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Test Coverage

import sys
import os
import argparse
import json

from ssg.build_cpe import ProductCPEs
import ssg.build_profile
import ssg.build_yaml
import ssg.controls
import ssg.environment
import ssg.products
import ssg.rules
import ssg.rule_yaml
import ssg.yaml
import ssg.utils

SSG_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
RULES_JSON = os.path.join(SSG_ROOT, "build", "rule_dirs.json")
BUILD_CONFIG = os.path.join(SSG_ROOT, "build", "build_config.yml")
CONTROLS_DIR = os.path.join(SSG_ROOT, "controls")

def parse_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Check all rule.yml referenced in a given"
                                     "profile for a required reference identifier")
    parser.add_argument("-j", "--json", type=str, action="store",
                        default=RULES_JSON, help="File to read "
                        "json output of rule_dir_json from (defaults to "
    parser.add_argument("-c", "--build-config-yaml", default=BUILD_CONFIG,
                        help="YAML file with information about the build configuration. "
                        "Defaults to build/build_config.yml")
    parser.add_argument("--controls", default=CONTROLS_DIR,
                        help="Directory that contains control files with policy controls.")
    parser.add_argument("-p", "--profiles-root",
                        help="Override where to look for profile files.")
    parser.add_argument("product", type=str,
                        help="Product to check has required references")
    parser.add_argument("profile", type=str, help="Profile to iterate over")
    parser.add_argument("reference", type=str,
                        help="Required reference system to check for")
    parser.add_argument("--exclude", "-e", type=str,
                        help="A comma separated list of rules to be ignored")
    return parser.parse_args()

def load(rule_obj, env_yaml=None):
    From the given rule_dir object, load the build_yaml.Rule associated with

    yaml_file = ssg.rules.get_rule_dir_yaml(rule_obj['dir'])
    return ssg.build_yaml.Rule.from_yaml(yaml_file, env_yaml=env_yaml)

def load_for_product(rule_obj, product, env_yaml=None):
    From the given rule_dir object, load the build_yaml.Rule associated with
    it, normalizing for the given product.

    rule = load(rule_obj, env_yaml=env_yaml)
    return rule

def _process_controls_manager(controls_manager, env_yaml, product_yaml, profile, rule_dirs):
    product_cpes = ProductCPEs()
    if controls_manager:
        profile_files = ssg.products.get_profile_files_from_root(env_yaml, product_yaml)
        all_profiles = ssg.build_profile.make_name_to_profile_mapping(profile_files, env_yaml,
        profile.resolve(all_profiles, rule_dirs, controls_manager)

def _process_excludes(excludes):
    if not excludes or excludes == '':
        return list()
    result = list()
    if ',' not in excludes:
        return result
    for item in excludes.split(','):
    return result

def reference_check(env_yaml, rule_dirs, profile_path, product, product_yaml, reference,
                    excludes, controls_manager=None):
    profile = ssg.build_yaml.ProfileWithInlinePolicies.from_yaml(profile_path, env_yaml)
    _process_controls_manager(controls_manager, env_yaml, product_yaml, profile, rule_dirs)

    ok = True
    processed_excludes = _process_excludes(excludes)

    for rule_id in profile.selected + profile.unselected:
        if rule_id not in rule_dirs:
            msg = "Unable to find rule in rule_dirs.json: {0}"
            msg = msg.format(rule_id)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        rule = load_for_product(rule_dirs[rule_id], product, env_yaml=env_yaml)

        if rule_id in processed_excludes:

        if reference not in rule.references:
            ok = False
            msg = "Rule {0} lacks required reference {1} or {1}@{2}"
            msg = msg.format(rule_id, reference, product)
            print(msg, file=sys.stderr)

    return ok

def main():
    args = parse_args()

    json_file = open(args.json, 'r')
    all_rules = json.load(json_file)

    linux_products, other_products = ssg.products.get_all(SSG_ROOT)
    all_products = linux_products.union(other_products)
    if args.product not in all_products:
        msg = "Unknown product {0}: check SSG_ROOT and try again"
        msg = msg.format(args.product)
        raise ValueError(msg)

    product_base = os.path.join(SSG_ROOT, "products", args.product)
    product_yaml_path = os.path.join(product_base, "product.yml")
    product_yaml = ssg.products.Product(product_yaml_path)
    env_yaml = ssg.environment.open_environment(
        args.build_config_yaml, product_yaml_path, os.path.join(SSG_ROOT, "product_properties"))

    controls_manager = None
    if os.path.exists(args.controls):
        controls_manager = ssg.controls.ControlsManager(args.controls, env_yaml)

    profiles_root = os.path.join(product_base, "profiles")
    if args.profiles_root:
        profiles_root = args.profiles_root

    profile_filename = args.profile + ".profile"
    profile_path = os.path.join(profiles_root, profile_filename)
    if not os.path.exists(profile_path):
        msg = "Unknown profile {0}: check profile, --profiles-root, and try again. "
        msg += "Note that the '.profile' suffix shouldn't be included."
        msg = msg.format(args.profile)
        raise ValueError(msg)

    ok = reference_check(env_yaml, all_rules, profile_path, args.product, product_yaml,
                         args.reference,  args.exclude, controls_manager)
    if not ok:

if __name__ == "__main__":