in popover
        'popOverEnabled' => true,
        // global values for all models
        // 'allowGuests' => true,
        // 'allowChangeVote' => true,
        'models' => [
            // example declaration of models
            // \common\models\Post::className(),
            // 'backend\models\Post',
            // 2 => 'frontend\models\Story',
            // 3 => [
            //     'modelName' => \backend\models\Mail::className(),
            //     you can rewrite global values for specific model
            //     'allowGuests' => false,
            //     'allowChangeVote' => false,
            // ],

And add widget in view:

<?php echo \chiliec\vote\widgets\Vote::widget([
    'model' => $model,
    // optional fields
    // 'showAggregateRating' => true,
]); ?>

Also you can add widget for display top rated models:

<?php echo \chiliec\vote\widgets\TopRated::widget([
    'modelName' => \common\models\Post::className(),
    'title' => 'Top rated models',
    'path' => 'site/view',
    'limit' => 10,
    'titleField' => 'title',
]) ?>

### Step 3: Updating database schema

After you downloaded and configured Yii2-vote, the last thing you need to do is updating your database schema by applying the migrations:

$ php yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/chiliec/yii2-vote/migrations

## Documentation

Extended information about configuration of this module see in [docs/]( There you can find:
* [Migration from 2.* to 3.0](
* [Manually add behavior in models](
* [Sorting by rating in data provider](
* [Overriding views](
* [Customizing JS-events](
* [Rich snippet in search engines](

## List of contributors

* [chiliec]( - Maintainer
* [loveorigami]( - Ideological inspirer
* [fourclub]( - PK name fix in behavior
* [yurkinx]( - Duplication js render fix
* [n1k88]( - German translation
* [teranchristian]( - Add popover to display messages
* [Skatox]( - Add support for PostgreSQL

## Other vote solutions for Yii2

* [yii2-vote by hauntd]( - it allows you to attach vote widgets, like and favorite buttons to your models
* [yii2-vote by bigdropinc]( - another solution with same name

## Articles and tutorials

* [Programming With Yii2: Building Community With Voting, Comments, and Sharing]( by Jeff Reifman

## Usage examples

* Your site could be the first in this list

## License

yii2-vote is released under the BSD 3-Clause License. See the bundled []( for details.

## How to contribute 

See []( for details.

Enjoy and don't hesitate to send issues and pull requests :)