* Copyright (c) 2018, MOBICOOP. All rights reserved.
* This project is dual licensed under AGPL and proprietary licence.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
* Licence MOBICOOP described in the file
namespace App\Carpool\Repository;
use App\Carpool\Entity\Ask;
use App\Carpool\Entity\Criteria;
use App\Carpool\Entity\Proposal;
use App\Carpool\Ressource\Ad;
use App\Community\Entity\Community;
use App\Geography\Service\GeoTools;
use App\User\Entity\User;
use App\User\Service\UserManager;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
* @method null|Proposal find($id, $lockMode = null, $lockVersion = null)
* @method null|Proposal findOneBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null)
* @method Proposal[] findAll()
* @method Proposal[] findBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null, $limit = null, $offset = null)
class ProposalRepository
private $bearing_range; // if used, only accept proposal where the bearing direction (cape) is not at the opposite, more or less the range degrees
// for example, if the bearing is 0 (s->n), the proposals where the bearing is between 170 and 190 (~ n->s) are excluded
private $passenger_proportion; // minimum passenger distance relative to the driver distance, eg passenger distance should be at least 30% of the driver distance
private $max_distance_punctual; // percentage of the driver direction to compute the max distance between driver and passenger directions (punctual)
private $max_distance_regular; // percentage of the driver direction to compute the max distance between driver and passenger directions (regular)
private $distance_ratio; // ratio to use when computing distance filter (used to convert geographic degrees to metres)
private $use_bearing; // use the ~bearing check~ filtering
private $use_bbox; // use the ~bbox check~ filtering (check if the (extended) bounding box of the proposals intersect)
private $use_passenger_proportion; // use the ~passenger distance proportion~
private $use_distance; // use the ~distance between the driver and the passenger~ filtering
* @var EntityRepository
private $repository;
private $userManager;
private $geoTools;
* @var EntityManagerInterface
private $entityManager;
public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, UserManager $userManager, GeoTools $geoTools, array $params)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
$this->repository = $entityManager->getRepository(Proposal::class);
$this->userManager = $userManager;
$this->geoTools = $geoTools;
$this->bearing_range = $params['bearingRange'];
$this->passenger_proportion = $params['passengerProportion'];
$this->max_distance_punctual = $params['maxDistancePunctual'];
$this->max_distance_regular = $params['maxDistanceRegular'];
$this->distance_ratio = $params['distanceRatio'];
$this->use_bearing = $params['useBearing'];
$this->use_bbox = $params['useBbox'];
$this->use_passenger_proportion = $params['usePassengerProportion'];
$this->use_distance = $params['useDistance'];
* Find proposals matching the proposal passed as an argument.
* Here we search for proposal that have similar properties :
* - drivers for passenger proposal, passengers for driver proposal
* - similar dates
* - similar times (~ passenger time is after driver time)
* - similar basic geographical zones
* We also filter the dynamic ads :
* - a dynamic driver ad can only match with a dynamic passenger ad (for a dynamic driver, the matching is made only to check the validity, they are not presented to the driver)
* - a dynamic passenger ad can match with any driver ad
* We can also filter with communities.
* TODO : limit to the drivers that have enough seats left in their car for the passenger's needs.
* We also filter solidary proposals :
* - a solidary exclusive proposal can only match with a solidary proposal
* - a solidary proposal can match with any proposal
* On the other hand, filters for bearing, passenger proportion and distance to passenger's waypoints are disabled for a solidary proposal without destination.
* It is a pre-filter, the idea is to limit the next step : the route calculations (that cannot be done directly in the model).
* The fine time matching will be done during the route calculation process.
* TODO : find the matching also in existing matchings !
* => an accepted carpool ask can be considered as a new proposal, with a new direction consisting in driver and passenger waypoints
* => the original proposals shouldn't be used as proposals (excluded for new searches and ad posts, recomputed for existing matchings)
* we should use the original and the resulting proposal and use the best match (the shortest in time)
* => the driver seats should be reduced by the number of passengers in the new matchingProposal->criteria object
* @param Proposal $proposal The proposal to match
* @param bool $excludeProposalUser Exclude the matching proposals made by the proposal user
* @param bool $driversOnly Exclude the matching proposals as passenger (used for import)
* @return null|array|mixed|Statement
public function findMatchingProposals(Proposal $proposal, bool $excludeProposalUser = true, bool $driversOnly = false)
// the "master" proposal is simply called the "proposal"
// the potential matching proposals are called the "candidates"
// we search the matchings in the proposal entity
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p');
$selection = [
'p.id as pid',
'u.id as uid',
'dp.duration as dpduration',
'dp.distance as dpdistance',
'w.id as wid',
'a.name as addressName',
if (!$driversOnly) {
$selection[] = 'dd.duration as ddduration';
$selection[] = 'dd.distance as dddistance';
// ->select(['p','u','p.id as proposalId','SUM(ac.seats) as nbSeats'])
// we need the criteria (for the dates, number of seats...)
$query->join('p.criteria', 'c')
// we will need the user informations
->join('p.user', 'u')
// we need the directions and the geographical zones
->leftJoin('c.directionPassenger', 'dp')
->leftJoin('p.waypoints', 'w')
->leftJoin('w.address', 'a')
// we need the matchings and asks to check the available seats
// ->leftJoin('p.matchingOffers', 'm')->leftjoin('m.asks', 'a')->leftJoin('a.criteria', 'ac')->addGroupBy('proposalId')
// we need the communities
->leftJoin('p.communities', 'co')
if (!$driversOnly) {
$query->leftJoin('c.directionDriver', 'dd');
// do we exclude the user itself if the proposal isn't anonymous ?
if ($excludeProposalUser && $proposal->getUser()) {
$query->andWhere('p.user != :userProposal')
->setParameter('userProposal', $proposal->getUser())
// exclude private proposals
$query->andWhere('p.private IS NULL or p.private = 0');
// exclude finished dynamic ad proposals
$query->andWhere('(p.finished IS NULL or p.finished = 0)');
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver() && $proposal->isDynamic() && $proposal->isActive() && !$proposal->isFinished()) {
// for dynamic drivers, validity check of dynamic passengers
$query->andWhere('p.dynamic = 1 AND p.active=1 AND p.finished=0');
} elseif ($proposal->getCriteria()->isPassenger() && $proposal->isDynamic() && $proposal->isActive() && !$proposal->isFinished()) {
// for dynamic passengers, match with any driver (not only dynamic) or valid dynamic drivers
$query->andWhere('(p.dynamic = 0) OR (p.dynamic = 1 AND p.active=1 AND p.finished=0)');
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->isSolidaryExclusive()) {
// solidary exclusive proposal => can match only with solidary proposals
$query->andWhere('c.solidary = 1');
} elseif (!$proposal->getCriteria()->isSolidary()) {
// not a solidary proposal => solidary exclusive are excluded
$query->andWhere('c.solidaryExclusive IS NULL or c.solidaryExclusive = 0');
// here we exclude the proposals that are posted in communities for which the user is not member
$filterUserCommunities = '(co.proposalsHidden = 0 OR co.proposalsHidden is null)';
// this function returns the id of a Community object
$fCommunities = function (Community $community) {
return $community->getId();
// we use the fCommunities function to create an array of ids of the user's private communities
$privateCommunities = array_map($fCommunities, $this->userManager->getPrivateCommunities($proposal->getUser()));
if (is_array($privateCommunities) && count($privateCommunities) > 0) {
// we finally implode this array for filtering
$filterUserCommunities .= ' OR (co.id IN ('.implode(',', $privateCommunities).'))';
// here we filter to the given proposal communities
if ($proposal->getCommunities()) {
$communities = array_map($fCommunities, $proposal->getCommunities());
if (is_array($communities) && count($communities) > 0) {
// we finally implode this array for filtering
$query->andWhere('co.id IN ('.implode(',', $communities).')');
// we search the zones where the user is passenger and/or driver
$zoneDriverWhere = '';
$zonePassengerWhere = '';
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver()) {
// sometimes when updating an Ad (major update, deletion - creation), linked proposal doesnt seem to have DirectionDriver setup while the owner is Driver
// and the linkedCriteria isDriver seems to be set to true
if (
&& !is_null($proposal->getProposalLinked())
&& !is_null($proposal->getProposalLinked()->getCriteria()->getDirectionDriver())
) {
$zonePassengerWhere = '';
// bearing => we exclude the proposals if their direction is outside the authorize range (opposite bearing +/- BEARING_RANGE degrees)
// restriction not applied for solidary proposals without destination
if ($this->use_bearing) {
if ('' != $zonePassengerWhere) {
$zonePassengerWhere .= ' and ';
$range = $this->geoTools->getOppositeBearing($proposal->getCriteria()->getDirectionDriver()->getBearing(), $this->bearing_range);
if ($range['min'] <= $range['max']) {
// usual case, eg. 140 to 160
$zonePassengerWhere .= '(p.noDestination = 1 or dp.bearing <= :minDriverRange or dp.bearing >= :maxDriverRange)';
$query->setParameter('minDriverRange', $range['min']);
$query->setParameter('maxDriverRange', $range['max']);
} elseif ($range['min'] > $range['max']) {
// the range is like between 350 and 10
$zonePassengerWhere .= '(p.noDestination = 1 or dp.bearing >= :maxDriverRange and dp.bearing <= :minDriverRange)';
$query->setParameter('minDriverRange', $range['min']);
$query->setParameter('maxDriverRange', $range['max']);
// bounding box
if ($this->use_bbox) {
if ('' != $zonePassengerWhere) {
$zonePassengerWhere .= ' and ';
$zonePassengerWhere .= '(ST_INTERSECTS(dp.geoJsonBbox,ST_GeomFromText(\''.
// passenger proportion
// restriction not applied for solidary proposals without destination
if ($this->use_passenger_proportion) {
if ('' != $zonePassengerWhere) {
$zonePassengerWhere .= ' and ';
$zonePassengerWhere .= '(p.noDestination = 1 or dp.distance >= '.$proposal->getCriteria()->getDirectionDriver()->getDistance() * $this->passenger_proportion.')';
// distance to passenger
if ($this->use_distance) {
if ('' != $zonePassengerWhere) {
$zonePassengerWhere .= ' and ';
$maxDistance = Criteria::FREQUENCY_PUNCTUAL == $proposal->getCriteria()->getFrequency() ?
($proposal->getCriteria()->getDirectionDriver()->getDistance() * $this->max_distance_punctual / $this->distance_ratio) : ($proposal->getCriteria()->getDirectionDriver()->getDistance() * $this->max_distance_regular / $this->distance_ratio);
->join('p.waypoints', 'w2')
->join('p.waypoints', 'w3')
->join('w2.address', 'a2')
->join('w3.address', 'a3')
->join('\App\Geography\Entity\Direction', 'dirDri')
->andWhere('w2.position = 0 and w3.destination = 1')
->andWhere('dirDri.id = :dirDriId')
$zonePassengerWhere .= 'ST_Distance(dirDri.geoJsonSimplified,a2.geoJson)<='.$maxDistance.' and ST_Distance(dirDri.geoJsonSimplified,a3.geoJson)<='.$maxDistance;
$query->setParameter('dirDriId', $proposal->getCriteria()->getDirectionDriver()->getId());
if (!$driversOnly && $proposal->getCriteria()->isPassenger()) {
// bearing => we exclude the proposals if their direction is outside the authorize range (opposite bearing +/- BEARING_RANGE degrees)
// restriction not applied for solidary proposals without destination
if ($this->use_bearing && $proposal->getCriteria()->getDirectionPassenger()->getDistance() > 0) {
if ('' != $zoneDriverWhere) {
$zoneDriverWhere .= ' and ';
$range = $this->geoTools->getOppositeBearing($proposal->getCriteria()->getDirectionPassenger()->getBearing(), $this->bearing_range);
if ($range['min'] <= $range['max']) {
// usual case, eg. 140 to 160
$zoneDriverWhere .= '(dd.bearing <= :minPassengerRange or dd.bearing >= :maxPassengerRange)';
$query->setParameter('minPassengerRange', $range['min']);
$query->setParameter('maxPassengerRange', $range['max']);
} elseif ($range['min'] > $range['max']) {
// the range is like between 350 and 10
$zoneDriverWhere .= '(dd.bearing >= :maxPassengerRange and dd.bearing <= :minPassengerRange)';
$query->setParameter('minPassengerRange', $range['min']);
$query->setParameter('maxPassengerRange', $range['max']);
// bounding box
if ($this->use_bbox) {
if ('' != $zoneDriverWhere) {
$zoneDriverWhere .= ' and ';
$zoneDriverWhere .= '(ST_INTERSECTS(dd.geoJsonBbox,ST_GeomFromText(\''.
// passenger proportion
if ($this->use_passenger_proportion && $proposal->getCriteria()->getDirectionPassenger()->getDistance() > 0) {
if ('' != $zoneDriverWhere) {
$zoneDriverWhere .= ' and ';
$zoneDriverWhere .= '(dd.distance >= '.$proposal->getCriteria()->getDirectionPassenger()->getDistance() * (1 - $this->passenger_proportion).')';
// distance to passenger
if ($this->use_distance) {
$origin = 0;
$destination = 0;
foreach ($proposal->getWaypoints() as $waypoint) {
if (0 == $waypoint->getPosition()) {
$origin = "Point('".$waypoint->getAddress()->getLongitude()."','".$waypoint->getAddress()->getLatitude()."')";
} elseif (1 == $waypoint->isDestination()) {
$destination = "Point('".$waypoint->getAddress()->getLongitude()."','".$waypoint->getAddress()->getLatitude()."')";
if ('' != $zoneDriverWhere) {
$zoneDriverWhere .= ' and ';
// $query
// ->join('p.waypoints', 'w4')
// ->join('p.waypoints', 'w5')
// ->join('w4.address','a4')
// ->join('w5.address','a5')
// ->andWhere('w4.position = 0 and w5.destination = 1');
$zoneDriverWhere .= '((c.frequency='.Criteria::FREQUENCY_PUNCTUAL.' and ST_Distance(dd.geoJsonSimplified,'.$origin.')<=(dd.distance*'.$this->max_distance_punctual.'/'.$this->distance_ratio.')) OR ';
$zoneDriverWhere .= '(c.frequency='.Criteria::FREQUENCY_REGULAR.' and ST_Distance(dd.geoJsonSimplified,'.$origin.')<=(dd.distance*'.$this->max_distance_regular.'/'.$this->distance_ratio.'))';
$zoneDriverWhere .= ') and ';
$zoneDriverWhere .= '((c.frequency='.Criteria::FREQUENCY_PUNCTUAL.' and ST_Distance(dd.geoJsonSimplified,'.$destination.')<=(dd.distance*'.$this->max_distance_punctual.'/'.$this->distance_ratio.')) OR ';
$zoneDriverWhere .= '(c.frequency='.Criteria::FREQUENCY_REGULAR.' and ST_Distance(dd.geoJsonSimplified,'.$destination.')<=(dd.distance*'.$this->max_distance_regular.'/'.$this->distance_ratio.'))';
$zoneDriverWhere .= ')';
// $seatsDriverWhere = '(1=1)';
// if ($proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver()) {
// $seatsDriverWhere = 'a.status = ' . Ask::STATUS_ACCEPTED;
// }
// we search if the user can be passenger and/or driver
if (!$driversOnly && $proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver() && $proposal->getCriteria()->isPassenger()) {
// $query->andWhere('((c.driver = 1 and ' . $zoneDriverWhere . ' and ' . $seatsDriverWhere . ') OR (c.passenger = 1 and ' . $zonePassengerWhere . '))');
$query->andWhere('(c.driver = 1 and '.$zoneDriverWhere.') OR (c.passenger = 1 and '.$zonePassengerWhere.')');
} elseif ($proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver()) {
$query->andWhere('c.passenger = 1 and '.$zonePassengerWhere);
} elseif ($proposal->getCriteria()->isPassenger()) {
$query->andWhere('c.driver = 1 and '.$zoneDriverWhere);
$punctualAndWhere = '';
$regularAndWhere = '';
switch ($proposal->getCriteria()->getFrequency()) {
// for a punctual proposal, we search for punctual proposals (and regular candidate proposals if parametered)
// dates :
// - punctual candidates, we limit the search :
// - exactly to fromDate if strictDate is true
// - to the days after the fromDate and before toDate if it's defined (if the user wants to travel any day within a certain range)
// (@todo limit automatically the search to the x next days if toDate is not defined ?)
// - regular candidates, we limit the search :
// - exactly to fromDate if strictDate is true (we verify that the corresponding day is carpooled)
// - to the carpooled days after the fromDate
// times :
// if we use times, we limit the search to the passengers that have their max starting time after the min starting time of the driver :
// min max
// >|-------D-------|
// |-------P-------|<
// min max
$setToDate = false;
$setMinTime = false;
$setMaxTime = false;
// 'where' part of punctual candidates
$punctualAndWhere = '(';
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->isStrictDate()) {
$punctualAndWhere .= 'c.frequency='.Criteria::FREQUENCY_PUNCTUAL.' and c.fromDate = :fromDate';
} else {
$punctualAndWhere .= 'c.frequency='.Criteria::FREQUENCY_PUNCTUAL.' and c.fromDate >= :fromDate';
if (!is_null($proposal->getCriteria()->getToDate())) {
$punctualAndWhere .= ' and c.fromDate <= :toDate';
$setToDate = true;
// if we use times
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->getFromTime() && $proposal->getUseTime()) {
if (!$driversOnly && $proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver() && $proposal->getCriteria()->isPassenger()) {
$punctualAndWhere .= ' and (
(c.passenger = 1 and c.maxTime >= :minTime) or
(c.driver = 1 and c.minTime <= :maxTime)
$setMinTime = true;
$setMaxTime = true;
} elseif ($proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver()) {
$punctualAndWhere .= ' and c.passenger = 1 and c.maxTime >= :minTime';
$setMinTime = true;
} else {
$punctualAndWhere .= ' and c.driver = 1 and c.minTime <= :maxTime';
$setMaxTime = true;
$punctualAndWhere .= ')';
// 'where' part of regular candidates
$regularAndWhere = '';
if (!$proposal->getCriteria()->isStrictPunctual()) {
$proposalFromDate = \DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $proposal->getCriteria()->getFromDate()->format('U'));
$regularAndWhere = ' (';
// we search for regular proposal that have :
// - their fromDate strictly after the proposal fromDate if the proposal fromDate is non strict (the regular proposal is in the future and it's fine !)
// OR
// - their fromDate strictly before the proposal fromDate AND
// their toDate after or equal the proposal fromDate AND
// - the day of the proposal fromDate is one carpooled for the regular proposal AND the proposal fromDate is strict
// OR
// - the day or one of the 7 next days of the proposal fromDate is one carpooled for the regular proposal AND the proposal fromDate is non strict
if (!$proposal->getCriteria()->isStrictDate()) {
$regularAndWhere .= "c.fromDate > '".$proposalFromDate->format('Y-m-d')."' or (";
$regularAndWhere .= "c.fromDate <= '".$proposalFromDate->format('Y-m-d')."' and ";
// we may loop for a whole week to find a corresponding carpool day
// if we search for a strict date, we will loop only once : this particular day
$nbLoop = ($proposal->getCriteria()->isStrictDate()) ? 0 : 7;
for ($offset = 0; $offset <= $nbLoop; ++$offset) {
list($where, $minTime, $maxTime) = $this->buildRegularAndWhere(
true === $proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver() ? true : false,
true === $proposal->getCriteria()->isPassenger() ? true : false,
$proposal->getCriteria()->getFromTime() && $proposal->getUseTime()
$regularAndWhere .= $where;
if ($minTime) {
$setMinTime = true;
if ($maxTime) {
$setMaxTime = true;
if (!$proposal->getCriteria()->isStrictDate()) {
$regularAndWhere .= ')';
$regularAndWhere .= ')';
// var_dump($regularAndWhere);die;
if ($setMinTime) {
$query->setParameter('minTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getMinTime()->format('H:i'));
if ($setMaxTime) {
$query->setParameter('maxTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getMaxTime()->format('H:i'));
// for a regular proposal, we search for regular proposals (and punctual candidate proposals if parametered)
// dates :
// - punctual candidates, we limit the search :
// - to the candidates that have their day in common with the proposal
// - regular candidates, we limit the search :
// - to the candidates that have at least one day in common with the proposal
// times :
// if we use times, we limit the search to the passengers that have their max starting time after the min starting time of the driver :
// min max
// >|-------D-------|
// |-------P-------|<
// min max
$setToDate = true;
$setMonMinTime = $setMonMaxTime = false; // ---
$setTueMinTime = $setTueMaxTime = false;
$setWedMinTime = $setWedMaxTime = false;
$setThuMinTime = $setThuMaxTime = false; // Flags for regular min/max times
$setFriMinTime = $setFriMaxTime = false;
$setSatMinTime = $setSatMaxTime = false;
$setSunMinTime = $setSunMaxTime = false; // ---
$setMinTime = false; // ---
$setMaxTime = false;
$setMonTime = false;
$setTueTime = false;
$setWedTime = false; // Flags for punctual min/max times
$setThuTime = false;
$setFriTime = false;
$setSatTime = false;
$setSunTime = false; // ---
$regularSunDay = $regularMonDay = $regularTueDay = $regularWedDay = $regularThuDay = $regularFriDay = $regularSatDay = '';
$days = ''; // used to check if a given punctual candidate day is matching
$minTime = '(';
$maxTime = '(';
$regularDay = '';
$regularTime = '';
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->isSunCheck()) {
$regularSunDay = 'c.sunCheck = 1';
$days .= '1,'; // used for punctual candidate
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->getSunTime()) {
if (!$driversOnly && $proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver() && $proposal->getCriteria()->isPassenger()) {
$regularSunDay .= ' and (
(c.passenger = 1 and c.sunMaxTime >= :sunMinTime) or
(c.driver = 1 and c.sunMinTime <= :sunMaxTime)
$setSunMinTime = true;
$setSunMaxTime = true;
} elseif ($proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver()) {
$regularSunDay .= ' and (c.passenger = 1 and c.sunMaxTime >= :sunMinTime)';
$setSunMinTime = true;
} else {
$regularSunDay .= ' and (c.driver = 1 and c.sunMinTime <= :sunMaxTime)';
$setSunMaxTime = true;
if (!$proposal->getCriteria()->isStrictRegular()) {
$minTime .= '(DAYOFWEEK(c.fromDate) = 1 and c.maxTime >= :sunMinTime) OR ';
$maxTime .= '(DAYOFWEEK(c.fromDate) = 1 and c.minTime <= :sunMaxTime) OR '; // used for punctual candidate
$setSunTime = true;
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->isMonCheck()) {
$regularMonDay = 'c.monCheck = 1';
$days .= '2,'; // used for punctual candidate
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->getMonTime()) {
if (!$driversOnly && $proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver() && $proposal->getCriteria()->isPassenger()) {
$regularMonDay .= ' and (
(c.passenger = 1 and c.monMaxTime >= :monMinTime) or
(c.driver = 1 and c.monMinTime <= :monMaxTime)
$setMonMinTime = true;
$setMonMaxTime = true;
} elseif ($proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver()) {
$regularMonDay .= ' and (c.passenger = 1 and c.monMaxTime >= :monMinTime)';
$setMonMinTime = true;
} else {
$regularMonDay .= ' and (c.driver = 1 and c.monMinTime <= :monMaxTime)';
$setMonMaxTime = true;
if (!$proposal->getCriteria()->isStrictRegular()) {
$minTime .= '(DAYOFWEEK(c.fromDate) = 2 and c.maxTime >= :monMinTime) OR ';
$maxTime .= '(DAYOFWEEK(c.fromDate) = 2 and c.minTime <= :monMaxTime) OR '; // used for punctual candidate
$setMonTime = true;
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->isTueCheck()) {
$regularTueDay = 'c.tueCheck = 1';
$days .= '3,'; // used for punctual candidate
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->getTueTime()) {
if (!$driversOnly && $proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver() && $proposal->getCriteria()->isPassenger()) {
$regularTueDay .= ' and (
(c.passenger = 1 and c.tueMaxTime >= :tueMinTime) or
(c.driver = 1 and c.tueMinTime <= :tueMaxTime)
$setTueMinTime = true;
$setTueMaxTime = true;
} elseif ($proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver()) {
$regularTueDay .= ' and (c.passenger = 1 and c.tueMaxTime >= :tueMinTime)';
$setTueMinTime = true;
} else {
$regularTueDay .= ' and (c.driver = 1 and c.tueMinTime <= :tueMaxTime)';
$setTueMaxTime = true;
if (!$proposal->getCriteria()->isStrictRegular()) {
$minTime .= '(DAYOFWEEK(c.fromDate) = 3 and c.maxTime >= :tueMinTime) OR ';
$maxTime .= '(DAYOFWEEK(c.fromDate) = 3 and c.minTime <= :tueMaxTime) OR '; // used for punctual candidate
$setTueTime = true;
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->isWedCheck()) {
$regularWedDay = 'c.wedCheck = 1';
$days .= '4,'; // used for punctual candidate
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->getWedTime()) {
if (!$driversOnly && $proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver() && $proposal->getCriteria()->isPassenger()) {
$regularWedDay .= ' and (
(c.passenger = 1 and c.wedMaxTime >= :wedMinTime) or
(c.driver = 1 and c.wedMinTime <= :wedMaxTime)
$setWedMinTime = true;
$setWedMaxTime = true;
} elseif ($proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver()) {
$regularWedDay .= ' and (c.passenger = 1 and c.wedMaxTime >= :wedMinTime)';
$setWedMinTime = true;
} else {
$regularWedDay .= ' and (c.driver = 1 and c.wedMinTime <= :wedMaxTime)';
$setWedMaxTime = true;
if (!$proposal->getCriteria()->isStrictRegular()) {
$minTime .= '(DAYOFWEEK(c.fromDate) = 4 and c.maxTime >= :wedMinTime) OR ';
$maxTime .= '(DAYOFWEEK(c.fromDate) = 4 and c.minTime <= :wedMaxTime) OR '; // used for punctual candidate
$setWedTime = true;
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->isThuCheck()) {
$regularThuDay = 'c.thuCheck = 1';
$days .= '5,'; // used for punctual candidate
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->getThuTime()) {
if (!$driversOnly && $proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver() && $proposal->getCriteria()->isPassenger()) {
$regularThuDay .= ' and (
(c.passenger = 1 and c.thuMaxTime >= :thuMinTime) or
(c.driver = 1 and c.thuMinTime <= :thuMaxTime)
$setThuMinTime = true;
$setThuMaxTime = true;
} elseif ($proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver()) {
$regularThuDay .= ' and (c.passenger = 1 and c.thuMaxTime >= :thuMinTime)';
$setThuMinTime = true;
} else {
$regularThuDay .= ' and (c.driver = 1 and c.thuMinTime <= :thuMaxTime)';
$setThuMaxTime = true;
if (!$proposal->getCriteria()->isStrictRegular()) {
$minTime .= '(DAYOFWEEK(c.fromDate) = 5 and c.maxTime >= :thuMinTime) OR ';
$maxTime .= '(DAYOFWEEK(c.fromDate) = 5 and c.minTime <= :thuMaxTime) OR '; // used for punctual candidate
$setThuTime = true;
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->isFriCheck()) {
$regularFriDay = 'c.friCheck = 1';
$days .= '6,'; // used for punctual candidate
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->getFriTime()) {
if (!$driversOnly && $proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver() && $proposal->getCriteria()->isPassenger()) {
$regularFriDay .= ' and (
(c.passenger = 1 and c.friMaxTime >= :friMinTime) or
(c.driver = 1 and c.friMinTime <= :friMaxTime)
$setFriMinTime = true;
$setFriMaxTime = true;
} elseif ($proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver()) {
$regularFriDay .= ' and (c.passenger = 1 and c.friMaxTime >= :friMinTime)';
$setFriMinTime = true;
} else {
$regularFriDay .= ' and (c.driver = 1 and c.friMinTime <= :friMaxTime)';
$setFriMaxTime = true;
if (!$proposal->getCriteria()->isStrictRegular()) {
$minTime .= '(DAYOFWEEK(c.fromDate) = 6 and c.maxTime >= :friMinTime) OR ';
$maxTime .= '(DAYOFWEEK(c.fromDate) = 6 and c.minTime <= :friMaxTime) OR '; // used for punctual candidate
$setFriTime = true;
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->isSatCheck()) {
$regularSatDay = 'c.satCheck = 1';
$days .= '7,'; // used for punctual candidate
if ($proposal->getCriteria()->getSatTime()) {
if (!$driversOnly && $proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver() && $proposal->getCriteria()->isPassenger()) {
$regularSatDay .= ' and (
(c.passenger = 1 and c.satMaxTime >= :satMinTime) or
(c.driver = 1 and c.satMinTime <= :satMaxTime)
$setSatMinTime = true;
$setSatMaxTime = true;
} elseif ($proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver()) {
$regularSatDay .= ' and (c.passenger = 1 and c.satMaxTime >= :satMinTime)';
$setSatMinTime = true;
} else {
$regularSatDay .= ' and (c.driver = 1 and c.satMinTime <= :satMaxTime)';
$setSatMaxTime = true;
if (!$proposal->getCriteria()->isStrictRegular()) {
$minTime .= '(DAYOFWEEK(c.fromDate) = 7 and c.maxTime >= :satMinTime) OR ';
$maxTime .= '(DAYOFWEEK(c.fromDate) = 7 and c.minTime <= :satMaxTime) OR '; // used for punctual candidate
$setSatTime = true;
// delete the last comma
$days = substr($days, 0, -1);
// delete the last OR
if ('(' != $minTime) {
$minTime = substr($minTime, 0, -4).')';
} else {
$minTime = '';
if ('(' != $maxTime) {
$maxTime = substr($maxTime, 0, -4).')';
} else {
$maxTime = '';
// 'where' part of punctual candidates
if (!$proposal->getCriteria()->isStrictRegular()) {
// if the proposal is not strictly regualr, we include the punctual proposals
$punctualAndWhere = '(';
$punctualAndWhere .= 'c.frequency='.Criteria::FREQUENCY_PUNCTUAL.' and c.fromDate >= :fromDate and c.fromDate <= :toDate and DAYOFWEEK(c.fromDate) IN ('.$days.')';
if (!$driversOnly && $proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver() && $proposal->getCriteria()->isPassenger()) {
$punctualAndWhere .= ' and (
(c.passenger = 1'.('' != $minTime ? ' and '.$minTime : '').') or
(c.driver = 1'.('' != $maxTime ? ' and '.$maxTime : '').')
$setMinTime = true;
$setMaxTime = true;
} elseif ($proposal->getCriteria()->isDriver()) {
$punctualAndWhere .= ' and c.passenger = 1'.('' != $minTime ? ' and '.$minTime : '');
$setMinTime = true;
} else {
$punctualAndWhere .= ' and c.driver = 1'.('' != $maxTime ? ' and '.$maxTime : '');
$setMaxTime = true;
$punctualAndWhere .= ')';
// 'where' part of regular candidates
$regularAndWhere = '(c.frequency='.Criteria::FREQUENCY_REGULAR.' and (';
// we have to check that date ranges match (P = proposal; C = candidate)
// min max
// |-------P-------|
// (1) |----------C----------| OK
// (2) |---C---| OK
// (3) |-----C-----| OK
// (4) |-----C-----| OK
// (5) |--C--| NOT OK
// (6) |---C---| NOT OK
$regularAndWhere .= '(c.fromDate <= :fromDate and c.fromDate <= :toDate and c.toDate >= :toDate and c.toDate >= :fromDate) OR '; // (1)
$regularAndWhere .= '(c.fromDate >= :fromDate and c.fromDate <= :toDate and c.toDate <= :toDate and c.toDate >= :fromDate) OR '; // (2)
$regularAndWhere .= '(c.fromDate <= :fromDate and c.fromDate <= :toDate and c.toDate <= :toDate and c.toDate >= :fromDate) OR '; // (3)
$regularAndWhere .= '(c.fromDate >= :fromDate and c.fromDate <= :toDate and c.toDate >= :toDate and c.toDate >= :fromDate)'; // (4)
$regularAndWhere .= ') and ('.
(('' != $regularSunDay) ? '('.$regularSunDay.') OR ' : '').
(('' != $regularMonDay) ? '('.$regularMonDay.') OR ' : '').
(('' != $regularTueDay) ? '('.$regularTueDay.') OR ' : '').
(('' != $regularWedDay) ? '('.$regularWedDay.') OR ' : '').
(('' != $regularThuDay) ? '('.$regularThuDay.') OR ' : '').
(('' != $regularFriDay) ? '('.$regularFriDay.') OR ' : '').
(('' != $regularSatDay) ? '('.$regularSatDay.') OR ' : '');
// delete the last OR
$regularAndWhere = substr($regularAndWhere, 0, -4).'))';
if ($setMonMinTime || ($setMinTime && $setMonTime)) {
$query->setParameter('monMinTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getMonMinTime()->format('H:i'));
if ($setMonMaxTime || ($setMaxTime && $setMonTime)) {
$query->setParameter('monMaxTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getMonMaxTime()->format('H:i'));
if ($setTueMinTime || ($setMinTime && $setTueTime)) {
$query->setParameter('tueMinTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getTueMinTime()->format('H:i'));
if ($setTueMaxTime || ($setMaxTime && $setTueTime)) {
$query->setParameter('tueMaxTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getTueMaxTime()->format('H:i'));
if ($setWedMinTime || ($setMinTime && $setWedTime)) {
$query->setParameter('wedMinTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getWedMinTime()->format('H:i'));
if ($setWedMaxTime || ($setMaxTime && $setWedTime)) {
$query->setParameter('wedMaxTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getWedMaxTime()->format('H:i'));
if ($setThuMinTime || ($setMinTime && $setThuTime)) {
$query->setParameter('thuMinTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getThuMinTime()->format('H:i'));
if ($setThuMaxTime || ($setMaxTime && $setThuTime)) {
$query->setParameter('thuMaxTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getThuMaxTime()->format('H:i'));
if ($setFriMinTime || ($setMinTime && $setFriTime)) {
$query->setParameter('friMinTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getFriMinTime()->format('H:i'));
if ($setFriMaxTime || ($setMaxTime && $setFriTime)) {
$query->setParameter('friMaxTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getFriMaxTime()->format('H:i'));
if ($setSatMinTime || ($setMinTime && $setSatTime)) {
$query->setParameter('satMinTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getSatMinTime()->format('H:i'));
if ($setSatMaxTime || ($setMaxTime && $setSatTime)) {
$query->setParameter('satMaxTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getSatMaxTime()->format('H:i'));
if ($setSunMinTime || ($setMinTime && $setSunTime)) {
$query->setParameter('sunMinTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getSunMinTime()->format('H:i'));
if ($setSunMaxTime || ($setMaxTime && $setSunTime)) {
$query->setParameter('sunMaxTime', $proposal->getCriteria()->getSunMaxTime()->format('H:i'));
if ('' != $punctualAndWhere && '' != $regularAndWhere) {
$query->andWhere('('.$punctualAndWhere.' or '.$regularAndWhere.')');
} elseif ('' != $punctualAndWhere) {
} elseif ('' != $regularAndWhere) {
$query->setParameter('fromDate', $proposal->getCriteria()->getFromDate()->format('Y-m-d'));
if ($setToDate) {
$query->setParameter('toDate', $proposal->getCriteria()->getToDate()->format('Y-m-d'));
// echo '(' . $punctualAndWhere . ' or ' .$regularAndWhere . ')';
// var_dump($query->getQuery()->getSql());
// foreach ($query->getQuery()->getParameters() as $parameter) {
// echo $parameter->getName() . " " . ($parameter->getValue() instanceof User ? $parameter->getValue()->getId() : $parameter->getValue());
// }
// exit;
// var_dump(count($query->getQuery()->getParameters()));exit;
// We filter pseudonymized users
->andWhere('u.status != :pseudonymizedStatus')
->setParameter('pseudonymizedStatus', User::STATUS_PSEUDONYMIZED)
// we launch the request and return the result
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
public function find(int $id): ?Proposal
return $this->repository->find($id);
public function findBy(array $criteria, ?array $orderBy = null, $limit = null, $offset = null): ?array
return $this->repository->findBy($criteria, $orderBy, $limit, $offset);
public function findOneBy(array $criteria): ?Proposal
return $this->repository->findOneBy($criteria);
* Find proposals linked to imported users
* We exclude proposals with wrong directions (can happen when importing data, when we can't sanitize the input data such as bad geographical coordinates).
* @return array
public function findImportedProposals(int $status)
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->join('p.criteria', 'c')
->join('c.directionDriver', 'd')
->join('p.user', 'u')
->join('u.import', 'i')
->where('i.status = :status and d.distance>0')
->andwhere('((c.frequency = 1 and c.fromDate >= :limitDate) or (c.frequency = 2 and c.toDate >= :limitDate and c.monCheck = 1 or c.tueCheck = 1 or c.wedCheck = 1 or c.thuCheck = 1 or c.friCheck = 1 or c.satCheck = 1 or c.sunCheck = 1)) and (p.private is null or p.private = 0)')
->setParameter('limitDate', (new \DateTime())->format('Y-m-d'))
->setParameter('status', $status)
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
* Find all valid proposals ids
* We exclude proposals with wrong directions (can happen when importing data, when we can't sanitize the input data such as bad geographical coordinates).
* @return array
public function findAllValidWithoutMatchingsProposalIds()
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->join('p.criteria', 'c')
->join('c.directionDriver', 'd')
->join('p.user', 'u')
->leftJoin('p.matchingRequests', 'mr')
->leftJoin('p.matchingOffers', 'mo')
->where('d.distance>0 and mr.id is null and mo.id is null')
->andwhere('(c.frequency = 1 or (c.monCheck = 1 or c.tueCheck = 1 or c.wedCheck = 1 or c.thuCheck = 1 or c.friCheck = 1 or c.satCheck = 1 or c.sunCheck = 1)) and (p.private is null or p.private = 0)')
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
* Find all proposals for a given user :
* - the published ads
* - the unpublished ads with accepted asks.
* @param User $user The user
* @return null|array The proposals found
public function findAllForUser(User $user)
// first we search the published proposals
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->join('p.user', 'u')
->join('p.criteria', 'c')
->where('(p.user = :user and p.private = 0)')
->orderBy('c.fromDate', 'ASC')
->setParameter('user', $user)
$proposals = $query->getQuery()->getResult();
// then we search the accepted proposals as driver or passenger
$acceptedProposals = $this->findAcceptedProposals($user);
// then we merge the proposals
foreach ($acceptedProposals as $acceptedProposal) {
$found = false;
foreach ($proposals as $proposal) {
if ($proposal->getId() == $acceptedProposal->getId()) {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
$proposals[] = $acceptedProposal;
return $proposals;
* Find accepted proposals for a given user.
* @param User $user The user
* @return null|array The proposals found
public function findAcceptedProposals(User $user)
// first we search the accepted proposals as driver
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->join('p.user', 'u')
->join('p.matchingRequests', 'mr')
->join('mr.asks', 'a')
->where('p.user = :user and (a.status = :acceptedAsDriver or a.status = :acceptedAsPassenger)')
->setParameter('user', $user)
->setParameter('acceptedAsDriver', Ask::STATUS_ACCEPTED_AS_DRIVER)
->setParameter('acceptedAsPassenger', Ask::STATUS_ACCEPTED_AS_PASSENGER)
$proposalsDriver = $query->getQuery()->getResult();
// then we search the accepted proposals as passenger
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->join('p.user', 'u')
->join('p.matchingOffers', 'mo')
->join('mo.asks', 'a')
->where('p.user = :user and (a.status = :acceptedAsDriver or a.status = :acceptedAsPassenger)')
->setParameter('user', $user)
->setParameter('acceptedAsDriver', Ask::STATUS_ACCEPTED_AS_DRIVER)
->setParameter('acceptedAsPassenger', Ask::STATUS_ACCEPTED_AS_PASSENGER)
$proposalsPassenger = $query->getQuery()->getResult();
// we create the results (we can't simply merge the results, we have to keep only outward for return trips if both outward and return are carpooled)
$proposals = [];
// we start with the proposals as driver
foreach ($proposalsDriver as $proposalDriver) {
// we have to check for an existing outward for a return proposal => we keep only outward
if (Proposal::TYPE_RETURN == $proposalDriver->getType()) {
$foundOutward = false;
foreach ($proposalsDriver as $proposal) {
if ($proposal->getId() == $proposalDriver->getProposalLinked()->getId()) {
$foundOutward = true;
if (!$foundOutward) {
// only return trip, we check that the proposal doesn't exist yet in the final array
$found = false;
foreach ($proposals as $proposal) {
if ($proposal->getId() == $proposalDriver->getId()) {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
$proposals[] = $proposalDriver;
} else {
// outward or oneway, we check that the proposal doesn't exist yet in the final array
$found = false;
foreach ($proposals as $proposal) {
if ($proposal->getId() == $proposalDriver->getId()) {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
$proposals[] = $proposalDriver;
// we merge the proposals as passenger
foreach ($proposalsPassenger as $proposalPassenger) {
// we have to check for an existing outward for a return proposal => we keep only outward
if (Proposal::TYPE_RETURN == $proposalPassenger->getType()) {
$foundOutward = false;
foreach ($proposalsPassenger as $proposal) {
if ($proposal->getId() == $proposalPassenger->getProposalLinked()->getId()) {
$foundOutward = true;
if (!$foundOutward) {
// only return trip, we check that the proposal doesn't exist yet in the final array
$found = false;
foreach ($proposals as $proposal) {
if ($proposal->getId() == $proposalPassenger->getId()) {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
$proposals[] = $proposalPassenger;
} else {
// outward or oneway, we check that the proposal doesn't exist yet in the final array
$found = false;
foreach ($proposals as $proposal) {
if ($proposal->getId() == $proposalPassenger->getId()) {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
$proposals[] = $proposalPassenger;
return $proposals;
* Get the proposals (not private only) valid for a specific date (optional : a specific user).
* @param \Datetime $date The date we want the Proposal valid for
* @param User $user Optional : A specific User
* @param bool $onlyOneWayOrOutward Optional : Return only oneway and ouward proposals
* @param int $minDistanceDriver Optional : Return only if driver's direction distance is > $minDistanceDriver (in meters)
* @param int $minDistancePassenger Optional : Return only if passenger's direction distance is > $minDistancePassenger (in meters)
* @param array $excludedProposalIds Optional : Array if proposal id we want to exclude
* @return Proposal[]
public function findByDate(\DateTime $date, ?User $user = null, bool $onlyOneWayOrOutward = false, ?int $minDistanceDriver = null, ?int $minDistancePassenger = null, array $excludedProposalIds = []): array
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->join('p.criteria', 'c')
->where('(c.frequency = :punctualFrequency and c.fromDate = :date) or
(c.frequency = :regularFrequency and c.fromDate <= :date and c.toDate >= :date and c.'.strtolower($date->format('D')).'Check=1) ')
->andWhere('p.private = 0')
->andWhere('p.paused = 0')
->setParameter('punctualFrequency', Criteria::FREQUENCY_PUNCTUAL)
->setParameter('regularFrequency', Criteria::FREQUENCY_REGULAR)
->setParameter('date', $date->format('Ymd'))
if (!is_null($onlyOneWayOrOutward)) {
$query->andWhere('p.type = :typeOneWay or p.type = :typeOutward')
->setParameter('typeOneWay', Proposal::TYPE_ONE_WAY)
->setParameter('typeOutward', Proposal::TYPE_OUTWARD)
if (!is_null($user)) {
$query->andWhere('p.user = :user')
->setParameter('user', $user)
if (!is_null($minDistanceDriver)) {
$query->join('c.directionDriver', 'dv')
->andWhere('dv.distance > :minDistanceDriver')
->setParameter('minDistanceDriver', $minDistanceDriver)
if (!is_null($minDistancePassenger)) {
$query->join('c.directionPassenger', 'dp')
->andWhere('dp.distance > :minDistancePassenger')
->setParameter('minDistancePassenger', $minDistancePassenger)
if (count($excludedProposalIds) > 0) {
$query->andWhere('p.id not in (:excludedProposalIds)')
->setParameter('excludedProposalIds', $excludedProposalIds)
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
* get proposals of a user linked to a community.
* @return null|Proposal[]
public function findUserCommunityProposals(User $user)
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->join('p.communities', 'co')
->where('p.user = :user')
->setParameter('user', $user)
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
* get proposals of a user linked to an event.
* @return null|Proposal[]
public function findUserEventProposals(User $user)
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->where('p.event IS NOT NULL')
->andWhere('p.user = :user')
->setParameter('user', $user)
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
* Get the number of active ad for a given user and a given role.
* @param int $userId The user id
* @param int $role The role
* @return int The number of ads
public function getNbActiveAdsForUserAndRole(int $userId, int $role): int
$now = new \DateTime();
$qb = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->leftJoin('p.criteria', 'c')
->leftJoin('p.user', 'u')
->select('count(c.id) as nb')
->andWhere('u.id = :id and (p.private is null or p.private = 0)')
if (Ad::ROLE_DRIVER == $role) {
$qb->andWhere('c.driver = 1 and (
(c.frequency = 1 and c.fromDate >= :now) or
(c.frequency = 2 and c.fromDate <= :now and c.toDate >= :now)
} elseif (Ad::ROLE_PASSENGER == $role) {
$qb->andWhere('c.passenger = 1 and (
(c.frequency = 1 and c.fromDate >= :now) or
(c.frequency = 2 and c.fromDate <= :now and c.toDate >= :now)
$result = $qb->setParameter('id', $userId)
->setParameter('now', $now->format('Y-m-d'))
if (!is_null($result['nb'])) {
return (int) $result['nb'];
return 0;
* Find proposals (only not private and of type 1 or 2) created between startDate and endDate.
* @param \DateTime $startDate Range start date
* @param \DateTime $endDate Range end date
public function countProposalsBetweenCreateDate(\DateTime $startDate, \DateTime $endDate): ?int
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->where('p.createdDate between :startDate and :endDate ')
->andWhere('p.private = 0')
->andWhere('p.type = :typeOneWay or p.type = :typeOutward')
->setParameter('startDate', $startDate)
->setParameter('endDate', $endDate)
->setParameter('typeOneWay', Proposal::TYPE_ONE_WAY)
->setParameter('typeOutward', Proposal::TYPE_OUTWARD)
return $query->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult();
* @return null|Proposal[]
public function findCommunityAds(Community $community): ?array
$now = new \DateTime('now');
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->join('p.communities', 'com')
->join('p.criteria', 'c')
->join('p.user', 'u', 'WITH', 'u.status != :pseudonymizedStatus')
->where('com.id = :communityId')
->andWhere('p.private = 0')
->andWhere('p.type = 1 or p.type = 2')
->andWhere('(c.frequency = :punctual AND c.fromDate is not null AND c.fromDate >= :date) OR (c.frequency = :regular AND c.toDate is not null and c.toDate >= :date)')
'communityId' => $community->getId(),
'date' => $now->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'),
'punctual' => Criteria::FREQUENCY_PUNCTUAL,
'regular' => Criteria::FREQUENCY_REGULAR,
'pseudonymizedStatus' => User::STATUS_PSEUDONYMIZED,
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
* Count the avalaible ads.
public function countAvailableAds(): ?int
$now = new \DateTime('now');
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->join('p.criteria', 'c')
->where('p.private = 0 OR p.private IS NULL')
->andWhere('(c.frequency = :punctual AND c.fromDate >= :date) OR (c.frequency = :regular AND c.toDate >= :date)')
->setParameter('punctual', Criteria::FREQUENCY_PUNCTUAL)
->setParameter('regular', Criteria::FREQUENCY_REGULAR)
->setParameter('date', $now->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00'))
return $query->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult();
* @return null|Proposal[]
public function findUserOrphanProposals(User $user): ?array
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->leftJoin('p.waypoints', 'w')
->where('p.user = :user')
->andWhere('w.proposal is null')
->setParameter('user', $user)
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
* @return null|Proposal[]
public function findProposalsOutdated(int $numberOfDays): ?array
$now = new \DateTime();
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->join('p.criteria', 'c')
->where('p.private = 0 OR p.private IS NULL')
->andWhere('c.frequency = :regularFrequency AND c.toDate is not null')
->andWhere("DATE_SUB(c.toDate, :numberOfDays, 'DAY') = :now")
->andWhere('p.type = :typeOneWay or p.type = :typeOutward')
->setParameter('typeOneWay', Proposal::TYPE_ONE_WAY)
->setParameter('typeOutward', Proposal::TYPE_OUTWARD)
->setParameter('regularFrequency', Criteria::FREQUENCY_REGULAR)
->setParameter('now', $now->format('Y-m-d'))
->setParameter('numberOfDays', $numberOfDays)
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
public function findSoonExpiredAds(int $numberOfDays): ?array
$now = new \DateTime();
$toDate = $now->modify('+'.$numberOfDays.' days')->format('Y-m-d');
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->join('p.criteria', 'c')
->where('p.private = 0 OR p.private IS NULL')
->andWhere('c.frequency = :regularFrequency')
->andWhere('c.toDate = :toDate')
->setParameter('regularFrequency', Criteria::FREQUENCY_REGULAR)
->setParameter('toDate', $toDate)
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
public function findInactiveAdsSinceXDays(int $numberOfDays): ?array
$now = new \DateTime();
$toDate = $now->modify('-'.$numberOfDays.' days')->format('Y-m-d');
$query = $this->repository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->join('p.criteria', 'c')
->where('p.private = 0 OR p.private IS NULL')
->andWhere('c.frequency = :regularFrequency')
->andWhere('c.toDate = :toDate')
->setParameter('regularFrequency', Criteria::FREQUENCY_REGULAR)
->setParameter('toDate', $toDate)
return $query->getQuery()->getResult();
public function findPunctualAdWithoutAskSinceXDays(?int $nbOfDays = null): ?array
$now = (new \DateTime('now'));
$createdDate = $now->modify('-'.$nbOfDays.' days')->format('Y-m-d');
$stmt = $this->entityManager->getConnection()->prepare(
"SELECT proposal.id AS proposal_id,
count(DISTINCT ask.id) AS nb_ask
FROM proposal
INNER JOIN criteria ON proposal.criteria_id = criteria.id
LEFT JOIN matching ON matching.proposal_offer_id = proposal.id
LEFT JOIN ask ON ask.matching_id = matching.id
WHERE date(proposal.created_date) = '".$createdDate."' AND criteria.frequency = 1 AND proposal.private = 0
GROUP BY proposal.id
HAVING nb_ask = 0;"
$offers = $stmt->fetchAll();
$stmt = $this->entityManager->getConnection()->prepare(
"SELECT proposal.id AS proposal_id,
count(DISTINCT ask.id) AS nb_ask
FROM proposal
INNER JOIN criteria ON proposal.criteria_id = criteria.id
LEFT JOIN matching ON matching.proposal_request_id = proposal.id
LEFT JOIN ask ON ask.matching_id = matching.id
WHERE date(proposal.created_date) = '".$createdDate."' AND criteria.frequency = 1 AND proposal.private = 0
GROUP BY proposal.id
HAVING nb_ask = 0;"
$requests = $stmt->fetchAll();
$proposals = [];
foreach ($offers as $offer) {
if (in_array($offer, $proposals)) {
$proposals[] = $offer;
foreach ($requests as $request) {
if (in_array($request, $proposals)) {
$proposals[] = $request;
return $proposals;
public function findRegularAdWithoutAskSinceXDays(?int $nbOfDays = null): ?array
$now = (new \DateTime('now'));
$createdDate = $now->modify('-'.$nbOfDays.' days')->format('Y-m-d');
$stmt = $this->entityManager->getConnection()->prepare(
"SELECT proposal.id AS proposal_id,
count(DISTINCT ask.id) AS nb_ask
FROM proposal
INNER JOIN criteria ON proposal.criteria_id = criteria.id
INNER JOIN matching ON matching.proposal_offer_id = proposal.id
LEFT JOIN ask ON ask.matching_id = matching.id
WHERE date(proposal.created_date) = '".$createdDate."' AND criteria.frequency = 2 AND proposal.private = 0
GROUP BY proposal.id
HAVING nb_ask = 0;"
$offers = $stmt->fetchAll();
$stmt = $this->entityManager->getConnection()->prepare(
"SELECT proposal.id AS proposal_id,
count(DISTINCT ask.id) AS nb_ask
FROM proposal
INNER JOIN criteria ON proposal.criteria_id = criteria.id
INNER JOIN matching ON matching.proposal_request_id = proposal.id
LEFT JOIN ask ON ask.matching_id = matching.id
WHERE date(proposal.created_date) = '".$createdDate."' AND criteria.frequency = 2 AND proposal.private = 0
GROUP BY proposal.id
HAVING nb_ask = 0;"
$requests = $stmt->fetchAll();
$proposals = [];
foreach ($offers as $offer) {
if (in_array($offer, $proposals)) {
$proposals[] = $offer;
foreach ($requests as $request) {
if (in_array($request, $proposals)) {
$proposals[] = $request;
return $proposals;
public function userExportActiveProposal(User $user)
$query = "SELECT tp_extended.user_id, GROUP_CONCAT(tp_extended.Annonce1_Origine) as Annonce1_Origine, GROUP_CONCAT(tp_extended.Annonce1_Destination) as Annonce1_Destination, GROUP_CONCAT(tp_extended.Annonce1_Frequence) as Annonce1_Frequence, GROUP_CONCAT(tp_extended.Annonce2_Origine) as Annonce2_Origine, GROUP_CONCAT(tp_extended.Annonce2_Destination) as Annonce2_Destination, GROUP_CONCAT(tp_extended.Annonce2_Frequence) as Annonce2_Frequence, GROUP_CONCAT(tp_extended.Annonce3_Origine) as Annonce3_Origine, GROUP_CONCAT(tp_extended.Annonce3_Destination) as Annonce3_Destination, GROUP_CONCAT(tp_extended.Annonce3_Frequence) as Annonce3_Frequence, MAX(tp_extended.NombreAnnonces) as NombreAnnonces FROM ( SELECT tp.user_id, case when tp.OrdreAnnonce = 1 then tp.AnnonceOrigine end as Annonce1_Origine, case when tp.OrdreAnnonce = 1 then tp.AnnonceDestination end as Annonce1_Destination, case when tp.OrdreAnnonce = 1 then tp.AnnonceFrequence end as Annonce1_Frequence, case when tp.OrdreAnnonce = 2 then tp.AnnonceOrigine end as Annonce2_Origine, case when tp.OrdreAnnonce = 2 then tp.AnnonceDestination end as Annonce2_Destination, case when tp.OrdreAnnonce = 2 then tp.AnnonceFrequence end as Annonce2_Frequence, case when tp.OrdreAnnonce = 3 then tp.AnnonceOrigine end as Annonce3_Origine, case when tp.OrdreAnnonce = 3 then tp.AnnonceDestination end as Annonce3_Destination, case when tp.OrdreAnnonce = 3 then tp.AnnonceFrequence end as Annonce3_Frequence, max(tp.OrdreAnnonce) as NombreAnnonces FROM ( select p.user_id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY p.user_id ORDER BY p.created_date ASC ) as OrdreAnnonce, ad.address_locality as AnnonceOrigine, aa.address_locality as AnnonceDestination, CASE c.frequency WHEN 1 THEN 'Occasionnel' WHEN 2 THEN 'RĂ©gulier' END as AnnonceFrequence from proposal p inner join criteria c on c.id = p.criteria_id inner join waypoint wd on ( wd.proposal_id = p.id and wd.position = 0 ) inner join waypoint wa on ( wa.proposal_id = p.id and wa.destination = 1 ) inner join address ad on ad.id = wd.address_id inner join address aa on aa.id = wa.address_id where p.private = 0 and ( p.dynamic != 1 or p.dynamic is null ) and ( ( c.frequency = 1 and c.from_date > NOW() ) or c.frequency = 2 and c.to_date > NOW() ) AND p.user_id = :user_id ) as tp GROUP BY tp.user_id, Annonce1_Origine, Annonce1_Destination, Annonce1_Frequence, Annonce2_Origine, Annonce2_Destination, Annonce2_Frequence, Annonce3_Origine, Annonce3_Destination, Annonce3_Frequence ) as tp_extended GROUP BY tp_extended.user_id";
$conn = $this->entityManager->getConnection();
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
$stmt->execute(['user_id' => $user->getId()]);
return $stmt->fetch();
public function getUserMaxValidityAnnonceDate(User $user)
$query = 'SELECT MAX(tmva.AnnonceFinValidite) as MaxValiditeAnnonce FROM ( select p.user_id, CASE c.frequency WHEN 1 THEN c.from_date WHEN 2 THEN c.to_date END as AnnonceFinValidite from proposal p inner join criteria c on c.id = p.criteria_id where p.private = 0 and ( p.dynamic != 1 or p.dynamic is null ) AND p.user_id = :user_id ) as tmva GROUP BY tmva.user_id';
$conn = $this->entityManager->getConnection();
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
$stmt->execute(['user_id' => $user->getId()]);
return $stmt->fetch();
* Build the regular where part for a punctual proposal.
* @param \DateTime $fromDate The date of the journey
* @param int $offset The day offset
* @param bool $driver If the proposal is for a driver
* @param bool $passenger If the proposal is for a passenger
* @param bool $driversOnly If we search only drivers
* @param bool $useTime If we use the time
private function buildRegularAndWhere(
\DateTime $fromDate,
int $offset,
bool $driver,
bool $passenger,
bool $driversOnly,
bool $useTime
): array {
$regularAndWhere = '';
$day = clone $fromDate;
$day->modify('+'.$offset.' day');
$dayLitteral = strtolower($day->format('D'));
if ($offset > 0) {
$regularAndWhere = ' or ';
$regularAndWhere .= '(c.'.$dayLitteral.'Check = 1';
$setMinTime = $setMaxTime = false;
if (!$driversOnly && $driver && $passenger) {
if ($useTime) {
$regularAndWhere .= ' and (
(c.passenger = 1'.((0 == $offset) ? ' and c.'.$dayLitteral.'MaxTime >= :minTime' : '').') or
(c.driver = 1'.((0 == $offset) ? ' and c.'.$dayLitteral.'MinTime <= :maxTime' : '').')
$setMinTime = true;
$setMaxTime = true;
} elseif ($driver) {
if ($useTime) {
$regularAndWhere .= ' and (c.passenger = 1'.((0 == $offset) ? ' and c.'.$dayLitteral.'MaxTime >= :minTime' : '').')';
$setMinTime = true;
} else {
if ($useTime) {
$regularAndWhere .= ' and (c.driver = 1'.((0 == $offset) ? ' and c.'.$dayLitteral.'MinTime <= :maxTime' : '').')';
$setMaxTime = true;
$regularAndWhere .= ' and (c.frequency='.Criteria::FREQUENCY_REGULAR.' and ';
// $regularAndWhere .= "c.fromDate <= '".$day->format('Y-m-d')."' and ";
$regularAndWhere .= "c.toDate >= '".$day->format('Y-m-d')."'))";
return [
* Return the geoJson string representation of a bounding box polygon.
private function getGeoPolygon(float $minLon, float $minLat, float $maxLon, float $maxLat)
return 'POLYGON(('.$minLon.' '.$minLat.','.$minLon.' '.$maxLat.','.$maxLon.' '.$maxLat.','.$maxLon.' '.$minLat.','.$minLon.' '.$minLat.'))';
* Get the extension length of the bounding box from the original distance of the direction.
* @param int $distance The distance in metres
* @return int The extension in metres
private function getBBoxExtension(int $distance)
if ($distance < 20000) {
return 3000;
if ($distance < 30000) {
return 5000;
if ($distance < 50000) {
return 8000;
if ($distance < 100000) {
return 10000;
return 20000;